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Questions Hypothesis Data Test Decisio Computation Decision Conclusion

Statistic n Rule
Descriptive N/A  Motivation Descriptive N/A N/A N/A N/A
1. What is the  Score Statistics
mean, median,
mode, standard
deviation and
variance of the
respondents in
terms of:
a. Motivation
level and;
b. Score

Difference Ho = The  Score Independent Reject Score Score There is a

1. Is there a score of  Gender T-test HO if p- sufficient
significant female value is p-value Reject the evidence
difference respondents less = .018 null that the
between the is equal or than or hypothesis score of
scores of male less than the equal to female
and female male ≤ 0.05, respondents
respondents? respondents. else fail is higher
to reject than the
Ha = The HO male
score of respondents
is higher
than the

2. Is there a Ho = The  Motivation ANOVA Reject Score Score There is a

significant motivation Level HO if p- sufficient
difference level of  SES value is p-value Reject the evidence
between the respondents’ less = .035 null that the
motivation level who belong than or hypothesis motivation
and SES of the to high SES equal to level of
respondents? is equal or ≤ 0.05, respondents’
less than the else fail who belong
motivation to reject to high SES
level of HO is higher
respondents’ than the
who belong motivation
to low and level of
average respondents’
SES. who belong
to low and
Ha = The average
motivation SES.
level of
who belong
to high SES
is higher
than the
level of
who belong
to low and

Associative Ho = The  SES Bivariate Reject SES Reject null There is a

1. Is there a score of the  Score Correlation HO if p- hypothesis sufficient
significant respondents value is p-value if p-value evidence
relationship who belong less = .002 is less that SES
between the to Low, than or than or and Score
respondents’ Average, equal to equal to ≤ have a linear
SES and their and High ≤ 0.05, 0.05 relationship.
scores? SES are else fail
equal. to reject
Ha = The
score of the
that belong
to Low SES
is higher
than the
that belong
to Average
and High

A. Descriptive Statistics

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics between the Respondents’ Motivation Level and Score
Variables Mean Median Mode Standard Deviation Variance
Motivation 4.33 4.33 5 .552 .304
Score 59.02 56.00 52 18.874 356.223

This table presents the Mean, Median, and Mode of the Scores and Motivation Level of the Respondents. In the first
column, their motivation level has a mean of 4.33, median of 4.33, mode of 5, standard deviation of _____ and variance of
____. Meanwhile, their scores have a mean of 59.02, median of 56.00, mode of 52, standard deviation of ____ and variance
of ______.

B. Independent T-test

Table 2. Comparison between the Motivation level of Male and Female Respondents

Variables Mean SD df p
Motivation 178 .473
Male 4.36 .514
Female 4.30 .588

Table 1 shows that males were significantly different from females on motivational level, (p = .473). Inspection of the
two groups indicates that the motivational level for male students (4.36) is significantly higher than the motivational level
(4.30) for female students.

Table 3. Comparison between the Score of Male and Female Respondents

Variables Mean SD df p
Score 178 .018
Male 57.16 16.846
Female 60.89 20.631

Table 2 shows that males were significantly different from females in terms of their scores, (p = .018). Inspection of
the two groups indicates that the score of female students (60.89) is significantly higher than the score (57.16) of male

C. Analysis of Variance

Table 4. Comparison between the Motivation Level of Respondents’ Low, Average and High SES

Motivation Level of Respondents

SES Level N
Mean SD
Low 60 4.02 5.10
Average 60 4.14 5.35
High 60 4.34 5.64
Total 180

A statistically significant difference was found among three levels of SES namely Low, Average and High in terms of
their motivation level, F(2, 102) = 5.097, p < .05. Table 3 shows that the mean in the motivation level is 4.02 for low SES,
4.14 for average SES, and 4.34 for high SES. Post hoc Tukey HSD Test indicate that (discuss levels of IV that return
statistically significant different means).

D. Bivariate Correlation

Table 5. Bivariate correlation between the Motivation Level of Respondents’ Low, Average and High SES
Variables p-value Pearson Correlation Coefficient, r
SES .002 0.750

To investigate if there was a statistically significant association between SES and Score, a correlation was
computed. The Pearson’s r was calculated, r(180) = .750, p < .05. The direction of the correlation was positive, which
means that ________________ tend to have a higher ________ and vice versa.

E. Bivariate Linear Regression

(This is only performed once there is a statistical significant relationship between your IV and DV. See example below.)

Bivariate Linear Regression was conducted to investigate whether the students’ scores in diagnostic test significantly
predict their scores in the summative test. Results revealed that this predictor accounts about 20% of the variance of the
predicted variable. Further, ANOVA results showed that this prediction is significant, F=25.716, p<.05.

Table 6 Linear Regression between (your IV) and (DV)

Variable B SE β
Diagnostic Test .529 .104 .447
42.654 8.935
Note. R =.20; F=25.716, p<0.5

The beta coefficient presented in Table 3 shows that a unit increment in the diagnostic test translates to 0.447 units
increase in the summative test.

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