Air Pollution

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Jonas T.

Department of Natural
• Upon completing the lesson on air
pollution, the learners will be able to:

⚬ Explain the basic types of air

pollution, their sources and their
• What is Air Pollution? • What are the different
• What are the Sources of types of Air Pollution?
Air Pollution? • What are the effects
• How do we reduce Air of Air Pollution?
• Air pollution is defined as the
introduction of pollutants, organic
molecules, or other unsafe materials
into Earth’s atmosphere.
• This can be in the form of excessive
gases like carbon dioxide and other
vapours that cannot be effectively
removed through natural cycles
• combustion of several
kinds of fuel.
• Immobile sources
• movable sources
• fumes from solvents
• waste deposits in
• military resources
• combustion of several
kinds of fuel.
• Immobile sources
• movable sources
• fumes from solvents
• waste deposits in
• military resources
Air pollution comes from a variety of different sources,
both natural and man-made. Here are some of the
main sources of air pollution:
There are several steps we can take to reduce air pollution and create a cleaner
environment. Here are some solutions that can be implemented:
Implement policies that
support emission reduction and
To overcome the problem of air pollution, joint
environmental protection.
responsibility is needed from all parties. This includes:

Adopt a more sustainable Reducing personal vehicle fuel

lifestyle, such as using public use and choosing environmentally
transport or cycling. friendly alternatives.
Every individual has an important role in efforts to reduce air
pollution. Here are some steps we can take as individuals:

• Reducing the Use of Private Vehicles

• Using Environmentally Friendly Products
• Increase Environmental Awareness
• Supports Environmentally Friendly Technology
To overcome the problem of air
pollution, joint responsibility is needed
from all parties. This includes:

Some things you can

do are as follows.

• Use Public Transportation or Bike

• Waste Recycling
• Use Eco Friendly Products
• Support Tree Planting
Maintaining pollution-free air is our collective responsibility to create a
healthy environment for future generations. Through cooperation between
governments, companies, communities and individuals, we can achieve
significant change in reducing air pollution.
On a 1/2 sheet of paper, list down as many as
you can various instances of air pollution
happening within and around the campus.
After that, list down what you think are possible
ways that you can do in order to help alleviate
the effects of air pollution in the campus.
CATEGORY 10 pts. 7-9 pts. 4-6 pts. 3 pts. or below
Content Response to assigned topic Response thoughtful and Response adequately Response consists of
thorough and well written, fairly well written; most addresses some aspects of unsupported opinions
with varied sentence opinions supported with the assigned topic; opinions only marginally related
structure and vocabulary; facts sometimes based on to the topic.
opinions always supported incorrect information.
with facts.

Idea Development Excellent use of examples Good reliance upon Incomplete development of Ideas not clearly stated
and details to explore and examples and details to ideas; details and examples or developed.
develop ideas and opinions. illustrate and develop not always evident.
ideas and opinions.
Organization Very logically organized; Contains introduction, Topics and ideas discussed Entry is unstructured.
contains introduction; some development of somewhat randomly; entry
development of main idea ideas, and conclusion. may lack clearly defined
(or ideas), and conclusion. introduction or conclusion

Mechanics Flawless spelling and Few or no spelling errors; Several spelling and Many instances of
punctuation. some minor punctuation punctuation errors incorrect spelling and
mistakes. punctuation.

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