Assignment 14

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I/ Identify the structures of the following sentences by means of sentence elements (S, V, Oi, Od,
Co, CS, A).

Example: Computers/ are/ fairly commonplace /today.

S V Cs A

1. He /has no desire /to flatter his boss.

S V Od
2. She /uses /her smartphone /to do all her online shopping.
S V Od A
3. Impressed by his efficient leadership,/ they /elected /him /chairman of the club.
A S V Od Co
4. The coach /showed /us /how his team had won the race.
S V Oi Od
5. Her suggestion /is /what has come up to my mind.
S V Cs
II. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous; analyze the two different sentence
structures (SVOCA) to show both possible meanings.

1. You /can call /her /Alice. SVOdCo

You /can call /her /Alice. SVOiOd

2. They /saw /the girl who disappeared /in the store. SVOdA
They /saw /the girl /who disappeared in the store. SVOd

III. Analyse the following sentences by Descriptive Linguistic

E.g. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child.
M 1 : I’m glad
S 1 : that my mother made me take piano lessons: noun clause, complement of “glad”
S.1.1 : when I was a child: adverbial clause, Adjunct.

1. While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice
most closely conforms to one that sees history as an attempt to recreate and explain the
significant events that happened in the past.

M1: “modern practice most closely conforms to one”

S1: “While there are almost as many definitions of history” Adverb clause functioning
as an adverbial in the sentence

S1.1: “as there are historians” Adverb clause functioning as an adverbial in (the
whole) S1

S2: “that sees history as an attempt to recreate and explain the significant events”
Adjective clause, postmodifying of “one”

S2.1: “that happened in the past.” Adjective clause, postmodifying of “events”

2. Anyone who has studied more than one language can attest that English is not the easiest to
understand at times, for there are sophisticated sentences which are proof that expressions can
take on different meanings depending on simple things like commas, words with multiple
meanings, and which word is emphasized.
M1: “Anyone can attest”
S1: “who has studied more than one language”, Adjective clause, postmodifying of
S2: “that English is not the easiest to understand at times”, Noun clause- Direct Object
of “attest”
S3: “which are proof” Adjective clause, modifying “sentences”, Adjective clause,
modifying “sentences”
S3.1: “that expressions can take on different meanings depending on simple
things like commas, words with multiple meanings, and”, Noun clause-
apposition to “proof”
S3.1.1: “which word is emphasized.” Noun clause, Direct object of
“depending on”

IV. Combine the set of simple sentences into complex/compound complex sentence

1. The soldier always came home very late. He was working in the navy. He did not leave the ship. He
finished his duty

The soldier who was working in the navy always came home very late because He did not leave the
ship before he finished his duty.

2. The English language includes many roots from Latin and Greek. Learning the code for spelling
and pronouncing words can be challenging. Many people realize this. They are learning English as a
foreign language.

Many people who are learning English as a foreign language realize that the English language includes
many roots from Latin and Greek, so learning the code for spelling and pronouncing words can be

V. Write sentences as guided.

1. S [finite clause] made his parents happy.

That he passed medical university………………………………………………

2. Everybody knows Od [finite clause].

…………………… exercise is important in life
3. S [non-finite clause] is my hobby.
Reading book…………………………………………
4. S [preparatory] is a great pleasure [real S]
………..It………………………………to attend your party………………
5. I saw her Co [non-finite clause].
………………… playing tennis ………………………


I. Identify the sentence elements of the superordinate clauses of the following sentences and state the
name and function of each finite subordinating clause. (3 marks)

E.g. The fishermen / think/ that the company polluted the bay.

S/ V / O (noun clause – object of “think”)

1. Most historians /believe/ that there are one or two missing factors that you need to open the lock.

...............S..................V.................O......................(noun clause- object of “believe”

2. In many cases,/ similar difficulties /arise /when attempts are made to measure domestic tourism.

.........A.......................S.......................V.......(adverbial clause-adverbial clause of time)

3. The thirty-six-storey building in central Tokyo/ was considered /a masterpiece of modern

engineering /when it was built in 1968.

.....................S.................................................................V................................Cs.......(adeverbial clauses-
adverbial clause of time)

4. The disappointing results of many conventional transport projects in Africa /led /some experts/ to rethink
the strategy by which rural transport problems were dealt with in the 1980s.

….. Adjective clause, postmodifying of “strategy”

5. We /were /clear that the selected approaches to Makete’s transport problems had had different degrees of

....S.......V.......Cs.........Noun clause- Complement of an adjective

6. This /clearly/ illustrates/ the need for supplementary measures /if one wants to assist the rural poor.

........S......A..............V........................Od...........................Advervial clause-Advervial clause of


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II. Analyse the following sentences by Descriptive Linguistic (3 marks)

E.g. I’m glad that my mother made me take piano lessons when I was a child.

M 1 : I’m glad

S 1 : that my mother made me take piano lessons: noun clause, complement of “glad”

S.1.1 : when I was a child: adverbial clause, modifying ‘made’.

1.The view that spoken language was ultimately a cultural invention like tool-making which then drove the
biological evolution of the brain and vocal apparatus seems obvious when you think of the development of
different languages.

M1: The view…. seems obvious

S1: that spoken language was ultimately a cultural invention like tool-making. Noun clause-apposition
to “the view”

S1.1: which then drove the biological evolution of the brain and vocal apparatus: adjective
clause-postmodifying “a cultural invention”

S2: obvious when you think of the development of different languages. Adverbial clause-Adverbial
clause of time

2.The cost of food has now reached a point where a growing number of people believe that it is far too high,
and that bringing it down will be one of the great challenges of the 21th century.

M1: The cost of food has now reached a point

S1: where a growing number of people believe, Adjective clause, postmodifying “a point”

S1.1: that it is far too high. Noun cl, Object of “believe”

S1.2: and that bringing it down will be one of the great challenges of the 21th century. Noun
clause, Object of “believe”

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III. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous; analyze the two different sentence structures (SVOCA)
to show both possible meanings. (1 mark)

What John disliked /was being ignored /by everyone SVA

What John disliked /was /being ignored by everyone SVCs

IV. Combine the sets of simple sentences into complex/compound complex sentences (2 marks)

Nearly everyone goes to see the original. They will be familiar with the original from reproduction. They
accept the fact. The fact is that fine art is more rewardingly viewed in its original form.

Nearly everyone goes to see the original which They will be familiar with the original from reproduction. They
accept the fact that fine art is more rewardingly viewed in its original form.

V. Draw a tree diagram for the following sentence (1 mark)

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The doctor considers the symptoms signs of the way the body is helping itself.

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