Paper Land Bankirrigation
Paper Land Bankirrigation
Paper Land Bankirrigation
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sebak Kumar Jana on 01 April 2017.
Irrigation is a key component of agricultural development of an economy.
Irrigation management presently is of crucial importance in the context of
declining water availability and the climate change. The paper attempts to
give an overview of irrigation development in West Bengal. The paper
highlights pattern and trend of irrigation development in the state in respect
of different types of irrigation, inter-district disparity in irrigation
development and irrigation expenditure in the state.
tube well irrigation in the districts well irrigation and canal irrigation
like Nadia, 24- Parganas, Hooghly, in West Bengal.
Coochbehar. Tank irrigation plays
an important role in the districts 4. Creation and Utilization of
like Bankura and Purulia in the Irrigation Potential in West
dry western plateau tracts. Other Bengal
irrigation methods include river lift
Utilisation of irrigation potential
irrigation (RLI) which is the charac-
is an important parameter for the
teristic feature of the north central
efficiency of irrigation. It is seen
and eastern districts of the state
from the table-7 that irrigation
(Chatterjee 1995). In the last two
potential has increased from 44.24
columns we have presented dis-
lakh hectares in 1996-97 to 56.41
trict-wise percentage area of tube-
lakh hectares in 2009-10 and the
Table 6: Area Irrigated by Different Sources in West Bengal (2005-06)
Table 8: Season-wise Irrigation Potential created and Utilised in Different Districts (2001)
ments. On the supply side ground (Jana 2011) have strong anti-
water potential should be exploited. poverty potential. The advantage
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural for West Bengal is that the state is
Employment Guarantee Act endowed with plenty of rainfall and
(MGNREGA) funds should be used receives run off from neighbouring
to build or rehabilitate storage and states. Much of the irrigation
irrigation infrastructure in the problem in the state can
rainfed areas of the state. The gap sustainably met through tradi-
between the available and utilizable tional practice of rainwater harvest-
surface water should be reduced. ing and switching to less water
One major challenge of water intensive crops instead of boro. It is
management is to reduce this important to make a balance
crucial gap. In the dry zone it has between economic parameters,
also been observed that irrigation climatic conditions and institu-
technologies like micro irrigation tional arrangements.
and innovative scheme like happa
1. AGWATER (2010), Irrigation Infrastructure in West Bengal, http://awm-
2. Central Water Commission (CWC), Handbook of water Resource Statistics,
3. Chatterjee Nandini (1995), Irrigated Agriculture, Rawat Publications,
4. Deshpande R.S. (2011), Water and Livelihood: Status Paper, RULNR, CESS,
5. Government of West Bengal (GoWB) ( 2011), Department of Irrigation,
6. Government of West Bengal 2003, Report on Third Minor Irrigation Census
in West Bengal ( 2000-01).
7. Government of West Bengal, Bureau of Applied Economics and Statistics,
Statistical Abstract, Various years.
8. Government of West Bengal, Economic Review, Various Years.
9. IDFC (2011), India Infrastructure Report, 2011, Oxford University Press.