STS_Lesson-10_When-Technology-and-Humanity-Cross (1)
STS_Lesson-10_When-Technology-and-Humanity-Cross (1)
STS_Lesson-10_When-Technology-and-Humanity-Cross (1)
Campus : BAMBANG
This lesson will discuss several technological devices, the roles thay play in the society and their effects,
particularly in humanity
The word technology comes from the Greek words techne, which means art, and logos, which means
word. In the seventeenth century, the word technology was only used to talk about arts, specifically
applied arts. As technology progress, the concept started to have a wider range of meanings where art
is no longer the only topic included. Machines and tool concepts were also attached to the word
“technology” which is the more popular sense of the concept nowadays.
Technology played a very crucial role not only to few but to everyone. Each person in society is directly
or indirectly affected by technology whether he wills it or not. Most people survive in everyday life because
of technological advancement available in the masses. Even though some claim that their lives are not
greatly affected by technology, it can be denied the fact that technology is already an inevitable part of
People nowadays achieve such great inventions. It makes life easier and more convenient from the
simplest task at home to the most complex task in a laboratory or office. Technology brings many benefits,
from convenience to pleasure to human beings. Merely because of the different leisure activities
technology can offer.
Almost all human activities already require the assistance of some kind of technological advancement
and some argue that these technologies are no longer want but a necessity. People nowadays save to
acquire or buy these necessities while in the past, people save to purchase things they need for survival.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 10: GESTAS-1STSEM-2020-2021
In the past, anything that is outside the things needed for survival was considered a luxury which is no
longer the case at present.
Television Sets Kantar Media – the most trusted television audience measurement provider
in the Philippines
Mobile Phones Filipinos love to use their mobile phones anytime, anywhere not only for
communication purposes but for different purposes. More than half of the
Filipino population owns at least one mobile phone regardless of type.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 10: GESTAS-1STSEM-2020-2021
The mobile phone use by Cooper weighed 1.1 kilograms and measured
228.6 x 127 x 44.4 mm and is capable of 30 – minute talk time. However, it
took 10 hours to charge. In 1983, Motorola made its first commercial mobile
phone available to the public known as Motorola DynaTAC 8000x.
Computers While almost all Filipinos own at least one television set and a mobile phone,
it is not possible for all Filipino families to own at least one computer or
laptop. Most of the profits gained by computer and laptop manufacturers
come from offices, businesses, or schools where such devices have become
part of their necessities.
In 2010, 3.6 million was the estimated total value output of all manufacturing
establishments. Semiconductor devices and other electronic components
took more than half of the total value output of all manufacturing
establishments. To be more specific, 5.4 percent of the total value output
came from computers and peripheral equipment and accessories.
In April 1981, the first true portable computer was released and is called
Osborne I. The evolution of laptops continued until the present time where
various designs and models are already available.
It has been noted that a typical household owns at least four of the following devices: mobile phone
(89%), smartphone (53%), tablet (14%), desktop (39%), laptop or netbooks (37%), and smart TV (4%)
as published in 2013. These data only proves the deep-seated fascination of Filipino with different
technological devices
Here are some facts about Filipinos and their use of gadgets and the Internet (Gonzales, 2019)
Filipinos spend online daily for 10 hours and 2 minutes, the highest in the world
Internet usage of Filipinos in front of desktop or laptop computer clock in at 5 hours and 4 minutes
The Philippines is top when it comes to social media penetration with 76 million users. Of these
76 million, 75 million are on Facebook
The Philippines tops social media use clocking at 4 hours and 12 minutes
67% of Filipinos access social media on their phone
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 10: GESTAS-1STSEM-2020-2021
Television Primarily, television is used for information dissemination and
advertisements. Advertisement companies trust that television is
the most technological device up until today
Television also serves as a recreational activity and good stress
reliever to most Filipino families
Television is also a good platform for different propaganda and
Television can be a good way to bond with one’s family members
Mobile Phones Primarily used for communication with its services like texting and
Mobile phones nowadays are used to surf the Internet and take
pictures more than to text or call
Mobile phones have additional features such as a music player,
calendar, radio, television, photo editor, and so forth like an all-
in-one device
Personal Computers and Even though the features of laptops or personal computers are also
Laptops found in mobile phones, a lot of people also prefer them over mobile
phones. Reasons are:
Personal computer or laptop has a wide keyboard, wide screens
and sometimes (for personal computer) has separate keyboards
Availability of mouse or touchpad which made it easier to
Allow the young and those who love to play, play with comfort
and convenience
However, it can be denied that most prefer using a laptop over a personal
computer for portability
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Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 10: GESTAS-1STSEM-2020-2021
2. Moral Dilemma
People especially children are exposed to different things on television, mobile phones, laptops, or
computers. They can easily search or visit websites without restrictions because of Internet availability
and easy access to the Internet. It allows them to see, read, or hear things that are not suitable for
their young age. This makes them very vulnerable to character change and can greatly affect the way
they view the world and the things around them.
With the reasons stated, it can be said that devices are somewhat unethical because they bring
undesirable consequences to people. However, it can also be argued that those undesirable
consequences are not the fault of technological devices. Rather, it is the responsibility of the ones using
or making them. The word “responsibility” in the sense of being accountable for and accountable to is
very appropriate to the ethics of technology because it makes every person in the scientific-technological
development a proxy concerning one another.
People who are part of the scientific development should let the public know the good in their respective
technological contributions. In this way, people will have an idea of how the devices should be used to
maximize their positive results. It is also important to inform the masses of the dangers of their
contributions to the world of technology in bringing awareness to people on what they should and should
not do. Besides, the ones who are using the devices should be accountable to and accountable for their
use of their gadgets.
In a moral dilemma, it also is noted that adults who allowed the children to have access to such devices
in the first place without any supervision are to be blame. It is the recklessness and overconfidence of
the adults that cause the character change in children.
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NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 10: GESTAS-1STSEM-2020-2021
A personal service robot or a service robot for personal use is a service robot used for a non-
commercial task, usually by laypersons. Examples domestic servant robot, automated
wheelchair, personal mobility assist robot, and pet exercising robot
A professional service robot or a service robot for professional use is a service robot used for a
commercial task, usually operated by a properly trained operator. Examples are cleaning robots
for public places, a delivery robot in offices or hospitals, fire fighting robots, rehabilitation robots,
and surgery robots in hospitals. In this context, an operator is a person designated to start,
monitor, or stop the intended operation of a robot or a robot system
The early conception of robots can be traced around 3000 BC from the Egyptians. Their water
clocks used human figurines to strike the hour bells. The mechanical device was built to carry out
a specific physical task regularly. From that time on, different machines were already built that
displayed the same mechanism and characteristics as the robots in present. The Unimate
(Universal Automation) was created by George Devol in the early 1950s which as people know is
the earliest robot. However, the attempt to sell the robot to the industry does not succeed. After
Unimate, several better versions of robots were invented and people never stop their quest in the
field of robotics.
2. Some robots are used to entertain people. These are found in amusement parks or exhibits
3. Also, some robots serve as toys. These perform different activities but usually are child
friendly. Also, some can be seen in movies.
Isaac Asimov formulated a set of rules and characteristics that define what a good robot is. These
are the following:
Law One: A robot may not injure a being or through inaction, allow a human
being to come to harm
Law Two: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where
such orders would conflict with the First Law
Law Three: A robot must protect its existence as long as such protection does
not conflict with the First or Second Law
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NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 10: GESTAS-1STSEM-2020-2021
Although the idea is to help people and make their lives a lot easier than before, still it faces different
ethical dilemmas and possible undesirable outcomes.
2. Emotional Component Looking at how fast technology progresses nowadays, robots can
develop emotions. So what if robots become sentient, should they be
granted rights and have their own set of rights? When robots can
already feel pain and pleasure, will they act differently or not at all?
If the robot develops the ability to feel different kinds of emotion, it is
just right for the robots to be given their own set of rights without any
reservations. Should the time come, the robots should be treated
differently and should have a new set of laws to follow to
accommodate the new characteristics they have developed.
Full autonomy which excludes active human-robot interaction. In other words, a robot with full
autonomy that can perform action or activities even without a master telling it what should be done
or what should be performed next.
With the dilemmas stated, these are ethical that involve not only the machine but also mankind. It is now
impossible for technology and humanity not to cross paths because technology has become a necessity
for people. At the end of the day, ethics should still be enforced in the field of technology to ensure the
safety and morality of these devices to people.
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for educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution”
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
Republic of the Philippines
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 10: GESTAS-1STSEM-2020-2021
Seatwork (Essay):
1. Make an essay discussing the different ethical dilemmas faced by technological adavancements in
the society through a philosophical discussion.
Suggested Topics:
a. Do technological devices bring more good than bad to people?
b. Should there be more budget for technological researches despite the dilemmas they are
currently facing?
c. Should there be a limit to technological advancements?
2. Make an essay that shows your stand on the technological dilemma. Do not forget to show the role
or roles played by the technological advancement in the lives of the people. Choose one of the topics
VII. EVALUATION (Note: Not to be included in the student’s copy of the IM)
1. Who are the contributions of the technological advances of the Information Age?
2. Aside from communication, what other aspects of society are being influenced by the Information
3. What other technological advancements can be developed in the future?
Gonzales, G. (2019, January 31). Rappler. Retrieved from Filipinos Spend Most Time Online, on Social
Media - Report:
Serafica, J. J., Pawilen, G. T., Caslib, B. N., & Alata, E. P. (2018). Science, Technology and Society.
Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
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