Lesson 2 - 074832

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Lesson 2

The starting Point of wisdom is “To Know Oneself”-Socrates

acts with purpose and knows the reason for acting

substantial union of the body and soul(matter and form)

nutrition,locomotion,growth,and reproduction.

Senses and acts of emotions.

Intellect(comprehension and the will(volition)

All human powers or faculties as operational tendencies towards what is good to a human being as a
rational animal is a natural law since it directs human beings in all their activities.

Forces governing the natural world.

The word person comes from the Greek word

Which is the mask worn by stage actors.

In the latin”Personare”

Ab individual existing separately and independently from others,capable of knowing and loving in an
intellectual way and deciding for himself the purpose or end of his actions.

The sum of those physical attributes and tendencies or Mannerisms which define a person’s distinct

Person’s choice of values.

An aspect of the Soul

Disciplined tendency to choose the right thing in an given circumstance

It adheres to what is true,beautiful,and good in us.

Man by nature is a social animal.

Are those performed by a person who is acting knowly,freely,and willfully.

It is differentiated from acts of man which are instinctive and are not under the control of the will.

When the doer is conscious and aware of the reason and the consequences of his actions.

When the doer acts by his own intiative and choice without being forced to do so by another person or
When the doer consents to the act accepts it as his own,and assumes accountability for its

Performed by the willbut are not bodily externalized.

The tendency of the will towards an object,without considering whether it is attainable or not.

The tendency of the will towards an object which is attainable,without necessarily committing oneself to
get it.

The acceptance of the will to carry out the intention.

The selectionof the will of the means necessary to carry out the intention.

The enjoyment of the will due to the attainment of the intention.

Mental and Bodily actions performed under the command of the will.

Performed mentally,such as reasoning,recalling,imagining,and reflecting.

Performed bodily,such as walking,talking,dancing,writing.

Those in conformity woith the norm of morality.They are evil and prohibited actions.

When its wrongfulnessis part of the nature of such act.

When its wrongfulness from an outside factor.Actions that are good or neutralmay become evil due to
the motive of the person or the circumstancesof the act.

Stands neutral or indifferent to the norm of morality.These acts are neither good nor evil.But they may
become good or evil because of circumtances.

Comes from the Latin word”voluntas” which means the will.

An acts is voluntary because it is done under the control of the will.

Possessed by a person who is acting with full knowledge,complete freedom,and full consent.

Possessed by a person who acts without full understanding of what he is doing,or without complete

Disposition of a person performing any activitiy reg

regardless of his liking or not liking.

When the act requires the performance of an activity.

When it requires the omission of an activity.

Disposition of a person who is forced by circumtances to perform an activitywhich he would not do

under normal circumtances.

When the result of the act is directly.

When the result of the act follows or goes along with the primarily intended act.
A person is held morally responsible for any evil effect which flows from the action directly willed and as
natural consequences of such action,though such evil effects is not directly willed or intended.

A human act with double effect.one good and one evil,is morally permissible under four conditions.

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