Galileo Renaissance Scientist

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makers of The middle Ages and Renaissance

Renaissance Scientist and Astronomer
Celebrated Poet and Author
Poet, Author, and Proud Florentine
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Heroine of the Middle Ages
Renaissance Scientist and Astronomer
Renaissance Political Analyst and Author
The Medicis
A Ruling Dynasty
Painter, Sculptor, and Architect
Thomas More and His Struggles of Conscience
Queen Elizabeth and England’s Golden Age
Leonardo da Vinci
Artist, Inventor, and Renaissance Man

makers of The middle Ages and Renaissance

makers of The middle Ages and Renaissance

Renaissance Scientist and Astronomer

Tim McNeese
COVER: Portrait of Galileo Galilei, astronomer.


CREATIVE MANAGER Takeshi Takahashi

Staff for Galileo

LAYOUT 21st Century Publishing and Communications, Inc.

© 2006 by Chelsea House Publishers,

a subsidiary of Haights Cross Communications.
All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United States of America.

First Printing


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

McNeese, Tim.
Galileo: Renaissance scientist and astronomer / Tim McNeese.
p. cm.—(Makers of the Middle Ages and Renassance)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7910-8628-3 (hard cover)
1. Galilei, Galileo, 1565–1642. 2. Astronomers—Italy—Biography. 3. Scientists—
Italy—Biography. 4. Astronomy, Renaissance. I. Title. II. Series.
QB36.G2M46 2005

All links and web addresses were checked and verified to be correct at the time of publication.
Because of the dynamic nature of the web, some addresses and links may have changed since
publication and may no longer be valid.

1 Early Directions 1

2 Born of the Renaissance 9

3 A Searching Mind 21

4 A New Direction 33

5 New Posts, New Obligations 49

6 An Eye to the Heavens 65

7 Man of the Stars 81

8 A Controversy of Ideas 94

9 The Trial 113

10 The Pendulum Swings 134

Chronology & Timeline 148
Notes 152
Bibliography 154
Further Reading 155
Index 156

n recent years, spacecraft named after Italian scientist

I and astronomer Galileo Galilei have moved through
the darkness of space, seeking new information about
the vast universe in which we live. Thousand of years
earlier, that same space had remained a strange and
largely misunderstood world. During the seventeenth

2 Galileo

century, however, Galileo pointed a simple tele-

scope toward the sky and began explaining its
mysteries. It was only one of the worlds he would
help to explain.
The mark Galileo left on science is everywhere
around us today. He affected how we view the
planet we live on, how we look at the stars, how we
understand our solar system, even how we tell time.
Elementary school students today learn the follow-
ing simple facts about space that we all live by:
Earth is round; it revolves on its axis; it moves
through space in giant orbits; it moves around the
Sun; the Moon’s surface is pitted with craters; there
are planets we cannot see with the human eye; the
universe is immense; and the stars are great distances
away from Earth. During his lifetime, Galileo came
to understand the truth behind all of these facts.
He also discovered a way for people to keep better
track of time. Through his experiments, he proved
a swinging pendulum could be used to maintain
clocks at a regular speed, allowing them to keep
more accurate time. This amazing man of the
Renaissance was one of the first in history to under-
stand both time and space.
Early Directions 3

Galileo’s contributions to the understanding of time

and space surround us today. He was one of the
first scientists to perform experiments to prove his
scientific theories.

Galileo was one of the first scientists in history to

perform experiments to prove his ideas about the
laws of nature. Earlier, scientists who studied the
4 Galileo

world often invented ideas to help explain the physi-

cal world around them, such as the shape of Earth or
the nature of the stars. They often created theories
using superstition, without a clear understanding of
what certain things were really about. Sometimes
early scientists were ancient philosophers, people
who studied human nature, but their “science” was
often wrong. For instance, many early scientists
believed that Earth was flat or that the stars were
living beings. Most people thought that Earth was at
the center of what modern scientists today call our
solar system, and that all of the planets, as well as the
Sun, revolved around it. They also believed that
Earth never moved, but remained in one place at all
times. Galileo would prove such ideas wrong.
Several ancient Greek philosophers did get some
of their ideas right about the natural world. One Greek
philosopher–scientist living almost 2,500 years ago
did not believe that Earth was at the center of our
solar system, and taught instead that the Sun was
at the center. This idea was true, but he had no way
of proving his theory. Because he was unable to
prove his theory, his ideas were lost for hundreds
of years. It would take a modern scientist, such as
Early Directions 5

Galileo, to prove the validity of this ancient theory.

Twentieth-century scientist Albert Einstein called
Galileo “the father of modern physics, indeed, of
modern science altogether.” 1
Galileo also made certain that his ideas, unlike
those of the ancient Greeks, would never be lost. He
wanted as many people as possible to know how the
world worked. He spread his ideas by being a good
teacher and a great scientist:

He taught his way of performing and interpreting

experiments to his pupils and to the nonscien-
tists. In this . . . he was an innovator. He went
against the long-standing habit of writing science
in Latin for the benefit of the few learned men in
foreign countries and wrote instead in Italian, in
a pleasant, popular style which almost any literate
person could understand. His books, received
with great interest and translated into other
languages, were and still are models for those
who recognize the power of science and its
essential place in culture.2

Nearly all of Galileo’s ideas are accepted today

and have remained unquestioned for hundreds of
6 Galileo

years. During Galileo’s lifetime, however, this was

not the case. During the 1600s, many of his ideas,
especially those about the universe, space, and the
planet we live on, were not understood by most
people. In fact, his ideas were sometimes considered
dangerous. Powerful people tried to stop Galileo
from explaining our world. They wanted to believe
in the old ideas and old theories in which people
had believed since the beginning of time. Some of
those people were able to keep Galileo from mak-
ing his ideas accessible to those who wanted to
know the truth. In fact, Galileo was tried in court for
his ideas and imprisoned in his own home, but he
never gave up seeking answers to the great scientific
riddles that no one else had been able to answer.
Before he was finished, his studies would take him
as far away as the stars.
Early Directions 7

Test Your Knowledge

1 During which century did Galileo leave his mark
on science as we know it today?
a. The seventeenth century
b. The fourteenth century
c. The sixteenth century
d. The fifteenth century

2 In addition to an understanding of space, what

else did Galileo learn a lot about?
a. Poetry
b. Weather
c. Time
d. Music

3 Galileo was one of the first scientists to

a. discover that the world was round.
b. perform experiments.
c. travel around the world.
d. discover the theory of relativity.

4 Some early scientists were also

a. bankers.
b. lawyers.
c. philosophers.
d. musicians.
8 Galileo

5 What did most scientists of Galileo’s time believe

about the solar system?
a. That the Sun was at its center
b. That the stars were at its center
c. That the Moon was at its center
d. That Earth was at its center
ANSWERS: 1. a; .2. c; 3. b; 4. c; 5. d
Born of the

alileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564, in the

G Italian city-state of Pisa, located in the rolling hills
of Tuscany, in west central Italy. He was the first of seven
brothers and sisters born to Vincenzio and Giula Galilei.
Galileo’s mother and father both came from important
Italian families. His father was part of a noble Italian

10 Galileo

family from Florence. For many years, the Galileis

had served as members of Italy’s wealthy, ruling
class. His mother’s family, the Ammannatis, was
made up of prosperous cloth merchants.
The world into which Galileo Galilei was born
was an exciting one. For most of the century prior to
his birth, Europe had witnessed dramatic changes in
fashion, the arts, literature, social standards, learn-
ing, and the sciences. Historians would later refer to
this great period of change and progress in Europe
as the Renaissance. Important discoveries were
being made during this time. The printing press had
come into use across the continent, helping to spur
a new age of literacy and books. Less than three
generations earlier, Italian explorer Christopher
Columbus had sailed west in search of the Far East,
only to discover a New World inhabited by people
quite different from those of any other continent. By
the early sixteenth century, other European sailors
had traveled around the vast continent of Africa and
had found their way to India. These new connec-
tions with distant peoples and cultures brought great
changes throughout Europe. The old ways and ideas
of the Middle Ages were becoming a thing of the
Born of the Renaissance 11

past. The future pointed toward greater understand-

ing and knowledge of the world, beyond Europe’s
borders. Galileo would one day make his mark on
that future.
Italy was at the center of the Renaissance. Many
great artists, including painters, sculptors, and
architects were Italians—such as Leonardo da Vinci,
Raphael, Bramante, and Michelangelo. These artists,
as well as dozens of others, helped to create a new
style of artistic expression. Their great works could
be found in the Italian city-states where these men
lived, worked, and expressed themselves, including
Milan, Venice, Rome, and Florence. Florence and
Galileo’s hometown, Pisa, were independent city-
states in the grand duchy of Tuscany, situated in
west central Italy. Tuscany was then ruled by the
most influential, powerful, and wealthy of all Italian
families, the Medicis. Medici princes, dukes, and
other family members were among the most impor-
tant supporters of the Renaissance. They helped
provide money to artists, scholars, scientists, and
other important, creative individuals. Later in life,
Galileo would become one of the scientists supported
by the Medici family.
12 Galileo

Galileo was born during the time of the Renais-

sance, but he also lived to see the end of this great,
productive period in Italian and European history.
In the same year that Galileo was born, the great
painter, sculptor, and architect of the Renaissance
period, Michelangelo Buonarrati, died. Within two
months of Galileo’s birth, another great European,
English playwright William Shakespeare, was born.
Men such as Galileo and Shakespeare helped to
define the next era in European history. They would
build on the emphasis being placed on learning,
literature, and the sciences during the Renaissance.
Artists, such as Michelangelo, had helped to bring
the art world into maturity. It would take men of
science, such as Galileo, to help to do the same for
the sciences.


Despite coming from two important, powerful, and
wealthy families, Vincenzio and Giula Galilei did
not live prosperously. The Galilei family, despite its
noble roots, had lost most of its money by the
mid-1500s. Through his wife’s family, Vincenzio
Galilei worked as a cloth merchant. He had moved
Born of the Renaissance 13

to Pisa from Florence because he believed Pisa was

a better trade city for cloth merchants. His real
interest, however, was not in Italian textiles, but
rather in the world of music. Vincenzio Galilei was
a highly educated man, very intelligent, and a lover
of music. He not only played several musical instru-
ments, but was also a composer. In his day, Galileo’s
father became well known for his musical abilities
and talents. In time, his work as a textile merchant
came to an end and he tried to make a living teach-
ing and playing music.
Vincenzio Galilei was a skilled musician who
also studied and wrote about music theory. He
created a new style of music as he developed a
“revolutionary view of music.” 3 Through his studies,
Galileo’s father became one of the first European
music scholars to apply mathematics to the study of
music. In fact, Vincenzio Galilei became famous
across Italy and beyond for his musical ideas, which
he wrote about in public papers read by many other
people. Galileo learned many things from his father,
including an appreciation for music. Vincenzio
Galilei taught his son to play the lute, a stringed
instrument similar to a modern guitar. He also
14 Galileo

Galileo’s father helped to develop in his son an interest

in the sciences, including astronomy—the study of
planets, stars, and galaxies. Earth and the Moon are
seen here from the Galileo spacecraft, named after the
great scientist.

taught him to play the organ. Vincenzio Galilei’s

studies also led him to teach Galileo about “the
physics of sound.” 4
Born of the Renaissance 15

Although he might not have realized it at the

time, Galileo’s father also helped to develop his
young son’s interest in the field of science. During
the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, music was
considered one of the sciences. Those students who
attended the colleges and universities of the Middle
Ages studied the seven liberal arts, which included
four subjects (the quadrivium) called the mathemat-
ical arts. The mathematical arts included geometry,
astronomy, arithmetic, and music. Vincenzio Galilei’s
studies combined the latter two—arithmetic and
music. As for Galileo, during his lifetime, he
completely redefined the study of astronomy. He
also developed other qualities, such as taking time
for reflection and thought. As a young man,
Galileo enjoyed the company of others. He was an
outgoing boy, filled with curiosity and enthusiasm,
but he also “enjoyed sitting alone in the courtyard
or in his room playing the lute or composing his
own songs.” 5
Vincenzio Galilei also helped to develop another
quality in his young son. In addition to being a
well-educated, studious individual, Galileo’s father
was an open-minded man. He believed in the value
16 Galileo

of inquiry, the spark that draws curious people to

examine things for themselves. He did not believe
in simply accepting other people’s ideas or explana-
tions. Vincenzio Galilei thought it was important
to be skeptical of widely accepted theories and
beliefs, especially in the sciences. For this, Galileo’s
father became known as one who constantly ques-
tioned the answers that others blindly accepted. He
had little patience for people who were narrow-
minded, especially if their ideas were based on
superstition, untested religious ideas, or prejudice.
Vincenzio Galilei once wrote of his disappoint-
ment in those who failed to question the
accepted ideas of the time:

It appears to me that they who rely simply on

the weight of authority to prove any assertion,
without searching out the arguments to support
it, act absurdly. I wish to question freely and to
answer freely without any sort of adulation. That
well becomes any who are sincere in the search
for truth.6

Vincenzio Galilei also gained a reputation as a

“rebellious thinker.” 7 This lesson was not lost on
Born of the Renaissance 17

young Galileo. As an adult, his studies and scientific

ideas caused many around him to think of him as a
rebel, as well. When he went to the university and
studied, his fellow students and professors gave him
the nickname “Il Attaccabrighe”—“The Wrangler.”
Cloth merchants usually made more money than
musicians and others involved in the creative arts.
Because Vincenzio Galilei spent so much time and
labor on his music, his family was often short on
money. This made life difficult in some ways. As
members of two aristocratic Italian families, the
Galileis were expected to maintain a wealthy
lifestyle. They were expected to dress and live like
aristocrats. They were supposed to show off their
wealth, but the family often struggled without
enough money to live in the manner that was
expected of them.
In 1574, Vincenzio Galilei moved his family
from Pisa back to Florence. Young Galileo was,
by then, a curious ten-year-old boy. The Galilei
family had grown. Vincenzio and Giula had seven
children in all. Several died young, however. In
addition to Galileo, only three others lived into
adulthood, sisters Virginia and Livia, and younger
18 Galileo

brother, Michelangelo. Galileo continued to live

under his father’s roof for another year. Through
age 11, the young Galilei studied under his father,
who served as his teacher. A handful of other tutors
were also paid to teach Galileo. All of his studies, as
well as his other interests, inspired the young boy
from Pisa. He was developing into a well-educated,
curious young man with many interests. Although
he took his studies seriously, Galileo also enjoyed
being outdoors, always looking at the world around
him through studious eyes. He loved to wander the
countryside and explore the rural roads, hillsides,
and local rivers, including the Arno. He studied
nature constantly. Back in Pisa, “he would go off on
his own to discover tunnels and deserted buildings
in the city.” 8 As an adult, Galileo never lost his
spark of curiosity.
Born of the Renaissance 19

Test Your Knowledge

1 Where was Galileo born?

a. Venice
b. Rome
c. Pisa
d. Florence

2 Galileo was the first of how many brothers

and sisters?
a. Six
b. Seven
c. Four
d. Eight

3 What did Galileo’s mother’s family do?

a. They were cloth merchants.
b. They were bankers.
c. They were musicians.
d. They were winemakers.

4 How do historians refer to the great period of

change and progress that took place in Europe
during the century before Galileo’s birth?
a. The Progressive Age
b. The Awakening
c. The Enlightenment
d. The Renaissance
20 Galileo

5 When did European sailors travel around the vast

continent of Africa to find their way to India?
a. In the fourteenth century
b. In the sixteenth century
c. In the fifteenth century
d. In the seventeenth century
ANSWERS: 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. d; 5. b

y the time Galileo reached the age of 11, his

B father knew it was time to send his young son
off to school. Young Galileo, his father understood, was
extremely bright and anxious to learn. Although
Vincenzio Galilei had taught his son many things, all
aristocratic Italian boys were expected to receive a

22 Galileo

formal education. This created a problem for

Vincenzio Galilei, however. Being well educated
himself, he was a skeptic of many of those who
ran the schools for young men in Florence. He
finally decided to send his son to a local Florentine
grammar school where he would study for the next
two years. At age 13, it was time to place Galileo in
his next school. This time, one of his father’s biggest
problems in determining a school for his son was
the family’s finances. The Galileis did not have much
money to spare for their eldest son’s education,
thus, eliminating the possibility of sending Galileo
to some of the better schools in Florence. Instead
Vincenzio Galilei sent his son to a monastery school
at Vallombroso, near Florence. The school was run
by the monks of the Camaldolese Order, a strict
religious group.
At the Camaldolese school, Galileo learned the
subjects taught in nearly every preparatory school
during the Italian Renaissance. He studied Greek
and Latin, languages every Italian gentleman was
expected to know. He also learned about logic
and the studies of the ancient Greek philosopher,
scientist, and teacher Aristotle. Galileo thrived
A Searching Mind 23

under the direction of the monks. He enjoyed the

atmosphere of learning. He also appreciated the
quiet lifestyle of his teachers at the monastery. In
fact, the young student began to admire the monks
so much, he decided to become one. This idea,
however, did not sit well with his father, who was
not interested in his son becoming a member of the
Catholic clergy. Vincenzio Galilei had greater plans
for his eldest son. He did not intend for Galileo to
take holy vows, or become a merchant, as he had
done. Instead he wanted his son to become a medi-
cal doctor. After three years at the monastic school,
the elder Galilei removed Galileo from the school
and took him back to Florence where he was placed,
for the moment, under the guidance of a tutor.
The move back to Florence marked one of the
first times father and son clashed over Galileo’s
future. Vincenzio Galilei’s plans for his son would
not wait long, however. By 1581, when Galileo
turned 17, his father placed him at the University of
Pisa, with instructions to study medicine. For the
moment, Galileo agreed, but he did not remain on
track or follow his father’s wishes for long. He had
other interests. His father had encouraged him to
24 Galileo

develop his musical talents at an early age, and

Galileo also enjoyed writing. Surrounded constantly
by Italian Renaissance art, he also tried painting. In
his later years, he confided to some of his friends
that, if he had been allowed to pursue his heart’s
desire as a young man, he would have become a
painter. Above all of these interests, however,
Galileo loved to study mathematics.
Even during his first few months at the University
of Pisa, while studying medicine, Galileo began
attending mathematics lectures on his own time.
One Pisa lecturer and mathematician especially
captivated his imagination for numbers, equations,
and theories. That lecturer was Ostillo Ricci, the
court mathematician in Pisa and expert on
Euclidean geometry. (Euclid was an ancient Greek
mathematician who invented modern geometry.) As
often as he could make the time, Galileo sat in on
Ricci’s lectures, and Ricci could not help but notice
the eager young man with an obvious thirst for
geometry. After Ricci’s lectures, Galileo would often
approach the professor with many questions.
Because of the young man’s interest and obvious
intelligence, Ricci finally suggested that he change
A Searching Mind 25

his field of study to mathematics. Before the end of

Galileo’s first term at the university, he had become
an undergraduate in the field of mathematics.
Vincenzio Galilei was not happy with his son’s
decision, but there was little he could do to convince
Galileo to change his course of study. This was, after
all, the son he had taught to pursue knowledge.
Galileo was definitely in pursuit of a greater under-
standing of not just geometry and mathematics, but
also the world in which he lived. The simplest
observation might lead him into a whole new world
of discovery. One such observation soon set Galileo
on the path toward a lifelong study of the laws of
science and physics.

The Mistakes of a Great Philosopher

s a student, young Galileo would have studied
A the writings of those who wrote about science
before him. One of the most important figures of
study for university students during the Renaissance
was the ancient Greek philosopher–scientist Aristotle.
In Galileo’s day, Aristotle was considered one of the
greatest thinkers in world history. He was thought to
be one of the most important sources for a clearer
26 Galileo

understanding of the universe, and the world in

general. Galileo used the writings of Aristotle in
his studies of logic and of how the universe is
structured. Unfortunately, this man, who lived nearly
2,000 years before Galileo, got much of his scientific
information wrong.
Aristotle lived during the fourth century B.C.
He is remembered as a great philosopher and
teacher. (One of his most famous students was the
Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great.) The
word philosopher means “a person who seeks
wisdom or enlightenment,” but the ancient Greek
definition of the word philosopher meant more
than it does today. Many of the ancient philosophers
were also amateur scientists who tried to under-
stand the natural world. Aristotle studied the world
around him so closely that he wrote books on the
subject. In those books, Aristotle made some
serious mistakes.
Aristotle understood that things wear out and fall
apart on Earth, but he believed that the Sun and the
stars did not change, remaining, instead, always the
same. He also thought that Earth was the center of
the universe and that all the bodies in space revolved
around it. Aristotle was wrong about both ideas.
A Searching Mind 27

He was also incorrect when he wrote that objects in

space are always the same distance from Earth, at
all times. He theorized that such bodies as the
Moon and the planets moved around Earth on
gigantic “transparent spheres,” huge tracks in space.
This idea, too, was wrong.
It is easy to see how Aristotle might have made
such mistakes about the universe. He had no
scientific instruments and the idea of experimen-
tation was not yet popular. All he could do was
observe what he could see with his eyes and try
and figure it all out with limited understanding.
Even hundreds of years after his death, Aristotle
remained a highly popular man. His writings were
considered accurate and unquestionable, but, after
a thousand years, much of his writing was lost and
many of his ideas were forgotten. Only later, by the
eleventh and twelfth centuries, were the works of
Aristotle rediscovered and translated into Latin,
allowing the theories of this ancient Greek thinker
to become popular once more. Once again, Aristotle’s
ideas were taught as fact. Although some 2,000 years
separated Aristotle from the time of the Renaissance,
this revival allowed the young Galileo to become
one of his students.
28 Galileo

One day in 1583, while at the University of Pisa,
Galileo passed through the Cathedral of Pisa, where
he attended Sunday Mass. On that particular day, as
he sat and listened to the sermon, he became bored
by the speaker, a visiting cleric. Distracted, his eyes
soon focused on one of the cathedral lamps, hanging
from a long chain, anchored high above the church
pews. Galileo watched as the lamp swung back and
forth. Normally the lamp was stationary, but it had
been removed from its usual resting position and
was hanging free. The swinging chandelier gave the
bored university mathematics student an idea. As
the air moved the lamp first one way and then
another, Galileo began to notice something about
the length of the swings and the amount of time it
took to complete each swing. He did not have a
clock or watch with which to time the swings, so he
felt his wrist for his pulse. He had previously timed
science experiments using his pulse during his
medical studies.
After several minutes of observation, he came to
a conclusion. When he later wrote down what he
had discovered, he stated it in simple terms, writing
A Searching Mind 29

This fresco shows Galileo observing the movement of

a pendulum in the Cathedral of Pisa. In 1583, Galileo
articulated the idea of pendulum motion, after watching
a swinging chandelier in church.
30 Galileo

that “whatever the length of the pendulum swing,

the time taken to complete the swing is the same.” 9
Without realizing it, Galileo had articulated a
new law of physics, known today as the law of
the pendulum’s periodic swing. At the time of his
discovery, Galileo was still in his late teens.
A Searching Mind 31

Test Your Knowledge

1 All aristocratic Italian boys were expected to

a. receive a formal education.
b. find a wife.
c. follow in their father’s given profession.
d. learn how to recite poetry.

2 When Galileo was 13, his father sent him to

a school run by
a. priests.
b. nuns.
c. monks.
d. the pope.

3 Every Italian gentleman was expected to

know which of the following languages?
a. Italian and English
b. Italian and Latin
c. French and Latin
d. Greek and Latin

4 Galileo’s father wanted him to become

a. a politician.
b. a medical doctor.
c. a banker.
d. a lawyer.
32 Galileo

5 Who was Euclid?

a. An ancient Roman warrior who invented a
defense strategy
b. An ancient Latin philosopher who developed
modern-day sociology
c. An ancient Greek mathematician who
invented modern geometry
d. An ancient Greek scientist who discovered
many planets and constellations

ANSWERS: 1. a; 2. c; 3. d; 4. b; 5. c

alileo’s fascination with the swinging lamp at

G church led him to experiment with models. After
Mass, he went back to his cousin’s house, where he
was staying at the time, and began building desktop
models of swinging objects, using string and weights.
Observing as closely as he could, he timed the swings

34 Galileo

of his miniature “lamps.” Such experiments were

not common during his time. Rarely did a scientist
test his theories and observe the results, but Galileo
knew he was thinking about something that no
one else had ever thought of. Before he came to a
conclusion too soon, however, he wanted to see if
his theory was true in every case. He constructed
several different pendulums, using string and bobs,
or weights. He changed the size and weight of the
bobs and even varied the length of the strings. He
later described his experiment:

I took two balls, one of lead and one of cork,

the former more than a hundred times heavier
than the latter, and suspended them by means
of two equal fine threads, each four or five
cubits long [six or seven feet]. Pulling each ball
aside from the perpendicular, I let them go at
the same instant, and they . . . passed beyond
the perpendicular and returned along the same
path. These free goings and returnings repeated
a hundred times showed clearly that the heavy
body maintains so nearly the period of the light
body that neither in a hundred swings nor even
A New Direction 35

in a thousand will the former anticipate the

latter by as much as a single moment, so perfectly
do they keep step.10

Time after time, Galileo continued to record the

same results. For two bobs of different weights,
swung from strings of the same length, the time
taken to complete a swing was the same for each
weight used. It would be years later before he
fully understood the practical significance of his
discovery. A pendulum, however, would serve as
an excellent tool for building an accurate clock.
Although Galileo’s tabletop experiments were
simple, using only thread and weights, they were
important and groundbreaking. He may have been
the first scientist ever to conduct experiments in the
study of motion. In addition to their immediate
implications, the experiments also proved something
else to Galileo—that experimentation was the only
way of finding out whether an idea about something
in nature was right or wrong. Galileo was creating a
new way of looking at scientific problems. In doing
so, he was helping to create a whole new field of
science—the study of physics.
36 Galileo


Galileo was only 19 years old when he conducted
the pendulum experiments. He was in the third
year of his studies at the University of Pisa. He was
proving to be a brilliant student. His studies took
up much of his time and interest, and through his
studies, he developed a keen love of and fascination
with mathematics, especially geometry. He was also
developing his own, unique approach to his educa-
tion. For one thing, he was becoming extremely
opinionated. Galileo would study the texts, such as
the writings of the ancient Greek philosopher and
scientist Aristotle, as all of his fellow students did.
Galileo did not automatically accept the conclusions
and theories that Aristotle promoted, however,
because Aristotle never experimented. To Galileo,
Aristotle had never proved anything. For this
reason, it became important to the young Italian
student to question the theories of Greek scholars
such as Aristotle.
For many of Galileo’s fellow students, as well as
his professors, questioning the work of such an
important early scholar was unacceptable. They knew
Aristotle and others had used logic to determine
A New Direction 37

what they thought about the world around them,

but Galileo became convinced that logic, although
important, was not enough. Experimentation was
the key. As a result, Galileo often argued with
others around him. Many times, both during pro-
fessors’ lectures and outside the lecture hall, he
would argue, sometimes getting into loud disputes.
During these exchanges, young Galileo would
“become excited and raise his voice, loudly disput-
ing the views of his colleagues and lecturers.” 11 He
spent so much time arguing with others, he was
given the nickname “Il Attaccabrighe,” Latin for
“The Wrangler.”
Despite his passion for arguing, Galileo remained
a respected and well-liked student at the University
of Pisa. The young mathematics student was
capable of great charm. He was obviously intelli-
gent, took his studies seriously, and was quick with
his answers. It might have seemed strange, then, to
his fellow students and professors when, in 1585,
Galileo left the university before finishing his course
of study in mathematics. He had spent four years at
the university—two studying medicine and two study-
ing mathematics—when he returned to Florence to
38 Galileo

live with his family. His father simply could not

afford to support his son’s studies any longer, but
Galileo’s time at the university had not been wasted.
He had been an excellent student and scholar. He
had made friends with fellow students, many of
whom came from influential and important families,
providing him with possible connections for the
future. He had also gained a reputation in academic
circles beyond Pisa. When he returned to Florence,
he soon established “a reputation among Florentine
mathematicians and philosophers.” 12 From 1585
until 1589, Galileo earned his living, small as it
may have been, privately tutoring students in math-
ematics. It was work he would continue, on and off,
for the next 25 years. For a while, he tutored students
at the Vallombroso Abbey. From time to time, he
gave public lectures about geometry.


Despite the fact that he was no longer a student of
mathematics at Pisa, Galileo did not give up his
studies in geometry. He began to closely read the
works of another great ancient Greek scholar,
Archimedes, who lived during the third century B.C.,
A New Direction 39

about a century after Aristotle. Archimedes’s work

greatly impressed Galileo. He became convinced
that Archimedes was the great scientist that Aristotle
had not been. This third-century genius was an
inventor, a philosopher, and one of the greatest
mathematicians of the ancient world. His studies led
him to use what today is known as calculus. Unlike
Aristotle, Archimedes’s theories had proven true. He
is perhaps most famous for his discovery of the law
of displacement. This law states that when “a solid
object is submersed in a fluid—for example gas or
liquid—the weight of the fluid displaced is equal to
the apparent loss of weight of the object.” 13 One
story explained how Archimedes came to his impor-
tant discovery while sitting in a public bath. As the
story goes, he leaped up and dashed home excited
to share his new theory—but he was still naked.
Archimedes was an ancient Greek scientist who
Galileo could take seriously. The more he studied
Archimedes, the more Galileo admired the ancient
Greek thinker. He began to refer to Archimedes as
“divine.” He wrote of his scientific idol, “Those who
read his works realize only too clearly how inferior
all other minds are compared to Archimedes and
40 Galileo

Galileo read closely the works of Archimedes, who was an

inventor, a philosopher, and one of the greatest mathe-
maticians of the ancient world. Archimedes is shown here
discovering a method of measuring density using water
displacement. The method would become known as the
Archimedes Principle.

what small hope is left to anyone of ever discovering

things similar to what he discovered.” 14 Galileo was
so impressed with Archimedes, that, despite being
home from the university, he wrote a small book
about the Greek scientist. The work was titled, Il
bilancetta (The Little Balance). For all his admiration
A New Direction 41

of Archimedes, Galileo knew the ancient Greek

scientist’s work had been hindered by a lack of
scientific devices or instruments. To improve on the
work of Archimedes, the young Italian mathemati-
cian constructed a miniature set of scales (a little
balance) delicately and finely made, to use in weighing
the density of metals and liquids. Nothing like it had
ever been made for the study of science. Today the
device would be comparable to a hydrostatic balance.
For years, Galileo continued teaching students
privately, but it was not the work he wanted to do.
He yearned, instead, to teach mathematics at an
important school or university. His age was a prob-
lem, though, for he was still a young man in his
early 20s. In addition, he had not finished his degree.
Still, in 1587, a teaching position at the University
of Bologna became available, following the death
of the priest–professor who held it. Galileo was
desperate to gain the position, but he needed
support from someone recognized in the world of
mathematics. So he went south to Rome to win the
support of one of the most famous Italian mathe-
maticians at that time, a Jesuit named Christopher
Clavius. Clavius taught at the College of Rome and
42 Galileo

was highly regarded as a mathematician. He was

known as the “Euclid of the Sixteenth Century.” 15
As a student at the University of Pisa, Galileo had
studied geometry from textbooks written by Clavius.
When Galileo arrived in Rome, he carried with
him a letter from his former geometry professor,
Ostillo Ricci. The letter would serve as the young
mathematician’s introduction to Clavius. After arriv-
ing at the great mathematician’s apartment in the
Vatican, Galileo was invited in. There, before him, sat
the famous Jesuit teacher and mathematics scholar:

The young scientist was ushered into a cluttered

office, books piled one upon another, astrolabes,
compasses, and quadrant strewn about, and in
the center, a short, stout Bavarian with a heavy
accent, a close-cropped snowy goatee, and a four-
pointed beret above his ruddy, round face. Clav-
ius greeted Galileo warmly. To Galileo’s surprise,
he seemed to have none of the pretensions of a
great man. More important, he treated his visitor
as a scholar.16

As the two mathematicians—the elder Jesuit

and the younger Italian—sat down together, Galileo
A New Direction 43

presented Clavius with some of his latest mathe-

matical work. Clavius was interested and intrigued
by this eager young student of geometry. For two
months following their meeting, the two men shared

Archimedes and the Crown of Gold

o ancient writer had inspired young Galileo
N more than the great Greek scientist Archimedes.
This genius of the ancient world left a legacy in the
sciences that included studies in astronomy, physics,
chemistry, mechanics, engineering, motion, and a host
of other areas. His personal writings and experiments
told the story of an exciting life of discovery. Some-
times, however, separating the factual tales of the
life of Archimedes from the great scientist’s legend
was difficult. One such story involved a king and a
gold crown.
According to a famous legend, Archimedes was
summoned by his patron, King Heiro, the ruler of
Syracuse, on the Mediterranean island of Sicily. The
king had just received a new gold crown made by
a skilled goldsmith, but King Heiro was skeptical
about his crown. He did not believe the royal
symbol was made of pure gold. He feared that he
had been cheated by the goldsmith. The king wanted
44 Galileo

Archimedes to determine, once and for all, the purity

of the crown, putting the king’s fears to rest.
Archimedes was unsure how to prove the matter,
without destroying the crown in the process. Aware
of the properties of different metals, the great Greek
scientist came upon an answer. Archimedes was
aware that gold had a greater density than other
metals. The density of a metal, as well as other
substances, caused that substance to be heavier or
lighter, depending on the specific metal. Lead was a
highly dense metal, compared to gold. In scientific
terms, density is determined by dividing an object’s
volume into its mass. By this equation, “if an object
occupies a large space and has a small mass it is not
very dense.”*
For Archimedes, determining the crown’s mass
would be a simple procedure. The tricky part
would be figuring out the crown’s volume. Because
it was not a geometric shape, like a cube or a ball,
Archimedes did not know how to figure out the
crown’s volume. He had to figure out what to do
without destroying the crown in the process. Then,
the great mathematician devised a solution:

He would submerge the crown in water and

then do the same with an equal mass of pure
gold. The amount of water displaced each time
A New Direction 45

could then be calculated. If the same amount of

water was displaced, then the density of the
metal in the crown would have to be equal to
the density of pure gold and the crown would
be genuine. If the amounts were different, the
crown could not be made of pure gold.**

Archimedes found a solution that was nothing

short of brilliant. When the water displaced by the
crown and a mass of gold of the same weight as the
crown were compared, the result showed King Heiro
exactly what he wanted to know. Indeed, the amounts
of water displaced were different. The goldsmith had
tried to cheat the king by using silver, which is lighter,
less dense, than gold.
Despite the details of this amazing story, Galileo
did not believe it. He did not believe Archimedes
could have used water to determine the small
difference in density between gold and silver. The
Greek mathematician would have needed a more
refined method, a device to measure the tiny
differences in density. This story was one of the
driving forces behind Galileo’s construction of his
“little balance.”
* Michael White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor, Astronomer, and
Rebel. Woodbridge, CT: Blackbirch Press, 1999, p. 21.
** James Reston, Jr., Galileo, A Life. New York: HarperCollins
Publishers, 1994, p. 18.
46 Galileo

their ideas on mathematics, but the meeting in the

Vatican did not bring Galileo the recommendation
he had wanted. Father Clavius did not write a letter
proposing Galileo for the mathematics post at the
university. The position went instead to Antonio
Magini, an instructor who was nine years older.
Magini, a mathematician from the Italian city-state
of Padua, had already published several books.
Galileo’s failure to win the Bologna teaching position
was disappointing. He was becoming concerned
about his future as a scholar, teacher, and scientist.
For the moment, he seemed doomed to remain
nothing more than a private tutor, living on meager
funds, and watching the academic world of univer-
sity teaching from a distance, but Galileo was not a
quitter. He would continue to compete for his place
in the scholarly world of mathematics and science.
One day his drive would pay off. Five years later, in
fact, when he and Magini were again up for the
same mathematics post, Galileo would be ready.
A New Direction 47

Test Your Knowledge

1 Galileo may have been the first scientist ever
to conduct experiments in the study of
a. weightlessness.
b. the planets.
c. motion.
d. gravity.

2 Galileo helped to create a whole new field

of science known as the study of
a. astronomy.
b. biology.
c. chemistry.
d. physics.

3 How old was Galileo when he conducted his

pendulum experiments?
a. 17
b. 19
c. 16
d. 18

4 To Galileo, Aristotle had never proved

anything because
a. he never experimented.
b. he never graduated from college.
c. he was not a mathematician.
d. he did not understand the laws of physics.
48 Galileo

5 Archimedes is perhaps most famous for his

discovery of the law of
a. motion.
b. relativity.
c. gravity.
d. displacement.
ANSWERS: 1. c; 2. d; 3. b; 4. a; 5. d
New Posts,
New Obligations

alileo had failed to receive the mathematics position

G at the University of Bologna, but he would not
have to wait long before another appointment came his
way. In the meantime, he experienced other successes.
His hydrostatic balance was introduced in academic
circles, helping to make Galileo famous throughout

50 Galileo

Italy. He also wrote an article in which he presented

a theory stating that every object has a “center of
gravity.” In addition, he continued to lecture publicly
whenever possible.
During such lectures, he sometimes spoke not
only about mathematics, but also about literature.
Late in 1588, he was asked to deliver a lecture that
combined both topics into one speech. A group
of wealthy Florentines invited Galileo to speak on
the subject of mathematics and a popular literary
work of the Renaissance, The Inferno. It was an
epic poem written by Dante Alighieri, the great
fourteenth-century Italian poet. In his poem, Dante
had described hell as a place of descending circles.
Galileo was asked to use mathematics to determine
the size and dimension of hell. It was a curious
topic, but one Galileo took seriously. The lecture was
a success and Galileo became more popular than
ever, in Florence and beyond. These advancements
in scientific knowledge and lecture successes also
helped to advance Galileo’s career.
Galileo also received help from a wealthy
supporter he had only recently met, the Marquis
Guidobado del Monte, a wealthy Italian aristocrat
New Posts, New Obligations 51

who enjoyed the study of science. He considered

himself an amateur engineer and philosopher. With
his money, he helped to support the study of science.
The marquis was so impressed with Galileo’s Il
bilancetta that he began campaigning on Galileo’s
behalf. He tried and failed to capture a mathematics
position for his young friend at the University of
Padua, but when a position became open at the
University of Pisa, the marquis succeeded. In 1589,
at the young age of 25, Galileo began his career as
a professor of mathematics.
For Galileo, the appointment was a mixed
blessing. Teaching at a university was certainly
more prestigious than barely making a living as a
private tutor—and the teaching position did pay
more money. Still, the young mathematician’s
salary was low, 60 crowns a year, only one-thirtieth
the amount paid to the highest-paid professor of
medicine at the University of Pisa. It was a cruel
fact for Galileo that, during the Italian Renaissance,
mathematics professors were not paid well. Their
work was thought of as almost unimportant.
They were considered about as important as
those who taught astrology. In fact, just about the
52 Galileo

time Galileo took the position at the University

of Pisa, another mathematics professor retired.
His salary, even after teaching for 30 years, was
only twice that of young Galileo, who had just
started teaching.
To make matters worse, Galileo did not get paid
if he ever failed to deliver one of his lectures, even
if he was sick. Still, the appointment was a start,
and Galileo took advantage of the opportunities
it brought him. Controversy was never far away,
however. While his scientific work sometimes
brought him criticism, on occasion Galileo also
went against the policies of the university. For
example, it was standard practice at the time for
professors at the University of Pisa to wear togas, in
the style of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
Galileo did not like wearing a toga, because it often
got in his way during experiments. He finally
refused to wear one, choosing to wear his regular
clothes instead. He offended his fellow professors
by calling the toga “the disguise of the empty-
headed.” 17 In response, university officials fined
him, depriving him of even more of his meager
university wages.
New Posts, New Obligations 53

Despite all of his difficulties, Galileo was finally
teaching at a university. In this academic setting, he
was soon involved, once again, in scientific study
and experimentation. He continued his studies of
motion. He soon wrote a small book in Latin titled
De Motu (On Motion ). The work was really a series of
lessons, probably intended to be used as part of a
textbook, but Galileo never published the material.
In fact, it was published some 300 years after Galileo
wrote it. In the pages of De Motu, Galileo continued
his objections to some of Aristotle’s ideas on motion.
One of Aristotle’s theories especially troubled
Galileo. The famous Greek philosopher had written
that objects fall faster when they are heavier.
Galileo, through observation, had come to know
better. Once, when caught in a hailstorm at the
university, he noticed that the hailstones struck the
ground at the same speed regardless of their different
sizes. The great Aristotle was wrong and Galileo was
desperate to prove he knew better than Aristotle. In
his frustration, he wrote, “Ignorance of motion is
ignorance of nature.” 18 Galileo, however, needed to
figure out exactly how to prove Aristotle wrong.
54 Galileo

According to one story, Galileo did, in fact,

come upon an answer. Aristotle had written that
“a one hundred pound ball falling from a height
of one hundred cubits [about 150 feet] reaches
the ground before another of one pound has
descended a distance of one cubit.” 19 Galileo
would test the theory using cannonballs, but he
had to find a place where he could drop them from
a height of 150 feet. He chose the Tower of Pisa,
already an important landmark in Pisa. The leaning
bell tower was perfect for Galileo’s experiment.
Aristotle had written of dropping balls a distance
of 150 feet and the tower stood just over 180 feet
in height.
Galileo announced to everyone at the university
that he intended to perform an experiment to prove
Aristotle wrong. He even advertised his intentions
to the general public. On the day of the public show,
a large crowd—including townspeople, professors,
and students—gathered below the tower to witness
the demonstration. With confidence, Galileo began
the long climb up inside the tower with the help of
two assistants. The assent proved more difficult than
he had imagined:
New Posts, New Obligations 55

The climb was nerve-racking. To reach the top,

he had to walk hundreds of worn and slippery
steps, winding round in a steep spiral staircase
inside the stone walls. By the time he reached
the last step, he was sweating and weary. But, he
had a job to do. Spurred on by his anger and
frustration, he climbed on to the bell tower high
above the upper platform of the tower. It leaned
to one side at a frightening angle. He only just
managed to ignore his feelings of dizziness and
pressed on to the highest point.20

When, at last, Galileo appeared at the top of the

tower, he heard a shout from the crowd below.
Many were excited about the spectacle they were
about to witness, and most probably expected to
watch Galileo’s experiment fail miserably. After all,
this young, brash mathematics professor could not
possibly know more than the great Aristotle. Galileo
and his two assistants, according to the story, had
carried balls of different sizes, weights, and materials
to the top of the tower. Some of the balls were
made of “lead and ebony, perhaps even of gold and
porphyry [crystaline rocks] and copper.” 21
56 Galileo

The high tower platform of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is

shown here. Also visible are two stones of approximately
the same size as those used by Galileo for his experiment
on free fall.
New Posts, New Obligations 57

Standing at a towering height equal to 18 stories

above the anxious crowd below, Galileo instructed
his assistants to place two cannonballs of different
weights on the tower’s edge. The mathematics
professor held out his hand to test the direction of
the wind, and found that there was very little breeze.
At his signal, two assistants released the cannonballs

Did Galileo Really Drop Balls from

the Tower of Pisa?
alileo’s experiment in which he dropped balls
G of different weights from the Leaning Tower
of Pisa is perhaps one of the best-known stories
from his life. There are some historians, however,
who believe the experiment never happened. Galileo
never wrote specifically about the unique experiment
in his books, pamphlets, or notes. Some believe
that, because he was a man who wanted everyone
to know about his experiments, he would not have
failed to mention such a dramatic and public test.
There are those who believe a similar experiment
did take place, but that it was carried out by Dutch
mathematician Simon Stevinus, who lived at the
same time as Galileo.
58 Galileo

Some historians, however, do give credit to the

story of Galileo’s dramatic experiment. In his writings
of later years, Galileo referred to dropping objects
from towers. He seemed to refer indirectly to the
Pisa experiment in Dialogue Concerning the Two
Chief Systems of the World, a work written 30 years
later. In an even later work, written during his final
years, Galileo addressed the mistaken theory of
Aristotle and experimentation with balls dropped
from towers:

I say, that the balls reach the ground at the same

time. In doing the experiment, you will find that
when the heavier mass touches the ground the
lighter is two fingers away. Now you are stress-
ing my minor mistake while forgetting about the
big one of 99 cubits by Aristotle.*

Of course, regardless of whether the Pisa experiment

actually took place or not, Galileo’s theory did prove
Aristotle wrong. What Galileo could not control in
the experiment was air resistance. A larger ball would
experience more air resistance because of its size than
a smaller ball, even if the smaller ball was of the
same weight. Air resistance is what causes a feather
to float down to the ground instead of hurtling down
like a lead ball. Galileo understood the issue of air
New Posts, New Obligations 59

resistance. He knew that, if any two objects were

dropped in a vacuum, where no air existed, they
would fall at exactly the same rate. With no way of
eliminating air resistance, Galileo’s experiment nearly
always resulted in one ball hitting the ground a
fraction of a second before the other.
Galileo was not the only scientist to perform
experiments with falling objects, but only two or
three people had done so before him. Fifty years
after Galileo’s experiment, Irish scientist Robert
Boyle repeated a similar test on falling objects and
confirmed the validity of Galileo’s results. Four
hundred years after Galileo’s Pisa experiment,
another test of dropping objects of different weights
was performed. This time, the place was not the
Leaning Tower of Pisa, but on the Moon. In 1969,
after American astronauts landed and walked on the
Moon’s surface, astronaut Neil Armstrong dropped
a hammer and a feather at exactly the same moment.
On the airless surface of the Moon, the two objects
landed in the dusty lunarscape at precisely the same
moment. Although no living scientist doubted
Galileo’s theory by the twentieth century, Armstrong
proclaimed, “You see, Galileo was right!”**
* James Reston, Jr., Galileo, A Life. New York: HarperCollins
Publishers, 1994, p. 32.
** Ibid., p. 31.
60 Galileo

at exactly the same moment and watched as the pair

of weights hurtled down to the ground below.
Galileo had theorized that the two weights would
strike the ground at the same time, but in fact, the
heavier cannonball hit the ground a fraction of a
second—a couple of inches—ahead of the lighter
ball. Those in the crowd who had not believed
in Galileo’s challenge to Aristotle were pleased.
They thought Galileo’s theory had been proven
wrong, but for many, including Galileo, the results
of the experiment had proven him correct. The tiny
difference in time between the landings of the two
balls was the result of air resistance, something that
could not be controlled. Galileo had, indeed, proven
Aristotle’s theory wrong.
Galileo’s experiment helped to spread his repu-
tation further, but his new fame came at a cost. He
was becoming increasingly unpopular with his fellow
professors. Many thought he was too egotistical and
that he did not take others seriously. In part, they
were right. Galileo was not intimidated by those
who were older than he or had more experience.
Galileo was becoming a man who did not always
live within established rules or even take rules
New Posts, New Obligations 61

Galileo’s experiment from the top of the Leaning Tower

of Pisa disproved Aristotle’s theory that objects fall faster
when they are heavier. Two cannonballs of differing
weights, when dropped from the same distance,
traveled at the same speed.
62 Galileo

seriously. When an older professor tried to talk

down to him, Galileo spoke out against him. Galileo
was bright, witty, and argumentative. He dressed
sloppily and was unafraid of authority figures. Some-
times he even laughed at them. Above all, however,
Galileo was unimpressed with his colleagues. They
were not actively seeking new answers in the name
of science, something Galileo was beginning to do.
Because of his outspoken behavior, the young
mathematician did not last long at the University of
Pisa. He was hired in 1589 for a three-year term. In
1592, when his term was up for renewal, he was
not rehired. Years later, in 1610, he would return to
the university to take up the post of chief mathe-
matician. Meanwhile, the 18 years between teaching
assignments would bring many changes to the life of
Galileo Galilei.
New Posts, New Obligations 63

Test Your Knowledge

1 During public lectures, Galileo sometimes spoke
not only about mathematics, but also about
a. literature.
b. religion.
c. science.
d. poetry.

2 The Inferno, Dante’s famous epic poem is about

a. the end of the world.
b. hell.
c. the Sun.
d. all of the above.

3 How old was Galileo when he began his career

as a professor of mathematics?
a. 22
b. 42
c. 35
d. 25

4 From how high above the ground did Galileo

conduct his experiment at the Leaning Tower
of Pisa?
a. 11 stories
b. 24 stories
c. 18 stories
d. 14 stories
64 Galileo

5 Galileo became chief mathematician at the

University of Pisa in what year?
a. 1160
b. 1610
c. 1560
d. 1615
ANSWERS: 1. a; 2. b; 3. d; 4. c; 5. b
An Eye to
the Heavens

or three years, while teaching at the University of

F Pisa, Galileo had been underpaid and underappre-
ciated. By 1592, when his contract was not renewed, it
was time for him to move on. That year, he set his sights
on a more prestigious professorship. An important
academic position, the mathematics chair, had opened

66 Galileo

up in the late summer of 1592 at the University of

Padua, in northeast Italy, near Venice. The university,
the second oldest in Italy, was one of the most
important institutions of learning in all of Europe.
Its academics placed it in competition with such
important universities as those in Oxford, England,
and Paris, France.
The mathematics chair position at Padua was a
highly regarded academic post. It was, in fact, such
an important position, that the university had left it
open for four years, in order to find just the right
candidate. Even as Galileo showed an interest in
the Padua post, however, another mathematician
was also interested—Magini, to whom Galileo had
lost the Bologna post five years earlier. This
time, Galileo was determined to win the coveted
Padua placement.
Galileo had his supporters. As before, the Marquis
del Monte spoke on his behalf. Because Padua lay
within the Republic of Venice, the Venetian senate
would decide who to hire for the Padua post.
Galileo even left Pisa, “packing all his possessions in
a box weighing less than one hundred pounds,” and
headed for Venice.22 When Galileo appeared before
An Eye to the Heavens 67

three representatives of the Venetian senate, two

were immediately impressed with him. Galileo was
presented to the senate as a favorite choice. When
the senators cast their ballots, they accepted Galileo
for the open post by a vote of 149 to 8. His reputa-
tion as a professor who challenged Aristotle was
an important factor in the decision of university
officials. The mathematics chairperson they were
seeking to replace had also been a challenger of
Aristotelian thinking.
Galileo’s appointment at Padua was an exciting
advancement for him. The pay and prestige at
Padua would be far greater than they had been at
the University of Pisa. He would receive 180 gold
crowns annually, three times his previous salary.
The money was important. Galileo’s father had
died in 1591, and this loss placed a new burden on
the mathematics professor. Because he was the
oldest son, he was expected to help provide money
for his family. On his meager wages at the Univer-
sity of Pisa, he could barely survive on his own.
He desperately needed a better paying university
post, and he had found such a post at the University
of Padua.
68 Galileo

The fall semester at the university opened on

Saint Luke’s Day, October 18, 1592. Galileo was
granted time to get his life in order and complete his
move from Pisa before he began teaching. He had
been hired for a four-year term with an additional
two years as an option. Galileo was excited about
the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead of
him. One of the most important tasks for him that
first semester was a lecture he was required to
deliver to his fellow professors. This was an expec-
tation for all new faculty members at the University
of Padua. On December 7, Galileo stood before his
new academic colleagues in the university’s Great
Hall, the Aula Magna, and delivered his lecture in
Latin. He had worked on it for weeks. That day, as
he spoke, he used few notes, having memorized
nearly all his text. He had even practiced the gestures
he would use during the speech. The lecture was a
rousing success and was well received. At last, it
appeared that Galileo had found just the academic
home he had been looking for. Indeed, his arrival in
Padua marked the beginning of an 18-year career at
the university. Galileo would later describe these
years as the “best eighteen years of his life.” 23
An Eye to the Heavens 69


Galileo was now 28 years old. Padua was his new
academic home and the opportunities he found
there seemed endless. The intellectuals at the
University of Padua were much more open to non-
traditional ways of thinking than those at Pisa. It was
much easier for Galileo to pursue his work and be
accepted by his colleagues at the University of
Padua. He soon settled down comfortably and “got
himself a small house for a home, not far from the
most famous church [and monastery] of Santa
Giustina.” 24 He made friends with the local church
abbot who provided him with “a few necessary
utensils and pieces of furniture, like beds, chairs and
similar things, for which he had little need.” 25
The money he made teaching at Padua allowed
Galileo to help his family. He paid his sister Virginia’s
dowry—the money she brought to her marriage. He
provided support for his mother and 16-year-old
brother, Michelangelo. Galileo also provided the
funds to support his other sister, Livia, who was
living at a convent until she married.
Galileo thrived at the University of Padua and
among intellectual circles outside the university.
70 Galileo

Galileo may have been small in stature, but his scientific

wisdom was vast. While he was teaching at the
University of Padua, Galileo’s students built this
rostrum for him, so that they could see their
diminutive professor better while he was teaching.

Soon after arriving in Padua, he developed a close

friendship with local, wealthy aristocrat Gianvincenzo
Pinelli. Pinelli lived in one of the grandest manor
An Eye to the Heavens 71

houses in Padua, where he kept a personal library of

some 80,000 books. He gave Galileo complete and
unlimited access to his library. Pinelli, an intellec-
tual, invited Galileo to join the Pinelli Circle, one of
the most important intellectual societies in Padua.
At society meetings, Galileo engaged in academic
conversations and friendly debates. It was through
the Pinelli Circle that Galileo met some of the most
influential men of northern Italy. The friendship
formed with Pinelli would later pay off dramatically
for Galileo.
During his years in Padua, Galileo also began a
relationship with a young woman named Marina
Gamba, “a fiery beauty from the back streets of
San Sofia.” 26 When they met, Marina was 21 and
Galileo was 35. They never married. In fact, they
never even lived in the same house, but they carried
on a love affair for ten years. During those years,
Marina and Galileo had three children. The first,
Virginia, was born in 1600. During Marina’s first
pregnancy, Galileo moved her into a house close to
his own in Padua. The last of his children, Vincenzio,
the only boy, was born in 1606. Whether Galileo was
a loving parent to his children or even a devoted
72 Galileo

partner to Marina is unclear, but when Galileo left

Padua in 1610, to take a post as the chief mathe-
matician in the ruling court of Cosimo de’ Medici in
Florence, the two lovers finally parted company.
While Galileo’s personal life had its ups and
downs during his years in Padua, his professional
life continued to prosper. He continued his study of
motion, experimenting by rolling balls down ramps
or chutes rather than just dropping balls from high
places. These experiments allowed him to more
clearly understand the natural law of acceleration.
He also spent time studying ballistics, the science
of projectiles, such as balls fired out of cannons. By
experimenting with cannons and firing cannonballs,
he came to realize that two forces were at play.
First there was the velocity of the cannonball
caused by the explosion of the cannon. Next there
was the cannonball’s tendency to fall back to the
earth because of gravity. Through this work, he
determined that, for a cannonball to be fired to its
maximum distance, the cannon should be placed at
a 45 degree angle.
From this work, he was also able to design and
produce various military instruments, including his
An Eye to the Heavens 73

During his years at the University of Padua, Galileo continued

experimenting. His experiments led him to produce various
military instruments, including the geometric compass
shown here.

“military” or “geometric” compass. This device “bore

many scales and helped to solve a large number of
mathematical and geometrical problems.” 27 It was a
handheld instrument that performed many of the
same tasks as a modern pocket calculator. With this
instrument, artillery soldiers could perform quick
calculations to determine the ratio of a cannonball’s
weight to its size. They could also measure the
slope or height of a defensive wall. The military
74 Galileo

compass sold so well, Galileo could not keep up

with the demand. He was forced to hire workers to
make the compasses. While the device was a money-
maker for Galileo, he actually made more money
through sales of a booklet that explained how the
geometric compass could be put to practical use.
During this same productive period of Galileo’s
life, he invented a device to measure the body
temperature of patients in hospital. He called the
medical instrument a thermoscope. It was an early
form of the thermometer.


While teaching at the University of Padua, Galileo
became extremely interested in the study of astron-
omy. In 1597, he read studies done by Polish
astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who had lived
decades before Galileo’s birth. One of the theories
Copernicus emphasized was his heliocentric theory,
which placed the Sun at the center of the solar system.
(Aristotle, of course, as well as other ancient philoso-
phers and scientists, had placed Earth at the center
of the solar system, with the geocentric theory.)
Although Copernicus was dead, his works had been
An Eye to the Heavens 75

published by another astronomer, a German man

named Johannes Kepler. Galileo wrote to Kepler,
telling him he agreed with Copernicus. For the
moment, however, Galileo did not make his agree-
ment with Copernicus public knowledge. The
Copernican system of placing the Sun at the center
of the solar system was not accepted by the Roman
Catholic Church. Church leaders believed in the
geocentric theory of Aristotle and Ptolemy, an
ancient scientist who had lived during the second
century A.D. To challenge the geocentric theory
was to go against church theology and teaching.
Such a challenge could result in a charge of heresy,
which, even during the enlightened period of the
Renaissance, could result in death. The Catholic
Church’s view did not stop Kepler from writing and
publishing his views on the heliocentric theory, but
he was a German scientist, living far away from
Rome, the center of power for the Roman Catholic
Church. Galileo, on the other hand, lived in the
shadow of Rome. So, in 1597, when Kepler sent
Galileo a manuscript in which he disagreed with
the geocentric theory, Galileo quietly read it and
privately endorsed it. Publicly, however, Galileo
76 Galileo

remained silent about his skepticism concerning his

personal views in support of the heliocentric theory.
Seven years passed, and, in 1604, an event took
place in the heavens that Galileo could not ignore.
On October 9, a new star appeared in the night sky.

Air Conditioning and Arthritis

ecause Galileo spent much of his time studying,
B teaching, experimenting, and inventing, he
frequently remained indoors, but he was also a lover
of nature. He often took long walks up and down
the sloping hills of northern Italy. In 1593, following
one of his long hikes across the Italian countryside,
Galileo, then 29 years old, had a near-death experience
that changed his life.
He and a few friends had spent a long summer’s
day on a lengthy hike. The hikers reached the little
town of Costazza, where a wealthy lawyer lived in a
handsome estate nestled in the Tuscan hills. Galileo
and his companions were welcomed into the lawyer’s
home and offered food and drink. Famished and
thirsty, the guests ate too much and probably drank
far too much wine. The men soon laid down to rest.
The lawyer’s home had a unique cooling system.
Similar to other homes nearby, a shaft had been
An Eye to the Heavens 77

The phenomenon was actually an exploding star,

known today as a supernova. The appearance of the
new star caused an immediate reaction in the aca-
demic community. Aristotle had written that the
heavens were fixed, unchanging, and perfect. The

carved into the hillside where an opening was

made into a cool, underground cavern that was
fed by a stream. Chilly air escaped through the
tunnel into the house, keeping it cool, even on a hot
day. Galileo and his friends slept near the tunnel
opening. When they awoke, they were all suffering
from painful muscle aches and arthritis, brought
on by the cool, humid air. All of them became
violently ill, and one of Galileo’s friends died.
Galileo developed a violent cold that dragged on
for several days. When he left the villa, he was still
so ill he had to be carried back to Padua in a litter,
or a cart.
While Galileo survived these attacks, his decision
to sleep next to this primitive air conditioning system
would affect his health throughout his later years.
For the rest of his life, he was plagued by painful
outbreaks of arthritis.
78 Galileo

Catholic Church had accepted this view, but in light

of the new star, no one could argue that the heavens
had not changed. Even before the explosion of this
1604 supernova, other new stars had been observed.
One such star had come into view when Galileo was
only a small boy, in 1572. Once again, nature had
proven Aristotle wrong.
An Eye to the Heavens 79

Test Your Knowledge

1 The mathematics chair position at the University
of Padua had been open for how many years?
a. Four
b. Six
c. Three
d. Five

2 Galileo’s pay at the University of Padua was

how many times greater than that of his
previous position?
a. Four
b. Six
c. Three
d. Five

3 For how many years did Galileo teach at Padua?

a. 16
b. 28
c. 22
d. 18

4 Gianvincenzo Pinelli’s personal library housed

how many books?
a. 8,000
b. 6,000
c. 80,000
d. 60,000
80 Galileo

5 How many children did Galileo and Marina

Gamba have?
a. Six
b. Three
c. Four
d. Two
ANSWERS: 1. a; 2. c; 3. d; 4. c; 5. b
Man of
the Stars

he appearance of the supernova in the night sky led

T Galileo to take up his study of astronomy once
again. He began making systematic observations of the
heavens, examining the stars to see if any changes had
taken place. He gave extremely popular public lectures,
speaking out against Aristotle’s writings. He also, for

82 Galileo

the first time, publicly spoke of his support for

Copernicus and his heliocentric theory. Some of
Galileo’s early conclusions and theories would later
be proven wrong, but his theory that the new 1604
supernova was located a great distance from Earth
was correct. So, too, were other stars much further
away than the Moon and the planets. Those who did
not agree with these conclusions argued that the
new star was not located in the same celestial region
as the other fixed and unchangeable stars that
already existed. Galileo was certain of his views of
the heavens, even without the instruments needed
to prove his theories. There was little he could do
to prove his theories, however—until he heard
about a new invention already in use in Holland.


In 1609, Galileo heard, through a friend, about a new
invention that immediately fascinated him. Early
that summer “a certain Fleming [Hans Lippershey]
had constructed an eye-glass by means of which
visible objects, though very distant from the eye,
were distinctly seen as if nearby.” 28 His friend
described the instrument, called a “spyglass,” to
Man of the Stars 83

Galileo, explaining that it was based on the use of

two ground lenses, placed at opposite ends of a
tube. A person who looked into one end of the
tube could see things close up that were actually
far off in the distance. The lens was so new, its
inventor did not know exactly how it might be used.
Lippershey first thought of his spyglass as nothing
more than a toy. Perhaps it could be used to view
ships as they approached a harbor, thought Galileo.
A spyglass in the hands of a city-state at war with
another city-state could be used to spot approaching
enemy ships that were still a great distance away.
After hearing of the new invention, Galileo went
home and began designing a spyglass of his own.
Galileo did not realize it at the time, but he
was soon in competition with others who were
constructing their own spyglasses. He, however,
applied his understanding of perspective and optics
to his model. The problem with the early spyglasses
was their lack of adequate lenses. Most were poorly
made, causing the objects viewed to appear blurred.
Galileo ground his own high-quality lenses and
redesigned the tubing so that light could not get
into it. At the time, Galileo did not intend to use
84 Galileo

his spyglass to view the night sky. In a letter to a

brother-in-law, dated August 29, 1609, Galileo
wrote about his early work:

You must know, then, that it is nearly two

months since news was spread here that in
Flanders there had been presented to Count
Maurice a spy-glass, made in such a way that
very distant things are made by it to look quite
close, so that a man two miles away can be
distinctly seen. . . . I undertook to think about
[how it was made]; which I finally found, and so
perfectly that one which I made far surpassed
the reputation of the Flemish one. And word
having reached Venice that I had made one, it
is six days since I was called by the Signoria, to
which I had to show it together with the entire
Senate, to the infinite amazement of all; and
there have been numerous gentlemen and
senators who, though old, have more than once
scaled the stairs of the highest [bell towers] in
Venice to observe at sea sails and vessels so far
away that, coming under full sail to port, two
hours or more were required before they could
Man of the Stars 85

be seen without my spy-glass. For in fact the

effect of this instrument is to represent an object
that is, for example, fifty miles away, as large
and near as if it were only five.29

In designing his model of the spyglass, Galileo

had actually invented a version of the telescope, a
modern scientific instrument. Although he originally
saw the spyglass as a military instrument or a tool
to aid in navigation, it did not take him long to
realize its importance as a tool for research. Through
his improvements, he had created a powerful view-
ing device. By making simple changes, he had
improved the view through his spyglass. He had
also increased the magnifying power, creating not
just another spyglass, but something close to a real
telescope. Within weeks of writing his letter, Galileo
turned his “telescope” not toward the horizon, but
into the sky. What he saw amazed him.
One of the first objects in space upon which
Galileo focused his new telescope was the Moon.
Aristotle had written that the Moon had a smooth
surface. Galileo soon discovered otherwise, and
he said:
86 Galileo

In designing his own version of the spyglass, Galileo actually

invented a version of the telescope. A reconstruction of
Galileo’s telescope is seen here, with the Duomo, Florence’s
cathedral, in the background.

It is a most beautiful and delightful sight to behold

the body of the moon. . . . [It] certainly does not
possess a smooth and polished surface, but one
rough and uneven, and, just like the face of the
earth itself, is everywhere full of [mountains],
deep chasms, and [curving shapes].30

Word of Galileo’s spyglass reached the doge, the

ruler of Venice, through a friend of Galileo’s, and
Man of the Stars 87

Galileo was soon summoned to the Venetian senate

to demonstrate his creation. The doge, who had
already been approached by a foreigner with his own
spyglass, had been disappointed in its quality. The
images it produced were fuzzy and the spyglass only
magnified objects by three times. Perhaps Galileo’s
model would prove better, and, indeed, it did. When
Galileo brought his spyglass to the doge, it magnified
objects by nine times and its view was clear. The
doge and the members of the senate were extremely
pleased. The Venetian leader offered to purchase
Galileo’s spyglass, give him a permanent professor-
ship at the University of Padua, and dramatically
increase his salary. Of course, Galileo accepted.
During the following months, Galileo spent
much of his time looking through his spyglass, doing
research. From September 1609 through March of
the following year, Galileo used his telescope to
examine the heavens in ways that no one had
ever been able to do before. For years, Galileo had
criticized Aristotle’s and Ptolemy’s writings about
the solar system, but he had never had a scientific
instrument with which to prove his objections. The
telescope was just such an instrument.
88 Galileo

By March 1610, Galileo published in Venice one

of his greatest scientific works, Sidereus Nuncius, (The
Starry Messenger). In this wonderful, small book, an
excited Galileo began to inform the world of the
discoveries he had made while looking into the
night sky with this telescope:

[I have seen many] stars which have never been

seen before, and which surpass the old, previ-
ously known, stars in number more than ten
times. But that which will excite the greatest
astonishment by far, and which indeed especially
moved me to call the attention of all astronomers
and philosophers, is this, namely, that I have
discovered four planets, neither known nor
observed by any one of the astronomers before
my time.31

Galileo had actually discovered what we know

today to be the moons of the planet Jupiter. With his
new telescope, Galileo’s horizons had broadened.
His fame spread further than he had ever imagined
possible. His future at the University of Padua was
assured. His salary would ensure financial security
Man of the Stars 89

for him and his family. Unfortunately things did

not turn out as well as he had hoped. The contract
he was eventually given by the doge was not as
generous as he had been promised. His salary at the
university would not increase as much as he had
expected, and his contract placed other restrictions
on him, which he did not like. Galileo found the
terms unacceptable. Discouraged, he began looking
for a better offer elsewhere. He made a quick trip to
Florence and showed his telescope to the ruler of
that city, Cosimo de’ Medici. The Medici family was
the most powerful, wealthiest, and most influential
family in Italy.
Cosimo de’ Medici was thrilled with Galileo’s
demonstration, and was certain “that this amazing
device was the greatest invention of mortal man.” 32
He appointed Galileo as the chief mathematician
and philosopher to his court. He agreed to all of
Galileo’s terms. The great scientist did not want to
lecture publicly. He wanted all the time he needed
to conduct experiments and publish his findings:
“I wish to gain my bread by my writings, which I
would always dedicate to my Serene Master.” 33 For
his presence in the court of Cosimo de’ Medici,
90 Galileo

Dissatisfied with the reception his telescope

had received from the ruler of Venice and the
members of the Venetian senate, Galileo brought
his invention to Cosimo de’ Medici, the ruler of
Florence, shown here. Medici was so thrilled with
Galileo’s invention, he appointed Galileo as the
chief mathematician and philosopher to his court.
Man of the Stars 91

Galileo was contracted at a salary of 1,000 gold

crowns a year. This amount, a sum three times that
of any artist, scientist, or engineer employed by the
Tuscan court, would make Galileo the highest-paid
official in Cosimo de’ Medici’s court. In honor of
his new patron, Galileo named his newly discovered
Jupiter moons, “the Medicean stars.” He also
dedicated Sidereus Nuncius to Cosimo de’ Medici.
Galileo would finally be able to fill his days just
as he wanted. No longer would he be bothered
with having to lecture or prove himself to university
officials and colleagues. With his new telescope,
Galileo would be able to prove that Aristotle and his
old, long-accepted scientific theories were wrong.
He could also prove that Copernicus was right.
Galileo believed that all things had finally come
together for him. He was sure his authority would
be recognized by even his greatest critics and
skeptics—that nothing could possibly stand in his
way. He could not have been more wrong.
92 Galileo

Test Your Knowledge

1 What event caused Galileo to take up his study of
astronomy, once again?
a. The acceptance of his views by the Catholic
b. The appearance of the supernova in the night sky
c. The acceptance of his views by the people
d. All of the above

2 In designing his model of the spyglass, Galileo had

actually invented a version of
a. the telescope.
b. the camera.
c. the magnifying glass.
d. the compass.

3 One of the first objects in space upon which

Galileo focused his new telescope was
a. Saturn.
b. the stars.
c. the Moon.
d. the Sun.

4 When Galileo brought his spyglass to the doge, it

magnified objects by how many times?
a. Five
b. Seven
c. Three
d. Nine
Man of the Stars 93

5 Galileo discovered the moons of which planet?

a. Saturn
b. Jupiter
c. Mars
d. Uranus
ANSWERS: 1. b; 2. a; 3. c; 4. d; 5. b
of Ideas

alileo received the offer from Cosimo de’ Medici

G to join his prestigious court in July 1609, but he
was not able to make all the arrangements to move to
Florence until September 1610. With his move from
Padua to Florence, he and the mother of his three children
went their separate ways. His world was becoming quite

A Controversy of Ideas 95

different from the one he had experienced at the

University of Padua for 18 years. He was a middle-
aged man, now 45 years old. His work at Padua had
become burdensome, even frustrating. There he had
performed for students, colleagues, and adminis-
trators, trying to please them all. He wrote of such
obligations saying, “I have to consume many hours
of the day—often the best ones—in the service of
others.” 34 In the court of Cosimo de’ Medici, he
would only have to keep one man happy—the
grand duke himself. He was also appointed as first
mathematician at the University of Pisa, but he did
not have to teach, or even work at the university.
That same month, Galileo was back at work with
his telescope, and he soon made another dazzling
discovery with his new scientific instrument. He
observed an object in space that had been identified
as a star, often called the morning star or evening
star, because it was visible in both the East and
West, close to the horizon, at both times of the day.
Through his observations, Galileo soon realized
he was looking at a planet. The planet, he observ-
ed, had phases, periods when the planet either
appeared to grow or shrink, similar to the Moon.
96 Galileo

His observation of Venus and its phases helped

provide Galileo with further proof that Earth was
not at the center of the solar system. The phases of
Venus did not all fit within a month, the amount of
time required for the Moon to experience its full
cycle. The phases of Venus took 18 months. The
orbit of Venus, if around Earth, was much further
from Earth than Aristotle had determined. In other
words, Galileo’s observations proved that Venus
was closer to the Sun than to Earth, indicating it
orbited the Sun instead of Earth. He also observed
the rings of the planet Saturn with his telescope, but
he saw them as two bodies of light on opposite sides
of the planet. His telescope was not powerful
enough to see the lights as rings. Galileo’s discoveries
further validated his telescopic observations of the
heavens, but those discoveries would eventually
bring trouble for Galileo.


By the spring of 1611, Galileo had been working on
his astronomical studies for a year and a half. In his
mind, he had made great strides toward reducing
the value of Aristotle’s findings, while building up
A Controversy of Ideas 97

These illustrations of the phases of the Moon were

made by Galileo Galilei. When he observed the planet
Venus through his telescope, Galileo realized that Venus
too, had phases, much like the Moon.
98 Galileo

his own reputation and that of Copernicus. He

lectured occasionally, and his talks captivated his
listeners. That spring, his fame was as widespread as
ever, but Galileo was not completely satisfied with
the effect his work was having on bringing change
to the Catholic Church. He decided it was time for
him to pay an official visit to Rome, the center of
Roman Catholic power, to demonstrate his scientific
findings. He hoped to convince skeptical leaders—
including the pope himself—of the need to change
the Catholic Church’s position on several of its
doctrines that conflicted with his scientific discoveries.
His visit to Rome could not have gone better. As
Italy’s most famous and successful scientist, he was
well received everywhere he went in the city. He
met with the city’s most important and powerful
church leaders. Among them was Robert Cardinal
Bellarmine, papal secretary of state, one of Rome’s
leading religious thinkers. Galileo also gained an
audience with Pope Paul V, a great honor, for the
pope did not grant many such audiences. Galileo
did not spend all his time courting church leaders in
Rome, however. He also took his telescope on tour
all over the city. With his own personal enthusiasm,
A Controversy of Ideas 99

Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who had

lived decades before Galileo’s birth, is shown here.
One of the theories Copernicus emphasized was his
heliocentric theory, which placed the Sun at the center
of the solar system. Galileo’s astronomical studies
supported this theory.
100 Galileo

he set up his demonstrations “in lovely gardens of

old palaces, showed his discoveries to large numbers
of enthusiastic people and ‘converted unbelievers
one after the other.’ ” 35 Success followed Galileo
everywhere he went throughout the city of Rome.
One cardinal even suggested to Cosimo de’ Medici
that “a statue [should] be erected to him on the
Capitol to honor his excellence and valor.” 36
With success, however, also came jealousy.
While some officials appeared to accept Galileo’s
ideas, others did not. They considered him a threat
to the longstanding traditional beliefs of the Catholic
Church. By 1612, a group of Galileo’s opponents
had formed to speak out publicly and write in
opposition to his teachings. That year, a German
Jesuit named Christopher Scheiner published a book
in an attempt to destroy Galileo’s reputation and
diminish support for his scientific claims. Scheiner
was a scientist of sorts himself, but he was a supporter
of Aristotle. He, too, owned a telescope which he
pointed to the stars, but he saw things differently.
Galileo, through his studies, had observed dark
places on the Sun’s surface, which he called
“sunspots.” This observation was unacceptable to
A Controversy of Ideas 101

Scheiner, who believed in a perfect universe as a

sign of God’s handiwork. Sunspots would indicate
an imperfection, which would violate Aristotelean
thinking. While Scheiner, too, had observed dark
spots on the Sun, he claimed that they were tiny
planets passing close to the Sun’s surface. Galileo
knew better. He soon responded to Scheiner’s book
with a paper titled Letters on Sunspots, published in
1613. While the work destroyed the claims of the
German Jesuit clergyman, it also represented the
first time Galileo had written publicly in support of
the Copernican view (heliocentric theory) of the
solar system. To make his book available to more
people, Galileo had it published in Italian, the
common language. At that time, most scholarly
works were written in Latin. The book caused an
immediate uproar in Rome.
Galileo had challenged the theology of a Jesuit
cleric. The Jesuits of the Renaissance were very
powerful. They often served as the chief advisors
to the Catholic Church on questions of theology,
doctrine, and religious education. Reacting to what
they saw as a direct challenge to one of their own in
a published work, the Jesuits soon turned against
102 Galileo

The Faith of Galileo

lashes sometimes take place between religion
C and science, even today. Some people and their
religious ideas seem at odds with the findings and
positions taken by scientists. There are ongoing
arguments between religious conservatives who
believe in the biblical concept of Creation and those
in the arena of science who support the theory of
evolution. This conflict between religion and science
is not new. It has been around for hundreds of years.
It even took place during the life of Galileo.
Galileo worked hard for many years to develop
accurate scientific theories. Sometimes those theories
were unacceptable to the religious leaders of his time,
leading to serious clashes between the scientist and
the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church.
Without question, Galileo was a very religious
man. As a student of university education, he would
have received a certain amount of religious training.
Many of the universities in Italy, as well as across
Europe during the Renaissance, were operated by the
Catholic Church, but Galileo was also a believer
because of his scientific work. Through his studies
of the natural world, including his observations of
space, Galileo “saw signs of a Supreme Will and
Power, inscrutable but perfect.”*
A Controversy of Ideas 103

From time to time, however, his experiments

and their results caused a conflict “between his
reasoning as a scientist and his loyalty to the
Church.”** Galileo came to understand that some
doctrines of the Catholic Church, regarding
things in the world of science, were incorrect,
ignorant, and wrongheaded. This realization did
not cause him to abandon the Catholic Church.
Instead, as a faithful Catholic, Galileo wanted to
be part of the process of helping church leaders
learn their errors and be able to change their
theology and beliefs to match with his scientific
findings. He always viewed the Catholic Church’s
ability to change with optimism. Certain leaders
within the Catholic Church did not want to
change, however, even when confronted with
the facts—making things difficult for Galileo.
No matter how much evidence he might present
to powerful Catholic leaders, some did not want
to see it or face change. At those times, clashes
often took place between the world of science
and religion.
* Michael White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor, Astronomer, and
Rebel. Woodbridge, CT: Blackbirch Press, 1999, p. 51.
** Laura Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific Revolution. New York:
Basic Books, Inc., 1961, p. 82.
104 Galileo

Galileo. Even some Jesuits who had previously given

their support to Galileo, later turned against him.

Between 1613 and 1615, events began to point to
an ultimate showdown between Galileo and the
Catholic Church. In 1613, Galileo received word
from Father Benedetto Castelli, a friend. He said
that Cristina di Lorena, one of the duchesses in the
Tuscan court, had spoken in favor of Aristotle’s view
that Earth did not move in space, but sat motionless.
She believed this view was in agreement with the
Bible. Galileo responded with his Letter to Castelli,
which he sent not just to his friend, but also to
others. In the letter, he wrote about his views on
the clash between science and religion. He wrote a
similar letter to Duchess Lorena in which he empha-
sized his faith in God, God’s nature, and the laws he
established at Creation. In that letter, he wrote from
the heart of a Christian scientist:

I think in the first place that it is very pious to say

and prudent to affirm that the holy Bible can
never speak untruth—whenever its true meaning
A Controversy of Ideas 105

is understood. But I believe nobody will deny

that it is often very abstruse [difficult to under-
stand], and may say things which are quite
different from what its bare words signify. . . . For
the Bible is not chained in every expression to
conditions as strict as those which govern all
physical effects; nor is God any less excellently
revealed in Nature’s actions than in the sacred
statements of the Bible. . . . But I do not feel
obliged to believe that that same God who has
endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has
intended to forgo their use and by some other
means to give us knowledge which we can attain
by them. He would not require us to deny sense
and reason in physical matters which are set
before our eyes and minds by direct experience
or necessary demonstrations.37

Galileo’s letters were meant to explain his views

on his faith and his science. While the highest
officials in the Catholic Church did not question
their content, others did. One angry official sent a
copy of his Letter to Castelli to representatives of the
Inquisition. The Inquisition was a Roman Catholic
106 Galileo

tribunal for the discovery and punishment of

heresy, a crime punishable by death.
When representatives of the Inquisition became
involved in the controversy swirling around
Galileo, events began to take a serious and dark
turn. The Inquisition had been established during
the Middle Ages as a means of trying heretics, those
whose religious ideas were dramatically different
from those of Catholicism. By Galileo’s time, the
Inquisition had changed, somewhat. About 20 years
before Galileo was born, representatives of the
Inquisition had been ordered to lead the way in
the Catholic Counter-Reformation. The Catholic
Church was being highly criticized during the early
1500s and many thousands of Catholics were leav-
ing to join other Christians known as Protestants.
These Protestant dissenters believed the Catholic
Church had strayed from the true path of Christ’s
teaching and needed to be reformed. Catholic leaders
had responded in a heavy-handed fashion, unwilling
to tolerate critics. Critics were sometimes arrested,
tried, and condemned to death, usually by being
burned at the stake. The Catholic Church exerted
its power by censoring any thought or practice it
A Controversy of Ideas 107

thought of as a threat to Catholicism. By the seven-

teenth century, members of the Inquisition were
serving as the high court of the Roman Catholic
Church. With Galileo’s ideas representing an
immense challenge, members of the Inquisition
began taking a closer look at his teachings. This
was, indeed, a serious matter for Galileo. If the
Inquisition resulted in Galileo being summoned to
explain himself, he might be tortured as a means to
force him to give up his unacceptable ideas.


By December 1614, the controversy surrounding
Galileo expanded. That month, a priest named
Thomas Caccini began speaking against Galileo
publicly from the pulpit of a church in Florence. In
his sermons, the priest spoke out against science.
He called mathematics an art used by Satan. He
proposed that mathematics should be banned from
all Christian countries. He called Galileo an “enemy
of the true faith.” 38 The following year, he would
testify before the Inquisition against Galileo. By the
spring of 1615, church leaders in Rome believed it
was time to bring Galileo to the Vatican to question
108 Galileo

him about his religious and scientific beliefs. Several

important leaders of the Catholic Church were
convinced that Galileo would have to choose between
his faith and his belief in science.
Later, in 1615, Galileo did appear before the
Inquisition. While many of the inquisitors were
against him, he did have some supporters. One
such supporter, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, was
much more open minded than many of his col-
leagues. In a letter he wrote at the time to another
church official, he stated his views of the science
Galileo supported:

I say that if a real proof be found that the sun is

fixed and does not revolve around the earth, but
the earth around the sun, then it will be neces-
sary, very carefully, to proceed to the explanation
of the passages of Scripture which appear to be
contrary, and we should rather say that we have
misunderstood these than pronounce that to be
false which is demonstrated.39

The majority of those involved in the Inquisition,

however, were largely interested in condemning
Copernican theory, and they intended to convince
A Controversy of Ideas 109

In 1613, Galileo Galilei appeared before the Inquisition to

defend his belief that the Sun, not Earth, was at the center
of the solar system. By early 1616, the Inquisition condemned
Copernicus’s heliocentric theory as heresy.

Galileo to do the same. When Galileo did appear

before the Inquisition, he desperately wanted to
explain himself to his accusers. He defended his
scientific views, and they listened intently. Galileo
was, of course, not someone they could easily dis-
regard. He was known as an extremely talented
and intelligent scientist, but they remained uncon-
vinced. By early 1616, members of the Inquisition
condemned Copernicus’s heliocentric theory as
110 Galileo

heresy, and ordered Galileo “not to hold, teach,

or defend it in any way whatever, either orally
or in writing.” 40 Even his supporter Cardinal
Bellarmine tried to convince Galileo to cooperate.
In the end, the Italian scientist did just that.
With his life perhaps on the line, he gave in. He
promised to drop his support of Copernicus.
Galileo was crushed by the pressure that had
been placed on him by the Inquisition. He had
planned to write a book comparing the Ptolemaic
and Copernican views of the universe, but he was
forced to give up that plan. He had tried for years to
convince ignorant clerics of the truth of his scientific
views. He had failed. Instead they had won. The
Catholic Church had silenced the voice of one of
the most brilliant scientists in history.
A Controversy of Ideas 111

Test Your Knowledge

1 How old was Galileo when he joined Cosimo
de’ Medici’s court?
a. 45
b. 54
c. 47
d. 56

2 Galileo observed that the phases of Venus took

how many months?
a. 16
b. 12
c. 18
d. 24

3 Galileo had observed dark places on the Sun’s

surface, which he called
a. “sun shadows.”
b. “sunspots.”
c. “sun shades.”
d. “sun flares.”

4 The Inquisition had been established during the

Middle Ages as a means of
a. finding a new pope.
b. making changes in the Catholic Church.
c. converting people to Catholicism.
d. trying heretics.
112 Galileo

5 The majority of those involved in the Inquisition

were largely interested in
a. condemning Copernican theory.
b. supporting Galileo’s theories.
c. finding a suitable new pope.
d. changing the Catholic Church.

ANSWERS: 1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. d; 5. a
The Trial

or two years, Galileo Galilei remained silent, refusing
F to defy the authority and power of the Inquisition.
He had not actually been banned from speaking about
Copernicanism, but he had been cautioned to be care-
ful how he spoke on the subject. He could present the

114 Galileo

Copernican model as a theory, but he could not

teach it as a proven fact. Galileo remained cautious.
From 1613, the year he published his Letters on
Sunspots, throughout the following ten years, he
did not publish anything. He was busy with his
science. He continued his astronomical studies,
designed a special telescope for sailors, and nego-
tiated with Spain “over navigational uses of his
astronomical discoveries.” 41 Despite his attempts
at staying away from controversy, Galileo could
not do so forever.
In 1618, the heavens beckoned again. That
summer, three comets appeared in the night sky.
Galileo was ill at the time and could not observe the
comets for himself, but friends told him about them,
and the comets greatly excited him. A Jesuit named
Orazio Grassi soon wrote about the comets, claim-
ing they streaked through the sky in a straight line,
proof against Copernicanism. He published his
work under the pen name Lothario Sarsi. In his
book, The Astronomical and Philosophical Balance,
Grassi was highly critical of Galileo’s earlier writings
and views of astronomy. Galileo felt that many of
Grassi’s accusations were unfair. Although Grassi
The Trial 115

During the summer of 1618, three comets appeared in

the night sky. A Jesuit named Orazio Grassi soon wrote
about the comets, claiming they streaked through the
sky in a straight line, proof against Copernicanism. The
comet Halley, as seen in Australia, is shown here.

had the backing of many church astronomers,

Galileo could not remain quiet. He began writing
The Assayer, one of his best scientific works, in
116 Galileo

response. Galileo took several years to write his

work, finally publishing it in 1623.
Today some of the views of comets expressed by
Galileo in his book are known to have been wrong.
That does not, however, diminish the most impor-
tant point Galileo was making. He wrote The Assayer
to express his opinions of Grassi and others like him
who were misusing science. His words were direct
and to the point. In his book, he was extremely witty
and even sarcastic. He addressed Grassi (who wrote
using the name Sarsi) directly: “The crowd of fools
who know nothing, Sarsi, is infinite. Those who
know very little of philosophy are numerous. Few
indeed are they who really know some part of it, and
only One knows all.” 42 Galileo, in fact, was so harsh
and undiplomatic with Grassi, that he probably
offended even some who might have agreed with
him. The book took away some of his support.


Even as the book was being printed by his supporters
in the Lincean Academy, an important event took
place that gave Galileo new hope for his future
studies. The pope died, and was replaced by one of
The Trial 117

Galileo’s supporters, Cardinal Barberini, who was

appointed Pope Urban VIII. He and Galileo had
shared many conversations on science topics. Pope
Urban was highly enlightened and had even written
a poem in honor of Galileo. With Pope Urban lead-
ing the Catholic Church, Galileo hoped that perhaps
the way would be cleared for his scientific ideas. The
new pope even invited Galileo for an audience. For
the great astronomer, things were looking better.
Galileo, despite some illness and his increasing
age, managed to make a trip to Rome during the
spring of 1624. He hoped Pope Urban would help
him overturn the decision of the Inquisition, forbid-
ding him to teach Copernicanism. The meeting
went well. Galileo’s old friend, now the leader of the
Catholic Church, was glad to see him. He praised
The Assayer, which Galileo had dedicated to Cardinal
Barberini. Galileo brought the pope a wonderful
scientific instrument, called a microscope. It was a new
invention, but not one created by Galileo. The two
old friends sat down together, and Galileo displayed
images of gigantic insects under his microscope.
Galileo soon discovered, however, that the
atmosphere had changed. Pope Urban would not
118 Galileo

In his days as cardinal, Pope Urban VIII (shown here)

had always been very supportive of Galileo and his
scientific theories. With Pope Urban leading the
Catholic Church, Galileo hoped that his scientific ideas
would perhaps be more widely accepted by the
Catholic Church.
The Trial 119

authorize Galileo to return to his teachings on

Copernicanism. The Inquisition’s decision would
not be overturned. In his new role as leader of the
Catholic Church, Pope Urban VIII showed
another side of himself:

Urban VIII, the Pope, . . . was to reveal less

attractive traits that had not been evident in the
cardinal. Shrewd, with an extremely high opinion
of himself, avid for power, jealous of his author-
ity, he was so ambitious both for himself and for
his family that his nepotism was to become
proverbial. The Barberinis’ revenues and their
power became enormous.43

In his new role, Pope Urban VIII knew he now

spoke for all believers in the Catholic Church.
While he might have been able, as a cardinal, to
listen to and support Galileo’s theories, as a pope,
he could not give him his full support. He authorized
Galileo to discuss Copernicanism, but only as a
theory, not as fact.
Galileo soon returned to his home in Florence,
ready to write publicly again on heliocentric theory.
He may have believed that Pope Urban VIII had
120 Galileo

given him greater permission to write on the subject

than had actually been intended. Nevertheless the
great astronomer was soon busy at work writing
one of his greatest scientific works, Dialogue Concern-
ing the Two Chief World Systems. It is often simply
called Dialogue.

Perhaps Galileo was so eager to begin writing in
1624 because he saw his health declining in his
later years. He was already 60 years old, and his
health was not good. Even as he began writing his
important scientific work, he took years to complete
it. Sometimes he laid it aside and concentrated on
his experiments and astronomical studies. At other
times, he was simply too ill to write. On one occa-
sion, he became so ill, he nearly died. By 1630,
he had finished writing the book. He presented the
manuscript to officials of the Catholic Church in
Rome before publication. He dedicated the book
to his old friend, Pope Urban VIII. Galileo hoped
his work would be quickly accepted by the Catholic
Church, but censors held up publication of the
book for two years. During that time, Galileo was
The Trial 121

forced to defend his work. Finally they allowed the

book’s publication, but told Galileo to change his
introduction and the manuscript’s final paragraphs.
They wanted him to make certain that he presented
the Copernican view as a theory, one of many ideas
that might be studied about the makeup of the
universe. By 1632, Galileo published his work
in Florence. As with earlier works, Dialogue was
published in Italian, not Latin.
Even today, Galileo’s Dialogue remains one of
the great works of scientific writing. It was struc-
tured as other literary works sometimes were in his
day. Although the book focused on Galileo’s per-
sonal and professional scientific beliefs, it centered
on a conversation between three Italian gentlemen.
Two of them, former friends of Galileo’s, had
died—a Florentine named Salviati and a Venetian
named Sagredo. Years earlier, Galileo had been
a regular guest at Salviati’s magnificent villa in
the Tuscan hills outside Florence. Galileo had
performed several of his astronomical experiments
at Salviati’s house. Both Salviati and Sagredo had
been intelligent men who had a keen interest in
science and learning.
122 Galileo

In the book, both men were presented as highly

intellectual and open minded. The third gentleman in
the book was a supporter of Aristotle’s. He did not
accept any idea that he could not read about in an
ancient text, especially one written by Aristotle. The
idea of experimentation and observation meant
nothing to him. Galileo displayed his prejudice toward
this man’s views by naming him “Simplicio,” meaning
the gentleman was “simpleminded” or a “simpleton.”
By writing his controversial views in support of
Copernicus in this way, Galileo could avoid stating
his ideas directly. In the structure of a three-person
conversation, he could put words in the mouths of
others, while keeping himself at a distance. When
Salviati’s character refers repeatedly to “our friend
the Academician,” however, it is understood that he
is referring to Galileo. The conversational approach
also made the book easy for the average reader to
understand. Through these three characters, Galileo’s
Dialogue covered nearly every subject the great
Italian scientist had ever studied. He even included
the results of his studies on motion, which he had
begun some 40 years earlier. The main theme of the
book, however, was the discussion and comparison
The Trial 123

of the two systems describing how the universe is

structured, the Copernican and the Aristotelian or
Ptolemaic systems. Galileo put Salviati and Simplicio
on opposite sides throughout the book. As Galileo
presented the two men, Salviati was always right
and logical, while Simplicio was always misguided
and even wrong. Sagredo provided further argu-
ment against Simplicio.

Why a Trial?
alileo’s Dialogue exploded into a controversy
G within months following its publication.
Although the work was popular with readers and
brought Galilieo much praise, officials of the
Catholic Church responded harshly. Galileo was
shocked at the response to his book. He believed
he had written about the Copernican system with-
out going beyond the limits the advisors to the
Inquisition had placed on him almost 20 years
earlier. He had presented the manuscript to Catholic
Church officials in Rome before its publication,
and they had approved it. What suddenly was the
problem with his book and its content? Why was
a trial before the Inquisition suddenly necessary?
124 Galileo

The answers are not easy. For hundreds of years

following Galileo’s trial, the court documents were
sealed and kept secret. Even today, however, with
those documents available, historians are uncertain
why the Catholic Church turned so violently against
Galileo. One possible answer focuses not on the
content of Galileo’s book, but on his old friend
Pope Urban.
It appears that Pope Urban was extremely
angered by Galileo’s writing. Although he had once
been a supporter of the great Italian scientist, Pope
Urban became one of Galileo’s most bitter enemies.
Historians believe that Pope Urban became so angry,
because he thought Galileo had tricked him. When
the two men met in Rome, before Galileo wrote
Dialogue, they had discussed the issue. The pope
believed he had made the ground rules clear for
Galileo to write about Copernican theory. He had
told Galileo to present the theory as one of the
possible explanations of the universe. He had told
him to also present Aristotelian or Ptolemian theory,
as well.
Galileo had done both throughout the pages of
his book, but he had presented a distorted view of
the two theories. Support for Copernicanism was
The Trial 125

everywhere in Dialogue. The only advocate for

Aristotle was Simplicio, whose arguments in favor
of the geocentric theory were consistently mocked
and destroyed. From the pope’s view, Galileo had
not balanced his approach to both systems.
Pope Urban may also have been angered by
something else Galileo may have done in his
Dialogue. The other two characters in Galileo’s
book, Sagredo and Salviati, were based on two men
Galileo had known during his life. Perhaps the
character of Simplicio was based on a particular
person, as well. Certainly Galileo intended
Simplicio to represent the misplaced scientific ideas
held by everyone, scientists and members of the
clergy alike, but Pope Urban may have come to
believe that Galileo modeled Simplicio after him.
He may have become convinced that Galileo was
specifically mocking him and the Catholic Church.
In doing so, Galileo was making fun of the one of
the most powerful institutions of seventeenth-
century Europe. While it is unlikely that the great
Italian scientist had Pope Urban in mind specifically
for the Simplicio character, his intent did not matter.
Galileo had offended his friend, and he would soon
be forced to pay the price.
126 Galileo

Simplicio was never able to convince Sagredo

and Salviati of his position, but the book ended with
both intellectuals changing their minds. Galileo did
this to convince officials of the Catholic Church,
including the pope, to allow him to publish the book.
When Galileo’s Dialogue was published, it was
an instant success. Copies were sold across Europe,
and many people considered the book a great work
of science. Even the Catholic Church seemed to
accept it. One court official to Pope Urban VIII
even advised: “These novelties of ancient truths, of
new worlds, new systems, new nations, are the
beginning of a new era.” 44 One reader praised
Galileo’s book endlessly: “It is full of wonderful,
new things, explained in such a way that anyone can
understand it perfectly. Wherever I start reading, I
can’t put it down.” 45 The praise Galileo received
immediately following the book’s publication would
soon fade, however, as he began receiving criticism
from officials of the Catholic Church. Galileo had
presented his views indirectly and with prejudice.
He had not presented a dialogue that was balanced
in its approach to both Copernicus and Aristotle.
He had made those who supported Aristotle look
The Trial 127

uneducated, unenlightened, and stupid. Church

officials, including Pope Urban, were not pleased.
Just months after Dialogue’s publication, Roman
officials ordered the book’s publisher to stop selling
the work. A few months later, Galileo was called to
appear before a court of the Inquisition in Rome. He
needed to explain why he had violated his earlier
agreement not to write in support of the Copernican
system. Pope Urban would preside at the trial. The
life and career of one of Europe’s greatest scientists
was in question.

Even before the great scientist’s trial before the
Inquisition and the pope began, officials of the
Catholic Church began treating Galileo harshly. He
was 69 years old and in poor health. That year, a
plague was ravaging the Tuscan countryside, making
travel dangerous. Galileo begged for the trial to be
delayed. Pope Urban VIII would not hear of it. He
was angry with his old friend. Galileo, according to
Pope Urban, had “ventured to meddle with things
that he ought not and with the most grave and
dangerous subjects that can be stirred up in these
128 Galileo

A few months after the publication of Dialogue, Galileo was

again called to appear before the Inquisition. He was being
asked to explain why he had violated his earlier agreement
not to write in support of the Copernican system. His trial in
1633 is shown here.

days.” 46 He ordered Galileo to come to Rome.

When the aged scientist fell extremely ill, he was
given time to recover, but, once he was well enough
to travel, he would be brought to Rome in chains.
Galileo began to fear for his life. He asked to have
the trial held in Florence, where he believed he would
face a more open-minded audience. The pope
refused. Galileo offered to rewrite Dialogue to make
The Trial 129

it acceptable to the Inquisition. The pope refused.

Florentine officials gave little support to one of their
most famous citizens. Galileo’s old patron, Cosimo
de’ Medici, had died many years before. Galileo’s
friends and supporters seemed few and far between.
After months of delays, Galileo finally left for
Rome on January 20, 1633. He was so weak from
recent illnesses that he had to be carried in a litter,
a kind of cart. The trip took three weeks. On Lent
Sunday, February 13, he arrived outside the city.
Ordinarily, a person awaiting trial before the
Inquisition was placed in the Vatican’s prison.
Given his physical condition, age, and fame, Galileo
was allowed to remain in the Tuscan embassy until
trial. In exchange, he was ordered not to speak
about his case to anyone. For more than four
months, Galileo anxiously awaited a decision from
the inquisitors regarding his fate.
During those agonizing months, he was ques-
tioned several times about his beliefs. By mid-April,
he faced the Inquisition directly. He was accused of
defying church doctrine and Pope Urban VIII him-
self by writing and publishing Dialogue. That book,
he was told, contained heresy by giving support to
130 Galileo

Copernican theory. Galileo defended himself,

claiming that “by writing this book, I do not think
that I was contradicting any injunction.” 47 The
members of the Inquisition remained unconvinced.
By late June, Galileo was brought to a large hall in
a monastery, in the center of the city of Rome. He
was ordered down on his knees, as the sentence
against him was read aloud:

We sentence you, Galileo, for the things found in

the trial and confessed by you, have made yourself
. . . vehemently suspected of heresy, namely to have
held and believed false doctrine, contrary to the
Holy and Divine Scriptures. . . . We are agreeable
that you will be absolved provided that first, with
sincere heart and unfeigned faith, you . . . curse . . .
the above mentioned errors and heresies . . . We
order that the book the Dialogue . . . be prohibited
by public edict. We condemn you to formal prison
. . . and we impose on you as salutary penances
that for the next three years you say the seven
penitential psalms once a week.48

Galileo, aged and fearful that he would be killed,

agreed to the terms. While still kneeling on the floor,
The Trial 131

he agreed to “never again say or assert, verbally or

in writing, anything that might furnish occasion for
a similar suspicion.” 49 In his heart, Galileo knew he
was turning his back on the truth of his science, but
he had just been condemned to prison for the rest of
his life. With his confession and promise to remain
silent on Copernicanism, Pope Urban VIII finally
showed his former friend some kindness. He
reduced his prison sentence to house arrest in
Florence. Galileo had received a light sentence, and
he knew it, but he still emerged from the agonizing
trial a broken man.
132 Galileo

Test Your Knowledge

1 After his appearance before the Inquisition,
Galileo remained silent for how long?
a. Four years
b. Two years
c. One year
d. Three years

2 With which country did Galileo negotiate over

navigational uses of his astronomical discoveries?
a. France
b. Italy
c. Spain
d. England

3 With Pope Urban leading the Catholic Church,

Galileo hoped that perhaps
a. his ideas would be accepted.
b. he would be appointed to a position in the
Catholic Church.
c. he would be asked to come to Rome.
d. he would write another book.

4 In what language was Galileo’s Dialogue published?

a. Italian
b. English
c. Spanish
d. Latin
The Trial 133

5 When Salviati’s character in Dialogue refers

repeatedly to “our friend the Academician,”
to whom is he referring?
a. Copernicus
b. Pope Urban
c. Galileo
d. Aristotle
ANSWERS: 1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. d; 5. c

ollowing his trial and sentencing, Galileo was
F allowed to live in Siena, in the home of Archbishop
Ascanio Piccolomini, a friend, for the remainder of
1633. Archbishop Piccolomini had admired Galileo
for many years. Although the great scientist did not

The Pendulum Swings 135

know what the future held for him, surely he was

saddened by the results of the trial. His sentence of
house arrest meant he would never be allowed to
visit Florence again, and Galileo knew his convic-
tion was wrong. He knew he held the truth, that
the leaders of the Catholic Church were mistaken
in their theology, and that scientists everywhere
would be reluctant in the future to challenge the
traditional authority and power of the Catholic
Church. The day he was condemned by the Inqui-
sition was a setback for science. As a result of his
conviction, the Catholic Church decided to ban all
of Galileo’s writings.
By December, Galileo was allowed to return to
his home outside of Florence, but an Inquisition
guard would be close by at all times. His personal
letters were screened. Anyone visiting Galileo had
to receive approval from the Vatican. One comfort
of returning home was that Galileo would once
again be close to his two daughters, who lived as
nuns in a local convent. Each girl had been sent to
the convent when she turned 16. Galileo moved to
the small town of Arcetri, near Florence, in 1631, to
be closer to his daughters, but an additional tragedy
136 Galileo

Galileo moved to the small town of Arcetri, near

Florence, in 1631, to be closer to his daughters. The
exterior of Galileo’s house in Arcetri is shown here.
The Pendulum Swings 137

soon struck. Just months after his return, one of his

daughters, Sister Maria Celeste, fell ill and died. She
was only 33 years old at the time, and the loss was
devastating for her aged father.
Meanwhile illness continued to affect Galileo’s
quality of life, but he had been bruised by the
Catholic Church, not crushed. As time passed, his
natural spark of curiosity and experimentation
returned. He studied, painted, and, with no hope of
ever being published again, began to write. In the
three years between 1634 and 1637, Galileo wrote
another great work of scientific literature, Discourses
Concerning Two New Sciences. Again the pages of his
writing presented a conversation between Salviati,
Sagredo, and Simplicio, but this time he did not
support any controversial scientific theories. He
wrote, instead, a book about his motion studies,
mechanics, physics, and the nature of matter—the
results of a lifetime of study. Although no Italian
publisher would publish Two New Sciences, Galileo
did find a publisher. A Dutch printer named Louis
Elzevir, who lived in Holland, put Galileo’s work in
print in 1638. Holland was a Protestant country,
where the Catholic Church had no authority. When
138 Galileo

Galileo (right) dictates to his son for his book entitled

Discourses Concerning Two New Sciences. The book dealt
with Galileo’s motion studies, mechanics, physics, and the
nature of matter.

the book became public, the Catholic Church did

nothing to stop it. As one of his final scientific
works, Two New Sciences helped set the stage for
future studies by other scientists. Galileo’s life,
however, was drawing close to its end.
The Pendulum Swings 139

Galileo never saw or read his last book after it

was published. For years, he had suffered from eye
problems. Today doctors believe he probably had
glaucoma. In 1636, an infection blinded his left eye.
Unable to receive proper medical treatment while
under house arrest, his condition worsened. By
1638, he lost the remainder of his sight. He took the
loss hard. He wrote to a friend:

Your dear friend and servant Galileo is . . .

completely blind; in such a way that the sky,
that world and that universe, which with my
wondrous observations and clear demonstrations
I amplified a hundred and thousand times over
what was believed most commonly by the learned
of all past centuries, is for me now so diminished
and narrowed that it is no greater than what my
body occupies.50

Despite the loss of his sight, Galileo continued to

work. He gave instructions to assistants, who carried
out experiments for him. In his final years, Catholic
officials lessened the restrictions on Galileo. No
guard remained outside his house, and visitors came
from far and wide. Friends, well-wishers, aristocrats,
140 Galileo

Great Minds Come Together

uring the final years of his life, Galileo was
D still one of the most famous men in Europe,
and was still considered one of the great minds of his
time. Other great men sought contact with the aged
scientist, astronomer, and philosopher before his
death. Noted English philosopher and political
thinker Thomas Hobbes paid a call to Galileo’s
house in Arcetri. Hobbes told Galileo that his
Dialogue had been published in English. Fellow
Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli, who would
become the inventor of the modern barometer, also
visited him.
One of the most curious visitors was a 29-year-
old poet from England. His name was John Milton,
and he was touring Europe, seeking new knowledge.
He wanted to meet some of the continent’s great
thinkers and try to understand how they viewed
the world. Little is known about his conversation
with Galileo, who was nearly 50 years his senior.
When Milton was older and had established
himself as a great poet and writer of the great epic
The Pendulum Swings 141

poem Paradise Lost, he gave a speech before the

English Parliament and spoke of Galileo. The topic
was the prohibition of books by the Catholic
Church. In his address, Milton stated:

I could recount what I have seen and heard

in other countries, where this kind of Inquisition
tyrannizes . . . that this was it which had damped
the glory of Italian wits, that nothing had been
there written now these many years but flattery.
. . . There it was that I found and visited the
famous Galileo, grown old, a prisoner of the
Inquisition for thinking in astronomy otherwise
than the [Catholic Church] thought.*

In his own later years, Milton searched, as had

Galileo, for knowledge and truth. The two great
thinkers were alike in that respect. They were also
alike in another way. Just as Galileo had lost his
sight during his final years, so, too, did Milton
become blind at the end of his life.
* Laura Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific Revolution. New York:
Basic Books, Inc., 1961, p. 110.
142 Galileo

philosophers, and scientists, all came to see Galileo.

Then, in late 1641, Galileo contracted a severe fever.
For years, he had suffered from arthritis, and painful
attacks often struck suddenly. He suffered for weeks
until, on January 8, 1642, he died in his sleep, just
a few weeks before his seventy-eighth birthday.
When Galileo died, the civic leaders of Florence,
the city he considered home, voted to build a
monument to honor the great scientist. Pope Urban
VIII, still angry at Galileo, denied their request.
More than a century would pass before his body
would be placed in a grand marble tomb, a fitting
burial site for one of the greatest minds in the history
of modern science.

New centuries brought other honors and recognitions
of Galileo’s scientific discoveries and theories. In
1744, Pope Benedict XIV allowed for the publication
of Dialogue, the book that had caused Galileo so
much trouble in 1632. During the following century,
Dialogue was finally removed from the Inquisition’s
official list of banned books. That same year, in
1822, another pontiff, Pope Pius VII, officially
The Pendulum Swings 143

allowed the publication of books that taught that

Earth revolved around the Sun, the center of the
solar system. Seventy years later, Pope Leo XIII
even established an astronomical observatory in the
Vatican. Though it took centuries, the leaders of the
Catholic Church eventually came to acknowledge
the validity of Galileo’s theories. It was not until the
1960s and 1970s, however, that officials began to
take a closer look at the trial of Galileo. Some
wanted the Catholic Church to admit it had mis-
treated the great scientist. By 1979, Pope John Paul
II ordered the case against Galileo reopened and his
conviction reconsidered. Church officials studied
the historical record for years, and finally came to
realize their mistakes. Still no apology or reversal of
Galileo’s conviction took place. Then, in 1992,
more than 350 years after Galileo’s trial, Pope John
Paul II officially announced the Catholic Church’s
error. Pope John Paul even quoted Galileo’s very
words when he said, “Holy Scripture and nature
proceed equally from the Divine Word.” 51
Today the world of science owes a debt of grati-
tude to one of its greatest minds, Galileo Galilei.
His work in medicine, physics, mechanics, motion,
144 Galileo

A telescope, triangle, magnet compass, and pendulum

clock belonging to Galileo Galilei are shown here. His
work in medicine, physics, mechanics, motion, ballistics,
astronomy, and gravity paved the way for the scientists
of the future.
The Pendulum Swings 145

ballistics, astronomy, and gravity helped lay the

groundwork for future studies. His pioneering efforts
in establishing a new approach to the study of
science—the scientific method—redefined the way
scientists approach complex issues in all of their
studies. Galileo’s studies were so closely connected
to modern science that one cannot help but think
that if he were alive today, he might be tinkering
with the latest supercomputer—or designing the
next spacecraft. Perhaps he would be searching for
the newest wonder drug. Surely, just as he had done
over the course of his long and fruitful life, he would
still be reaching for the stars.
146 Galileo

Test Your Knowledge

1 As a result of Galileo’s conviction, the Catholic
Church decided to
a. ban all of Galileo’s writings.
b. ban the teaching of any scientific theories.
c. excommunicate Galileo.
d. support Aristotle.

2 Anyone visiting Galileo had to receive approval

a. Artistotle.
b. Galileo.
c. the Vatican.
d. the governor.

3 What happened to one of Galileo’s daughters,

just months after his return?
a. She got married.
b. She had a baby.
c. She wrote a book.
d. She fell ill and died.

4 For years, Galileo suffered from an eye problem

that doctors today think was probably
a. nearsightedness.
b. glaucoma.
c. farsightedness.
d. tunnel vision.
The Pendulum Swings 147

5 Galileo died just a few weeks before which

a. His seventy-eighth
b. His eighty-seventh
c. His sixty-fifth
d. His seventy-second
ANSWERS: 1. a; 2. c; 3. d; 4. b; 5. a
Chronology & Timeline

1543 Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus publishes his

heliocentric theory in his book, The Revolution of
Heavenly Spheres.
1544 Galileo Galilei is born in Pisa, Italy, in Tuscany.
1545 Galileo enrolls as a medical student at the University
of Pisa.
1546 Galileo leaves his studies at the university without
having graduated; he continues his studies in
mathematics and privately tutors students.
1547 Galileo writes his first scientific work, Il bilancetta,
which gains him the attention of other European
scientists and mathematicians.

1544 Galileo 1548 Galileo accepts 1609 Galileo

Galilei is born a teaching post constructs his
in Pisa, Italy, as professor of first primitive
in Tuscany mathematics at Pisa telescope
University; he begins
his studies on motion
and teaches against
the theories of Aristotle

1546 Galileo leaves 1550 Galileo 1551 Galileo is appointed
his studies at the conducts his professor of mathematics
University of Pisa legendary at the University of Padua,
without having experiment by where he soon begins a
graduated; he dropping different relationship with Marina
continues his studies weights from the Gamba; they have three
in mathematics top of the Leaning children together
and privately Tower of Pisa
tutors students

Chronology & Timeline

1548 Galileo accepts a teaching post as professor of

mathematics at Pisa University; he begins his studies
on motion and teaches against the theories of Aristotle.
1549 Galileo writes De Motu, which includes his studies on
motion and falling bodies.
1550 Galileo conducts his legendary experiment by dropping
different weights from the top of the Leaning Tower
of Pisa.
1551 Galileo is appointed professor of mathematics at
the University of Padua, where he soon begins a
relationship with Marina Gamba; they have three
children together.

1610 One of Galileo’s greatest 1621 After standing trial before

scientific works on astronomy, the Inquisition, Galileo is
The Starry Messenger, is published; condemned, found guilty, and
before year’s end, Galileo leaves for ordered to remain under house
Florence where he takes a position arrest for the rest of his life
as court mathematician for Cosimo 1623 Eye infections
II; using a telescope, Galileo cause Galileo to
discovers the moons of Jupiter lose his sight

1614 Galileo is ordered by church 1620 Galileo writes his controversial
officials to appear in Rome to explain Dialogue Concerning the Two
his support for Copernicanism; Chief Systems of the World;
Galileo agrees not to speak or the book draws the ire of the
write on the subject as a fact members of the Inquisition, who
summon him to Rome to account
1612 Galileo publishes Letters on for his theories
Sunspots, which supports the
heliocentric theory of Copernicus 1642 Galileo dies at the age of 77

1552 Galileo carries out his studies of motion by

experimenting with inclines and ramps.
1553 A supernova appears in the night sky, giving Galileo
further evidence against Aristotelian theory.
1554 Galileo’s first child is born, a daughter named Virginia.
1555 Galileo’s second child is born, a daughter named Livia.
1606 Galileo’s third child is born, a son named Vincenzio.
1609 Galileo constructs his first primitive telescope.
1610 One of Galileo’s greatest scientific works on
astronomy, The Starry Messenger, is published; before
year’s end, Galileo leaves for Florence where he takes
a position as court mathematician for Cosimo II; using
a telescope, Galileo discovers the moons of Jupiter.
1611 Jesuit mathematician and astronomer Father
Christopher Scheiner publishes a book on sunspots
with which Galileo immediately disagrees.
1612 Galileo publishes Letters on Sunspots, which supports
the heliocentric theory of Copernicus.
1613 Galileo’s work is criticized by Dominican priest
Thomas Caccini.
1614 Galileo is ordered by church officials to appear in
Rome to explain his support for Copernicanism;
Galileo agrees not to speak or write on the subject
as a fact.
1618 After three comets appear in the night sky, Galileo
returns to publicly present his ideas in support of
1619 Galileo publishes The Assayer, which challenge’s the
Catholic Church’s theologies concerning the universe.


1620 Galileo writes his controversial Dialogue Concerning

the Two Chief Systems of the World; the book draws
the ire of the members of the Inquisition, who summon
him to Rome to account for his theories.
1621 After standing trial before the Inquisition, Galileo is
condemned, found guilty, and ordered to remain under
house arrest for the rest of his life.
1622 Galileo’s daughter Marie Celeste dies at the age of 33;
that same year, Galileo begins writing Discourses
and Mathematical Demonstrations Concerning Two
New Sciences.
1623 Eye infections cause Galileo to lose his sight.
1624 Two New Sciences is published in Holland, a
Protestant country.
1642 Galileo dies at the age of 77.


CHAPTER 1 14. Ibid., p. 20.

Early Directions 15. White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor,
1. Clarice Swisher, ed., Galileo. Astronomer, and Rebel, p. 21.
San Diego, CA: Greenhaven 16. Ibid., p. 22.
Press, 2001, p. 11.
2. Laura Fermi, Galileo and the
New Posts, New Obligations
Scientific Revolution. New York:
17. Reston, Jr., Galileo: A Life,
Basic Books, 1961, p. 5.
p. 34.
CHAPTER 2 18. Ibid., p. 30.
Born of the Renaissance 19. Ibid.
3. Michael White, Galileo Galilei: 20. White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor,
Inventor, Astronomer, and Rebel. Astronomer, and Rebel, p. 27.
Woodbridge, CT: Blackbirch 21. Reston Jr., Galileo: A Life,
Press, 1999, p. 11. p. 30.
4. Swisher, Galileo, p. 15.
5. White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor,
An Eye to the Heavens
Astronomer, and Rebel, p. 11.
22. Reston Jr., Galileo: A Life, p. 40.
6. James Reston, Jr., Galileo: A
23. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific
Life. New York: HarperCollins
Revolution, p. 26.
Publishers, 1994, p. 9.
24. Ibid.
7. White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor,
25. Ibid.
Astronomer, and Rebel, p. 11.
26. Reston, Jr., Galileo: A Life, p. 62.
8. Ibid., p. 12.
27. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific
CHAPTER 3 Revolution, p. 33.
A Searching Mind
9. White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor,
Man of the Stars
Astronomer, and Rebel, p. 18.
28. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific
CHAPTER 4 Revolution, p. 48.
A New Direction 29. Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of
10. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific Man. Boston: Little, Brown and
Revolution, p. 15. Company, 1973, pp. 201–202.
11. White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor, 30. Ibid., p. 204.
Astronomer, and Rebel, p. 14. 31. Ibid.
12. Ibid., p. 20. 32. White, Galileo Galilei: Inventor,
13. Reston, Jr., Galileo: A Life, Astronomer, and Rebel, p. 44.
p. 19. 33. Reston, Jr., Galileo: A Life, p. 103.


CHAPTER 8 42. Ibid., p. 86.

A Controversy of Ideas 43. Ibid., pp. 88–89.
34. Reston, Jr., Galileo: A Life, p. 84. 44. Hightower, Galileo: Astronomer
35. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific and Physicist, p. 83.
Revolution, p. 74. 45. Reston, Jr., Galileo: A Life,
36. Ibid. p. 233.
37. Ibid., p. 79 46. Hightower, Galileo: Astronomer
38. Paul Hightower, Galileo: and Physicist, p. 86.
Astronomer and Physicist. 47. Ibid., p. 90.
Springfield, NJ: Enslow 48. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific
Publishers, 1997, p. 72. Revolution, p. 97.
39. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific 49. Ibid., pp. 97–98.
Revolution, p. 72.
40. Ibid., p. 73.
The Pendulum Swings
CHAPTER 9 50. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific
The Trial Revolution, p. 109.
41. Fermi, Galileo and the Scientific 51. Hightower, Galileo: Astronomer
Revolution, p. 84. and Physicist, p. 100.


Brecht, Bertoldt. Galileo. New York: Grove Press, 1966.

Bronowski, Jacob. The Ascent of Man. Boston: Little, Brown and
Company, 1973.
Fermi, Laura. Galileo and the Scientific Revolution. New York: Basic
Books, 1961.
Hightower, Paul. Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist. Springfield, NJ:
Enslow Publishers, 1997.
Mason, Paul. Galileo. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2001.
Reston, Jr., James. Galileo: A Life. New York: HarperCollins
Publishers, 1994.
Swisher, Clarice, ed., Galileo. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press,
White, Michael. Galileo Galilei: Inventor, Astronomer, and Rebel.
Woodbridge, CT: Blackbirch Press, 1999.

Further Reading

Bendick, Jeanne. Along Came Galileo. Sandwich, MA: Beautiful Feet
Books, 1999.
Boekhoff, P.M. Galileo. San Diego, CA: Gale Group, 2003.
Doak, Robin S. Galileo. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books,
Fisher, Leonard Everett. Galileo. New York: Simon & Schuster
Children’s Books, 1992.
Goldsmith, Mike. Galileo Galilei. Chicago: Raintree Publishers,
McTavish, Douglas. Galileo. London: Franklin Watts, 1991.
Nardo, Don. Trial of Galileo. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, 2004.

Galileo Galilei

NASA Quest—Galileo Galilei—Galileo Galilei

University of Missouri at Kansas City—Famous Trials


Academician, Galileo as, 122 art/artists, of Renaissance, 11,

acceleration, Galileo on 12, 24
natural law of, 72 arthritis, Galileo suffering
Africa, sailors traveling to from, 142
India around, 10 Assayer, The, 115–116, 117
Ammannatis, 10. Astronomical and Physical
See also Galilei, Giula Balance, The (Lothario Sarsi),
Arcetri, Galileo living under 114
house arrest in, 6, 135, 137 astronomy, colleges of Middle
Archimedes, Galileo studying, Ages teaching, 15
38–41 astronomy, and Galileo, 15,
Aristotle 74–78, 81–89, 91, 95–96, 98,
and Archimedes, 39 100–101, 104–110, 113–117,
Galileo disproving falling 119–123, 126–131
bodies theory of, 53–55, and comets, 114–116
57, 60, 67 and controversies. See
Galileo disproving Catholic Church
geocentric theory of, 4, 74, and earlier scientists, 3–4
87, 91, 96, 98 and Earth, 2
Galileo disproving theory of and geocentric theory, 4, 74,
Moon of, 2, 85–86 87, 91, 96, 98
Galileo disproving and Greek philosophers,
unchanging heavens 4–5. See also Aristotle
theory of, 77–78, 81, 82, and heliocentric theory.
101 See Copernicus, Nicolaus
Galileo questioning theories and Moon, 2, 85–86
of, 36–37 and planets, 2, 88, 95–96
and Galileo writing Dialogue, and recent spacecraft named
120–123, 126–131, 142 after Galileo, 1
and Lorena supporting view and Spain, 114
of Earth as motionless, and stars, 2, 76–77, 81, 82, 88
104 and telescope, 2, 82–89, 91,
Renaissance schools 95–96, 114
teaching about, 22, 36 and visit to Rome, 98, 100
Scheiner supporting, 100 “Attaccabrighe, Il ” (“The
arithmetic, colleges of Middle Wrangler”), as Galileo’s
Ages teaching, 15 nickname, 17, 37


ballistics, and Galileo, 72 and supporting Aristotle

and designing military and Ptolemy’s geocentric
instruments, 72–74 theory, 75–76
Barberini, Cardinal. See Urban and supporting Aristotle’s
VIII, Pope theory of unchanged
Bellarmine, Robert, Cardinal, heavens, 77–78
98, 108, 110 and Two New Sciences, 137–138.
Benedict XIV, Pope, 142 See also Inquisition; Jesuits;
bilancetta, Il (The Little Balance ), specific popes
40, 51 city-states, 11
Bramante, 11 Clavius, Christopher, 41–43, 46
College of Rome, 41
Caccini, Thomas, 107 Columbus, Christopher, 10
calculus, and Archimedes, 39 comets, Galileo criticizing
Camaldolese Order, Galileo Jesuit priest on, 114–115
attending school of, 22–23 compass, Galileo designing
cannonballs and producing, 72–74
Galileo dropping from Copernicus, Nicolaus
Leaning Tower of Pisa, and controversy. See
53–55, 57, 60 Catholic Church
and Galileo’s study of Galileo agreeing with helio-
ballistics, 72 centric theory of, 2, 4–5,
Castelli, Benedetto, Father, 74–76, 82, 91, 96, 98, 101
104–105 and Galileo writing Dialogue,
Catholic Church 120–123, 126–131, 142
and banning Galileo’s Grassi’s view of comets
writings, 135 opposing, 114
and Galileo winning support and Inquisition putting
in Rome, 98, 100 Galileo under house
and Galileo’s Dialogue, arrest, 6, 131, 134–135,
120–121, 126, 127 139, 142
and Letter to Castelli, 104–105 and Inquisition silencing
and overturning decision on Galileo, 108, 110, 113–114,
Galileo, 142–143 116–117, 119–120
and priest against Galileo, 107 and Kepler publishing works,
and questioning Galileo, 74–75
107–108 Counter-Reformation, 106–107


Dante Alighieri, 50 falling bodies, Galileo’s

da Vinci, Leonardo, 11 experiments on, 53–55, 57,
del Monte, Guidobado, 60, 67, 72
Marquis, 50–51, 66 Florence
De Motu (On Motion), 53 as city-state, 11
Dialogue Concerning the Two Galileo in, 6, 17, 17–18, 22,
Chief World Systems, 120–123, 23, 37–38, 72, 89, 91,
126–131, 142 94–95, 135, 137
Discourses Concerning Two New Galileo living under house
Sciences, 137–139 arrest in, 6, 135, 137
discovery, age of, 10 and Galileo’s death, 142
displacement, Archimedes on Galileo’s family from, 9–10
law of, 39 and Renaissance, 11

Earth Galilei, Giula Ammannati

and geocentric theory, 4, 74, (mother)
87, 91, 96, 98 children of, 9, 17–18, 69
as motionless, 4, 104 family of, 10, 17
education Galileo supporting, 69
of Galileo, 17, 18, 21–25, Galilei, Livia (sister), 17, 69
36–38 Galilei, Michelangelo
in Middle Ages, 15 (brother), 17–18, 69
in Renaissance, 22 Galilei, Vincenzio (father), 9
Einstein, Albert, 5 children of, 9, 17–18, 69
Elzevir, Louis, 137 as cloth merchant, 12–13,
Euclidean geometry, 24 17
experiments, Galileo death of, 67
performing, 3, 37 education of, 15, 21–22
and Aristotle, 36–37 family of, 9–10, 12, 17
and ballistics, 72–74 and Galileo’s education,
and early scientists, 3–4 21–22, 23–24, 25, 38
and falling bodies, 53–55, and influence on son, 13–17,
57, 60, 72 23–24
and medical studies, 28 and music, 13–15, 17
and pendulum, 2, 28, 30, 33–36 as open-minded, 15–16
and refusal to wear toga, 52 in Pisa, 13–14
and spread of ideas, 5 as rebellious thinker, 16–17


Galilei, Vincenzio (son), and legacy, 1–6, 142–143, 145

71 and love affair, 71–72
Galilei, Virginia (daughter), Medicis supporting, 11, 89,
71 91, 94–95, 100, 129
Galilei, Virginia (sister), 17, and music, 13–15, 23–24
69 in Padua, 65–72, 74, 87,
Galileo Galilei 88–89, 95
and appearance, 62 and personality, 15, 37, 60,
birth of, 9 62
and blindness, 139 and Pinelli Circle, 70–71
childhood of, 9, 13–18 in Pisa, 9–10, 12–17, 18,
children of, 71–72, 94, 135, 23–25, 28, 29–30, 33–38,
137 42, 95
and controversies. See as professor, 5, 51–55, 57,
Catholic Church 60, 62, 65–72, 74, 87,
as court mathematician, 72, 88–89, 95
89, 91, 100 as rebel, 17, 36, 37, 52, 60,
death of, 142 62
and desiring professorship, and Renaissance, 2, 10–12,
41–43, 46 15, 22, 24
education of, 17, 18, 21–25, seeking professorship, 41–43,
36–38, 42 46, 49
and faith, 104–105 and spread of ideas, 5–6
family of, 6, 7, 9–10, 12–18, and thermoscope, 74
21–22, 69 as tutor, 38, 41, 46, 51
and final days, 134–135, and writings, 5, 40–41, 50,
137–139 51, 53, 74, 88, 91, 101,
and finances, 51–52, 65, 104–105, 114, 115–116,
67, 69, 74, 87, 88–89, 117, 120–123, 126–131,
91 137–139.
in Florence, 6, 17–18, 22, 23, See also astronomy, and
37–38, 72, 89, 91, 94–95, Galileo; experiments,
135, 137 Galileo performing;
and health concerns, 114, physics, and Galileo,
117, 120, 127–128, 129, mathematics, and Galileo
137, 139, 142 Gamba, Marina (lover), 71–72,
as lecturer, 38, 50, 98 94


geocentric theory and Galileo appearing

Catholic Church supporting, before, 108–110
75–76 and Galileo dropping
Galileo disproving, 4, 74, 87, support of Copernicus, 110,
91, 96, 98 113–114, 116–117, 119–120
geometry and Galileo’s Dialogue,
colleges of Middle Ages 120–123, 126–131, 142
teaching, 15 and Galileo’s Letter to Castelli,
Euclidean, 24 104–105
and Galileo, 24–25, 36 and Galileo’s trial before, 6,
glaucoma, Galileo suffering 127–131, 135
from, 139 and heresy, 105–106, 109–110
Grassi, Orazio (Lothario Sarsi), and investigating Galileo’s
114–116 teachings, 105–106, 107
gravity, Galileo’s article on, 50 and overturning decision on
Greek philosopher-scientists, Galileo, 142–143
and natural world, 4–5. and priest testifying against
See also Archimedes; Aristotle Galileo, 107
and sentencing Galileo to
heliocentric theory. See house arrest, 6, 131, 134–135,
Copernicus 139, 142
heresy, and Inquisition, 105–106 and supporters of Galileo,
and Copernicus’s 108, 110
heliocentric theory, 109–110 Italian
and Galileo’s Dialogue, 129–130 Dialogue published in, 121
Holland, and Two New Sciences, Letters on Sunspots published
137–138 in, 101
hydrostatic balance, Galileo
constructing, 41, 49–50 Jesuits
and Clavius, 41–43, 46
India, sailors traveling around Galileo challenging, 100–101,
Africa to, 10 104
Inferno, The (Dante Alighieri), and priest’s view of comets
50 opposing Copernicus,
Inquisition, 6, 105–107 114–116.
and Counter-Reformation, See also Catholic Church
106–107 John Paul II, Pope, 143


Jupiter, Galileo discovering as lecturer, 38, 50

moons of, 88, 91 as professor, 51–55, 57,
60, 62, 65–72, 74, 87,
Kepler, Johannes, 75 88–89, 95
as tutor, 38, 41, 46, 51
Latin, Renaissance schools as university student,
teaching, 22 24–25, 28, 36, 37, 38
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Galileo’s Medici, Cosimo de’
falling bodies experiment death of, 129
from, 53–55, 57, 60, 67 and Galileo as court
Leo XIII, Pope, 143 mathematician, 72, 89, 91,
Letter to Castelli, 104–105 94–95, 100
Letters on Sunspots, 101, 114 medicine, Galileo studying,
liberal arts, colleges of Middle 24, 28, 37
Ages teaching, 15 Medicis, 11.
Lincean Academy, 116 See also Medici, Cosimo de’
Lippershey, Hans, 82, 83 Michelangelo Buonarrati, 11, 12
literature, Galileo lecturing microscope, 117
on, 50 Middle Ages, 10–11, 15
logic Milan, and Renaissance, 11
Aristotle using, 36–37 military instruments, Galileo
Renaissance schools designing and producing,
teaching, 22 72–74
Lorena, Cristina di, 104 Moon, Galileo disproving
lute, Galilei learning from Aristotle’s theory on, 2, 85–86
father, 13 motion, and Galileo
and ballistics, 72–74
Magini, Antonio, 46, 66 and Dialogue, 122
Maria Celeste, Sister and falling bodies experi-
(daughter), 137 ments, 53–55, 57, 60, 72
mathematical arts, colleges of and pendulum experiment,
Middle Ages teaching, 15 2, 28, 30, 33–36
mathematics, and Galileo music
and Archimedes, 38–41, 51 colleges of Middle Ages
as court mathematician, 72, teaching, 15
89, 91, 94–95 and Galileo, 13–15, 23–24
and geometry, 24–25, 36 and Galileo’s father, 13–15


New World, discovery of, 10 Pius VII, Pope, 142–143

planets, early scientists on,
organ, Galilei learning from 4
father, 14 planets, Galileo viewing, 2
and moons of Jupiter, 88,
Padua, Galileo in, 65–72, 74, 91
87, 88–89, 95 and Venus, 95–96
Paul V, Pope, 98 printing press, 10
pendulum experiment, 2, 28, Protestants, and Counter-
30, 33–36 Reformation, 106–107
philosophers, early scientists Ptolemy, 75, 87.
as, 4. See also Aristotle
See also Aristotle
physics, and Galileo quadrivium, colleges of Middle
and ballistics, 72–74 Ages teaching, 15
and falling bodies experi-
ments, 53–55, 57, 60, 72 Raphael, 11
and Galileo as father of, 5, Renaissance, 2, 10–13, 15, 22,
35 24, 50, 51, 75
and gravity, 51 Ricci, Ostillo, 24–25, 42
and law of pendulum’s peri- Rome
odic swing, 30 Galileo winning support in,
and pendulum experiment, 41–43, 46, 98, 100
2, 28, 30, 33–36 and Renaissance, 11
and sound, 14
Piccolomini, Ascanio, Sagredo
Archbishop, 134 and Dialogue, 121–122, 123,
Pinelli, Gianvincenzo, 70–71 126
Pisa and Discourses, 137
as city-state, 11 Salviati
and Galileo dropping and Dialogue, 121–122, 123,
cannonballs from Leaning 126
Tower of, 53–55, 57, 60 and Discourses, 137
Galileo in, 9–10, 12–17, 18, Saturn, Galileo observing
23–25, 28, 29–30, 33–38, rings of, 96
42, 51–55, 57, 60, 62, 69, scales, Galileo constructing set
95 of, 41, 49–50


Scheiner, Christopher, 100–101 supernova, Galileo on, 2,

scientific method, and Galileo, 76–77, 81, 82
145 superstition, and early
Shakespeare, William, 12 scientists, 3–4
Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry
Messenger ), 88, 91 telescope
Siena, Galileo living under Galileo constructing, 2, 82–85
house arrest in, 6, 134–135 Galileo demonstrating in
Simplicio Rome, 98, 100
and Dialogue, 122, 123, 126 Galileo designing for sailors,
and Discourses, 137 114
solar system, 4–5 Galileo observing heavens
and geocentric theory, 4, 74, with, 85–89, 91, 95–96
87, 91, 96, 98 thermoscope, Galileo invent-
and heliocentric theory of ing, 74
Copernicus. See Copernicus time, Galileo on, 2
sound physics, Galilei and pendulum experiment,
learning from father, 14 28, 30, 33–36
space. See astronomy and pulse, 28
Spain, Galileo negotiating toga, Galileo refusing to wear,
with on astronomy, 114 52
spyglass, and Galileo Tuscany, 10, 11.
constructing telescope, 2, See also Florence; Pisa
82–89, 91
stars University of Bologna, Galileo
early scientists on, 4 seeking professorship at,
Galileo on, 2, 76–77, 81, 41–43, 46, 49
82, 88 University of Padua, Galileo
Sun as professor at, 65–72, 74,
early scientists on, 4 87, 88–89, 95
Galileo on, 4–5 University of Pisa
and sunspots, 100–101. Galileo as first mathemati-
See also Copernicus; geocen- cian at, 62, 95
tric theory; solar system Galileo as professor at, 51–55,
sunspots, Galileo versus 57, 60, 62, 65, 67, 69
Scheiner’s observations of, Galileo attending, 23–25,
100–101 36–38, 42


Urban VIII, Pope Venice

and The Assayer, 117 and Galileo as professor
and Dialogue, 120, 126, 127 at University of Padua,
and Galileo’s death, 142 65–72, 74, 87, 88–89,
and Galileo’s trial at Inquisi- 95
tion, 127–129, 131 and Galileo demonstrating
Galileo’s visit with, 117, 119 spyglass to doge, 86–87
and Renaissance, 11
Vallombroso Venus, Galileo observing,
and Galileo as math tutor in 95–96
Abbey, 38
Galileo attending school in, 22 writing, Galileo studying, 24

Picture Credits

3: © Scala/Art Resource, NY 97: © Scala/Art Resource,
14: © NASA/Roger Ressmeyer/ NY
CORBIS 99: © Paul Almasy/CORBIS
29: © Archivo Iconografico, 109: © Erich Lessing/
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40: © Archivo Iconografico, 115: © Dennis di Cicco/
56: © Erich Lessing/ 118: © Archivo Iconografico,
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90: © Erich Lessing/ 144: © Erich Lessing/
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Cover: © Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY

About the Author

Tim McNeese is a prolific author of books for elementary, middle

and high school, and college readers. He has published more than
70 books and educational materials over the past 20 years, on
everything from Indian legends to the building of the Great Wall
of China to a biography of President George W. Bush. McNeese is
an Associate Professor of History at York College in York, Nebraska,
where he is currently in his fourteenth year of teaching. Previously,
he taught middle- and high school history, English, and journal-
ism for 16 years. He is a graduate of York College (AA), Harding
University (BA), and Southwest Missouri State University (BA, MA).
His writing has earned him a citation in the library reference
work, Something About the Author. His wife, Beverly, is an Assistant
Professor of English at York College. They both love to travel.
In 2003 and 2005, they hosted a college study trip for students
along fifteen hundred miles of the Lewis and Clark Trail from
eastern Nebraska to western Montana. They have two children,
Noah and Summer. Readers may e-mail Professor McNeese at
[email protected].


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