No Tillage Increases Soil Microarthropod (Acari and Collembola) Abundance at The Global Scale
No Tillage Increases Soil Microarthropod (Acari and Collembola) Abundance at The Global Scale
No Tillage Increases Soil Microarthropod (Acari and Collembola) Abundance at The Global Scale
1 State Key Laboratory of Black Soil Conservation and Utilization, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Changchun 130102, China
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3 College of Agriculture, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
4 Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health, Ningbo Observation and Research Station, Fujian Key Laboratory of Watershed Ecology,
Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
5 Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Urban Environmental Processes and Pollution Control, CAS Haixi Industrial Technology Innovation Center in Beilun,
Ningbo 315830, China
* Corresponding authors. E-mail: [email protected] (X. Sun); [email protected] (L. Chang)
† These two authors contribute equally to this paper
Received July 27, 2023; Revised October 9, 2023; Accepted October 16, 2023
● This positive effect of conservation tillage is particularly evident in
application resulted in decreased abundance and diversity soil biodiversity and nutrient cycling (Filser, 2002; Kaneda
of soil fauna. Soil biodiversity is critical for soil safety and and Kaneko, 2008; Zhang et al., 2021). Given the growing
sustainable production (Kassam et al., 2009, 2010; Verhulst significance of soil microarthropods diversity in the study of
et al., 2010; Tittonell, 2014). These issues raise a funda- soil ecosystems, the impact of conservation tillage practices
mental question: How can we preserve soil biodiversity on their diversity has garnered considerable attention.
while ensuring sustainable agricultural production? This In recent years, there has been a growing research interest
study aims to explore a potential solution—conservation in farmland tillage and soil microarthropods (Yin et al., 2019;
tillage, particularly the no tillage system—and its impact on Coulibaly et al., 2022; Yu et al., 2022; Reilly et al., 2023),
the abundance of soil microarthropods, including Acari and leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the
Collembola. Despite existing research focusing on the niche and microhabitat soil microarthropods. The manage-
effects of no tillage on the abundance of soil microarthropods ment of farmland tillage can have an impact on the abun-
(Acari and Collembola), there remains need for a more in- dance of soil microarthropods, including Acari and Collem-
depth investigation to determine whether these effects are bola. According to Betancur-Corredor et al. (2023), the
consistent on a global scale. application of organic nitrogen fertilization has been shown
Conservation tillage plays a key role in mitigating soil to increase the abundance of soil microarthropods, including
ecological pressure, cutting production costs, and preserving Acari and Collembola, while the application of inorganic
soil quality and biological activity (Sapkota, 2012; Seitz et al., fertilizer decreases their abundance. Additionally, research
2019; Fiorini et al., 2020). Conversely, conventional tillage, conducted by Betancur-Corredor et al. (2022) suggests that
while effective in suppressing the growth of annual weeds reducing the intensity of tillage can result in the increased
and facilitating precise seed placement (Barberi and Lo abundance of soil Acari. Concurrently, soil microarthropods
Cascio, 2001; Ehlers and Claupein, 2017), has detrimental offer feedback on tillage for assessing the quality of cultivated
consequences such as soil structure degradation, subsoil soil (Jerez-Valle et al., 2014). Studies indicate that soil
compaction, soil erosion, and a decline in organic content microarthropods demonstrate sensitivity to such changes in
(Holland, 2004; Bulte et al., 2005). Moreover, intensive tillage management (Nadia Vignozzi et al., 2019; Yin et al.,
management practices associated with conventional farming 2020). The abundance of soil microarthropods is closely
can compromise the soilʼs water and nutrient retention associated with soil characteristics, encompassing pH,
capacity, exacerbating its susceptibility to compaction and organic matter, water content, and particle size distribution
surface crust formation. Such practices also result in physical (Verhulst et al., 2010; Sapkota, 2012; Xin et al., 2018). For
disturbance and nutrient depletion, ultimately limiting the instance, microhabitatʼs humidity is a significant factor
availability of food resources for soil microarthropods and affecting both the distribution and abundance of Collembola
disrupting the habitat of burrowing organisms (Bedano et al., and Acari (Kardol et al., 2011; Rahgozar et al., 2019;
2006). In contrast, the implementation of no tillage as a Mirzaei-Pashami et al., 2020); soil aggregates and soil
conservation tillage strategy does not necessitate soil distur- respiration affect the abundance of soil microarthropods
bance during the processes of planting and harvesting (Machado et al., 2019; Jernigan et al., 2020); and soil
processes (Kassam et al., 2009), thereby minimizing organic matter and microbial carbon were significant factors
damage to the physical structure of tillage soil, increases the in the abundance of soil Collembola and Acari (Machado
organic matter content and bulk density, and preserving the et al., 2019; Coulibaly et al., 2022). Nevertheless, some
soil aggregate stability (Singh et al., 2018; Coulibaly et al., studies have shown that no tillage farming has no noticeable
2022). However, it should be noted that the use of pesti- impact on soil microarthropods, including Acari and Collem-
cides, herbicides, and chemicals is increased in this bola (Zhan, 2013), and other research has reported positive
approach, which can have minimal impacts on soil biodiver- on the abundance of Acari and Collembola (Dubie et al.,
sity (Arroyo and Iturrondobeitia, 2006; Disque et al., 2019; 2011; Liu et al., 2013), as well as the negative effects on
Fiera et al., 2020; Rieff et al., 2020). Agricultural practices Acari and Collembola (Xin et al., 2018). The majority of stud-
that alter soil physicochemical properties have implications ies on microarthropods in farmland soil has primarily
not only for soil biodiversity but also for crop productivity concentrated on the impact of soil properties and farmland
(Kladivko, 2001; Mirzaei-Pashami et al., 2020). tillage practices. The impact of tillage on soil microarthropods
Soil microarthropods, primarily dominated by Acari and may be influenced by the pre-tillage soil conditions, which
Collembola, are crucial constituents of soil organisms. They have not been addressed in previous studies. The charac-
serve as indicators of soil quality and offer valuable insights teristics of the soil and the climate before tillage may have
into soil properties changes (Karg, 1982; Gardi et al., 2009). an impact on how no tillage affects soil microarthropods
Furthermore, soil microarthropods play a vital role in (Spedding et al., 2004; Rożen et al., 2010; Kardol et al.,
preserving soil ecosystem health through their influence on 2011; Santos et al., 2018). For instance, Domínguez et al.
Yulin Liu et al. 3
(2010) demonstrated that the impacts of no tillage may vary have a significant impact on soil nutrient levels, organic
depending on the soil qualities. In certain soils and climates, matter content, soil structure, and water retention (Rożen et
no tillage did not improve the physical, chemical, and biolo- al., 2010; Sékou, 2017; Belmonte et al., 2018; Singh et al.,
gical properties of soils (Domínguez et al., 2010). Christine 2018).·
(1991) demonstrated that in temperate regions, no tillage led
to a decrease in the abundance of soil Acari and Collembola.
2 Materials and methods
The increased abundance of Acari and Collembola in no
tillage soils may be attributed, in part, to factors such as
higher organic matter, increased water capacity, enhanced 2.1 Search strategy
soil aggregates stability, improved water infiltration rates,
Peer-reviewed literature data, obtained through a systematic
greater aeration, and reduced compaction in no tillage
literature search, were utilized to quantify the correlation
systems (Singh et al., 2018; Jernigan et al., 2020). This
between no tillage and the abundance of microarthropod,
phenomenon can be attributed to the enhanced distribution
including Acari and Collembola. This study encompasses
and availability of organic matter including organic carbon pertinent studies collected from January 1980 to April 2022,
stocks, bacterial and fungal biomass, and their potential for sourced from the Web of Science and CNKI (China National
carbon mineralization, serving as a fundamental food source Knowledge Infrastructure) databases. The search was
(Verhulst et al., 2010; Li et al., 2020). performed on April 7, 2022, utilizing the following search
Thoroughly examining the interplay between soil proper- formulae: ((Mite* or Acarus or Acari or Acarina or Oribatida
ties, climate, and the effects of no tillage on soil microarthro- or Mesostigmata or Prostigmata) OR (Collembola or collem-
pods (Acari and Collembola) has been challenging due to bolan* or springtail* or Folsomia or candida or podura or
the reliance of previous investigations on site-specific data snowflea or jumper)) AND (no-tillage or zero tillage or no-till
regarding soil properties and climatic conditions (van or no tillage). A total of 335 papers from Web of Science and
Capelle et al., 2012; Coulibaly et al., 2022; Morugán- 11 papers from CNKI were identified. After removing 6 dupli-
Coronado et al., 2022). We conducted a meta-analysis to cates from the 346 papers, the remaining 340 papers were
assess the effects of no tillage farming on soil microarthropod elected based on relevance by thoroughly reviewing their full
(Acari and Collembola) and to examine the influence of soil texts and abstracts. Ultimately, this article is based on a
properties and climate factors on the interplay between no selection of 59 articles, including 47 focused on Collembola,
tillage practices and soil microarthropods. The meta-analysis 46 on Acari, and 32 on microarthropods. It is important to
involved systematically gathering and analyzing relevant clarify that among these articles, 13 articles included data on
literature. We hypothesize that: (1) no tillage practices will all three categories- Collembola, Acari, and microarthro-
increase the abundance of soil microarthropod (Acari and pods, while 32 articles exclusively focused on Collembola
Collembola), compared to conventional tillage. Previous and Acari. The process of literature selection is illustrated in
studies have shown the beneficial effects of no tillage prac- Fig. S1.
tices, such as reduced soil disturbance, increased organic
matter content, and improved soil moisture levels (Chivenge
2.2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria
et al., 2007; Borgognone and Basile, 2017), which are likely
to increase microarthropod abundance by improving habitat Prior to study selection, a comprehensive review of relevant
conditions and resource availability. (2) The effect of no literature was conducted, encompassing titles, abstracts,
tillage practices on soil Collembola abundance is expected and full texts, to ensure conformity with the predefined crite-
to be greater compared to soil Acari. This difference can be ria. With the exception of treatment variations, the experi-
attributed to the presence of sensory organs in soil Collem- mental treatments for no tillage were required to demonstrate
bola, such as well-developed furca and slender antennae, the presence of soil Acari, or Collembola. Furthermore, the
which enable them to detect and respond to environmental experimental treatments were required to include conven-
changes, search for food, and avoid potential threats tional tillage with comparable levels of soil Acari or Collem-
( Graham et al., 1994; Mitchell et al., 2017; Li et al., 2020). bola. Articles failing to meet these criteria were excluded
(3) The effect of no tillage on soil microarthropods abundance from the analysis. The study areas of the 59 articles
will be more pronounced in regions characterized by poor selected for meta-analysis are depicted in Table 1.
soil structure and lower nutrient availability. Previous
research indicates that soil characteristics like organic
2.3 Data extraction
matter content, texture, and pH have a stronger influence on
soil fauna compared to tillage practices (Chivenge et al., Most of the articles we analyzed included data on
2007). In such areas, it is likely that no tillage practices will microarthropod abundance. Many of these studies
4 No tillage and soil microarthropods
Table 1 Geographical location of the 59 articles (or source) included in the meta-analysis.
Articles Latitude Longitude Articles Latitude Longitude Articles Latitude Longitude
1 −37.78 −122.22 21 31.72 73.98 41 43.02 10.60
2 −34.28 138.78 22 33.96 −83.38 42 43.32 124.23
3 −33.28 −63.90 23 33.96 −83.38 43 43.54 −80.25
4 −30.00 −53.50 24 33.96 −83.38 44 43.62 −120.35
5 −29.96 −49.42 25 35.00 114.40 45 44.31 −85.60
6 −26.78 −49.10 26 35.02 114.53 46 45.13 42.06
7 −22.23 −54.82 27 35.02 114.53 47 45.44 10.99
8 −20.86 −42.80 28 35.38 −78.08 48 45.44 10.99
9 −20.38 −41.05 29 36.03 48.99 49 45.63 −122.67
10 −18.06 −49.51 30 37.72 140.38 50 46.37 −76.41
11 −11.86 −55.37 31 38.54 −76.08 51 46.31 −63.38
12 12.20 125.55 32 39.00 −76.49 52 47.43 126.63
13 20.85 −42.80 33 39.32 −5.32 53 47.43 126.63
14 23.62 104.35 34 39.96 116.23 54 47.43 126.63
15 25.45 −50.55 35 40.25 −8.32 55 51.10 17.13
16 26.35 92.83 36 40.41 −82.91 56 120.20 34.24
17 29.30 330.85 37 41.71 15.95 57 −30.33 149.78
18 29.80 76.92 38 41.87 1.15 58 36.17 97.31
19 29.80 76.92 39 42.88 143.88 59 38.38 75.58
20 29.96 −90.07 40 42.93 120.68
incorporated both reduced tillage and no tillage treatments RR = lnR = ln
in their experimental designs. Therefore, we extracted this
specific subset of data to acquire relevant information. YNT/RT : mean abundance of soil microarthropods, Acari,
The following data were extracted and recorded: mean Collembola in each study for no tillage or reduced tillage
abundance of microarthropods, Acari, and Collembola; soils. YCT : mean abundance of soil microarthropods, Acari,
sample size; standard deviation and standard error for no Collembola in each study of conventional tillage.
tillage, reduced tillage, and conventional tillage soils. Addi- Meta-analyses and meta-regressions, observed effect
tionally, we collected information on the latitude and longitude sizes (RRs) were weighed by the inverse of the sampling
of the study area, soil texture, pH, organic matter content, variances, which were calculated as:
soil total nitrogen content, soil phosphorus availability SD2NT/RT 2
content, and soil potassium availability content prior to the V 2 (RR) = 2
+ 2
experimental treatments. These data were extracted from
tables or graphs using WebPlotDigitizer-3.8-Desktop for NNT/RT : sample size for soil microarthropods, Acari, Collem-
digitization. Visual verification was performed to ensure the bola in each study of no tillage or reduced tillage soils. NCT :
accuracy of data extraction from graphs and to eliminate sample sizes for soil microarthropods, Acari, Collembola in
errors during the process. The latitude and longitude of the each study of conventionally tilled soils. ȲNT/RT : mean abun-
study area, along with its location as specified in the respec- dance of microarthropods, Acari, Collembola in no tillage or
tive article, were directly obtained from the source material. reduced tillage soils. ȲCT : mean abundance of microarthro-
Google Maps was utilized to determine the latitude and pods, Acari, Collembola in conventional tillage soils.
longitude coordinates of the study area, while ArcGIS 10.6 S DNT/RT : the standard deviation for soil microarthropods,
was employed to extract the climate data of the study area Acari, Collembola in each study of no tillage or reduced
from the respective climate data layer. tillage soils. S DCT : standard deviations for soil microarthro-
Effect size metrics: pods, Acari and Collembola in each study of conventionally
We calculated the log response ratio (RR, hereafter tillage soils. In cases where standard deviations are not
response ratio) as a measure of the effect size (Hedges reported in the literature, we employ the formula
et al., 1999; Lajeunesse, 2011). S D = n ∗ S E (where n represents the sample size and SE
Yulin Liu et al. 5
represents the standard error) to convert the provided stan- in the effects of no tillage on soil microarthropods (QE =
dard errors into standard deviations. This allows us to depict 2 455.8, p < 0.01), Acari (QE = 99 873.8, p < 0.01), Collem-
the data on soil microarthropods, Acari, and Collembola in bola (QE = 13 654 887.1, p < 0.01), as well as in the effects
conventionally tilled soils. If standard deviations and standard of reduced tillage on soil microarthropods (QE = 2 322.2,
errors are not reported in the literature, we utilize the p < 0.01), Acari (QE = 17 238.2, p < 0.01), and Collembola
“Bracken 1992” method, which entails estimating the stan- (QE = 257.3, p < 0.01), Table S2.
dard deviation (SD) by interpolating it using the coefficient of Single-factor mixed-effects meta-analysis was employed
variation derived from all complete cases (Lajeunesse, to examine the relationship between 13 variables, including
2011; Benítez-López et al., 2017). This analysis is soil texture (a factorial variable), organic matter content, and
performed using the meta gear package in R (Speidel, pH value prior to tillage, and the effect size (RR). The 12
1992). continuous variables were standardized using Z-scores to
The percentage increases in soil microarthropods, account for variations in magnitudes, prior to analysis.
Acari, and collembolans for no tillage and reduced tillage Single-factor mixed-effects meta-analyses were performed
soils was calculated as (exp(yi) − 1) × 100) (Benítez-López to examine the effect size of no tillage and reduced tillage
et al., 2017). The study used the log response ratio for different textures. Additionally, these analyses explored
(RR) as the effect value. A log response ratio (RR) greater the regression relationships between the 12 continuous vari-
than zero indicates a positive impact of the treatment on ables and the effect size of no tillage and reduced tillage
the abundance of the study subject, while a negative RR (Table S3).
signifies a negative impact. A value of zero for the RR To examine the relationship between the abundance
indicates that the treatment has no effect on the abundance effect size (RR) of Collembola, Acari, and microarthropods
of the subject under investigation. A total of 167 studies in no tillage soil and the continuous variables, a multi-factor
were reviewed to assess the effect of no tillage on soil mixed-effects meta-regression analysis model was
microarthropods abundance, while 193 studies were employed. The importance of the characteristic variables
screened for the impact on soil Acari abundance, and was assessed using the MetaFores package in R (Lissa,
176 studies were analyzed to explore the effect on soil 2017) (Fig. S2). The () function of the R MetaFores
Collembola abundance. Additionally, 46 studies were package in R (Viechtbauer, 2010) and the glmulty () function
reviewed to investigate the effect of reduced tillage on soil of the glmulti package in R (Calcagno and de Mazancourt,
microarthropods abundance, while 64 studies were 2010) were used to fit multiple models that included the five
analyzed for the impact on soil Acari abundance, and 27 most important predictors and their interactions. Model
studies were reviewed to investigate the effect on soil selection was conducted procedure using maximum likeli-
Collembola abundance. hood estimation. Model selection was performed using a
small-sample modified Akaike information criterion (AICc).
The relative importance value of a factor was calculated as
2.4 Data analysis
the sum of the AICc weights of the models in which the
We used the multilevel mixed effects meta-analyses to factor was present (Terrer et al., 2021).
control for non-independence of different studies from the Assessing the robustness of the model and examining
same literature. For model selection, we considered the potential publication bias. Precision (1/SE) was utilized
random effects of reference, studies, and studies nested as a covariant in the analysis and visualized
within references. Depending on the modelʼs BIC for deter- through funnel plots and Egger tests. If there was minimal
mining the inclusion or exclusion of random effects (Anderson bias, the trim and fill method (Chatelain et al., 2020) was
and Burnham, 2004), the no tillage analysis ultimately used to address it. Publication bias was evaluated using
retained a random effect structure of (1|reference/study), the mv function and meta residuals (Egger et al., 1997). The
while reduced tillage analysis retained a random effect egger tests revealed significant publication bias for the
structure of (1|study) (Table S1). following variables: no tillage soil microarthropods (z =
The analysis consisted of three steps: random-effects −0.98, p = 0.33), Acari (z = −1.14, p = 0.26), and Collembola
meta-analysis, single-factor mixed-effects meta-regression (z = 0.56, p = 0.57); as well as reduced tillage soil
analysis, and multi-factor mixed-effects meta-regression microarthropods (z = 0.37, p = 0.71), Acari (z = −0.75, p =
analyses. The random-effects meta-analysis assessed the 0.44), and Collembola (z = 1.41, p = 0.16). The model
overall impact of no tillage and reduced tillage practices on successfully passed tests for both robustness and potential
the abundance of soil microarthropods, Acari, and collem- publication bias, and the study's findings are accurately
bolans. Heterogeneity was assessed using Cochranʼs Q-test presented in Fig. S3. All analyses were conducted using R
(QE), and the results revealed significant heterogeneity 4.21 software.
6 No tillage and soil microarthropods
We investigated the abundance of microarthropods in no The abundance of soil Acari in no tillage soils was significantly
tillage and reduced tillage soils, considering their relationship affected by soil texture (p < 0.01). Specifically, in sandy clay
with soil properties (Table S3). The impact of no tillage on loam soil, the abundance of soil Acari was significantly
microarthropods abundance was significantly influenced by higher in no tillage compared to conventional tillage (p <
soil texture (p < 0.01). Specifically, when the soil texture was 0.01), Fig. 2C.
silty loam, no tillage practices result in significantly higher We investigated the correlation between no tillage practices
microarthropods abundance compared to conventional and soil Acari abundance, taking into account the influence
tillage (p < 0.01), Fig. 2A. Concerning the influence soil pH of climatic factors (Table S3). The analysis of the mean
on soil microarthropods abundance under no tillage prac- annual precipitation and no tillage effects on soil Acari abun-
tices, it was observed that no tillage enhanced microarthro- dance revealed a trend of increasing soil Acari abundance
pods abundance within the pH range of 5.1−8.3, with a with annual precipitation. The impact of no tillage on soil
decreasing effect as pH increases (Fig. 3C). Similarly, the Acari abundance depended on the level of mean annual
Fig. 1 Effects of no tillage and reduced tillage practices on microarthropod, Acari, and Collembola abundance: A Meta-analysis
of weighted-mean effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals. NT and RT represent no tillage and reduced tillage, respectively.
The grey dashed line represents the null effect (0); the small black squares denote weighted effect sizes with values outside the
brackets; the lines extending from the small black squares indicate 95% confidence intervals with values enclosed in brackets.
Yulin Liu et al. 7
Fig. 2 Impact of soil texture on microarthropod, Acari, and Collembola abundance in no tillage and reduced tillage soils. The
comparison between no tillage (NT) and reduced tillage (RT) is illustrated on the left and right, respectively; A and B represent
soil microarthropods; C and D represent soil Acari; E and F represent soil Collembola.
precipitation. In wetter areas, no tillage had a greater effect, The analysis of soil pH and the effect of reduced tillage on
resulting in higher soil Acari abundance compared to soil Acari abundance revealed that within the pH range of
conventional tillage. Conversely, in areas with a mean 5.8−6.7, reduced tillage led to increased soil Acari abun-
annual precipitation below 300 mm, no tillage led to a dance. Additionally, we investigated the relationship
decrease in soil Acari abundance, whereas it increased in between soil available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)
areas with a mean annual precipitation above 300mm, as levels and the effect of reduced tillage on Acari abundance.
compared to conventional tillage (Fig. 4A). Moreover, the The results revealed a significant relationship, indicating that
impact of no tillage on soil Acari abundance was more lower levels of available P and available K were linked to a
pronounced in locations with higher precipitation of driest greater increase in Acari abundance in reduced tillage soils
month, while it was relatively lower in areas with lower (available P: p < 0.01; available K: p < 0.05).
precipitation of the driest month (Fig. 4B). These findings Reduced tillage practices resulted in increased soil Acari
highlight the stronger influence of no tillage practices on soil abundance compared to conventional tillage in regions with
Acari abundance in areas with higher levels of both mean higher mean annual temperature (Table S3). We explored
annual precipitation and precipitation of the driest month. the association between mean annual temperature and the
We conducted a comprehensive analysis to examine the effect of reduced tillage on soil Acari abundance (p < 0.05).
impact of reduced tillage on soil Acari abundance (Table S3).
Texture was found to significantly affect value (RR) of Acari
3.2.3 Soil Collembola
abundance in reduced tillage soils (p < 0.01). For chalk loam
and sandy soils, reduced tillage significantly increased soil We explored the correlation between soil properties and the
Acari abundance compared to conventional tillage (Fig. 2D). effect size of Collembola abundance in no tillage soils
8 No tillage and soil microarthropods
Fig. 3 Variation in effect sizes of microarthropod abundance in no tillage soils across different environmental factors. A to D
indicate, respectively, the effect of precipitation of driest month, annual precipitation, soil pH and available P on the effect size of
microarthropod abundance in no tillage soils.
(Table S3). Soil texture significantly influenced the effect (Fig. 2F). The effect of reduced tillage on soil Collembola
size (RR) of Collembola abundance in no tillage soils (p < abundance increased with the increase of soil total nitrogen
0.05), with positive effects observed in silty clay and loamy (N) content (Table S3). The relationship between mean
sandy soils (Fig. 2E). The relationship between soil total annual temperature, maximum temperature, and the effect
nitrogen (N) content, organic matter content, and the effect of reduced tillage on soil Collembola abundance revealed
of no tillage on soil Collembola abundance revealed that the that the effect size (RR) of reduced tillage was greater in
effect size (RR) of no tillage was larger in soils with lower soils with lower mean annual temperature and maximum
total N content and organic matter content. Specifically, no temperature (Table S3). These findings indicate that imple-
tillage increased soil Collembola abundance when the menting reduced tillage practices can enhance soil Collem-
organic matter content ranged from 8 g kg−1 to 32 g kg−1 or bola abundance, particularly in colder regions.
when the total N content of the soil was less than 3.5g kg−1
(Fig. 5).
3.3 The impact of temperature, precipitation, and their
The impact of soil texture on the effect size (RR) of
interaction on soil microarthropod (Acari, Collembola)
Collembola abundance in reduced tillage soils was found to
abundance in no tillage management
be significant (p < 0.10) (Table S3). Specifically, for clay
soils, reduced tillage led to a significant decrease in soil The examination of microarthropod (Acari, Collembola)
Collembola abundance compared to conventional tillage abundance in no tillage soils revealed a several significant
Yulin Liu et al. 9
Fig. 4 Effect size of Acari abundance in no tillage soils under different annual precipitation and precipitation of driest month.
A indicates annual precipitation, B indicates precipitation of driest month.
Fig. 5 Effect size of Collembola abundance in no tillage soils under different soil organic matter and soil total N. A indicates
soil organic matter, B indicates soil total N.
factors that influence the effect size (Table S4). The of warmest month and annual precipitation interaction, maxi-
microarthropod abundance in no tillage soils was found to mum temperature of warmest month and precipitation of
be influenced by several significant factors, including annual driest month interaction, maximum temperature of warmest
precipitation, annual precipitation and precipitation of driest month and annual mean temperature interaction, maximum
month interaction, precipitation of driest month and annual temperature of warmest month and soil pH interaction. The
precipitation interaction, annual precipitation and maximum estimated parameter sizes for each of these models are
temperature of warmest month interaction, and maximum provided in Table S5.
temperature of warmest month and minimum temperature of
coldest month interaction. Similarly, Acari abundance in no 4 Discussion
tillage soils was influenced by significant factors, such as
precipitation of driest month, annual mean temperature and
4.1 Abundance of microarthropod in no tillage and reduced
maximum temperature of warmest month interaction. Finally,
tillage soils
Collembola abundance in no tillage soils was influenced by
various significant factors, including maximum temperature Our results from the meta-analysis support hypothesis (1) as
10 No tillage and soil microarthropods
it reveals a significant increase in soil microarthropod abun- Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that no tillage and
dance under both no tillage and reduced tillage conditions. reduced tillage practices have distinct effects on the abun-
Soil Collembola and Acari in the soil tillage layer are known dance of soil microarthropods, specifically Acari and Collem-
to be sensitive to changes in soil moisture, food resources, bola. No tillage practices lead to increased abundance of
and habitat disturbance (Rebek et al., 2002; Menta et al., both Acari and Collembola, while reduced tillage primarily
2020; Yin et al., 2020). No tillage systems result in the accu- promotes Acari abundance without significant effects on
mulation of plant residues on the soil surface, which increas- Collembola. This discrepancy can be attributed to the
ing microbial carbon content (Li et al., 2020; Morugán-Coro- shared objective of reducing soil damage caused by
nado et al., 2022). These systems also promote a higher frequent tillage in traditional agriculture and preserving the
abundance of soil surface fungi (Morugán-Coronado et al., ecological integrity of the land (Hobbs et al., 2008;
2022), which contribute to the formation of bio-pores and Borgognone and Basile, 2017), and the competition
aggregates through fungal mycelium (Treonis et al., 2010; Li between Acari and collembolans is relevant (Wang et al.,
et al., 2020). The quantity of bio-pores and the stability of 2019). However, no tillage practices outperform reduced
aggregates are crucial factors determining the habitat and tillage in maintaining soil structure stability, reducing soil
stability of soil microarthropods. Soil Acari are highly respon- moisture evaporation, and enhancing the overall ecological
sive to fluctuations in the soil microenvironment (Minor et al., environment (Borgognone and Basile, 2017).
2004). However, some microarthropods may perish during
tillage, leading to a decline in soil faunal abundance
4.2 The impact of abiotic factors on microarthropod
(Verhulst et al., 2010; Tsiafouli et al., 2015). Moisture levels
abundance in no tillage and reduced tillage soils
in microhabitats play a crucial role in the abundance, distri-
bution, and diversity of Acari and Collembola (Siepel, 1996; Our hypothesis (3) states that the effect of no tillage on soil
Rahgozar et al., 2019; Mirzaei-Pashami et al., 2020). For microarthropod abundance will be more pronounced in
instance, Oseto et al. (1987) provided evidence that Collem- regions characterized by poor soil structure and lower nutrient
bola in conventionally tilled soil exhibit higher vulnerability to availability, based on previous research indicating the
moisture-induced stress. Adopting reduced tillage or no stronger influence of soil characteristics on soil fauna
tillage practices improves moisture content in the tillage compared to tillage factors (van Capelle et al., 2012). For
layer of dryland regions (Sékou, 2017), leading to increased instance, in a meta-analysis conducted by Betancur-Corredor
abundance of Acari and Collembola in the soil and overall et al. (2023), it was found that organic nitrogen fertilizers
soil faunal abundance. Moreover, our findings are not increased the density of soil springtails. Overall, organic
consistent with those of van Capelle et al. (2012) which fertilization had a positive impact on the majority of taxonomic
investigated the effects of conservation tillage on soil organ- groups compared to inorganic fertilization. Similarly, studies
isms using data from German agroecosystems over a 60- have indicated that nitrogen addition resulted in an overall
year period. However, the study included four studies negative impact on soil fauna, with no significant effects
conducted in temperate climates that employed ANOVA observed on the abundance of Collembola and Acari (Hu
analysis and reported a decline in Acari and Collembola et al., 2022), however, the effects of nitrogen fertilization on
abundance in no tillage soils (van Capelle et al., 2012). soil fauna were dependent on the rate of nitrogen applica-
Therefore, our meta-analysis approach collecting data at the tion, soil texture, and climatic conditions (Betancur-Corredor
global scale from diverse climate types, provides a more et al., 2023). Our analysis confirms that the effect of no
comprehensive understanding of conservation tillage on soil tillage practices on soil Collembola abundance is greater in
biodiversity. regions with low soil organic matter and total nitrogen
Our analysis supports hypothesis (2) that no tillage prac- content. Similarly, in areas with low available phosphorus
tices have a stronger impact on soil Collembola abundance content, the effect of no tillage practices on soil microarthro-
compared to soil Acari abundance. This difference can likely pod abundance is more pronounced. Additionally, in regions
be attributed to the presence of sensory organs in soil with low available phosphorus and potassium content,
Collembola, including well-developed springing mechanisms reduced tillage practices have a greater impact on soil Acari
and slender antennae, which enable them to detect and abundance. The abundance of soil fauna is closely related
respond to environmental changes, forage for food, and to soil characteristics (Filser et al., 2000). Singh et al. (2018)
avoid potential threats (Graham et al., 1994; Mitchell et al., also observed an increase in Acari and Collembola abun-
2017). Additionally, competition for resources and living dance in no tillage soils, attributes to factors such as
space among soil Collembola and Acari, both being enhanced moisture content, increased water infiltration rates,
microarthropod in the soil, may contribute to the observed improved aeration, and reduced soil compaction in no tillage
variations (Wang et al., 2019). agricultural systems. In regions characterized by poor soil
Yulin Liu et al. 11
structure and lower nutrient availability, it is highly likely that should consider the local environmental conditions to maxi-
the adoption of no tillage practices will have a more mize the promotion of soil biodiversity and overall soil
pronounced influence on soil nutrient levels, organic matter health.
content, soil structure, and water retention (Rożen et al.,
2010; Sékou, 2017; Belmonte et al., 2018; Singh et al.,
5 Conclusion
Our research findings align with the conclusions drawn in
the review by Corredor et al. (2022), which indicates that The meta-analysis results demonstrate the positive effects
soils with coarser textured have a positive impact on the of no tillage and reduced tillage practices on the abundance
abundance of Acari and Collembola. van Capelle et al. of soil microarthropods, including Acari and Collembola.
However, it is important to note that the impacts of these
(2012) demonstrated the dependency of tillage practices’
practices vary among Acari and Collembola, necessitating
impact on soil texture (Betancur-Corredor et al., 2023). Soil
careful consideration and differentiation. No tillage promotes
texture plays a crucial role in determining the distribution
the abundance of Acari and Collembola, while reduced
and physical structure of the three soil phases, i.e., liquid,
tillage specifically benefits Acari. The effectiveness of tillage
gas, and solid, as evidenced by previous studies (Zhu et al.,
management strategies relies on specific soil properties and
2018; Nadia Vignozzi et al., 2019). Furthermore, the spatial
climatic conditions. No tillage has a significant effect on
distribution of pore sizes within the soil, controlled by soil
microarthropod and Acari abundance in loamy soil, whereas
texture, significantly affects the microhabitat of soil
it has a stronger impact on the Collembola abundance in
microarthropods (Coulibaly et al., 2022). Due to their limited
sandy and clayey soil. In nutrient-poor soil areas, both no
ability to dig tunnels or pits in the soil, Collembola and Acari
tillage and reduced tillage have a greater effect on relies
are highly sensitive to environmental stress caused by small
microarthropod (Acari, Collembola), whereas their impact is
pores (Beylich et al., 2010). Machado et al. (2019) reported relatively limited in temperate humid regions. Therefore, it is
a strong correlation between Collembola abundance and crucial to select the appropriate intensity of these practices,
soil microporosity (pore size > 0.08 mm) and soil biopores taking into account the diverse climatic and soil conditions.
(pore size > 1.0 mm). Clayey soils, which have a high
proportion of small pores and are less aerated and perme-
Data availability
able, pose a significant challenge to the survival of these soil
microarthropods. The authors affirm that additional primary data supporting the
Our research findings indicate that no tillage practices results of this study can be found in this article and its supple-
have a greater positive impact on soil microarthropods and mentary materials. Furthermore, supplementary data further
Acari abundance in regions with high precipitation compared supporting the findings of this research can be obtained from
the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
to conventional tillage. Reduced tillage practices also result
in a significant increase in Acari abundance in these areas.
Soil microarthropod abundance is affected by climate and Code availability
altitude (Domínguez et al., 2010; Murvanidze et al., 2019;
Upon request, the corresponding authors can provide the
Mirzaei-Pashami et al., 2020), and humidity in the microhab-
custom codes used for all analyses.
itat plays a crucial role in Acari diversity and abundance
(Siepel, 1996; Rahgozar et al., 2019). The bulk density of
Conflict of interest
untilled topsoil is generally higher than conventionally tilled
soil, and multiple tilling operations can lead to soil The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
compaction and damage (Kracht and Schrader, 1997;
Schrader and Lingnau, 1997). No tillage practices help regu- Acknowledgments
late soil moisture by reducing surface runoff and improving
soil structure and pore channels, leading to increased water We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Professor
content in arid and semi-arid areas and decreased water Lei Chen from Sichuan University for providing invaluable guid-
content in humid areas (Rożen et al., 2010). Conversely, ance throughout the process of data collection and analysis. We
are grateful to Kaiyu Li, a Masterʼs student from the College of
conventional tillage, with its loose topsoil, allows surface
Agriculture, Guizhou University, for their assistance in extraction
water to enter the soil layer more quickly but restricts water
and analyzing climate data using ArcGIS software. This
drainage due to compaction, leading to saturated pores in research was supported from the National Key Research and
the tilled layer and adversely affecting microarthropods, Development Program of China (2022YFD1500201), the
Acari, and Collembola residing in larger pores (Machado National Science & Technology Fundamental Resources Inves-
et al., 2019). Overall, conservation tillage management tigation Program of China (2021FY100404 and 2018FY100300)
12 No tillage and soil microarthropods
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Academy of Sciences (XDA28020201), Natural Science Foun- Chatelain, M., Drobniak, S.M., Szulkin, M., 2020. The association
dation of Jilin Province (2022101185JC). between stressors and telomeres in non-human vertebrates: a
meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 23, 381–398.
Electronic supplementary material Chivenge, P., Murwira, H., Giller, K., Mapfumo, P., Six, J., 2007.
Long-term impact of reduced tillage and residue management on
Supplementary material is available in the online version of this soil carbon stabilization: implications for conservation agriculture
article at 7/s42832-023-0208-0 and is on contrasting soils. Soil & Tillage Research 94, 328–337.
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ization on soil fauna in a global meta-analysis. 16 March 2022,
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