Guided PYPx Student Planner

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Guided PYPx

Student Planner
By Cindy Blackburn
Toddle Tips for Teachers
This planner has been created to help teaching teams scaffold students through the PYP Exhibition.
Here are a few tips to help you make the most of this student planner in your classroom!

Share this planner by making a copy for each student.

Delete or hide this slide before sharing!

Access learning experiences on Toddle Community that break down this planner
into actionable tasks for your students. Toddle Community is free to join for all PYP
educators. If you're at a Toddle school, you can also assign these learning
experiences to your students at a click of a button.

If you’re at a Toddle school, create a folder on your class journal for students to
share their learning. Ask students to add evidence they want to share and tag
the corresponding folder.
PYP Exhibition 2021
Student Name (enter your name here)

● Find an image of a motivational quote that inspires

you and set it as your background

● Add your name in the text box

● Delete this text box

First Think Second Think

● ●
Read through your interests and community needs.
Are there any ideas that connect the two?
What might you want to explore during your exhibition?

Choice 1: Choice 2: Choice 3:

I know... I know... I know...

● ● ●

I’d love to learn… I’d love to learn… I’d love to learn…

● ● ●
Student Name Topic we would study... Why I think it’s a good fit..
To Do: PYP Transdisciplinary Themes

1. Decide with your

teacher and
group which
theme(s) would
be most
appropriate for
your inquiry

1. Click on the
theme you

1. Copy it and
paste it on the
next slide
My Transdisciplinary Theme Central Idea

I chose this theme because… Key Concept Line of Inquiry

Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3

● ● ●
My Skills
● Delete the skills
you will not focus

● Explain what
developing this
skill might look

Ex: Thinking
I want to use the
design cycle to
create a ______

I will use Tinkercad

to 3D print a _____ I want to…

Being Internationally Minded Choose 2-3 and delete the rest

Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators

We nurture our curiosity, We develop and use conceptual We use critical and creative We express ourselves condently
developing skills for inquiry and understanding, exploring thinking skills to analyse and take and creatively in more than
research. We know how to learn knowledge across a range of responsible action on complex one language and in many ways.
independently and with others. disciplines. We engage with problems. We exercise initiative We collaborate effectively,
We learn with enthusiasm and issues and ideas that have local in making reasoned, ethical listening carefully to the
sustain our love of learning and global significance. decisions perspectives of other individuals
throughout life. and groups.

Principled Open Minded Caring Reflective

We act with integrity and We critically appreciate our own We show empathy, compassion We thoughtfully consider the
honesty, with a strong sense of cultures and personal histories, and respect. We have a world and our own ideas and
fairness and justice, and with as well as the values and commitment to service, and we experience. We work to
respect for the dignity and rights traditions of others. We seek and act to make a positive difference understand our strengths and
of people everywhere. We take evaluate a range of points of in the lives of others and in the weaknesses in order to support
responsibility for our actions and view, and we are willing to grow world around us. our learning and personal
their consequences. from the experience development.

Balanced Risk Taker

We understand the importance of We approach uncertainty with
balancing different aspects of forethought and determination; After choosing 2-3:
our lives—intellectual, physical, we work independently and
and emotional—to achieve cooperatively to explore new
● Highlight which part you most need to work on
well-being for ourselves and ideas and innovative strategies.
others. We recognize our We are resourceful and resilient ● Add a textbox explaining why you chose each profile
interdependence with other in the face of challenges and
people and with the world in change.
which we live.
Know Be able to Action
What do you want to know and What would success look like? How would I make positive change
understand? What skills might I use? in my community?
My timeline...
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Date: Date: Date:

Goal: Goal: Goal:

What will you work on What will you work on What will you work on

Reflection: Reflection: Reflection:

What did you do What did you do What did you do

Adjustment: Adjustment: Adjustment:

What should you do differently What should you do differently What should you do differently
My timeline...
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Date: Date: Date:

Goal: Goal: Goal:

What will you work on What will you work on What will you work on

Reflection: Reflection: Reflection:

What did you do What did you do What did you do

Adjustment: Adjustment: Adjustment:

What should you do differently What should you do differently What should you do differently
My timeline...
Week 7 Week 8 Week 9
Date: Date: Date:

Goal: Goal: Goal:

What will you work on What will you work on What will you work on

Reflection: Reflection: Reflection:

What did you do What did you do What did you do

Adjustment: Adjustment: Adjustment:

What should you do differently What should you do differently What should you do differently
How Will I Show
How Will I Find Out?
My Learning?

Books, websites

Experts, authors


Experiments, social
situations, nature, art
What could I practice? What tools, How will I show my
skills, or tech might help me? learning?

Canva, Constructs 3,
imovie, Google
Calendar, Scratch

IRL Skills
Ex:woodwork, visual
arts, performance,
science experiments,
designing, problem
How will I show my
What might action look like?

What personal
actions do I want to

What will I do in my
local school and

How can I connect to
global goals?

● Add an image of the people

on your team (classmates,
mentors, community

● List 3 things they are

awesome at that will make
your exhibition stronger!

● Delete this text box

Know/Understand Be able to Action
What will you need to find out about your What will you need to grow your skills? What do you need to be able to take action!
problem or opportunity?




Before the meeting: During the Meeting After the meeting

What questions do you have? Notes and feedforward Action steps

What would you like feedback on?

What do you want to know and understand?

My Success Criteria
Copy and paste

I was successful because… I could’ve improved by…

Be able to
What would success look like? What skills might I use?

My Success Criteria
Copy and paste

I was successful because… I could’ve improved by…

How would I make a positive change in my community?

My Success Criteria
Copy and paste

I was successful because… I could’ve improved by…

I used to think... but now I think...
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