Coimbtore Sahodaya IP Set B

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General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in Q35
against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

1. Mr X sitting on hot seat of KBC game of Sony TV and Mr Amitabh Bachhan 1
ask a question to Mr X that one of the statements is not correct. You help to Mr
X for finding the correct answer :
i. import matplotlib.pyplot
ii. matplotlib.PyPlot as pl
iii. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
iv. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x,y)
2. All Pandas data structure are ______ mutable but not always ______ mutable? 1
i. Size, value
ii. Size, data type
iii. Value, size
iv. None of the above
3. Which method is used to plot horizontal bar graph in pyplot ? 1
i. horizontal_bar()
ii. barh()
iii. hbar()
iv. bar()
4. Which argument must be set with plotting functions for legend () to display the 1
i. data
ii. label
iii. name
iv. sequence
5. Which type of values will not be considered by SQL while executing 1
thefollowing statement?
SELECT COUNT(column name) FROM employee;
i. Numeric value
ii. text value
iii. Null value
iv. Date value
6. What will be the output of the following: 1
Insert into Student
values (‘Susan’,109,’F’),
values (‘Sai,110,’M’),
values (‘Vinay,111,’M’);
i. Error
ii. No Error
iii. Depends on complier
iv. Successful completion of the query
7. Mohan found that he could search for a product in shopping website using his 1
voice. This is an instance of
i. Natural Language Processing
ii. Grid computing
iii. Block chain technology
iv. Immersive experience
8. A ______________ is a unique data trace of a user’s activities, actions, 1
communications or transactions in digital media.
i. Digital Handprint
ii. Digital Footprint
iii. Offline Footprint
iv. Offline Handprint
9. Following are the impact of e-waste on the environment. Choose the odd one 1
i. Soil Pollution
ii. Water Pollution
iii. Air Pollution
iv. Sound Pollution
10. Which function will be used to read data from a CSV file into pandas data 1
i. readcsv()
ii. to_csv()
iii. read_csv()
iv. csv_read()
11. What will be the output of the given code? 1
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5],
i. 1
ii. 2
iii. 3
iv. 4
12. Observe the following figure. 1

Identify the coding for obtaining this as output.
i. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ii. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
iii. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
iv. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
13. Predict the output of the following queries: 1
i. Select power(5,3);
ii. Select mod(5,3);
14. ______________ method in Pandas can be used to change the index ofrows and 1
columns of a Series or Dataframe :
i. rename()
ii. reindex()
iii. reframe()
iv. none of the above
15 AARUSHI SINGHANIA has decided to share the data among various 1
computers of her two office branches situated in the same city named
PURULIA. Out of the followings whichnetwork will be formed in this process?
i. MAN
ii. LAN
iii. PAN
iv. WAN
16 MySQL command to change the size of a column named ‘Address’ of a table 1
‘Company’ from Varchar(10) to Varchar(50) is:
i. ALTER TABLE Company CHANGE Address to Varchar(50);
ii. UPDATE Company SET Address = Varchar(50);
iii. ALTER TABLE Company MODIFY Address Varchar(50);
iv. UPDATE Company SET Address = Varchar(50) WHERE Address =
17 While accessing the column from the data frame, we can specify the column 1
name. In casecolumn does not exist, which type of error it will raise:
i. Key Error
ii. Syntax Error
iii. Name Error
iv. Runtime Error
18 All aggregate functions except __________ ignore null values in their input 1
i. Count(attribute)
ii. Count(*)
iii. Avg
iv. Sum
19 What do you mean by Identity theft? Explain with the help of an example. 2
20 Nivedita has recently shifted to new city. She does not know many people in her 2
new city. But all of a sudden, someone is posting negative, demeaning
comments on her social networking profile. She is also getting repeated mails
from unknown people. Every time she goes online she finds someone chasing
her online.
i. What is this happening to Nivedita?
ii. What action should she taken to stop them?

21 Expand the following terms related to Computer Networks: 2

ii. IMAP
iii. TCP/IP
iv. URL
22 i. Create the given table with following details 2
Table: Order
Column Name Constraints
OrderId Primary Key
OrderDate Not NULL

ii. Also list the difference between unique key and primary key
23 i. What is the purpose of GROUP BY clause in MySQL? How is it 2
different from ORDER BY clause?
ii. Shanya Khanna is using a table EMPLOYEE. It has the following

Admno, Name, Agg, Stream [column Agg contains Aggregate marks]

She wants to display highest Agg obtained in each Stream. She wrote the
following statement:

But she did not get the desired result. Rewrite the above query with necessary
changes to help her get the desired output.
24 Hitesh wants to display the last four rows of the DataFramedf and has written 2
the following code :

But last 5 rows are being displayed. Identify the error and rewrite the correct
code so that last 4 rows get displayed
25 Write a python code to create a dataframe with appropriate headings from the 2
list given below :
['S101', 'Amy', 70], ['S102', 'Bandhi', 69], ['S104', 'Cathy', 75], ['S105',
'Gundaho', 82]
26 What do you understand by Net Etiquettes? Explain any two such etiquettes. 3
27 Differentiate between Web browser and Web Server. Write any two popular 3
Web browsers.
28 Explain the following function with example: (i) trim() (ii) month() (iii) 3
29 Write the output of the following: 3
(i) Select instr("1234567891262512145","4");
(ii) Select mid("Informatics Practices", 4, 8)
(iii) Select year(now());
30 Consider the following Series object S 3
0 0.4758
1 0.2656
2 0.8637
3 0.6541
What will be return by the following statements
i. S*100
ii. print(S>0)
iii. S3=pd.Series(S)+3
31. Reena, a car dealer has stored the details of all cars in her showroom in a table 5
called Car Details (Note: Cost is in lakhs Rupees). Based on the following table,
write the SQL Queries to help Reena to get the information she needs.

Code Name Company Color Cost DOM

C01 BALENO SUZUKI BLUE 5.90 2019-11-07
C02 INDIGO TATA SILVER 12.90 2020-10-15
C03 GLC MERCEDES WHITE 62.38 2020-01-20
C04 A6 AUDI RED 58.55 2018-12-29
C05 INNOVA TOYOTA BLACK 32.82 2017-11-10
C06 WAGON- SUZUKI WHITE 12.11 2016-11-11
C07 BREZZA SUZUKI GOLDEN 9.80 2016-10-03
i. Display the car name along with the cost rounded off to 1 digit after
decimal place.
ii. Display the car name, color and position of the character ‘E’ in the color
of all the cars.
iii. Display the car name ,name of the company in lower case of all cars
whose year of manufacturing is 2020
iv. Display the number of cars manufactured each year
v. What is the cardinality and degree of the table Car Details
32. People’s University is setting up its academic blocks at Chennai and its planning 5

to set up a network. The university has 3 academic blocks and one human
resource centre as shown in diagram below:

Center to center distances between various blocks is as follows:

Number of computers in each of the block is as follows

i. Suggest the most suitable place to install the server of this university
with the suitable resource
ii. Suggest an ideal layout for connecting these blocks for a wired
iii. Which device will you suggest to be placed / installed in each of these
blocks to efficiently connect all the computers within these blocks the
University is planning to connect its admission office in the closet big
city, which is more than 250kms from university?
iv. Which type of network out of LAN, WAN & MAN will be formed
justify your answer.
v. Which of the following will you suggest to establish the online face to
face communication between the people in the various blocks?
a. Cable TV
b. Email
c. Video conferencing
d. Text chat
33. Mr. Sharma is working in a game development industry and he was comparing 5
the given chart on the basis of the rating of the various games available on the
play store.

i. He is trying to write a code to plot the graph. Help Mr. Sharma to get the
desired output and Also help him to save the chart
ii. In case Mr. Sharma wants to change the above plot to the any other
shape, which statement in your code, should he change?

34. Based on table GARMENT given here, write suitable SQL queries for the 4
101 T-shirt XL Red 1400
102 Jeans L Blue 1600
103 Skirt M Black 1100
104 Ladies Jacket XL Blue 4000
105 Trousers L Brown 1500
106 Ladies Top L Pink 1200

i. To display the names of garments those are available in ‘XL’ size.

ii. To display the codes and names of those garments that has their names
starting with ‘Ladies’.
iii. To display the garment code, name and prices of those garments whose
price in the range 1000 to 1500 (both values inclusive).
iv. To change the color of the garment with code as 106 to “Blue”.

35. Sanyukta is the event incharge in a school. One of her students gave her a 4
suggestion to use Python Pandas and Matplotlib for analysing and visualising
the data, respectively. She has created a Data frame “SportsDay” to keep track
of the number of First, Second and Third prizes won by different houses in
various events.

HouseName First Second Third
0 Chenab 5 7 6
1 Ganges 10 5 4
2 Jamuna 12 13 15
3 Jhelum 8 9 12
4 Ravi 5 11 10
5 Satluj 10 5 3

Write Python commands to do the following

i. Display the house names where the number of Second Prizes are in the
range of 12 to 20
ii. Display all the records in the reverse order.
iii. Display the bottom 3 records.
iv. Display the size of the dataframe

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