Plants 13 02458 With Cover
Plants 13 02458 With Cover
Plants 13 02458 With Cover
Zhanbo Jiang, Quanjiu Wang, Songrui Ning, Shudong Lin, Xiaoqin Hu and Zhaoxin Song
Special Issue
Advances in Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Crop Production
Edited by
Dr. Mohamed Ait-El-Mokhtar and Dr. Abdelilah Meddich
Application of Magnetized Ionized Water and Bacillus subtilis
Improved Saline Soil Quality and Cotton Productivity
Zhanbo Jiang , Quanjiu Wang *, Songrui Ning * , Shudong Lin, Xiaoqin Hu and Zhaoxin Song
State Key Laboratory of Eco-Hydraulics in Northwest Arid Region of China, Xi’an University of Technology,
Xi’an 710048, China; [email protected] (Z.J.); [email protected] (S.L.); [email protected] (X.H.);
[email protected] (Z.S.)
* Correspondence: [email protected] (Q.W.); [email protected] (S.N.)
Abstract: Soil salinization, a significant global challenge, threatens sustainable development. This
study explores the potential of magnetized ionized water irrigation and Bacillus subtilis application to
mitigate this issue. The former method is hypothesized to enhance soil salt leaching, while the latter
is expected to improve soil nutrient availability, thereby increasing microbial diversity. To address the
unclear impact of these interventions on soil quality and cotton productivity, this study employs four
different experimental methods: magnetized ionized water irrigation (M), application of 45 kg ha−1 B.
subtilis (B), a combination of 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis with magnetized ionized water irrigation (MB),
and a control treatment with no intervention (CK). This study aims to clarify the effects of these
treatments on soil bulk density (BD), field capacity (FC), salinity and alkalinity, nutrient content,
microbial activity, and cotton crop yield and quality. Additionally, it aims to evaluate the efficacy of
these methods in improving saline soil conditions by developing a soil quality index. The results
showed that using magnetized ionized water for irrigation and applying B. subtilis, either alone or
together, can effectively lower soil pH and salt levels, enhance microbial diversity and abundance,
and improve the yield and quality of cotton. Notably, B. subtilis application significantly decreased
BD and enhanced FC and nutrient content (p < 0.05). A correlation was found where soil nutrient
content decreased as pH and salt content increased. Furthermore, a strong correlation was observed
Citation: Jiang, Z.; Wang, Q.; Ning, S.; between the major soil bacteria and fungi with BD, FC, and salt content. Comparatively, M, B, and
Lin, S.; Hu, X.; Song, Z. Application of MB significantly boosted (p < 0.01) the soil quality index by 0.21, 0.52, and 0.69 units, respectively, and
Magnetized Ionized Water and
increased (p < 0.05) cotton yield by 5.7%, 14.8%, and 20.1% compared to CK. Therefore, this research
Bacillus subtilis Improved Saline Soil
offers eco-friendly and efficient methods to enhance cotton production capacity in saline soil.
Quality and Cotton Productivity.
Plants 2024, 13, 2458.
Keywords: soil salinity; soil nutrient; soil microorganism; cotton yield; cotton quality
However, the Xinjiang region, where saline soils comprise 40% of the national total
and saline farmland accounts for 38% of the cultivable area, is particularly affected [6].
The widespread and severe soil salinization in Xinjiang poses significant challenges to
cotton farming. The complex effects of soil salinization on soil health and crop productivity
often render single management strategies ineffective. Therefore, a multifaceted approach
employing various management techniques to address saline soils from multiple angles
and mitigate soil salinity is crucial for advancing saline tolerant agriculture.
Activated water technology, particularly magnetized ionized water (MIW), has gar-
nered significant attention for its potential to reduce soil salinity and alkalinity in agricul-
tural irrigation, owing to its environmental sustainability and effectiveness. The process
commences with the magnetization and ionization of irrigation water, which weakens
the hydrogen bonds among water molecules [7]. This disruption decreases the surface
tension and viscosity of the water [8], thereby enhancing its infiltration capacity and the
soil salinity and alkalinity leaching efficiency. Mostafazadeh et al. [9] revealed lower mean
soil cations and anions at various soil depths when using magnetized irrigation water,
compared to non-magnetized water. This indicates that magnetized ionized water can
effectively reduce soil salinity. Zhang et al. [10] found that using magnetized water for
irrigation led to a 16.6% increase in Na+ leaching and a 14.5% increase in Cl− leaching.
Moreover, Wei et al. [11] noted a decrease in salt content (12.8–65.0%) in the 40 cm soil layer
when using ionized water for irrigation instead of non-ionized water. Water is crucial for
dissolving soil minerals and organic materials and is essential for microbial activities. The
use of magnetized ionized water provides a foundation for other improvement measures
to effectively ameliorate saline soil.
To enhance the nutrient content and efficacy in saline soils, applying plant growth-
promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has emerged as an efficient and eco-friendly strategy.
Soil microorganisms critically influence soil ecosystems, affecting nutrient cycling, soil
quality, and plant productivity. They enhance soil fertility by decomposing organic mat-
ter, releasing essential nutrients, and participating in nutrient cycling and soil structure
formation [12]. Among them, Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria are primary contributors
to soil multi-nutrient cycling [13]. However, some microorganisms’ functionality is lim-
ited under salt–alkali stress conditions. B. subtilis, which secretes stress-resistant spores,
maintains its activity during prolonged salt–alkali stress. This bacterium significantly
contributes to soil nutrient availability by facilitating nitrogen fixation and phosphorus
solubilization. Furthermore, B. subtilis’s decomposition of organic nutrients increases the
availability of inorganic nutrients in the soil. Yang et al. [14] demonstrated that the use of
B. subtilis resulted in a notable increase in the alkaline nitrogen content in the soil. This
enhancement was positively correlated with the quantity of B. subtilis applied (p < 0.05). Li
et al. [15] further noted that the use of B. subtilis decreased soil pH by 7.3% and increased
available phosphorus content by 11.2%, compared to untreated soil. Additionally, Wang
et al. [16] noted that the use of B. subtilis increased the Olsen-P levels in the soil from 14.7
to 23.4 mg kg−1 and also made 16.4 mg kg−1 of Occluded-P soluble after a 14-day period
of incubation. Thus, B. subtilis serves as an environmentally friendly soil amendment,
enhancing soil nutrient content and diminishing the need for chemical fertilizers.
Various studies have investigated the impacts of treatments such as magnetized
ionized water irrigation and B. subtilis application on soil characteristics and crop pro-
duction [11,17–20]. However, the combined effects of multiple regulatory measures and
the interaction mechanisms between soil quality and crop production are increasingly
being recognized as crucial for sustainable agricultural development and agroecosystem
management [21]. This study concentrates on water and soil, two vital elements of the
cotton growth environment. By employing magnetized ionized water and B. subtilis, to
ameliorate saline soil, we propose that their combined application can enhance soil quality
and cotton production. This study’s objectives are as follows: (i) to examine the impact
of magnetized ionized water irrigation and B. subtilis on soil physical properties, salinity
and alkalinity, nutrient content, and microbial (bacteria and fungi) characteristics; (ii) to
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 25
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 investigate the correlations among soil physical properties, salinity and alkalinity, 3 of 24nutri-
ents, and microorganisms, and to develop a soil quality evaluation model to assess the
improvement’s effectiveness; and (iii) to investigate the impact of the soil quality index on
co investigate
on production, taking into
the correlations account
among soil both co properties,
physical on yield and quality.
salinity and alkalinity, nutri-
ents, and microorganisms, and to develop a soil quality evaluation model to assess the
improvement’s effectiveness; and (iii) to investigate the impact of the soil quality index on
2. Results
cotton production, taking into account both cotton yield and quality.
2.1. Soil Properties
2. Results
2.1.1. Soil Physical Properties
2.1. Soil Properties
2.1.1. Soil 1 illustrates
Physical that the application of B. subtilis significantly reduced soil bulk
and significantly increased field capacity (p < 0.05), while magnetized ionized wa-
1 illustrates that the application of B. subtilis significantly reduced soil bulk
ter density
had noand significant effect
significantly (p > 0.05).
increased fieldCompared
capacity (p <to0.05),
the treatment without
while magnetized the application
ionized water
of B. subtilis, the average reduction in soil bulk density was 7.0% and the average
had no significant effect (p > 0.05). Compared to the treatment without the application of increase
in field capacity
subtilis, was 7.7%
the average wheninB.soil
reduction subtilis was applied.
bulk density was 7.0% and the average increase in
field capacity was 7.7% when B. subtilis was applied.
1.60 37
1.55 a
35 a
Bulk density/ (g cm−3)
Field capacity/ %
1.45 b
b 33
1.30 30
(a) (b)
Figure1. Soil physical
1. Soil physical properties.
properties.Bulk density
Bulk (a).(a).
density Field
Fieldcapacity (b).
capacity CKCK
(b). denotes
denotes untreated
tion, M denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water
irrigation, M denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water irrigation withirrigation with 45
45 kgB.hasubtilis,
kg ha and MB anddenotes magnetized water irrigation
with4545 kg ha B. B. subtilis. The data
−1 − 1 −1
− 1
B. subtilis, MB denotes magnetized water kg ha subtilis. The
data represent the average of the three replicates. Different letters above the bars indicate significant dif-
the average of the three replicates. Different le ers above the bars indicate significant
ferences among
differences treatments
among treatmentsat pat<p0.05.
< 0.05.
2.1.2. Soil
2.1.2. Salinity
Soil Salinityand
Regarding soil salinity and alkalinity, B had a greater impact than M on lowering soil pH
Regarding soil salinity and alkalinity, B had a greater impact than M on lowering soil
and salt content, with MB showing the most significant effect (Figure 2). A significant decrease
pH and salt content, with MB showing the most significant effect (Figure 2). A significant
(p < 0.05) in soil pH was observed under MB compared to CK, with a 0.14 reduction. While M
decrease (p <not
and B did 0.05) in soil pHaffect
significantly was pH
observed under MB compared
levels individually, their effectstowere
with a 0.14Forreduc-
tion. While
soil M Band
salinity, andBMB didtreatments
not significantly
resulted affect pH levels
in significant individually,
reductions (p < 0.05)their effects
of 7.6% and were
noticeable. For soil salinity,
16.3%, respectively, compared B to
B. subtilisinwith
magnetized reductions
ionized (p <
0.05) of 7.6%
water and is16.3%,
irrigation respectively,
a powerful method forcompared
CK. Thus,and
salinity alkalinity.B. subtilis with
magnetized ionized water irrigation is a powerful method for mitigating soil salinity and
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 25
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 25
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 4 of 24
7.95 2750 a
7.95 a 2750
a 2700 a a
7.90 2700 a
7.90 2650
7.85 a 2600
7.85 a b
g m−2
2500 b
Salt Salt
7.75 b
7.70 2350
2300 c
7.70 2250
2300 c
7.65 2200
7.65 2200
CK M (a) B MB CK M
(b) B MB
(a) 2. Soil salinity and alkalinity. Soil pH (a). Salt content (b)
Figure (b). CK denotes untreated irrigation,
M denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha −1
Figure 2. 2.Soil
Soilsalinity and alkalinity.Soil
pH (a).
SaltSalt content (b). CK
−1 B.denotes untreated irrigation,
subtilis, and MB denotes
salinity magnetized water
and alkalinity. irrigation
(a). with(b).
content 45 kg
CKhadenotes subtilis. The data
untreated represent
irrigation, M
denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water irrigation
average of the three replicates. Different le ers above the bars indicate significant differences
denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water irrigation with 45 with
kg ha45
−1 kg
B. ha
subtilis, and MB
subtilis,treatments denotes magnetized
at p < 0.05.
and MB denotes water irrigation with 45 kg ha −1 B. subtilis. The data represent
magnetized water irrigation with 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis. The data represent
average of the three replicates. Differentletters
average of the three replicates. Different le ersabove
above the
the bars
bars indicate
indicate significant
significant differences
among treatments
Soil at p <
treatments 0.05.
p < 0.05.
The treatments’ effectiveness on soil nutrients, excluding soil organic ma er content,
2.1.3. Soil
2.1.3. SoilNutrient
follows the following order: B > MB > CK > M (Figure 3). However, the impact on NH +4 -N
and The
The treatments’effectiveness
P content was
effectiveness on
insignificant. on soil
The nutrients,
M treatment excluding
excluding soil
demonstrated organic
organic ma content,
the lowest er+content,
follows thethe following
following order:
order: B
B >> MB
MB >> CK
CK > >MM (Figure
(Figure 3). However,
3). However, the impact
the on
impact NH on 4 −
NHN + -N
and total yet it was not
P content wasstatistically
insignificant. different from CK,demonstrated
The M treatment except for available
the lowest phosphorus.
This total
could P content
be due towas
the insignificant.
decrease in The
soil M treatment
salinity and demonstrated
alkalinity under the lowest
magnetized nutrient
content, yet it was not statistically different from CK, except for available phosphorus. This
water yet it was
be due to the
not statistically
decrease enhancing
in soil salinity
and alkalinity
CK,by except
co on
for available
magnetized and phosphorus.
ionized waterre-
irrigation, be due
soil nutrient to
potentially the decrease
content. Similar
enhancing in soil
pa erns
nutrient salinity and
were by
uptake alkalinity
observed in B and
cotton plants under
andMB magnetized
reducing ionized
the irrigation,
soilB nutrient
treatment potentially
content. enhancing
a significant
Similar nutrient
were uptake
observed Bby
ininsoil coMB
and ontreatments,
plants and
content. reducing
with the Bto re-
CK, the soil
B nutrient
treatment content. Similar
significantly pa
increased erns(p were
< 0.05) observed
soil NO in
treatment showing a significant improvement in soil nutrient3 content. Compared to CK,K,
-N, B and MB
available treatments,
P, available with
and B organic
the treatment
B treatmentmashowing
er levelsaby
significantly significant
27.7%, 21.0%,
increased improvement
(p 18.6%,
< 0.05) soiland
NO in3 soil
respectively. ThisCompared
K, and to
P, available
CK, subtilis’s
the B matter positive
treatmentlevelseffect on soil21.0%,
by 27.7%, nutrient
increased enhancement
18.6%,(p and
< 0.05) soiland
28.6%, NOavailability,
3 available
Thisas indicated
P, available
highlights by K,
the increased
subtilis’s Available
positive effect P/Total
on soil P ratio.
and organic ma er levels by 27.7%, 21.0%, 18.6%, and 28.6%, respectively. This highlights
nutrient enhancement and availability, as indicated by the
B. increased
subtilis’s Available
positive effectP/TotalonPsoil nutrient enhancement and availability, as indicated by
the increased Available P/Total P ratio.
8.55 38
8.50 36
8.55 38
a a 34
8.40 a a
8.50 36
32 ab
) (mg kg )
NH +4 -N/ (mg kg−1)
8.45 bc
a 34
8.30 a
8.40 a
8.25 32
3 -N/
NH +4 -N/ (mg kg−1)
8.20 30
8.30 26
NO3−-N/ (mg
8.15 a c
8.25 28
8.05 26
8.15 c
8.00 20
8.10 CK M B MB CK M B MB
8.05 22
(a) (b)
8.00 20
CK M B Cont.
Figure 3. MB CK M B MB
(a) (b)
Plants 2024,
2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
13, 2458 5 of 25
5 of 24
22 0.68 4.0
21 ab a 3.8
0.66 a
a a 3.6
11.5 a
ab b
125 b 8.5
b 8.0
120 c
115 7.0
(f) (g)
Figure 3. Soil nutrient content. NH+ -N content (a). NO− -N content (b). Available P content (c). To-
Figure 3. Soil nutrient content. NH 4 −N content (a). 3NO3− −N content (b). Available P content (c).
tal P content (d). Available P content/Total P content (e). Available K content (f). Soil organic ma er
Total P content
content (g). CK(d). Available
denotes P content/Total
untreated P content
irrigation, M denotes (e). Available
magnetized ionizedKwater
content (f). SoilB organic
irrigation, de-
notes content
matter untreated water
(g). irrigationuntreated
CK denotes with 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis,
irrigation, and MB
M denotes denotes magnetized
magnetized water
ionized water irri-
B gation
untreated −1 B. subtilis.
45 kg hawater Thewith
irrigation data45represent
kg ha−1the B. average of the
subtilis, and MBthree replicates.
denotes Different
magnetized water
le ers above
irrigation withthe
45 bars
kg ha indicate
− 1 significant
B. subtilis. Thedifferences among
data represent thetreatments p <three
average ofatthe 0.05. replicates. Different
letters above the bars indicate significant differences among treatments at p < 0.05.
2.2. Diversities of Bacterial Communities
2.2. Diversities of Bacterial
The regulatory measuresCommunities
significantly affected the α diversity of soil bacteria (p <
0.05) (Figure
The 4a). M measures
regulatory significantly increased (p
significantly < 0.05) the
affected the αSimpson
diversityandofShannon indices
soil bacteria (p <of0.05)
soil bacteria by 17.8% and 20.2%, respectively, compared to CK. This suggests
(Figure 4a). M significantly increased (p < 0.05) the Simpson and Shannon indices of soil that mag-
bacteria ionized
17.8%water irrigation
and 20.2%, improves bacterial
respectively, compared community
to CK. This diversity andthat
suggests species dis-
tribution uniformity. B. subtilis application significantly boosted soil bacterial
ionized water irrigation improves bacterial community diversity and species distribution growth and
α diversity.B.Compared
uniformity. to CK, thesignificantly
subtilis application Chao1, Simpson, Shannon
boosted indices,growth
soil bacterial and Observed fea-
and α diversity.
tures treated with B increased by 14.8%, 20.2%, 18.6%, and 15.0%,
Compared to CK, the Chao1, Simpson, Shannon indices, and Observed features treated respectively. MB pro-
with showed similar
B increased by 14.8%, increases
20.2%, 19.3%,
15.0%, and 16.4%,MB
respectively. respectively.
findings suggest that B. subtilis application enhances low abundance
similar increases of 16.2%, 20.2%, 19.3%, and 16.4%, respectively. These findings species in the suggest
bacterial community, thereby improving community diversity and species distribution
that B. subtilis application enhances low abundance species in the soil bacterial community,
uniformity. Using the Bray Curtis similarity coefficient, we conducted a non-metric mul-
thereby improving community diversity and species distribution uniformity. Using the Bray
tidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis on soil bacterial communities under different reg-
Curtis similarity coefficient, we conducted a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS)
ulatory measures (Figure 4b). The NMDS map showed that the four replicates of each
analysis on soil bacterial communities under different regulatory measures (Figure 4b). The
regulatory measure were clustered together, indicating good repeatability of the bacterial
NMDS map showed that the four replicates of each regulatory measure were clustered
community structure samples and a low stress coefficient (0.072). At the ASV level, the
communities good in Brepeatability of the bacterial
and MB significantly differedcommunity structurethat
from CK, indicating samples
B. sub-and
a tilis
stress coefficient (0.072). At the ASV level, the
significantly alters soil bacterial communities. bacterial communities in B and MB
significantly differed from CK, indicating that B. subtilis application significantly alters soil
bacterial communities.
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 25
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 6 of 24
2200 a a a
a 1.0
2000 ab
Simpson index
b b
Chao1 index
1400 0.7
10 a a a 2200
a a
Observed ASVs
b ab
Shannon index
9 b
8 1800
7 1600
6 1400
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Soil
Figure bacterial
4. Soil communities’ ααdiversity
bacterialcommunities’ diversity (a) and
(a) and NMDS NMDS analysis
analysis (b) under(b)different
under different
measures. CKCK denotes
denotes untreated
untreated irrigation,
irrigation, M denotes M magnetized
denotes magnetized
ionized water ionized water
irrigation, irrigation, B
B denotes
denotes untreated water irrigation with
− 1 45 kg ha −1 B. subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water
untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha B. subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water irrigation with
irrigation with
−1 B.45 kg haThe −1 B. subtilis. The data represent the average of the four replicates. Errors bars
45 kg ha subtilis. data represent the average of the four replicates. Errors bars indicate standard
indicate standard
errors. Differenterrors. Different
letters above le indicate
the bars ers above the bars
significant indicateamong
differences significant differences
treatments among treat-
at p < 0.05.
ments at p < 0.05.
The taxonomic analysis results showed that 11,972 ASVs were obtained from 16 sam-
ples selected
The taxonomic from the four regulatory
analysis results showed measures.thatThese ASVs
11,972 ASVswere divided
were into 48from
obtained phyla,16 sam-
where the main bacterial communities in the soil under different regulatory measures
ples selected from the four regulatory measures. These ASVs were divided into 48 phyla,
were similar, yet significant differences in relative abundance were observed. Figure 5
where the main
illustrates bacterial communities
the composition in the phyla
of the top 10 bacterial soil under different
with relative regulatory
abundance measures
in the soil
were similar,
under yet significant
different differences
regulatory measures. Thein relativephyla
dominant abundance
identifiedwerewere observed. Figure 5 il-
lustrates the composition
(34.1–39.4%), Actinobacteriota of the(9.4–12.7%),
top 10 bacterial phyla(5.5–15.5%),
Firmicutes with relative andabundance
Acidobacteriota in the soil
under different The
(6.9–11.3%). regulatory
impact of measures. The dominant
various regulatory phyla
measures on identified
the relativewere Proteobacteria
abundance of
(34.1–39.4%), Actinobacteriota (9.4–12.7%), Firmicutes (5.5–15.5%), and Acidobacteriota
Proteobacteria and Actinobacteriota was insignificant. However, the introduction of B.
subtilis not only increased the relative abundance of Firmicutes, to which B. subtilis be-
(6.9–11.3%). The impact of various regulatory measures on the relative abundance of Pro-
longs, but also potentially influenced the microbial community structure. Specifically, B
teobacteria and Actinobacteriota was insignificant. However, the introduction of B. subtilis
and MB treatments increased the relative abundance of Firmicutes by 139.4% and 128.3%,
not respectively,
only increased the relative
compared abundance
to CK. This suggestsof Firmicutes,
that of B.B.
to which
the introduction subtilis
subtilis maybelongs,
have but
potentially influenced
effects on the overall the microbial
microbial community
composition. Thestructure.
soil bacterialSpecifically,
communityBwas and MB
treatments increased into
further categorized the 822
genera. abundance of Firmicutes
Figure 6 displays by abundance
the relative 139.4% and 128.3%, respec-
tively, compared
of the top 10 soilto bacterial
CK. Thisgenera
suggests underthatdifferent
the introduction
regulatory of B. subtilis
measures. Themay have cascad-
identified were Bacillus (2.0–8.1%), Pseudomonas
ing effects on the overall microbial composition. The soil bacterial community was further
genera (1.6–4.1%), Methylophaga (0.3–7.2%),
and Streptomyces (1.6–3.2%). The B treatment significantly impacted (p < 0.05) the relative
categorized into 822 genera. Figure 6 displays the relative abundance composition of the
abundance of Bacillus compared to CK, increasing it by 235.7%, while the M treatment did
top not.
10 soil bacterialthe
Additionally, genera under different
MB treatment significantly regulatory
affected (p measures. The dominant
< 0.05) the relative abundancegenera
of Bacilluswere Bacillus
compared B, increasingPseudomonas
to (2.0–8.1%), it by 21.9%. These(1.6–4.1%), Methylophaga
observations indicated that (0.3–7.2%),
the ap- and
plied B. subtilis successfully colonized the soil, and magnetized ionized water significantly abun-
(1.6–3.2%). The B treatment significantly impacted (p < 0.05) the relative
dance of Bacillus
promoted compared
the relative to CK,ofincreasing
abundance Bacillus. it by 235.7%, while the M treatment did not.
Additionally, the MB treatment significantly affected (p < 0.05) the relative abundance of
Bacillus compared to B, increasing it by 21.9%. These observations indicated that the ap-
plied B. subtilis successfully colonized the soil, and magnetized ionized water significantly
promoted the relative abundance of Bacillus.
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 25
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 7 of 24
Chloroflexi 5%
Firmicutes 0% 5% 0%
Actinobacteriota Chloroflexi Bacteroidota
70% 60%
0% 15% 0%
Chloroflexi a a Bacteroidota a 10%
60% 50%
Proteobacteria 15%
a a10% b b b ab 10%b
b 5%
10% 5% b b
50% 40% b b 5%
5% 0% 0%
40% Myxococcota Zixibacteria
30% 0% a 0%
Myxococcota a Zixibacteria 1.0%
20% 6% 4% a b
a a ab 1.0%
20% 10% 4% 2% b b c c
a ab
10% 2% 0% b c c
CK M B MB 0% 0.0%
Figure 5. Relative abundance of bacterial community composition at the top 10 phylum level
Figure 5. Relativedifferent
Figure 5. Relative regulatory
abundance of measures.
of bacterial
bacterial CK denotes
community untreated
composition at irrigation,
at the
thetop M denotes
phylum levelsmagnetized
levels under ioni
different ter irrigation,
regulatory measures. B denotes
CK untreated
denotes water
untreated irrigation
irrigation, with
M 45 kg
denotes ha −1 B. subtilis,
magnetized and
ionizedMB denot
different regulatory measures. CK denotes untreated irrigation, M denotes magnetized ionized wa-
netized water
denotes irrigation
untreated with
water 45 kg ha
irrigation B.
−1with subtilis.
45 kg The
−1 data represent the average
−1 B. subtilis, and MB denotes
ter irrigation, B denotes untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha B. subtilis, and MB denotes mag-
water irrigation, B of the fou
magnetized cates.
water Errors
irrigation bars
with mean
45 standard
kg ha errors.
−1 B. subtilis. Different
The data le ers
represent above
netized water irrigation with 45 kg ha B. subtilis. The data represent the average of the four repli-
the the bars
average indicate
of the significan
replicates. ences
bars meanamong
bars mean treatments
standard errors.
standard p < 0.05.
errors. le ersletters
Different aboveabove
the bars the indicate significant
bars indicate differ-
ences amongamong
differences treatments at p < at
treatments 0.05.
p < 0.05.
(a) (b)
(a)Figure 6. Relationships between dominant bacterial
(b) genus measures
and regulatory
Figure 6. Relationships between dominant bacterial genus and regulatory (a) andmeasures
heat (a) a
map of6.dominantmap genus
of dominant
Relationships between genus
of bacterial of bacterial
communities communities
under under different
and regulatory
different regulatory regulatory
measures (a)(b).
CK (b).
map of dominant
denotes notes
untreated untreated
irrigation, Mirrigation,
of bacterial M denotes
denotes magnetized magnetized
under different
ionized waterionized water
irrigation, irrigation,
Bmeasures B denotes
(b). CK de- untrea
denotes untreated
ter with
45 kgMwith −45
ha 1 B. ha−1 B. subtilis,
kgmagnetized and MB
subtilis, and ionized
MB denotes
magnetized Bwater
denotes water irrigation
irrigation wa-with 45
ter irrigation
− 1 B. subtilis.
with 45 kg ha −1 B. subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water irrigation with 45 kg ha −1
45 kg ha B. subtilis.
B. subtilis.
2.3. Diversities2.3. Diversities
of Fungal of Fungal Communities
2.3. Diversities of
The regulatoryFungal
The Communities
measures measuresaffected
significantly significantly
the α affected
diversitythe α diversity
of soil fungi (p of soil fungi (p
< 0.05)
(Figure 7a). M(Figure 7a). M
significantly significantly
The regulatory measures significantly affected
increased the increased
Chao1, the Chao1, Simpson, and Shannon
α diversity of soil fungi (p <soil
Simpson, and Shannon indices of 0.05)indices
(Figure 7a). M
fungi (p < fungi
0.05), (p < 0.05),increased
showing showing increases
increases of the Chao1,
36.1%, of Simpson,
30.4%,36.1%, 30.4%,
and and and
37.1%, 37.1%,indices
respectively, respectively,
of soil comp
to CK. (p This CK.showing
< 0.05), This improvement
improvement increases is ato ributable
of 36.1%,
is attributable 30.4%, and
magnetized to 37.1%,
ionized waterionized
respectively, water
irrigation, whichirrigation,
CK. achieves
This superior
improvement superior
fungal fungal community
a ributable diversity diversity
to magnetized species and species
water distribution
ionized uniformity.
irrigation, uniformity.
subtilis application
achieves superior significantly
tilis application
fungal community boosted
significantly soil
diversity fungal
and soil diversity.
α fungal
species Compared
α diversity.
distribution to CK,B.the
uniformity. to CK, the
Chao1, Simpson, and
Simpson, Shannon indices
and Shannon and
indicesthe Observed
and features
the Observed treated with
features B increasedB increa
tilis application significantly boosted soil fungal α diversity. Compared to treated
CK, the with
Simpson, and Shannon indices and the Observed features treated with B increased by
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 25
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 8 of 24
42.0%, 27.8%,
by 42.0%, 29.1%,
27.8%, andand
29.1%, 36.3%, respectively.
36.3%, respectively. MBMBprocessing
processingfurther augmented
further augmentedthesethesein-
increasesto to
61.8%, respectively. These findings
respectively. These findingssuggest
application enriches
enriches low-abundance speciesin
low-abundance species inthe
enhancing community
community diversity and species
diversity and species distribution
uniformity.TheTheNMDSNMDSmap map
illustrates that
that the
the four
four replicates
replicates of of each
indicating good repeatability
repeatability ofof the
samples inin this
study, with
with aa minimal
coefficient (0.042).
(0.042). AtAt
ASVASV level,
level, thethe fungal
fungal communities
communities in
inB B and
and MBMB distinctly
distinctly separated
separated fromfrom
CK, CK, indicating
indicating that
that B. B. subtilis
subtilis application
application signifi-
alters soil fungal communities.
cantly alters soil fungal communities.
500 a
a a
450 b a a
Simpson index
a 0.9
Chao1 index
350 0.8
200 0.6
6 a 450
b b ab 400
Observed ASVs
Shannon index
5 a a
3 250
(a) (b)
Soilfungal communities’ α
fungalcommunities’ diversity (a)
α diversity (a) and
different regulatory
measures. CK denotes untreated irrigation, M denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation,
measures. CK denotes untreated irrigation, M denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes B de-
notes untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha −1 B. subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water irri-
untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water irrigation
gation with 45−kg ha−1 B. subtilis. The data represent the average of the four replicates. Errors bars
with 45 kg ha 1 B. subtilis. The data represent the average of the four replicates. Errors bars indicate
indicate standard errors. Different le ers above the bars indicate significant differences among treat-
standard errors. Different letters above the bars indicate significant differences among treatments at
ments at p < 0.05.
p < 0.05.
Taxonomic analysis yielded3573
analysis yielded 3573ASVs
ASVs from
from 1616 selected
selected samples
samples acrossacross
four four regula-
tory measures, categorized into 15 phyla. Despite similar main fungal communities
measures, categorized into 15 phyla. Despite similar main fungal communities in soil under in soil
under different regulatory measures, significant variations in relative abundance
different regulatory measures, significant variations in relative abundance were observed. were ob-
The topThe top 10phyla,
10 fungal fungalasphyla,
depictedas in
Figure 8,inconstituted
Figure 8, constituted
the majoritythe majority
of the of the
soil fungal
soil fungal community.
community. The dominantThe dominant
phyla werephyla were Ascomycota,
Ascomycota, Basidiomycota,
Basidiomycota, Mortierel-
lomycota, and unclassified_fungi,
and unclassified_fungi, with
with relative relative abundances
abundances of 53.3–76.2%,of 53.3–76.2%, 1.7–6.8%,and
1.7–6.8%, 4.3–6.5%, 4.3–
6.5%, and respectively.
1.8–2.8%, 1.8–2.8%, respectively. Regulatory
Regulatory measures didmeasures did notimpact
not significantly significantly impact
the relative abun-the
dance ofabundance
Ascomycota of and
Ascomycota and unclassified_fungi.
unclassified_fungi. However,
However, B. subtilis B. subtilis
significantly signifi-
cantly affected
the relative the relative
abundance abundance of Basidiomycota,
of Basidiomycota, reducing
reducing it by 68.8% it by 68.8%
compared to CKcompared
and by
CK and by 74.1%
compared to compared to MB. This
MB. This suggests that suggests
B. subtilisthat B. subtilismay
application application
inhibit themay inhibit
the relative abundance of Basidiomycota. The soil fungal community was further divided
abundance of Basidiomycota. The soil fungal community was further divided into 202 gen-
era. In Figure 9, the top 10 soil fungal genera’s relative abundance is shown
into 202 genera. In Figure 9, the top 10 soil fungal genera’s relative abundance is shown under various
under measures.
various Among
regulatory them, Pseudeurotium,
measures. Among them,Botryotrichum,
Pseudeurotium,Nectria, and Hormiactis
Botryotrichum, Nectria,
were the dominant genera, with relative abundances of 13.0–37.0%, 3.5–13.6%, 2.2–7.9%,
and Hormiactis were the dominant genera, with relative abundances of 13.0–37.0%, 3.5–
and 3.3–6.2%, respectively. Notably, B and MB treatment significantly increased the relative
13.6%, 2.2–7.9%, and 3.3–6.2%, respectively. Notably, B and MB treatment significantly
abundance of Pseudeurotium compared to CK and M by an average of 235.7%, indicat-
increased the relative abundance of Pseudeurotium compared to CK and M by an average
ing a significant promotional effect of B. subtilis application on the relative abundance of
of 235.7%, indicating a significant promotional effect of B. subtilis application on the rela-
tive abundance of Pseudoeurotium.
Plants 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 25
80% a 8%
Mucoromycota 40%
60% a b 4%
b 6%
60% Ascomycota 20% 2%
70% unclassified_Fungi
40% b 4%
50% Basidiomycota 0% b 0%
60% Ascomycota 20% Mortierellomycota unclassified_Fungi 2%
8% 6%
50% 0% a 0%
Mortierellomycota unclassified_Fungi
30% 6%
8% b a a a 6%
40% b a 4%
4% b
20% 6% b a
30% a a 4%
b 2%
20% 2%
4% a
0% 2%
10% CK M B MB 0%
2% 0%
CK M B MB 0% 0%
Figure 8. Relative abundance of fungalCK M B composition
community MB CK Mat the B top MB10 phylum level under
different regulatory measures. CK denotes untreated irrigation, M denotes magnetized ionized wa-
Figure 8. Relative abundance of fungal community composition at the top 10 phylum level under
Figure 8. Relative
ter irrigation, abundance
B denotes of fungal
untreated watercommunity
irrigation withcomposition
45 kg ha −1atB.the top 10and
subtilis, phylum level under
MB denotes mag-
different regulatory measures. CK denotes untreated irrigation, M denotes magnetized ionized
different regulatory
netized water measures.
irrigation with 45CK kgdenotes
ha B. untreated
−1 subtilis. The irrigation, M denotes
data represent the magnetized
average of
−1 B. subtilis, and MB denotes
the four wa-
water irrigation, B denotes untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha−1
ter irrigation,
cates. B denotes
Errors bars untreated
indicate standard water
Different with le 45
erskg ha
above B.
bars and
indicateMB denotes
significant mag-
magnetized water irrigation with 45 kg−1ha−1 B. subtilis. The data represent the average of the four
netized water irrigation with 45 kg ha B. subtilis. The data represent the average
ferences among treatments at p < 0.05. “Others” refers to fungal species that have been classified but of the four repli-
replicates. Errors bars indicate standard errors. Different letters above the bars indicate significant
do notErrors
belong bars indicate
to the main standard
groups oferrors.
interest Different le ers“Unclassified
in our study. above the bars indicate
fungi” significant
includes fungaldif-
differences among treatments at p < 0.05. “Others” refers to fungal species that have been classified
quences among treatments
that could at p < 0.05. “Others”
not be accurately classified refers to fungal
at a finer species
taxonomic thatdue
level havetobeen classified
limitations in but
but do not belong to the main groups of interest in our study. “Unclassified fungi” includes fungal
do not belong
available to theormain
database groups
sequence of interest
similarity. in our
These study.
fungi could “Unclassified
not be assigned fungi”
to aincludes fungal se-
specific taxonomic
sequences that could not be accurately classified at a finer taxonomic level due to limitations in the
group that could not
beyond a broad level. be accurately classified at a finer taxonomic level due to limitations in the
available database or sequence similarity. These fungi could not be assigned to a specific taxonomic
available database or sequence similarity. These fungi could not be assigned to a specific taxonomic
group beyond a broad level.
group beyond a broad level.
(a) (b)
Figure 9. Relationships
Figure 9. Relationships between
fungal genus and regulatory
genus and regulatorymeasures
(b) measures (a)(a)
heatheat map
of dominant genus of fungal communities under different regulatory measures
map of dominant genus of fungal communities under different regulatory measures (b). CK de- (b). CK denotes un-
treated 9. Relationships
untreated M between dominant
irrigation, fungal genus
ionized water
denotes magnetized and regulatory
ionizedirrigation, measures
B denotes
water irrigation, (a)
B denotes and heat map
water irriga-
of dominant
tionwater genus
with irrigation
45 kg of
B. fungal
ha−1with 45 kg communities
subtilis, and
ha −1 MB under
B. subtilis, different
and MB denotesregulatory
water measures
magnetized with
water (b).
45 kgCK
irrigation hadenotes
with un-
−1 B. subtilis.
45 kgirrigation,
− 1 M denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water irriga-
ha B. subtilis.
2.4. with
Relationship B. subtilis,
45 kg ha−1between and MBand
Bacterial denotes
Fungal magnetized
irrigation with 45 kg ha −1 B. subtilis.
Soil Properties
The examination shows intricate connections between soil properties and the com-
2.4. Relationship between Bacterial and Fungal Communities and Soil Properties
position of microbial communities (Figure 10). Soil bulk density (BD) and field capacity
(FC) The examination
are negatively shows intricate
correlated. connections
Specifically, soil pHbetween
and salt soil properties
content andan
(SC) have theinverse
position of microbial communities (Figure 10). Soil bulk density (BD) and field capacity
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 10 of 24
Figure 10.Mantel
Manteltesttest analysis
analysis of dominant
of dominant bacterial
bacterial andgenus
and fungal fungal genus
and and soil properties.
soil properties.
Figure 11. Principal component analysis of soil properties. CK denotes untreated irrigation, M
M de-
Figure 11.Principal
11. Principal
Principal component
componentanalysis of of
analysis soil
of properties.
soilsoil CKCK
properties. denotes
properties. denotes
CK untreated
denotes irrigation,
untreated irrigation,
untreated de-
M de-M
−1 B.
notes magnetized
magnetized ionized
ionized water
water irrigation,
irrigation, BB denotes
denotes untreated
untreated water
water irrigation
irrigation with
with 45
45 kg
kg ha
ha −1 B. −1
notes magnetized
subtilis, magnetized
and MB
ionized water
B Bdenotes
with untreated
water irrigation
−1 B. subtilis.
with 45
45 kg
kg ha−B.
ha 1 B.
subtilis, and
andMBMB denotes
denotes magnetized
magnetized water
irrigationwith 45 kg
with kg
kg B.−1−subtilis.
1 subtilis.
subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water irrigation with 45 kg ha B. subtilis.
Figure 12.
12. Loading vectors of soil properties.
Figure 12. Loading
vectorsofofsoil properties.
soil properties.
Figure 12. Loading vectors of soil properties.
0.8 bb
Soil quality
0.4 cc
0.4 c
0.2 dd
0.2 d
0.0 CK
0.0 13.Effects
Figure 13.
Figure Effectsof
13. Effects
CK ofofregulatory
M measures
B on soil
onon quality
MB index.
quality CK
CK denotes
index. untreated
CK denotes
denotes irrigation,
untreated M
irrigation, M M
denotes magnetized
denotes magnetized ionized
magnetized ionized water
ionizedwater irrigation,
waterirrigation, B denotes
irrigation,BBdenotes untreated
denotesuntreated water
irrigation with
irrigation with45 kg
45 45 ha
−1 −1
haha B.
Figure 13. Effects of regulatory measures on soil quality index. CK denotes untreated irrigation, M
subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water irrigation with 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis. The data represent
denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha −1
the average of the three replicates. Errors bars indicate standard errors. Different letters above the
bars indicate significant differences among treatments at p < 0.01.
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 12 of 24
Index CK M B MB
Seed cotton yield (kg ha−1 ) 6045.77 c ± 36.77 6390.49 bc ± 503.15 6941.02 ab ± 235.97 7260.63 a ± 516.86
Boll number per plant 3.91 b ± 0.20 4.25 b ± 0.25 4.17 b ± 0.11 5.19 a ± 0.41
Upper half mean length (mm) 27.16 c ± 0.53 27.19 c ± 0.39 29.27 b ± 0.51 31.92 a ± 0.43
Uniformity index (%) 77.80 d ± 0.59 80.44 c ± 0.66 82.12 b ± 0.84 85.69 a ± 0.69
Specific breaking strength (cN tex−1 ) 29.09 b ± 1.20 30.73 b ± 0.72 30.41 ab ± 1.84 32.54 a ± 1.02
Micronaire value 5.08 a ± 0.08 4.92 ab ± 0.17 4.90 ab ± 0.16 4.76 b ± 0.10
Note: CK denotes untreated irrigation, M denotes magnetized ionized water irrigation, B denotes untreated water
irrigation with 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis, and MB denotes magnetized water irrigation with 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis. The
data represent the average of the three replicates. Different letters within a column indicate significant differences
among all treatments at p < 0.05.
A partial least squares path analysis model incorporating variables such as soil physical
properties, salinity and alkalinity, nutrients, microorganisms, and cotton yield and quality
was developed, as illustrated in Figure 14. The analysis demonstrates that soil physical
properties, nutrients, and microorganisms exert a positive influence on both cotton yield
and quality, whereas soil salinity and alkalinity negatively affect these parameters. The
hierarchy of influence on cotton yield is as follows: soil salinity and alkalinity > soil
nutrients > soil microorganisms > soil physical properties. Conversely, the hierarchy of
influence on cotton quality is as follows: soil salinity and alkalinity > soil microorganisms
> soil nutrients > soil physical properties. A linear regression model was constructed to
elucidate the correlation between soil quality and both cotton yield and quality (Table 2). In
this model, relative cotton yield and relative quality (Equations (5) and (6)) were designated
as dependent variables, whereas the soil quality index (SQI) was defined as the independent
variable. Upon establishing the model, the slope was computed, revealing a relationship
where yield surpasses quality. This implies that the soil quality index exerts a more
significant enhancement effect on cotton yield compared to cotton quality.
Table 2. Relationship between yield and quality of cotton and soil quality index.
Figure 14. Partial least squares path modeling for the interaction between soil salinity and alkalinity,
Figure 14. Partial
nutrients, least squares
microorganism, path
cotton modeling
yield, for the interaction between soil salinity and alkalinity
and quality.
nutrients, microorganism, co on yield, and quality.
3. Discussion
3.1. 2. Relationship
Effects between
of Magnetized yield
Ionized andonquality
Water of co onand
Soil Properties and soilProduction
Crop quality index.
Magnetization and ionization can alter the physical properties of irrigation water, such
Co on Production as
the surface tension and Linear Function
viscosity Model
coefficient. Ding etAverage Slope
al. [22] found R2
that magnetization RMSE
Seed co on yield
increases water viscosity dueyY =to0.24SQI + 0.80of a magnetic field. This alteration
the influence 0.99 stems 0.01
Yield in hydrogen ybonds
Boll number
from per plant
changes B = 0.28SQI
within +water
0.70 molecules, affecting their interaction
0.66 and 0.08
modifying water’s properties. Liu et al. [23] discovered that magnetized water can ex-
Upper half mean length yL = 0.21SQI + 0.86 0.83 0.03
perience a surface tension reduction of up to 25%. These property changes improve the
Uniformity index yU = 0.12SQI
water. Al+et0.89 that magnetized0.94
water has a 0.01
Quality infiltration capacity of irrigation al. [24] suggested0.13
Specific breaking strength
collectively beneficial impactyS =on0.12SQI + 0.88 properties of soil. Khoshravesh
the infiltration 0.74
et al. [25] 0.03
Micronaire value
observed that the total yM = 0.08SQI + 0.93
water penetration rates were 37.6 and 20 cm after 4 0.88 water 0.01
h for
treated with magnetization and untreated water in silty loam soil. The eventual infiltration
rates were 0.06 and 0.04 cm min−1 , respectively. Hamza et al. [26] showed that magne-
3. Discussion
tized water reduced leaching times and necessary water amounts to decrease soil salinity
Effects of Magnetized
alkalinity Ionized
to acceptable Water
levels, on Soilthat
indicating Properties and Crop
magnetized waterProduction
enhances leaching
Magnetization and ionization can alter the physical properties of irrigation
efficiency and conserves water. Abdul et al. [27] found that using magnetized water for water,
irrigation can increase the EC value and pH of soil leachate by 58.6% and 2.4%, respectively.
such as the surface tension and viscosity coefficient. Ding et al. [22] found that magneti-
This method, which employs magnetized ionized water, mitigates soil salinity stress and
zation increases water viscosity due to the influence of a magnetic field. This alteration
facilitates crop nutrient absorption. However, this promotional effect, under identical
stems from and
irrigation changes in hydrogen
fertilization bonds
conditions, maywithin
result inwater
the Mmolecules,
treatment inaffecting their
comparison to interaction
and modifying water’s properties. Liu et al. [23] discovered that magnetized
(Figures 2 and 3). Magnetized ionized water augments soil moisture content, improves water can
experience a surface tension reduction of up to 25%. These property changes improve the
infiltration capacity of irrigation water. Al et al. [24] suggested that magnetized water has
a collectively beneficial impact on the infiltration properties of soil. Khoshravesh et al. [25]
observed that the total water penetration rates were 37.6 and 20 cm after 4 h for water
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 14 of 24
mineral element solubility, and reduces soil salinity and alkalinity. These conditions foster a
favorable environment for microbial communities, encouraging the proliferation of diverse
microorganisms. Furthermore, applying a magnetic field to irrigation water was found to
influence soil microbial structure and abundance. [28] Cui et al. [29] found that magnetized
water irrigation significantly enhanced the Chao1 and ACE indices by 21.4% and 23.4%,
respectively, compared to non-magnetized water treatment. This increase suggests that
magnetized water benefits the richness of soil’s bacterial community, thereby altering its
structure. Consistent with previous studies, this study demonstrated that using magnetized
ionized water for irrigation led to a notable enhancement in the abundance and variety of
soil bacteria and fungi. This improvement fosters an optimal soil environment, promoting
cotton growth and development while increasing its productivity (Table 1). Corroborating
these findings, Zhou et al. [17,30] and Wei et al. [11] demonstrated that using magnetized
and ionized water for irrigation led to an average increase in cotton yield of 22.4% and
21.5%, respectively, in field experiments spanning more than two years. To maximize the
effectiveness of the magnetized ionized treatment, this research team has summarized long-
term experimental results to propose the technical requirements for magnetized ionized
treatment [31]. The effective magnetic field strength at the center position of the agricultural
magnetic water device’s pipeline should be between 0.3 and 0.4 T, with the shell’s leakage
magnetic field strength at ≤ 2 mT and the effective magnetic length along the pipeline
being ≥ 60 cm. The magnetic water device should be installed on the main pipeline or the
trunk and branch pipelines of the irrigation system, with the front and rear ends connected
to the inlet and outlet of the water conveyance pipe, ensuring that the water is effectively
magnetized as it flows through the pipe, without the need for additional energy input.
The pipeline flow rate should be ≥ 0.5 m s−1 and the effective area used by the magnetic
device should be within 1000 m2 . Future studies should involve continuous multi-year
experiments to investigate whether long-term irrigation with magnetized ionized water
affects the magnetism of soil particles, as well as the effects of magnetized soil particles on
the behavior of conventional water in the soil, facilitating further research discoveries.
salt content by secreting extracellular polymers that bind soil particles, which facilitate
large aggregate formation, improve soil structure, and promote salt leaching [37]. Zhou
et al. [38] reported that applying B. subtilis can reduce soil salinity by 11–31% compared to
the blank control. Moreover, Bacillus species function as biocontrol agents by generating
a variety of antimicrobial compounds that target plant pathogens, thereby reducing the
requirement for chemical pesticides, lowering the environmental footprint of agriculture,
and mitigating the risk of chemical residues in food [39]. Other bacterial genera, including
Pseudomonas, Metrophaga, and Streptomyces, also contribute to crop growth promotion, soil
nutrient cycling, and biological control [40–47]. Although the fungal genus Pseudoeurotium’s
role in soil ecosystems is not explicitly defined, its potential ecological significance in soil
environments is evident [48,49]. The B. subtilis activity in soil decreases soil salinity and
pH, increases nutrient content, and fosters a favorable environment for diverse beneficial
microorganisms and increases microbial diversity, thereby improving soil quality and
cotton production (Table 1). Zhao et al. [50] reported a 6.1% cotton yield increase with B.
subtilis application. Furthermore, Zhu et al. [51] demonstrated that B. subtilis utilization
significantly enhances specific breaking strength by 6.9% and cotton fiber length by 4.3%,
indicating a significantly improved cotton quality (p < 0.05).
analysis to identify key soil quality indicators, including BD, FC, SC, SOM, bacterial
ASVs, fungal ASVs, NO3− −N, AP, and the fungal Shannon index to calculate the soil
quality index. The findings indicated that the utilization of magnetized ionized water for
irrigation along with B. subtilis had a significant impact (p < 0.01) on enhancing soil quality
(Figure 13). This enhancement may be attributable to the reduction in soil salinity and
alkalinity and the increased diversity of soil microorganisms. Notably, SQI under B. subtilis
was significantly superior to that under magnetized ionized water irrigation (p < 0.01).
This difference may be due to the increased soil nutrients observed under B. subtilis. This
outcome demonstrates the synergistic effect of the two methods, which enhanced soil health
and promoted its sustainable use. Corroborating this, Grumezescu et al. [63] underscored
the role of magnetic materials in boosting microbial activity. This study revealed that the
escalation in the SQI had a more pronounced effect on cotton yield than on cotton quality
(Table 2). This discrepancy could be attributed to the critical role of major soil nutrients,
particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, in cotton growth. The increase in soil
microbial diversity facilitated soil nutrient cycling and availability, which reduced soil
salinity and alkalinity, thereby promoting nutrient absorption in cotton. These nutrients
play direct roles in cotton biosynthesis, such as nitrogen’s contribution to protein synthesis,
phosphorus’s role in cell division and organ differentiation, and potassium’s enhancement
of water regulation and disease resistance. The augmentation of these nutrients significantly
boosts cotton growth and boll number, consequently increasing cotton yield. Conversely,
while cotton quality also necessitates adequate nutritional support, it is more profoundly
influenced by genetic factors and pest control.
35 25
Air temperature
- - - - Average air temperature 20
Air temperature/℃
0 0
1-Apr 16-Apr 1-May 16-May 31-May 15-Jun 30-Jun 15-Jul 30-Jul 14-Aug 29-Aug 13-Sep 28-Sep
Figure 15.Average
daily temperature
temperature and
throughoutthe cocotton
the on growth season.
growth season.
Air temperature/℃
Plants 2024, 13, 17 of 24
Table 3. Physical characteristics of the soil at the test location.
Soil Water Content
Particle Composition Bulk 5
Soil Layer (cm3 cm−3 )
5 Soil texture Density
Clay (%) Silt (%) Sand (%) (g cm−3 ) θWP θFC θS
0–20 0 12.18 79.11 8.60 Silty loam 1.46 0.042 0.31 0 0.41
20–40 1-Apr 12.66
16-Apr 1-May
81.9316-May 31-May
5.42 15-Jun
loam 15-Jul 30-Jul
1.52 14-Aug 0.042
29-Aug 13-Sep0.33
28-Sep 0.41
θFigure 15.permanent
WP is the Average daily temperature
wilting point; θ FC isand
the rainfall throughout
field capacity; and θ sthe co saturated
is the on growthsoilseason.
water content.
4.2. Magnetized
4.2. MagnetizedIonized
SystemforforIrrigation Water
Irrigation Treatment
Water Treatment
The canal
The canalwater,
originating from
from Tianshan
TianshanMountains’ meltwater,
Mountains’ underwent
meltwater, underwentfiltra-filtra-
tion and
tion and pressurization
pump room
roombefore flowing
before intointo
flowing the the
through buried
through buried
pipelines. At the field pipeline outlet, a 90 mm polyethylene (PE) pipe connected
pipelines. At the field pipeline outlet, a 90 mm polyethylene (PE) pipe connected to a mag- to a mag-
netized ionized
netized ionized device
installed.The magnetized
The ionized
magnetized system
ionized (Xi’an
system Wangkaiyue
(Xi’an Wangkaiyue
Metal Products Co., Ltd., Xi’an, China) comprised a magnetized device, ground electrode,
Metal Products Co., Ltd., Xi’an, China) comprised a magnetized device, ground electrode,
and conductor (Figure 16). Utilizing a permanent rubidium magnet ring with a magnetic
and conductor (Figure 16). Utilizing a permanent rubidium magnet ring with a magnetic field
field intensity of 3000 Gs, the magnetizer achieved a grounding resistance of 5 Ω, connect-
intensity of 3000 Gs, the magnetizer achieved a grounding resistance of 5 Ω, connecting the
ing the ground bolt to the ground electrode through a wire. The canal water, not passing
ground bolt to the ground electrode through a wire. The canal water, not passing through
through the magnetized ionized system, is termed non-magnetized–ionized water
the magnetized ionized system, is termed non-magnetized–ionized water (NMIW), while
(NMIW), while water passing through is magnetized ionized water (MIW) (Figure 17).
water passing through
Magnetization is magnetized
and ionization treatmentionized
altered water (MIW)
the water (Figure
surface 17).from
tension Magnetization
66.8 to 64.0 and
ionization treatment altered the water surface tension from 66.8 to 64.0 mN m −1 in this study.
mN m in this study.
Figure 16.
Figure 16. Magnetized
Figure 17.
drip irrigation
drip system
irrigation arrangement
system of the
arrangement ofexperiments.
the experiments.
Figure 18.Locations
18. Locationsof
Locations ofofcocoononplanting.
cotton planting.
Figure 19.Experimental
19. Experimentalsite.
Experimental site.
experiment comprised four treatments: untreated irrigation (CK), irrigation with
magnetized ionized water (M), untreated water irrigation with 45 kg ha 539 B. subtilis
added − 1 B. subtilis added (MB).
500(B), and irrigation with magnetized water with 45 kg ha
ion amount/mm
ion amount/mm
300 307
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 19 of 24
The application rate of B. subtilis is determined based on the research of Jiang et al. [65].
Every experimental plot was 2 m wide and 30 m long, with each treatment repeated three
times in a randomized block layout. B. subtilis (LV-01), provided by Shandong Lvlong
Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Weifang City, Shandong Province, China), was in wettable powder
form, containing 20 billion viable spores per gram. The initial cotton irrigation event (6 June
2023) utilized pressure fertilizer barrels for its application through the drip irrigation
system, Experimental site.
shown in Figure 17.
Irrigation amount/mm
300 307
1-June 16-June 1-July 16-July 31-July 15-August 30-August
Figure 20.
Figure 20. Co on irrigation
Cotton irrigationscheduling.
where S represents the soil salt content at the cotton boll stage. The SCinside narrow , SCwide ,
SCoutside narrow , and SCbare variables represent the salt content of the soil for the inside
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 20 of 24
narrow, wide, outside narrow, and bare soil strips (g m−2 ), respectively. Proportional
weights of 1/3, 4/21, 1/3, and 1/7 were allocated to reflect the relative widths of these
strips at their respective locations.
and pH), Equation (3) was employed. The final soil quality index was determined using
Equation (4) [21].
Xi − Xmin
Ti = (2)
Xmax − Xmin
Xmax − Xi
Ti = (3)
Xmax − Xmin
where Ti , Xi , Xmin , and Xmax represent the dimensionless values, actual measured values,
minimum measured values, and maximum measured values of key soil quality indicators,
SQI = ∑ Wi ·Ti (4)
where Wi represents the weight of key soil quality indicators, and n indicates the quantity
of indicators in MDS.
yi = (5)
yi = (6)
where Zi is the cotton yield and quality indicator, and Zi , max and Zi, min are the maximum
and minimum value of the above indicators; yi is the relative value of the above indicators.
5. Conclusions
This study focused on the effects of magnetized ionized water and B. subtilis on soil
physical properties, salinity and alkalinity, nutrient content, and microbial diversity, as
well as on a soil quality assessment. The research discovered that the levels of nutrients
in the soil, including NH4+ −N, NO3− −N, AP, TP, AK, and SOM, negatively correlate with
soil salinity and alkalinity, while the relative abundance of dominant soil bacterial and
fungal genera significantly correlates with soil salt content. Compared to CK, the M, B,
and MB treatments significantly improved (p < 0.01) the SQI by 0.21, 0.52, and 0.69 units,
respectively, with a greater promotion effect on cotton yield than cotton quality. This
research offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of combining magnetized ionized
water irrigation with B. subtilis application in saline agriculture. Future studies should
Plants 2024, 13, 2458 22 of 24
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Figure S1: Soil water content at the cotton
boll stage.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.J., Q.W. and S.N.; methodology, Z.J. and S.L.; software,
Z.J.; validation, X.H. and Z.S.; formal analysis, S.N.; investigation, Z.J., S.N. and X.H.; writing—
original draft preparation, Z.J. and S.N.; writing—review and editing, Z.J., Q.W. and S.N. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (52179042,
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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