1 s2.0 S0959652619342532 Main
1 s2.0 S0959652619342532 Main
1 s2.0 S0959652619342532 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The main purpose of this article to present a comprehensive review of the application of the Structural
Received 5 August 2018 Equation Modelling (SEM) in the assessment of sustainable and green supply chain management (SCM).
Received in revised form In this paper, we systematically identified, reviewed, and categorized the selected papers in various key
22 October 2019
perspectives, including application area, research problem and study purpose and gap, type of method
Accepted 18 November 2019
and technique, name of variables, name and country of authors, related theory, unit of analysis, publi-
Available online 25 November 2019
cation year, number of hypotheses, number of sample and scope, respondents, measure validation, data
Handling editor: Yutao Wang collection method, and finally, findings and results. The findings of this review study demonstrated that
previous works have used the SEM in the field of green SCM. In addition, it appears the manufacturing
Keywords: sector had the highest rank among other sectors. Results report the majority of published papers have
Green SCM used SmartPls and the resource-based theory (RBV) theory achieved first rank among other theories.
Green supplier With 16 records, Journal of Cleaner Production stands out as the most prominent outlet, and scholars
Environmental SCM published 16 papers in the year of 2016 as the most influential year. According to the findings, we
Sustainable SCM
identified the United States with 16 records, as the most prominent country compared to other countries.
Sustainable supplier
This review paper proves to be a valuable source of information for readers and practitioners in the field
Structural equation modelling (SEM)
Systematic literature review of SCM because it presents useful insights into green and sustainable SCM development and offers a
better understanding of the current body of knowledge in these fields.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
business involved in supply chain activities and subsequently leads responsibilities (Dawson & Tao, 2002). The modern economy ne-
to environmental performance improvement (Chin et al., 2015; Al- cessitates financial goals to have a high balance with environmental
Refaie and Momani, 2018). Green and sustainable SCM are defined and social interests (Zavadskas et al., 2016; Bortolini et al., 2019).
as the involvement of environmental views in the SCM process, Therefore, in current world of competition, sustainability has
including product design, material sourcing, and selection, become a primary challenge for almost all businesses to include in
manufacturing process, delivery of the final product to the con- the supply chain entities (Govindan et al., 2016; De Souza et al.,
sumers, as well as end-of-life management of the product after its 2019). There is indeed a huge and developing body of literature
useful life (Srivastava, 2007). From the traditional supply chain on green and sustainable SCM. In recent years, in the study areas of
view, GSCM was initiated by the “quality revolution” in the 1980s structural equation modelling (SEM) and SCM, the approaches
and the supply chain revolution in the 1990s (Zhu and Sarkis, proposed in literature to the evaluation of green and sustainable
2006). Throughout the years, GSCM has drawn concerns among SCM have applied both quantitative and qualitative environmental
academicians and practitioners, concentrating on decreasing waste data. Green and sustainable SCM is actually an interdisciplinary
and conserving the quality of product-life and natural resources. domain that caters to both management and environmental sci-
The major goal of GSCM is the environmental efficiency to mini- ences (Rajeev et al., 2017). In the recent two decades, both practi-
mise environmental harm, but simultaneously to increase the tioners and scholars in the field of green and sustainable SCM have
effectiveness of production and remanufacturing, which have carried out many studies into a variety of issues (Soleimani et al.,
become the main resources to accomplish best practices 2017). Essentially, for an efficient SCM to be attained, there is a
(Srivastava, 2007). The earliest work on green supply context was need to completely understand the sustainable development the-
undertaken by Kelle and Silver (1989) where their work showed ory. This theory is described as “a development that meets the
improvements of the best forecasting system that is utilized by the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
companies to predict products that can be possibly reused. The generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland (1985), Seuring
major aim of SCM is to deliver the right product to the right and Müller (2008)). Several scholars have criticized the shortage of
customer at the right cost, right time, right quality, right form, and powerful theories illustrating properly the concept of green and
the right quantity (Chin et al., 2015; Saleeshya et al., 2019). Wang sustainable SCM (Carter and Liane Easton, 2011; Sarkis et al., 2011).
and Gupta (2011) concluded that the entire SCM comprises of Researchers working in this relatively innovative field are different
three aspects, namely, products, suppliers, and raw materials. in the way they present their theoretical perspectives. Some re-
Green Supply Chains (GSCs) aim to reduce or minimise negative searchers (see Handfield & Melnyk, 1998; Touboulic & Walker,
environmental effects such as air, water, and land pollution; waste 2015) argue that theories in fact denote the foundation of knowl-
of resources like energy, materials, products from the utilisation of edge production; as a result, there is a pressing need to devote
raw materials up to end products and products dumping (Hervani attention to the way they are applied and developed when evalu-
et al., 2005). ating any academic field. Thus, this paper primarily aims at both
In terms of sustainable SCM, the focus is given to the three main better understanding and at mapping the use of theories specif-
issues that emerged from the main goal of decreasing environ- ically in the field of green and sustainable SCM, and the final
mental impact throughout the value chain which is from raw ma- objective is identification of productive ways for developing the
terials to the final product, namely, detoxification, research. Accordingly, the following research questions have been
dematerialisation, and decarbonisation (Wang and Gupta, 2011; provided to be addressed in the present study:
Benotmane et al., 2019). As stressed by (Rao, Purba, 2002a, b), it is
needed for companies to incorporate environmental management 1. What are the prevailing theories applied currently by re-
practices into their entire SCM to achieve a sustainable supply chain searchers to the field of green and sustainable SCM?
and to maintain a competitive advantage. GSCM has gradually 2. How do the important industries and companies contribute to
become the new concept for the sustainable development of the the field of green and sustainable SCM?
enterprises. This generates an advance towards sustainable devel- 3. What are the best opportunities for green and sustainable SCM
opment and leads to considerable cost reduction to some or even all to be developed in future?
of the enterprises involved. Zhu and Sarkis (2004) definedGSCM as
a set of complex activities such as monitoring an environmental A comprehensive review of literature helps to map out the
management process which contains purchasing, operations, theoretical perspectives and theoretical practices that are domi-
marketing and logistics, recycle, reuse, remanufacture; reverse lo- nantly used in the field of green and sustainable SCM. Another
gistics and innovation are other elements of GSCM. According to benefit of theoretical mapping is the assessment and development
Hervani et al. (2005), GSCM involves various activities such as of the maturity level of a research field through determining its
reuse, remanufacturing and recycling, green design, green pro- scope and fundamental issues (Emberson et al., 2006). The reviews
curement practices, total quality environmental management, previously conducted in this field have mainly focused on the ex-
environmentally friendly packaging, transportation and managing amination of the triggers of green and sustainable SCM using a
end-life products practices. H’Mida and Lakhal (2007) defined variety of methods and approaches (Carter and Liane Easton, 2011;
GSCM as the practice of monitoring and improving environmental Seuring and Müller, 2008). It is worth mentioning that theoretical
performance in the supply chain during a product’s life-cycle. perspectives are not the primary focus of the present study; rather,
Rettab and Ben Brik (2008) stated GSCM is a managerial it is taken into consideration as a significant subsection discussing
approach that seeks to minimise a product’s or service’s environ- the recent theories proposed in the field of green and sustainable
mental and social impacts or footprint. Torielli et al. (2011) SCM. The innovation of this review is reflected in being analytically
confirmed GSCM (the integration of both environmental and focused on the theories in green and sustainable SCM and offering a
SCM) is a proven way to reduce a company’s impact on the envi- consolidated interpretation of the theoretical practices in this field.
ronment while improving business performance. In general, the present study contributes successfully to the body of
In numerous fields of study, researchers are increasingly paying knowledge in three aspects. First, it provides a connection between
attention to sustainability, and the reason is the emergence of the wide-ranging arguments on knowledge creation and the green
greater concerns, especially during the last two decades, for issues and sustainable SCM field, thereby enriching the debates on its
related to protection of the environment and to social status as an academic field. Second, it comprehensively and
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 3
systematically reviews and evaluates the theoretical perspectives theory, social network theory, ecological modernization theory,
that are present in green and sustainable SCM. To the best of our institutional theory, resource-based view (RBV) theory, complexity
knowledge, no study has yet investigated the use of SEM method in theory, stakeholder theory, and information theory and resource
assessing the green and sustainable SCM, which shows novelty of dependence theory. Craig and Easton (2011) systematically
the present study. To end with, it provides an all-encompassing reviewed and investigated the current literature of sustainable SCM
map of prevalent theories in green and sustainable SCM, which in the main journals related to SCM and logistics across the last two
shows the state of research in this field, and through developing the decades. Gupta and Palsule-Desai (2011) reviewed the role of sus-
propositions, this paper gives effective recommendations for future tainable SCM in current academic research and developed the in-
research. tegrated framework for summarizing the current literature. This
The structure of this review paper is structured as follows. review study classified the published papers in four main parts
Section 2 provided an overview of previous works, the evolution of including decision support tools and integrative models, strategic
green and sustainable SCM. Section 3 presented the research considerations, government and regulation policies and decisions
method for this study. Section 4 classified the articles by application at functional interfaces. Alison et al. (2012) systematically investi-
fields. Section 5 presented the findings of published articles based gated and reviewed the discipline of SCM within the sustainability
on the industry sector, technique, unit of analysis, theory, validation context. Hassini et al. (2012) reviewed the current literature on
measurement, the survey approach (online and offline), journals, sustainable SCM between 2000 and 2010 and presented the new
the publication year, country and continent of authors. Section 6 framework for performance measures and sustainable SCM. Sarkar
presented the discussions and the findings and finally, section 7 (2012) reviewed and investigated the various dimensions and fac-
presented the conclusion of this study. ets of green SCM based on criteria. Ahi and Searcy (2013) reviewed
and analysed the published papers regarding the green SCM and
2. An overview of green and sustainable SCM and related sustainable SCM. In this paper, in total, 12 definitions and 22 defi-
works nitions regarding the green SCM and sustainable SCM have
reviewed respectively. Seuring (2013) identified and reviewed 36
2.1. Related works published papers related to using quantitative models in the eval-
uation of green SCM and sustainable SCM. Marc and Michael (2013)
In recent years, numerous of previous studies have investigated reviewed and explored the existing research studies regarding the
the role of green and sustainable SCM in various application areas, concept of sustainable SCM. This paper classified the selected pa-
organizations and industries (Couto et al., 2016a; Das, 2017a; pers in a number of fields such as environmental management,
Esfahbodi et al., 2017a; Khaksar et al., 2016; Laari et al., 2016; Li social management, operations/production management and lo-
et al., 2016; Paulraj et al., 2017; Vanalle et al., 2017b; Yang, 2017). gistics/SCM. Brandenburg et al. (2014) identified and reviewed 134
Couto et al. (2016a) investigated the role of consumer behavior published papers which have been used the quantitative models in
regarding reserving GSCM perspective in the Flash Barometer from the assessment of sustainable SCM for evaluating the directions and
28 European countries. Esfahbodi et al. (2017a) determined the development of sustainable SCM. The results of this paper found,
important role of the governance in the adoption of SSCM practices six journals were the most important journals in the field of sus-
in 146 manufacturers and examining whether SSCM could be tainable SCM and multiple criteria decision making (MCDM)
commercially viable and environmentally beneficial. Khaksar et al. methods had the first rank in all quantitative models. Anne and
(2016) investigated the relationships among environmental per- Helen (2015) reviewed and investigated the existing theories
formance, green supplier, competitive advantage and green inno- regarding sustainable SCM for future development. The results of
vation in the cement industry. Laari et al. (2016) investigated the this study found that some theories such as institutional theory,
linkages between environmental performance, financial perfor- stakeholder theory and RBV were the most important theories
mance and green SCM based on customer-driven in the 119 Finnish which had contributed to the conceptualisation of sustainable SCM.
manufacturing firms. Li et al. (2016) explored the linkages among Govindan et al. (2015c) identified the existing published papers in
financial performance and environmental performance and capa- closed-loop SC and reverse logistic between January 2007 and
bilities of green SCM. Paulraj et al. (2017) investigated the rela- March 2013. In this study, the authors classified 382 papers based
tionship between SSCM practices, corporate motives and firm on various important aspects. Eskandarpour et al. (2015) identified
performance in the 256 high-tech firms. Vanalle et al. (2017b) 87 published papers in the fields of mathematical models and
explored the relationship between GSCM practices and pressure supply chain network design (SCND) based on several perspectives
performance in the 41 Brazilian automotive supply chains. Yang such as environmental, economic and social dimensions. Amol and
(2017) investigated the relationship between institutional pres- Ashish (2016) systematically reviewed the current literature of
sures, internal green practices, and external green collaborations on green and sustainable SCM over the period of 10 years from 2005 to
green performance. 2014 based on several aspects like methodologies, year of publi-
In addition, a number of previous studies focused on different cation, geographic region, sectors, industries and SC stages. Bendul
subjects related to organizational research and practices in the et al. (2016) investigated and reviewed the concept of SC in 18
body of green and sustainable SCM literature. Recently, numerous successful products and develop SSC models in areas of delivering,
past published papers reviewed the issues of sustainable and green making and sourcing. Chen et al. (2017) reviewed the subject of
SCM by employing different methods and approaches. For example, supply chain collaboration and sustainability based on three main
Srivastava (2007) identified and reviewed the existing literature of aspects including, environmental, social and economic aspects. The
green SCM in various classifications from 1989 to 2005. The results results of this paper found that, sustainability issues achieving
of this paper found that remanufacturing was an important cate- much attention in the field of business in the coming years.
gory in this field. Seuring and Müller (2008) reviewed 191 publi- Govindan and Hasanagic (2018) reviewed the drivers, barriers and
cations in the area of sustainable SCM between 1994 and 2007. The practices that influence the implementation of the circular econ-
findings of this paper presented the conceptual framework for omy in the context of supply chains and proposed a multi-
summarizing the study objectives. Sarkis et al. (2011) presented perspective framework. Govindan and Bouzon (2018) reviewed
and reviewed nine organizational theories that have a relationship the drivers and barriers and practices for reverse logistic imple-
with GSCM. These theories were; transaction cost economics mentation and proposed a multi-perspective framework using the
4 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
lens of stakeholder theory. Fontes and Freires (2018) reviewed the implementation of GSCM also refers to the transformation in a
application of System Dynamics approach in the field of renewable company’s supply chain itself (Thun and Müller, 2010). Even adding
energy supply chain from 2007 to 2017 and categorized the the ‘green’ component into SCM, it still follows a similar approach
selected papers in three main groups. Kazemi et al. (2019) reviewed with its basic concept (Srivastava, 2007; Thun and Müller, 2010). By
94 studies in the area of Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply integrating the environmental aspect into each stage of the com-
Chain Management (RL&CLSCM) published in IJPR between 2000 pany’s supply chain, several stakeholders are already taken into
and 2017. account, including the suppliers, the manufacturers, the customers,
Several previous researchers have conducted various review and the disposal companies (Thun and Müller, 2010). With this
studies in the fields of green and sustainable SCM, and several integration, it can produce a very ‘green’ product. The concept of
published papers have used the Structural Equation Modelling GSCM has emerged from the environmental management princi-
(SEM) for evaluating the sustainable and green SCM. But a gap in ples from the perspective of supply chains (Fortes, 2009; Walton
the current body of the literature is observed regarding review et al., 1998). Although GSCM has the similar concept with SCM,
papers in the fields of green and sustainable SCM. Therefore, GCSM still relies on the aims of researchers dwhether it is sup-
further works are needed to fill this gap by presenting compre- posed to be a procurement stage only or it is the whole logistics
hensive review papers in the fields of SEM and green and sus- channel (Zhu and Sarkis, 2007). The definition of GSCM is still not
tainable SCM. The current review paper provides a comprehensive well-defined since the combination of corporate environmental
overview of the application of SEM techniques in the assessment of management and SCM is a relatively new area of study and practice
green and sustainable SCM. In our review study, we systematically (Zhu and Sarkis, 2004). A number of possible definitions of GSCM
identified, reviewed, and categorized the articles in various aspects have been put forth since the 1990s. There are many variations in
such as application area, gap and research problem, technique the definition of GSCM throughout the years. Table (1) provided
(SmartPls, AMOS, LISREL), name of variables, study purpose, some of the common definitions of green SCM as postulated by the
country of authors, related theory, unit of analysis (group, indi- various scholars.
vidual and country), publication year, number of hypotheses, The concept of green GSCM was invented by Green et al. (1996)
sample and scope, number of sample, name of author, respondents, who introduced the term ‘green supply chain’ which refers to an
measure validation (EFA or CFA), data collection method and, innovation in SCM and industrialised purchasing that takes envi-
finally, results and outcome. ronmental context into consideration. The activities include green
design, resource saving, harmful material reduction, and product
2.2. Evolution of green SCM recycle or reuse which are similarly defined by (Zsidisin and Siferd,
2001). In essence, Zhu and Sarkis (2004), Zhu et al. (2008a), Zhu
The term ‘extended traditional supply chain’ or known as GSCM et al. (2008b), Zhu et al. (2008c), Zhu et al. (2012b) and Zhu et al.
is identified by Beamon, 1999 that refers to the extension of the (2012a) provided an evolving definition of GSCM constructs by
traditional supply chains to include activities that aim at mini- introducing the reverse logistics term in their definitions. Their
mising environmental impacts of a product throughout its entire definition of GSCM has been extended from green purchasing to
life cycle, such as green design, resource saving, harmful material integrated supply chains which begin from suppliers, to the
reduction and product recycle or reuse. Dematerialisation is about manufacturer, to the customer, and the term reverse logistics,
decreasing the volume of materials or time required to produce and which is referred as ‘closing the loop”. Several review studies have
deliver products and services demanded by customers. Detoxifi- expended the conceptualisation of this definition on GSCM
cation refers to the action of reducing the industrial waste and (Hervani et al., 2005; Lee and Kim, 2011). The definition of GSCM
pollutant caused by the utilisation of hazardous materials in in- mightily differs and it depends on the focus and the goal of the
dustrial products. Decarbonisation or also known as de- variety of research or the practitioner’s field. According to Zhu and
energisation is about reducing the amount of carbon emission Sarkis (2006), the aims of GSCM range from reactive monitoring to
throughout the production of hydrogen. These issues contribute to proactive practice which comprise several parts related to GSCM
the 4R’s namely reduction, redesign, reuse, and remanufacturing in such as GSCM drivers or pressures and GSCM practice. Overall, the
business practice. Consequently, these issues have also created the researcher concludes that some definitions of GSCM made by
new approach in implementing the sustainable practices among previous researchers focus on the integration concept of SCM into
companies that commonly concentrate on product design, pro- environmental thinking (e.g. (Carter and Rogers, 2008), (Zsidisin
duction process, and the organization itself. Wang and Gupta (2011) and Siferd, 2001), (Liu, X. et al., 2012b), (Suifan et al., 2019)). Be-
suggested that GSCM should add reverse logistics practices such as sides that, some researchers have recently linked GSCM more to
product recycling or reuse, reducing the production source, clean- practices that are involved in all stages of a product’s life cycle
ing waste material, and controlling hazardous materials in order to which include forward activity and reverse activity (Hervani et al.,
enlarge the further use of raw material and supply. By adjoining the 2005), Walker et al. (2008), Carter and Rogers (2008), Liu, S. et al.
activities of reverse logistics, it directly joins all aspects of envi- (2012a), Wang and Gupta (2011), Walker and Jones (2012),
ronmental management together in the complex value chain. Vijayvargy and Agarwal (2013), Lee et al. (2014), Charkha and Jaju
GSCM is an important practice in traditional SCM (Linton et al., (2014), Wu et al. (2015), Das and Posinasetti (2015), Zhao et al.
2007). GSCM also can increase business profit and market share (2017) and Sharma et al. (2017). A forward activity refers to any
objectives besides improving environmental performance. activity which begins from procurement of raw material to distri-
The implementation of SCM in business operation seemed to bution to the final customer. Meanwhile, the reverse chain is any
have the ability to enhance competitive advantage previously activity which seeks to close the loop of the supply chain that starts
(Wouters et al., 2009). In spite of this, companies currently have to after the final customer received their product or services, and
combine the environmental management into their supply chain which includes reuse, remanufacturing, or recycling activities.
due to pressure from many stakeholders including government Different terms of GSCM existed in the past literature. Some of
regulation, customers, buyers, and community to decrease the the terms are as follows: environmental SCM Denham et al. (2015),
environmental concerns. More business opportunities can be sustainable SCM Zhang et al. (2018), sustainable supply network
created by employing GSCM when a company has the capability to management Govindan et al. (2015a), supply and demand sus-
effectively deal with environmental problems. Besides that, the tainability in corporate social responsibility networks (Cruz and
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 5
Table 1
Definition of green supply chain management.
Author(s) Definition
Green et al. (1996) Green SC focused on the way in which innovation issues in SCM and industrial purchasing may be emphasized on the environmental context.
Beamon (1999) Extended the traditional SCs which includes some activities that purpose to reduce the environmental effects on the product during the life
cycle stages like, product reuse or recycle, saving the resource, reduce the dangerous materials and green design.
Zsidisin and Siferd (2001) The set of SCM policies apprehended, arrangements reserved, and associations stand out in answer to the concerns regarding to the
environmental issues with emphasize on production, use or re-use, acquisition, design, disposal the services and goods by companies and firms.
Zhu and Sarkis (2004) Green SCM is involving the various actions from green purchasing to integrate SCs starting from the supplier, then manufacture, then customer
and reverse that called closing the loop.
Hervani et al. (2005) Green GSCM is including the various practices such as green purchasing, material management/green manufacturing, green marketing and
green distribution and reverse logistics.
Srivastava (2007) Incorporating environmental thinking into SCM including end-of-life management, material selection, product design, manufacturing process
and product delivery to customers.
Walker et al. (2008) Green SC includes all stages of a product’s life cycle such as raw material extraction to product design, distribution stages, production,
consumers using its disposal the products by consumers in the end and its disposal to product’s life cycle.
Carter and Rogers (2008) The green SCM is including the integration, transparent, strategic and organization achievements regarding the economic, environmental and
social purposes in the efficient direction of key inter-organizational business processes for enhancing the performance in long term and it SC
Liu, S. et al. (2012a) Green SCM focuses on the environmental consciousness throughout the entire supply chain and involves long-term and deliberate cooperation
between the supply chain members.
Wang and Gupta (2011) Green SCM comprises of forwarding the activities and reverse activities. Forward activities consist of purchasing or procurement, design,
manufacture, and distribution to the customers, while the reverse activities in GSCM include inspection, sorting, and disassembly that aim to
reuse, reprocess, and redesign the demand from the markets.
Walker and Jones (2012) Green SCM is an important strategy within the sustainability domain by several activities from green purchasing to product recycling by
cooperation of customers and suppliers.
Vijayvargy and Agarwal Green SCM is a philosophy of management by integrating several supply chain factors as humane and progressive practices for organizations.
Lee et al. (2014) Green SCM is the process of incorporating environmental factors or concerns into long-term relationships with suppliers and organizations
purchasing decisions.
Charkha and Jaju (2014) Green SCM emerges as a comprehensive internal and external organizational environmental management approach to improve the ecological
efficiency and economic performance in different steps of SC through the whole life cycle of the product.
Wu et al. (2015) Green SCM refers to a various of approaches and factors which companies can apply to enhance and retain performance within their products or
processes with simultaneously focuses on with economic, social and environment between customers and suppliers
Das and Posinasetti Green SCM is a significant approach for enhancing the environmental performance processes in terms of resources conservation materials and
(2015) waste elimination.
Zhao et al. (2017) Green SCM is the creative management of the SC in the area of sustainable development to minimising the environmental impact from
suppliers to end customers.
Sharma et al. (2017) Green SCM is the emerging contemporary approach in twenty first century for achieving corporate profit, efficiency, brand image, market share
and to reduce environmental concerns and the biological footprints of products.
Matsypura, 2009), Supply chain environmental management companies are beginning to implement the green concept in their
Sharfman et al. (2009), green multi-tier SCM, Dou et al. (2017), business operation to fulfil the environmental demands from
green supply chain risk management (de Oliveira et al., 2017), certain parties from year to year. From Fig. 1, the environmental
sustainable demand chain management (Vural, 2015), green awareness started to receive attention between 1960 and 1970, but
reverse SCM Kianpour et al. (2014), carbon SCM Bai et al. (2017) and the awareness was not very much related to the business’ supply
Du et al. (2017), closed-loop SCM (Abbey and Guide Jr, 2017; chain aspect. From 1970 to 1980, companies started to be con-
Govindan and Soleimani, 2017; Shaharudin et al., 2017; Zhou cerned about their material resource planning in the supply chain
et al., 2017). Green et al. (2012b) stated that companies should for respond to the strict environmental regulations at that time.
start to implement GSCM practices in fulfilling customer demand Then, from 1980 to 2010, companies started to become aware about
for environmentally friendly products and services which are the importance of green technologies and the emergence of several
designed and produced through environmentally sustainable concepts in green SCM such as the concept of green design, green
practices. This environmental management practice can fulfil the operation, green manufacturing, and waste management. These
companies’ social responsibility of increasing environmental sus- concepts began to be familiar to companies between the year 1990
tainability conditions as well as ensure their compliance to envi- and 2000. However, since these concepts were perceived as a single
ronmental regulations, which will eliminate the threat of activity in improving the supply chain, they failed to give an impact
imposition of penalty and closure. Green supply chain adoption on the overall supply chain in minimising environmental problems.
within the business operation is believed to enhance business In the year 2010 and later, most companies were required to green
performance. The execution of GSCM practices is anticipated to their overall business supply chain due to higher environmental
improve environmental performance which can be determined regulations and higher supply chain complexity. The trends of
through decreases in air emissions, emission waste, solid waste, green supply chain play an important role in dealing with emerging
and the utilisation of toxic materials (Green et al., 2012b). numerous challenges, specifically, the higher pressures of envi-
Although the concept of GSCM was established since the 1990s, ronmental norms.
the emergence of various challenges has caused reluctance in many
industries to embrace the concept of green purchasing until 2000 2.3. Evolution of sustainable SCM
or even later (Wang and Gupta, 2011). Fig. 1 explains the evolutions
of the green supply chain area. Fig. 1 shows the growth of envi- 21st century came with a number of opportunities along with
ronmental awareness, the complexity and level of green supply various challenges, evaluation of internet transformed the world
chain development which has also increased throughout the year into a global village which helps the organization to find new
from early 1960 until 2010 and later. Fig. 1 also indicates that most markets for their competitive products, and on the other hand,
6 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
Pollution control
1980-1990 Greening of process was done through outsourcing
No impact on overall supply chain
Fig. 1. Evolution of the green SCM (Adopted from Wang and Gupta (2011)).
natural environment concerns bring the global challenge to the supply chain has been identified a major issue of sustainable SCM
manufacturers. According to Bobby Banerjee (2001), environ- (Green et al., 2012b). GSCM has gradually become into the new
mental concerns have been spread local to regional ones and to concept for the sustainable development of the enterprises. How-
global ones. Consequently, from the perspective of environmental ever, it is not the simple problem of concept to really implement the
concerns, integration of environmental concerns and SCM has been GSCM in enterprises, and there are large numbers of works to do
in focus for two decades (Sarkis, 2012). Therefore, integrating the (Zhou, 2009). Since environmental issues and scarcity of resources
environmental concerns into SCM has been highly important for are hinders to achieve sustainable performance, GSCM is the phi-
manufacturers in order to retain a competitive advantage. In spite losophy to optimize the performance in unfavourable conditions.
of gaining importance in industrial countries, there are several Paulraj et al. (2017), investigated the motives of firm’s engagement
areas of GSCM which require more research yet, greening the toward sustainable SCM, the results of the research revealed
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 7
relational and moral motives were responsible in the implementing emission trading, environmentally sustainable practices, pollution
sustainable practices in the German firms. management, green consumer attitude, environmental strategy
The sustainable development concept is included three main and green supplier management. In terms of social dimensions,
and principal dimensions such as Social, environmental and eco- there are various sub-dimensions like; social impacts and
nomic. According to the current literature of sustainability, there measuring, standards and codes of conduct, social development,
are other pillars which significantly have contributed to the evo- health and safety practices, product safety, community initiatives
lution of the sustainable SCM. Recently, Rajeev et al. (2017) have and work safety and labour health. The details about other di-
classified these two pillars into three additional sub-dimensions mensions and sub-dimensions are presented in Fig. 2.
such as socio-environmental, socio-economic and GrSCM. In
Fig. 2, we have modified the (Rajeev et al., 2017) study by added 3. Research method
new factors. According to Fig. 2, environmental dimension is
including several sub-dimensions such as; ecological foot print, For make a systematic review, we have used PRISMA (Preferred
Ecological Foot print
Emission trading
Environmentally sustainable
practices SC
en ution
So Green Distrib
En cio- Pollution management Gre ting
vi rke
Im ronm Green consumer attitude Gre
Sustainable Production
Sustainable Purchasing
Social impacts and Sustainable Development
Corporate social
Socially responsible sourcing
Supporting community
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) pre- 329 relevant articles have remained. The results of the literature
sented by Moher et al. (2009). The key purpose of systematic re- search presented in Fig. 3.
view to provide the summaries of previous studies in the particular
area. The systematic review is particularly valuable in extensive 3.2. Records eligibility
study fields, which the rich in the number of publications in narrow
feature of the field (Budgen and Brereton, 2006). Another purpose In the following step of review, in order to records eligibility, we
of systematic reviews is to present the full overview of study which reviewed the selected articles based on full the body of each
has been done in the particular field until the current time. The manuscript one by one. For achieving a consensus, we identified
procedure of research must be clear before starting the process the relevant articles carefully. In this step, we have excluded PhD
purpose and replicable. Meta-analysis present and integrate the theses and master dissertation, non-English published articles,
results mathematically by using the various statistical methods to book chapters and conferences articles. In the last step of record
investigate the diversity of current published papers (Phillips and eligibility, we have chosen 78 papers related to green and sus-
Newton, 2002). The key purpose of PRISMA is to aid scholars and tainable SCM and SEM from various peer review journals from two
academia to comprehensive and perfect the review of the literature databases. These 78 papers have met our inclusion criteria of this
(Liberati et al., 2009). step.
Nowadays, numerous of the past published articles have used
the PRISMA in different application areas to develop the literature 3.3. Extract and summary of data
review of the particular field comprehensively (Luhnen et al., 2018;
Peters et al., 2015). Therefore; to conduct the PRISMA statement in In this section, we have selected 78 papers for reviewing and
our review paper, we have done three main phases such as search summarizing. These selected articles are categorized in different
in current literature, selecting the eligible previous published ar- application fields of sustainable and SCM (See Table 2). We have
ticles and extract the details of information and summarisation. reviewed and summarised the 78 papers based on several impor-
tant perspectives including application area, gap and research
3.1. Literature search problem, approach (SmartPls, AMOS, LISREL), name of variables,
study purpose, country of authors, related theory, unit of analysis
For provide the comprehensive review using SEM in the eval- (group, individual and country), publication year, number of hy-
uation of green and sustainable SCM, Scopus and Web of Science potheses, sample and scope, number of sample, name of author,
(WoS) were used as two main databases with several online in- respondents, validation measurement (CFA and EFA), method of
dexes such as Social Sciences Citation Index, Science Citation Index data collection, findings and results. In the next steps of paper, we
Expanded, Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Arts & Human- have provided the related tables based on application areas and
ities Citation Index etc. In this step, for finding the published pa- criteria.
pers, we have searched in these databases based on various
keywords such as, green SCM, sustainable SCM, sustainable 4. Application areas classification
development and SCM, sustainability and SCM, green supplier, SEM
and green SCM, SEM and sustainable SCM, SEM and environmental In this section of our review paper, we classified the selected
SCM, SEM and green supplier, SEM and sustainable supplier, sus- articles into eight different classifications. According to results of
tainable supplier, sustainable development and supplier, sustain- this section, we have categorized the articles based on sustainable
ability and supplier, environmental SCM, environmental and development and SCM, green SCM, supplier’ sustainability, envi-
supplier etc. According to our primary search (title, keywords, ronmental SCM, green supplier, corporate social responsibility and
topic, abstract) in databases we found following records: green SCM, SCM under carbon emission policy and other application areas
SCM (189 records in WOS and 395 records in Scopus), sustainable of SCM. (See Table 2). In next sections, we reviewed and summar-
SCM (146 records in WOS and 207 records in Scopus), sustainable ised the articles based on various criteria.
development and SCM (5 records in WOS and 14 records in Scopus),
sustainability and SCM (51 records in WOS and 78 records in Sco- 4.1. Distribution of articles based on green SCM
pus), green supplier (108 records in WOS and 215 records in Sco-
pus), SEM and green SCM (30 records in WOS and 26 records in GSCM is a developing domain driven by the essential for envi-
Scopus), SEM and sustainable SCM (14 records in WOS and 19 re- ronmental awareness (Srivastava, 2007). From the traditional
cords in Scopus) SEM and environmental SCM (42 records in WOS supply chain view, GSCM was initiated by the quality revolution in
and 30 records in Scopus), SEM and green supplier (12 records in the 1980s and the SC revolution in the 1990s (Zhu and Sarkis,
WOS and 15 records in Scopus), SEM and sustainable supplier (2 2006). Throughout the years, GSCM has drawn concerns among
records in WOS and 9 records in Scopus), sustainable supplier (52 academicians and practitioners, concentrating on decreasing waste
records in WOS and 102 records in Scopus), sustainable develop- and conserving the quality of product-life and natural resources.
ment and supplier (5 records in WOS and 11 records in Scopus), The major goal of GSCM is the environmental efficiency for pur-
sustainability and supplier (42 records in WOS and 77 records in suing to minimise environmental harm, but simultaneously in-
Scopus), environmental SCM (57 records in WOS and 104 records in crease the effectiveness of production and remanufacturing, which
Scopus), environmental and supplier (74 records in WOS and 114 have become the main resources to accomplish best practices.
records in Scopus) etc. According to our primary search in data- Recently, numerous of past works have applied the SEM method to
bases, we found these records: green SCM. Therefore; in the first evaluate green SCM in various disciplines, for example; Yang et al.
step of literature searching, we have found 2246 records. After the (2013) investigated the relationship between internal and
first step of our literature search, in order to duplication records, we external integration practices, green performance and firm
have polished the articles with redundant data. In this step, 891 competitiveness. The findings of this article demonstrated that
articles were removed due to duplication records. After removing external green collaboration influenced on green performance
the duplication articles, in order to irrelevant records from 1355 positively, external green collaboration and green performance had
records, we screened the articles based on abstracts and titles. In the mediating relationship between internal green practices and
the last step, after removing irrelevant and duplications records, firm competitiveness. Dai et al. (2014) examined the relationship
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 9
Search in WOS for green and sustainable SCM Search for green and sustainable SCM in Scopus
(n= 829) (n= 1417)
(n= 891)
(n= 11)
Green SCM (n= 33) Sustainable Development and SCM (n= 11)
SCM under carbon emission policy (n= 2) Other application areas of SCM (n= 7)
of external green SCM variables and effect green performance. management, in addition; there existed significant but negative
Tachizawa et al. (2015) examined the interrelationship between linkage among innovativeness, process management and customer
organizational performance, environmental drivers and green SCM. pressure as the moderator. Xu and Gursoy (2015) explored the
The findings of this study indicated that; coercive and non-coercive relationship between customers’ behaviours and attitudes and
were the important drivers for green SCM, also monitoring could sustainable SCM. The outcomes of this article concluded that
not improve the organizational performance, collaboration and customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and customer willingness
performance had the direct relationship and indirect relationship to pay a premium had the positive relationship with economic and
between collaboration and monitoring. Laari et al. (2016) indicated environmental dimensions, and also social criteria had the negative
that there is a need to emphasize on the role of customer-driven in with customer willingness, in addition, positive relationship with
green SCM and organizational performance. Regarding this, they customer satisfaction. Hsu et al. (2016) examined the linkage
investigated the relationship between, organizational performance among eco-reputation orientation strategies, reverse logistics out-
and customer-driven green SCM practices in 194 Manufacturing comes, and sustainable SCM. The findings of this paper found that
companies, also findings showed that, internal green SCM posi- sustaining firms’ SC initiatives had the positive relationship with
tively influenced on environmental performance, also there is not individual sustainable SC initiative, also green manufacturing and
linked between internal green SCM with environmental collabo- had the positive relationship with firms’ reverse logistics. Esfahbodi
ration with suppliers and financial performance. Teixeira et al. et al. (2017b) indicated that need to highlight whether sustainable
(2016) demonstrated that, there was gap in the current body of SCM is being used because they are profitable, therefore this
literature regarding to green training for implementation of green objective this article determines the important role of the gover-
SCM, for this purpose, this paper used the theory of ecological nance in the adoption of sustainable SCM practices, and examining
modernization to study the link between cooperation with cus- whether sustainable SCM could be commercially viable and envi-
tomers, green training and green purchasing in 95 manufacturing ronmentally beneficial. The outcomes of this article concluded that
companies. The findings of this study indicated that, there is the there existed the positive link between environmental perfor-
positive relationship between green training and green SCM. mance and implementation of sustainable SCM, it does not improve
Vanalle et al. (2017b) investigated the link between pressure per- economic performance, however; there existed the positive link
formance and green SCM practices in a Brazilian automotive SC. The between sustainable SCM and economic performance. Paulraj et al.
findings of this article demonstrated that, economic, environmental (2017) explored the link between SSCM practices, corporate mo-
performance had the positive relationship with adoption of GSCM tives, and firm performance. The findings of this paper found that
practices. Moreover, the institutional pressures impact on SC to moral and relational motives are important drivers. Table 4 pre-
pursue green SCM practices. Yang (2017) investigated the rela- sented the significant details of published papers in these areas
tionship among external green collaborations, institutional pres- (sustainable development and SCM) based on several criteria such
sures, internal green practices and green performance. The results as author (s), year of publication, number of samples, scope, related
of this study revealed that, institutional pressures have positive respondents, names of factors and practices, research gap and
effects on internal green practices; internal green practices posi- problem, relevant theory, study purpose and finally study findings.
tively influence external green collaborations; internal and external
green collaborations positively impact on green performance but 4.3. Distribution of articles by environmental SCM
institutional pressure is not positively associated with external
green collaborations. According to Table 3, in total, 34 articles have In the recent decades, increasing attention has been given to the
used the SEM to evaluate the green SCM in various areas and role of environmental issues in SCM (Hagelaar and van der Vorst,
different industries and organizations. Table 3, provided the details 2001). Environmental SCM is defined as the sets of SCM policies
of these 34 articles based on several criteria such as; author (s), with the response to natural environment concerns in different
publication year, scope, number of samples, related respondents, phases of SCM such as acquisition, reuse, firms’ services disposal,
names of factors and practices, research gap and problem, relevant and distribution, production and disposal firms’ goods (Zsidisin and
theory, study purpose and finally study findings. Siferd, 2001). The linkage between environmental concerns and
SCM more attention has been given in recent years and current
4.2. Distribution of articles by sustainable development and SCM literature emphasized these relationships. There are different
mathematics and statistical techniques have been used to examine
Nowadays employing sustainable policies in SC is an important the relationship between SCM and environmental issues such as
challenge for businesses. The results of recent evidence in literature SEM. Ulubeyli (2013) believed that, there is a need to focus on the
failure to managing SCs significantly is impacts on the reputation of measuring the environmental performance by focusing on input-
businesses and firms and organization performance in terms of based technique and the integrating of industry forces. Regarding
financial and non-financial practices (Oelze et al., 2016). According this, paper investigated the relationship between environmental
to current literature, several past published papers have used SEM performance, industry forces and input-based competitive strate-
for evaluating of sustainable development and SCM. For instant; gies in 267 cement firms. The results of this paper indicated that
Amann et al. (2014) believed that there is a need for attention the energy strategy and cement plants had the positive relationship,
role of sustainability policy in public procurement. In this regard, also the lower threat of new entrance and energy strategy had the
they investigated the relationship between sustainability policies positive relationship. Gotschol et al. (2014) investigated the link
goals. The results of this paper found than. There was effective in- between economic performance and environmental management.
fluence between socially responsible goals with compare to envi- The outcomes of this article concluded that environmental man-
ronmental goals. Gualandris and Kalchschmidt (2014) investigated agement influenced economic performance positively. Koo et al.
the relationship between sustainable process management, inno- (2014) investigated the relationship between green
vativeness and customer pressure. The outcomes of this article manufacturing coordination, green SC coordination, responsibility,
concluded that, customer pressure and innovativeness had the economic and environmental performance and environmental
significant and positive relationship sustainable process manage- sustainability. The outcomes of this article revealed that, environ-
ment, there was the relationship between sustainable SM and mental sustainability impact on environmental performance
innovativeness by the full mediation of sustainable process through the mediation of green manufacturing coordination and
Table 3
Articles distribution by green SCM.
Author (s) Year No. Sample Sample & Scope Respondents Factors and practices Research problem and Gap Relevant theory Study objective Findings
Couto et al. 26,573 Flash Consumers Consumer willingness, Need to attention on Social network theory; Examined the relationship The findings of this paper
(2016a) Barometer product information buying consumers behaviors and institutional theory between consumers revealed that, buying
decision and perceived buy or pay green product. transaction cost economics behavior and buy or pay decision process had the
value. and stakeholder theory. green product in reverse strong impact on perceived
green SCM. value, also willingness to
pay positively impact on
product information,
moreover, there was the
relationship between
willingness to pay and
perceived value.
Cheng and Sheu 451 Manufacturing Senior Opportunistic behavior, Need to focus on the role of Theory of behavior Investigated the The outcomes of this
(2012) firms management quality of strategy, value-based partnership relationship between research revealed that,
team relational benefits, regarding the economic and quality of strategy in the quality of strategy had the
connectedness, relational perspectives. issue of the green supply positive influence on
Table 3 (continued )
Author (s) Year No. Sample Sample & Scope Respondents Factors and practices Research problem and Gap Relevant theory Study objective Findings
purchasing significantly
and positively.
Woo et al. 103 Suppliers in Managers level Environmental There is a lack in the current Social Capital Theory Examined the linkages The outcomes of this
(2016) construction collaboration, corporate literature regarding the role among corporate research demonstrated
industry competitiveness, green of buyers and customers competitiveness, external that, there were the
alignment, reduction of satisfaction in the issue of green integration, green positive links between
green cost and information environmental capabilities. SCM and green cost supplier’s communication
sharing. reduction. and green cost reduction,
also environmental
collaboration mediated the
link between information
sharing and performance.
Laari et al. 119 Manufacturing Managerial Environmental There is a need to None Investigated the The outcomes of this
(2016) companies level performance, emphasize on the role of relationship between, research demonstrated
environmental customer-driven in green organizational performance that, there was the link
collaboration with supplier, SCM and organizational and customer-driven green between internal green
Table 3 (continued )
Author (s) Year No. Sample Sample & Scope Respondents Factors and practices Research problem and Gap Relevant theory Study objective Findings
Table 3 (continued )
Author (s) Year No. Sample Sample & Scope Respondents Factors and practices Research problem and Gap Relevant theory Study objective Findings
Author (s) Year No. Scope and Sample Respondents Factors Gap and research problem Related theory Study purpose Results and outcome
Mariadoss et al. 149 Manufacturing and Managerial level Local, cultural, environmental Focused on firm orientation Stakeholder theory Investigated the Firms’ environmental and
(2016) services companies and societal community on SC practice and firms relationship between cultural orientation and
orientation, SS practices and purchasing. sustainable and firm sustainable supply practices
sustainable purchasing orientation. had the relationships.
Xu and Gursoy 499 Hospitality industry Consumers Social, economic and Focused on sustainability Social and Means- Explored the relationship The outcomes of this article
(2015) environmental dimensions, dimensions with involving end theories between customers’ concluded that customer
customer loyalty and sustainable SCM in the behaviors and attitudes and willingness to pay a premium,
satisfaction and customer hospitality industry. sustainable SCM. customer loyalty, customer
willingness to pay. satisfaction had the positive
relationship with economic and
environmental dimensions, also
social criteria had the negative
with customer willingness, in
Table 4 (continued )
Author (s) Year No. Scope and Sample Respondents Factors Gap and research problem Related theory Study purpose Results and outcome
Amann et al. (2014) 281 Public industry European member Policy goals achievement policy There is a need to focus on Theory of Investigated the The results of this paper found
goals inclusion in offers and the role of sustainability Inducement relationship between than. There was effective
policy goals inclusion in the policy in public contribution sustainability policies goals. influence between socially
tender. procurement. responsible goals with compare
to environmental goals.
Gopal and Thakkar 103 Automobile firms Supply chain Economic, social and There is a need to None Examined the linkage Sustainable SCM practices and
(2016) managers environmental indicators, emphasize the relationship between sustainable SCM SC performance had the
sustainable SCM practices and between organizational and sustainability relationship, also SC
enablers, SC performance and performance sustainable performance. performance had the
sustainable SC inhibitors. SCM. relationship between
economic, environmental and
social positively performance.
Esfahbodi et al. 146 Manufacturers Manufacturing Coercive pressures, sustainable Need to emphasize on the Resource Explored the role of The results of this study
(2017b) managers procurement, sustainable role of sustainable SCM in dependence, government in the demonstrated that sustainable
distribution, sustainable design, manufacturing companies institutional theory adoption of sustainable SCM had the relationship with
Table 5
Articles distribution based on environmental SCM.
Author (s) No. Scope and Respondents Factors Gap and research Related Study purpose Results and outcome
Year Sample Sample problem theory
Youn et al. 141 Manufacturing Top Strategic operational Need to highlight the None Investigated the The outcomes of this
(2013) companies management information sharing, role of environmental relationship between article concluded that,
level organizational SCM and strategic environmental SCM there existed the direct
compatibility, top supply chain and strategic SS impact between mutual
management support, partnership (SSCP) for partnership. trust, strategic and
top management enhancing of information sharing,
support, Information sustainable support organizational
sharing, business and competitive advantage. compatibility, support of
environmental top management, and
performance and mutual there were indirect and
trust. positive linkages among
mutual trust, support
compatibility, top
management support,
strategic and operational
information sharing by
mediating role of the
strategic information
Chin et al. 327 Oil palm Smallholders Perceived behavioral Need to study on the Theory of Used TPB theory to The outcomes of this
(2016) planters control, intention, role of planters in Planned examine of intention of article concluded that
perceived benefit, supply oil palm. Behavior smallholder planters to there existed the
perceived ecological supply oil palm. linkages among
impact, attitude, perceived behavioral
subjective norm control and smallholder
environmental and planters’ intention
perceived production positively, also there was
benefit. the link among attitude,
perceived production
benefit and perceived
environmental benefit
and subjective norm.
De Giovanni 178 Manufacturing Managerial SCM, firm’s green Need to emphasize the SC theory Explored the link The outcomes of this
and firms level attitude, firm’s economic link between firms’ among firms’ article revealed that,
Esposito and environmental performance internal performance internal there is a need to focus
Vinzi performance. environmental environmental on internal
(2014) performance, external performance and environmental
environmental external environmental management by ETS, also
performance and SCM. performance. results found that,
internal environmental
practices enhanced
economic performance,
in addition, there are
exited link between
supplier collaboration
and firms’ performance.
Wu et al. 1453 Manufacturing Employees EMS awareness, cross- There is a need to use RBV, Examined the The outcomes of this
(2008) companies functional cooperation, environmental contingency significant role of EMS article concluded that
operational performance, management systems and to improve the top management team
formal EMS structure, by firms for achieving production sustainable and environmentally
top management, the EMS benefits. competency competitive advantage. responsible suppliers
environmentally theories were the important
responsible suppliers practices to implement
tracking and team’s environmental
strategic perception, EMS management systems
performance. successfully.
Wiengarten 522 Manufacturing Plant Operational supply chain There is a lack in the None Investigated the link The main findings of the
et al. firms managerial performance, investment literature in terms of between lean, quality article found that
(2013) levels in lean and quality the link among quality, and environmental operational SC
practices and investment lean and practices. performance improved
in environmental environmental. by incorporation lean,
practices. quality and
environmental practices
such as materials
recycling, waste
reduction, pollution
prevention and ISO
Freise and 292 Clothing Managerial Environmental and social There is a need to focus None Examined the The outcomes of this
Seuring industry levels risk, risk of exposure of on the various risks relationship between article concluded that
(2015) external and internal incentives and pressure
(continued on next page)
20 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
Table 5 (continued )
Author (s) No. Scope and Respondents Factors Gap and research Related Study purpose Results and outcome
Year Sample Sample problem theory
the SC and competitive like environmental and risks, environmental were the important
differentiation. social. risk, and social risk and drivers of environmental
SC practices. and social risks.
Koo et al. 121 Manufacturing Staffs Green manufacturing, Lack in the body of Green and Investigated the The outcomes of this
(2014) companies ecological responsibility, literature regarding coordination relationship between article concluded that,
coordination, GSC coordination variable theories green manufacturing environmental
coordination, in the relationship of coordination, green SC sustainability impact on
environmental environmental coordination, and environmental
sustainability orientation and responsibility, performance through the
orientation, ecological environmental mediation role of green
environmental economic responsibility. sustainability economic SC coordination and
performance and and environmental green manufacturing
environmental performance. coordination.
Kirchoff 367 Manufacturing Supply chain Customer effectiveness, The firms need to focus Strategic Examined the The outcomes of this
et al. companies managers SC orientation, cost on organizational choice and relationship between article concluded that
(2016) efficiency, design green for Resource- environmental and there was the positive
environmental enhancing their firms’ based strategic orientations relationship between
differentiation and performance. theories and green SCM environmental
environmental practices. orientation, SC
orientation. orientation integration,
and green SCM practices.
Ulubeyli 267 Cement firms Managerial Raw material strategy, There is a need to Theory of Investigated the The results of this paper
(2013) levels buyers and suppliers emphasize on the Resource- relationship between indicated that energy
bargaining power, measuring the based environmental strategy and cement
environmental environmental performance, industry plant had the positive
performance performance by forces, and input-based relationship, also the
competitors’ rivalry, focusing on input- competitive strategies. lower threat of new
threat of substitutes and based technique and entrance and energy
new entrants, energy the integrating of strategy had the positive
strategy and human industry forces. relationship.
resource strategy threat.
Gotschol 240 Companies Managerial Economic and Need to highlight the None Investigated the The outcomes of this
et al. levels environmental link between economic linkage between article concluded that the
(2014) performance, green SCM performance and economic performance findings of this paper
and green production. environmental and environmental found that; there exited a
management. management. positive link between
management and
economic performance.
green SC coordination. Freise and Seuring (2015) examined the emphasize on a number of sustainable criteria for operational de-
relationship between external and internal risks, environmental cisions in organizations (Seuring and Müller, 2008). Recently, some
risk, and social risk and SC practices. The outcomes of this article previous studies have used SEM for investigating the relationships
concluded that incentives and pressure were the important drivers between supplier sustainability and sustainable performance, for
of environmental and social risks. Kirchoff et al. (2016) explored the example; Canie €ls et al. (2013) believed that because of the impor-
link among environmental and strategic orientations and green tant role of ecological perspectives for manufacturing and indus-
SCM practices. The outcomes of this article concluded that there trial firms, there is a need to emphasize on the internal
existed the positive linkage between environmental orientation, SC organizational process in the field of green SCM. Regarding this, this
orientation integration, and green SCM practices. In Table 5, we paper examines the supplier participation role in green initiatives
have provided the important information regarding to using of SEM by involving some factors such as customer investment, rational
approach for evaluating of the environmental SCM based on the norms, and customer requirement and supplier readiness. The
number of characteristics such as name of scholar (s), publication outcomes of this article concluded that two drivers were significant
year, number of samples, scope, related respondents, names of in supplier participation including supplier readiness and customer
factors and practices, research gap and problem, relevant theory, requirements, in addition; two significant drivers for green SCM
study purpose and finally study findings. were cooperative relational norms and customer investment.
Gualandris and Kalchschmidt (2016) explored the link between
4.4. Distribution of paper based on supplier’ sustainability social performance, environmental performance, supplier trust,
buyer trust and sustainability performance in manufacturing
Selection of suppliers plays the vital role in the management of companies. The outcomes of this article revealed that sustainability
an SC and in recent years, emphasize on sustainability issues in the performance improve sustainable SCM, and internal practices had a
selection of suppliers become more complex (Bai and Sarkis, 2010). direct link with sustainability performance, also there was the
In this regards, various tools and approaches have developed for relationship between sustainability performance and external
solving this complexity such as SEM, multiple criteria decision practices as full mediation. Li et al. (2017) examined the relation-
making (MCDM), fuzzy theory sets, mathematical programming ship between business performance and export market perfor-
and other methods. Given the importance of suppliers, the selec- mance and environmental sustainability. The outcomes of this
tion is organizations, these methods and approaches help the article revealed that there was a link between business perfor-
managers. Selection of suppliers’ sustainability process need to mance and market-oriented environmental sustainability with
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 21
Table 6
Articles distribution based on supplier sustainability.
Author (s) Year No. Scope and Respondents Variables Gap and research Related theory Study purpose Results and
Sample Sample problem outcome
Sancha et al. (2016) 120 Manufacturing Managerial level Benefit of social Need to attention RBV and Investigated the The outcomes of
companies reputation and on sustainability Transaction role of suppliers’ this article
employee well- social dimensions. Cost Theories collaboration and concluded that
being, supplier’s suppliers’ assessment of
social performance, assessment in suppliers enhanced
and assessment, supplier the performance of
collaboration. sustainability companies.
Reuter et al. (2012) 71 Multinational Purchasing Formalization of There is a need to Stakeholder Investigated the The outcomes of
industrial firms managers and cost prevalence emphasize on how theory relationship this article
in supplier managers in between cost concluded that
selection, ethical purchasing prevalence, there was the
culture, customer departments sustainability, and negative link
orientation, impact on stakeholder between
shareholder stakeholder orientation. sustainability
orientation, regarding the prevalence and
sustainability and selection of the shareholder
public orientation. supplier. orientation, and
there was a positive
between public
orientation and
Gualandris and 77 Manufacturing purchasing Supplier Need to focus on Theories of Explored the link The outcomes of
Kalchschmidt companies manager, Buyer and sustainability, sustainability resource-based between social this article revealed
(2016) chief procurement sustainable supply performance performance, that sustainability
officer management, indicators environmental performance
buyer supplier regarding performance, improve
trust, firm sustainable SCM in supplier trust, sustainable SCM,
sustainability and manufacturing buyer trust and and internal
sustainable process companies. sustainability practices had a
management. performance in direct link with
manufacturing sustainability
companies. performance, also
there was the
performance and
external practices
as full mediation.
Gimenez and Sierra 109 Manufacturing Supply and Environmental Need to focus on Social network, Investigated the The outcomes of
(2013) industry purchasing performance, the role of cost and RBV relationship this article
managers cooperation with governance theories between concluded that
suppliers and mechanisms to environmental there existed the
supplier improve the performance, significant and
assessment. environmental suppliers’ positive link
performance in the cooperation, and between supplier
area of green suppliers’ assessment and
suppliers. assessment. cooperation with
suppliers and
Hollos et al. (2012) 70 Industrial Executives and Social practices, Need to attention RBV and Explore the The outcomes of
companies senior purchasing sustainable on economic Resource relationship this article
managers supplier co- perspective dependence between concluded that
operation, regarding the theories performance and performance and
operational supplier sustainable sustainable
performance, green sustainability. supplier supplier
practices, cost cooperation. cooperation has the
performance and positive relation,
strategic and green practices
orientation. had the significant
and positive
relationship with
Li et al. (2017) 305 Small and Middle and senior Export market There is a need to Stakeholder Examined the The outcomes of
medium managers performance, focus on the role of theory relationship this article revealed
enterprises international buyer the strategic between business that there was a
(continued on next page)
22 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
Table 6 (continued )
Author (s) Year No. Scope and Respondents Variables Gap and research Related theory Study purpose Results and
Sample Sample problem outcome
mediating impact of the relational capacity of knowledge integra- the sustainable SC partnerships with focusing on social, economic
tion. Mani et al. (2018) examined the role of social issues pertinent and environmental indicators (Govindan et al., 2015b). Develop-
for suppliers and to finding dimensions and measures related to ment of green supplier selection is important for increasing the
social sustainability in emerging economies. The outcomes of this organization competitive advantage and improving the green per-
article show that there existed the positive linkage among supplier formance (Fu et al., 2012). Current literature has been used some
social sustainability practices and SC performance by mediation techniques for development and relationships between green
role of supplier performance. Moreover, investment and the buyer’s supplier selection and green performance such as SEM approaches.
commitment and moderates had the moderation effect between Regarding this issues some of the past studies used SEM to assess
suppliers and supply chain performance. Table 6, presented some and choose green suppliers like; Large and Gimenez Thomsen
significant information regarding to using of SEM approach to (2011) indicated that there is a need to emphasize on the devel-
evaluating of environmental SCM based on the number of charac- opment process for modification of supplier environmental
teristics such as name of scholar (s), year of publication, number of improvement approaches. In this regard this paper examined the
samples, scope, related respondents, names of factors and prac- link between environmental performance, purchasing perfor-
tices, research gap and problem, relevant theory, study purpose and mance and drivers of green SC performance. The main results of
finally study findings. this paper demonstrated that the green supplier assessment degree
had the direct relationship with green collaboration level, also
commitment impact on green cooperation by mediation role of
4.5. Distribution of papers based on green supplier purchasing department capabilities, in addition; purchasing per-
formance had the link to environmental performance positively.
Selection of green suppliers is the significant task for developing
Table 7
Articles distribution based on green supplier.
Author (s) Year No. Scope and Respondents Variables Gap and research problem Related theory Study purpose Results and outcome
Sample Sample
Blome et al. (2014) 114 Manufacturing Professionals Supplier performance, top Need to emphasize the Institutional, RBV Explored the link among The outcomes of this article
and service and senior management commitment, antecedents of green and legitimacy supplier performance, financial concluded that adoption of
firms procurement green procurement, market procurement and theories and market performance, green green procurement and buying
performance, and green development of green procurement, top management firm’s market performance had
supplier development and supplier. commitment and green the positive relationship, green
financial performance. supplier development. procurement had no
relationship with financial
performance, development of
green supplier, supplier
performance, and green
procurement had the mediation
Villanueva-Ponce 206 Industrial zones Purchasing Financial profits green Need to focus on the Contingent theory Examined the relationship The outcomes of this article
et al. (2015) managers product design, corporative benefits of environmental between financial profits green found that firms improved
24 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
gap and problem, relevant theory, study purpose and finally study
Related theory Study purpose
regarding CSR for SCM are CSR based on SC practices, CSR mea-
surement, ethical sourcing, and performance impact of CSR in
managing SCs and monitoring of CSR performance. The current
supplier development in the
Highlighted the role of CSR
Gap and research problem
responsibility to environment,
corporate social responsibility
responsibility to employees,
competitive advantage,
incentives, financial
performance, direct
gap and problem, relevant theory, study purpose and finally study
No. Sample Scope and
Green and sustainable SCM are the two concepts have imple-
mented that most closely relationship SCM and sustainability
The findings of this study indicated that there existed the positive
Sample Sample
Author (s) Year No.
€ttcher and
ation role in link among the green HRM practices and green SCM
Table 9
Table 10
Articles distribution based on other application areas and SCM.
Author (s) Year No. Scope and Respondents Variables Gap and research Related Study purpose Results and outcome
Sample Sample problem theory
Hajmohammad 85 Manufacturing Managerial Supply management, Highlighted the Natural RBV Introduced the new The outcomes of this
et al. (2013) firms levels environmental significant role of lean model for exploring the article have concluded
performance, management and association between that, supply
environmental supply management environmental management and lean
practices, plant size lean as the elements of performance, supply management enhanced
management, and environmental management, lean environmental
importance of performance. management and performance by
environmental issues. environmental incorporating of
performance. environmental criteria
as the mediator variable.
Hazen et al. 60 SC department Senior Information system Need to focus on Knowledge Examined the The outcomes of this
(2015) managerial capability, metrics, results and based view antecedents for article have concluded
level processing effectiveness antecedents of reverse and goal- development of reverse that supply
goals and cost logistics metric setting logistics metric. management and lean
effectiveness. development. theories management enhanced
performance by
incorporating of
environmental criteria
as the mediator variable.
Zailani et al. 153 Automotive SC Managerial Green product Highlighted the role of Institutional Investigated the The outcomes of this
(2015) firms levels innovation, green green innovation theory relationship between article have shown that
process innovation, practices for sustainable there existed the
environmental, automotive SC firms. performance criteria positive link among
economic and social and green innovation initiatives of firms’
performance, marketing adoption. internal, environmental
demand and firms regulations and market
internal initiatives. demand with green
innovation initiatives,
and there was the
positive linkage among
performance and GIIs.
Meacham et al. 159 Manufacturing Managerial Environmental Need to emphasize on Resource- Investigated the impact The outcomes of this
(2013) firms levels performance, green improving capabilities based theory of organization article have revealed
information sharing and of information sharing capability for sharing that SC and
information sharing. and green information green information environmental
systems for enhancing system to enhance the performance had the
the environmental environmental relationship with a
performance performance. partial mediator of
indicators. green information
Hong et al. 711 Manufacturing Managerial Business performance, There is a need to None Explored the link The findings of this
(2009) firms levels green performance emphasize the role of between business study demonstrated
outcomes, product strategic green performance, green that focus on strategic
development, strategic orientation, SC performance outcomes, green orientation is vital
green orientation, coordination and product development, for the manufacturing
competitive market product development strategic green sector, SC coordination
environment and SC practices in orientation, competitive and integrated product
coordination. manufacturing market environment development, also green
sectors. and SC coordination. performance outcomes
had the direct
relationship with
strategic green
Lirn et al. (2014) 80 Shipping Managerial Financial and Need to focus on the Resource Studied the association The outcomes of this
agencies and levels environmental impact of firm based on between green shipping article have shown that,
firms performance, greener performance on green view management capability greener ships, greener
suppliers, greener ships, policing management. and firm performance. supply, and greener
greener policy and policy had the direct and
green shipping positive relationship,
management capability and environmental and
dimensions. financial performance
had the indirect and
positive relationship
with greener policy and
greener suppliers.
Nejati et al. 161 Manufacturing Human Green SCM, green pay Need to focus on the Resource- Investigated the The outcomes of this
(2017) companies resource and reward, green relationship between based theory linkages among green article have shown that
manager development and the green human HRM, green SCM and green HRM and green
and human training, resistance to resource resistance to change. SCM had the positive
resource change, green management, green and significant
performance SCM by moderating relationship, and
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 27
Table 10 (continued )
Author (s) Year No. Scope and Respondents Variables Gap and research Related Study purpose Results and outcome
Sample Sample problem theory
publication, the number of samples, scope, related respondents, approach. According to the findings of this review article, the
names of factors and practices, research gap and problem, relevant manufacturing sector had the highest rank with 53%, for example;
theory, study purpose and finally study findings. Agan et al. (2016), investigated the relationship between firm
performance corporate social responsibility and environmental
5. Findings of published papers supplier development. Mani et al. (2018) examined the role of so-
cial issues pertinent for suppliers and to finding dimensions and
5.1. Articles distribution based on industry sector measures related to social sustainability in emerging economies in
manufacturing firms. The second rank was related to other sectors
In the last two decades, SEM approaches have used in different and industries such as the clothing industry with 14%, the third
of previous literature in various types of industries, firms, com- rank was associated to supply chain firms and sectors with 10%. The
panies, enterprises, and organizations such as universities, information related to other sectors and industries has provided in
manufacturing, services, tourism, transportation, hospitality and Fig. 4 and Table 11.
other sectors. According to this issue and objective of this review
paper, we have classified the selected articles based on types of 5.2. Articles distribution based on technique
Furthermore, the papers were categorized based on the industry In this part of the paper, we classified the articles based on the
sector. A variety of industries have been taken into account in technique in use. Regarding this issue, we have classified the arti-
research into green and sustainable SCM (Ansari & Kant, 2017). cles based on SEM methods like LISREL, AMOS, SmartPls, and EQS.
Remember that those green and sustainable practices that have Data analysis refers to the process through which statistical and/or
significance for a certain industry might not be inevitably impor- logical tools are applied to raw data aiming at the extraction of
tant for the other industries; as a result, to categorize and analyse valuable information and the development of conclusion in regard
the study along industrial sector will provide a deeper under- to that information. According to Sachan and Datta (2005), data
standing about the applicability of green and sustainable SCM analysis technique helps:
research sector. Evidently, most of the studies reporting the con-
cepts of green and sustainable SCM are from the manufacturing 1. To summarize in large quantity of collected data (e.g., ques-
industries. According to Hassini et al. (2012), the attractiveness of tionnaire data).
sustainability concepts to manufacturing industries is because of 2. To recognize the effect upon the final outcome that may arise
two reasons: 1) SCM is conventionally focused upon the because of the number of variables.
manufacturing issues, and 2) in a historical view, the environ- 3. To reduce as far as possible the confusing effect intrinsic in most
mental rules and protocols are focused upon the manufacturing of the questionnaire data.
plants. 4. To evaluate the influence of alternative future scenarios.
In Fig. 4 and Table 11, we represented the numbers, percentages
and related references of each sector which have use SEM There exist two kinds of SEM methods including the Covariance-
28 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
Table 11
Articles distribution based on industry sector.
Sectors References
Manufacturing sector (Cheng and Sheu, 2012); (De Giovanni and Esposito Vinzi, 2012); (Lee et al., 2014); (Laari et al., 2016); (Teixeira et al., 2016); (Gavronski et al.,
2011); (Luo et al., 2014); (Zhu et al., 2013); (Yu et al., 2014); (Green et al., 2012b); (Green et al., 2015); (Li et al., 2016); (Ateş et al., 2012); (Jao-
Hong et al., 2008); (Esfahbodi et al., 2016); (Kumar and Rahman, 2016); (Gualandris and Kalchschmidt, 2014); (Esfahbodi et al., 2017b); (Das,
2017b); (Youn et al., 2013); (De Giovanni and Esposito Vinzi, 2014); (Wu et al., 2008); (Wiengarten et al., 2013); (Koo et al., 2014); (Kirchoff
et al., 2016); (Sancha et al., 2016); (Gualandris and Kalchschmidt, 2016); (Gimenez and Sierra, 2013); (Mani et al., 2018); (Lee et al., 2015); (Ag an
et al., 2016); (Hajmohammad et al., 2013); (Meacham et al., 2013); (Hong et al., 2009); (Nejati et al., 2017) (Gopal and Thakkar, 2016)
Shipping sector (Yang et al., 2013); (Yang, 2017); (Lirn et al., 2014)
Public sector (Dai et al., 2014); (Amann et al., 2014)
Electronics sector (Lee et al., 2012); (Jabbour, A.B. et al., 2014b)
University sector Tachizawa et al. (2015)
Supplying firms (Canie €ls et al., 2016); (Lee, 2015); (Vanalle et al., 2017b); (Paulraj et al., 2017); (Canie
€ls et al., 2013); (Bo
€ttcher and Müller, 2015); (Bo €ttcher and
Müller, 2016); (Woo et al., 2016); (Sang et al., 2013); (Hazen et al., 2015); (Zailani et al., 2015);
Cement industry (Khaksar et al., 2016); (Ulubeyli, 2013)
Hospitality industry Xu and Gursoy (2015)
Multinational industrial Reuter et al. (2012)
Small and medium Li et al. (2017)
Purchasing firms (Large and Gimenez Thomsen, 2011); (Chiou et al., 2011)
Other sectors and (Couto et al., 2016a); (Chan et al., 2012); (Jabbour, A.B.L.d.S. et al., 2014a); (Rao and Holt, 2005); (Hsu et al., 2016); (Kuei et al., 2015); (Rao, Purba,
industries 2002a, b); (Mariadoss et al., 2016); (Freise and Seuring, 2015); (Gotschol et al., 2014); (Hollos et al., 2012); (Blome et al., 2014); (Villanueva-
Ponce et al., 2015); (Zhu et al., 2016); (Chin et al., 2016); (Hsu, C.C. et al., 2013)
based SEM (CB-SEM) and PLS-SEM (also called PLS path modelling). when the emphasis is more on exploration than confirmation, PLS-
CB-SEM is primarily used to test theories e that is, a set of sys- SEM is an attractive alternative to CB-SEM. However; according to
tematic relationships between multiple variables that can be tested results of this paper, we have found, the majority of published
for introduced theoretical models which can estimate the covari- paper has been used the SmartPls with 53%, the second rank among
ance matrix for a sample data set. In contrast, PLS-SEM is employed 78 published papers was related to AMOS approach with 28% and
for improving the theories in exploratory research by focusing on LISREL had the third rank with 17%. Information about other ap-
explaining the variance in the predictive factors when investigative proaches has been presented in Fig. 5 and Table 12.
the frameworks or models. F. Hair Jr et al. (2014) provided the According to findings of this section, in total, 30 theories
answer to the question that of when to use PLS-SEM versus CB- incorporating in this paper, in this regard, we have found the RBV
SEM. He stated that researchers should focus on the characteris- theory had the first rank with 16% among other theories which
tics and the objectives that distinguish the two methods Hair et al. have been used in assessment of green and sustainable SCM, the
(2012). In situations where theory is less developed, researchers second rank was related to stakeholder theory and institutional
should consider the use of PLS-SEM as an alternative approach to theory with 15%, and the third rank was Resource dependence
CB-SEM. This is particularly true if the primary objective of applying theory (RDT) with 7%. Results of other theories provided in Fig. 7
structural modelling is prediction and explanation of the target and Table 12.
constructs. The estimation procedure for PLS-SEM is an ordinary
least squares (OLS) regression based method, quite different from
5.3. Articles distribution based on unit of analysis
the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation procedure used in CB-
In this section of our review paper, we classified the papers
In addition, F. Hair Jr et al. (2014) believe that the results for CB-
based on the unit of analysis as another interesting topic. The unit
SEM and PLS-SEM typically do not differ much and, therefore, PLS-
of analysis is one of the most primary decisions in a scientific
SEM estimates can be good proxies of CB-SEM results. In certain
social science study (Bhattacherjee, 2012). It entails the first step
cases, particularly when there is little prior knowledge on struc-
to be outlined when deciding the methods of data analysis
tural model relationships or the measurement of the constructs, or
(Trochim and Donnelly, 2001). The unit of analysis may entail
groups, individuals, organizations, and countries. On this point, we
have classified articles based on two kinds of units such as indi-
AMOS SmartPLS LISREL SmartPLS and AMOS EQS vidual and organization levels. According to findings of this paper,
we have found that the majority of previous studies assessed the
green and sustainable SCM topics in the level of organization,
therefore the organization level with 92% had the first rank among
other levels. Fig. 6 represented the results of other units or levels
17% 28% of analysis.
53% Drazin and Van de Ven (1985) have stressed the importance of
specifying the form of fit for theory development and theory
testing. In describing the importance of theory in green and sus-
tainable SCM research more specifically, we have demonstrated the
Fig. 5. Frequency of articles based on type of SEM approach. need to review and analyse the related theories in the field in order
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 29
Table 12
Frequency of articles by type of SEM approach.
SmartPls (De Giovanni and Esposito Vinzi, 2014); (De Giovanni and Esposito Vinzi, 2012); (Lee et al., 2014); (Laari et al., 2016);
(Teixeira et al., 2016); (Luo et al., 2014); (Jabbour, A.B.L.d.S. et al., 2014b); (Jabbour, A.B. et al., 2014a); (Nejati et al., 2017); (Zhu et al., 2016); (Canie
et al., 2013); (Canie€ls et al., 2016); (Tachizawa et al., 2015); (Hsu et al., 2016);
(Khaksar et al., 2016); (Kuei et al., 2015); (Green et al., 2015); (Ateş et al., 2012); (Vanalle et al., 2017a); (Kumar and Rahman, 2016); (Gualandris and
Kalchschmidt, 2014); (Gualandris and Kalchschmidt, 2016); (Amann et al., 2014); (Chin et al., 2016); (Freise and Seuring, 2015); (Koo et al., 2014);
(Sancha et al., 2016); (Reuter et al., 2012); (Gimenez and Sierra, 2013);
(Hollos et al., 2012); (Blome et al., 2014); (Villanueva-Ponce et al., 2015);
(Lee et al., 2015); (Large and Gimenez Thomsen, 2011); (Ag an et al., 2016);
€ttcher and Müller, 2015); (Bo
(Bo €ttcher and Müller, 2016); (Hajmohammad et al., 2013); (Hazen et al., 2015); (Zailani et al., 2015)
AMOS (Woo et al., 2016); (Gotschol et al., 2014); (Gavronski et al., 2011); (Yang et al., 2013); (Dai et al., 2014); (Zhu et al., 2013);
(Rao, Purba, 2002a, b); (Rao and Holt, 2005); (Lee et al., 2012); (Hsu, C.C. et al., 2013); (Yu et al., 2014); (Green et al., 2012b); (Yang et al., 2013); (Yang,
2017); (Sang et al., 2013); (Xu and Gursoy, 2015); (Gopal and Thakkar, 2016); (Das, 2017b); (Paulraj et al., 2017); (Wu et al., 2008); (Kirchoff et al.,
2016); (Gotschol et al., 2014); (Mani et al., 2018); (Chiou et al., 2011)
LISREL (Cheng and Sheu, 2012); (Lee, 2015); (Li et al., 2016); (Jao-Hong et al., 2008);
(Mariadoss et al., 2016); (Esfahbodi et al., 2016); (Esfahbodi et al., 2017b); (Wiengarten et al., 2013); (Ulubeyli, 2013); (Li et al., 2017); (Meacham et al.,
2013); (Hong et al., 2009); (Lirn et al., 2014)
EQS Chan et al. (2012)
SmartPls/AMOS Youn et al. (2013)
Table 13
Distribution of articles based on related theories.
Theories References
According to the findings of this section, in total, 30 theories 5.5. Distribution of articles based on measure validation
incorporating in this paper, in this regard, we have found the RBV
theory had the first rank with 16% among other theories which Measurement validation is another key issue of this review
have been used in assessment of green and sustainable SCM, the paper. According to Zainudin (2014), researchers need to confirm
second rank was related to stakeholder theory and institutional the uni-dimensionality, validity, and reliability for all the latent
theory with 15%, and the third rank was the RDT with 7%. Results of constructs involved before modelling their inter-relationships in a
other theories provided in Fig. 7 and Table 13. structural model. With CFA, any item that does not fit the mea-
surement model due to low factor loading should be removed. CFA
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 31
Table 14
Most influential journals.
80 78
70 70
50 51
40 40
10 8
4 5 5
0 1 1 1 2 2 2
0% Europe
Asia 20%
2% France
Portugal 2%
3% 1%
1% Kingdom United State
Canada3%Germany Hong
Kong China Taiwan
1% 4% 3%
1% 3% 3%
5.7. Distribution of reviewed articles by journals 2009 and 2016. This sudden increase in the number of publications
on the application of SEM in green and sustainable SCM discussed
In this section of the paper, we identify the most influential in recently published studies. However; as it can be seen in Fig. 10,
journals in areas of green and sustainable SCM and SEM methods. scholars have published 19 papers in the year of 2016 as the most
As explained below, this section reveals findings that are worth influential year. Consequently, it can be demonstrated that in recent
noting. According to these findings, Journal of Cleaner Production years, scholars working on these topics and it can be estimated the
with 16 records (20.51%) stands out as the most prominent outlet number of publication will increase.
with comparing with other outlets. Supply Chain Management: An
International Journal (7.69%), Transportation Research Part E: Lo-
gistics and Transportation Review (7.69%), International Journal of
Production Research (6.41%), Journal of Purchasing and Supply
Management (6.41%), International Journal of Operations & Pro- 5.9. Frequency of articles by scholars’ nationality
duction Management (6.41%) were also outlets with relatively high
percentages. The details regarding the contribution of other jour- In this section of our study, we have classified the published
nals as illustrated in Table 14. papers based on the nationally and continent of authors. According
to the findings of this section, we identified the United States stand
out as the most prominent country with comparing with other
5.8. Frequency of articles based on year of publication countries with 16 records. Germany, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and
the United Kingdom were also countries with relatively high per-
Fig. 9 showed the variation in the total number of publications centages. In addition, for the first time, we classified the published
on the application of SEM in green and sustainable SCM. As can be articles based on authors’ continent, according to this section, we
seen, the results indicate a steady and gradual rate of increase in- have found that Europe was the most prominent continent with
terests in green and sustainable SCM from 2002 onwards. There is 20% or 32 records. Other related information about counties and
the burst in the number of published articles for the time period of continent is provided in Fig. 11.
A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383 33
6. Discussion of the findings In our review, we have classified the selected articles based on
theory is used, there are a number of theories have used in these
This review paper used the PRISMA statement in order to pre- selected studies, however; there are a number of important the-
sent a comprehensive review regarding the application of the SEM ories which can be considered in the fields of sustainable and green
methods to evaluate the green and sustainable SCM. These fields SCM for further investigations for instance; behavior theory, theory
have attracted much interest in the last two decades, spawning a of emotion, technology acceptance model (TAM-1, TAM-2, TAM-3),
number of studies, and many literature reviews have been under- value orientation theory and other theories. Another interesting
taken, therefore, there are a number of key challenges regarding result of our review was about the data collection method, in our
these subjects which can be interesting for discussion. Neverthe- review study, we categorized the data collection method by online
less, this is the first review paper which comprehensively reviewed and offline surveys, according to the results of this paper, we have
the application of SEM methods in the evaluation of green and found that 76% of previous works for collecting their data used the
sustainable SCM. Notwithstanding the contributions offered in this online survey, therefore; we can conclude that in recent decades
review paper, the findings were to be considered in light of many using the internet in most of the sectors have increased dramati-
limitations. As we classified the selected articles in different cally and the use of the internet to help research practice has
application areas such as green SCM, sustainable development, and become more popular, also using the online survey has various
SCM, environmental SCM, supplier’ sustainability, green supplier, benefits such as reduce the time and cost.
corporate social responsibility and SCM, SCM under the carbon Nationality and continent of authors were another perspective
emission policy. According to these application areas, we have in our review paper, regarding this issue the results of Fig. 11
found some limitations in each category. For example, in the sus- indicated that in total 23 countries and four continents have
tainable SCM area, some previous studies investigated the role of participated in areas of green and sustainable SCM which the
firm orientations and firm performance in evaluation of sustainable United States and Europe stand out as the most prominent country
SCM, further investigation is needed to measure the economic and and continent with 16 and 32 records respectively. In our review
environmental performance as study outputs, or it is interesting to article, we have categorized the selected articles by the scope of the
consider the innovation performance, also further study can study. In these regards, using SEM to evaluate the sustainable and
investigate the role of cultural orientations and strategic sustain- green SCM was investigated in different sectors, industries, orga-
ability orientation in the assessment of sustainable SCM and com- nizations, firms, and companies. According to the results of Fig. 4,
pany performance. There exist a number of studies examined the the manufacturing sector stands out as the highest with 53%. Most
role of environmental SCM such as environmental orientations of the published papers are examined the green and sustainable
factors, regarding this, future study can incorporate the role of SCM in the manufacturing sector (53%) as manufacturing sector a
contextual factors such as market dynamism. In the green SCM greater potential to influence on the triple bottom line (TBL) such as
literature some of the previous investigations to measure the per- economic, social and environmental aspects, followed by shipping
formance only considered the economic and environmental per- industry; and public industry. According to results in Fig. 5, we have
formance, thus, further work can consider the triple bottom criteria found, the majority of published papers have been used the
such as economic performance, environmental performance and SmartPls with 53%, the second rank among 78 published papers
social performance (corporate social responsibility) in order to was related to the AMOS approach with 28% and LISREL had the
attain the comprehensive assessment of the green strategies third rank with 17%. In addition; we have found that the majority of
effectiveness. In addition, some studies have investigated the firm previous studies assessed the green and sustainable SCM topics in
performance in term of buying the firm, therefore, further work is the level of organization, therefore the organization level with 92%
needed to measure the suppliers’ environmental performance. had the first rank among other levels. Furthermore; findings of
There are a few of published studies have explored the role of the Fig. 7, in total, 30 theories incorporating in this paper, in this regard,
information system as a determinant of green SCM, further study we have found the RBV theory had the first rank with 16% among
can consider other determinants such as organizational climate, other theories which have been used in assessment of green and
behavioral factors and social and human capital dimensions like sustainable SCM, the second rank was related to institutional the-
social norms and trust. Some of the previous works in the field of ory and stakeholder theory with 15%. Additionally; according to the
green SC collaboration for developing their models have used results of Fig. 8 and 52% of articles have used EFA and 38% employed
transaction cost theory, in this regard, future works in relationships CFA for measurement validation. In we have shown these per-
of buyer-supplier can consider other significant theories such as centages. Moreover; Journal of Cleaner Production with 16 records
social network theory and resource dependence theory. Further- stands out as the most prominent outlet with comparing with other
more; for the implementation of integrated green SCM, there are outlets.
several important factors which can consider in further studies
such as, market turbulence, trust, market uncertainty, the 7. Conclusion
commitment of suppliers and stakeholder pressures. Few of pre-
vious papers emphasized on sustainable hospitality in SCM, in this The main objective of this review was to present the overview
regard, there are a number of interesting issues for further inves- the application of SEM methods in evaluating the green and sus-
tigation, for example, further study can focus on the role of ante- tainable SCM comprehensively. In total, 78 published articles were
cedents of hospitality business sustainable SCM, also further classified based on eight different application areas including green
investigation can consider the role stakeholders perception such as SCM, sustainable development, and SCM, environmental SCM,
employees and manager toward sustainable hospitality SCM or role supplier’ sustainability, green supplier, CSR and SCM, SCM under
of stakeholders perceptions such as tourist destination and travel the carbon emission policy and other application areas. The sys-
agents in sustainable tourism. There are some factors which can tematic and meta-analysis has been performed for the time period
influence of adoption of green SCM such as, innovation capacity and of 2002 and 2017 from two main databases including Scopus and
quality management. In the issue of drivers of green SCM, some WOS with several online indexes such as arts and humanities
previous works focused on the customers and competitors, there- citation index, science citation index expanded, conference pro-
fore, there is a need to emphasize on firms’ competitive strategy as ceedings citation index, social sciences citation index, and other
green SCM drivers. indexes. A further fragility in the current body of knowledge is
34 A. Mardani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 249 (2020) 119383
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