PRL Superlatif Cours Et Exercice
PRL Superlatif Cours Et Exercice
PRL Superlatif Cours Et Exercice
1 – The oldest passenger on “The Mayflower” was 64 years old . adjectif : old
2 – “Plymouth Rock” is one of the most popular touristic attractions of Massachusetts . adjectif : popular
4 – New York City has the most diverse population of America . adjectif : diverse
pretty = the prettiest far = the farthest (USA) ou the furthest (GB)
Exercice : relis la leçon et complète les phrases suivantes à l'aide d'un superlatif de supériorité .
1 – For the Pilgrims, the first winter in Cape Cod was .......................................................... (cold) winter ever .
2 – Crossing the Atlantic was one of .......................................................... (difficult) experiences for the Pigrims .
7 – The descendants of the Pilgrims had .......................................................... (bad) attitude towards the Natives.
8 – Corn was probably ............................................................. (strange) cereal the Pilgrims had ever seen .
9 – The Natives were .......................................................... (generous) people the Pigrims had ever met .
10 – The President of the USA pardons the turkey that gets .................................................................. (big)