Chef Lesson Plan
Chef Lesson Plan
Chef Lesson Plan
Book Chef
1. Introduction: Gather the children around the table, bring out the pre-cut vegetables and say their name one at a time, talk about its
color and shape or what they’re good for. Touch and feel or smell and taste the vegetables as well. Then explain today we’ll use
these fun shaped veggies to create art!
2. Model: Choose few veggies use as example, model how pinch/grip the veggie and dap lightly in the paint, then stamp onto the
paper, watch the different pattern each veggie has create.
3. Create: Pass out smacks then ask the children to pick out one veggie they will like to start rst, encourage them to name the
veggie if they could. Go around to help them with the paint and talk about the print they’ve left behind (the print left from the broccoli
looked like a little tree)
Hot Slam Buns
(See video for detail)