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7 250 - 300 ~ 1l 3r-!WG ftl<Sil I (4 ai<t>)

~rx tr-;{ ~n ~~

- -------x- --------
. 1 (July - 2024 )
Exam Name - P. T. · th
ctAS5 · 9
MM- 40
'rfM[ - 75 min11t£>s

NOl"f (l) AH QVES't"IO,y5 ~Af COMP'utSOR'f

(l ) All 41'11SWr~s M US T ~E NUJ.Y & CUAN .

Q. A . Very short answer t yp e q uestio ns :- (2 Y 6 = 12}

W rfte T t or True and F for fal se statements _

1. A nucleus is fo rmed by an electron and a Proton combining together .

therefo re, it is neutral .
2. We wea r cotton clothes in summers because cotton have less space
and they are not a good absorber of water.
3. M ixtures can be separated by only one method .
Fill in t he blanks -
1. According to law of conservation of mass the sum of the masses of the ~~
and -- ~ -~ ~ ns unchanged du~ing chemi~al reaction.

2. Elements are defined by the number of ~ y posses.

3. Th e amount of solu,..t e P,t;~sent per unit volume or.per unit mass of the solution is
calle d ........... ...... ...... of the solution.

t Q. B. An sw er the following in brief:- (any eight) (2 X 8 = 16)

~ Explain the following with examples (a) pure substance (b) suspension.

I[. Which meth od you apply for the separation of the following substances
(a) Sodium chloride from its solution in water.

(b) Ammo niu m chloride from a mixture of sodium chlorid e & ammonium

(c) oilfrom water . (d) Wheat gr,iin s from hu sk.

Y,onvert the fo llo wing t emperatures to the Kelvin sca le

(a) 35 "C (b ) 473 "C.

- -4:-Give two reasons to ju sti fy -

(a) Water at room temperat ure Is a liquid .

(b) an iron alm ir ah is a so lid at roo m t emp erature.

~on, . t·es of electrons, proton s and neutro ns.
Pare the proper '
@ Descri be bohr's model of the atom,
X What are Polyat omic ions? give examp le.
)J-·A 0.24 g sampl e of compo und of o,cygen & boron was found by analysis to

contai n 0.096 g of boron & 0.144 g of oxyge n. Calculate the percentage

compo sition of the compo und by weight .
__9. If z = 3, what would be the valenc y of the eleme nt?• Al so name the element.

Q. C. Answe r the follow ing in details :- (any four) (3 X 4: 12)

1. Explain with examp les - (a) Atomi c numbe r (b) Mass numbe r (c) Isobars
(d) Isotop es. Give any two uses of isotop es.

2. Write any four differe nces betwe en mixtur e and compound.

3. Give reason s - (a) Why are we able to sip hot tea faster from a saucer rather than
a cup? (b} How does the water kept in an earthe n pot (matka) becom e cool

during summ er?

4. Calcul ate the molar mass of the following substa nces -
(a) Ethyne (c 2 H2 ) (b) Sulphu r molecu le {Ss)

(c} Hydro chloric acid (HCI) (d) Nitric acid (HN0 3 )

. ·t t"on of J ·J · Thoms on's model of the atom?
5. h at are t h e I1m1 a 1

*** THE END***

PERIODIC TEST (I} July 2024-25
t. Fill in the blanks. [6 X 2=12)
1) The decimal expansion of an irrational number is ................. .
2) All the rational and irrational numbers make up the collection of

3) Simplify the expression: ( '15 - .../2) ({s + {2) = ............. .

4) A .............. can be drawn with any centre and any radius.
5) The coordinates of a point are of the form(-,+) in the ............ ..
quadrant, and (+,-·)in the ............... quadrant, where+ denotes a
positive real number and - denotes a negative real number.
6) A .............. line may be drawn from any one point to any other

II. Solve the following (Short type). (any - 8) [8x2=16]

1) Find five rational numbers between~ and'.!:.
s s
2) Express 0.47 in the form!!., where p and q are integers and q -:t. 0.
. (J

3) Rationalise the denomiryator of -17~ /2

1 1
d>} Simplify: (11) 2 "7. (11 )1
5) Verify whether the following are zeroes of the polynomial,
indicated against them . p(x) = 3x 2 - 1 if x = :~ , ~
6) Find the value of k, if x -1 is a factor of p(x) = 2x2 + kx + ..ff..
7) Express the following linear equations in the form ax+ by+ c = O
and indicate the values of a, b and c in each case:
(i) -2x + 3y = 6
(ii) 5 = 2x
8} If a point C lies between two points A and B such that AC = BC, then
prove that: AC =}AB. Explain by drawing the figure.
9) Give a definit ion for each of the following terms.
(i) Parallel Lines
(ii) Radiu s of the circle .
Ill. Solve th e following (Long type). (any - 4)
1) Fa cto rise : 27 - 12Sa 3 - 135a + 225a
~ Write four solutions for: nx + y = 9.
3) Prove that every line segment has one and only one mid-pc
4) Find three different irrational numbers between the ration ;
5 9
numbers - and-.
7 11
5) See in the given figure, and write the following:
(i) The point identified by the coordinates (2, -4).
(ii) The abscissa of the point D.
(iii) The coordinates of the point L.

5 L

3 J ·.
, .
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1· -· - -· - - - - - - - -
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!{ha&; -cf .
Pushparajgran, A NIKET AN
Cla~s: 9
Time 1.15 Hrs &_Reading

(5x 1 =5)
%· Read the unseen passage and answer carefully.
In the heart of the Amazon raf riforer a hidde n treasu re t rove of

biodiversity. This lush, green paradiseis,tiome to an astoni _shing array of plants

and animals, many of which are found nqwhere else on Earth. The rain-forest,

often referred to as the "lungs of the ~lanet," plays a _crucial role in regula

the Earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

However, this vital ecosystem is under t~reat from deforestation, driven by

logging, agriculture, and infrastructure development. Conservationists are

working tirelessly to protect these fore~.5, highlig h ~in 5 tJ+cim p nrf-~ ,.....c.e~o! _ _._._,_ ·

•• . -
sustainable practices to preserve this irreplaceable natural resource for future



1. What is the Amazon rainforest often referred to as?

2. Why is the Amazon rainforest important for the Earth's climate?

3.Lfst three activities mentioned that threaten the Amazon rainforest.

4. What are conservationists doing to protect the rainforest?

5. Why is it impo~tant to preserve the Amazon rainforest for future

~). Writing

Q2.You got best birthd ay gift till now. Write a diary entry expressing
, gratitude your
~ '; ~

· .d OR . .
You recen ti y me.t yo_ur I o~ You admire the most and you are feeling on .
top of the world. Write a diary entry about it. .

£. Fill with suitable:

9Grammar (5x1=5)

1. We _ _respect our elders. (moda·ls)

2. She _ _ pass the B. A. exam. (Medals)

3. It is _ _ one rupee note. (Determiner)
4. houses are for sale. (Determiner)

5. How _ _chairs do we need? (Determines)

D) Literature
~ead the following extract carefully and answer the queS t i0 ns th a~ x = )
r· iollow.
5 1 5

He won't do what you tell him.

So, come, let's build strong homes,

Let's joint the doors firmly.

Practise to firm the body.

Make the heart steadfast.

Do this, and the wind will be friends with us.

· (a) Who won't do what is told to him?

(b) What does the poet ask the readers to do, so that the wind becomes
their friend?
(c) What does the poet advise us to do?
(d) Find the word in the above extract which means the same as 'carry
out or perform regularly'.
(e) Write opposite of strong"

Q5. Answer the following question in 30 -40 words:- ( (Any 7) (2x7=14)

:{(why did Margie's mother send for the country Inspector?

~ ho was Ron Forbes a d h .

7 .. n w at d1d he do? did Bisrnillah Kh
an Play the Shehnai on 15 Aug. 194 7?
y.11hy should we build strong houses?

11 » hat does the wind symbolises?

~ y does the auth,or call Toto pretty?

~ y didn't the boy wait for the answer after he had pleaded for sweets?

%what were the things which_fascinated the child as he entered the fair?
; .

/ when does the poet remember his nibther? What does it show about


Q6. Long Answer Questions (Any 2) (3x2=6)

1. How is the theme of The Road Not Taken' applicable to our lives?
What difference do you see between the schools of the future and that of
the past?
2. Compare the attitude of the child before and after his separation from his

~ What was great treat for Toto? How did he enjoy it?

Perio dic Test -1 (2024-25)
Class- 9thth
Subje ct- Social Science
Time- 1 .lSHou r M M-40

Sec. A[]
te term s from
Q.1 Fill in the blan k boxe s of the given figure with appr opria

.amo ng the follo wing ;

rising food
Food riots , Scarc ity of grain, incre ased num ber of deat hs,
price s, weak er bodi es.

Bad harv est--+ The poor est

___. ___.
... ... ... . .......... can no long er

buy brea d

.......... .-- Disease +- ■■■ ■■■■■■ I ■■ I I

.......... .

epide mics
below : (3)
Q.2 Choo se the right answ er from the four alter nativ es given
1. A land mass Boun ded by sea on three sides is refer red
to as

(b) Island {c) Peni nsula (d) None of thes e.

(a) Coas t
2. The easte rnmo st long itude of Ind ia is -
(b) 68*7'E (c) 77*6 'E (d )82* 32'E
(a) 97*2 5'E

3. The highest peak in the Easte rn Ghat is -

(b) Kanc henj unga (c) Mah endr a Giri (d) Khasi
(a) Anai Mud i
Sec- B []
Q.3 Louis xvi belo nged to whic h dyna sty:'
Q.4 Who was the lead er of the Jaco bin club?
defe ated ? 1
Q.S Whe n and whe re was Nap olea n Bona parte final ly
Q.6 In whic h year did the Indir a Poin t get subm erge d unde r sea wate r?
Q.7 Nam e the olde st part of the Ind· 1
. ian land mass ?
Q.8 Writ e a shor t note abou t The 1 1 1
sand Grou ps of India .?
Sec.-C []
Q g Describe the rise of Napoleon.? 3
Q~lO Why do we need Standard Mer idia n.? 3
II I Ill I I It I I I I I ti I ti I I I I
······ ······ ······ ······ ····'• ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······ ······
······ ······ ······
Q.11 : Fill in the blanks with righ t term .
A: In _ system rule r of the stat e is app oint ed on her
edit ary gro und . 1
s: 11 Qf the people, by the ·people, _ _ _ the peo ple" . 1
C: Amount incurred in wages, ' raw
,L i I
mat er a s, e Iec tnc1t
. .y
etc. are sa Id
--capital. 1
Q.12 : short answer que stio ns:( Any 03)
~ : How is dem ocra cy is bett er mea ns of
rulin g? Giv e any one

reason only.

~ What do you mean by production and write differen

t factors of

~ Wh at are the main features of human reso

urce? Write points

D: Wha t is HDI?

Q.13 : Long answer questions(Any 02)

✓' e main features of a democratic cou t ? Expla,·n
/ '' Writ n ry any 3 points.
/ ' "'
How was peo ples of Palampur mad e the'ir .
11ves pro spe rou s?
(iii) Wha t mak es human as resource? Exp lain vari
ous po· t In

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