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Introduction :-
Social Science is an integral part of School education. Along with other subject like language, science and math-
ematics social science gives the students knowledge and understanding of the concrete realities and situations of
life and aims at developing the skills to deal with several requirements of life. The course on teaching of Social
Science is designed not only to provide the teachers with the pedagogical principle imvolved in teaching of Social
Science. In this unit the course focuses on concept, scope and nature of social science, difference between Social
Students and Social Sciences, significance of social science and the role of social science teacher for an egualitarian

Objtives :-
- At the end of this sub-unit, you will be able to
- State the meaning of the concept of social science.
- Describe the significance of learning social science.
- Determine the concept of social science teaching.
- Know the different perspective of the concept of social science.
Concept, Scope & Nature of Social Science
Concept :
Social science has a broader aspect which is related with the diverse concerns of society. Social science include in
its course the disciplines of history, geography, political science, economics, psychology and sociology. It is a
course of study with the society. It denotes the history of society with its emgergence and downfall along with its
continuous process. In a broader term "social science is a major categories of academic disciplines concerned with
society" but it should be added that social science reveals the relationship among individuals, and their outlook to
society. Moreover, it can also be said that the social science exerts an important responsibilities to make the base
for social values and also human values, freedom, trust, mutual respect, sense for heritage etc. According to James
High ‘‘Social Sciences are those bodies of learning and study which recognizes the simultaneous and mutual
action of physical and non-physical stimuli which produce social relation’’ Social Science is defined as any scho-
lastic disciplene that investigates human society.

The concept of social sciene teaching basically should be aimed of investing in a child a moral enegery and mental
supports so that he or she can think independently and deal with the social forces, that threatend this values. Thus,
the concetp of social science and the teaching of social science has been linked up to the role of an individual in
contributing to this development of personality. Gender concern also need to be addressed in terms of the perspec-
tives of women. Environment studies is viable with the concept of social science. From primary education only it
should be introduced, then a child may be initiated to locate and comprehend the relationship between the natural
environment social science. Later, in higher classes the concept of social science among them could be more
explicable and it can discuss the realtion between natural diversity a socio-cultural diversity. The skill of observa-
tion and experience can create cognitive capacity within the learner thus, the concept of learning and teaching of
social sicnece creates a new approach in education.

Scope & Nature :

The scope of social sciences is multifarious. The study of social science is vital for the future of our civilization
and society. The answer of modern problems and its remedies can be detected through social science. As social
science is contained with different subjects so the scope of social science is vast. The scope of analysis of the facts
and figures, problems and other thing can provide society with so many important answers and observations that
may improve the understanding of our lives which helps us to improve our interaction with each other. Thus,
social science will provide all types of social situation & psychological condition. There are different subjects in
social science. It is an important scope to inculcate different areas of social science. As for instance, we should say
that geography and economics may together help in developing a proper perspective related to the issue concern-
ing environment, resource and development at different levels from local to national level similarly Indian history
will be taught emphashing the concept or plurality and change.
Nature :
The nature of social science is classical based on a wide range of content drawn from the disciplines of history,
geography, political science, economics and sociology. Social science always tries to find out its relevance with
the society. The nature and outlook of social science is based on scientific approach. Social science advocate for
scientific inquiry like other science subjects. To search the logic and reason of human sciences (History, geogra-
phy, economics, political science etc.) is the specific nature of social science. The major thrust of social science
curriculum has remained utilitarian in nature and it put more emphasis on developmental issues for mankind. Thus
social science makes a broader outlook and classic nature.

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