1b. Eukaryotic cell organelles matching task 2024

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Eukaryotic cell organelles

Organelle Info Function TEM image

Nucleus Specialised vesicle containing Produces ribosomes
hydrolytic enzymes. Densely
stained in electron

Nucleolus Area within the nucleus. Produces ribosomes

Densely staining. Composed
of proteins and RNA.

Similar in structure to SER.

Made up of flattened
membranous sacs (cisternae)
from which vesicles can bud

Mitochondrion Made up of flattened DNA replication and

membranous sacs called transcription
cisternae. RER has ribosomes
bound to the surface.
Site of final stages of
Have a double membrane. aerobic cell respiration
Inner membrane is folded – produce ATP (the
into cristae. The fluid interior membrane forming the
is called the matrix. Contain cristae contain the
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). enzymes used in

Vesicles Membranous sacs with Lipid and carbohydrate

storage and transport roles. synthesis and storage
Have a single membrane
with fluid inside. Transport of materials
within the cell

Lysosome Made up of flattened Synthesise proteins

membranous sacs called usually for secretion
cisternae. SER has no from the cells (in
ribosomes bound to the vesicles which travel via
surface. the Golgi apparatus)

Smooth Contains DNA. Controls Role in modifying
endoplasmic metabolic activities of the proteins made in the
reticulum cell. Contained within a RER and packaging
double membrane (nuclear them into vesicles.
envelope) which has nuclear
pores to allow molecules to
move in and out.
Free ribosomes Not surrounded by a Breaking down waste
membrane. Made of RNA. material in cells
including old/damaged
organelles and
pathogens ingested by
phagocytic cells.

Site of protein

Golgi apparatus

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