IR PPT Chapter Two
IR PPT Chapter Two
IR PPT Chapter Two
• The end of the First World War did not end the rivalries
between the European nations. Even the peace Treaties
failed to ensure peace.
• The treaties were harsh on the defeated countries and thus
sowed the seeds of future conflicts.
1919-1939-interwar period
1. The Russian Revolution and the emergence of the Soviet
Union also divided the world into two groups-those who
favored the revolution and those who fear effects.
2. The Changed Map of Europe
3. Rise of Totalitarian Regimes:-the immediate post war
years were full of problems for almost all countries of
Europe. These included reorganization of the economy,
resettlement of the survivors of war, and growing
unemployment. The working classes in many countries
tried to organize socialist revolutions on the Soviet
pattern, but they were ruthlessly suppressed. In their
place, strong, anti-democratic movements arose in
Hungary, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Germany and Spain,
which can generally be termed as ‘Fascist’.
1919-1939-interwar period
4. Emergence of Fascism in Italy:-the term
‘Fascism’ is of Italian origin and was first used
for the movement started by Benito Mussolini
in Italy
5. Hitler and Nazi Germany
6. Military Fascism in Japan- Japan had been the
only country in Asia to escape colonization. By
the end of the nineteenth century, Japan’s
expansionist policy led her to a war with China.
7. The Great Depression and its Effects
1939-1945-Second World War Period
• Identify the major fundamental causes of
SWW and try to relate the major causes of the
war with interwar period developments
during the interwar period
• What were the immediate causes of SWW?
• Discuss the alignment patter of major actors
of SWW
Cold War Period (1945-1989)