Anirudh Ponna-17MT30013 What is Impact force? ● In mechanics, an impact is a high force or shock load applied over a very short period of time. ● Such a force or acceleration has a greater effect than a lower force applied over a proportionally longer period. ● Ex;- Wind force, Car crash, Natural disasters such as Earthquakes,etc. Why impact test is necessary? ● To know the impact energy :- the energy required to break a standard sized sample with a sudden, sharp load. ● To find toughness of the material that is the ability to absorb energy without breaking. ● To determine the tendency of a material in a brittle manner. It detects difference between materials which are not in tension test. History Brittle fracture in war ships during WW2. Brittle Fracture Cleavage It is aided by
● Triaxial state of stress
● A low temperature ● High Strain Rate/Rapid Rate of Loading Charpy Impact Test ● The Charpy impact test was invented in 1900 by Georges Augustin Albert Charpy (1865–1945) ● The Charpy impact test, also known as the Charpy V-notch test, is a standardized high strain rate test which determines the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture. Specifications of Charpy Test The specimen has
● a square cross-section (10 x 10 mm)
● a 45° V-notch ● 2 mm deep with a 0.25 mm root radius.
Impact velocity of pendulum is approximately 16 ft/s.
The strain rate is of the order of 103 per second.
Working Principle Observations Material Used :- Mild Steel
S.No Temperature Energy absorbed
1 Room Temperature (25°C) 186J
2 Liquid Nitrogen Temperature (-35°C) 96J
Observed Fracture Surfaces Inferences drawn from Charpy Test ● We can measure the energy absorbed in fracturing the specimen. ● We can determine whether the fracture surface is fibrous, granular, or a mixture of both. ● We can determine the ductile to brittle fracture transition temperature. Advantages and Disadvantages 1 Simple Test that utilizes a cheap and The reading from the Charpy Test is small test specimen. difficult to use in design.
2 Test can be readily carried over a No correlation of Charpy data with flaw range of sub-ambient temperatures. size.
3 It is easier to measure differences in Large scatter in the test makes it difficult
notch toughness in low strength to determine well-defined materials. transition-temperature curves. Precautions to be taken ● The specimen should be prepared in proper dimensions. ● Placement of the sample should be very precisely. If the V-notch is too high or too low in the clamp, the results will not be accurate. ● Do not stand along the swinging hammer or releasing hammer. ● When cooling the sample in liquid nitrogen, it is important that we take proper safety measures in cooling it as liquid nitrogen is highly explosive. References 1) Mechanical Metallurgy by George E. Dieter. 2) 351 3) 4) st-in-best-way/ Thank You!