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Advertisement For Project Position
Govemmen oArunacho
( )
Associate -
() HRAas applicable (at present at 9% for the state of Arunachal Pradesh)
The details about the positions, pay, academic qualifications, responsibilities,
format of application,and other general conditions are given below:
Project: Delineation and Assessment of Geothermal Resources Potential in
Arunachal Pradesh as an alternate energy resource
Name of the Junior Project Fellow (JRF)
Post (*):
Number of 01
Post Code: JRE-01
Eligibility M.Sc/B.Tech in Civil/Applied Geology/Geology/Hydrology/
Criteria: |Geochemistry or its equivalent with atleast 60% marks or equivalent
Essential CGPA in the qualifying examination and NET/GATE qualified
Desirable: 1. Two years' experience in hydrological observation/modelling.
2. Willingness to work in harsh climatic conditions in Arunachal
3. Preference will be given to candidates experienced in handling
geospatial data, including data collection, analysis, and
various applications. The ability to work with high-resolution
data, available at both national and international levels, is
essential for analyzing and recommending applications
relevant to the study, such as disaster management, flooding.
climate change, and resource management, etc.
Job TO undertake studies on the hydrological behavior of hot springs in
Requirement: Arunachal Pradesh in the context of construction of infrastructure
|required for geothermal extraction, including drilling platforms,
pipelines. Undertake the field expedition, data interpretation,
lanalysis, and publication.
(") The tenure of the research position will be co-terminus with the duration of the
R&D projects for which the position is appointed.
Project: Delineation and Assessment of Geothermal Resources Potential in
Arunachal Pradesh as an alternate energy resource
Name of the Junior Project Fellow (JRF)
Post ():
Number of 01
Post Code: |JRF-02
Eligibility |M.Sc/M.Sc (Tech) in Geophysics/ AppliedGeophysics/ Physics or its
Criteria: lequivalent with atleast 60% marks or equivalent CGPA in the
Essential qualifying examination and NET/GATE qualified.
Desirable: 1. Two years' experience in numeric modelling, resistivity, gravity,
and seismic survey.
2. Experience in data analysis, data processing and
interpretation,and software handling skillsin Leapfrog,and
CES-63/2022-23/ V263503/2024
ArcGIS Pro,
3. Knowledge of lnstuument handlng
4. Excollent Programming skills.
5 Willingness to work in harsh climatic conditions in Arunachal
6. Prelerence will be given to candidates expevenced in handln
geospatial data, ncluing data colection,analyss, and
various appl1cations. The ability to work with high resolution
data,available at both national and intenational levels, is
essential for analyzing and recommending applications
relevant to the study, such as disaster management, looding.
climate change, and resource managenment, etc.
Job To undertake studies on the Resistivity, gravity, and seismic survey
Requirement:in Arunachal Pradesh in the context of themal luid roservor
delineation and extension. Undertake the fleld expedition, data
|interpretation,analysis, and publication.
() The tenure of the research position will be co-terminus with the duration of the
R&D projects for which the position is appointed.
Project: Delineation and Assessment of Geothermal Resources Potental in
Arunachal Pradesh as an alternate energy resource
|Name of the Research Associate (RA) -01
Post ():
Number of 01
Post Code: RA
Eligibility 1. M.Scl M.Sc (Tech)/ PhD in Earth Science/Applied
Criteria: Geology/Geology/Structural Geology or its equivalent subject
Essent1al from a recognizeduniversity or equivalent with atleast60%
Qualification: marks in the qualifyingdegree level and NETIGATE
2. Three years' experience in structural mapping/nodellng
Desirable 1 Ph.D in any ofthe above-mentioned subjects
2. Experience in feld mapping
3. Excellent programming skills
4. Knowledge of sotware handl1ng.
5. Willingness to work in harsh climatic conditions inAruachal
6. Preference will be givern to candidates oxpeienced in handing
geospatialdata, including data collection,analysis, and
various applications. The ab1lty to work with high esoluton
data, available at both natonal and intenational levebs, ,
essential tor analyzng and recomendng applicatons
relevant to the study, such as disaster management, Mo0dng.
clmate change, and tesource managoment, etC
Job To undertake studies on the structural geoloay and petrology of the
Requirenent project site in Arunachal Pradesh n the context of theInal tlut
longun and low. Undertake the ield expedition, data intepretation.)
ES-63/2022-23/ I/263503 /2024
of onine
lo decide on the mode of interview either onlineoffline and in case
mode through any available online video conferencing mode.
Il. Offline applications submitted without the photo, signature, and scanned
copies of the Certificates will be rejected.
l2. The selected candidates are liable to serve in Arunachal
the interview.
13. No traveling advance willbe paid for attending arrangements.
stay CESHS Will not
14. The candidates need to make their own
be responsible for any accommodation arrangements. process at any stage,
the recruitment
15. Director, CESHS has the right to cancel to be filled
or vary the number of posts
WIthout assigningany reason thereof
under each category. facts will attract the
16. Discrepancies found in the certificate or concealing of
disqualification of application/termination/disqualification from future
production of the original certificates at
recruitment (as applicable). Non
candidate disqualified.
time of interview will also make the must.
certificate at the time of interview is
17. Production of the original to provide the
working in any other organization need
Candidate's currently from
with a service/experience certificate
proof of their current employment of current
order will not be considered as proof
the employer. Appointment
temporary and on project mode and do not
18. All project positions are purely regular/permanent position at any
entitle the candidate to any claim for a
periodically subject to satisfactory
time. The contract may be extended
approximate as per the DST guidelines
19. The monthly emolument specified is
be for the first two years and
issued by Competent Authority. The JRF will
42,000 + HRA)
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) for third year (Rs
the instant recruitment shall be
20. Al| future updates/amendments, etc. on
all candidates are
uploaded on the CESHS website only. Accordingly,
advised to visit the official CESHS website regularly.
is offline. Copies of
21. Application procedure: The entire application procedure disability,
certificates in support of educational qualifications, date of birth,
certificates, digital
caste SC/STIOBC/EWS), experience, no objection
the offline
signatures, photographs, etc. should be posted along with
application. Candidates must produce the original certificates while appearing
for an interview or as and when required. If the certificates are in a language
other than English or Hindi, attested translation should be closed.
22. How to apply: To apply, the applicant must fill out the offline application form
which can be downloaded from the CESHS website htps:/ The
candidates are required to send hard copies by post or through e-mail.
23. Applicants are requested to carefully go through the full text of the
advertisement and the instructions in particular.
In case of any difficulty in the submission of the offline application form (not for
CES-63/ 2022-23/ I/2635O3/2024
Digitally signed by
Tana Diageor
for EatafsipreipdaayY5
of Arunachal Pradesh