Reading Practice 1
Reading Practice 1
Reading Practice 1
Popular interest in Mars, the ‘Red Planet’, is long-established, but has enjoyed two dramatic
flowerings, one in the 1890s and the other a century later.
B. Any speculation about life on Mars, then or now, is part of a long discussion on ‘the
plurality of worlds’. Pluralists believe that there are other worlds apart from ours which contain
life — an idea that had its origins in classical Greece. In the 19th century, the new science of
astrophysics suggested that large numbers of stars in the sky were similar to the sun in their
composition — perhaps they too were circled by planetary systems. Nearer to home Mars, our
neighbour in the solar system, seemed to offer the evidence the pluralists had lacked until then.
C. The characteristics of Mars’ orbit are such that its distance from Earth varies considerably
— from 34.5 to 234.5 million miles. From an astronomer’s standpoint it was particularly well-
placed for observation in 1877, 1892 and 1909. Observations in each of these years intensified
discussion about possible life on Mars.
D. If life, intelligent or otherwise, were to be found on Mars then life on Earth would not be
unique. The scientific, theological and cultural outcomes of such a discovery could be
stupendous. In 1859, Fr. Angelo Secchi, director of the Vatican observatory and a confirmed
pluralist, observed markings on the surface of Mars which he described as canali, ‘channels’.
The fateful word had been launched on its career, although there was little immediate
development from Secchi’s work.
E. In 1877 another Italian, Giovanni Schiaparelli, one of Europe’s most distinguished
astronomers, also observed the canali, but he added the refinement that they appeared to be
constituents of a system. Other astronomers observed features that might he continents or seas;
Schiaparelli confirmed these findings and gave them finely sonorous classical names such as
Hellas, Mare Etythraeum, Promethei Sinus.
F. Although Schiaparelli was cautious in his public statements, recent research suggests that he
was a pluralist. Certainly his choice of familiar place names for the planet, and his publicising of
the calla network, encouraged pluralist speculation. Inevitably, cumuli was soon being translated
into English as ‘canals’ rather than ‘channels’. In 1882 Schiaparelli further fuelled speculation by
discovering twin canals; a configuration which he named ‘gemination’; he described no fewer
than sixty canals and twenty geminations.
G. Some of Schiaparellrs findings were confirmed by the astronomers Perrotin and Thollon at
Nice Observatory in 1886. In 1888, however, Perrotin confused matters by announcing that the
Martian continent of ‘Libya’ observed by Schiaparelli in 1886 ‘no longer exists today’. The
confusion grew; two prestigious observatories in the US found in one case no canals, in another a
few of them but no geminations, and no changes to Libya.
H. While the observers exchanged reports and papers, the popularisers got to work. They were
generally restrained at first. The British commentator Richard Proctor thought that the canals
might be rivers; he was among the first to suggest that a Martian canal would have to be ‘fifteen
or twenty miles broad’ to be seen from Earth. The leading French pluralist, Camille Flammarion,
published his definitive La Planete Mars in 1892: ‘the canals may be due ... to the rectification of
old rivers by the inhabitants for the purpose of the general distribution of water ...’. Other
commentators supposed the ‘canals’ might be an optical illusion, a line first advanced by the
English artist Nathaniel Green, teacher of painting to Queen Victoria and an amateur astronomer.
I. The canals debate might have levelled off at this point had it not been for the incursion of its
most prominent controversialist — and convinced pluralist — Percival Lowell. Lowell, an
eminent Bostonian, entered the astronomical argument after a career in business and diplomacy,
mainly in the Orient. He may not have brought an entirely objective mind to the task. Even
before he started observing he had announced that the canals were probably ‘the work of some
sort of intelligent beings’.
J. The newly-arrived popular press was very willing to report Lowell’s findings and views;
canal mania grew apace. By 1910 Lowell had reported over 400 canals average length of
1,500 miles. He wrote plausibly about the Martian atmosphere and the means by which the
canals distributed water from Mars polar caps to irrigate the planet before evaporation returned
moisture to the poles. This water cycle appealed to popular evolutionism which perceived Mars
as an old, dying world trying to avert its fate by rational and large-scale engineering — this was,
after all, an age of great canals: Panama, Dortmund-Ems, Manchester, Corinth.
Source: History Today, July, 1998
Questions 1-2
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
2What circumstance helped astronomers to study Mars in the late 19th century?
Questions 3-8
Look at the following lists of astronomers and thinkers (Questions 3-8) and ideas about
Mars (A-I).
3Schiapareili ..........
4Perrotin ..........
5Proctor ..........
6Flammarion ..........
7Green ..........
8Lowell ..........
Skim read the text quickly before looking at the questions. This will give you a general idea
of the structure of the text which will help you locate information quickly and avoid wasting
time looking in the wrong part of the text.
Not Given statements are often based on information you might expect to be in the text but
isn't, and often use words that do appear in the text itself. Read each statement and the
relevant part of the text very carefully before deciding whether the ideas are given or not.
Make sure you are clear who is being referred to in the text.
Questions 9-14
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?
10The belief that life existed on Mars was encouraged by a translation error. ..........
11The limitations of 19th century technology encouraged the idea that there were canals on
Mars. ..........
12All Lowell's statements about Mars were based on what he was able to see. ..........
14Lowell's theory about how canals on Mars were used may have been inspired by
fashionable ideas of the time. ..........