Chef Lesson Plan

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Community Helpers, Theme: Chef

Vocabulary Chef, Cooking, Chef hat, Pots and pan

Sing-a-long Hot clam buns

Book Chef

Activity 1 Chef hat craft

Skill Focus Preparation:

Ready to pass: the following materials: 2 white A4 paper per child (already creased), glue stick, scissors, marker to write names.
Fine motor skill:
Cutting & rolling
1. Introduction: Gather the children around the tables, show the vocabulary poster for Chef hat and talk about how chefs needs to
wear special hat when cooking so their hair doesn’t get into any of the food. And today we will make a chef hat of our own, put on
the sample hat and pointing out the crease and the curls on the hat.
2. Model: Pass out 2 pieces of white paper per child and a glue stick. Model to smear glue on one end of the paper, then glue the two
pieces of paper together (make sure the crease are alined so the hat will not be crooked), Then with bend of the crease facing in
wards, model how to measure to t the child’s head and glue to seal.
3. Cutting: Model how use the scissors to cut out fat strip from the top of the crown (make sure to stop at the line of the crease).
4. Curl and roll: Pass out small paper rolls, model how to pin the tip of the strip and roll down with the help of the tube and glue to
lock in the curl.
Encourage children wear it in front of the mirror, jump or wiggle and watch the curls bounce on their head.

Activity 2 Vegetable print

Skill Focus Preparation:
1. Teacher needs to purchase a verities vegetables before class!
Cognition: 2. Vegetables suggestions: Lotus roots, bell pepper, cabbage, broccoli, cauli ower, celery stick, etc. (Please make sure to the cut the
Names of different vegetables
vegetables in the size a child’s little hand can easily grip)
Color recognition
Sensory: 3. Prepare some wipes or bucket of water with some paper towels for cleaning the paint off
Smell, feel and taste 4. Large roll of paper already taped and covering the whole table.
5. Plates with different colors of paint.

1. Introduction: Gather the children around the table, bring out the pre-cut vegetables and say their name one at a time, talk about its
color and shape or what they’re good for. Touch and feel or smell and taste the vegetables as well. Then explain today we’ll use
these fun shaped veggies to create art!
2. Model: Choose few veggies use as example, model how pinch/grip the veggie and dap lightly in the paint, then stamp onto the
paper, watch the different pattern each veggie has create.
3. Create: Pass out smacks then ask the children to pick out one veggie they will like to start rst, encourage them to name the
veggie if they could. Go around to help them with the paint and talk about the print they’ve left behind (the print left from the broccoli
looked like a little tree)

Hot Slam Buns
(See video for detail)

Hot clam buns Hot clam buns

Hot clam buns Hot clam buns
One a penny, two a penny One a penny, two a penny
Hot clam buns Hot clam buns
Give them to your friends Give them to your friends
Give them to your babies Give them to your babies
One a penny, two a penny One a penny, two a penny
Hot clam buns Hot clam buns

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