Erasmus+ Vet - Call 2024 - en

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Vocational and Educational Training (VET)

The main objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme include:
1. Mobility and Learning: to facilitate the mobility of students, trainees, educational staff
and young people to improve their competences and skills through learning experiences
2. Inclusion and Diversity: Promoting social inclusion and diversity, ensuring that all
participants, regardless of their background, have access to learning and personal
development opportunities.
3. International Cooperation: To foster transnational and international cooperation
between organisations in the fields of education, training, youth and sport, contributing
to social cohesion and exchange of good practices.
4. Skills Development: Equipping European citizens with the competences needed to
participate in a dynamic, multicultural and digital society, supporting personal and
professional development.
5. Supporting Quality Education: To contribute to the improvement of the quality of
education and training in Europe by supporting innovation and capacity building in the
field of education.


The Erasmus+ Programme is structured in several Key Actions, each with specific
objectives and activities.

1. Key Action 1: People Learning Mobility

a. Aim: To facilitate the mobility of students, trainees, educational staff and young
people in order to improve their competences and skills.
2. Key Action 2: Partnerships for Cooperation
b. Aim: To foster cooperation between organisations to address common
challenges and improve the quality of education and training.
3. Key Action 3: Support to Policy Reform
c. Aim: To support the development of policies in the fields of education, training
and youth.

FINNOVA Belgium: VAT: BE0824912447 | PIC: 950409008 |Office: Av. des Arts, 56. B-1000 Brussels
FINNOVA Spain: VAT: W0173298A | Office: C/ Jaume Roig 19, 1C E-46020 Valencia
Telephone: +32 2 808 55 76 ǀ E-mail: [email protected] ǀ Website:
OBJECTIVES OF THE ACTION – Capacity building in the field of Vocational Education
and Training (VET)
Specifically, the action will:
• Build capacity of VET providers to strengthen cooperation between private and
public stakeholders in the field of vocational education and training for demand-
oriented and opportunity-driven VET interventions.
• Improve the quality and responsiveness of VET to socio-economic opportunities
and social developments to enhance the labour market relevance of skills
• Align VET provision to local, regional and national development strategies.

Features that characterise capacity building in VET include some thematic areas
presented below. Proposals should focus on one or more of the following themes:

• Work-based learning (for young people and/or adults);

• Quality assurance mechanisms;
• VET teachers/trainers professional development;
• Key competences, including entrepreneurship and citizenship competence;
• Public Private Dialogue and Partnerships in VET;
• Innovation in VET;
• Green and digital skills for the twin transition;
• Skills matching with current and future job opportunities, including in promising
value chains under development;
• Development of curricula and training modules.


They must be:
• legal entities (public or private bodies);
• active in the VET field or in the labour market;
• established in one of the eligible countries, i.e. EU Member State, third country
associated to the Programme, third country not associated to the Programme
from an eligible region (Regions 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11)

Region 1: Western Balkans Regio 9: Sub Saharan Africa countries

Region 2: Eastern Partnership Regio 10: Latin America countries
Region 3: Southern Mediterranean Region 11: Caribbean countries

FINNOVA Belgium: VAT: BE0824912447 | PIC: 950409008 |Office: Av. des Arts, 56. B-1000 Brussels
FINNOVA Spain: VAT: W0173298A | Office: C/ Jaume Roig 19, 1C E-46020 Valencia
Telephone: +32 2 808 55 76 ǀ E-mail: [email protected] ǀ Website:
Regional priorities:
• Latin America
o Priority will be given to regional projects (projects involving more than
one eligible third country not associated to the Programme) or projects
in lower and upper middle income countries;
o Priority will be given to projects that contribute to the EU-Latin America
and Caribbean Global Gateway investment agenda

Who can apply?

Participating organisations can be, for example (non-exhaustive list):
• VET providers
• Companies, industry, other employers or sector representative organisations
• National/regional qualification authorities
• Employment services
• Research institutes
• Innovation agencies
• Regional development authorities
• International organisations

Other entities may participate in other consortium roles, such as associated partners.

The EU grant per project will vary from a minimum of 100.000 EUR to a maximum of
400.000 EUR (Funding rate: 80%)

Duration of the project: normally last 24 or 36 months

DEADLINE: Applicants have to submit the grant application by 27 February 2025 at

17:00:00 (Brussels time).

Link to the call: Vocational education and training - Erasmus+

Link to the programme guide: Erasmus+ Programme Guide - Erasmus+

FINNOVA Belgium: VAT: BE0824912447 | PIC: 950409008 |Office: Av. des Arts, 56. B-1000 Brussels
FINNOVA Spain: VAT: W0173298A | Office: C/ Jaume Roig 19, 1C E-46020 Valencia
Telephone: +32 2 808 55 76 ǀ E-mail: [email protected] ǀ Website:

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