1 (2023) 46-54
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Misrata University, Libya.
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Sirt University, Libya.
© SUSJ2023.
In several countries around the world and Libya on of them the absence of a national
ARTICLE INFO: design code, these leads structural engineers to use BS 8110, ACI 318 and quite a
number of other structural design codes for the design of reinforced concrete structures.
Received 15 September 2022. The principles and design approaches of these codes differ from one another. Also,
Accepted 10 April 2023. some codes are more economical than others. This study compared BS 8110-97 and
Available online 01 June 2023. ACI 318M-11 in terms of the analysis and design of short column with particular
emphasis on the area of longitudinal reinforcements required, with the aim of
determining which of the two codes provides the most economic design. The super-
Keywords: Short Columns, Area of Steel structure of a seven-story reinforced concrete service building was modeled, analyzed
Required, BS 8110-97, ACI 318M-11, Robot and design using Auto Desk Robot Structural Analysis (2015) program taking into
account dead, live and seismic loads. The percentage difference between the areas of
steel required by the two codes was calculated with the ACI code as the base line. The
average percentage difference for all columns was found to be about 21.5% indicating
that the BS 8110 code requires less amount of reinforcement.
1 Introduction
in the field of concrete. The ACI publishes many
different standards, but the most commonly referenced
1.1 Background of Study
standard used by architects and civil engineers is the
Structural Design codes of different countries provide ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Structural
the engineers with data and procedures for design of the Concrete." It is updated every 3 years and the latest
structural components. Differences, sometimes large version is ACI 318-19 updated in 2019 [1]. Whereby,
differences, could be noticed between the codes in the British Standard is produced by BSI British Standard, a
data given for actions, in the provisions for evaluating division of BSI Group that is incorporated under a
resistance of sections, and also in other code Royal Charter and is formally designated as the
requirements for durability, detailing, there are many National Standard Body (NSB) for the UK. In 1901
existing codes for design are currently using all around under the led of James Mansergh, BSI group had
the world, for example, Canadian Code (CSA-A23.3- become Engineering Standard Committee, to
94), Euro code 2 (EC), British Standard BS 8110 and standardize the number and type of steel Sections, in
also American Code (most recently ACI 318-19, and order to make British manufacturers more efficient and
older version ACI 318-99). Among the existing codes, competitive. Over time the standard developed to cover
Standard ACI 318 is the most common code that has many aspects of tangible engineering, and then
been used for structure design in our country currently. engineering methodologies including quality systems,
The American Code is produced by governing agency safety and security. Throughout the year BS become
for all concrete construction in the U.S. It was more common design tool all around the world.
established in 1904 to serve and represent user interests This research focused on the analysis and design of
reinforced concrete columns by using software.
Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
SUSJ Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023) 46-54 Algott et al 2023
Columns are vertical members supporting axial design using Eurocode 2. Several types of columns
compression forces, bending moments and shear forces. were designed according to the two codes and
The vertical loads from the various floors are resulting area of steel reinforcements were
cumulated and transmitted by the columns to the compared. Results showed that although the design
foundations. Columns play a major role in structural process of EC2 was more technical, they were still
safety. As a compression member, the failure of a easy to understand and follow and design using EC2
column is more dangerous than that of a beam. The was much more economical [18].
code of practice for column design based on British
Standard is included under the BS 8110–97 [11]. while • C. Nwofer (2015): Compare BS8110-97 and
in American Code, it is under ACI318-11. Eurocode2 for the design of reinforced concrete
beam with a particular interest on the area of tension
and shear reinforcement required from economical
1.2 Objectives point of view. For the analysis and design, a six-
span continuous beam from the roof of a three-story
The main objectives of this research drawn as the shopping complex with the help of programmed
following: excel spread sheet. The self-weight of the beam was
taken as the dead load while the live load was
• To analysis and design of reinforced assumed to be unity. They found that Eurocode2
concrete columns for seven story service require less amount of tension reinforcement at span
building according to BS 8110-97 and as well as support as. The average percentage of
ACI 318M-11 by using software (Robot both cases is 3.08% and -2.83% respectively. The
2015). percentage of shear reinforcement for BS 8110 is
• To compare the column design output more than Eurocode2. For the combination of dead
obtained (with emphasis on the Area of load and impose load are considered, average
steel required). percentage difference for the span moments of the
• To determine which code provides the BS8110 exceed that of the Eurocode2 is more
most economical design. conservative in terms of the partial factor of safety
for loading. For a combination of live and dead load
2 Literature Review considered in this study, the BS8110 required about
• Yao sheng (2009) “British standard and Eurocode 1.3% more of the ultimate design loads than that of
for slender reinforced concrete column design”. the Eurocode2. thus, Eurocode2 is more economical
This investigation evaluates the design steps for design with the required margin of safety Neha
slender columns according BS8110 and EC2. Mumtaz (2019): In this paper, a comparative study
Analytical and experimental methods were used to is presented for analysis and design of reinforced
study the behavior of pin-ended slender reinforced concrete building under seismic forces for four
concrete columns subjected to uniaxial bending codes Guidelines (IS 1893:2002, Euro code 8,
about the minor axis. Buckling failure caused by the Japan-2007 and ASCE: 7-10) using Staad Pro. The
instability of a member of structure under perfectly comparative study includes the comparison building
axial compression and without transverse load is base shear, bending moment, shear force,
being analyzed in this project. The conclusion percentage of steel, required area, displacement, and
derived from the analytical investigation on slender story-drift. For seismic Analysis and design, the
reinforced concrete columns that columns with high building elements like beam and column is also
slenderness ratio tend to have low load capacity, the compared using these countries RC building code.
higher the eccentricity ratio the lower the load
capacity. It was also observed that columns cast • Iqbal Rasool Dar (2018): The aim of this project is to
with higher concrete strength and higher grade of compare the design codes of IS 456-2007, ACI 318-
reinforcement are able to sustain higher load 11code and Eurocode II. The broad design criteria (like
capacity.EC2 was found to be more conservative as stress strain block parameters, L/D ratio, load
compared to BS8110 in terms of the study of load • combinations, formula will be compared along with the
capacity ratio with slenderness ratio [29]. area of steel for the major structural members like
• Liew (2009) “British standard (BS 8110) and beams, slab, columns, footing to get an over view how
Eurocode 2 (EC2) for reinforced concrete column the codes fair in comparison with each other. The
design”. The study carried out in Malaysia tried to emphasis will be to put the results in tabular and
address the perception designers over there have graphical representation so as to get a better clarity and
that design using EC2 is very difficult and that it is comparative analysis.
not very different from BS 8110. The study • S. (2015): present the analysis and
conducted a review of the design steps for column design of G+10 for seismic forces using four
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SUSJ Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023) 46-54 Algott et al 2023
3 Project Description
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SUSJ Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023) 46-54 Algott et al 2023
While designing any building, different loads acting on 5 Results and Discussion
it play a major role. An error in estimation of these
loads can lead to the failure of the structure. Therefore, Depending to the climatic conditions in Misurata
a careful study of loads that are acting on the structure Libya, live, dead and earthquake loads were
becomes necessary. The loads in particular area must be considered. Analysis was run and axial loads, shear
selected properly and the worst combination of these forces and bending moments acting on the columns for
loads must be evaluated. The dead load in a building different loads combinations as stipulated by the codes
should be comprised of the weight of all walls,
were obtained as shown in the following Figures.
partitions, floors, roof and should include the weight of
all other permanent constructions in that building.
Based on the materials used in the building, the dead
load (DL) is calculated as 3 KN/m2. Live Load (LL) is
taken 4 KN/m2 on the typical floors and 1.5 KN/m2 on
the roof, Wall of unit weight 7kN/m. The seismic
parameters used in this study are taken according to
ASCE 7-10 and are shown in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2: Seismic parameters
Site Class D
Acceleration Parameter for 1-sec Period, S1 0.059g
Acceleration Parameter for short Period, Ss 0.162g
Risk Category III
Importance Factor, I 1.25
Long-Period Transition Period, TL 12s
Response Modification Factor, R 3.0 Figure5.1: Plan shows section taken
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SUSJ Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023) 46-54 Algott et al 2023
Open Access Article is distributed under a CC BY 4.0 Licence.
SUSJ Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023) 46-54 Algott et al 2023
Figure 5.8: Bending moment for section E-E Figure 5.9: Area of Steel Required for Corner Column
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SUSJ Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023) 46-54 Algott et al 2023
Table 5.2: Area of Steel Required for Edge Column Table 5.3: Area of Steel Required for Interior Column
Column ID
Area of Steel Required
Figure 5.11: Area of Steel Required for Edge Column
705 702 603 505 502 403 305 302 203 105 102
Column ID
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SUSJ Vol. 13, No. 1 (2023) 46-54 Algott et al 2023
Table 5.4: Area of Steel Required for Each Story stipulations in these codes seeking points of similarities
and differences. Economy is also a major point of
Required Area of Steel concern. This study compared BS 8110-97 and ACI
Story (mm2) 318M-11 in terms of the analysis and design of short
Difference (%)
ACI BS column with particular emphasis on the area of
1 116820 94180 19.38 longitudinal reinforcements required, with the aim of
2 115976 91888 20.77 determining which of the two codes provides the most
3 92944 70580 24.06 economic design. The super-structure of a seven-story
reinforced concrete service building was modeled and
4 92460 71832 22.31 analyzed using Robot Structural Analysis program
5 71840 51232 28.69 taking into account dead, live and seismic loads; the
6 30184 28152 6.73 result of the analysis was used to design the columns
7 19292 15844 17.87 time with the aid of Robot Structural Analysis program.
Average 19.97 The percentage difference between the areas of steel
Total 539516 423708 21.47 required by the two codes was calculated with the ACI
code as the base line. The average percentage
difference for all columns was found to be about 21.5%
indicating that the BS 8110 code requires less amount
Area of Steel Required For Each of reinforcement.
Storey The results of this comparative study led to the
following conclusions:
150000 The basic design principles of the two codes are the
Area of Steel Required
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