the most promising, yet mystifying, concepts in business. First introduced into Electric Co., Pacific Gas & Electric, Marriott Corp., and a variety of lesser-known com- panies like AES Corporation in Virginia, the corporate world in the 1980s, it quickly Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation became a buzzword with great promise. So in Missouri, and Chesapeake Packaging far, however, it has had only selective im- Company in Maryland. Yes, empowerment pact. The attraction was simple to under- can work and can work very well. But stand; senior managers covet employees achieving it means turning inside out the who accept responsibility, take a propri- assumptions about how managers and em- etary interest in their work, and willingly ployees interact. Few managers and em- work hard. At the same time, employees ployees really understand empowerment, want to feel valued, involved in their jobs, and and they understand even less about how proud of their work. to shake free of their traditional, hierarchi- The bottom-line is that managers and cal mindsets and behavior patterns, and employees want very compatible out- how to adopt a mindset and repertoire of comes— outcomes associated with em- behaviors consistent with empowerment. powerment. Why then, has it been so hard Whether we focus on managers or employ- for most companies to find real em- ees, the problem boils down to the need for powerment? Why has the concept fallen massive change in people and organiza- into such disrepute? My research and ex- tional systems. perience in a wide variety of companies This paper will explore the core ele- has taught me that the answer is at the ments of empowerment and examine why same time simple and complex. It is time to people’s ingrained assumptions about rethink our understanding of this power- organizations make empowerment both ful tool. difficult to comprehend and even harder to achieve. It will also focus on the com- plex interplay between organizational and human systems that must be changed if movement to empowerment is NOT A FLAWED CONCEPT to occur. The creation of this new, very different culture will be broken down The concept of empowerment is not into three stages, and I will show how flawed. Indeed, many companies in a vari- three interlocking tools build on a foun- ety of industries have successfully created dation of information flows to resolve cultures of empowerment. The list includes the wide array of issues that arise at each such well known companies as General stage of changing to empowerment. 94 ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS JUST WHAT IS EMPOWERMENT? My informal yet extensive research in a wide variety of companies indicates that most managers continue to define empowerment as “giving people the power to make deci- sions.” Although relocating the locus of de- cision-making is a critical part of the empow- erment process, that step alone is just another manifestation of the manager acting as director and controller. The manager still mandates the decisions people are allowed to make. This definition of empowerment W. Alan Randolph is professor of management also misses the essential point that people in the Merrick School of Business, University of already possess a great deal of power— Baltimore. He is also a consulting partner with power that resides in their knowledge, expe- the Ken Blanchard Companies, Escondido, rience, and internal motivation. To achieve California. Alan holds a bachelor’s in industrial real empowerment managers must embrace engineering from the Georgia Institute of Tech- this wider concept and must focus on ways nology and a master’s and Ph.D. in business to “release the power within people to administration from the University of Massa- achieve astonishing results.” Sounds simple, chusetts. He has published in a variety of pro- right? Well, not so fast! There are other play- fessional and academic journals on topics like ers who can inhibit this release of power. empowerment, leadership, project manage- Employees, too, misunderstand empow- ment, and international management. In 1995 erment. Many of them feel that empower- he published “Navigating the Journey to Em- ment means they will be given free rein to do powerment” in Organizational Dynamics. as they please and the freedom to make all Recent books include The 3 Keys to Em- the key decisions about their jobs. Employ- powerment: Release the Power Within People ees often fail to grasp that empowerment for Astonishing Results, with Ken Blanchard means sharing risks and responsibilities as and John P. Carlos (Berrett–Koehler, 1999), the price for freedom to act, pride in their Empowerment Takes More Than A Minute, with work, and ownership of their jobs. Indeed, Ken Blanchard and John P. Carlos (Berrett– empowerment entails much greater account- Koehler, 1996), Getting the Job Done! Manag- ability for employees than in a hierarchical ing Project Teams and Task Forces for Success, culture. But it is precisely this frightening with Barry Z. Posner (Prentice–Hall, 1992). He increase in responsibility that creates a sense recently published a 10-booklet discussion se- of engagement and fulfillment on the job. ries titled Power Up for Team Results, with Ken Empowerment is a strange combination of Blanchard, John P. Carlos, and Peter B. Grazier opportunity and risk. (Berrett–Koehler, 2000). Randolph engages in In one retail food company, senior man- consulting work on empowerment, perfor- agement became intrigued with the idea of mance management processes, project man- “empowering their people.” They held an agement, and self-directed teams. all-company meeting and announced that they would begin to increase the decision- making options for people at all levels of the organization. As they did so, they were sur- prised to find that little if any change in people’s behavior was noticeable. The mid- dle managers were extremely concerned about losing control of the results for which FALL 2000 95