Bible Introduction and Overview
Bible Introduction and Overview
Bible Introduction and Overview
The word Bible comes from the Greek word biblia, which means “books.” The
Bible contains sixty-six books, written by at least forty different authors over a
period of at least 1500 years. The oldest book was written about 1400 BC or
earlier. The last book was written about AD 100. When we read the Bible in
English, we are reading a translation of material originally written in Hebrew
(the Old Testament or first part of the Bible) or Greek (the New Testament or
second part of the Bible). The events described in the Bible take place in the
lands north and west of the Persian/Arabian Gulf and surrounding the
Mediterranean Sea.
Although the biblical books are written in different styles and reflect different
cultural backgrounds, the authors believed that what they wrote was uniquely
inspired by God; their words are God’s message to all people.
Despite covering over 2,000 years of human history, the Bible has a theme that
unifies all of its sixty-six books. The Bible tells us what God has been doing in
human history and the purposes for which he created us. The Bible’s story can
be viewed as a drama in five scenes.
Scene 1: Creation & Crisis, Genesis 1—11
The Bible opens with the statement, “In the beginning God created the heavens
and the earth” (NIV). The point of the Bible’s teaching is not to prove that God
exists, but to teach us what God is like. The story of our creation is one of
beauty and harmony. Everything God made was good. The first human couple,
Adam and Eve, were created for relationship with God, to obey him and enjoy
him as his children. The harmony God intended is seen in the picture of a
garden beautifully described in Genesis 2.
The picture was ruined when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. Their life of
harmony was shattered—not only with God but inside their hearts, with each
other and with the earth. The Bible calls this refusal to trust and obey God sin.
In choosing to disobey God, Adam and Eve chose to turn from God and live
apart from him, acting according to their own wishes. Not only did this dishonor
God but it separated them from the source of all life, and so they experienced
spiritual death—and eventually physical death as well. Ever since, all humans
have acted just as their original parents did, and so death, spiritual and physical,
has become part of all human experience.
God’s earth was afflicted by this deadly virus called sin. But God’s love for his
creation did not change; he promised a cure for sin. A child would eventually be
born to a descendent of Eve. This child would take the punishment for sin on
himself (see Genesis 3:15). The rest of the stories in this first part of the Bible
show how God protected the earth from total pollution by sin.
The stories of how God cared for Israel point ahead toward God’s solution for the
human problem. God dramatically rescued Israel from slavery in Egypt around
1500 BC. This rescue was a picture of what he intended to do for all humans
through Jesus, the Messiah, or deliverer, whom he would send. God also
communicated his laws to their leader Moses so that they would know how to
live healthy and harmonious lives.
Despite all God did, Israel’s history reflects the human problem of distrust and
rebellion toward God. When God first gave them their own land, they frequently
turned from God’s laws and did what was right in their own eyes. They were not
content to live under God’s rule. They asked for a human king in order to be like
other nations. When their kings listened to God and followed his ways, they had
peace and well-being, especially during the reigns of David and Solomon,
around 1000–930 BC.
God placed Israel among various world powers so that they could be a
lighthouse to all earth’s people. God’s intention was that Israel would model the
peace and wholeness that come when people obey God’s words. When Israel’s
great King Solomon built a temple where people could worship God, he knew
foreigners would pray to God there. The great queen of Sheba visited Solomon
and praised his God (1 Kings 10:9).
But Solomon himself, who was supposed to be the wisest man in the world,
began to worship other gods at the end of his life. As a result, after he died his
kingdom was divided into two nations, Israel and Judah. Both nations were
conquered and taken into captivity—Israel in 722 BC and Judah in 586 BC.
God did not give up on the people; he sent special messengers (prophets) to
teach them how to live and remind them that the Messiah would come. To one
of these prophets, Isaiah, who lived around 700 BC, God gave amazing pictures
of this Messiah.
Jesus taught that people could be born into God’s family by believing in him. He
also said that God’s children should live in an attitude of love, serving others
and forgiving even their enemies.
Jesus called twelve special men, the disciples or apostles, to be with him and tell
others about him. But most of the religious leaders, including the leading priests
and teachers of the Jewish law, did not listen to Jesus; they worked together to
have him killed.
God’s solution to the human problem of sin now became clear. Jesus, who never
sinned, willingly died on a cross for the sins of all people who will follow Him,
trusting that His death can set them free. The punishment for sin is death, but
God allowed Jesus to die for us as a substitute. Then Jesus was raised to life on
the third day as a sign that he really is God’s Son. The path to God was now
Jesus offers to give a new heart and a new spirit to anyone who will accept his
gift of life. God forgives our sins, gives us his Holy Spirit to guide and heal us
and promises that we will be raised to new life with him after we die, not
because of our own goodness but because of the goodness of Jesus. People may
now once again live in harmony with God as his spiritual children. (Jesus’ death
and resurrection occurred around AD 30.)
The most famous of these leaders is Paul. Although he was a Jew, he obeyed
Jesus’ command to tell the good news to people who were not Jews. Paul saw
himself as an ambassador of God, and he wanted people to be reconciled to God
through Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 5:20, NIV). Paul was beaten, shipwrecked and
eventually killed because of his faith in Jesus. But at the end of his life he was
able to say, “I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of
righteousness” (2 Timothy 4:7–8 NIV). Paul wrote these words before he was
killed in AD 67 or 68.