BPP - Lesson 1

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Lesson 1

Topic 1 : Career professionalism and Occupational Health

and Safety Procedure

Professionalism is the conduct, behaviour and attitude of someone in a

work or business environment. It leads to workplace success, a strong
professional reputation and a high level of work ethic and excellence.

Ways to Achieve Career Professionalism

1. Be productive
2. Develop a professional image
3. Take the initiative
4. Manage your time efficiently
5. Provide excellence
6. Be a problem- solver
7. Be resilient
8. Communicate effectively
9. Build relationships


Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a cross-disciplinary area
concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged
in work or employment. This is to foster a safe work environment. As a
secondary effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members,
employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members
of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment.

Management Commitment

There is commitment to achieving high standards of OHS performance

through effective safety management.

1. Identify the general responsibilities regarding occupational safety and

health laws.
2. Understands the general requirements of occupational safety and health
3. Actively involved in OHS management.
4. Coordinates safety management activities.
5. There is occupational safety and health policy that is up- to- date.
6. Knows about the occupational safety and health policy.
7. Adequate resources are provided for all aspects of OHS management.
8. Have sufficient time to carry out specific tasks related to occupational
safety and health.
9. Accountable for safety and health in their area of responsibility.

OHS Signs or Symbols in the Workplace

Safety signs are the alert signs that help in indicating various hazards
ahead. These labels help in reducing accidents at workplace and on road
side. It is a process of providing information or instructions by means of
placing required signboards. It consist of words, messages and a pictorial
symbol with variety of shapes, size and colors. Each label color is
standardized and reflects a specific meaning.

Sign Colors Defined :

Red color reflects immediate hazardous situations that will cause death
or other serious injuries like Danger signs and Fire symbols.
Orange Color represents a potentially unsafe situation that could cause
serious injury and indicated by warning signs.
Yellow color used to alert against unsafe practices, which if not
avoided, may results in minor or moderate injuries like Caution Signs.
Green color indicates the emergency egress location, first aids and
other safety equipment.
Blue color is used to convey safety information.
Hazard is a term used to describe something that has the potential to
cause harm or adverse effects to individuals, organizations property or
equipment. Workplace hazards can come from a wide range of sources.

Types of Workplace Hazards

 Safety hazards: Inadequate and insufficient
machine guards, unsafe workplace conditions,
unsafe work practices.

 Biological hazards: Caused by organisms such as

viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
 Chemical hazards: Solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous
substances, dust, fume or mist.

 Ergonomic hazards: Anatomical, physiological, and

psychological demands on the worker, such as
repetitive and forceful movements, vibration,
extreme temperatures, and awkward postures
arising from improper work methods and
improperly designed workstations, tools, and

 Physical hazards: Noise, vibration, energy, weather,

electricity, radiation and pressure.

 Psychological hazards: Those that are basically

causing stress to a worker. This kind of hazard
troubles an individual very much to an extent that
his general wellbeing is affected

Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience
an adverse health effect caused by a hazard. It may also apply to situations
with property or equipment loss.
Factors that Influence the Degree of Risk
• how much a person is exposed to a hazardous thing or condition
• how the person is exposed (e.g., breathing in a vapor, skin contact)
• how severe are the effects under the conditions of exposure.

Sanitation means keeping bacteria down to a small number as possible
through personal hygiene and proper food handling. It also means keeping
the food at the appropriate temperature so bacteria already present do not
have a chance to multiply.
Workers Personal Hygiene
• Daily bathing using soap and shampoo
• Brushing teeth 2 or 3 times a day
• Using under arm protection
• Mustache and beard removal for men
• Accessories and jewelleries should remove before starting to work.
• Hands should be clean and nails cut short.
• Use the appropriate laboratory outfit. Wear clean and complete chef’s
• Keep sick persons out of the kitchen.

Keeping the Work Laboratory Area Clean

• Clean as you go
• Keep cabinets dry, clean and closed tightly to keep away rodents and
• Check and clean the dishwashing area whenever needed
• Floor should be keep clean and free from waste
• Returning borrowed utensils neat and in proper places.

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