Cdi 2
Cdi 2
Cdi 2
Any person who, not falling within
the provisions of Article 246
(Parricide) shall kill another,
without the
attendance of any of the
circumstances enumerated in the
next preceding
article (Article 248), shall be
deemed guilty of homicide.
Classification of Wound or
Physical Injury
D. Medico-legal Classification
a break or solution in the
continuity of the bone tissues
a. Mutilation – Mutilation
resulting from violence.
Castration, Mutilation Mayhem
b. Slight Physical Injury
c. Less Serious Physical Injury
d. Serious Physical Injury
the displacement of the articular
e. Administration of Injurious
surfaces of the bones forming the
substance or Beverage
joints usually secondary to
D. Type of Wound
a. Closed wound – superficial
close wound and deep closed
Condition of the brain resulting
wound, petechiae, contusion or
from a sudden jarring or stunning
bruise, hematoma or blood cyst,
of the brain which follows a blow
sprain, fracture, discoloration,
on the head characterized by
concussion, and internal
headache or dazziness,
unconciousness or semi-
b. Open Wound – incised,
unconciousness, relaxed and
lacerated, punctured, stab,
flaccid muscles, slow and shallow
gunshot wound, hack wound
respiration and rapid but weak
minute, pinpoint, circumscribed
extravasation of blood in
SEXUAL OFFENSES AND sexual desire towards an older
Virginity INCEST
a condition of a female who has sexual relations between person
not experienced sexual who, by reason of blood
intercourse and whose genital relationship cannot legally marry.
organs have not been altered by SATYRIASIS
carnal correction. excessive sexual urge of men.
Kinds of Virginity NYMPHOMANIA
1. MORAL VIRGINITY excessive sexual urge of women.
state of not knowing the nature of FELATTIO
sexual life and not having the female agent receives the
experienced sexual relation. penis of a man into her mouth
2. PHYSICAL VIRGINITY and by friction with the lips and
a condition whereby a woman is tongue coupled with the act of
conscious of the nature of the sucking initiates' orgasm.
sexual life but not experienced CUNNILINGUS
sexual intercourse. sexual gratification is attained by
Two kinds of Physical Virginity licking or sucking the external
1. True Physical Virginity = a female genitalia.
condition wherein the hymen is ANILINGUS
intact, with the edges distinct and a form of sexual perversion
regular, and the opening is small wherein a person derives sexual
to barely admit the tip of the excitement by licking the anus of
smallest finger of the examiner another person of either sex.
even if the thighs are separated. SADISM (Active
2. False Physical Virginity = a Algolagnia)
condition wherein the hymen is A form of sexual perversion in
unruptured, but the orifice is wide which the infliction of pain on
and elastic to admit two or more another is necessary for sexual
fingers of the examiner with a enjoyment
lesser degree of resistance. MASOCHISM (passive
3. DEMI-VIRGINITY algolagnia)
a condition of a woman who A form of sexual perversion in
permits any form of sexual which the infliction of pain by
liberties as long as they abstain another is necessary for sexual
from rupturing the hymen by enjoyment.
sexual act. FETISHISM
4. VIRGO INTACTA a form of sexual perversion
applied to women who have had wherein the real or fantasied
previous sexual act but not yet presence of an object or bodily
given birth. part is necessary for sexual
DEFLORATION stimulation and gratification.
the laceration or rupture of the
hymen as a result of sexual
intercourse. PYGMALIONISM
SEXUAL DEVIATION a sexual deviation whereby a
HOMOSEXUALITY person has sexual desire for
sexual desire towards the same statutes.
INFANTOSEXUALITY a form of sexual perversion
sexual desire towards an characterized by a compulsion to
immature person. Also known as peep to see persons undress or
PEDOPHILIA. perform other personal activities.
sexual desire towards animals;
also known as bestiality.
self –gratification; also known as