03 Impact Test

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German – Jordanian University (GJU)

Material Science Laboratory

IE 2210
Summer Semester 2008‐2009


Experiment 3
The Impact Test

Mahmood Hisham Shubbak

Title Mark
Objective /10
Introduction /15
Method /15
Result /30
Discussion and Conclusion /20
Report Neatness /10
Total Mark /100

1. To determine the toughness of metals by an impact testing machine.
2. To observe the behavior of metals under high strain rate loading (impact

Toughness is a measure of the amount of energy required to cause an item to
fracture and fail. The more energy that is required then the tougher the material.

Recall that ductility is a measure of how much something deforms plastically

before fracture, but just because a material is ductile does not make it tough. The
key to toughness is a good combination of strength and ductility. A material with
high strength and high ductility will have more toughness than a material with low
strength and high ductility. Therefore, one way to measure toughness is by
calculating the area under the stress strain curve from a tensile test. This value is
simply called “material toughness” and it has units of energy per volume. Material
toughness equates to a slow absorption of energy by the material.

In order to determine the impact toughness of a material there are two types of
Impact Test methods differs in specimens' specifications and methods of holding the
specimens. These two types are:

1. Izod Test:

™ The specimen is tested in cantilever mode.

™ The specimen is firmly clamped in a vice with

the prepared notch levels with the edge of
the vice.

™ The impact blow is delivered on the same side

as the notch.

2. Charpy Test:

™ The specimen is tested as a simply supported beam.

™ The edge of the pendulum strikes at mid‐span directly behind the milled notch.

™ The standard Charpy‐V specimen, illustrated in Fig.1. is 55mm long, 10mm

square and has a 2mm deep notch with a tip radius of 0.25mm machined on
one face.

Fig.2. Standard Charpy‐V notch specimen

For both tests, the specimen is broken by

a single overload event due to the impact of
the pendulum. A stop pointer is used to
record how far the pendulum swings back
up after fracturing the specimen. The
impact toughness of a metal is determined
by measuring the energy absorbed in the
fracture of the specimen. This is simply
obtained by noting the height at which the
pendulum is released and the height to
which the pendulum swings after it has
struck the specimen . The height of the
pendulum times the weight of the
pendulum produces the potential energy
and the difference in potential energy of the
pendulum at the start and the end of the
test is equal to the absorbed energy.

Note: The notch is important to make fracturing easier, so that it machined on the
extended surface; the side of strike in Izod test, and the other side in Charpy test.

™ Take a specimen of the standard [BS EN 10045‐1] and the shape shown in fig.2.
™ Using an accurate microscope measure the specimen dimensions and check
whether they satisfy the specific standard.
™ Fix the specimen on the Impact Test machine in Charpy holding method.
™ Raise the pendulum hammer of the impact machine to its initial upper height
and fix it.
™ Put the pointer of the absorbed energy scale at its initial position.
™ Release the pendulum to strike the specimen and rise to another high, and
notice the reading of the absorbed energy scale.
™ This reading is in kgforce.m unit, in order to get the toughness in Joules multiply by
g (= 9.8 m\s2).
™ Notice the fracture appearance of the specimen and the shear fracture area.

Applying the experiment method we got the following results:

1. The Specimen Dimensions:

9 Angle = 44.46 o
9 Width = 9.971 mm.
9 Length = 54.868 mm.
9 Height = 9.957 mm.
9 L/2 left = 27.49 mm.
9 Radius of the notch = 0.259 mm.
9 Height below notch = 7.927 mm.

ª All these dimensions are approximately among the standard range (see
page 7 )

2. The Impact Toughness Test:

9 Applying the experiment procedure we got the following absorbed
energy reading:
o Toughness = 14.8 kgforce.m
9 Converting this value to Joules:
o . . .

3. The Frracture Su
The sh
hape of thee fracture an
nd its
surface differs from
m specimen n
materiaal to anotheer dependinng on its

Brittlee fracture sh
hows a cleaan
granulaar structure with little
deformation, whilee ductile fraacture
shows fibrous
f structure. In the very ducttile materialls the fractu
ures will nott
compleete .sometim mes due to the
t very higgh ductility of a material the test isi
held at low temperature.

Discussion and Conclu

™ In this experiment
e we learned
d about toughness testting of mateerials (the
impact test).
™ Applyinng this test we
w can stud dy the abilitty of a metaal to deform
m plastically and
to absoorb energy in the proceess before frracture.
™ There are
a two com mmon methods to apply impact teest differs in n specimen
holdingg method; Izzod and Chaarpy methods.
™ In figuree.4 (on the next page) you can reccognize thee differences between the t
two meethods and the t procedu ure of Impaact test.
™ In this experiment
e we learned
d specifically about Chaarpy metho od.
™ In order to get the true resultts from the impact macchine you m must use a
specimeen with thee specificatioons shown in fig.2 [Standard BS EN 10045‐1].
™ The tou ughness is proportiona
p t hardnesss and strenggth; it can be
lly related to
determmined by thee area under the stress strain diagram.
™ The Imp pact test is very importtant method to determ mine the tou ughness of
metals, and this is necessary when
w designing machin nes …etc.

Figure 4

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