1-ICSE ECO Inner I-40
1-ICSE ECO Inner I-40
1-ICSE ECO Inner I-40
Latest Syllabus issued by CISCE For the Academic Year 2024-2025
There will be one theory paper of two hours duration of 100 3. Market
marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks. Meaning and types.
THEORY – 100 Marks Meaning of Market; Types of Markets: Perfect competition,
Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly - meaning
1. The Productive Mechanism
with examples; a brief understanding of the features of the
Factors of production: Land, labour, capital and different types of markets along with differences.
entrepreneur: their impact on the production 4. Banking in India
structure in an economy. (i) Money
(i) Land: meaning and characteristics, productivity of A basic understanding of the inconvenience of the
land – meaning only; factors affecting productivity of barter system and the evolution of money; legal
land. definition of money; functions of money: medium
(ii) Labour: meaning and characteristics; division of of exchange, measure of value; standard of deferred
labour: meaning, type and advantages; efficiency of payment, store of value.
labour; meaning, reasons for low efficiency of Indian (ii) Commercial banks: Meaning and functions
labour. Meaning. Functions of Commercial banks: Accepting
(iii) Capital: meaning and characteristics and types: deposits (a brief understanding of the types of deposits);
physical and financial capital- meaning with Advancing loans (a brief understanding of the types of
examples; Capital Formation; meaning, Process of loans, methods of advancing loans); Credit creation (a
capital formation; Need for capital formation; brief understanding of credit creation on the basis of
(iv) Entrepreneur: meaning, functions and role of Primary and derivative deposits).
entrepreneur in economic development. (iii) Central Bank
2. Theory of Demand and Supply Meaning. Functions of Central Bank: monopoly of
(i) Meaning and concept of Demand and Supply. Note issue; Bankers Bank; Banker, Agent and Advisor
Law of demand and supply: demand and to the Government; Custodian of Foreign Exchange;
supply schedule and curve (both individual and Lender of the Last Resort: A brief understanding of the
market); movement and shift of the demand functions.
and supply curve; determinants of demand and (iv) Monetary Policy of the Central Bank
supply; exceptions to the law of demand. (a) Qualitative Credit control measures: margin
Meaning of demand and supply; the concept of requirements; credit rationing; moral suasion.
Demand, types of demand and concept of supply to be (b) Quantitative Credit control measures: Bank Rate,
explained (with examples). Open Market Operations, Cash Reserve Ratio
A basic understanding of the law of demand and supply (CRR), Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
in which demand and supply schedules to be used to A brief understanding of the above.
explain the demand and supply curves. The individual (v) Demonetisation
demand and supply curves must be distinguished
A brief understanding.
from market demand and supply curves. Concept of
(vi) Public Finance
movement and shift of Demand and Supply curves are
to be explained. Determinants of demand and supply (a) Meaning of Public Finance.
are to be specified. Exceptions to the law of demand are (b) Sources of Public Revenue:
to be discussed. Tax Revenue.
(ii) Elasticity of demand and elasticity of supply: Direct Tax (meaning, merits and demerits);
meaning, types, percentage method of Indirect Tax (meaning, merits and demerits);
measuring elasticity of demand and elasticity of difference between direct and indirect taxes.
supply, factors affecting elasticity of demand and Goods and Services Tax (GST) - Meaning and
supply. objectives;
The concept of price elasticity of demand and elasticity Progressive, proportional, regressive and
of supply are to be explained with percentage method. degressive taxes - meaning only.
Factors affecting the elasticity of demand and supply Non-tax revenue.
are to be specified. (Numerical problems are not for Meaning with examples.
( vi )
(c) Public Expenditure. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT
Meaning of public expenditure, Revenue and The minimum number of assignments:
Capital expenditure with examples; reason for One project/assignment as prescribed by the teacher
growth of public expenditure in India. from the syllabus.
(d) Public Debt. Suggested Assignments:
Meaning and types of Public debts. A visit to a local industrial unit and analyse the
5. Inflation combination of the factors of production being
(i) Inflation, Wholesale Price Index (WPI), Consumer used in the production process.
Price Index (CPI), Food Basket. Survey 15 people from your neighbourhood about
Meaning of the above. the type of taxes they pay. From your survey
(ii) Stages of Inflation conclude which type of tax is easier to pay and
Creeping, Walking, Running and Hyper – meaning why.
only Visit a nearby store. Select five items of regular
(iii) Types of Inflation: Cost push inflation and consumption. Study the following: the impact
demand- pull inflation of GST on these five products; how this has
Meaning, causes and differences only (diagram not impacted the demand for these products; how it
required). Positive and negative effects of inflation on has benefitted the producer, consumer and the
production. Positive and negative effects of inflation on government.
distribution with reference to fixed income group and EVALUATION
business income group only. The assignments/project works are to be evaluated by
6. Consumer Awareness the subject teacher and by an External Examiner.
(i) Consumer Exploitation and Consumer awareness. (The External Examiner may be a teacher nominated
Meaning of consumer exploitation; a brief by the Head of the school, who could be from the
understanding of the forms of consumer exploitation; faculty, but not teaching the subject in the section/
reasons for exploitation of consumers in India - a brief class. For example, a teacher of Economics of Class XI
understanding. Meaning of Consumer Awareness. may be deputed to be an External Examiner for Class
X, Economics projects.)
(ii) Consumer Rights & Duties.
The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner
A brief understanding of the above. COPRA - meaning
will assess the assignments independently
and features; RTI - meaning and significance.
Award of marks (20 Marks)
(iii) Food adulteration.
Meaning and harmful effects. Subject Teacher (Internal Examiner) 10 marks
( vii )
I Follows instructions with A good deal of relevant Systematic record of Work indicates Methodical, precise and 4
understanding. matter. data; good arrangement understanding, good clear expression; neat
Masters research techniques Uses wide range of of data; creative comprehension of subject. and tidy presentation;
easily. sources representation. optimum utilisation of
Reference work is orderly skills
II Follows instructions but Selects matter relevant to Able to record data Can judge and grasp Work neat and tidy 3
needs a little help in research context. correctly. information correctly; and clearly presented;
techniques. Reference notes Limited use of references/ conclusion quantitatively methodical and
quite orderly. sources. evaluated. appropriate techniques
III Follows instructions but Relevant matter but Assistance required in Requires some assistance Reasonably clear but 2
needs constant guidance. limited reference work. presenting, recording to grasp the relevance and work disorganised in
( viii )
Reference notes at times Matter is sketchy and arranging data. validity of information; places; writing untidy in
disorderly. able to relate to economic places..
IV Struggles with research Hardly any reference Tends to make mistakes Assistance required in order Sequence of work 1
methods and needs constant material. in organising data. to grasp the relevance and acceptable but not very
guidance. Use of irrelevant matter. validity of information; neat; poor presentation..
Reference notes copied Matter is quite sketchy. tends to make errors.
without reference to
V Cannot follow instructions. No reference work/ Makes mistakes in Cannot process results; Data presentation 0
Works ‘blindly’ without copied from other organizing data; not faulty conclusions in spite of untidy and disorganised;
reference to keywords. textbooks/ sketchy able to proceed even assistance provided. effort and initiative
matter. with assistance. lacking.