Course Coordinators: DR. JAYDEEP MUKHERJEE (JM) & DR. A.K.S. CHAND (AKSC)
Email: [email protected] & [email protected]
Term: II Credits: 3
Course Introduction
Course Objectives
The course is designed around interactive class lectures, assigned readings from text book(s) and
various articles, case studies, current news analysis and assignments. The students are expected
to be well-versed with the assigned readings before they come to each class. The class lectures
serve as complements to textbook readings and in many cases may overlap the materials covered
in textbook(s). In some cases lecture notes and subsequent discussions may cover some issues
not explicitly found in prescribed textbook(s) or reading materials. However students must be
well-prepared with all assigned course materials. Study in macroeconomics become more
exciting when it is applied to understanding real issues. Therefore, the numerous case studies are
an important learning tool.
• Knowledge of Microeconomics
• Basic Calculas and coordinate geometry
• International Economics
• India and the World Economy
• Electives in the Finance Domain
Evaluation Components
(a) Quizzes: 30 %
During the entire course, there will be three quizzes (each carrying 15% weightage). The marks
of the two best quizzes will be taken into consideration for final evaluation. The quizzes will be
MCQ type (with five alternatives) based on relevant course materials and class discussions. Each
correct answer shall fetch you 1.5 marks; however there is a negative 0.5 mark for each wrong
answer. Under no circumstances there will be any make-up on quizzes.
Groups will be formed with a maximum of six students who will select a particular country and
make a diagnostic of its macroeconomic fundamentals. The country choice is to be assigned to
each group by the instructor to avoid any overlapping. Each group is expected
(i) to study the macroeconomic performance of the (assigned) country in the fiscal year
(FY) 2015-2020;
(ii) to identify two to three core macroeconomic problems facing that country in the current
FY and potential macroeconomic crisis the country is likely to experience in the
coming FYs; and
(iii) to suggest some possible remedial measures, as a policy analyst.
The project report must be restricted to a maximum of 15 pages. It must be written in own
words and to be strictly submitted within due date to avoid any undesirable penalty. Further
details on the Project shall be uploaded in due time.
The end term examination will be based on topics covered in the class.
Text Book:
(a) Macroeconomics: Dornbusch, Fischer, and Startz (Ninth Edition), 2004. Tata McGraw-Hill
(b) Macroeconomics: Hubbard and O' Brien (First Edition), 2007. Pearson Education
(c) Macroeconomics: Errol D' Souza (First Edition), 2008. Pearson Education
(d) Essentials of Economics: Brue and Mcconnell (First Edition), 2007. Tata McGraw-Hill
(e) Macroeconomics: Olivier Blanchard (Latest Edition) Pearson Education
Session Plan: Total 20 Sessions (Each Session of One Hour and 30 Minutes Duration)