KII Tool Mentor

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Gender Inclusive Universities Project: Presidential mentorship


Mentors Key Informant Interview (KII) Tool


Questions Options/Alternatives Remark

Hello, my name is __________________ and I work for Impact Ethiopia, evaluation firm
collaborating with the Institute of International Education (IIE) and I would like to ask you
some questions about the Gender Inclusive Universities Project: Presidential mentorship
program for which you have been participating as a mentor. Do you agree to participate
in this interview? It should take about 30 to 40 minutes to complete. Your answers will
not change your eligibility for the mentorship program. The questionnaire does not have
"good" or "bad" answers. You can stop the interview at any time or refuse to answer any
questions that you don't want to answer. The information will be kept confidential and
will help the program implementer (IIE) and other stakeholders to track program change
over time. If you agree, we can begin?
Name of Interviewer List of Interviewers
Phone number of Interviewer
Section A. General Information
1. Project Gender Inclusive
Universities Project:
Presidential mentorship
2. University 1. Addis Ababa Science and
Technology University-AASTU
2. Debrebirhan University
3. Debark University
4. Haramaya University
5. Wolkite Uinersity
3. Date of the interview DD/MM/YYYY
4. Start time of interview
5. Completion time of the
6. Name of Supervisor List of supervisors
Section B. Mentor Information
7. S e x 1. Female
8. Do you currently live in 0. no
the same town or city as the
university where you 1. Yes
working as a mentor?
9. Highest level of education 1. BA/BSc Degree
achieved 2. Master’s degree
3. PhD
4. Others, specify
10. Study Area
11. Years of working
12. Current Occupation
Section C: Mentorship Program Related Information’s
13. Could you please give a brief description of your experience as a
mentor in this presidential mentorship program?

14. What does the word "mentorship" mean to you now? Please explain?

15. What were your goals for taking part in this mentorship program as a
mentor? Overall, how well has the program mentorship initiative met your
16. How often have you been meeting with your mentee? Where do you
typically meet? What was your justification to adopt this meeting

17. What strategies did you employ in the course of the mentorship
relationship to effectively meet the expectations of your mentee’s?

18. What was your preferred mode of commination during the mentorship
relationship? Why do you prefer a certain mode of communication?

19. What do you think was the benefits of participating in this Mentorship
Program? Both from the mentor and mentee side. What have you learned
as mentor?

20. What are the main areas of skill building or leadership skill
development areas your mentee’s were engaged in? Please be as specific
as possible in each of the skill development areas.

21. How did you track your mentees progress in the course of the
mentorship relationship?

22. What barriers did you experience in the mentorship program? What
mitigation measures did you take to address these barriers?
23. What aspects of the program did you like? What would you suggest we
do to improve/strengthen mentorship initiatives in the future?

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