Ecological Economics-Principles and Applications-3
Ecological Economics-Principles and Applications-3
Ecological Economics-Principles and Applications-3
Is the resource rival or nonrival? In general, can you think of any stock-
flow resources that are nonrival? Can you think of any fund-service re-
sources provided by nature that are rival?
provided by nature, divided for convenience into nonliving and living re-
sources. Clearly this is an enormous abstraction from the number and
complexity of resources our Earth actually does supply, but these cate-
gories illustrate why the specific characteristics of goods and services we
have described are of fundamental importance to economic policy.
1. Fossil fuels. For practical purposes, fossil fuels are a nonrenewable
source of low-entropy energy. They are also very important as ma-
terial building blocks.
2. Minerals. The Earth provides fixed stocks of the basic elements in
varying combinations and degrees of purity, which we will refer to
hereafter simply as minerals. This is the raw material on which all
economic activity and life itself ultimately depend. Rocks in which
specific minerals are found in relatively pure form we refer to as
ores. Ores in which minerals are highly concentrated are a nonre-
newable source of low-entropy matter. We will refer to mineral re-
sources and fossil fuels together as nonrenewable resources and
the first five goods and services in this list as abiotic resources (see
Chapter 5).
3. Water. The Earth provides a fixed stock of water, of which fresh-
water is only a miniscule fraction. All life on Earth depends on
water, and human life depends on freshwater.
4. Land. The Earth provides a physical structure to support us that is
capable of capturing the solar radiation and rain that falls upon it.
Land as a physical structure, a substrate, or a site has economic
properties unrelated to the productivity of its soil, and is thus dis-
tinct from land as a source of nutrients and minerals. To capture this
distinction, we will refer to land as a physical structure and location
as Ricardian land.18 The quantity and quality of soil available on a
given piece of Ricardian land will be grouped with minerals, dis-
cussed below.
5. Solar energy. The sustaining system provides solar energy, the ulti-
mate source of low entropy upon which the entire system depends.
6. Renewable resources. Life is able to harness solar energy to organize
water and basic elements into more useful structures (from the
human perspective) that we can use as raw materials in the eco-
nomic process. Only photosynthesizing organisms are capable of
achieving this directly, and virtually all other organisms, including
humans, depend on these primary producers. These biological re-
sources are traditionally referred to as renewable resources, but
they are renewable only if extracted more slowly than the rate at
18Ibid., p. 232.
76 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
Abiotic Resources
I n this chapter, we closely examine the five abiotic resources intro-
duced in Chapter 4: fossil fuels, minerals, water, land, and solar en-
ergy. Our goal is to explain how the laws of thermodynamics, the
distinction between stock-flow and fund-service resources, and the con-
cepts of excludability and rivalness relate to these resources, in order to
better understand the role they play in the ecological-economic system.
We will also assess the extent to which substitutes are available and the
degree of uncertainty associated with each resource. As we will see,
however, abiotic resources are fundamentally different from each other,
and it is their even greater dissimilarity from biotic resources that binds
them together more than their similarity to each other. Perhaps the most
important distinction is that biotic resources are simultaneously stock-
flow and fund-service resources that are self-renewing, but human ac-
tivities can affect their capacity to renew. Abiotic resources are either
nonrenewable (fossil fuels) or virtually indestructible (everything else).
The differences between abiotic resources probably deserve more em-
phasis than their similarities, and we’ll start with a brief summary. Fossil
fuels and mineral resources are frequently grouped together under the
classification of nonrenewables. The laws of thermodynamics, however,
force us to pay attention to an important difference: The energy in fossil
fuels cannot be recycled, while mineral resources can be, at least partially.
Water is one of the most difficult resources to categorize, precisely because
it has so many different forms and uses. Fossil aquifers (those that are not
being recharged) are in some ways similar to mineral resources—once
used, the water does not return to the ground, and while it cannot be de-
stroyed, it can become less useful when polluted by chemicals, nutrients,
or salt. Rivers, lakes, and streams, in contrast, share similarities with bi-
otic resources: They are renewable through the hydrological cycle, driven
78 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
by solar energy, and they can exhibit stock-flow and fund-service proper-
ties simultaneously. However, human activity cannot affect the total stock
of water to any meaningful extent, while we can and do irreversibly de-
stroy biotic resources. Similarly, land as a physical substrate, a location
(hereafter referred to as Ricardian land), cannot be produced or destroyed
in significant amounts by human activity (with the exception of sea level
rise induced by anthropogenic climate change), and solar energy flows are
not meaningfully affected by humans at all, although we can affect the
amount of solar energy that moves in and out of the atmosphere. We now
examine these resources in more detail.
Fossil Fuels
Perhaps the simplest resource to analyze is fossil fuels, or hydrocarbons,
upon which our economy so dramatically depends. It would take an esti-
mated 25,000 hours of human labor to generate the energy found in a
barrel of oil. The fact that the fossil fuel economy and market economy
emerged simultaneously in England over the course of the eighteenth cen-
tury is almost certainly no coincidence. The magic of fossil fuels may be
more important than the magic of the market in generating today's living
standards.1 In 1995, crude oil supplied about 35% of marketed energy in-
puts into the global economy, followed by coal at 27% and natural gas at
23%. In all, 86% of the energy in the economy comes from fossil hydro-
carbons.2 In geological terms and as far as humans are concerned, fossil
fuels are a fixed stock. For a variety of reasons, however, it is extremely
difficult to say precisely how large that stock is.
For practical purposes, we are concerned only with recoverable sup-
plies. But what does recoverable mean? Clearly, hydrocarbons are found in
deposits of varying quality, depth, and accessibility, and there are different
costs associated with the extraction of different deposits. In economic
terms, we can define recoverable supplies as those for which total extrac-
tion costs are less than the sales revenues. However, fossil fuel prices fluc-
tuate wildly, and recoverable supplies defined in this way show similarly
chaotic variation through time. We could also define recoverable supplies
in entropic terms, in which case a hydrocarbon is recoverable if there is a
net energy gain from extraction; that is, it takes less than a barrel of oil to
recover a barrel of oil. This measure must include all the energy costs, in-
Web site provides full references for the calculations. D. Pimentel and M. Pimentel. Food, Energy,
and Society. 3d edition. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2007). Account for the entropic energy loss
of converting gasoline to work in an internal combustion engine, in which case it would take only
5,000 hours of labor.
2Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC. International Energy Outlook, 2009.
Chapter 5 Abiotic Resources • 79
3C. Cleveland, R. Costanza, C. Hall, and R. Kaufmann, Energy and the US Economy: A Bio-
Synthesis.” In C. Cleveland, D. Stern, and R. Costanza, eds., The Economics of Nature and the Na-
ture of Economics. Cheltenam, England: Edward Elgar, 2001.
5C. A. S. Hall, S. Balogh and D. J. R. Murphy, What Is the Minimum EROI That a Sustainable
geologists estimated that the Oseberg field in Norway would supply 700
million barrels of oil with 90% certainty (known as probability 90, or
P90) and 2.5 billion with 10% certainty (known as P10). Different corpora-
tions and countries generally use some number within the P10–P90
range when stating their reserves, and they are often purposefully vague
about what number they use. Higher reported reserves can increase
stock prices, provide greater access to credit, and for OPEC countries, in-
crease their quotas. As oil fields are exploited, geologists can use the in-
formation acquired to make better estimates about how much they
contain. Based on this information and other factors (e.g., moving from
P90 to P50 estimates), countries frequently revise their reserve esti-
mates from existing fields, often upward. In the absence of major new
discoveries or technological breakthroughs in the late 1980s, six OPEC
countries alone revised their estimates upward by 287 Gbo, 40% more
than all the oil ever discovered in the U.S.!
When calculating global oil reserves, it makes the most sense to sum
the P50 estimates across countries, but even this is no easy task. In ad-
dition, revised estimates from existing reserves are not new discoveries
and should not be counted as such.a
aC. J. Campbell and J. H. Laherrère, The End of Cheap Oil, Scientific American, March
Regardless of what the stocks of fossil fuels are, however, they are
stocks that can be extracted as flows, and the rate of flow is determined
largely by human efforts. If we had adequate infrastructure, we could the-
oretically extract all entropically recoverable fossil energy stocks in a single
year, or we could make them last 1000 generations. How long recoverable
stocks will last, therefore, is determined as much by how fast we extract
them as by how much there actually is. We almost certainly will never ex-
haust fossil fuel stocks in physical terms, because there will always remain
some stocks that are too energy-intensive or too expensive to recover.
From this point of view, fossil fuel stocks are nonrenewable but not ex-
As we extract fossil fuels, we will logically extract them from the most
accessible and highest-quality known reserves first, where net energy
gains are highest.7 These stocks essentially offer the lowest-entropy re-
7Note that the largest and most accessible reserves are also the most likely to be discovered
Chapter 5 Abiotic Resources • 81
and we must account for the total amount of energy not captured from the
time the damage occurs to the time the fund-service recovers.8
What points can we draw from this discussion of fossil fuels? First,
once fossil fuels are used, they are gone forever—they are rival goods.
While a seemingly trivial point, this has important implications for eco-
nomic policy, as we will show in Chapter 11. Second, while fossil fuel
stocks are finite, they are a stock-flow resource that can be extracted vir-
tually as quickly as we wish, limited only by existing infrastructure,
knowledge of stock locations, and the energy costs of extraction. We have
control of the spigot and have been opening it a bit wider every decade.
Eventually the reservoir must run dry. This is in stark contrast to flows of
solar energy, as we pointed out in Chapter 4.
Third, our current populations and economic systems depend for sur-
vival on the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels not only supply 85% of our en-
8Estimates of oil already consumed, probable reserves, and oil yet to be discovered are from
ergy needs, much of which is used to produce food, they also provide the
raw materials for a substantial portion of our economic production, in-
cluding ubiquitous plastics and, even more importantly, the fertilizers,
herbicides, and pesticides that help provide food for nearly 7 billion
people. At this point, we do not have the technologies available to support
7 billion people in the absence of fossil fuels.
While we may be able to substitute renewable energy for fossil fuels, it
is highly uncertain that we can achieve this before the negative impacts of
fossil fuel waste products force us to stop using them or the fuels them-
selves are depleted.
The U.S. and Canada have vast deposits of shale oil and tar sands, re-
spectively. Both of these are fossil fuels but of fairly low quality, requir-
ing more energy to extract and process than conventional fossil fuels
and creating more associated waste. Do you think these resources
present possible solutions to our energy problems? Can you dig up
any information on their energy returns to investment and waste out-
Mineral Resources
Though typically grouped together with fossil fuels in economics text-
books and labeled nonrenewable resources, minerals differ in important
respects from fossil fuels. Like fuels, minerals can be analyzed in terms of
stocks and flows. We know the total stock is finite, and according to the
First Law of Thermodynamics, this imposes a physical limit on their con-
tribution to the material growth of the economy. Again, technology can in-
crease the efficiency with which we extract minerals from ore, but there
exists an entropic limit to efficiency. Valuable mineral deposits occur in
varying degrees of purity, and, like fuels, the degree of purity can be
looked at as a measure of low entropy. Highly concentrated ores are highly
ordered low entropy.9 It is much easier to extract their mineral content,
and they are much more valuable. As our growing economy depletes these
most valuable ores first, we must move on to ores of lower and lower pu-
rity, incurring higher and higher processing costs.
As in the case of oil, we are not exactly certain of the total stock of any
particular mineral, but geologists assign reasonable probabilities to differ-
ent estimates. Even the most efficient process conceivable will require
9Even if we do not accept the notion of entropy in materials, concentrated ores require much
some energy to extract minerals from an ore, and the less pure the ore, the
more energy will be needed. Currently, mining accounts for about 10% of
global energy use.10 However, unlike fossil fuels that cannot be burned
twice, materials can be recycled (though this, too, requires energy). There-
fore, we must think in terms of nonrenewable subterranean stocks as well
as aboveground stocks, which accumulate as the subterranean ones are
depleted. Still, we cannot avoid the laws of entropy even here, and use
leads to dissipation through chemical and physical erosion; therefore,
100% recycling of any material may be impossible.
There is considerable debate over the impossibility of 100% recycling,
as well as the implications. Georgescu-Roegen argues that because solar
energy can provide a substitute for fossil fuels and nothing can provide a
substitute for minerals, mineral depletion is actually more of a concern
than fossil fuel depletion, and its inevitability means that a steady-state
economy11 is impossible (see Box 3.2). In contrast, Ayres claims that even
if all elements in the Earth’s crust were homogeneously distributed (the
material equivalent of “heat death” mentioned above), a sufficiently effi-
cient solar-powered extraction machine would enable us to extract these
elements,12 presumably at a rate that would provide enough raw materi-
als to maintain the machine and still leave a material surplus. This sce-
nario implicitly assumes that damage caused by extracting all the
resources from the Earth’s crust in the first place, and their consequent re-
turn to the ecosystem as waste, would not irreparably damage the Earth’s
ability to capture solar energy and sustain life.
Alternatively, we may be able to master the art of creating polymers
from atmospheric CO2, which could provide substitutes for many of the
minerals we currently use. If such polymers were biodegradable and sim-
ply returned to the atmosphere as CO2 we would presumably be able to
achieve 100% recycling (though in this case we may not want to, at least
not before atmospheric CO2 stabilizes at preindustrial levels). Of course,
none of these propositions can currently be proven empirically. Nonethe-
less, it appears that mineral deposits are sufficiently large, and recycling
has the potential to become sufficiently efficient, that with careful use,
minimizing waste and appropriate substitution where possible, we could
sustain a steady-state economy for a very long time.
Figure 5.2 depicts both the accumulation of extracted minerals into
10P. Sampat, From Rio to Johannesburg: Mining Less in a Sustainable World. World Summit
13Some of this material will be in a highly ordered state and have lower entropy than the same
amount of mineral in the form of an ore. Georgescu-Roegen distinguishes “garbo-junk” (a bald tire
useless as a tire but recyclable) from “pure waste” (the dissipated rubber particles that are not re-
cyclable). For practical purposes, however, large stocks of ore presumably still have an overall
lower entropy; otherwise waste material would be processed before the ore.
86 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
Earth is a water planet. Though the stock of water is finite, fully 70% of
the Earth’s surface is covered in water. Freshwater, however, is far less
abundant, accounting for less than 3% of the total, of which less than one-
third of 1% is in the form of readily exploited lakes (0.009%), rivers
(0.0001%), and accessible groundwater (0.31%). Another 0.01% is found
in the atmosphere, 0.31% is deep groundwater, and over 2% is in the
polar ice caps and glaciers.14 Humans are composed mostly of water, and
in addition to drinking, we depend on it for agriculture, industry, hydro-
electricity, transportation, recreation, and waste disposal and for sustain-
ing the planet’s ecosystem services. Water for different uses has different
relevant characteristics that make generalizations difficult.
Water for drinking, irrigation, industry, and waste disposal is clearly a
stock-flow resource, but a unique one. In contrast to fossil fuels and min-
eral deposits, many water resources are renewable as a result of the hy-
drologic cycle. However, for all practical purposes, many aquifers are
“fossil” water, with negligible recharge rates. Many other aquifers are being
mined; that is, the rate of water extraction is greater than the rate of re-
plenishment. Even many rivers around the world, including the Colorado
and the Rio Grande in North America, the Amu-Dar’ja and Syr-Dar’ja
rivers that once fed the Aral Sea in Central Asia, and at times the Yellow,
Hai, and Huai rivers in northern China, are so heavily used (primarily for
irrigation) that they never reach the sea.
At first glance, flowing water might appear to be a fund-service re-
source. In any stream or river at any given time, water is flowing at a spe-
cific rate, and the proper unit of measurement is volume/time (volume per
unit of time), as is the case for fund-service resources. Dams, however,
14P. Gleick, The World’s Water: The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources, Washington, DC:
Ricardian Land
Ricardian land—land as a physical substrate and location, distinct from
its other productive qualities—is also a fund that provides the service of a
substrate capable of supporting humans and our infrastructure and of
capturing solar energy and rain (Ricardian land does not include soil or
the nutrients in the soil). A hectare of land may be capable of producing
1000 tons of wheat over 100 years, but one cannot produce that wheat
15The seeding of clouds with silver nitrate can produce rainfall in a specific location, but for
from the same land in an appreciably shorter period, nor would it be pos-
sible to accumulate land’s capacity as a substrate.
The services provided by land are certainly excludable, and at any
given point in time, they are also rival. For example, if used for farming,
land provides the service of a substrate for crops. If one farmer uses that
service, no one else can in the same time period. Economists often use the
term “depletable” as a synonym for “rival,” but the case of land suggests
that this is inappropriate.16 Using Ricardian land does not deplete it.
While rival within a generation, it is intergenerationally nonrival and ab-
solutely nondepletable.
Why do you think we distinguish between Ricardian land as a physical
substrate and the more conventional definition of land that includes
the soil and its mineral content? Who or what creates value in Ricar-
dian land? What makes land in one place more valuable than a similar
piece of land elsewhere? Who or what creates value in fertile topsoil?
Solar Energy
The last abiotic producer of goods and services we will discuss is the sun.
It bathes the Earth in 19 trillion tons of oil equivalent (toe) per year—
more energy than can be found in all recoverable fossil fuel stocks—and
will continue to do so for billions of years.17 Why the fuss over the con-
sumption of the Earth’s fossil fuels?
While the flow of solar energy is vast, it reaches the Earth at a fixed
rate in the form of a fine mist and hence is very difficult to capture and
concentrate. Most of the sunlight that strikes the Earth is reflected back
into space.18 Over the eons, life has evolved to capture enough of this en-
ergy to maintain itself and the complex ecosystems that life creates. It
would appear that the “order” of the global ecosystem over billions of
years has reached a more or less stable thermodynamic disequilibrium. A
better term is “meta-stable,” meaning that the global ecosystem fluctuates
around a steady state rather than settling into one without further varia-
16When “depletable” is used in this sense, it means that one person’s use depletes the resource
in question. Hence, the ozone layer is nondepletable because if I use it to protect me from skin can-
cer, it is still there for someone else to use. It is certainly possible to deplete the ozone layer with
chemicals, but that is not a case of depletion caused by use.
17Unless otherwise cited, estimates of energy use and availability are from World Energy
Council, 2007 Survey of Energy Resources, London: World Energy Council, 2007. Online:
18N. Georgescu-Roegen, Energy and Economic Myths: Institutional and Analytic Economic Essays,
tion.19 Virtually all energy captured from the sun is captured by chloro-
phyll. In the absence of the evolution of some alternative physiological
process for capturing sunlight, it would seem that our planet cannot sus-
tain more low entropy than it currently does for any extended period. Yet
through the use of fossil fuels, Americans are able to consume 40% more
energy than is captured by photosynthesis by all the plants in the coun-
try. We also directly use over half of the energy captured by plants.20
As fossil fuels run out, we will need an alternative source of low entropy
to maintain our economy at its current level of thermodynamic disequilib-
rium. The sun unquestionably radiates the Earth with sufficient energy to
meet our needs, but how do we capture it? Global gross commercial energy
consumption is about 11.3 billion toe (~14.5 TW) per year. Biomass, hy-
droelectricity, wind, photovoltaics, wave, and ocean thermal energy are all
forms of solar energy we could potentially capture. Biomass is widely
touted as a substitute for fossil fuels, but converting all of the net primary
productivity (NPP) of the United States to liquid fuel would still not meet
our liquid fuel needs. Hydroelectricity currently provides 19% of global
electricity, but even fully developed it could not supply 60%. Wind cur-
rently supplies little energy (about 72,000 MW-h in 2006), but it is a
promising alternative: At current installation rates, capacity is doubling
every 3.5 years.
Photovoltaics and wave/ocean thermal technologies still play very
minor roles. With all of these technologies, however, large energy invest-
ments are needed to produce the infrastructure needed to capture solar
energy, and in many cases (e.g., photovoltaics), the energy returns on in-
vestment may be negligible. At the same time, human activity decreases
the surface area of the planet covered in plant life and disrupts the ability
of plants to capture sunlight. The net effect is likely to be an annual de-
crease in the amount of solar energy the Earth captures and hence a de-
crease in the complexity of the systems it is capable of maintaining. Figure
5.1 earlier illustrates the loss of solar energy capture that can be attributed
to waste from fossil fuels.
While solar energy will bathe the Earth in more energy than humans
will ever use, for practical purposes it is a fund-service resource that ar-
rives on the Earth’s surface at a fixed rate and cannot be effectively stored
for later use.21 No matter how much solar energy one nation or land-
19E. Laszlo, Vision 2020, New York: Gordon and Breach, 1994.
20D. Pimentel and M. Pimentel, Land, Energy and Water: The Constraints Governing Ideal U.S.
Population Size, Negative Population Growth, Forum Series, 1995. Online:
21Solar energy can be stored in fossil fuels, in batteries, or in the form of hydrogen for later
use by humans, but this energy cannot subsequently be used to power photosynthesis, the most
important function of solar energy.
Chapter 5 Abiotic Resources • 91
owner captures, there is no less left for others to capture, and it is inher-
ently nonexcludable.22
Summary Points
Table 5.1 summarizes some of the policy-relevant characteristics of these
five abiotic resources. Why are these details important to ecological eco-
nomic analysis, and what message should you take home from this chap-
ter? The stock-flow/fund-service distinction is important with respect to
scale. We have control over the rate at which we use fossil fuels, mineral
resources, and water. As the economy undergoes physical growth, it must
use ever-greater flows from finite stocks. Because fossil aquifers and fuels
are irreversibly depleted by use, and mineral resources may be irreversibly
dissipated through use, the finite stock of these resources imposes limits
on total economic production over time. Limits to growth may not be
apparent until the stock is seriously depleted, and once gone, it is gone
forever. Funds, in contrast, provide services at a fixed rate over which we
have no control (though one thing that distinguishes biotic fund services
from abiotic ones is that we can damage or even destroy them). Fund-
services therefore limit the size of the economy at any given time, but they
do not limit total production over time.
Table 5.1
22Future space-based solar technologies may change this but are irrelevant at present.
92 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
Biotic Resources
B iotic resources include the raw materials upon which economic pro-
duction and human life depend, the ecological services that create a
habitat capable of supporting human life, and the absorption capacity that
keeps us from suffocating in our own waste. As nonrenewable resources
are exhausted, human society will come to rely more and more on the self-
renewing capacity of biotic resources. It is therefore critically important
that we understand the nature of these resources.
As we turn our attention from abiotic resources to biotic ones, we must
address a quantum increase in complexity, inevitably accompanied by a
quantum increase in ignorance and uncertainty. One level of complexity
arises from the intrinsic value we give to living systems. Abiotic resources
are almost entirely considered means to various ends, where one of the
foremost ends is the sustenance of life, the maintenance of biotic resources.
Biotic resources not only enhance human well-being directly, they are also
considered by many to be an end in their own right, especially in the case
of sentient creatures. Biotic resources are also physically complex in two
ways. First, the processes responsible for the sustained reproduction of in-
dividuals, populations, or species are highly complex and poorly under-
stood. Second, individuals, populations, and species interact with other
individuals, population, and species, as well as abiotic resources, to create
an ecosystem. Ecosystems are extraordinarily complex and dynamic,
changing over time in inherently unpredictable ways. The differences be-
tween these two types of physical complexity bear closer examination.
94 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
1It may seem strange to include such things as fossil fuels and mineral deposits as elements of
ecosystem structure, but we must not forget that humans are part of the global ecosystem, and
these resources affect our ability to thrive.
2Whether a particular element of an ecosystem is part of structure or part of function depends
on perspective. Organelles are part of the structural components of a cell that enable the cell to
function. Cells are structural components of an individual that enable the individual to function.
In the same way, individuals are part of the structure of a population, a population is part of the
structure of a local ecosystem, an ecosystem is part of the structure of a landscape, and a land-
scape is part of the structure of the global ecosystem.
3E. Odum, Ecology: A Bridge Between Science and Society, 3rd ed., Sunderland, MA: Sinauer,
Box 6-1 Risk, Uncertainty, and Ignorance
Whenever we do not know something for sure, we are uncertain, but there
are different types of uncertainty. When I throw dice, I cannot say in ad-
vance what the outcome will be, but I do know the possible outcomes and
their probabilities. This type of uncertainty is referred to as risk. Pure un-
certainty occurs when we know the possible outcomes but cannot assign
meaningful probabilities to them. Ignorance or absolute uncertainty oc-
curs when we do not even know the range of possible outcomes.
In economics, Frank Knight pointed out that risk is a calculable or in-
surable cost, while pure uncertainty is not. In his view profit—the differ-
ence between revenue and calculable risk-adjusted costs—is a return for
willingness to endure pure uncertainty. However, Knight was discussing
the case where the entrepreneur bore the costs of failure and reaped the
rewards of success. In economic decisions regarding exploitation of
ecosystems, it is often the entrepreneur who reaps the rewards, while
society bears the costs.a
Discoveries in quantum physics and chaos theory suggest that uncer-
tainty and ignorance do not result simply from a lack of knowledge but
are irreducible, inherent properties in certain systems. For example,
chaos theory shows that even in a deterministic (i.e., nonrandom) sys-
tem, extremely small differences in initial conditions can lead to radi-
cally different outcomes. This has been popularized as the butterfly
effect, in which a butterfly flapping its wings over Japan can create a
storm in North America.
Change in highly complex systems is characterized by ignorance, es-
pecially over long time spans. We cannot predict evolutionary change in
organisms, ecosystems, or technologies. For example, while we can pre-
dict that computers will continue to get faster and cheaper, we cannot
predict what the next big technology will be 50 years from now. Leading
experts are often notoriously wrong even when predicting the future of
existing technologies. Bill Gates reputedly once predicted that no one
would ever need more than 540 kilobytes of computer memory.
Estimating stocks of natural resources or reproductive rates for culti-
vated species is basically a question of risk. Estimating reproductive rates
for wild species is a question of uncertainty, since we cannot accurately pre-
dict the multitude of factors that affect these reproduction rates, but we do
know the range over which reproduction is possible. Estimating ecological
thresholds, conditions beyond which ecosystems may flip into alternative
states, is a question of pure uncertainty, since we have limited knowledge
of ecosystems and cannot predict the external conditions that affect them.
Predicting the alternate state into which an ecosystem might flip when it
passes an ecological threshold, and how humans will adapt, are cases of
absolute ignorance involving evolutionary and technological change.
aF. H. Knight, Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921; Library of
I Renewable Resources
For simplicity, we can treat biological resources as material stock-flow re-
sources, that is, as elements of ecosystem structure. Like nonrenewable re-
sources, biological stocks can be extracted as fast as humans desire, but
4D. Nepstad et al., Interactions Among Amazon Land Use, Forests and Climate: Prospects for
a Near-Term Forest Tipping Point. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
98 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
been driven extinct (the origin in Figure 6.1). In between these two
points, things get interesting.
The growth, or sustainable yield, curve for a renewable natural resource
indicates the increase in stock over one time period for any given stock.
The y-axis can measure growth or harvest, that is, flows from or to the ex-
isting stock depicted on the x-axis. Any harvest up to the total stock is the-
oretically possible. A harvest at any point on the sustainable yield curve,
such as S, is just equal to the growth in the stock and hence has no net im-
pact on stocks. Harvests above the sustainable yield curve deplete the re-
source, and harvests below the curve lead to an increase in the stock, as
indicated by the arrows. For example, a harvest at R will reduce the stock
to S′′, and a harvest at S′ will allow the stock to increase to R′′. MVP rep-
resents the minimum viable population, which is the level below which a
species or stock cannot sustain itself even in the absence of harvest. The
phrase critical depensation refers to the spontaneous decline of a popula-
tion or ecosystem that has fallen below the minimum viable population or
size.5 K represents carrying capacity. The graph suggests extremely rapid
growth rates—about 30% per time period at maximum sustainable yield
(MSY), which is the average maximum catch that can be removed under
existing environmental conditions over an indefinite period without caus-
ing the stock to be depleted, assuming that removals and natural mortality
are balanced by stable recruitment and growth. While this may be appro-
5The first edition of this textbook used the term critical depensation level instead of minimum
viable population. Critical depensation is useful when referring to ecosystems that cannot sustain
themselves when stocks fall below a certain level, since it makes little sense to talk about size of
an ecosystem as a population. However, minimum viable population, in general, is a more intuitively
obvious phrase.
100 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
priate for small, rapidly reproducing species, growth rates for many eco-
nomically important species are on the order of 1% per year or less.
Prior to the arrival of humans in North America, where on the graph in
Figure 6.1 would you locate American bison populations? Ten thou-
sand years later, approximately where on the graph do you think bison
harvests occurred? After the introduction of the horse, where do you
think they occurred? After the introduction of the rifle? After the settling
of the frontier by Europeans? What impact would the conversion of the
Great Plains to agriculture have on the sustainable yield curve for
What happens when we remove some fish, for instance, from a popu-
lation at carrying capacity? In terms of the graph, we represent this as a
harvest at point Q. As there is zero net productivity at our starting point
K, harvest Q reduces the stock of fish by the quantity Q-K, and we find
ourselves at stock R′′. At the lower population stock, there are fewer fish
competing for available food, shelter, and breeding grounds, and the re-
maining fish get more of each than they would under more crowded con-
ditions. This greater resource abundance per individual leads to increased
growth rates and fertility. With less competition for spawning areas, a
higher percentage of eggs are laid in desirable locations, thereby increas-
ing recruitment.6 In addition, most species’ growth is fastest in their youth
(as a percentage of biomass) and slower as they age. If we harvest larger,
older fish, the remaining population has a higher percentage of recruits
and potentially faster net growth.
At stock R′′, we could continue annual harvests forever at point R′, just
equal to the annual rate of increase of the stock. Any harvest below the
sustainable yield curve would be less than the annual growth rate. Flows
can accumulate into stocks, and the population would increase. Any har-
vest above the sustainable yield curve would reduce the stock even fur-
ther. The arrows above and below the curve indicate the direction of
change in stock for harvests in each of these regions. For example, a har-
vest at point R would reduce the population to stock S′′. At S′′, per-capita
resource abundance would be even greater than at R′′, increasing net an-
nual growth and sustainable harvest from R′ to S.
Over a certain range, lower population stocks can generate higher sus-
tainable yields, but this obviously cannot go on forever. Eventually, the
breeding population is insufficient to sustain high yields. Insufficient
6Note that a harvest at point R decreases the stock in the subsequent period by an amount
equal to R-R′ (as measured on the y-axis), and a harvest at point S′ increases the next period’s stock
by S-S′. Thus, R-R′ and S-S′ as measured on the y-axis equal S′′-R′′ as measured on the x-axis.
Minimum Viable Population, Maximum
Box 6-2 Sustainable Yield, and Uncertainty
Using the notion of maximum sustainable yield to help communicate
ideas in ecological economics is a far cry from using the concept as a
tool in resource management. In reality, the MSY will vary dramatically
from year to year in response to climatic cycles such as the El Niño
Southern Oscillation (ENSO), changes in populations of predator and
prey species of the species of interest, changes in pollution levels, and
a broad array of other ecological changes and cycles. Under the most
stable conditions, natural variability can mask the effects of economic
exploitation, and the scale of human impacts is rapidly changing the
global ecosystem. Science relies on replication and controls, and nei-
ther of these is possible when dealing with a unique species in a highly
complex and rapidly changing ecosystem. We cannot scientifically esti-
mate MSY accurately enough for use in resource management.a
Where the minimum viable population lies, and whether or not one
exists for a given species or population, is similarly marked by extreme
uncertainty. When a population becomes small enough, it is more sus-
ceptible to stochastic events and the negative impacts of inbreeding.
For the North American passenger pigeon, probably once the most
numerous bird on Earth, numbering in the billions but driven extinct in
a matter of decades, it appears the minimum viable population was
quite high, perhaps because of its colonial nesting habit. At the other
extreme, the Mauritius Kestrel has rebounded from a known population
of 6 in 1974 to a present population of over 600, though it would have
almost certainly gone extinct without substantial conservation efforts,
and inbreeding may make it highly susceptible to disease or other sto-
chastic shocks. There is currently a debate over whether or not the blue
whale and some populations of North Atlantic cod are below their mini-
mum viable population. Obviously, experiments to scientifically deter-
mine minimum viable populations could not be replicated, as the first
trial could wipe out the species in question.
On the other hand, uncertainty as to where the MSY is does not
mean that we are not overshooting it, nor does it relieve policy makers
of the responsibility to decide acceptable levels of offtake. As a general
rule, the higher the uncertainty, especially in the presence of irre-
versibility (extinction), the more conservative (i.e., lower) the
allowed offtake should be.
aD. Ludwig, R. Hilborn, and C. Walters, Uncertainty, Resource Exploitation, and Conser-
7D. Ludwig, R. Hilborn, and C. Walters, Uncertainty, Resource Exploitation, and Conserva-
I Ecosystem Services
In our discussion of ecosystem structure and function, we explained why
forests need the functions generated by forests to survive, but we also
hinted at the presence of extensive benefits that ecosystem functions pro-
vide for humans. We call an ecosystem function that has value to human be-
ings an ecosystem service. For example, forested watersheds help maintain
stable climates necessary for agriculture, prevent both droughts and
floods, purify water, and provide recreation opportunities—all invaluable
services for watershed inhabitants. But ecosystems provide many more
services, of course. Unfortunately, we are unsure exactly how ecosystem
structure creates ecosystem services, and we are often completely unaware
of the services they generate. For example, prior to the 1970s, most peo-
ple were unaware that the ozone layer played a critical role in making our
104 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
planet habitable.8 If we also take into account the tightly interlocking na-
ture of ecosystems, it’s safe to say that humans benefit in some way from
almost any ecosystem function.
We just described forests as a stock of trees that generates a flow of
trees. Now we want to look at the forest as a creator of services; as such,
it is very different from a stock of trees. A stock of trees can be harvested
at any rate; that is, humans have control over the rate of flow of timber
produced by a stock of trees. Trees can also be harvested and used imme-
diately or stockpiled for later use. Ecosystem services are fundamentally
different. We cannot use climate stability at any rate we choose—for ex-
ample, drawing on past or future climate stability to compensate for the
global warming we may be causing today. Nor can we stockpile climate
stability for use in the future. Nor does climate stability become a part of
what it produces. If timber is used to produce a chair, the timber is em-
bodied in that chair. If climate stability is used to produce a crop of grain,
that grain in no way embodies climate stability. Furthermore, climate sta-
bility is not altered by the production of a crop of grain (unless perhaps
the grain is grown on recently deforested land, but still it is the deforesta-
tion and not the grain that affects climate stability).
Intact ecosystems are funds that provide ecosystem services, while
their structural components are stocks that provide a flow of raw materi-
als. However, recall that stock-flow resources are used up, and fund-
service resources are worn out. But when ecosystems provide valuable
services, this does not “wear them out.” The fact is, however, that ecosys-
tems would “wear out” if they did not constantly capture solar energy to
renew themselves. The ability of ecosystem fund-services to reproduce
themselves distinguishes them in a fundamental way from manmade
fund-services. Depreciating machines in a factory do not automatically re-
produce new machines to replace themselves.
Examples of ecosystem services provided by a forest may help clarify
the concept. Costanza et al. describe 17 different goods and services gen-
erated by ecosystems.9 Forests provide all of these to at least some degree.
Of these, food and raw materials are essentially stock-flow variables,
though their ability to regenerate is a fund-service. The remaining fund-
service variables included are described in Table 6.1.
8As further evidence of the extreme uncertainty concerning ecosystem function and human
impacts upon it, in 1973 physicist James Lovelock, famous for the Gaia hypothesis, to his later re-
gret stated that fluorocarbons posed no conceivable hazard to the environment. M. E. Kowalok,
Common Threads: Research Lessons from Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion, and Global Warming, En-
vironment 35(6):12–20, 35–38 (1993).
9R. Costanza et al., The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital, Nature
Climate regulation Greenhouse gas regulation; evapotranspiration and subsequent transport of stored heat
energy to other regions by wind; evapotranspiration, cloud formation, and local rainfall;
effects of shade and insulation on local humidity and temperature extremes.
Disturbance regulation Storm protection, flood control (see water regulation), drought recovery, and other
aspects of habitat response to environmental variability controlled mainly by vegetation
Water regulation Tree roots aerate soil, allowing it to absorb water during rains and release it during dry
times, reducing risk and severity of both droughts and floods.
Water supply Evapotranspiration can increase local rainfall; forests can reduce erosion and hold stream
banks in place, preventing siltation of in-stream springs and increasing water flow.
Waste absorption Forests can absorb large amounts of organic waste and filter pollutants from runoff; some
capacity plants absorb heavy metals.
Erosion control and Trees hold soil in place, forest canopies diminish impact of torrential rainstorms on soils,
sediment retention diminish wind erosion.
Soil formation Tree roots grind rocks; decaying vegetation adds organic matter.
Nutrient cycling Tropical forests are characterized by rapid assimilation of decayed material, allowing little
time for nutrients to run off into streams and be flushed from the system.
Pollination Forests harbor insects necessary for fertilizing wild and domestic species.
Refugia or habitat Forests provide habitat for migratory and resident species, creating conditions essential
for reproduction of many of the species they contain.
Genetic resources Forests are sources for unique biological materials and products, such as medicines,
genes for resistance to plant pathogens and crop pests, ornamental species.
Cultural Aesthetic, artistic, educational, spiritual, and scientific values of forest ecosystems.
106 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
A specific example can help illustrate these points. When we first begin
to dump wastes, such as raw sewage and agricultural runoff, into a pris-
tine lake, they will be heavily diluted and cause little harm. Higher waste
loads may threaten humans who use the lake with intermittent health
problems from bacteria and noxious chemicals contaminating the sewage,
and water becomes unsuitable for drinking without prior treatment. In-
creasing nutrients allow bacterial and algal populations to thrive, increas-
ing the ability of the system to process waste but reducing a number of
other ecosystem services. Fish will begin to accumulate noxious com-
pounds present in the waste stream and become inedible. Pollution-
sensitive species will be extirpated. Yet more waste may make the water
unsuitable for drinking even after extensive processing, and eventually it
will become too contaminated for industrial use. Excess nutrients eventu-
ally lead to eutrophication, where algal and bacterial growth absorbs so
much oxygen during the night10 and during the decay process that fish,
amphibians, and most invertebrate species die out. Birds and terrestrial
animals that depend on the lake for water and food will suffer. With even
greater waste flows, even algae may fail to thrive, and we have surpassed
the waste absorption capacity of the system. Waste begins to accumulate,
further decreasing the ability of algae to survive and leading to a more
rapid accumulation of waste even if the waste flow is not increased any
more. The system collapses.
Prior to the point where waste flows exceed the waste absorption ca-
pacity, a reduction in flows will allow the system to recuperate. After that
point, it may not. Similar dynamics apply to other ecosystems. If the
ecosystem in question provides critical life-support functions, either lo-
cally or globally, the costs of exceeding the waste absorption capacity of
an ecosystem are basically infinite, at least from the perspective of the hu-
mans it sustains.
In general, ecosystems have a greater ability to process waste products
from biological resources and a much more limited capacity to absorb
manmade chemicals created from mineral resources. This is because
ecosystems evolved over billions of years in the presence of biological
wastes. In contrast, products such as halogenated cyclic organic com-
pounds and plutonium (two of the most pernicious and persistent pollu-
tants known) are novel substances with which the ecosystem has had no
evolutionary experience and therefore has not adapted.
In contrast to many ecosystem services, waste absorption capacity is
rival. If I dump pollution into a river, it reduces the capacity of the river
10While growing plants are net producers of oxygen and absorbers of CO , they also require
oxygen for survival. During the day, photosynthesis generates more oxygen than the plants con-
sume, but at night they consume oxygen without producing any. Average oxygen levels may be
higher, but the lowest levels determine the ability of fish and other species to survive.
Chapter 6 Biotic Resources • 109
to assimilate the waste you dump in. It is also fairly simple to establish in-
stitutions that make waste absorption excludable, and many such institu-
tions exist.
The bottom line is that the laws of thermodynamics tell us that natural
resources are economic throughputs. We must pay close attention to
where they come from and where they go.
Table 6.2 summarizes some of the important characteristics of the three
biotic resources. We will discuss these characteristics and examine their
policy relevance in greater detail in Chapter 12 and Part VI.
The points to take away from this chapter deserve reiteration. First, hu-
mans, like all animals, depend for survival on the ability of plants to cap-
ture solar energy in two ways: directly as a source of energy and indirectly
through the life-support functions generated by the global ecosystem,
which itself is driven by the net primary productivity of plants. There are
no substitutes for these life-support functions. Second, every act of eco-
nomic production requires natural resource inputs. Not only are these in-
puts being used faster than they can replenish themselves, but when these
structural elements of ecosystems are removed, they diminish ecosystem
function. Third, every act of economic production generates waste. Waste
has a direct impact on human well-being and further diminishes ecosys-
tem function. While the removal of mineral resources may have little di-
rect impact on ecosystem function, the waste stream from their extraction
and use is highly damaging to ecosystems and human well-being in the
long run. As the economy expands, it depletes nonrenewable resources,
displaces healthy ecosystems and the benefits they provide, and degrades
remaining ecosystems with waste outflows.
Biotic resources are unique because they are simultaneously stocks and
funds, and their ability to renew themselves is a fund-service. This means
I Table 6.2
Can Be
Biotic Stock-Flow or Made Rival Between
Resource Fund-Service Excludable Rival Generations Substitutability
Renewable Stock-flow Yes Yes Depends on High at margin,
Resources rate of use ultimately
From Empty World
to Full World
G iven the undeniable importance of entropy to the economic process
and the resulting fact that “sustainable economic growth” is an oxy-
moron,1 how do we explain the unwavering devotion to continuous eco-
nomic growth by economists, policy makers, and the general public in the
face of ecological and natural resource limits? Apparently, people believe
that the economic system faces no limits to growth or that the limits are
far off. The laws of thermodynamics ensure that there are limits to growth.
Now we must briefly address the question of how close those limits are.
Certainly for most of human history, including the time when modern
economic theory was being developed, human populations and levels of
resource use were quite low. Material and energetic limits to growth ap-
peared so far off that it seemed sensible to ignore them and concentrate on
developing a system that efficiently allocated the much scarcer labor, cap-
ital, and consumer goods. But since the development of market economies
and neoclassical explanations thereof, both human populations and per-
capita levels of resource use have been increasing exponentially. The suc-
cess of the market system reduced the relative scarcity of market goods
and increased that of nonmarket goods and services provided by the
1To reiterate, we do not believe that sustainable growth of the “psychic flux” of satisfaction
(what we would call development, not growth) is an oxymoron as long as that flux is not produced
by ever-increasing natural resource consumption. However, as far as we know, economic growth
as measured by GNP has never occurred without increased throughput. Even when each unit of
GNP requires fewer resources, the net outcome has always been greater throughput. While this
need not be the case, the free market economy seems poorly suited for promoting the activities
that provide improved human well-being without increasing throughput.
112 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
sustaining system. What follows is a very quick assessment of how full the
world is and how close we are to resource exhaustion.
The world is always “full” of some things and “empty” of others. In the
“full world,” what is it that the world is relatively full of? Relatively
empty of? How is the fullness with respect to some things related to the
emptiness with respect to others?
I Fossil Fuels
As fossil fuels run the world economy and are among the most well stud-
ied of the resources required to sustain us, we will assess their limits first.
At first glance, exhaustion hardly seems imminent. Economists tell us that
price is a measure of scarcity, yet the price of crude oil averaged $24 per
barrel between 1899 and 1999 (in 2008 dollars), when the price was only
$23.60.2 However, as we mentioned earlier, we can extract fossil fuels at
virtually any rate we want, and it is the scarcity of flow that determines
prices, not the scarcity of stocks (a point we return to in Chapter 11). In
the regions with the vastest reserves, installed extraction capacity, more
than the size of underground stocks, determines flow rates. Best estimates
suggest that if we continue to extract oil at the same rate, we will exhaust
probable stocks in about 40 years, yet the Energy Information Adminis-
tration estimates that global demand for oil will increase by nearly 40%
over the next 30 years.3 As we said above, the net energy returns to fossil
fuel exploration are declining dramatically. The same is true for new dis-
coveries, which peaked in 1962 at 40 billion barrels per year4 and fell to
6 billion barrels per year in the 1990s. Consumption currently (2008)
stands at 31 billion barrels per year, exceeding new discovery rates by a
factor of 2 to 6.5 Although the rate of increase in global oil consumption
began to decline after 1973, the world still used over twice as much oil
some sources report increased estimates of recoverable oil from a previously discovered source as
a new discovery, while others do not, hence the discrepancy in estimates. MacKenzie (ibid.) cites
a 2:1 ratio for 1996, and L. F. Ivanhoe cites a 6:1 ratio for major discoveries during the 1990s.
Hubbert Center Newsletter #2002/2, M. King Hubbert Center for Petroleum Supply Studies, Pe-
troleum Engineering Department, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 2002.
114 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
Figure 7.2 • A. Hubbert curve for oil discovery. The bars represent the average
amount of crude oil discovered worldwide during each 5-year period from 1912
to 1992. The line known as the Hubbert curve is the weighted average of global
oil discovered from 1915 to 1992. (Source: Adapted from L. F. Ivanhoe, King Hub-
bert, updated. Hubbert Center Newsletter #97/1. Online: http://hubbert.mines
since 1973 than for all of human history prior to 1973.6 What is the net
result of all this?
M. King Hubbert, while working as a petroleum geologist for Shell Oil
Company, developed a theory of nonrenewable resource extraction, graph-
ically depicted in the Hubbert curve. Figure 7.2 shows a Hubbert curve
for oil discoveries using actual data, and Figure 7.3 shows a Hubbert
curve for oil production that includes estimates of future production. Hub-
bert hypothesized that peak production must follow peak discovery with a
time lag. In 1954, Hubbert used this theory to predict that oil production
in the U.S. would peak between 1967 and 1971—a prediction that was
treated with considerable skepticism. In reality, it peaked in 1970. Apply-
ing Hubbert’s methods, leading industry experts in the 1990s predicted
that oil production would peak sometime between 2003 and 2020, fol-
lowed by a decline.7 Sophisticated analyses of oil prices accounting for
both scarcity and information effects suggested that oil prices would rise
6The area under the curve in Figure 7.3 shows total oil production, which is almost identical
to consumption. You can see that the area under the curve from 1973 to the present is nearly two
and a half times greater than that from 1869 to 1973.
7C. J. Campbell and J. H. Laherrère, The End of Cheap Oil, Scientific American, March 1998.
Chapter 7 From Empty World to Full World • 115
Figure 7.3 • A Hubbert curve for oil production. Global production of oil, both
conventional and unconventional (solid black line), recovered after falling in
1973 and 1979. But a more permanent decline is less than 10 years away, ac-
cording to the authors’ model, based in part on multiple Hubbert curves
(dashed lines). A crest in the oil produced outside the Persian Gulf region now
appears imminent. (Source: Adapted from C. J. Campbell and J. H. Laherrère,
The End of Cheap Oil, Scientific American, March 1998.)
suddenly and sharply.8 Despite the highest global economic growth rates
in decades and unprecedented demand for oil, oil production essentially
stagnated from late 2004 to mid-2007 while prices doubled. Though pro-
duction began increasing slightly from mid-2007 to July 2008, prices again
doubled, leading to a simultaneous peak in production and prices. The
onset of a global recession dragged prices and production back down, but
in 2009 oil prices had begun to rise again even as the recession worsened.
While oil exhaustion may not be imminent, we believe that oil production
has already plateaued, and while fluctuations will occur, the trend in com-
ing years will be toward steadily declining output and rising prices.
Given the vast supplies of solar power available as a substitute, does it
matter if we exhaust oil supplies? Developing solar energy as a substitute
will take considerable time. Also, because solar energy strikes the Earth as
a fine mist, large areas of land are needed to capture that energy in sig-
nificant quantities. With current technologies and without disrupting
agriculture, forestry, or the environment, the amount of solar energy that
could be captured in the U.S. would meet only 20–50% of our current en-
ergy demands. And we could not get around this problem simply by using
8D. B. Reynolds, The Mineral Economy: How Prices and Costs Can Falsely Signal Decreasing
I Mineral Resources
Mineral resources are also growing scarcer. As noted earlier, the richest,
most available ores are used first, followed by ores of decreasing quality.
We previously used hematite ore from the Mesabi range in Minnesota,
which is about 60% pure iron. That ore is now exhausted, and we must
use taconite ore, at about 25% pure iron.11 The situation with other ores
is similar. At least metal can be recycled, and other materials are adequate
substitutes. If we consider topsoil as a mineral resource, the situation
looks more serious. Rates of topsoil depletion in the U.S. are currently 100
times the rate of formation.12 Globally, experts estimate that 40% of agri-
cultural land is seriously degraded, and this number is as high as 75% in
some areas.13 Currently, the most widely used substitute for declining soil
fertility is petroleum-based fertilizers.
I Water
Among the more threatening of the imminent shortages is that of fresh-
water. While water is the quintessential renewable resource, thanks to the
hydrologic cycle, global water consumption has tripled over the last 50
9D. Pimentel and M. Pimentel, Land, Energy and Water: The Constraints Governing Ideal U.S.
WRI, 2000.
Chapter 7 From Empty World to Full World • 117
years, and it continues to climb. Humans are pumping rivers dry and
mining water from aquifers faster than it can be replenished. While global
climate change may lead to a wetter climate overall as increased evapora-
tion leads to increased rainfall, increased evaporation will also dry out the
land much more quickly. Many climatologists believe the net result will be
intense downpours interspersed with severe drying. In addition, global
climate change is likely to affect where water falls, leading overall to
greater risks of both flooding and drought.14
The dominant use of water (70%) is agriculture, so a water shortage
will probably translate into hunger before thirst. The estimated water
deficit (extraction of water greater than the recharge rate) in northern
China is 37 billion gallons, which produces enough food to feed 110 mil-
lion people.15 The Ogallala aquifer in the United States has turned the
arid Western plains into a breadbasket. Water levels have been in steady
decline since the 1950s,16 and diminishing rainfall in the American
West17 is likely to increase demand for aquifer water while reducing dis-
charge rates.
The use of river water for irrigation has already led to one of the
planet’s worst environmental catastrophes in the Aral Sea. On every con-
tinent, important aquifers are falling at rates between 2 and 8 m per
year.18 Currently, nearly one billion people lack access to potable drink-
ing water,19 less than one-third of the world’s population enjoys abundant
water supplies,20 and some studies suggest that nearly 50% of the world’s
population will be living in water shortage areas by 2025.21 The World
Bank warns that continued reduction in aquifers could prove cata-
strophic.22 Fortune magazine suggests that water shortages will make
nerability from Climate Change and Population Growth, Science 289:284–288 (July 14, 2000).
15L. Brown, Water Deficits Growing in Many Countries: Water Shortages May Cause Food
Development Goals Assessment Report 2008: Country, Regional and Global Estimates on Water
and Sanitation. New York: UNICEF; Geneva: WHO, 2008.
20Vörösmarty et al., op. cit.
21L. Burke, Y. Kura, K. Kassem, C. Revenga, M. Spalding, and D. Mcallister, Pilot Analysis of
Global Ecosystems: Coastal Ecosystems, Washington, DC: WRI, 2000.
22Brown, op. cit.
118 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
water the oil of the twenty-first century, “the precious commodity that de-
termines the wealth of nations.”23
Projections concerning future water supplies are highly uncertain.
First, we lack adequate data.24 Second, consumption patterns and tech-
nology can dramatically change the demand for water. Third, as men-
tioned, climate change can have serious impacts on the hydrologic cycle,
increasing evaporation rates and changing rainfall patterns.25
I Renewable Resources
The fact that we live in a full world is even more obvious when it comes
to “renewable” resource stocks. For virtually every renewable stock of sig-
nificance, the rate of extraction is limited by resource scarcity, not by a
lack of adequate infrastructure. It is a shortage of fish, not fishing boats,
that has stagnated fish harvests over the last few years. The Food and Agri-
culture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates that 11 of the
world’s 15 major fishing areas and 69% of the world’s major fish species
are in decline and in need of urgent management. For instance, cod
catches dropped by 69% from 1968 to 1992. West Atlantic bluefin tuna
stocks dropped by more than 80% between 1970 and 1993.26 Similarly,
it is a shortage of trees, not chainsaws, that limits wood production. As
commercially valuable species are depleted, we turn to harvesting others
that were formerly considered trash. As a result, for both fish and timber,
the number of commercially valuable species has increased dramatically
over recent decades.
Many economists cite this ability to substitute one species for another
as evidence that there are no limits to potential harvests. However, when
one fish species is exhausted because too many boats are going after too
few fish, the whole fishing fleet is available to deplete any new stocks we
identify. Having virtually exhausted rapidly reproducing species such as
cod, we now pursue species such as orange roughy, which may take as
long as 30 years to reach sexual maturity. We run the risk of harvesting
23N. Currier, The Future of Water Under Discussion at “21st Century Talks.” United Nations
27For example, one study found a 60–70% decline in total biomass of one stock of orange
roughy in less than 10 years of fishing. P. M. Smith, R. I. C. C. Francis, and M. McVeigh “Loss of
Genetic Diversity Due to Fishing Pressure,” Fisheries Research 10(1991):309–316.
28World Resources Institute, People and Ecosystems: The Fraying Web of Life, Washington, DC:
WRI, 2000.
29P. Golman, J. Scott, et al. Our Forests at Risk: The World Trade Organization’s Threat to Forest
tion,” Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the Conference of Contracting Parties of the Ramsar Con-
vention (1996), vol. 10. Online:
31B. Worm et al., “Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services,” Science
120 • The Containing and Sustaining Ecosystem: The Whole
32Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Sum-
mary for Policymakers. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 2007.
Chapter 7 From Empty World to Full World • 121
depleting potential than CFCs, China and India have been increasing their
use by as much as 35% annually. As a result, the greatest recorded de-
crease in the ozone layer occurred in 2006.33 Ozone depletion threatens
not only human health but also global plant and animal life. The Antarc-
tic ozone hole poses a particularly serious threat to phytoplankton pro-
duction in the southern seas. In addition to its key role at the bottom of
the oceanic food chain, phytoplankton may play an important role in se-
questering carbon dioxide, and its depletion may contribute to global
Other halogenated hydrocarbons are classified as persistent organic
pollutants (POPs). International negotiators are currently calling for a ban
on the most notoriously harmful POPs. These chemicals are now found in
every ecosystem on Earth. Among their negative traits, some of them seem
to mimic hormones and are capable of affecting the reproductive capacity
of many species. As their name implies, POPs will continue to persist in
the environment for many years to come, in spite of the ban. In the mean-
time, industry is busy introducing new chemicals, many with a very sim-
ilar structure to the most toxic ones, at the rate of over 1000 per year. We
often do not become aware of the negative impacts of these chemicals for
years or even decades. And while it may be possible to perform careful
studies about the damage caused by a single chemical, outside of the lab-
oratory, ecosystems and humans will be exposed to these chemicals in
conjunction with thousands of others.35
Pollution in some areas is becoming so severe that it threatens human
health, ecosystem function, and even large-scale climate patterns. For ex-
ample, a recent study has shown that a 3-km-thick layer of pollution over
South Asia is reducing the amount of solar energy striking the Earth’s sur-
face by as much as 15% in the region yet preventing heat from the energy
that does pass through from leaving. In addition to threatening hundreds
of thousands of premature deaths, the pollution cloud is likely to increase
monsoon flooding in some areas while reducing precipitation by as much
as 40% in others.36
33K. Bradsher, The Price of Keeping Cool in Asia: Use of Air-Conditioning Refrigerant Is Widen-
ing the Hole in the Ozone Layer, New York Times. United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP),
2006 Antarctic Ozone Hole Largest on Record. New York: UNEP, 2006.
34R. C. Smith, B. B. Prezelin, K. S. Baker, R. R. Bidigare, N. P. Boucher, T. Coley, D. Karentz,