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In this chapter presents finding of the research and discussion. The

research finding show the data from the result about the correlation of online

reading habits toward students English achievements. The discussion contains the

description of the research finding.

A. Research Findings

The data of the correlation of online reading habits toward students

English achievement of SMA Negeri 3 OKU were obtained by questionnaire and

English test, and it was analyzed used add up the total score in students likert

scale table which describe the correlation of students online reading habits. To

know students English achievements score it was add up the total score by the

correct answer. In this research, to find out the correlation between students online

reading habits and their English achievements it was analyzed used pearson

product moment technique from SPSS.

The questionnaire consisted of 25 items. Those were : (1) Activity of

online reading. It consisted of items number 1,2,3,6,7,12,13,14 and 15 of the

questionnaire. (2) Enjoyment of online reading. It consisted of items number

4,5,8,9,10,11,17,18,19,20 and 21 of the questionnaire. (3) Anxiety and difficulty

of online reading. It consisted of items number 16,22,23,24 and 25 of the

questionnaire. The English test consisted of 21 items. Those were : (1) Reading. It

consisted of items number 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 20 of the English test. (2)

Speaking. It consisted of item number 1 of the English test. (3) Writing. It

consisted of items number 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 and 21 of the English test.

a. Result of Questionnaire
1. Result of XI MIPA 1
Table 4.1
Result of Questionnaire XI MIPA 1
No Score Category
1 AM 76 High

2 AM 89 Very High

3 ADAIM 66 High

4 AA 71 High

5 AA 96 Very High

6 CAP 67 High

7 DP 65 High

8 DP 65 High

9 EK 61 High

10 FV 75 High

11 HB 70 High

12 IY 72 High

13 KF 71 High

14 KPP 80 Very High

15 MRP 77 High

16 MSA 79 High

17 MNV 85 Very High

18 MRS 77 High

19 MRD 74 High

20 MAP 71 High

21 MAH 76 High

22 NR 78 High

23 OR 75 High

24 PS 68 High

25 PI 79 High

26 RDS 69 High

27 STK 75 High

28 SA 67 High

29 TA 78 High

30 VO 85 Very High

31 WA 73 High

32 ZNA 74 High

33 AS 79 High

34 AA 74 High

35 RPA 90 Very High

Table 4.2
Percentage of Questionnaire XI MIPA 1
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very High 6 17,14%

2 60-79 High 29 82,86%

3 40-59 Middle 0 0

4 20-39 Low 0 0

5 0-19 Very Low 0 0

Total 35 100%

The table 4.2 showed that there were 6 students (17,14%) who gained

score 80-100 in level very high, 29 students gained score 60-79 in level high, no

students gained score 40-59 in level middle, no students gained score 20-39 in

level low, and no students gained score 00-19 in level very low.

2. Result of XI MIPA 2
Table 4.3
Result of Questionnaire XI MIPA 2
No Score Category
ADM 99
1 Very High
AE 83
2 Very High
AF 90
3 Very High
ANR 65
4 High
AY 97
5 Very High
A 75
6 High
CGR 62
7 High
DS 69
8 High
DMF 64
9 High
ELS 65
10 High
FS 65
11 High
HF 67
12 High
IS 65
13 High
IGD 64
14 High
DAM 64
15 High
MTA 70
16 High
MFS 68
17 High

MJ 65
18 High
MA 66
19 High
MRG 70
20 High
PF 67
21 High
PDP 69
22 High
RA 71
23 High
RF 66
24 High
RA 69
25 High
SA 71
26 High
SM 70
27 High
UDY 82
28 Very High
W 84
29 Very High
YA 83
30 Very High
ZMO 82
31 Very High
DS 82
32 Very High

Table 4.4
Percentage of Questionnaire XI MIPA 2
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very High 9 28,12%

2 60-79 High 23 71,88%

3 40-59 Middle 0 0

4 20-39 Low 0 0

5 0-19 Very Low 0 0

Total 32 100%

The table 4.4 showed that there were 9 students (28,12%) who gained

score 80-100 in level very high, 23 students (71,88%) gained score 60-79 in level

high, no students gained score 40-59 in level middle, no students gained score 20-

39 in level low, and no students gained score 00-19 in level very low.

3. Result of XI MIPA 3
Table 4.5
Result of Questionnaire XI MIPA 3
No Score Category
ADS 99
1 Very High
A 95
2 Very High
AAS 85
3 Very High
4 High
AA 91
5 Very High
6 AW 50 Middle

ARJ 52
7 Middle
BB 69
8 High
DP 74
9 High
DOS 64
10 High
DK 58
11 Middle
D 57
12 Middle
EM 72
13 High
FTH 86
14 Very High
GNR 90
15 Very High

HA 93
16 Very High
IS 82
17 Very High
18 Very High
MAR 93
19 Very High
MAF 90
20 Very High
21 Middle
MS 90
22 Very High
MJ 98
23 Very High
MAW 82
24 Very High
NZ 76
25 High
NS 72
26 High
OAS 66
27 High
PKS 60
28 High
RF 60
29 High
RH 78
30 High
SC 73
31 High
TS 72
32 High
WP 75
33 High
YMP 74
34 High
ZNS 77
35 High

Table 4.6
Percentage of Questionnaire XI MIPA 3
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very High 14 40%

2 60-79 High 16 45,71%

3 40-59 Middle 5 14,29%

4 20-39 Low 0 0

5 0-19 Very Low 0 0

Total 35 100%

The table 4.6 showed that there were 14 students (40%) who gained score

80-100 in level very high, 16 students (45,71%) gained score 60-79 in level high,

5 students (14,29%) gained score 40-59 in level middle, no students gained score

20-39 in level low, and no students gained score 00-19 in level very low.

4. Result of XI MIPA 4
Table 4.7
Result of Questionnaire XI MIPA 4
No Score Category
AR 81
1 Very High
AP 82
2 Very High
AN 97
3 Very High
AF 90
4 Very High
AAS 90
5 Very High
A 92
6 Very High
AA 94
7 Very High

AS 83
8 Very High
CM 98
9 Very High
CF 92
10 Very High
DS 92
11 Very High
DP 95
12 Very High
EP 94
13 Very High
EA 89
14 Very High
FSY 99
15 Very High
F 91
16 Very High
GAS 91
17 Very High
HJ 70
18 High
ISA 72
19 High
JC 84
20 Very High
LJH 90
21 Very High
MSI 84
22 Very High
M 84
23 Very High
MA 90
24 Very High
MAS 64
25 High
NM 75
26 High
PA 88
27 Very High
28 High
29 Very High
RR 96
30 Very High
SAR 75
31 High

SP 63
32 High
SJ 99
33 Very High
VAP 68
34 High
WT 68
35 High
YKA 63
36 High

Table 4.8
Percentage of Questionnaire XI MIPA 4
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very High 26 72,22%

2 60-79 High 10 27,78%

3 40-59 Middle 0 0

4 20-39 Low 0 0

5 0-19 Very Low 0 0

Total 36 100%

The table 4.8 showed that there were 26 students (72,22%) who gained

score 80-100 in level very high, 10 students (27,78%) gained score 60-79 in level

high, no students gained score 40-59 in level middle, no students gained score 20-

39 in level low, and no students gained score 00-19 in level very low.

5. Recapitulation Result of Questionnaire

Table 4.9
Recapitulation of Questionnaire
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very High 55 39,85%

2 60-79 High 78 56,52%

3 40-59 Middle 5 3,63%

4 20-39 Low 0 0

5 0-19 Very Low 0 0

Total 138 100%

The table 4.9 showed that there were 55 students (39,85%) who gained

score 80-100 in level very high, 78 students (56,52%) gained score 60-79 in level

high, 5 students (3,63%) gained score 40-59 in level middle, no students gained

score 20-39 in level low, and no students gained score 00-19 in level very low.

b. Result of English Test

1. Result of XI MIPA 1
Table 4.10
Result of English Test XI MIPA 1
No True False Score Category
1 AM 5 16 23,8 Fail
2 AM 17 4 80,9 Very Good
3 ADAIM 5 16 23,8 Fail
4 AA 5 16 23,8 Fail
5 AA 3 18 14,2 Fail
6 CAP 7 14 33,3 Fail
7 DP 5 16 23,8 Fail
8 DP 7 14 33,3 Fail
9 EK 3 18 14,2 Fail
10 FV 3 18 14,2 Fail
11 HB 2 19 9,5 Fail
12 IY 5 16 23,8 Fail
13 KF 4 17 19 Fail
14 KPP 3 18 14,2 Fail
15 MRP 2 19 9,5 Fail
16 MSA 3 18 14,2 Fail
17 MNV 5 16 23,8 Fail
18 MRS 4 17 19 Fail
19 MRD 5 16 23,8 Fail

20 MAP 7 14 33,3 Fail
21 MAH 5 16 23,8 Fail
22 NR 4 17 19 Fail
23 OR 7 14 33,3 Fail
24 PS 4 17 19 Fail
25 PI 1 20 4,1 Fail
26 RDS 4 17 19 Fail
27 STK 5 16 23,8 Fail
28 SA 7 14 33,3 Fail
29 TA 5 16 23,8 Fail
30 VO 2 19 9,5 Fail
31 WA 4 17 19 Fail
32 ZNA 2 19 9,5 Fail
33 AS 3 18 14,2 Fail
34 AA 1 20 4,1 Fail
35 RPA 2 19 9,5 Fail

Table 4.11
Percentage English Test of the Result XI MIPA 1
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very good 1 2,85%

2 66-79 Good 0 0

3 55-65 Fair 0 0

4 41-54 Poor 0 0

5 00-40 Fail 34 97,15%

Total 35 100%

The table 4.11 showed that there were 1 student (2,85%) who gained score

80-100 in level very good, no students gained score 66-79 in level good, no

students gained score 55-65 in level fair, no students gained score 41-54 in level

poor, and 34 students (97,15%) gained score 00-40 in level fail.

2. Result of XI MIPA 2

Table 4.12
Result of English Test XI MIPA 2
No True False Score Category
1 ADM 6 15 28,5 Fail
2 AE 3 18 14,2 Fail
3 AF 7 14 33,3 Fail
4 ANR 4 17 19 Fail
5 AY 6 15 28,5 Fail
6 A 4 17 19 Fail
7 CGR 2 19 9,5 Fail
8 DS 2 19 9,5 Fail
9 DMF 3 18 14,2 Fail
10 ELS 2 19 9,5 Fail
11 FS 3 18 14,2 Fail
12 HF 4 17 19 Fail
13 IS 4 17 19 Fail
14 IGD 7 14 33,3 Fail
15 DAM 6 15 28,5 Fail
16 MTA 6 15 28,5 Fail
17 MFS 8 13 38 Fail
18 MJ 5 16 23,8 Fail
19 MA 3 18 14,2 Fail
20 MRG 5 16 23,8 Fail
21 PF 1 20 4,1 Fail
22 PDP 3 18 14,2 Fail
23 RA 2 19 9,5 Fail
24 RF 2 19 9,5 Fail
25 RA 2 19 9,5 Fail
26 SA 2 19 9,5 Fail
27 SM 6 15 28,5 Fail
28 UDY 5 16 23,8 Fail
29 W 5 16 23,8 Fail
30 YA 4 17 19 Fail
31 ZMO 2 19 9,5 Fail
32 DS 4 17 19 Fail

Table 4.13
Percentage English Test of the Result XI MIPA 2
No Score Score Frequency Percentage

Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very good 0 0

2 66-79 Good 0 0

3 55-65 Fair 0 0

4 41-54 Poor 0 0

5 00-40 Fail 32 100%

Total 32 100%

The table 4.13 showed that there were no students who gained score 80-

100 in level very good, no students gained score 66-79 in level good, no students

gained score 55-65 in level fair, no students gained score 41-54 in level poor, and

32 students (100%) gained score 00-40 in level fail.

3. Result of XI MIPA 3

Table 4.14
Result of English Test XI MIPA 3
No True False Score Category
1 ADS 6 15 28,5 Fail
2 A 3 18 14,2 Fail
3 AAS 4 17 19 Fail
4 ASAO 5 16 23,8 Fail
5 AA 4 17 19 Fail
6 AW 3 18 14,2 Fail
7 ARJ 19 2 90,4 Very Good
8 BB 4 17 19 Fail
9 DP 4 17 19 Fail
10 DOS 6 15 28,5 Fail
11 DK 2 19 9,5 Fail
12 D 7 14 33,3 Fail
13 EM 3 18 14,2 Fail
14 FTH 6 15 28,5 Fail
15 GNR 4 17 19 Fail

16 HA 3 18 14,2 Fail
17 IS 9 11 42,8 Poor
18 LSDV 2 19 9,5 Fail
19 MAR 6 15 28,5 Fail
20 MAF 3 18 14,2 Fail
21 MPAR 3 18 14,2 Fail
22 MS 6 15 28,5 Fail
23 MJ 3 18 14,2 Fail
24 MAW 4 17 19 Fail
25 NZ 5 16 23,8 Fail
26 NS 4 17 19 Fail
27 OAS 6 15 28,5 Fail
28 PKS 3 18 14,2 Fail
29 RF 2 19 9,5 Fail
30 RH 5 16 23,8 Fail
31 SC 2 19 9,5 Fail
32 TS 3 18 14,2 Fail
33 WP 6 15 28,5 Fail
34 YMP 13 8 61,9 Fair
35 ZNS 4 17 19 Fail

Table 4.15
Percentage English Test of the Result XI MIPA 3
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very good 1 2,85%

2 66-79 Good 0 0

3 55-65 Fair 1 2,85%

4 41-54 Poor 1 2,85%

5 00-40 Fail 32 91,45%

Total 35 100%

The table 4.15 showed that there were 1 student (2,85%) who gained

score 80-100 in level very good, no students gained score 66-79 in level good, 1

student (2,85%) gained score 55-65 in level fair, 1 student (2,85%) gained score

41-54 in level poor, and 32 students (91,45%) gained score 00-40 in level fail.

4. Result of XI MIPA 4

Table 4.16
Result of English Test XI MIPA 4
No Students True False Score Category
1 AR 5 16 23,8 Fail
2 AP 4 17 19 Fail
3 AN 7 14 33,3 Fail
4 AF 6 15 28,5 Fail
5 AAS 3 18 14,2 Fail
6 A 7 14 33,3 Fail
7 AA 5 16 23,8 Fail
8 AS 5 16 23,8 Fail
9 CM 3 18 14,2 Fail
10 CF 6 15 28,5 Fail
11 DS 7 14 33,3 Fail
12 DP 5 16 23,8 Fail
13 EP 3 18 14,2 Fail
14 EA 3 18 14,2 Fail
15 FSY 2 19 9,5 Fail
16 F 5 16 23,8 Fail
17 GAS 6 15 28,5 Fail
18 HJ 6 15 28,5 Fail
19 ISA 3 18 14,2 Fail
20 JC 4 17 19 Fail
21 LJH 3 18 14,2 Fail
22 MSI 3 18 14,2 Fail
23 M 2 19 9,5 Fail
24 MA 6 15 28,5 Fail
25 MAS 3 18 14,2 Fail
26 NM 7 14 33,3 Fail
27 PA 17 4 80,9 Very Good
28 RNKR 5 16 23,8 Fail
29 RZNM 3 18 14,2 Fail
30 RR 7 14 33,3 Fail

31 SAR 3 18 14,2 Fail
32 SP 3 18 14,2 Fail
33 SJ 3 18 14,2 Fail
34 VAP 4 17 19 Fail
35 WT 6 15 28,5 Fail
36 YKA 14 7 66,6 Good

Table 4.17
Percentage English Test of the Result XI MIPA 4
Score Score Percentage
No Frequency
Range Criteria %

1 80-100 Very good 1 2,77%

2 66-79 Good 1 2,77%

3 55-65 Fair 0 0

4 41-54 Poor 0 0

5 00-40 Fail 34 94,46%

Total 36 100%

The table 4.17 showed that there were 1 student (2,77%) who gained

score 80-100 in level very good, 1 student (2,77%) gained score 66-79 in level

good, no students gained score 55-65 in level fair, no student gained score 41-54

in level poor, and 34 students (94,46%) gained score 00-40 in level fail.

5. Recapitulation of Students English Test

Table 4.18
Recapitulation Percentage of Students English Test
No Score Score Frequency Percentage
Range Criteria


1 80-100 Very good 3 2,17%

2 66-79 Good 1 0,72%

3 55-65 Fair 1 0,72%

4 41-54 Poor 1 0,72%

5 00-40 Fail 132 95,67%

Total 138 100%

The table 4.18 showed that there were 3 students (2,17%) gained score 80-

100 in level very good, 1 student (0,72%) gained score 66-79 in level good, 1

student (0,72%) gained score 55-65 in level fair, 1 student (0,72%) gained score

41-54 in level poor, and 132 students (95,67%) students gained score 00-40 in

level fail. The dominant score in students English test is Fail.

c. Result of the Correlation

Table 4.19
Analysis Result of Pearson Product Moment

Questionnaire English Test

Pearson Correlation 1 .005

Sig. (2-tailed) .951
N 138 138
Pearson Correlation .005 1
English Test
Sig. (2-tailed) .951
N 138 138

The table 4.19 showed the correlation coefficient equaled r=.005, which

indicated there was very low correlation between two variables. From the r

number (.005), the writer could use it to know the strength of correlation between

two variables. The number of .005 resided between 0.00 – 0.20, that means the

strength in very low.

B. Interpretation of the Research

The interpretation of the result data research finding showed the result of

correlation of students’ online reading habits and students’ English achievement

there was very low significant correlation. Based on the result of Pearson product

moment correlation, it was found that there was very low significant correlation

between students’ online reading habits and students’ English achievement

(r=.005). it’s means the students online reading habits had very low relation to

their English achievement it was found very low significant.

Based on the result of the questionnaire, almost all of items showed that

students’ had a fairly good online reading habit or Neutral in likert scale and the

result of the English test, students’ scores showed that their score is fail in table

score criteria. Based on the result above the researcher conclude if the students

online reading habit in the class would had very low correlation for their English

achievement. This is due to several aspects, according to Julio (2011) reading

habit have six aspects, they are: (1) reading frequency (2) books read (3) time

spent on academic reading (4) time spent on non academic reading (5) motivation

in family environment and (6) motivation in the academic environment.

From the aspects mentioned above, it can be concluded that there is very

low correlation between students online reading habit and students English

achievement because students have a little frequency of reading, the students lack

of interest in reading books, when they studied in the class the books they read

less interesting and just a little students have good reading habit and interesting of

reading habit especially in online reading habit. Priajana (2015) stated that the

advancement of technology and media make the students have less reading time

or even no reading time. The students was spend their free time to watching

television, listening to music, playing online games and interacting on their social

media. The students more interest to used their cellphone to do this activity and

less of them used their cellphone to online reading.


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