Assessment Task 1 Knowledge Test
Assessment Task 1 Knowledge Test
Assessment Task 1 Knowledge Test
Answer the following questions regarding the internal and external sources of
information-( 100-200 words)
1.1. Explain the following types of strategic objectives-
a) Financial strategic objectives
They allow a company to focus on the monetary needs of their organization with
specific steps to increase or decrease costs, re-evaluate spending, analyze
revenue trends and plan for financial growth.
1.5 Highlight the three (3) main types of industry trends. (100-200 words)
Secular Trends
A secular trend, one that can last for one to three decades, holds within its
parameters many primary trends, and, for the most part, is easy to recognize
because of the time frame. The price-action chart, for a period of 25 years or so,
would appear to be nothing more than a number of straight lines moving
gradually up or down.
Within all primary trends are intermediate trends, which keep the business
journalists and market analysts constantly searching for the answers for why an
issue or a market suddenly turns and heads in the direction opposite to that of
yesterday or last week. Sudden rallies and directional turnarounds make up the
intermediate trends and, for the most part, are the results of some kind of
economic or political action and its subsequent reaction.
Long-Term Trends
To determine the long-term trends that appear on the charts of their favorite
stocks, veteran analysts will use a stochastics indicator.
1.8 How can we evaluate the political activity and legislative changes in market
research? (50-100 words)
The stability of a political system can affect the appeal of a particular local
market. Governments view business organizations as a critical vehicle for social
reform. Governments pass legislation, which impacts the relationship between
the firm and its customers, suppliers, and other companies.
Governments can raise or lower corporation tax, which will impact on profits.
They can also affect businesses by increasing value-added tax on products or
business rates. They can bring in new laws like the National Minimum Wage,
which impacts on profits and employment rights.
Q3: 3.1Discuss the following software applications that are used in qualitative
market data analysis. (100-200 words)
As part of its Service Hub suite, HubSpot offers a customer feedback tool that
provides detailed analytics for surveys and customer reviews. Your data gets
centralized into one accessible dashboard which includes different charts and
graphs summarizing your customers' responses. With this simple setup, your
team has a quick and clean way to review their daily analytics without navigating
around the site.
MAXQDA is a qualitative data analysis software that's designed for companies
analyzing different types of customer data. The software allows you to import
data from interviews, focus groups, surveys, videos, and even social media. This
way you can review all of your qualitative data in one central location.
Quirkos includes a variety of tools that analyze and review qualitative data. One
of its most notable tools is its text analyzer which can find common keywords
and phrases throughout different text documents. Your team can upload it's
customer reviews or survey responses and use this tool to identify recurring
roadblocks in the customer experience.
4. Qualtrics
Qualtrics uses AI to review your survey data and forecast trends in customer
behavior. Its “Predictive Analysis” tool evaluates data and makes predictions
about customer satisfaction based on past survey responses. Use this
information to interpret how customers will react to changes you make to the
customer experience.
3.2 Explain the following software used to analyse quantitative market data.
(100-200 words)
SPSS provides data analysis for descriptive and bivariate statistics, numeral
outcome predictions and predictions for identifying groups. The software also
provides data transformation, graphing and direct marketing features. The
software interface displays open data similarly to a spreadsheet in its main view.
Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables users to analyze, manage,
and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by researchers
in the fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to examine data
3. SAS
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) is an integrated system of software products
provided by SAS Institute Inc., which enables programmers to perform:
Information retrieval and data management. Report writing and graphics.
Statistical analysis, econometrics and data mining.
4.1 Explain the meaning and types of code of practice. What specific terms are
used while complying with marketing codes of practice? (100-200 words)
Marketing codes of practice, as defined by the ADMA (Association for data-driven
marketing & advertising), are a set of standards of conduct for marketers to
minimise the risk of breaking legislation laws and to promote a culture of best
Codes of practice attempt to explain and illustrate the values and principles of
the business. Instead of providing strict rules to follow, codes of practice educate
employees on how things are done in the business. These codes attempt to
empower the employee by making the employee an ethical decision maker.
4.2 Discuss the following codes of conduct affecting marketing. (100-200 words)
1. Code of ethics
According to the AMA, there are six core ethical values to be practiced by
members of the marketing system. They include honesty, responsibility, fairness,
respect, transparency and citizenship. Though some of these values may seem
obvious, it is important to emphasize how they affect the everyday actions of
Q5: Answer the following questions related to market research principles and
5.1. How can you estimate the timelines for a market research project. (100-200
A timeline is a very important part of a project proposal. It basically shows the
chronological order of events that you plan to do in your project. It is supposed
to give the reader a broad overview of the project at a glance. It does not have
to be very detailed.
However, these timelines are never compressed – only made longer when you hit
unexpected roadbumps. A typical market research project takes six-seven
weeks. This is pretty standard for a small project, say 10-30 in-depth interviews
or 4-8 focus groups. Larger projects take longer, of course.
5.2 How can you determine the project budget for market research? (100-200
The best way to develop a detailed budget for your upcoming project is
consulting with the firm who will be leading your market research. They can give
you a custom quote for how much your research project will cost, based on what
services you require, your objectives, and a myriad of other variables.
6.1Explain the method of the conversion rate of leads to sales. (100-200 words)
The lead-to-sale conversion rate measures your company's effectiveness in
converting a lead into a customer. This metric focuses on how many leads turn
into sales and drive revenue. You take the number of converted leads divided by
the total lead volume and then multiply it by 100%. You can calculate your sales
conversion rate by dividing the number of leads that are converted into sales by
the number of qualified leads your team has received. Then simply multiply this
figure by 100 to get a percentage result.
Leads follow several steps on the way to becoming customers. This is not what
we do at Chili Piper, but the traditional conversion process involves nurturing:
Visitors to become leads
Leads to become marketing qualified leads (MQLs)
MQLs to become sales-qualified leads (SQLs)
SQLs to become customers
6.2 Discuss the methods to measure the central tendency. (100-200 words)
A measure of central tendency (also referred to as measures of centre or central
location) is a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data
with a single value that represents the middle or centre of its distribution.
There are three main measures of central tendency: the mode, the median and
the mean. Each of these measures describes a different indication of the typical
or central value in the distribution
The median is the most informative measure of central tendency for skewed
distributions or distributions with outliers. For example, the median is often used
as a measure of central tendency for income distributions, which are generally
highly skewed.
6.4 Discuss the degree of relationship between two variables using the following:
(100-200 words)
1. Correlation coefficient
2. Scatterplots
A scatterplot displays the strength, direction, and form of the relationship
between two quantitative variables. A correlation coefficient measures the
strength of that relationship. Calculating a Pearson correlation coefficient
requires the assumption that the relationship between the two variables is linear.
A scatterplot is a type of data display that shows the relationship between two
numerical variables. Each member of the dataset gets plotted as a point whose
(x, y)(x,y)left parenthesis, x, comma, y, right parenthesis coordinates relates to
its values for the two variables.
We often see patterns or relationships in scatterplots.
When the yyy variable tends to increase as the xxx variable increases, we say
there is a positive correlation between the variables.
6.5 Explain the nature of the relationship between variables. (100-150 words)
Correlation is a statistical method used to determine whether a relationship
between variables exists. Regression is a statistical method used to describe the
nature of the relationship between variables — i.e., a positive or negative, linear
or nonlinear relationship.
It is very important to understand relationship between variables to draw the
right conclusion from a statistical analysis. The relationship between variables
determines how the right conclusions are reached. Without an understanding of
this, you can fall into many pitfalls that accompany statistical analysis and infer
wrong results from your data.
6.6 What is the net response rate? How do you calculate it? (100-150 words)
The response rate can be calculated by dividing the number of completed survey
responses by the number of people who viewed or started the survey. To convert
this to a percentage, multiple your final number by 100.
net response. gross response (see response rate) to a mailing minus unpaid
credit orders and cancellations. Net response may also be expressed as the total
cash orders plus paid credit orders. The success of a sales promotion is
measured in terms of net response, which is a more accurate measure than
gross response.
6.9 Discuss the concept of recency and frequency grids. Also, explain the
formula to calculate them.(100-200 words)
RFM analysis is a marketing technique used to quantitatively rank and group
customers based on the recency, frequency and monetary total of their recent
transactions to identify the best customers and perform targeted marketing
campaigns. Recency = the maximum of "10 – the number of months that have
passed since the customer last purchased" and 1. Frequency = the maximum of
"the number of purchases by the customer in the last 12 months (with a limit of
10)" and 1.
6.10 Highlight the key points related to life time value of customer.(100-150
Key Takeaways. Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a measure of the average
customer's revenue generated over their entire relationship with a company.
Comparing CLV to customer acquisition cost is a quick method of estimating a
customer's profitability and the business's potential for long-term growth.
Customer lifetime value is one of the most important ecommerce metrics. It
provides a picture of the business long-term and its financial viability. High CLV
is an indicator of product-market fit, brand loyalty and recurring revenue from
existing customers.
6.12 Discuss the concept of net present value of customer. Give the formula to
calculate NPV of customer.(100-200 words)
NPV is calculated by taking the present value of all cash flows over the life of a
project. Then, the present value of cash flows is subtracted from the
investment's initial investment.
The net present value (NPV) of a customer is just the value today of all of all
future revenue minus the cost today of all future expenses associated with them.
The key is that it factors in a "discount rate" to account for the fact that cash in
the future is worth less than cash today.
It is calculated by taking the difference between the present value of cash
inflows and present value of cash outflows over a period of time. As the name
suggests, net present value is nothing but net off of the present value of cash
inflows and outflows by discounting the flows at a specified rate.