gen math q2 week 2

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Grade Level 11
Department of Education Teacher JANICE F. MONTEROZO Learning Area GENERAL MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and
November 18-22, 2024 Quarter 2nd
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of basic concepts of business and.
The learner should be able to decide wisely on the appropriateness of business or consumer loan and its
B. Performance Standards
proper utilization
a. illustrates business and consumer loans. M11GM-IIf-1
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives b. distinguishes between business and consumer loans. M11GM-IIf-2
c. solves problems involving business and consumer loans (amortization, mortgage). M11GM-IIf-3
Introduction to Solving Problems
Understanding Amortization and
II. CONTENT Business and Involving Business
Consumer Loans Mortgage Calculations
Consumer Loans Loans
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources SELF LEARNING MODULE and General Mathematics Textbook
Review: Recap the importance
of financial literacy and Review: Recap the differences
Review: Discuss the previous Review: Recap the types of
previous concepts on interest between business and consumer
lesson on business loans. consumer loans discussed.
rates. loans.
1. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson Present: Shift focus to Present: Introduce
Present: Introduce the topic of Present: Introduce the topic of
consumer loans and their amortization and mortgage
business and consumer loans, solving problems related to
specific characteristics. calculations.
emphasizing their relevance in business loans
everyday life.
Understand the definitions and Learn how to calculate the total Analyze various types of Master the calculation of
2. Establishing the purpose of the lesson differences between business cost of a business loan using consumer loans and their mortgage payments and
loans and consumer loans. amortization applications. understand amortization.
3. Presenting examples/instances of the Discuss a scenario where an Present a case study of a small Explore different consumer Analyze a sample mortgage
new lesson individual takes a personal loan business that takes a loan and loans like mortgages, auto loan and its repayment structure
for a car (consumer loan)
versus a business loan taken by the related costs involved. loans, and credit cards. over time..
a startup for expansion.
Concepts: Explain Concepts: Explain how to
Concepts: Define business Concepts: Differentiate
amortization schedules and calculate monthly mortgage
loans and consumer loans. between fixed-rate and
how interest affects total payments using formulas.
variable-rate loans.
4. Discussing new concepts and payment.
practicing new skills #1 Practice: Group activity where
Practice: Students practice
students categorize different Practice: Students create a
Practice: Provide a sample calculating monthly payments
loan types based on given chart comparing the pros and
amortization schedule and have for provided mortgage
scenarios cons of each type
students fill in missing values. scenarios.
Concepts: Distinguish between Concepts: Discuss the impact
secured and unsecured loans. Concepts: Understanding the Concepts: Understanding
of loan terms on monthly
total cost of borrowing. amortization tables.
5. Discussing new concepts and Practice: Worksheet activity
practicing new skills #2 Practice: Calculate the total Practice: Create an
where students identify whether Practice: Calculate monthly
cost of a consumer loan using amortization table for a given
provided loan types are secured payments for different loan provided interest rates and mortgage to visualize payment
or unsecured amounts and terms using a
payment terms. breakdowns.
Individual assignment to
Quiz on definitions and Solve a real-world problem
analyze a consumer loan Complete a set of mortgage
6. Developing Mastery characteristics of business and involving a business loan and
scenario and calculate total calculation problems in class.
consumer loans present findings.
The importance of
How understanding loans can Discuss the impact of consumer Discuss the significance of
understanding loan terms when
help in making informed loans on personal finance and understanding mortgages when
7. Finding practical applications of starting a business and how it
concepts and skills in daily living financial decisions, such as budgeting. purchasing a home.
affects cash flow.
choosing the right loan for
personal or business needs.
Proper loan management can A thorough understanding of
Loans are essential financial
lead to business growth, while amortization can lead to better
tools that can either help or Consumer loans can facilitate
8. Generalizing and abstractions about mismanagement can lead to financial decisions regarding
the lesson hinder financial health major purchases but require
financial distress. homeownership.
depending on how they are careful financial planning.
9. Evaluating Learning Class discussion on how Peer review of problem-solving Group presentations on Test students on their ability to
different loans affect exercises and group discussions different types of consumer calculate mortgage payments
individuals and businesses, on different approaches. and interpret amortization
loans and their implications.
along with a short reflective
Simulate a home-buying
Research project on local banks Create a mock business plan
Create a budgeting plan that experience where students
10. Additional Activities for Application or and the types of loans they that includes potential loan
Remediation includes potential consumer calculate their potential
offer, presenting findings in requirements and repayment
loan payments. mortgage and budget
class. strategies

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted:


Teacher III Assistant School Principal II

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