2018 Set-4
2018 Set-4
2018 Set-4
Instructions :
90 1 P.T.O.
1. (a) ABC Company wants to link its computers in the Head office in New
Delhi to its office in Sydney. Name the type of Network that will be
formed. Which Communication media should be used to form this
Network ? 2
(i) Microwaves
(iii) Node
(ii) IP
(i) This device constantly looks at all the data entering and
exiting your connection. It can block or reject data in response
to an established rule.
90 2
2. (a) Identify the invalid variable names. Sate the reason if invalid. 1
(ii) Product_1
(iii) Sales123
(iv) 2Marks
(b) Write the data type of variables that should be used to store : 1
(c) Write examples of any two properties and any two methods of
jButton component. 2
(d) Write the purpose of HTML. Distinguish between <P> tag and <BR>
tag. 2
if (code == ‘A’)
allowance = 3500;
else if (code ==’B’)
allowance= 3200;
allowance =2000;
90 3 P.T.O.
3. (a) What is MySQL used for ? Abhay wants to start learning MySQL.
From where can he obtain the MySQL software ? 1
(b) In the table ‘‘Student’’, Priya wanted to increase the Marks (Column
Name:Marks) of those students by 5 who have got Marks below 33.
She has entered the following statement :
Identify errors (if any) in the above statement. Rewrite the correct
SQL statement. 1
(c) (i) Name the Data type that should be used to store
AccountCodes like ‘‘A1001’’ of Customers. 1
Table : Player
1 50
3 40
90 4
(e) ‘Class’ table has columns RNO and NAME.
The following statements are executed :
(f) Name SQL Single Row functions (for each of the following) that 2
(i) returns a number.
(ii) returns lowercase letters.
(iii) returns names of days. For example : ‘‘Monday’’, ‘‘Tuesday’’.
(iv) returns weekday number. For example : 1 for Sunday, 2 for
Monday, 3 for Tuesday.
90 5 P.T.O.
(b) What values will be displayed in JOptionPane when the following
code is executed ? 2
int a=5, b = 2;
while (a < 20)
a = a + b;
b = a b;
(c) Write the code given below using ‘for’ loop instead of ‘while’ loop : 2
int i=1;
if(i * i == 4)
(d) Write the value that will be stored in variable a after execution of
the following code if : 2
(i) initial value of a is 8.
(ii) initial value of a is 10.
int b = 9;
if (a > b)
(e) What will be the values of i and z after the following code is
executed : 2
int i = 0;
int z = 10;
i = i+2;
while (i<10);
90 6
(f) Ms. Priya works as a programmer in ‘‘Avon Education’’ where she
has designed a software to compute fee charges to be paid by the
students. A screenshot of the same is shown below :
90 7 P.T.O.
Based on the course selected, Fee Per Quarter is displayed in
the appropriate textfield according to the following criterion :
5. Consider the following table ‘Furniture’. Write SQL commands for the
statements (i) to (viii) and write output for SQL queries (ix) and (x).
Table : Furniture
90 8
(i) To display FCODE, NAME and PRICE of items that have Price less
than < 5,000. 1
(ii) To display NAMES and PRICE of those Furniture Items that have
‘table’ anywhere in their names. 1
(iii) To display WCode of Furniture Items. There should be no duplicate
values. 1
(iv) To display the NAMES and PRICE increased by 500.00 of all the
furniture items. (Price should only be displayed as increased; there
should be no increase in the data in the table) 1
(v) To display FCODE and NAME of each Furniture Item in descending
order of FCODE. 1
(vi) To display the details of all the Furniture Items which have
Manufacturing date (MANUFDATE) between 01-JAN-2016 and
15-JUN-2017 (inclusive of both the dates). 1
(vii) To display the average PRICE of all the Furniture Items, which are
made of Wood with WCODE as W02. 1
6. (a) Write SQL query to create a table ‘Inventory’ with the following
structure : 2
Category Char
DatePurchase Date
90 9 P.T.O.
(b) Consider the following tables PATIENT and TEST and answer the
questions that follow :
6473 Amit Sharma 912356899 19-JUN-2017 T102
Table : TEST
T101 Platelet Count 200.00
T102 Hemogram 190.00
T301 Malaria Detection 350.00
T502 Glucose Test 150.00
Name the Primary keys in both the tables and foreign key in
‘PATIENT’ table.
State the reason for your choice. 2
(c) With reference to the above given tables (in Q6 b), write commands
in SQL for (i) to (iii).
(i) To display Names of Patients, TESTID and Test names for
those Patients who were admitted between ‘01-DEC-2017’ and
‘15-DEC-2017’ (both dates inclusive). 2
(ii) To display Names of Patients, Test names and Cost of Test for
those Patients who have ‘‘Sharma’’ in their names. 2
(iii) To increase the cost of those tests in the table ‘‘TEST’’ by
< 50.00 that have cost below < 200.00 2
90 10
7. (a) How does e-governance help in building trust between the
Government and citizens ? 2
(b) How can e-learning help students learn at their own pace ? 1
(c) Ms. Cathy is creating a form for Vidya University Sports Council
application. Help her to choose the most appropriate controls from
ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea, RadioButton, CheckBox,
Label and Command Button for the following entries : 2
S.No. Function
90 11 P.T.O.
CBSE AISSCE 2018 Marking Scheme for Informatics Practices
(Sub Code: 065 Paper Code 90)
General Instructions:
● Marking scheme is the final document for all references with regard to evaluation and cannot be
altered under any circumstance.
● The answers given in the marking scheme are SUGGESTIVE. Examiners are expected to award
marks for all alternative correct Solutions/Answers conveying the similar meaning.
● All programming questions have to be answered with respect to Java Language only.
In Java,
● Ignore case sensitivity for Variable identifiers in programming codes.
In SQL related questions :
● Single quote ‘ ’ as well as double quote “ ”should be accepted for text/character/date entries.
For example: “AMAR” and ‘amar’ both are acceptable.
● Date entries should be accepted in all formats. For example: ‘YYYY-MM-DD’, ‘YY-MM-DD’,
‘DD-Mon-YY’, “DD/MM/YY”, ‘DD/MM/YY’, “MM/DD/YY”, ‘MM/DD/YY’ and {MM/DD/YY} are correct.
● Semicolon should be ignored for terminating the SQL statements.
● Ignore case sensitivity for commands.
● Ignore headers in output questions.
1 (a) ABC Company wants to link its computers in Head office in New Delhi to its office in 2
Sydney. Name the type of Network that will be formed. Which communication media
should be used to form this Network?
Ans Type of network that will be formed : Wide Area Network(WAN)
Transmission media to be used : Satellite
(1 mark for each part)
(b) Which of the following is/are not communication media ? 2
(i) Microwaves
(ii) Optical Fiber cable
(iii) Node
(iv) Radio waves
Identify which of the above mentioned communication media are Wired media and
which ones are Wireless media.
Ans Not communication media : Node
Wired media : Optical Fiber cable
Wireless media : Microwaves , Radio waves
(½ mark for identifying Node as not a communication media )
(½ mark for identifying wired media)
(½ mark each for identifying wireless media)
(c) Write two examples each of software in the following categories: 2
(i) Open Source Operating System
(ii) Open Source Web Browser
Ans (i) Linux, Android, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly BSD, OpenSolaris, illumos,
AuroraUX, Darwin, OpenDarwin, MINIX, FreeRTOS, FreeDOS, Haiku, House KolibriOS,
MenuetOS, GNU, ReactOS, L4, Fiasco, Pistachio, Plan 9, AROS, Syllable, Inferno, NuttX,
eCos, RTEMS, HelenOS, E/OS, TempleOS, Linux, BOSS, Ubuntu, Kali Linux
(ii) Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, QupZilla, Midori, rekonq, Tor Browser,
NetSurf, Pale Moon, GNOME Web
(½ mark each for mentioning any two valid Open Source Operating System)
(½ mark each for mentioning any two valid Open Source Web Browser)
(d) Expand the following terms : 2
(i) GSM
(ii) IP
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CBSE AISSCE 2018 Marking Scheme for Informatics Practices
(Sub Code: 065 Paper Code 90)
Ans (i) GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications/ Global System for Mobile/ Graphics
Stimulator Media
(ii) IP - Internet Protocol
(1 mark for each correct answer)
(e) Name the devices: 2
(i) This device constantly looks at all the data entering and exiting your connection.It
can block or reject data in response to an established rule.
(ii) This device connects multiple nodes to form a network. It redirects the received
information only to the intended node(s).
Ans i) Firewall
ii) Switch
( 1 mark for each correct part)
2 (a) Identify the invalid variable names. State the reason if invalid. 1
(i) Marks Unit
(ii) Product_1
(iii) Sales123
(iv) 2Marks
Ans Invalid variable names are :
(i) Marks Unit
Reason : Variable Name should not contain space
(iv) 2Marks
Reason : Variable Name should not start with digit
(1 mark for identifying any one invalid variable name and stating the reason)
Note: Full 1 mark to be awarded if both invalid variable names are identified but
reasons are not given)
(b) Write the data type of variables that should be used to store: 1
(i) Marks of students
(ii) Grades of students(Grade can be ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’)
Ans (i) float/double /int / byte / short / long
(ii) char
( ½ mark for each part)
Note : Valid data types of MySQL(integer/int/decimal/char/varchar) should also be
(c) Write examples of any two properties and any two methods of jButton component 2
Ans Properties of JButton component :
Methods of JButton component :
setText(),getText(),setEnabled(),setVisible(), setEditable(),
setVisible(), isSelected(), setSelected()
(½ mark each for mentioning any two valid properties)
(½ mark each for mentioning any two valid methods)
(d) Write the purpose of HTML. Distinguish between <P> and <BR> tag. 2
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(Sub Code: 065 Paper Code 90)
Ans HTML is used to create web page(s).
<P> tag is used to introduce a paragraph while <BR> tag is used to introduce a line
break on a web page.
Note: <P> as paragraph tag and <BR> as line break tag to be accepted as difference
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Ans (Case 1: If RNO is treated as ID, the following solution should be accepted:)
Output of SELECT statement 1 :
5 Rajeev
6 Chris
7 Feroze
Case 1 and 2 : ( 2 mark for output of any one of the SELECT statement)
Note : 2 marks for mentioning column name error
(f) Name SQL Single Row functions (for each of the following) that 2
(i) returns a number.
(ii) returns lowercase letters.
(iii) returns names of days. For example: “Monday “, “Tuesday”.
(iv) returns weekday number. For example : 1 for Sunday , 2 for Monday , 3 for
Ans (i) length()/ instr()/ round()/ truncate() or any other correct Single
Row Function that returns a number
(ii) lower() / lcase()
(iii) dayname()
(iv) dayofweek()
(½ mark for each part)
4 (a) Identify the error in the following code: 1
case 9.0 : a= a+2;
case 8.0 : a=a+3;
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Ans i) 10
ii) 17
(1 mark for each part)
(e) What will be the values of i and z after the following code is executed: 2
int i = 0;
int z = 10;
while (i<10);
Ans i= 10
z = 5
(1 mark for each correct value)
(f) Ms. Priya works as a programmer in “Avon Education” where she has designed a software
to compute fee charges to be paid by the students. A screenshot of the same is shown
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CBSE AISSCE 2018 Marking Scheme for Informatics Practices
(Sub Code: 065 Paper Code 90)
●If the student is eligible for Concession, a concession of 7% of Fee per quarter is
calculated as the concession amount, otherwise concession amount is 0.
● Fee to be paid is the Fee per quarter with the concession amount (if any)
deducted from it.
Help Ms. Priya in writing the code to do the following:
(i) When ‘Calculate Charges’ button is clicked, ‘Fee per quarter’, ‘Concession Amount’, 4
‘Fee to be Paid’ should be calculated and displayed in the respective text fields.
Ans // Calculation of Amount
(i) double feeperqtr = 0.0,concess = 0.0,feetopay=0.0;
if (jRadioButton1.isSelected())
else if (jRadioButton2.isSelected())
else if (jRadioButton3.isSelected())
if (jCheckBox1.isSelected())
concess= (0.07*feeperqtr);
jTextField2.setText("" + feeperqtr);
jTextField3.setText("" + concess);
jTextField4.setText("" + feetopay);
(½ mark for correct use of if statement for Radiobutton)
(½ mark for assigning correct value for Fee per Quarter)
(½ mark for correct use of if statement for Checkbox)
(½ mark for calculating concession)
(½ mark for calculating Fee to be paid)
(½ mark for displaying Fee per Quarter)
(½ mark for displaying concession)
(½ mark for displaying Fee to be paid)
(ii) When ‘CLEAR’ button is clicked, all the textfields, radiobuttons and checkbox 1
should be cleared.
Ans jTextField1.setText("");
( ½ mark for clearing any text field)
( ½ mark for clearing check box/radiobutton)
Note : NULL in place of “” should be accepted for clearing text field.
(iii) When ‘Exit’ button is clicked, the application should close. 1
(1 mark for correct answer)
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CBSE AISSCE 2018 Marking Scheme for Informatics Practices
(Sub Code: 065 Paper Code 90)
5. Consider the following table ‘Furniture’. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to
(viii) and write output for SQL queries (ix) and (x).
Table : Furniture
10023 Coffee table 4000 19-DEC-2016 W03
10001 Dining table 20500 12-JAN-2017 W01
10012 Sofa 35000 06-JUN-2016 W02
10024 Chair 2500 07-APR-2017 W03
10090 Cabinet 18000 31-MAR-2015 W02
(i) RICE of items that have PRICE less than ₹ 5,000.
To display FCODE, NAME and P 1
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CBSE AISSCE 2018 Marking Scheme for Informatics Practices
(Sub Code: 065 Paper Code 90)
6 (a) Write SQL query to create a table ‘Inventory’ with the following structure: 2
Field Type Constraint
MaterialId Integer Primary key
Material Varchar(50) NOT NULL
Category Char
DatePurchase Date
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CBSE AISSCE 2018 Marking Scheme for Informatics Practices
(Sub Code: 065 Paper Code 90)
(iii) To increase the cost of those tests in the table “TEST” by ₹ 50.00 that have cost below 2
₹ 200.00
WHERE COST <200.00;
(1 mark for UPDATE)
(½ mark for SET)
(½ mark for WHERE clause)
7 (a) How does e-governance help in building trust between the Government and citizens? 2
Ans ● Transparency of Government processes, policies and decisions
● Awareness about new policies and facilities being offered by the Government.
● Enabling citizen engagement in the policy processes
● Reduces the waiting time
● Practices like influences and bribing are reduced
( 2 marks for correct answer)
(b) How can e-learning help students learn at their own pace? 1
● Students can go through the learning material any number of times as per his/her
Ans learning abilities
● Students can study at their own convenient time anywhere/anytime.
( 1 mark for any relevant point)
(c) Ms. Cathy is creating a form for Vidya University Sports Council application. Help her to 2
choose the most appropriate controls from ListBox, ComboBox, TextField, TextArea,
RadioButton, CheckBox, Label and Command Button for the following entries:
S.No. Function
1. To let the user enter NAME
2. To let the user enter MOBILE NUMBER
3. To let the user choose one PROFESSION out of the categories :
Teaching/Non-Teaching/Research Scholar
4. To let the user select facilities out of Gym, Yoga, Table Tennis, Badminton
and Aerobics. More than one facility may be chosen.
S.No. Function
1 To let the user enter NAME TextField
2 To let the user enter MOBILE NUMBER TextField
3 To let the user choose one PROFESSION RadioButton/
out of the categories : Teaching/Non Combobox
Teaching/ Research Scholar
4 To let the user select facilities out of Gym, Checkbox/Listbox
Yoga, Table Tennis, Badminton and Aerobics.
More than one facility may be chosen.
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