Low Thrust Many Revolution Trajectory Optimization
Low Thrust Many Revolution Trajectory Optimization
Low Thrust Many Revolution Trajectory Optimization
Doctor of Philosophy
This thesis entitled:
Low-Thrust Many-Revolution Trajectory Optimization
written by Jonathan David Aziz
has been approved for the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences
Daniel J. Scheeres
Jeffrey S. Parker
Jacob A. Englander
Jay W. McMahon
Shalom D. Ruben
The final copy of this thesis has been examined by the signatories, and we find that both the
content and the form meet acceptable presentation standards of scholarly work in the above
mentioned discipline.
This dissertation presents a method for optimizing the trajectories of spacecraft that use low-
thrust propulsion to maneuver through high counts of orbital revolutions. The proposed method is
to discretize the trajectory and control schedule with respect to an orbit anomaly and perform the
optimization with differential dynamic programming (DDP). The change of variable from time to
Sundman transformations to each of the true, mean and eccentric anomalies are leveraged
for fuel-optimal geocentric transfers up to 2000 revolutions. The approach is shown to be amenable
to the inclusion of perturbations in the dynamic model, specifically aspherical gravity and third-
body perturbations, and is improved upon through the use of modified equinoctial elements. An
assessment of computational performance shows the importance of parallelization but that a single,
multi-core processor is effective. The computational efficiency facilitates the generation of fuel
propulsion about planetary bodies. Methods for modeling the effect of solar eclipses on the power
available to the spacecraft and constraining eclipse durations are also presented. The logistic
sunlight fraction is introduced as a coefficient that scales the computed power available by the
fraction of sunlight available. The logistic sunlight fraction and Sundman-transformed DDP are
used to analyze transfers from low-Earth orbit to geostationary orbit. The analysis includes a
systematic approach to estimating the Pareto front of fuel versus time of flight.
DDP in the three-body problem. Fuel-optimal transfers are presented in the Earth-Moon circular
restricted three-body problem between distant retrograde orbits, between Lyapunov orbits and
between Halo orbits. Those include mechanisms for varying the time of flight and the insertion
point onto a target orbit. A multi-phase DDP approach enables initial guesses to be constructed
from discontinuous trajectory segments. DDP is shown to leverage the system dynamics to find a
heteroclinic connection between Lyapunov orbits, which is facilitated by the multi-phase approach.
Thank you to my committee members, Daniel Scheeres, Jeffrey Parker, Jacob Englander, Jay
McMahon and Shalom Ruben for your instruction, advising and mentoring. An honorary seat and
my sincerest thanks is given to the late George Born, without whom I would not have enrolled at
CU Boulder.
This project took form in the low-thrust trajectory optimization research group with guidance
from Jeffrey Parker and support from Jonathan Herman, Jeannette Heiligers, Nathan Parrish and
Stijn De Smet. Thank you, low-thrust optimizers, and to the many visiting students who joined
in the fun for a shorter period. This project reached maturity in the Celestial Mechanics and
Spaceflight Mechanics Laboratory under the advising of Daniel Scheeres. Thank you Dan for
welcoming me to CSML and sharing your wisdom while allowing me a great deal of academic
freedom. Thank you to all CSML’ers. There are too many past and present fellow graduate
students to acknowledge, so on behalf of all of you, I focus that gratitude to Sarah Melssen, Steve
I am grateful for the support I have received from a number of organizations. This work was
for helping to make that possible. Thank you for your unwaivering enthusiasm that began with the
initial proposal and continues to the assembly of this document. Part of the research was carried
out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Thank you Gregory Lantoine for playing host
1 Introduction 1
3.1 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.7 Iteration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
8 Conclusion 153
Bibliography 157
A The Dynamics Matrix and Tensor for the Augmented Modified Equinoctial Element State
Vector 164
3.1 Comparison of spacecraft final mass between Earth-Mars rendezvous solution methods. 45
4.1 Dynamic model parameters for the example GTO to GEO transfer in Cartesian
coordinates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2 The Moon’s Earth-centered ICRF orbital elements at 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00.0 TDB. . 58
4.5 Constraint violations after variable-step integration of 500 revolution Case B fixed-
step solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.7 Subroutine elapsed real time in seconds for 500 revolution Case B transfers. . . . . . 72
4.8 Subroutine runtimes in seconds for Cartesian states and modified equinoctial ele-
4.9 Fixed-step integration errors through one revolution in GTO with two-body dynamics. 77
4.10 Fixed-step integration errors through one revolution in GTO with J2 and lunar gravity. 77
4.11 GTO to GEO results for Cartesian and modified equinoctial element comparison
transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.12 Computational performance for Cartesian and modified equinoctial element compa-
rison transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.1 Initial and target orbits in terms of the modified equinoctial elements for the LEO
5.2 Dynamic model parameters for the LEO to GEO transfer with eclipsing. . . . . . . . 92
5.3 Final mass and time of flight for the original DDP solution and each DDP solution
5.4 The number of iterations and runtime for the original DDP solution and each DDP
solution after updates to the penumbra entry and exit locations. . . . . . . . . . . . 103
6.3 Initial and target orbits for the eclipse-constrained Mars orbit transfer. . . . . . . . . 128
6.4 Dynamic model parameters for the eclipse-constrained Mars orbit transfer. . . . . . 128
7.3 L1 and L2 Lyapunov orbits with the same Jacobi constant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
7.6 Halo orbit transfer results for different lunar distance constraints. . . . . . . . . . . . 147
2.1 Zero-velocity curves in the xy-plane of the Earth-Moon CRTBP synodic frame are
colored according to the Jacobi constant. The five Lagrange points are labeled and
a spherical Earth is plotted to scale. Zero-velocity curves with C > 6 were removed. 26
3.1 (a) Ecliptic view of an example Earth-Mars rendezvous transfer with thrust vectors
shown. (b) Thrust profiles from the FBLT implementation of DDP and the EMTG–
FBLT model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2 Progress of MBH iterations with indication of hops in synodic period for the Earth-
3.3 (a) Ecliptic view and (b) thrust profile of the final Earth-Mars rendezvous transfer
4.1 Case B trade-off of propellant mass versus time of flight and number of revolutions. 61
4.2 Equatorial projections of Case B transfers for (a) 183, (b) 210, (c) 500 and (d) 1000
4.3 Thrust magnitude for the 500 revolution true anomaly transfer is shown for (a) the
4.4 (a) Apsis radii and (b) inclination history for the 183 revolution true anomaly transfer
and (c) apsis radii and (d) inclination history for the 500 revolution true anomaly
transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.5 Constraint violations after fixed-step integration solutions were recomputed with
4.6 (a) Elapsed real time and (b) number of iterations to convergence for Case B transfers. 66
4.7 Elapsed real time for (a) forward pass and (b) STM subroutines and (c) the total
4.8 Equatorial projections of Case B eccentric anomaly transfers with (a) J2 and (b)
J2 and Moon perturbations and true anomaly transfers with (c) J2 and (d) J2 and
Moon perturbations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.9 Three dimensional views of the Case B (a) two-body and (b) J2 and Moon-perturbed
4.10 Equatorial projections of GTO to GEO transfers are organized by column (a)IJK100 ,
(b) MEE100 , (c) MEE24 , and row (a) two-body, (d) J2 , (g) J2 and Moon, (j) 1000.5
revolutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.11 Three-dimensional views are provided for the MEE100 (a) two-body, (b) J2 , (c) J2
4.12 Time profiles of (a) semi-major axis, periapsis and apoapsis distance, (b) eccentricity
and (c) inclination for the 450.5 revolution MEE100 two-body transfer. . . . . . . . . 83
4.13 Time profiles of (a) semi-major axis, periapsis and apoapsis distance, (b) eccentri-
city and (c) inclination for the 450.5 revolution MEE100 transfer with J2 and lunar
perturbations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.14 Time profiles of (a) semi-major axis, periapsis and apoapsis distance, (b) eccentricity
and (c) inclination for the 1000.5 revolution MEE100 transfer with J2 and lunar
perturbations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.1 Solar and planetary discs as viewed by a spacecraft on the threshold of an eclipse
5.2 The sunlight fraction is represented by a Heaviside step function and logistic functi-
ons of (a) different sharpness coefficients and (b) different transition coefficients. . . 89
5.3 The 248 revolution LEO to GEO transfer without eclipse modeling. . . . . . . . . . 93
5.4 (a) The 248 revolution LEO to GEO trajectory computed with the smoothed eclipse
model active is shown in a three-dimensional view. Eclipse arcs are colored in grays-
cale from black for total eclipse to white for total sunlight. (b) An equatorial pro-
jection of the eclipse passages is shown with penumbra entry and exit locations marked. 94
5.5 Trade-off of fuel versus number of revolutions for the LEO to GEO transfer with
eclipsing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.6 Trade-off of fuel versus time of flight for the LEO to GEO transfer with eclipsing. . . 96
5.7 Trade-off of fuel versus time of flight for varied objectives for the LEO to GEO
5.8 Trade-off of fuel versus number of revolutions for varied objectives for the LEO to
5.9 Trade-off of time of flight versus number of revolutions for varied objectives for the
5.11 Thrust magnitude, in-plane, and out-of-plane thrust angles are shown for the dura-
tion of the 248 revolution LEO to GEO transfer after final updates to the penumbra
5.12 (a) The final LEO to GEO transfer with penumbra detection is shown in a three-
dimensional view. (b) An equatorial projection of the eclipse passages along the final
solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
6.1 Case E trade-off of fuel versus time of flight with apoapsis unconstrained. . . . . . . 112
6.2 Case E trade-off of fuel versus time of flight for all of the DDP solutions. . . . . . . . 114
6.6 The 80 revolution Case E transfer constrained to rapo,max = 70 × 103 km. . . . . . . 118
6.7 The 300 revolution Case E transfer constrained to rapo,max = 100 × 103 km. . . . . . 119
6.8 (a) Apsis radii, (b) inclination, (c) right ascension of the ascending node and (d) ar-
6.9 An example spacecraft orbit is shown intersecting a cylindrical Earth shadow. . . . . 121
6.10 (a) An Earth eclipse map and (b) a Mars eclipse map show contours of eclipse
duration for circular orbits of various radii and beta angles in a cylindrical shadow
model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.11 The Mars orbit transfer with the smoothed eclipse model active and unconstrained
6.14 An eclipse map of both the Mars orbit transfer with ∆teclipse,max = 94 minutes and
6.15 An eclipse map of the Mars orbit transfer with a single eclipse of 150.0 minutes that
7.1 Single-revolution DRO transfers with (a) fixed tf and τ and (b) variable tf and τ . . 139
7.2 DRO transfers spanning (a) 2, (b) 5 and (c) 12 revolutions. (d) Thrust profile for
7.3 (a) Initial guess and first 12 iterations and (b) final solution of the two-phase one-
7.4 (a) L1 Lyapunov unstable manifolds and L2 Lyapunov stable manifolds with two
heteroclinic connections highlighted. (b) The Poincaré map shows two intersections
7.5 (a) Initial guess for the two-phase Lyapunov orbit transfer. (b) The converged he-
surface of section. (d) The thrust profile shows small maneuvers to complete the
nearly ballistic transfer and the effect of different sized mass leaks. . . . . . . . . . . 146
7.6 (a) Three-dimensional view and (b-d) planar projections of the Halo orbit transfer
7.7 (a) Distance from the Moon for each of the radius-constrained Halo orbit transfers.
(b-d) Planar projections of Halo orbit transfers with increasing minimum radius from
7.8 (a) Initial guess and (b) final solution of the two-phase Halo orbit transfer. . . . . . 151
7.9 (a) The distance from the Moon and (b-d) planar projections of the two-phase Halo
Highly efficient low-thrust propulsion systems enable mission designers to increase the use-
ful spacecraft mass or delivered payload mass above that from high-thrust engine options. This
improvement typically comes at the expense of increased times of flight to mission destinations.
For low-thrust trajectories about planetary bodies, an orbital period on the order of hours or days
provides inadequate time to impart a substantial change to the orbit within a single revolution,
which results in a large number of revolutions that are traversed before reaching the desired state.
Determining the optimal control over hundreds or thousands of revolutions poses a sensitive and
This dissertation provides the theoretical framework, demonstrations and analysis to fill the
technology gap in high-fidelity, robust and efficient low-thrust many-revolution trajectory optimiza-
tion. A summary of existing low-thrust tools and their applicability can be found in Reference [2],
although many of those tools have matured through a decade of development and other tools have
entered the mix. The 2015 NASA Technology Roadmap states that “current capabilities are not
designed to compute multi-revolution spiral trajectories in a full dynamical model, nor can it ex-
ploit multi-body dynamics” [3]. A distinction is made between the multi- and many- prefixes to
extend several or tens of revolutions to arbitrarily many. Primary attention has been given to the
many-revolution aspect, but the solution has also proved effective in multi-body dynamic models.
Fundamentals textbooks in the field of astrodynamics detail Tycho Brahe’s meticulous obser-
vation of planetary motion, Johannes Kepler’s deduction of the laws of motion that fit Tycho’s data
and Isaac Newton’s formulation of the universal law of gravitation [4, 5]. Those laws provide a ge-
ometric description of orbits and the equations for idealized orbital motion. That idealized motion
is named both Keplerian motion and two-body motion after the assumption of two point-masses in
mutual gravitational attraction. The most popular descriptors of an orbit are the classical orbital
elements, which are also called the Keplerian orbital elements. Those are a, the semi-major axis,
e, the eccentricity, i, the inclination, Ω, the right ascension of the ascending node, ω, the argument
of periapsis, and ν, the true anomaly. Figure 1.1 identifies the classical orbital elements for an
elliptical geocentric (Earth-centered) orbit, except for the eccentricity which identifies how circular
an orbit is. Figure 1.1 also identifies periapsis and apoapsis, the lowest and highest points along
the orbit, named perigee and apogee for geocentric orbits. The true anomaly is an angular measure
of the location of an object within the orbit and advances with time, while a, e, i, Ω and ω are
constants that describe the size, shape and orientation of the orbit.
Kepler’s first law states that the planets move along conic sections, which include the circle,
ellipse, parabola and hyperbola. Rectilinear orbits are a special case to be aware of. This disserta-
tion is mainly concerned with elliptical orbits, inclusive of the circle with e = 0. Specifically, that
concern is how to move a spacecraft from one elliptical orbit to another, i.e. how to change the
orbital elements.
The orbital state of a spacecraft may alternatively be described by its position and velocity
in Cartesian coordinates. Figure 1.1 shows a Cartesian coordinate system (XYZ). The spacecraft
position is a vector with the coordinates x, y and z measured along each respective axis. The
components of the spacecraft velocity vector are the time derivatives ẋ, ẏ and ż. Unlike the orbital
elements, all of the Cartesian coordinates change with each step along the orbit. The time taken
to complete one revolution about the ellipse is the orbital period P , after which the true anomaly
will have elapsed 360◦ and x, y, z, ẋ, ẏ and ż will have returned to their original values.
velocity components to set the spacecraft on a new path, or trajectory. The instantaneous change
to the velocity is called a ∆V (delta-V). Intuitively, a ∆V requires a transfer of energy that most
frequently comes from fuel expenditure by a spacecraft propulsion system to produce a thrust force.
A notable exception is solar sailing, where the transfer of energy comes from solar photon pressure.
Regardless of how the ∆V is to be applied, a common goal is to perform the orbit transfer with as
little effort as possible. Trajectory optimization might begin by finding the minimum ∆V necessary
The Hohmann transfer between two circular orbits is perhaps the most famous minimum-∆V
transfer and is illustrated in Figure 1.2. To move to a higher orbital radius (increase semi-major
axis), an initial ∆V1 is pointed in the velocity direction and is sized to set apoapsis of the transfer
orbit to the target circular orbit radius. Upon application of ∆V1 , the original circular orbit state
instantaneously becomes the periapsis state of the transfer orbit. The spacecraft travels to the
new apoapsis in half of the orbital period of the transfer orbit. Here the apoapsis position of the
transfer orbit coincides with a position on the target circular orbit. The corresponding velocities
are different, however, and that difference is the second maneuver ∆V2 which is again in the velocity
direction and circularizes the orbit. The Hohmann transfer can be performed in reverse to move
to a smaller circular orbit by redirecting ∆V1 and ∆V2 against the velocity vector.
The fuel requirement for a given ∆V follows another famous result, Tsiolkovsky’s rocket
∆V = Isp g0 ln , (1.1)
where Isp is the specific impulse of the propulsion system, g0 is the acceleration due to gravity at
sea level, m0 is the initial mass before the ∆V and mf is the mass after the ∆V . The propellant
standardly in seconds, that measures how effectively the propulsion system uses the propellant
In Equation 1.2, T is the thrust and ṁ is the mass flow rate. For two engines with the same mass
flow rate, the higher-Isp engine produces more thrust. A restatement of Equation 1.1 is
mf = m0 e Isp g0 , (1.3)
which makes it clearer that for two engines performing the same ∆V , the higher-Isp engine requires
less fuel.
Spacecraft design and trajectory design are often performed in tandem. While one might seek
to minimize the ∆V requirement for an orbit transfer, one might want to also maximize the ∆V
capability of the spacecraft. Design parameters for the latter include the spacecraft wet mass (mass
when the spacecraft is fully fueled), propellant mass, thrust, specific impulse and mass flow rate.
Equations 1.1 and 1.2 show that increasing Isp via increasing T and/or reducing ṁ or increasing
the mass ratio m0 /mf will increase the ∆V capability. Practical design, however, is not as simple
as just picking the desired performance specifications. One implication is that for a fixed wet mass,
increasing the mass ratio is done by increasing the propellant mass thereby reducing the useful
mass for the spacecraft structure, systems and payload. By instead increasing the wet mass, the
launch cost to deliver the spacecraft to orbit may increase and the thrust required to yield the same
countered between the thrust level and the mass flow rate. Intuitively, a higher throughput of
propellant should produce a larger thrust. It is a challenge then to increase the Isp by simulta-
neously increasing the thrust and reducing the mass flow rate. To date, reducing both the thrust
level and the mass flow rate has proved most effective in increasing the ratio T /ṁ and consequently
Low-thrust propulsion then offers an improved ∆V capability, but the premise of an instanta-
neous ∆V becomes erroneous. The required propellant mass or delivered mass are more appropriate
named a finite burn. Both high-thrust and low-thrust maneuvers span a measurable duration.
For high-thrust, the finite burn duration is short and the maneuver resembles an instantaneous
∆V . The duration of a low-thrust finite burn may span the entirety of a transfer. An example
continuous-thrust transfer is illustrated in Figure 1.3 with thrust vectors shown that are aligned
with the velocity direction. This steering approach leads the spacecraft to the target circular or-
bit radius but with an error in eccentricity. Reaching the target orbit with zero eccentricity and
in optimal time requires an oscillating steering angle with increasing amplitude throughout the
While the Hohmann transfer spans one half of one revolution, the example low-thrust transfer
in Figure 1.3 spans five and a half revolutions. The necessary finite burn duration surpasses the
orbital period so that a spiral trajectory occurs. Even more revolutions would be required with a
lower thrust level or with coast arcs, but with the possibility to increase the final mass delivered
to the target orbit. At just five and a half revolutions, the task of choosing the thrust optimally
appears tedious by visual inspection of Figure 1.3. How to do so for even longer low-thrust many-
revolution transfers, including changes to all of the orbital elements and rendezvous transfers, is
control theory and are named indirect, Lagrange multiplier or adjoint methods. A pioneering result
is Edelbaum’s transfer between circular orbits of different semi-major axis and inclination. Edel-
baum developed an analytical solution to maximize the inclination change ∆i while achieving a
specified semi-major axis change ∆a between circular orbits [8]. The result was repeated by maxi-
mizing the delivered mass over a fixed transfer duration with ∆a and ∆i specified [9]. Edelbaum
assumed the orbit to remain circular throughout the transfer, a constant thrust angle within each
revolution, a constant thrust acceleration and two-body dynamics. The circular orbit and constant
angle assumptions are reasonably accurate, but constant thrust acceleration is a poor model for
a propellant consuming spacecraft and does not allow for coasting. Furthermore, a two-body dy-
namic model is insufficient for long duration low-thrust missions. Wiesel and Alfano recast the
problem to minimize the accumulated ∆V when ∆a and ∆i are specified [10]. The circular orbit
assumption was maintained, but a constant thrust magnitude and mass flow rate were assumed
instead of constant thrust acceleration and the thrust angle was allowed to vary. Minimizing ∆V
under these conditions similarly minimizes the transfer time and fuel consumption. Wiesel and
Alfano solved the resulting two-point boundary value problem numerically to produce a contour
map of a Lagrange multiplier as a function of ∆a and ∆i. Thrust steering for the fast time scale
transfer within a single revolution is found analytically after obtaining the Lagrange multiplier from
the map. For the long time scale problem, i.e. many-revolution transfers, the Lagrange multiplier
is again read from the map, but the thrust angle expression must be approximated numerically.
Kéchichian reformulated Edelbaum’s transfer as a minimum-time problem and found a simple ana-
lytical expression for the time-varying thrust angle to achieve the desired ∆a and ∆i [11].
Edelbaum extended his analysis to obtain solutions for small changes to any or all of the classi-
cal orbital elements for elliptical orbits, again in fixed time with a continuous thrust acceleration and
a two-body dynamic model [12]. The two-point boundary value problem requires numerical solution
for the fast time scale transfer, but is reduced to analytical expressions for many-revolution trans-
fers by neglecting periodic terms in the orbital element rates of change due to thrust. Kéchichian
obtained the adjoint equations of motion for the minimum-time rendezvous problem in nonsingular
equinoctial elements and presented a numerical solution with Newton-Raphson iteration [13]. He
suggested an orbit averaging technique to extend this result to long duration rendezvous and follo-
wed such an approach to improve Edelbaum’s transfer to include changes in the right ascension of
the ascending node ∆Ω and Earth’s J2 perturbation in the dynamic model [14]. Kéchichian further
developed the low-thrust rendezvous in equinoctial elements by considering Earth zonal harmonics
up to J4 [15] and shows analytical but suboptimal approaches for achieving ∆a or ∆i with eclipses
included [16–18].
The indirect problem is solved when Lagrange multipliers (adjoints or costates) are found to
produce admissible states and controls that extremize the Hamiltonian at every instant in time,
while obeying the state and adjoint equations of motion and satisfying boundary and transversality
conditions. Hence, Pontryagin’s necessary conditions are satisfied. Under significant assumptions,
e.g. Edelbaum’s transfer, analytic expressions are found that enable quick trajectory computation.
Typically, however, values of the Lagrange multipliers must be guessed, evaluated in the equations
of motion and corrected. The evaluation and correction is iterated in a numerical procedure until
optimality conditions are satisfied. An appropriate initial guess for the Lagrange multipliers is
nonintuitive and the resulting trajectory is sensitive to their values. That sensitivity is amplified
when the trajectory encompasses many revolutions. The indirect approach is further complicated
by the need to reform the Hamiltonian and re-derive the adjoint equations of motion and boundary
In a similar flavor to the indirect approach, control laws use just a few input parameters to
describe a rule for maneuvering a spacecraft during a transfer. The indirect solution is an optimal
control law that is determined by the Lagrange multipliers, but suboptimal control laws that follow
some heuristic can be particularly useful in mission design and even approach optimal results.
Control laws prescribe the thrust direction and magnitude as a function of the current state and
time or angular position, for example. Spacecraft equations of motion are then evaluated with
thrust adhering to the control law until the target orbit state is reached, but if the control law is
poorly designed, trajectory computation can proceed indefinitely. Lyapunov feedback control laws
Kluever blended the results of optimal control theory for the individual minimum-time chan-
ges ∆a, ∆i and to eccentricity ∆e, subject to two-body dynamics [19]. The resulting control law
assembles the thrust direction from the weighted optimal thrust directions to change each of those
orbital elements. Chang, Chichka and Marsden suggested a Lyapunov function that is the weigh-
ted sum of squared errors of the angular momentum and Laplace vectors between the current and
target orbit [20]. Minimizing this Lyapunov function at each instance in time yields asymptotic
stability for local transfers, i.e. small changes, between Keplerian orbits. Chang et al. suggested
transfers through a finite number of intermediate orbits for arbitrary global transfers, e.g. over
many revolutions, and presented a method for choosing those intermediate orbits.
Petropoulos derived analytic expressions for the optimal thrust directions and optimal orbit
locations for changing each of the classical orbital elements and proposed two control law strategies
that include a mechanism for coasting based on the effectivity of the maneuver [21]. This work was
further developed as the Q-law, where Q is a candidate Lyapunov function named the proximity
quotient [22,23]. Q captures the proximity to the target orbit and best-case time-to-go for achieving
the desired change in each orbital element. Thrust directions are chosen to maximize the reduction
in Q, but if the rate of reduction is below a user-specified value, the thrust is turned off. Petropoulos
shows a minimum-time Q-law transfer that approaches Edelbaum’s result and the minimum-fuel
case with coasting over 666 revolutions. Near-optimal results are found for more challenging trans-
fers, including changes to all of the orbital elements except true anomaly, that served to benchmark
Heuristic control laws generally yield suboptimal trajectories, but follow a policy that a
mission designer deems acceptable. They can be particularly useful to construct an initial guess for
a separate optimization procedure or to estimate fuel and time of flight requirements. Furthermore,
the control strategy can be detached from the dynamic model. That is to say, a rule for steering can
be set forth and employed with an arbitrary set of active forces. Falck, Sjauw and Smith showed
While indirect methods solve for the abstract Lagrange multipliers, direct methods seek the
physical variables explicitly. A decision vector is formed of control variables, state variables or
other variable parameters that collectively describe an entire trajectory. The decision vector could
also be the input parameters for a control law as Lee [26] and Kluever [27] both demonstrated.
The direct optimization procedure then updates the decision vector iteratively until convergence
tion and nonlinear programming (NLP) techniques. Direct transcription transforms the continuous
optimal control problem into a discrete approximation [28]. For example, the continuous con-
trol u(t) now becomes the sequence [u0 , u1 , ..., uN −1 ], and that sequence is the decision vector
for the discretized trajectory of N stages, also called grid points, mesh points or nodes. Nonli-
near programming generally involves the assembly and inversion of a Hessian matrix that contains
the second derivatives and cross partial derivatives of a scalar objective function with respect to
the decision vector. The size of the optimization problem grows quadratically with the number
of decision variables and proves to be a computational bottleneck when applying nonlinear pro-
gramming to planetocentric low-thrust trajectories that require large decision vectors. Scheel and
Conway presented one of the first direct transcription approaches to the many-revolution problem
for minimum-time, continuous thrust, planar orbit raising over 100 revolutions [29]. Betts solved
the large-scale NLP problem for a variety of geocentric trajectories over several hundred revolutions
using collocation and sequential quadratic programming in the Sparse Optimization Suite (SOS)
software [30–34]. Reference [32] presents a 578 revolution transfer between low Earth orbits with
continuous but throttled thrust and oblate Earth perturbations through J4 . Reference [33] presents
a minimum-time lunar transfer with two burn phases of maximum thrust and an intermediate co-
ast phase. More recently in Reference [34], Betts modeled coast phases for eclipse conditions and
constructed initial guesses for thrust arcs with the control law from Chang et al [20]. An initial
guess of the entire trajectory was constructed with a receding horizon algorithm and supplied to
SOS for optimization. The equations of motion included solar and lunar gravity perturbations in
addition to oblate Earth perturbations through J4 . Transfers are presented from low Earth orbit
to geosynchronous orbit in 248 revolutions with 363 alternating burn and coast phases and to a
Molniya orbit in 372 revolutions with 693 phases. Both cases maximize the delivered mass.
A linear scaling of the optimization problem size with the number of control variables is
characteristic of differential dynamic programming (DDP) [35]. DDP solves a subproblem for each
uk , k ∈ [0, N − 1] in the sequence [u0 , u1 , ..., uN −1 ] to optimize a local model of the cost remaining
along the trajectory, instead of viewing the decision vector as a whole. This is in stark contrast
to other direct methods that update the entire control sequence in the computationally expensive
inversion of a large Hessian matrix. If the control vector at each stage is of dimension m, then
DDP solves N NLP problems of size m, rather than a single NLP problem of size N m.
The DDP procedure for updating the nominal control policy is called the backward sweep
An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision
are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the
state resulting from the first decision [36].
Considering the state that results from applying the nominal control up to stage k = N − 1, the
sole remaining decision is uN −1 . Optimization of this final decision is now independent of those
preceding it and minimizes the cost-to-go that is incurred along this final stage. After performing
this optimization and stepping back to stage k = N −2, the remaining decisions are uN −2 and uN −1 .
The latter is known, however, and only the control at the current stage needs to be determined.
An update to the entire control policy is possible by proceeding upstream to the initial state at
second-order gradient based method that was first introduced by Mayne [37] and applied to the
orbit transfer problem by Gershwin and Jacobson shortly thereafter [38]. Jacobson and Mayne
formally present derivations and applications of the algorithm for discrete and continuous systems,
bang-bang control problems, and stochastic systems in their aptly named text [35]. It wasn’t until
Whiffen introduced the Static/Dynamic Optimal Control (SDC) [39] algorithm that DDP truly
earned its place in space mission design. SDC inserts spacecraft design optimization into DDP
and drives the optimization engine in the Mystic Low-Thrust Trajectory Design and Visualization
Software [40, 41]. Mystic can be viewed as state-of-the-art for the design of low-thrust many-
revolution trajectories, best exemplified by its use in NASA’s Dawn mission [42]. Despite the
favorability of DDP for large scale optimization, runtime is still expected to grow with problem
size. Mystic can instead leverage control laws when the DDP runtime becomes impractical [40].
Colombo used DDP to design low-thrust trajectories to asteroids [43]. Both Whiffen and Colombo
noted the capability of DDP to find unplanned planetary flybys. Lantoine and Russell introduced
Hybrid Differential Dynamic Programming (HDDP) [44–48] as a DDP variant that makes the
most computationally expensive step suitable for parallelization. The approximation of low-thrust
analytical expressions that make HDDP a fast preliminary mission design tool. Pellegrini and
Russell added a number of contributions, including the pairing of HDDP with a quasi-Newton
based method for obtaining second derivatives and the Multiple-Shooting Differential Dynamic
Programming (MSDDP) algorithm [49–51]. Concurrent with the timeline of this dissertation,
Ozaki applied DDP to optimize trajectories for robustness to modeling and maneuver execution
errors [52–55].
This introductory chapter began with a problem statement for low-thrust many-revolution
trajectory optimization. A technology gap was identified that limits the exploitation of low-thrust
many-revolution trajectories in space mission design. The concept of an orbit transfer was addressed
with the case for using low-thrust propulsion. A literature review of historical approaches to the
‘many-rev’ problem was divided into indirect, control law and direct optimization methods. A
formal statement of the general spacecraft trajectory optimization problem and a thorough survey
of related numerical methods is available in Reference [56]. Differential dynamic programming was
identified as a candidate approach for its amenability to large scale optimization. The seminal
text [35] is a valuable resource to service a wider breadth of trajectory optimization problems
Next, Chapter 2 covers the dynamic modeling that is leveraged throughout the dissertation.
That begins with ideal Keplerian motion, how that is affected by low-thrust propulsion and how
control variables are introduced for commanding a low-thrust propulsion system. The modified
equinoctial elements are detailed as an alternative to the classical orbital elements. Lastly, the
Chapter 3 is a summary of the DDP algorithm. It builds off of the presentation in Refe-
rence [46] but leverages tensor notation and expanded use of an augmented state vector. Related
presentations can be found in References [57,58]. Implementation of the algorithm was first valida-
ted in Reference [59], which reproduced an Earth-Mars rendezvous transfer from Reference [47] and
paired DDP with monotonic basin hopping for stochastic global search. The Earth-Mars rendezvous
The research milestone that made DDP effective for many-revolution trajectory optimization
was to change the independent variable of the spacecraft equations of motion from time to an orbit
anomaly via the Sundman transformation [57,60]. Chapter 4 details how the Sundman transforma-
tion enters the DDP algorithm and provides example transfers from geostationary transfer orbits to
geostationary orbit. Sundman transformations to each of the true, mean and eccentric anomalies
are compared and computational performance is assessed. Improvements to the initial approach in
Chapter 5 presents a method for including the effects of solar eclipsing in the trajectory
optimization process. The sunlight fraction is introduced as a coefficient that scales the computed
power available from an arbitrary power model to only make use of the percentage of sunlight that
is available to the spacecraft solar panels. Inserting the eclipse geometry into a logistic function
constitutes a smoothed eclipse model that is twice-differentiable and suitable for use in DDP or
any other gradient-based optimization method. Chapter 5 is an extension of Reference [62] which
revisited the LEO to GEO transfer from Reference [34]. The analysis includes a methodical appro-
ach to sketch out the Pareto front of fuel versus time of flight and an analytic approximation to
Chapter 6 through the use of penalty functions to enforce path inequality constraints. A first
example constrains the apoapsis and periapsis radii for a benchmark low-thrust many-revolution
orbit transfer and adds DDP to the comparison study in Reference [24]. In a second example, the
analytic form for the time spent in a cylindrical shadow by a Keplerian orbit is used as a metric to
Chapter 7 applies DDP to transfers in the Earth-Moon circular restricted three-body pro-
blem [58]. Formulations are presented for the flight time and a moving target. The latter is used to
access all points along a desired periodic orbit as valid terminal states. Multi-phase DDP is applied
to discontinuous initial guesses that combine segments of different periodic orbits. The penalty
method for path inequality constraints from Chapter 6 is used to enforce a minimum-radius con-
straint. Numerical examples include multi-revolution transfers between distant retrograde orbits, a
heteroclinic transfer between planar Lyapunov orbits and transfers between L1 and L2 Halo orbits.
Chapter 8 summarizes the contributions of this dissertation and discusses open areas for
future work.
Chapter 2
The trajectory of a spacecraft is the time history of its position in space. Where the space-
craft goes next depends on its velocity and how its velocity changes depends on its acceleration.
Accelerations are governed by the natural dynamics, i.e. gravitational accelerations, and may also
be influenced by external forces such as a low-thrust propulsion system. Dynamic models are used
to compute the accelerations and vary from low to high-fidelity based on how close the computed
accelerations are to the truth. That includes the modeling of power and propulsion subsystems.
The measure of fidelity is also married to the numerical procedure for propagating the spacecraft
state through time. Generally speaking, increasing the model fidelity increases the computational
burden. This chapter presents the dynamic models that are used in numerical examples throughout
the dissertation.
A low-fidelity modeling approach is to simply add a thrust force to the two-body equations
of motion. The two bodies are a spacecraft with negligible mass and a point mass central body.
Without thrust, the trajectory can be described by Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Model
fidelity may then be improved by including additional perturbations such as aspherical gravity
perturbations and gravity from other massive bodies, and by computing the thrust available from
a power model.
The perturbed Keplerian dynamics are first presented for a Cartesian representation of the
The notational convention reserves boldface for vectors, and the absence of boldface indicates the
scalar magnitude, e.g. r = krk and v = kvk. The Cartesian accelerations for perturbed Keplerian
motion are
np −1
µ Ta X
ẍ = − 3
x + ux + ẍpi , (2.2a)
r m
np −1
µ Ta X
ÿ = − 3
y + uy + ÿpi , (2.2b)
r m
np −1
µ Ta X
z̈ = − z + uz + z̈pi , (2.2c)
r3 m
or in vector form,
np −1
µ Ta X
r̈ = − r + u + δi . (2.3)
r3 m
The leading terms on the right-hand side of Equations 2.2 and 2.3 are the two-body accelerations,
Control of the low-thrust propulsion system is described by the up-to-unit control vector u.
u = ux uy uz (2.4)
The control is bounded u ∈ [0, 1] and is the throttle of the thrust available Ta . The thrust available
is similarly bounded by the maximum thrust Ta ∈ [0, Tmax ]. The thrust control is mapped to an
acceleration using the spacecraft mass m and Newton’s second law. The final terms in Equations 2.2
and 2.3 sum the np perturbations that have been added to the model.
δi = ẍpi ÿpi z̈pi (2.5)
The differential equation for the spacecraft mass is the mass flow rate and allows the mass
ṁ = u (2.6)
Isp g0
In Equation 2.6, Isp is the specific impulse of the propulsion system and g0 is the acceleration due
to gravity at sea level. This thesis considers fixed Isp systems, but is applicable to variable specific
impulse (VSI) systems. Mass flow rate may also be modeled at a higher fidelity with a polynomial
The thrust available is a function of the power available to the propulsion system. A number
of power models have been implemented, the simplest of which assumes sufficient power to provide
constant thrust available at the maximum value, Ta = Tmax . Otherwise, the thrust available is
Ta = (2.7)
Isp g0
The next degree of fidelity is obtained with an inverse-square solar power model, where power
available via spacecraft solar panels decays with the square of heliocentric distance.
AU 2
Pa = 2 P0 (2.8)
In Equation 2.8, P0 is the reference power at one astronomical unit AU . Subscripts are organized
so that rsc/@ is the position of the spacecraft with respect to the Sun, though in this instance
the direction is arbitrary. Higher-order polynomials and time dependency may be used for added
fidelity. Furthermore, η and Isp are generally not constant, but functions of the input power. Real-
world thrusters have discrete throttle points that give T and ṁ directly for a discrete input power
setting. Accurately capturing the true operating points with a power model is essential for the
mass flow rate with respect to the Cartesian control variables, but those are singular for coast arcs.
This can be resolved by including a “fudge” factor T in the norm of the control magnitude [64],
It is often more effective to use a spherical control representation in a coordinate system that
changes with the motion of the spacecraft. Spherical thrust control is defined by magnitude u, yaw
angle α and pitch angle β, where the angles are defined relative to the radial-transverse-normal
(RSW) frame. RSW basis vectors and the rotation to the inertial frame are defined by
r (r × v) × r r×v
r̂ ŝ ŵ = . (2.10)
r k(r × v) × rk kr × vk
so that the pitch angle is measured from the orbit plane about the radial direction and the yaw
angle is measured from the transverse direction about the angular momentum ĥ = ŵ. No concern
is given for angle wrapping. In fact, computation exhibits favorable performance when the angles
are unbounded.
so that the pitch angle is measured from the orbit plane about the binormal direction and the yaw
angle is measured from the velocity direction about the angular momentum ĥ = n̂ = ŵ.
With the RSW and VNB spherical control representations, derivatives of the mass flow rate
are taken with respect to u, α and β, not with respect to components of u. Singularities of the
mass flow rate derivative are avoided and no mass leak is required.
Orbit element sets are often preferable to a Cartesian description of the spacecraft state.
Walker, Ireland, and Owens introduced the modified equinoctial elements as a set of orbital elements
that are suitable for perturbation analysis of all types of orbits [65]. The equations of motion are
nonsingular except in the case of 180◦ inclination, which is easily avoided by redefining the reference
plane. The five slow variables describe the shape and orientation of the orbital plane, and are
constant for two-body motion or change slowly in the presence of perturbations such as low-thrust.
The fast variable identifies a location within the orbit and is chosen as the true longitude.
p = a 1 − e2
f = e cos(ω + Ω) (2.14b)
g = e sin(ω + Ω) (2.14c)
h = tan cos Ω (2.14d)
k = tan sin Ω (2.14e)
L=ω+Ω+ν (2.14f)
Equation 2.14 states the modified equinoctial elements in terms of the classical orbital elements,
where a is the semi-major axis, e is the eccentricity, ω is the argument of periapsis, Ω is the right
ascension of the ascending node, i is the inclination and ν is the true anomaly. The equations of
motion are stated following Betts’ presentation in Reference [34]. First, several auxiliary terms are
α 2 = h2 − k 2 (2.15c)
χ = h2 + k 2 (2.15d)
s 2 = 1 + χ2 (2.15e)
ẋ = A(x)∆ + b, (2.16)
x= p f g h k L , (2.17)
2p p
0 0
r r q µ r
p p 1 p g
[(q + 1) cos L + f ] − (h sin L − k cos L)
sin L
r µ r µ q r µ q
p p 1 p f
− cos L [(q + 1) sin L + g] (h sin L − k cos L)
µ µq µ qr
A= 2
, (2.18)
p s cos L
0 0
µ 2q
r 2
p s sin L
0 0
r µ 2q
p 1
0 0 (h sin L − k cos L)
2 T
√ q
b= 0 0 0 0 0 µp , (2.19)
and ∆ are perturbing accelerations in the radial-transverse-normal (RSW) frame. RSW basis
vectors and thus the rotation to the inertial frame are defined by,
Q = r̂ ŝ ŵ , (2.20)
which is a restatement of Equation 2.11. For perturbations δ in the inertial frame, the necessary
transformation is
∆ = QT δ. (2.21)
The Cartesian position and velocity in terms of the modified equinoctial elements are
1 + α2 cos L + 2hk sin L
r= 2
1 − α sin L + 2hk cos L
(h sin L − k cos L)
r s2
1 µ 2
s2 p 1 + α (sin L + g) − 2hk (cos L + f )
1 µ 2
v= − s2 p α − 1 (cos L + f ) + 2hk (sin L + g) . (2.22b)
2 µ
[h (cos L + f ) + k (sin L + g)]
s p
In the absence of perturbations, the slow variables are constant and only the true longitude
changes. The true longitude rates of change assembled through Equations 2.16 to 2.19 identify a
where the perturbation term reflects changes to ω and Ω, as subscript w implies the ŵ component
A simplified model for spacecraft motion in the presence of two massive bodies is the circular
restricted three-body problem (CRTBP). In the CRTBP, the spacecraft mass is assumed to be
negligible in comparison to that of the primary and secondary massive bodies, with masses m1
and m2 , respectively. The bodies are named such that m1 > m2 . The system is defined by the
parameter µ that is the ratio of the secondary mass to the total system mass.
µ= (2.25)
m1 + m2
Next, it is assumed that the massive bodies obey Keplerian motion in circular orbits about their
barycenter. Then it is useful to model the spacecraft dynamics in the synodic frame that follows
The spacecraft state is chosen as a Cartesian representation of the spacecraft position and
r= x y z , v = ẋ ẏ ż , x = rT vT m (2.26)
The position vector r is measured from the system barycenter. The massive bodies are fixed to the
x-axis with the primary in the negative x-direction and secondary in the positive x-direction. The
synodic frame rotates about the barycenter with the system angular velocity,
µ1 + µ2
ω= ẑ, (2.27)
where µ1 and µ2 are the gravitational parameters of the massive bodies that are separated by a
distance R. The distance from the barycenter to the primary is −µR and the distance from the
barycenter to the secondary is (1 − µ)R. These distances are the shift in the x-coordinate for the
r1 = x + µR y z , r2 = x − (1 − µ) R y z (2.28)
For spherical thrust control in the CRTBP, an alternative RSW frame is suggested with the
radial direction taken from the secondary. This alternative is to facilitate trajectory design in the
vicinity of the secondary. For trajectory design throughout the entire state space, measuring the
radial direction from the barycenter or primary might prove to be more robust. The updated RSW
basis vectors and the rotation to the synodic frame are defined by
r2 (r2 × v) × r2 r2 × v
r̂2 ŝ ŵ = . (2.29)
r2 k(r2 × v) × r2 k kr2 × vk
The mapping from control variables to Cartesian thrust vector components is given by
ur u sin α cos β ux ur
us = u cos α cos β , uy = r̂2 ŝ ŵ us . (2.30)
uw u sin β uz uw
It is possible for r2 to be collinear with the velocity v so that the RSW frame is undefined. In those
cases the Cartesian thrust vector components are used as the control variables as in Equation 2.4.
A constant power model is assumed with Ta = Tmax . The CRTBP accelerations including
µ1 µ2 Ta
ẍ = 2ω ẏ + ω 2 x − 3 (x + µR) − 3 [x − (1 − µ) R] + ux , (2.31a)
r1 r2 m
µ1 µ2 Ta
ÿ = −2ω ẋ + ω 2 y − y − 3 y + uy , (2.31b)
r13 r2 m
µ1 µ2 Ta
z̈ = − z − 3 z + uz . (2.31c)
r13 r2 m
It is common to normalize the CRTBP so that the system mass, angular velocity and distance
between the primaries are all equal to one. A distance unit DU , time unit T U , mass unit M U and
DU = R (2.32a)
T U = ω −1 (2.32b)
M U = m0 (2.32c)
FU = MU (2.32d)
Note that the definition of the mass unit as the initial spacecraft mass m0 conflicts with a system
mass equal to one. However, as the thrust perturbations are uncoupled from the CRTBP accelera-
tions, mass and thrust can be scaled separately using M U and F U . Then the nondimensional mass
and thrust take on reasonable values that are favorable for optimization performance while still
producing correctly scaled accelerations. The nondimensional CRTBP equations of motion with
thrust become
1−µ µ Ta
ẍ = 2ẏ + x − 3 (x + µ) − 3 (x − 1 − µ) + ux , (2.33a)
r1 r2 m
1−µ µ Ta
ÿ = −2ẋ + y − y − 3 y + uy , (2.33b)
r13 r2 m
1−µ µ Ta
z̈ = − z − 3 z + uz . (2.33c)
r13 r2 m
The CRTBP equations of motion may be expressed using the gradient of a pseudo-potential U ,
1 2 1−µ µ
U= x + y2 + + (2.34)
2 r1 r2
ẍ − 2ẏ = , (2.35a)
ÿ + 2ẋ = , (2.35b)
z̈ = . (2.35c)
The time derivative of the pseudo-potential can be stated using the chain rule,
∂U ∂U
= v, (2.36)
∂t ∂r
which is the the dot product of the vector form of the right-hand side of Equation 2.35 with the
= v̇ T v. (2.37)
Integrating Equation 2.37 results in a constant of integration named the Jacobi constant C.
C = 2U − v 2 (2.38)
The Jacobi constant is an integral of motion in the CRTBP. It is constant for ballistic trajectories
but changes with perturbations such as low-thrust propulsion. Unperturbed motion is limited to
regions where the value of the Jacobi constant is attainable. Permissible regions are bounded by
zero-velocity curves where Equation 2.38 reduces to C = 2U . Figure 2.1 sketches out zero-velocity
curves in the Earth-Moon CRTBP described in Table 2.1. Forbidden regions beyond zero-velocity
Figure 2.1: Zero-velocity curves in the xy-plane of the Earth-Moon CRTBP synodic frame are
colored according to the Jacobi constant. The five Lagrange points are labeled and a spherical
Earth is plotted to scale. Zero-velocity curves with C > 6 were removed.
µ 0.012004715741012
R 384747.962856037 km
ω −1 375727.551633535 sec
Figure 2.1 also identifies five libration points, or Lagrange points, named L1 through L5.
These are the five equilibrium points of the CRTBP, where gravitational and centripetal accelera-
tions balance. Objects with zero velocity in the synodic frame will remain fixed at these locations
in the synodic frame. Zero-velocity curves provide visual insight into the stability of equilibrium
at the Lagrange points. The co-linear Lagrange points L1, L2 and L3 are located at saddle points.
Equilibrium is unstable and a small perturbation can lead to rapid departure from this region. Fi-
gure 2.1 shows closed zero-velocity curves nearby the triangular Lagrange points L4 and L5, which
This chapter is a restatement of the DDP algorithm presented by Lantoine and Russell in
Reference [46]. Departures from their presentation include expanded use of the augmented state
vector and introduction of tensor notation. Additionally, algorithmic options related to the current
3.1 Notation
The DDP algorithm consists of scalar and vector equations that include operations on matri-
ces and third-order tensors. Careful bookkeeping is required to manage the notational difficulties.
In the following presentation, boldface is reserved for column vectors. Matrices and tensors are
otherwise identified in the text. Subscripts may be used for indexing or to denote the derivative.
For example,
Jx = (3.1)
is the derivative of the cost J with respect to state vector x. With an additional subscript, Jx,k
is the gradient evaluated at stage k, but Jk is just the scalar quantity at stage k. If x is an n × 1
vector, then Jx is also an n × 1 vector. Note however, the absence of boldface. The symmetric
Jxx = . (3.2)
Cross partial derivatives are organized so that Jux is an m × n matrix for u size m × 1. Derivatives
of vectors are similarly defined, where fx is p × n and fux is a rank-3 tensor of size p × m × n, for
vectors, and scalars. The adopted convention uses superscripts as indices. The rank of an object is
implied by the number of indices. For example, xi is the i-th element of state vector x. First and
∂ ẋi
Ai,a = , (3.3a)
∂ 2 ẋi
Ai,ab = . (3.3b)
∂xa ∂xb
Ai,a is the (i, a) entry of the dynamics matrix and is the derivative of the i-th element of state
dynamics vector ẋ taken with respect to the a-th element of x. Ai,ab is the (i, a, b) entry of the
rank three dynamics tensor that is the cross partial derivative, or second derivative if a = b, of the
The familiar differential equation for the state transition matrix, Φ̇ = AΦ, is the product of two
The presence of multiple repeated indices implies multiple summations, e.g. for x with n state
3.2 Introduction
DDP seeks the minimum of a cost functional J(x, u, w, t), where x(t) = f (x0 , u, w, t) is
a state trajectory, u(t) is a control schedule, and w is a constant parameter vector. Parameters
influence the initial state through the initial function, x0 = Γ (w). Nominal controls u(t) and para-
meters w are suggested as an initial guess and produce a nominal state trajectory x = f (x0 , u, w, t).
The control and parameters are iteratively updated by applying δu(t) and δw until optimality con-
ditions are satisfied. It is the δu and δw that are the optimization variables such that the trial
control is u = u + δu, and the trial parameters are w = w + δw. The new state that results from
the updated control is similarly described by a deviation from the nominal trajectory, x = x + δx.
Evaluating x(t) = f (x0 , u + δu, w + δw, t) with trial controls and parameters constitutes a
forward pass, and is the trajectory computation step of the algorithm. For the first iteration, u is
the initial guess of controls and δu = 0. Similarly, w is the initial guess of parameters and δw = 0.
This work considers a discrete problem formulation where a trajectory is described by M phases
and each phase i is divided into Ni stages. Control variables can be updated at the beginning of
each stage, and parameters at the beginning of each phase. Subscripts are organized so that xi,k
is the state at stage k of phase i. The forward pass is then the sequence of function evaluations,
xi,0 = Γi (wi ),
k = 0, 1, ..., Ni − 1,
i = 0, ..., M − 1.
The transition function f dictates how the state evolves between stages, and might obey a system of
linear, nonlinear, or differential equations, and is not necessarily deterministic. DDP is applicable
to all of these systems in both continuous and discrete form [35]. Stages in DDP represent sampling
of continuous variables, so that the transition function is the integral of the equations of motion.
where the overhead dot denotes the time derivative, x is a dependent variable and ui,k and wi are
The cost can be determined upon reaching the final stage of the final phase, NM . Nominal
states, controls and parameters are updated for successful iterations, so that (x, u, w) becomes the
new (x, u, w). If optimality conditions are satisfied, then the procedure is finished. Otherwise,
The standard DDP formulation adjoins terminal constraints to the original cost function using
a constant vector of Lagrange multipliers [35]. The additional use of a scalar penalty parameter
places additional weight on terminal constraint violations. Here a penalty matrix is used so that
ei = ϕi + λTi ψi + ψiT Σi ψi
ϕ (3.8)
Equation 3.8 is the augmented Lagrangian cost function of phase i, and the objective function is
Each phase cost incurs the sum of stage cost functions Li,j (xi,j , ui,j , wi ). The original objective to
be minimized at each phase is ϕi (xi,Ni , wi , xi+1,0 , wi+1 ). Terminal constraints are now generally
Multipliers λi are initialized as λi = 0 and updated at every iteration by λi = λi + δλi to push the
trajectory toward feasibility. Penalty matrix Σ places additional weight on constraint violations and
serves to initialize a quadratic cost function. In contrast to previous approaches that continually
increase the penalty weight [46, 59] Σ is held constant for all iterations. In practice, the entries of
Σ are tuned after observing how the iterates progress toward feasibility. For example, an initial
attempt to optimize a trajectory might begin with Σ as a scalar multiple of the identity matrix so
that each constraint is weighted equally. If iterates show little progress toward satisfying a particular
constraint, its associated Σ entry could be increased and the process restarted. Similarly, if the
algorithm appears to prioritize a constraint without working to satisfy the other constraints or to
improve the objective, the Σ entry for that prioritized constraint could be reduced. The initial
guess of zero-valued multipliers is not a requirement and may also be viewed as tuning parameters.
The sequential application of transition functions in the forward pass in Equation 3.6 and
the divisibility of the augmented Lagrangian cost function in Equation 3.9 allow the dynamic
programming principle (Bellman’s principle of optimality in Section 1.3) to apply backwards across
all phases and stages. For simplicity, phase subscripts are dropped and the backward sweep is
presented for an arbitrary phase of N stages before the inter-phase steps are addressed.
The backward sweep solves the sequence of subproblems that minimize the cost-to-go from
stage k = N − 1, N − 2, ..., 0.
The solution to Equation 3.11 is the optimal control update δu∗k . By assuming that the cost
function can be approximated by a second-order Taylor series expansion about the nominal states,
+ Jx,k δxk + Ju,k δuk + Jw,k δw + Jλ,k δλ
1 1 1 1
+ δxTk Jxx,k δxk + δuTk Juu,k δuk + δwT Jww,k δw + δλT Jλλ,k δλ (3.12)
2 2 2 2
+ δxTk Jxu,k δuk + δxTk Jxw,k δw + δxTk Jxλ,k δλ
The expected reduction ERk+1 accounts for the predicted change in cost that accumulates with the
solution to each subproblem. The left-hand side of Equation 3.12 represents the cost-to-go along a
δJk ≈ ERk+1 +Jx,k δxk + Ju,k δuk + Jw,k δw + Jλ,k δλ
1 1 1 1
+ δxTk Jxx,k δxk + δuTk Juu,k δuk + δwT Jww,k δw + δλT Jλλ,k δλ
2 2 2 2 (3.14)
+ δxk Jxu,k δuk + δxk Jxw,k δw + δxk Jxλ,k δλ
The minimizing control update is found by taking the derivative of Equation 3.14 with respect to
δuk and setting it equal to zero. The result is an unconstrained feedback control law,
δu∗k = Ak + Bk δxk + Ck δw + Dk δλ
Ak = −Juu,k Ju,k
−1 . (3.15)
Bk = −Juu,k Jux,k
Ck = −Juu,k Juw,k
Dk = −Juu,k Juλ,k
The feed-forward terms Ak and feedback gains Bk , Ck and Dk are stored to assemble δu∗k during
the forward pass. For a quadratic cost function and linear system, the model and minimization
are exact and DDP exhibits one-step convergence. Algorithmic options from HDDP permit the
practical application of Equation 3.15, namely the enforcement of control bounds by a null-space
method [47]. A trust-region method restricts the size of Ak , δw and δλ so that the resulting δxk
remains within the valid region of the quadratic model [67]. Furthermore, the trust-region method
Derivatives present in the new control law are obtained by recognizing that the cost-to-go is
the sum of the local cost and the optimal cost-to-go from the next stage.
Jk = Lk + Jk+1 (3.16)
The required derivatives are the Taylor coefficients in Equation 3.14, that is the expansion of
the left-hand side of Equation 3.16. Their counterparts from expanding the right-hand side of
the preceding subproblem. Equating Taylor coefficients of like order requires an expression for
Equation 3.18 suggests the need to compute a neighboring trajectory alongside the new
control schedule during the backward sweep. This is avoided by using a quadratic approximation
i,γ1 1 i,γ1 γ2
δXk+1 ≈ FX,k δXkγ1 + FXX,k δXkγ1 δXkγ2 (3.20)
Taylor coefficients for the approximate state deviation are known as the first-order state transition
The STMs (referring to both the STMs and STTs) between each stage obey the following differential
equations with initial conditions Φ(tk , tk )i,a = δ i,a , the Kronecker delta or identity matrix, and
Φi,ab (tk , tk ) = 0,
where Ai,a and Ai,ab are the dynamics matrix and tensor.
∂ Ẋ i
Ai,a = (3.23a)
∂X a
∂ 2 Ẋ i
Ai,ab = (3.23b)
∂X a ∂X b
Equation 3.20 is now restated in terms of STMs, with arguments removed so that the implied
δXk+1 = Φi,γ1 δXkγ1 + Φi,γ1 γ2 δXkγ1 δXkγ2 (3.24)
Before making use of the STMs to obtain the stage cost-to-go derivatives, the quadratic
expansions of the cost-to-go are restated in terms of the augmented state vector.
T T 1 1 (3.25a)
δJk ≈ ERk+1 + JX,k δXk + Jλ,k δλ + δXkT JXX,k δXk + δλT Jλλ,k δλ + δXkT JXλ,k δλ
2 2
δLk ≈ LTX,k δXk + δXkT LXX,k δXk (3.25b)
1 ∗γ1
δJk+1 ∗T
≈ ERk+1 + JX,k+1 ΦδXk + JX,k+1 Φγ1 ,γ2 γ3 δXkγ2 δXkγ3 + Jλ,k+1
2 (3.25c)
1 T T ∗ 1 T ∗ T T ∗
+ δXk Φ JXX,k+1 ΦδXk + δλ Jλλ,k+1 δλ + δXk Φ JXλ,k+1 δλ
2 2
Recall that the control sensitivities of Jk+1 are zero. Substituting Equation 3.24 into Equation 3.17b
yields third and fourth-order terms in δXk that have been ignored in Equation 3.25c. That trun-
cation is inconsequential as Taylor coefficients are only being matched to second-order. Doing so
finally yields the stage cost-to-go derivatives with respect to the augmented state and multipliers,
JX,k = LX,k + ΦT JX,k+1 , (3.26a)
Jλ,k = Jλ,k+1 , (3.26b)
i,a ∗γ1 ,γ2 ∗γ1
JXX,k = Li,a
XX,k + JXX,k+1 Φ
γ1 ,i γ2 ,a
Φ + JX,k+1 Φγ1 ,ia , (3.26c)
Jλλ,k = Jλλ,k+1 , (3.26d)
JXλ,k = ΦT JXλ,k+1 , (3.26e)
Before proceeding upstream from stage k to k − 1, the stage update equations predict the
effects of the updated control. The expected reduction and derivatives of the optimal cost-to-go
are obtained by inserting the optimal control law into Equation 3.14.
T 1
ERk = ERk+1 + Ju,k Ak + ATk Juu,k Ak (3.27a)
∗T T T
Jx,k = Jx,k + Ju,k Bk + ATk Juu,k Bk + ATk Jux,k (3.27b)
∗T T T
Jw,k = Jw,k + Ju,k Ck + ATk Juu,k Ck + ATk Juw,k (3.27c)
∗T T T
Jλ,k = Jλ,k + Ju,k Dk + ATk Juu,k Dk + ATk Juλ,k (3.27d)
Jxx,k = Jxx,k + BkT Juu,k Bk + BkT Jux,k + Jux,k
Bk (3.27e)
Jww,k = Jww,k + CkT Juu,k Ck + CkT Juw,k + Juw,k
Ck (3.27f)
Jλλ,k = Jλλ,k + DkT Juu,k Dk + DkT Juλ,k + Juλ,k
Dk (3.27g)
Jxw,k = Jxw,k + BkT Juu,k Ck + BkT Juw,k + Jux,k
Ck (3.27h)
Jxλ,k T
= Jxλ,k + BkT Juu,k Dk + BkT Juλ,k + Jux,k Dk (3.27i)
Jwλ,k T
= Jwλ,k + CkT Juu,k Dk + CkT Juλ,k + Juw,k Dk (3.27j)
The stage update equations require initial values to solve the first subproblem at stage k = N −
1. For multi-phase trajectories, those initial conditions are obtained from the preceding phase
minimization. For single-phase trajectories, or the final phase, these values are straightforward to
obtain as there is no subproblem at the final state. The optimal and nominal costs are equivalent,
JN = ϕ.
e Derivatives of the optimal cost-to-go are derivatives of the augmented Lagrangian, and
After the final stage subproblem is solved at stage k = 0, the sensitivity of the cost-to-go is
known with respect to the multipliers and parameters for that phase. The inter-phase subproblem
of phase i computes the optimal updates δwi∗ and δλ∗i before proceeding with the stage subproblems
of phase i−1. The inter-phase cost-to-go Ji,0 , however, considers states, parameters, and multipliers
for both phase i and phase i − 1, so the quadratic model in Equation 3.14 is incomplete. Adopting
δJi,0 ≈ ERi,0 + JxT+ δx+ + JwT + δw+ + JλT+ δλ+ + JxT− δx− + JwT − δw− + JλT− δλ−
1 1 T 1 1
+ δxT+ Jx+ x+ δx+ + δw+ Jw+ w+ δw+ + δλT+ Jλ+ λ+ δλ+ + δxT− Jx− x− δx−
2 2 2 2
1 T 1 T
+ δw− Jw− w− δw− + δλ− Jλ− λ− δλ− + δxT+ Jx+ w+ δw+ + δxT+ Jx+ λ+ δλ+
2 2 (3.28)
+ δx+ Jx+ x− δx− + δx+ Jx+ w− δw− + δx+ Jx+ λ− δλ− + δw+ Jw+ λ+ δλ+
+ δw+ Jw+ x− δx− + δw+ Jw+ w− δw− + δw+ Jw+ λ− δλ− + δxT− Jx− w− δw−
Coefficients in Equation 3.28 are found from the optimal cost-to-go of phase i and the augmented
affects only ϕ
ei while x− , w− , and λ− affect only ϕ
ei−1 .
∗ ∗ ∗
Jx+ = Jx,0 +ϕ
ex+ , Jw+ = Jw,0 +ϕ
ew+ , Jλ+ = Jλ,0 , Jx− = ϕ
ex− , Jw− = ϕ
ew− , Jλ− = ϕ
eλ− ,
∗ ∗ ∗
Jx+ x+ = Jxx,0 +ϕ
ex+ x+ , Jw+ w+ = Jww,0 +ϕ
ew+ w+ , Jλ+ λ+ = Jλλ,0 ,
∗ ∗
Jx− x− = ϕ
ex− x− , Jw− w− = ϕ
ew− w− , Jλ− λ− = 0, Jx+ w+ = Jxw,0 +ϕ
ex+ w+ , Jx+ λ+ = Jxλ,0
Jx+ x− = ϕ
ex+ x− , Jx+ w− = ϕ
ex+ w− , Jx+ λ− = ϕ
ex+ λ− , Jw+ λ+ = Jwλ,0 , Jw+ x− = ϕ
ew+ x− ,
Jw+ w− = ϕ
ew+ w− , Jw+ λ− = ϕ
ew+ λ− , Jx− w− = ϕ
ex− w− , Jx− λ− = ϕ
ex− λ− , Jw− λ− = ϕ
ew− λ− .
At this point in the stage subproblem derivation, a quadratic approximation of the transition
function eliminated the dependency on δxk+1 . Here the dependency on δx+ is similarly eliminated
γ1 1 i,γ1 γ2 γ1 γ2
δxi+ = Γwi,γ1 δw+ + Γww δw+ δw+ (3.30)
Since Γ = Γ (w+ ) the derivatives Γw and Γww are with respect to w+ and double subscripts are
δJi,0 ≈ ERi,0 + JewT + δw+ + JλT+ δλ+ + JxT− δx− + JwT − δw− + JλT− δλ−
1 T e 1 1 1 T
+ δw+ Jw+ w+ δw+ + δλT+ Jλ+ λ+ δλ+ + δxT− Jx− x− δx− + δw− Jw− w− δw−
2 2 2 2 (3.31)
+ δw+ Jew+ λ+ δλ+ + δw+ Jew+ x− δx− + δw+ Jew+ w− δw− + δw+ Jew+ λ− δλ−
where the coefficients have been redefined to combine terms of like order in δw+ .
HDDP decouples the multiplier and parameter updates and first obtains the optimal mul-
tiplier update in the same manner as the optimal control update at each stage, by setting the
derivative of the quadratic model with respect to the multiplier update equal to zero.
Aλ+ = −Jλ−1 J
+ λ+ λ+
Cλ+ = −Jλ−1 J
+ λ+ λ+ w+
The trust-region method is again employed to perform the multiplier update in Equation 3.33. Now
however, Jλ∗+ λ+ is negative-definite, so the update δλ+ is a maximizer and the expected reduction
increases. In preparation for the parameter update, the quadratic model is updated by substituting
1 T b
δJi,0 ≈ ERi,0 + JbwT + δw+ + JxT− δx− + JwT − δw− + JλT− δλ− + δw+ Jw+ w+ δw+
1 1 T (3.34)
+ δxT− Jx− x− δx− + δw− Jw− w− δw− + δw+ T b
Jw+ x− δx− + δw+T b
Jw+ w− δw−
2 2
T b
+ δw+ Jw+ λ− δλ− + δxT− Jx− w− δw− + δxT− Jx− λ− δλ− + δw−
Jw− λ− δλ−
The expected reduction and coefficients for Equation 3.34 are updated to reflect the multiplier
ERi,0 = ERi,0 + JλT+ Aλ+ + ATλ+ Jλ+ λ+ Aλ+ (3.35a)
JbwT + = JewT + + JλT+ Cλ+ + ATλ+ Jλ+ λ+ Cλ+ + ATλ+ Jλ+ w+ (3.35b)
Jbw+ w+ = Jew+ w+ + CλT+ Jw+ w+ Cλ+ + CλT+ Jλ+ w+ + Jw+ λ+ Cλ+ (3.35c)
The parameter update is now available by once again minimizing the quadratic model of the
Aw+ = −Jbw−1 J
+ w+ w+
Bw+ = −Jbw−1 J
+ w+ w+ x−
Cw+ = −Jbw−1 J
+ w+ w+ w−
Dw+ = −Jbw−1 J
+ w+ w+ λ−
The trust-region method is again utilized for the parameter update. The expected reduction and
optimal cost-to-go are updated to include the effects of the parameter update.
ERi,0 = ERi,0 + JbwT + Aw+ + ATw+ Jbw+ w+ Aw+ (3.37a)
Jx∗−T = JxT− + JbwT + Bw+ + ATw+ Jbw+ w+ Bw+ + ATw+ Jbw+ x− (3.37b)
Jw∗T− = JwT − + JbwT + Cw+ + ATw+ Jbw+ w+ Cw+ + ATw+ Jbw+ w− (3.37c)
Jλ∗−T = JλT− + JbwT + Dw+ + ATw+ Jbw+ w+ Dw+ + ATw+ Jbw+ λ− (3.37d)
Jx∗− x− = Jx− x− + Bw
+ w+ w+
Bw+ + Bw Jb
+ w+ x−
+ JbwT + x− Bw+ (3.37e)
Jw∗ − w− = Jw− w− + CwT + Jbw+ w+ Cw+ + CwT + Jbw+ w− + JbwT + w− Cw+ (3.37f)
Jλ∗− λ− = Jλ− λ− + Dw
+ w+ w+
Dw+ + Dw Jb
+ w+ λ−
+ JbwT + λ− Dw+ (3.37g)
Jx∗− w− = Jx− w− + Bw
Jb T
C + Bw
+ w+ w+ w+
+ w+ w−
+ JbwT + x− Cw+ (3.37h)
Jx∗− λ− = Jx− λ− + Bw
+ w+ w+
Dw+ + Bw Jb
+ w+ λ−
+ JbwT + x− Dw+ (3.37i)
Jw∗ − λ− = Jw− λ− + CwT + Jbw+ w+ Dw+ + CwT + Jbw+ λ− + JbwT + w− Dw+ (3.37j)
The phase update equations in Equation 3.37 complete the inter-phase subproblem. The backward
sweep proceeds with the stage subproblems of phase i − 1 and continues through every stage of
each phase.
Sections 3.5.5 to 3.5.7 are equally valid for single phase trajectories. In that case the contri-
butions from x− , w− , and λ− can be ignored. The phase update equations are then unnecessary,
but the expected reduction should still be incremented. Similarly, these results apply for trajec-
The unconstrained control update in Equation 3.15 is likely to step beyond the valid region of
the quadratic approximation, as are the multiplier update in Equation 3.33 and parameter update
in Equation 3.36. An unconstrained backward sweep and subsequent application of the new control
law is likely to lead to divergence or infeasible iterates. The updates also require the Hessians to be
invertible, with Juu,k and Jbw+ w+ positive definite, and Jλ+ λ+ negative definite. HDDP overcomes
these challenges by solving a trust-region quadratic subproblem (TRQP) at each stage and inter-
phase subproblem. Now to compute each stage control update, for example, δuk is required to lie
The subproblem posed in Equation 3.38 is named TRQP (Ju , Juu , ∆). The inter-phase subproblems
are TRQP Jw+ , Jw+ w+ , ∆ and TRQP −Jλ+ , −Jλ+ λ+ , ∆ . Different variables, stages, and phases
may be assigned their own ∆. The methods of Reference [67] have proved robust in solving this
subproblem in DDP. However, DDP performance is sensitive to the selection of a scaling matrix D
that determines the shape of the trust-region. Often, setting D to the identity matrix is sufficient.
When components of the gradient and Hessian vary by orders of magnitude, a robust heuristic
for selecting D becomes necessary. Reference [47] suggests several scaling methods and provides a
performance comparison.
3.7 Iteration
Quadratic models of the cost function and dynamics are inexact for higher-order and nonlinear
systems. Iterations of the forward pass and backward sweep are necessary to proceed from an
infeasible or suboptimal reference trajectory to the local minimum. The reduction ratio
ρ= (3.39)
serves as an acceptance criterion for new iterates. If ρ ≈ 1, then the quadratic model is good and
the reduction in cost is as predicted. The iterate is accepted and a larger trust-region is allowed.
Otherwise the model is poor, the iterate is rejected and the trust-region is reduced for the next
backward sweep.
if ρ ∈ [1 − 1 , 1 + 1 ]
min [(1 + κ) ∆p , ∆max ] ,
∆p+1 = (3.40)
max [(1 − κ) ∆p , ∆min ] , otherwise
For the trust-region update in Equation 3.40, p is the iteration counter, κ and 1 are an additional
If ER0,0 is zero after the backward sweep, or less than some optimality tolerance, the optimi-
zation has reached a stationary point of the cost function with respect to controls, parameters and
multipliers. This point is a minimum if all of the Hessians Juu,k and Jbw+ w+ are positive definite and
Jλ+ λ+ are negative definite. The algorithm converges upon reaching a minimum while satisfying
In summarizing the connection drawn between HDDP and Pontryagin’s Principle in Refe-
rence [46], a single phase trajectory of N stages is considered. The discrete Hamiltonian at each
stage is defined as the sum of the local cost L and the scalar product of time-varying co-states p
Hk = Lk + pTk fk (3.41)
Disregarding the ALM cost function for the moment, terminal constraints on the state variables
are enforced by ψ(xN ) = 0 and with constant multipliers λ and final cost ϕ define the terminal
Necessary conditions for an optimal control trajectory arise from the Euler-Lagrange theorem.
=0 (3.43a)
ẋTk = (3.43b)
ṗTk = − (3.43c)
∂Ψ ∗
pTN = (3.43d)
pT0 = − (3.43e)
As with previous notations of the optimal cost-to-go, the superscript asterisk denotes an optimal
value. An optimal trajectory terminates with ψ = 0 and the ALM cost and terminal function are
equivalent, ϕ̃∗ = Ψ∗ . Next consider the sensitivity of those cost functions to the terminal state.
∂ ϕ̃∗ ∂ϕ ∂ψ ∂Ψ∗
= + λT = (3.44)
∂xN ∂xN xN ∂xN
This result suggests that the final values of the co-states can be found by minimizing the ALM
∂ ϕ̃∗
= pTN (3.45)
∂ ϕ̃∗
= −pT0 (3.46)
vous transfer from Reference [47]. However, here the control is continuous low-thrust in the radial,
transverse and normal directions, as opposed to approximating the low-thrust by impulsive maneu-
vers separated by Keplerian arcs in HDDP. The two-body dynamics with continuous low-thrust are
consistent with the finite-burn low-thrust model (FBLT) in the Evolutionary Mission Trajectory
A 1000 kg spacecraft with a 0.5 N, 2000 second Isp thruster was set to depart Earth on
April 10, 2007. A fixed time of flight of 348.79 days sets the arrival date to March 23, 2008.
The augmented state vector consists of the three position components, three velocity components,
spacecraft mass, and three spherical thrust control variables, X T = [r T v T m uT ]. The single-phase
trajectory is discretized into 40 stages of equal time and numerical integration was performed
with fixed-step eighth-order Runge-Kutta (RK8) formulae from Dormand and Prince [69]. The
augmented Lagrangian is formed to maximize the final mass with a penalty on the position and
φ = −mf
rf − rM
vf − vM
Subscript f indicates a final value and M indicates the state of Mars. The resulting transfer is shown
in Figure 3.1a with corresponding thrust profile in Figure 3.1b. The trajectory was also computed
in the EMTG – FBLT model for validation. DDP obtains the expected bang-bang control profile,
but differs slightly from EMTG at the switching points. Table 3.1 shows how final mass increases
with the improved accuracy of a continuous low-thrust model, which is particular to this example
and not a generalization. Lagrange multipliers from the continuous low-thrust solution and the
reference HDDP solution in Table 3.2 differ but are seemingly related.
Table 3.1: Comparison of spacecraft final mass between Earth-Mars rendezvous solution methods.
HDDP mf = 598.66 kg
DDP – FBLT mf = 603.29 kg
EMTG – FBLT mf = 603.45 kg
Table 3.2: Comparison of Lagrange multipliers between Earth-Mars rendezvous solution methods.
h iT
HDDP λ = 0.5095 −1.2700 −0.2665 0.1178 2.0701 0.1340
h iT
DDP – FBLT λ = 0.4326 −1.0663 −0.2380 0.0727 1.7121 0.1064
(a) (b)
Figure 3.1: (a) Ecliptic view of an example Earth-Mars rendezvous transfer with thrust vectors
shown. (b) Thrust profiles from the FBLT implementation of DDP and the EMTG–FBLT model.
Trajectory performance is expected to vary with the times of departure and arrival, especially
when planetary encounters are involved. Mission event dates may be determined by a parametric
study where an optimal trajectory is computed for each combination in a range of departure dates
and arrival dates. Other design variables can be included. The trade study allows informed mission
design when the ranges of parameter values are sampled with sufficient resolution. A nominal
trajectory can be selected from the grid of solutions, but the specified parameter values are unlikely
to match the optimal values. This limitation can be resolved in DDP by including the parameters
as continuous variables to be solved for in the parameter vector w. For variable departure and
To begin the backward sweep and for inter-phase subproblems, the derivatives ϕ
ew+ , ϕ
ew+ w+ ,
ex+ w+ and ϕ
ew+ λ+ in Equation 3.29 are taken with respect to the parameter vector of time variables.
Furthermore, the sensitivity of the states at all stages to the initial and final times must be captured
in the STMs. Those derivatives depend on how the increments δt0 and δtf are applied. In this
implementation, evenly distributing the time increments among all stages affects the discretization
∂tk k
=1− (3.48a)
∂t0 N
∂tk k
= (3.48b)
∂tf N
In Equation 3.48, k is the stage index beginning from zero and N is the number of stages. The final
stage is held fixed when the initial time is changed, and vice versa. STM entries may be obtained
by chaining the local time derivatives with Equation 3.48. STM subscripts are introduced to note
the derivative of the downstream state with respect to the subscript, e.g. Φw,k = ∂Xk+1 /∂w.
Φt0 ,k = ẋk+1 (3.49a)
∂tk+1 2
Φt0 t0 ,k = ẍk+1 (3.49b)
i,aγ1 γ1 ∂tk ∂tk+1 ∂tk
xt0 ,k = Φxx,k ẋk i,a
+ Φ̇x,k − (3.49c)
∂t0 ∂t0 ∂t0
Φtf ,k = ẋk+1 (3.49d)
∂tk+1 2
Φtf tf ,k = ẍk+1 (3.49e)
i,aγ1 γ1 ∂tk ∂tk+1 ∂tk
xtf ,k = Φxx,k ẋk i,a
+ Φ̇x,k − (3.49f)
∂tf ∂tf ∂tf
∂tk+1 ∂tk+1
Φt0 tf ,k = ẍk+1 (3.49g)
∂t0 ∂tf
Derivatives of the augmented Lagrangian with respect to the final time are found by chaining
the sensitivity of ϕ
e with respect to x = xN = xf and the time derivative ẋ. The initial time
etf = ϕ
ϕ ex+ ẋ (3.50a)
etf tf = ẋT ϕ
ϕ ex+ x+ ẋ + ϕ
ex+ ẍ (3.50b)
ex+ x+ ẋ
ex+ tf = ϕ
ϕ (3.50c)
etf λ+ = ϕ
eλ+ x+ ẋ (3.50d)
The addition of variable departure and arrival times failed to improve the delivered mass from
the fixed time of flight Earth-Mars rendezvous example. Optimal departure and arrival times were
preselected. DDP iterates only exhibit local improvements to the nominal trajectory within a region
determined by the validity of the quadratic approximation of the cost-to-go. After converging on a
solution it is difficult to claim anything more than local optimality, as is the case for any nonlinear
optimization algorithm. Pairing trajectory optimization with a global search method allows for
the selection of the best design from many locally optimal solutions and a reduced computational
Monotonic basin hopping (MBH) is a global optimization heuristic for exploring the entire
solution space by exploiting local optima to find improvements in nearby solutions. MBH has
been successfully coupled with NLP solvers by the European Space Agency’s Advanced Concepts
Team [70] and in EMTG [71]. Pseudocode in Algorithm 1 details the procedure, where x is a vector
of decision variables. The two-loop process requires a robust trajectory optimizer as the inner loop
to converge from initial guesses that are generated in an outer loop. The robustness of DDP to
poor initial guesses makes DDP a suitable inner-loop for MBH. That is demonstrated here for the
First, an initial guess is provided for DDP to generate a nominal solution. Instead of a
random point x, a ballistic initial guess results in the first xcurrent which is the fixed time of flight
solution in Figure 3.1. MBH then proceeds until meeting a prescribed stopping criteria such as
computation time or an iteration limit. For this example, MBH was terminated after one hour.
The MBH iteration, or hop, begins by introducing random perturbations to the decision
variables of the nominal solution. Then, the inner-loop is reinitialized. Small perturbations are
expected to fall within the quadratic trust-region so that DDP should return the previous nominal
trajectory. Hops to different local optima can be encouraged by drawing the random perturbati-
ons from long-tailed Cauchy and Pareto distributions as suggested in Reference [71]. The results
presented here correspond to Pareto distribution sampling. Perturbations were applied to the time
variables only. Control variables and Lagrange multipliers were carried through each hop.
Introduction of mission event dates as decision variables adds many local optima to the
trajectory optimization problem. Furthermore, if the initial and final orbits lie in different orbital
planes, as with the Earth and Mars, then opportunities across different synodic periods are not
equivalent. The parameter ρtime−hop sets a percent likelihood that a hop shifts the time variables
to a different period. If a sample from the standard uniform distribution is below that value, the
time variables are shifted forward or backward one time period. Selection of the time period is
problem dependent and should be set as some fraction or multiple of orbital or synodic period to
explore different families of trajectories. A threshold of ρtime−hop = 0.2 was set to hop one synodic
Figure 3.2 shows the progress of MBH through one hour of runtime for the Earth-Mars
rendezvous. Each point corresponds to a successful hop, where DDP converged to an improved
local optimum. The process is stochastic, so repeated trials should produce different histories of
successful MBH iterations. It is possible to not make any progress in the allotted time but also to
find the global optimum in the first hop. The current result shows minor improvements in the first
few hops until the first hop in synodic period leads to a significant improvement in the delivered
mass. Steady progress is maintained even through additional synodic hops that only offer minor
gains. Large changes are possible without the synodic hop, as evidenced with two large jumps
within 2009 departures before the delivered mass levels off to negligible growth.
Figure 3.2: Progress of MBH iterations with indication of hops in synodic period for the Earth-Mars
rendezvous with time variables.
Figure 3.3a shows the final trajectory and Figure 3.3b shows the corresponding thrust profile.
The initial time has advanced by 775.4 days to May 24, 2009 and the final time has advanced by
917.60 days to September 27, 2010. Time of flight has increased to 491 days alongside the improved
delivered mass of 750.82 kg. Thrusting does not start immediately, but the trajectory begins with
a 49 day coast. Departure may then occur on July 12, 2009 with a time of flight of 442 days.
thrust level as shown. This can be resolved by increasing the resolution of stages so that stage
times tk occur close to the optimal on/off control switches for the departure maneuver.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.3: (a) Ecliptic view and (b) thrust profile of the final Earth-Mars rendezvous transfer after
monotonic basin hopping.
Chapter 4
The main contribution of this thesis is a method for the optimization of low-thrust many-
the independent variable of the spacecraft equations of motion to an orbit anomaly and perform
the optimization with DDP. The Sundman transformation is a general change of variable from
time to a function of orbital radius and effectively regulates the step size of numerical integration
[66, 72]. Motivation for the change of variable stems from the preference for fixed-step integration
for speed and optimizer performance. The advantage is notable for elliptic orbits, where evenly
spaced time steps undersample the trajectory through periapsis and oversample through apoapsis.
Undersampled periapsis passes induce fixed-step integration error that compounds as the number of
revolutions accumulates. Automatic step size adjustment provided by the Sundman transformation
protects the validity of fixed-step integration while avoiding the pitfalls associated with error control
in a variable-step integrator [73]. Berry and Healy assessed numerical integration accuracy and
computational speed to establish an eccentricity threshold at which the transformation proves more
effective than time-integration [74]. Pellegrini, Russell and Vittaldev showed accuracy and efficiency
gains for propagation with the Sundman transformation in the Stark and Kepler models [75]. Yam,
This chapter presents Sundman-transformed DDP and numerical examples. The DDP al-
gorithm does not change, but the dynamics in the forward pass and STM computation step are
reformed for different independent variables. Fuel-optimal geocentric transfers are computed with
the transfer duration extended up to 2000 revolutions. The flexibility of the approach to higher
fidelity dynamics is shown with Earth’s J2 perturbation and lunar gravity included for a 500 revolu-
tion transfer. Sundman transformations to the true, mean and eccentric anomalies are investigated
In regularizing the equations of motion to solve the three-body problem, Karl Sundman
introduced a change of independent variable from time t to the new independent variable τ [66].
dt = cn rn dτ (4.1)
Time and the new independent variable are related by a function of the orbital radius, r. The real
number n and coefficient cn may be selected so that τ represents an orbit anomaly. For n = 0, 1, 2,
the independent variables are the mean anomaly M , eccentric anomaly E and true anomaly ν.
where a is the semi-major axis, µ is the gravitational parameter of the central body, and h is the
In Equation 4.3, X represents a state vector, the overhead dot denotes a time derivative and the
overhead ring denotes a derivative with respect to τ . Time-dependent equations of motion Ẋ are
typically propagated for a prescribed duration of time from the state at an initial epoch. Now,
however, propagation is specified for a duration of τ . The relevant transition function for the
When τ is an orbit anomaly, the number of revolutions Nrev may be specified so that the τ duration
is 2πNrev . The elapsed time is unknown a priori but may be tracked by including t in the state
As with the state dynamics transformation, the dynamics matrix and tensor need to be
∂ X̊ i
Λi,a = (4.5a)
∂X a
∂ 2 X̊ i
Λi,ab = (4.5b)
∂X a ∂X b
The new dynamics matrix and tensor are obtained first with respect to time then their transformed
counterparts in Equations 4.5a and 4.5b are obtained by extensive application of the chain rule.
First, the general Sundman transformation is redefined along with its first and second derivatives
η = dt/dτ = cn rn (4.6)
ηX i = (4.7)
∂X i
ηXX i,a = (4.8)
∂X i ∂X a
The variable η is not to be confused with the propulsion system engine efficiency in Equation 2.7.
After assembling Equations 3.23a and 3.23b, the chain rule completes the transformation,
nary orbit (GEO) were computed to demonstrate the efficacy of the Sundman-transformed DDP
The spacecraft state is given by a Cartesian representation of the spacecraft inertial position
and velocity. Implementation and notational complexities of DDP can be mitigated to some degree
through the use of an augmented state vector of both states and controls. Time is additionally
included as a state variable for use with the Sundman transformation. The augmented state vector
includes time, position, velocity, mass m, and thrust control variables u, α and β.
X = t x y z ẋ ẏ ż m u α β (4.11)
Spherical thrust control is defined using the RSW frame in Equation 2.11. Spacecraft dynamics
where ẊC is the two-body motion due to point mass Earth gravity, ẊT is the thrust acceleration
and mass flow rate for a constant power model, ẊJ2 is Earth’s J2 perturbation, and ẊK is the
point mass lunar gravity perturbation. The Sundman transformation is made after assembling the
X̊ = ẊC + ẊT + ẊJ2 + ẊK η (4.13)
h µC µC µC iT
ẊC = 1 ẋ ẏ ż − 3 x − 3 y − 3 z 0 0 0 0 , (4.14a)
r r r T
Ta Ta Ta Ta
ẊT = 0 0 0 0 ux uy uz − u 0 0 0 , (4.14b)
m m m Isp g0
z2 z2 z2
3J2 µC RC
ẊJ2 = − 0 0 0 0 x 1−5 2 y 1−5 2 z 3−5 2 0 0 0 0 ,
2r5 r r r
x − xK y − yK z − zK
xK yK zK
ẊK = −µK 0 0 0 0 3 + r 3 3 + r 3 3 + r 3 0 0 0 0 .
kr − rK k K kr − rK k K kr − rK k K
Gravitational parameters for the Earth and the Moon are µC and µK , respectively. The J2 per-
turbation is owed to the Earth’s oblateness and is a function of the Earth’s equatorial radius RC .
Table 4.1 lists these dynamic model constants. Including the lunar perturbation requires the Moon’s
rK = xK yK zK , (4.15)
that is assumed to evolve according to geocentric two-body motion. The Moon’s state is initialized
Table 4.1: Dynamic model parameters for the example GTO to GEO transfer in Cartesian coordi-
a 381218.68756119 km Ω 12.23324045◦
e 0.06476694 ω 60.78357549◦
i 20.94024252◦ M 140.74025588◦
Final conditions for GEO are described in the terminal constraint function ψ, so that
ψ(Xf ) = 0 for a feasible solution. The cost in Equation 3.9 also includes an objective function
defined so that the final mass is maximized and does not include local stage costs Lk .
φ = −mf (4.16a)
krf k − rtarget
kv k − v
f target
ψ= rf · vf (4.16b)
Σ = I5×5 (4.16c)
The terminal constraint function is satisfied upon arrival at GEO distance with circular orbital
velocity, zero flight path angle and zero inclination. The arrival longitude is unconstrained. The
penalty matrix is set as the identity matrix so that all constraints are weighted equally. A scaled
feasibility tolerance requires kψk < 1 × 10−8 and an optimality tolerance requires ER0 < 1 × 10−9 .
Scaling improves the numerical behavior of both trajectory computation and optimization but adds
to the set of tuning parameters. Here a distance unit DU , time unit T U , force unit F U and mass
DU = rtarget ,
T U = 10 DU 3 /µC ,
F U = Tmax ,
M U = F U T U 2 / DU,
where the distance unit is approximately GEO radius, the time unit has been scaled by an additional
Propagating a trajectory from the initial state requires effective discretization and a numerical
method to evaluate the transition function between stages. Trajectories are discretized to 100
stages per revolution and were propagated with an RK8 integrator. Stages are equally spaced in
the independent variable. Each stage offers an opportunity to update the thrust control variables
that are held constant across an integration step. A fixed integration step accumulates ∆τ =
τk+1 − τk = 2π/100. The initial guess for all stage control variables is zero, so the first iteration
considers a ballistic orbit in GTO for a prescribed number of revolutions, Nrev . The fixed transfer
duration in orbit anomaly is 2πNrev and there are 300Nrev control variables to solve for.
The DDP implementation is programmed in C++ and compiled on the RMACC Summit
supercomputer [78]. Results were generated on a single node that contains two Intel Xeon E5-2680
v3, 2.50 GHz CPUs with 12 cores each. STM computations were distributed in parallel across all
24 cores with OpenMP [79]. All other steps of the algorithm run serially. To permit parallelization,
STMs are obtained separately from attempted trajectories with trial controls. When an iterate
is accepted as the new nominal trajectory, Equation 4.4 is augmented with the STM differential
equations in Equation 4.10. Each Xk is known, so integrations from any stage k to k + 1 can be
integrator substeps are not saved, so the 11 state differential equations are recomputed with the
Petropoulos et al. [24] compared direct and indirect methods and the Q-law over several cases
of many-revolution transfers, including a GTO to GEO example named Case B. Now Sundman-
transformed DDP is added to the comparison. Table 4.3 describes the initial and target orbits,
with slight differences between Reference [24] and the DDP transfer. Eccentricity and inclination
targets were set to zero for use of Equation 4.16. The dynamics consider two-body motion and
thrust, but not J2 and lunar perturbations, so the equal reduction to initial and target inclination is
inconsequential to the comparison. The DDP transfer requires more effort to completely circularize
the final orbit, but the dynamics use a slightly smaller gravitational parameter for the Earth.
The effects are small and offsetting with regard to fuel expenditure and time of flight, but have
Table 4.3: Initial and target orbits for the Case B transfer.
Orbit a (km) e i (deg) Tmax (N) m0 (kg) Isp (sec) µC (km3 /s2 )
Initial [24] 24505.9 0.725 7.05 0.350 2000 2000 398600.49
Target [24] 42165 0.001 0.05
Initial (DDP) 24505.9 0.725 7.0 0.350 2000 2000 398600.44
Target (DDP) 42165 0 0
Transfers were computed across a range of Nrev and with Sundman transformations to each
of the true, mean and eccentric anomalies. Attempts with time as the independent variable were
unsuccessful. The result is a Pareto front of propellant mass versus Nrev as shown in Figure 4.1a.
That is not identically the propellant mass versus time of flight trade-off. The target orbit might
be reached before the final revolution is completed, resulting in a terminal coast arc that adds
extra flight time. Nonetheless, the Pareto front of propellant mass versus time of flight shown in
The intuitive limiting cases are continuous thrust for the minimum time of flight transfer
that reduces to impulsive apoapsis maneuvers for infinite flight time. The trend is evidenced
(a) (b)
Figure 4.1: Case B trade-off of propellant mass versus time of flight and number of revolutions.
in Figure 4.2, where coast arcs (colored blue) grow in duration and number, while thrust arcs
(colored orange) reduce to small maneuvers centered on their optimal locations.Thrust arcs are
colored orange and coast arcs are colored blue. The first and final revolutions are overlaid in black.
Figure 4.3 shows the thrust magnitude history for the 500 revolution transfer as evidence of the
expected bang-bang control structure for the fuel-optimal transfer. It also proves worthwhile for
the shorter duration transfers to raise apoapsis beyond GEO radius for more efficient inclination
change. The change in maneuver strategy as time of flight increases is shown in Figure 4.4, with
apsis radii distances and inclination provided through the duration of the 183 and 500 revolution
true anomaly transfers. The 183 revolution true anomaly transfer spans 141.95 days and uses 215.64
kg of propellant, but falls short of finding the minimum time solution with a number of perigee
centered coast arcs. On the other end, the Sundman-transformed DDP approach is able to extend
the transfer duration out to 2000 revolutions for a 1276.83 days time of flight requiring 146.32 kg of
propellant. There are limited returns on extending the flight time, as the 1000 revolution transfer
shown only increases the propellant use up to 147.55 kg for 634.35 days time of flight.
The accuracy of each DDP solution was checked by variable-step RK8(7) integration with a
relative error tolerance of 10−11 [69]. The resulting constraint violations are shown in Figure 4.5.
Solutions with mean anomaly as the independent variable prove unreliable, with actual constraint
violations growing six orders of magnitude from what was viewed as a feasible trajectory with
fixed-step integration. As with fixed-step time integration, mean anomaly integration incurs errors
through large steps around periapsis. Mean anomaly integration, however, automatically adapts the
step size as the orbit changes during the transfer, whereas time integration steps remain fixed. An
adaptive-mesh technique might enable successful time integration, but that is essentially the point
of the Sundman transformation. DDP attempts with mean anomaly failed when Nrev was increased
from 700 to 800. The true anomaly and eccentric anomaly prove more effective in regulating the step
size. Most eccentric anomaly trajectories fall just outside of feasibility with constraint violations
10−8 < kψk < 10−7 , except for the 1000 and 1500 revolution cases that remain feasible. Every true
anomaly trajectory remains feasible. The superiority of true anomaly was first realized for a coarse
range of Nrev before proceeding exclusively with true anomaly through a finer resolution of Nrev .
Data points are absent for the 200, 220 and 240 revolution true anomaly transfers and 200 and 650
revolution eccentric anomaly transfer. For these cases, the algorithm found a stationary point that
was just outside of feasibility, again in the region 10−8 < kψk < 10−7 . Given the range of feasible
trajectories, this might be resolved by adjusting the many tuning parameters. Optimization of the
2000 revolution eccentric anomaly transfer was cut off after 48 hours of runtime on iteration 1556.
Computational performance is profiled in Figures 4.6 and 4.7. The quickest solution time
was 20 minutes and 40 seconds to compute the 184 revolution true anomaly case in 186 iterations.
The lowest number of iterations to convergence was 181 for the 187 revolution true anomaly case
and required 21 minutes and 1 second. Generally, both runtime and number of iterations grow
with the number of revolutions. The behavior is unpredictable, especially with excessive transfer
duration, where the runtime and iterations might jump up or down by a factor of two or more.
Runtimes for the forward pass and STM subroutines however, do have a predictable linear growth.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.2: Equatorial projections of Case B transfers for (a) 183, (b) 210, (c) 500 and (d) 1000
revolutions with true anomaly as the independent variable.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3: Thrust magnitude for the 500 revolution true anomaly transfer is shown for (a) the
entire transfer and (b) zoomed in on the last few revolutions.
The listed times correspond to the first iteration that is ballistic propagation in GTO. Computing
the STMs is the most computationally intensive step in the DDP algorithm. The importance of
parallelization is highlighted when comparing the parallel STM elapsed real time to the total CPU
time across all cores, and realizing that the STM step would slow by an order of magnitude in the
current configuration.
Next, the robustness of the approach is tested by introducing J2 and lunar gravity perturba-
tions to the 500 revolution Case B transfers with both eccentric and true anomalies as independent
variables. Perturbations are introduced one at a time, so that the new cases are J2 -perturbed and
Equatorial projections of the new transfers in Figure 4.8 show the pronounced effect of the
J2 -induced periapsis drift over a long transfer duration. The effect of lunar gravity is less noticeable.
Three-dimensional views of the two-body and J2 and Moon-perturbed true anomaly transfers are
provided in Figure 4.9. Trajectory performance is compared with the two-body case in Table 4.4,
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.4: (a) Apsis radii and (b) inclination history for the 183 revolution true anomaly transfer
and (c) apsis radii and (d) inclination history for the 500 revolution true anomaly transfer.
Figure 4.5: Constraint violations after fixed-step integration solutions were recomputed with
variable-step integration and a relative error tolerance of 10−11 .
(a) (b)
Figure 4.6: (a) Elapsed real time and (b) number of iterations to convergence for Case B transfers.
where mp is the propellant mass. The new cases are unable to leverage perturbations to improve
(a) (b)
Figure 4.7: Elapsed real time for (a) forward pass and (b) STM subroutines and (c) the total CPU
time for the STM subroutine for Case B transfers.
upon the two-body result, but propellant mass and time of flight reach similar values. Solution
accuracy when checked with RK8(7) integration remains consistent with the two-body results and
is summarized in Table 4.5. Computational performance is summarized in Table 4.6. These me-
asures collectively add the significant result that Sundman-transformed DDP can accommodate
perturbations to yield a reliable solution without detriment to the computational effort. That is
not for free, as seen by the effect on subroutine runtimes in Table 4.7. Including J2 is an inexpensive
addition relative to the cost of computing the lunar perturbation and the necessary derivatives with
respect to the spacecraft state. Table 4.7 adds the comparison to the elapsed real time of a serial
STM step, as opposed to the parallel STM step total CPU time in Figure 4.7c, and shows an order
Table 4.5: Constraint violations after variable-step integration of 500 revolution Case B fixed-step
The preceding sections applied a Sundman transformation to DDP to enable efficient op-
allows the integrator to automatically take smaller steps at small orbital radii and larger steps at
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.8: Equatorial projections of Case B eccentric anomaly transfers with (a) J2 and (b) J2 and
Moon perturbations and true anomaly transfers with (c) J2 and (d) J2 and Moon perturbations.
Figure 4.9: Three dimensional views of the Case B (a) two-body and (b) J2 and Moon-perturbed
true anomaly transfers.
large orbital radii. Fine discretization requirements are mitigated to some degree by the transfor-
mation, as oversampling of the trajectory is easily avoided while accuracy is maintained at lower
radii. However, the rapid dynamics of a Cartesian state representation also drove a fine discreti-
zation requirement. Accurate integration can be accomplished in fewer steps through use of slow
changing state variables, i.e. orbital elements. The remainder of this chapter details how the mo-
dified equinoctial orbital element set enters the Sundman-transformed DDP approach. The GTO
to GEO transfer from Reference [60] is revisited to show the benefit of using modified equinoctial
Table 4.6: Computational performance for 500 revolution Case B transfers.
The Sundman transformations to each of the true, mean and eccentric anomalies in terms of
The augmented Cartesian (IJK) state vector is redefined with a new subscript notation and
XIJK = t x y z ẋ ẏ ż m T α β , (4.19a)
XMEE = t p f g h k L m T α β . (4.19b)
The equations of motion are redefined in terms of the augmented state vector,
0 0
r 0
2p p
0 0
r r q µ r
p p 1 p g
sin L [(q + 1) cos L + f ] − (h sin L − k cos L)
rµ rµ q r µ q
− p cos L p 1 p f
[(q + 1) sin L + g] (h sin L − k cos L)
µ µq µ qr
p s cos L
0 0
µ 2q ,
p s2 sin L
0 0
µ 2q
p 1
0 0 (h sin L − k cos L)
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
ṁ = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 , (4.22)
Isp g0
2 T
√ q
b= 1 0 0 0 0 0 µp 0 0 0 0 , (4.23)
δp = δpi . (4.24)
Now b captures the two-body dynamics, ṁ is the mass flow rate, T ∈ [0, 1] is the throttle, Ta is
the thrust available computed from a power model and A transforms the contributions of thrust
Quadratic expansions of the cost-to-go are mapped through the backward sweep by the
state transition matrix and second-order state transition tensor. Both are henceforth referred to
as the STMs. The STMs are the first and second derivatives of Equation 4.20 with respect to
The GTO to GEO transfer from Reference [60] first maximized the delivered mass in 450.5
revolutions subject to two-body dynamics. The Sundman transformation to eccentric anomaly was
utilized. Model fidelity was improved to consider Earth’s J2 perturbation, and again with J2 and
lunar gravity. A final case increased the transfer duration to 1000.5 revolutions while including the
Initial conditions for GTO are prescribed in terms of both the augmented IJK and MEE state
t0 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00.0 TDB
x 6678.1363 km
y 0
z0 0
ẋ0 0
XIJK ,0 = ẏ0 =
8.92130624 km/s ,
ż 4.84387407 km/s
m 2000 kg
T0 0
α0 0
β0 0
t0 01 Jan 2000 12:00:00.0 TDB
p 11530.089201 km
f0 0.72654295
g0 0
h0 0.25396764
XMEE,0 = k0 =
L 0
m0 2000 kg
T0 0
α0 0
β0 0
The transfer begins at a 300 km perigee altitude on the x-axis with an inclination of 28.5◦ and
apogee radius of 42164.169972 km. The 2000 kg spacecraft’s propulsion system operates at a
constant specific impulse of Isp = 1950 sec with maximum thrust Tmax = 0.25 N.
krf k − 42164.169972 km pf − 42164.169972 km
kv k − 3.07466 km/s ff
ψIJK = rf · vf , ψMEE = gf (4.26a)
zf hf
żf kf
ΣIJK = diag(100, 10, 1, 1, 1), ΣMEE = diag(10, 10, 10, 10, 10) (4.26b)
Terminal constraints for XIJK ,f prescribe a final GEO radius and velocity magnitude and zero flight
path angle, position and velocity in the equatorial plane. Terminal constraints for XMEE,f are stated
simply as values for each component, with the final longitude free. Weights and scaling parameters
were tuned by starting several trial runs to see that the initial iterations proceeded successfully.
In effort to improve the numerical behavior for both trajectory computation and optimization,
quantities are non-dimensionalized and scaled with a distance unit DU , time unit T U , force unit
DU = 42164.0 km (4.27a)
T U = 10 DU 3 /µC (4.27b)
F U = 0.25 N (4.27c)
M U = F U T U 2 / DU (4.27d)
Feasibility and optimality tolerances were set to 10−8 and 10−9 , respectively. Equations 4.16
and 4.27 and the feasibility tolerance sets the necessary position accuracy at 0.42164 m and velocitiy
Transfers are fixed in duration to a number of revolutions Nrev and were computed with a
fixed-step, eighth-order Dormand-Prince method [69]. With eccentric anomaly as the independent
variable, equations of motion were numerically integrated to 2πNrev . Trajectories are discretized
into a number of stages per revolution that are equally spaced in eccentric anomaly. Examples
computed with the IJK state vector are discretized to 100 stages per revolution and named with
the resolution in the subscript, IJK100 . PreviousIJK100 trajectories from Reference [60] were recom-
puted to reflect the current hardware and software configurations. MEE examples are discretized
to both 100 and 24 stages per revolution, i.e. MEE100 and MEE24 .
The MEE state equations in Equation 4.20 and the STM differential equations that use
Equations A.12 and A.13 require additional overhead when compared to those for the Cartesian
state, and a numerical integration step is computationally more intensive. The improved accuracy
of the MEE equations, however, permits a looser discretization of the trajectory, which can in turn
offer a computational speedup. These assertions are quantified in Tables 4.8 to 4.10. With an
equivalent resolution of 100 stages per revolution, MEE100 proves more demanding than IJK100 for
both the forward pass and STM computation. MEE discretization was reduced for the J2 and Moon-
perturbed 1000.5 revolution case until speedup in both the forward pass and STM computation
was realized. This occurred when discretization was reduced to 24 stages per revolution. Table 4.10
shows that MEE24 suffers a slight but not detrimental loss in accuracy when compared to IJK100
Table 4.9 compares the fixed-step, eighth-order integration error in position, velocity and
time after one revolution in GTO subject to two-body dynamics. Those errors are with regard
to the state obtained after variable-step integration with a seventh-order relative error tolerance
of 10−15 . In addition to the time variable, only the true longitude varies for MEE through an
integration step. For IJK, however, all position and velocity components evolve. Consequently,
MEE100 shows improved accuracy by orders of magnitude over IJK100 . Table 4.10 summarizes the
Table 4.8: Subroutine runtimes in seconds for Cartesian states and modified equinoctial elements
with different numbers of stages per revolution.
repeat study for the J2 and Moon-perturbed case, with similar results.
The DDP implementation is a C++ program compiled on the RMACC Summit supercom-
puter [78]. Results were generated on a single node that contains two Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3,
2.50 GHz CPUs with 12 cores each. STM computations were distributed in parallel across all 24
cores with OpenMP [79]. Table 4.8 lists the computation time in seconds for single function calls
of the forward pass and STM subroutines for each example trajectory. The forward pass is an
entire trajectory computation with a new control profile and must be done serially. After an iterate
is accepted as the new nominal trajectory, the states at all stages are already known from the
forward pass and STMs may be computed in parallel. The significance of parallelization in DDP
is evidenced by the substantially slower runtimes for serial STM computations listed alongside the
Table 4.11 summarizes the GTO to GEO transfers by providing the final masses and times
of flight. When comparing these values, there are two important features to keep in mind. First,
Table 4.9: Fixed-step integration errors through one revolution in GTO with two-body dynamics.
Table 4.10: Fixed-step integration errors through one revolution in GTO with J2 and lunar gravity.
IJK100 , MEE100 and MEE24 trajectories are computed with different accuracies. Identical controls
applied to each representation produce different trajectories as was shown in Tables 4.9 and 4.10,
where the controls were zero thrust. Second, the optimization path, or how the iterates evolve,
should also be expected to vary with each representation. Converged trajectories might fall into
different local minima. Nonetheless, it is encouraging to see the different cases reach similar final
mass and time of flight results. MEE100 delivers slightly less mass than IJK100 across the board,
but that is trivial as MEE100 was already proven orders of magnitude more accurate. What is not
trivial, is the agreement between MEE100 and the reduced MEE24 results.
Table 4.12 provides the number of iterations required to reach convergence and the run-
time. Comparing subroutine runtimes in Table 4.8 suggests that MEE100 should warrant the most
computational effort to produce a solution. The number of iterations to convergence shows the
significant result that MEE proves to be more favorable for this optimization procedure than IJK.
MEE iterations are more successful, and fewer are required to reach convergence. Even though
a single iteration proved computationally demanding, less computation time was required overall.
Not surprisingly, MEE24 offers additional speedup, but without an obvious effect on the iteration
Converged values of the IJK100 Lagrange multipliers associated with the ψIJK constraints are
Table 4.11: GTO to GEO results for Cartesian and modified equinoctial element comparison trans-
Table 4.12: Computational performance for Cartesian and modified equinoctial element comparison
listed in Table 4.13. Lagrange multipliers for MEE100 and MEE24 are instead associated with the
ψMEE constraints and are listed separately in Table 4.14. The close agreement between the MEE100
and MEE24 multipliers further justifies the utility of the reduced discretization to obtain a reliable
solution quickly. While IJK and MEE multipliers have no relation, it is useful to compare the
constraints ψIJK and ψMEE in Equation 4.26a. MEE offers the benefit of being able to prescribe
the constraints directly as final values of state variables. This possibly contributes to the improved
numerical performance exhibited withMEE, but certainly facilitates obtaining analytical derivatives
of the constraints. Except for the out of plane penalties, ψIJK instead contains functions of state
variables. Choosing those functions for GEO or other terminal constraints affects attainability and
numerical properties of derivatives that in turn affect the optimizer performance. Of course, MEE
constraints are not exempt from this and may be formed as complicated functions, and a simpler
Perturbations Nrev λ0 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4
None 450.5 -1.1533 -0.2658 4.6335×10 0.0027 -0.1385
J2 450.5 -0.8382 -0.2066 -0.0231 -2.0782 -0.0221
J2 and Moon 450.5 -0.8295 -0.2054 -0.0192 -2.0713 -0.0226
J2 and Moon 1000.5 -0.9445 -0.2291 -0.0809 0.5737 0.0998
Perturbations Nrev λ0 λ1 λ2 λ3 λ4
MEE100 None 450.5 0.2281 1.5540 -1.7250×10−4 2.7992 -0.0101
J2 450.5 0.2227 1.2314 0.3355 2.3185 -3.4978
J2 and Moon 450.5 0.2299 1.2152 0.3397 2.2490 -3.4914
J2 and Moon 1000.5 1.1063 0.4016 2.7975 0.1326 -2.9303
MEE24 None 450.5 0.2001 1.5271 -6.9611×10−4 2.7834 -0.0121
J2 450.5 0.2242 1.2395 0.3219 2.3298 -3.5316
J2 and Moon 450.5 0.2305 1.2468 0.3257 2.2908 -3.5875
J2 and Moon 1000.5 1.1120 0.5883 2.7642 0.4000 -3.0477
Equatorial projections of each trajectory in Figure 4.10 add visual verification that the dif-
ferent state representations lead to similar transfers. Markers are placed at the initial and final
state, and GEO is noted with a dotted line. The color scheme is maintained, with orange indicating
thrust arcs and blue indicating coast arcs. Three-dimensional views of the MEE100 transfers are
shown in Figure 4.11. The three-dimensional view reveals thrust arcs that are otherwise aliased
in the equatorial projection. The effect is most pronounced for the 1000.5 revolution transfer. Fi-
gures 4.12 to 4.14 trace the semi-major axis, apsis radii, eccentricity and inclination through the
duration of the two-body MEE100 transfer, and the 450.5 and 1000.5 revolution MEE100 transfers
The shorter 450.5 revolution transfers can be described by three maneuver phases for both
the two-body and perturbed cases. First, continuous thrust raises both perigee and apogee while
reducing eccentricity and inclination. Apogee notably increases above GEO distance for more
efficient inclination change. Second, shorter thrust arcs are centered on apogee with coast arcs
spanning most of each revolution. The rate of apogee raising decreases with the loss of thrusting
through perigee. Eccentricity and inclination changes also slow down, while perigee raising is
accelerated. The final revolutions contain both apogee and perigee-centered maneuvers.
Four different maneuver phases characterize the MEE100 1000.5 revolution transfers, with a
different strategy than the 450.5 revolution transfers. Initial maneuvering is almost exclusively
purposed for inclination change. An approximately 90 day coast arc constitutes the second phase.
Next, both eccentricity reduction via perigee raising and inclination reduction occur. A small
increment to apogee radius aids the inclination change. As before, perigee thrust arcs return in
the final phase to complete the transfer. The IJK100 1000.5 revolution transfer appears to fall in a
transition between the two strategies, with significant apogee raising occurring in place of the 90
4.5 Conclusion
The pairing of differential dynamic programming and the Sundman transformation has been
problem. The utility of this method has been demonstrated by the fuel-optimization of transfers
from geostationary transfer orbit to geostationary orbit with an implementation of the differential
dynamic programming algorithm and transformations to the true, mean and eccentric anomalies.
The resulting Pareto front of propellant mass versus time of flight is consistent with those of other
methods. Beyond just reproducing a past result, the method is demonstrably efficient and amenable
to perturbations. Choosing the true anomaly for this study proved most effective and enabled the
The size of the optimization problem and computation time can be significantly reduced
by replacing the Cartesian representation of the spacecraft with an orbital element set. This was
demonstrated by using modified equinoctial elements. First and second derivatives of the correspon-
ding dynamics require meticulous attention when increased fidelity is desired. That procedure has
been detailed in a manner that allows arbitrary perturbations or spacecraft power models, pending
the availability of necessary derivatives. Modified equinoctial elements require additional overhead
in this implementation, and it was first identified that trajectory computation would be slower
until the discretization was reduced to 24 stages per revolution. Significant speed improvement via
Delivered masses, times of flight and trajectory visualizations validate the comparisons made
and show the robustness of Sundman-transformed DDP to different state representations. More
significantly, modified equinoctial elements proved more effective than the Cartesian state during
optimization by reaching convergence in fewer iterations with improved runtime. Also significant
is that nearly identical solutions were found when discretization was reduced from 100 stages per
This work utilized the RMACC Summit supercomputer, which is supported by the National
Science Foundation (awards ACI-1532235 and ACI-1532236), the University of Colorado Boulder,
and Colorado State University. The Summit supercomputer is a joint effort of the University of
Figure 4.10: Equatorial projections of GTO to GEO transfers are organized by column (a) IJK100 ,
(b) MEE100 , (c) MEE24 , and row (a) two-body, (d) J2 , (g) J2 and Moon, (j) 1000.5 revolutions.
(c) (d)
Figure 4.11: Three-dimensional views are provided for the MEE100 (a) two-body, (b) J2 , (c) J2 and
Moon and (d) 1000.5 revolution transfers.
Figure 4.12: Time profiles of (a) semi-major axis, periapsis and apoapsis distance, (b) eccentricity
and (c) inclination for the 450.5 revolution MEE100 two-body transfer.
Figure 4.13: Time profiles of (a) semi-major axis, periapsis and apoapsis distance, (b) eccentricity
and (c) inclination for the 450.5 revolution MEE100 transfer with J2 and lunar perturbations.
Figure 4.14: Time profiles of (a) semi-major axis, periapsis and apoapsis distance, (b) eccentricity
and (c) inclination for the 1000.5 revolution MEE100 transfer with J2 and lunar perturbations.
Chapter 5
Solar electric propulsion (SEP) is the dominant design option for employing low-thrust pro-
pulsion on a space mission. Spacecraft solar arrays power the SEP system but are subject to
blackout periods during solar eclipse conditions. Discontinuity in power available to the spacecraft
should be accounted for in trajectory optimization, but gradient-based methods require a differen-
tiable power model. This chapter presents a power modeling technique that smooths the power
available through eclipse entry and exit. The approach is to scale any user-supplied power model
by the fraction of sunlight that is visible to the spacecraft, named the sunlight fraction γ. For the
AU 2
Pa = γ 2 P0 . (5.1)
The sunlight fraction is a discontinuous function of the possible eclipse conditions of 100% sunlight
and total, partial or annular eclipse. The hassle of checking eclipse conditions and transitioning
between cases is removed by considering the sunlight fraction as a Heaviside step function between
100% sunlight and 0% within the penumbral cone. The discontinuous step can then be smoot-
hed with a logistic function. Similar approaches have seen previous success when applied to the
discontinuity in discrete number of thrusters available [80] and discrete throttle settings [63].
By assuming spherical shapes of the Sun and occulting body and neglecting atmospheric
effects, the eclipse geometry can be represented with overlapping circular discs [81]. Figure 5.1
sketches the eclipse geometry when the edges of the solar disc and occulting planetary disc are
perceived to be coincident by a spacecraft. The true measure of the solar radius is R@ and that of
Figure 5.1: Solar and planetary discs as viewed by a spacecraft on the threshold of an eclipse event.
Geometric features relevant to the eclipse model are labeled.
is the position of the occulting body with respect to the spacecraft. The apparent Solar radius aSR
and apparent body radius aBR are the angles subtended by their respective radii.
sin(aSR) = (5.4)
kr@/sc k
sin(aBR) = (5.5)
krB/sc k
The astute reader will notice that Equations 5.4 and 5.5 are in slight error from the correct geometric
relations are sin(aSR/2) = R@ /(2r@/sc ) and sin(aBR/2) = RB /(2rB/sc ) since the tangent points
from the spacecraft to either body are separated by less than the respective body’s diameter. The
apparent distance aD is the angle between the two bodies as viewed by the spacecraft.
rB/sc r@/sc
cos(aD) = (5.6)
krB/sc kkr@/sc k
By inspection of Figure 5.1, an eclipse occurs when the sum of the apparent radii exceeds the
When the inequality holds and rB/sc < r@/sc , additional criteria determine which part of the
The sunlight fraction is a discontinuous function of the geometry of the spacecraft, Sun and
The intermediate case is itself a discontinuous function that depends on if the spacecraft is in
penumbra or antumbra. Additional relations from the overlapping disc geometry allow for the
computation of the sunlight fraction in each of these cases [81]. Those are disregarded in the
smoothed eclipse model by imposing a zero-thrust constraint for both partial and total eclipse.
The sunlight fraction is then a step function between one and zero and relies only on Equations 5.4
to 5.6 for the necessary geometry. With the Heaviside definition of a step function, the sunlight
0, aSR + aBR > aD
γH = 0.5, aSR + aBR = aD (5.10)
aSR + aBR < aD
Equation 5.9 is the unit Heaviside step function that transitions at x∗ and is applied to the eclipse
transition to develop the Heaviside sunlight fraction in Equation 5.10. The Heaviside step function
alone does not resolve the issue of a discontinuous power model, but it can be approximated by a
logistic function with smooth derivatives that are favorable for gradient-based optimization.
L(x) = (5.11)
1 + exp [−cs (x − x∗ )]
γL = (5.12)
1 + exp {−cs [aD − ct (aSR + aBR)]}
Equation 5.11 is the unit logistic function that is a smooth approximation to the unit Heaviside
step function. Equation 5.12 is the logistic sunlight fraction and constitutes the smoothed eclipse
Figures 5.2a and 5.2b depict the Heaviside sunlight fraction and the logistic sunlight fraction
for different (cs , ct ) values. Sharpness coefficient cs determines the slope of the curve at the tran-
sition point. Transition coefficient ct scales the total angle of the apparent solar and body radii,
and effectively moves the transition point. Selection of a (cs , ct ) pair might be driven by numerical
Figure 5.2: The sunlight fraction is represented by a Heaviside step function and logistic functions
of (a) different sharpness coefficients and (b) different transition coefficients.
behavior, desired model accuracy or mission operations. An intermediate cs value that is not too
steep or flat is likely to benefit optimizer performance, but at the expense of model accuracy. When
model accuracy is a priority, the (cs , ct ) pair that minimizes the smoothed model error could be
selected. In lieu of constant values, (cs , ct ) could be a function of time or orbital radius, for example,
to reflect the changing eclipse geometry during a transfer. From a mission operations perspective,
it might be necessary to power down/up the spacecraft at a certain rate and offset from eclipse
entry/exit. That rate and offset are prescribed by (cs , ct ) in the smoothed eclipse model.
Low-thrust transfers from LEO to GEO characteristically encounter frequent solar eclipses.
That rate is expectedly once per revolution unless the eclipse is avoided by favorable geometry. To
demonstrate the utility of the smoothed eclipse model, the minimum-fuel LEO to GEO transfer
from Reference [34] was reproduced with DDP as the optimization method.
Power available to the spacecraft is modeled by scaling a reference power level by the logistic
sunlight fraction.
Pa = γL P0 (5.13)
in Section 2.1.1. It is assumed that the spacecraft has gimbaled solar arrays and/or gimbaled
thrusters so that the arrays are always wholly effective. Thrust available from the SEP system is
then given by Equation 2.7. Table 5.2 lists the necessary spacecraft parameters. Reference [34]
considers Ta = Tmax for burn phases, where the maximum thrust is a constant value that is always
attainable. Thus, power modeling can be reduced to a scaling of Tmax by the logistic sunlight
Ta = γL Tmax (5.14)
Selection of a (cs , ct ) pair began by choosing ct = 1.0 so that there is no shift in the eclipse
transition. Next, cs = 289.78 was computed to minimize the error between the logistic sunlight
fraction and discontinuous eclipse model [81] for a 300 km altitude circular LEO. That value
maintained accuracy as the orbital altitude was increased. The Sun and body radii and Sun-body
distance drive the optimal cs value, rather than the spacecraft’s planetocentric orbit. The values
(cs , ct ) = (289.78, 1.0) were held fixed for all numerical examples.
Initial conditions for a 500 km altitude LEO with 28.5◦ inclination are stated in terms of the
modified equinoctial elements in Table 5.1. Initial conditions for the target GEO are also listed
with the exception of the unconstrained true longitude. Dynamics include solar and lunar third-
body perturbations and perturbations from Earth zonal harmonics J2 , J3 and J4 . Dynamic model
parameters are summarized in Table 5.2. The Sun’s position, velocity and acceleration are obtained
from heliocentric Keplerian motion of the Earth beginning with the osculating orbital elements for
the Earth at the reference epoch. The Moon’s state is similarly obtained by geocentric Keplerian
Table 5.1: Initial and target orbits in terms of the modified equinoctial elements for the LEO to
GEO transfer with eclipsing.
Reference [34] selected the true longitude as the independent variable and arrived at an
optimal final mass of mf = 718.79 kg in ∆L = 248 revolutions and time of flight tf = 43.13 days.
For this example, the true anomaly was chosen as the independent variable and the endpoint was
fixed at ∆ν = 248 revolutions. The DDP setup also included the augmented modified equinoctial
Table 5.2: Dynamic model parameters for the LEO to GEO transfer with eclipsing.
element state vector and discretization set to 60 stages per revolution (MEE6 0) evenly spaced in
true anomaly. An initial guess of T = 0 for all stages set DDP iteration to begin from a ballistic
trajectory through 248 revolutions in LEO. RK8 integration was used as the numerical procedure.
First, the LEO to GEO trajectory was computed without eclipsing to provide a reference
solution and quantify the effects of eclipsing on trajectory performance. The 53.32 day transfer
delivers 744.04 kg and is shown in Figure 5.3. The trajectory computed by DDP with the smoothed
eclipse model active is shown in Figure 5.4a and the eclipse passages are highlighted in Figure 5.4b.
When compared to the soltuion in Reference [34], an improved final mass of 723.29 kg comes
at the expense of an increase in time of flight to 44.72 days. True longitude accumulates to
248.48 revolutions.
Eclipse passages interfere with initial thrusting to raise the orbital radius from LEO. Coast
arcs in sunlight are driven by the minimum-propellant objective and do not occur until late in the
transfer. The significantly shorter flight time with eclipse effects can be attributed to the eclipses
occurring at low orbital radii combined with the fixed number of revolutions. More revolutions are
required to escape eclipse season, but these are passing at short orbital periods. Once eclipses cease
to occur, fewer revolutions of increased orbital period remain for completing the transfer. Without
eclipsing, the increased number of higher radius revolutions allows the final maneuvers to be more
Figure 5.3: The 248 revolution LEO to GEO transfer without eclipse modeling.
The initial DDP solution and Betts’ solution in Reference [34] do not provide a one-to-one
comparison, owed to the different flight times. For the DDP solution, delivered mass expectedly
increased alongside the time of flight. To better understand the trade-off of propellant mass versus
time of flight, optimization was repeated for a number of transfers fixed in duration to a number of
revolutions. Results are shown in Figure 5.5, which shows the expected behavior of fuel requirement
decreasing with transfer duration. There is a noticeable penalty for transfers completing in one
quarter or three quarters of a revolution, thereby losing symmetric maneuvering for inclination
change about the line of nodes. The more desirable comparison, however, is propellant mass versus
time, rather than revolutions, which is shown in Figure 5.6. The trade study failed to lower the
time of flight to that of Reference [34]. The shortest transfer of 44.69 days results from the 249
revolution transfer. Continuing to decrease the number of revolutions only results in increased
times of flight. A better initial guess such as that from a control law, rather than a ballistic orbit in
LEO, could help extend the Pareto-front into the lower flight time regime. In an attempt to match
Reference [34], the 248 revolution solution was used as an initial guess for optimization restarted
Figure 5.4: (a) The 248 revolution LEO to GEO trajectory computed with the smoothed eclipse
model active is shown in a three-dimensional view. Eclipse arcs are colored in grayscale from black
for total eclipse to white for total sunlight. (b) An equatorial projection of the eclipse passages is
shown with penumbra entry and exit locations marked.
Figure 5.5: Trade-off of fuel versus number of revolutions for the LEO to GEO transfer with
to minimize time instead of fuel. The awkward prescription to minimize time in a fixed number
of revolutions successfully approaches the desired mass and time results, with mf = 717.76 kg
and tf = 43.14 days. It is plausible that the initial guess from a Lyapunov based control law in
Reference [34] approached the minimum-time solution and subsequent optimization passes for fuel
optimization found a local minimum only nearby the initial point. Both Betts’ solution and the
minimum-time DDP solution are marked in each of Figures 5.5 and 5.6.
Intuitively, there should be trajectories to fill the gap between the minimum-time solution
and the curve of minimum-fuel solutions. The first attempt at finding these trajectories followed the
same approach as the time-minimization of the 248 revolution transfer, by taking the minimum-fuel
solutions as initial guesses for restarts of DDP with time of flight as the new objective to minimize.
The new curve of minimum-time DDP solutions is shown in Figure 5.7. As the number of revolutions
Figure 5.6: Trade-off of fuel versus time of flight for the LEO to GEO transfer with eclipsing.
is decreased from the reference 248 revolution solution, both the propellant requirements and times
of flight increase to complete the transfer. The lower number of revolutions is insufficient to perform
the inclination change. Additional orbit raising becomes necessary to accomplish more inclination
change within a given revolution but with the penalty of added flight time. On the other end,
increasing the number of revolutions produces trajectories with both cheaper fuel requirements and
shorter times of flight. This trend proceeds down to the lowest time of flight of 41.92 days over 259
revolutions, after which time of flight turns to increasing with the number of revolutions.
In order to find trajectories in the gap between the minimum-fuel and minimum-time curves,
a target final time ttarget was added to the terminal constraint function. Then the value of ttarget was
varied between the minimum time and the flight time of the minimum-fuel solution for a specified
number of revolutions. DDP was restarted to minimize fuel at each value of ttarget , beginning with
Figure 5.7: Trade-off of fuel versus time of flight for varied objectives for the LEO to GEO transfer
with eclipsing.
the minimum-time solution as an initial guess and passing each solution forward as an initial guess
for the next ttarget . These solution curves are included in Figure 5.7. An approximate Pareto
front appears with just the two curves of 259 and 270 revolutions. The 259 revolution curve was
selected since it begins at the overall minimum-time solution. Curves of fewer revolutions are
dominated, e.g. the 255 revolution curve does not intersect the 259 revolution curve to contribute
to the Pareto front. After the fold (Nrev increasing) in the minimum-time curve, however, solution
curves do intersect, so that the fuel-optimal number of revolutions varies with the time of flight.
This is promising, so that there is not a fixed ‘magic number’ of revolutions. Curves between 259
and 270 revolutions necessarily have to intersect the 259 revolution curve and curves with a higher
number of revolutions, at least up to 270. If there is a limit, it remains unknown without further
Propellant mass and time of flight for all transfers are shown versus number of revolutions
in Figures 5.8 and 5.9. The fold in the minimum-time curve of Figure 5.7 now appears as leveling
off and holding fairly constant as the number of revolutions changes around the overall minimum-
time. Curves of constant number of revolutions are more obvious as they appear vertically between
the minimum-fuel and minimum-time results. The trajectory spacing is uniform in Figure 5.9
(except for a few choice trajectories) because the times were selected. The spacing is not uniform
in Figure 5.8 as it becomes more demanding to approach the minimum time of flight.
Figure 5.8: Trade-off of fuel versus number of revolutions for varied objectives for the LEO to GEO
transfer with eclipsing.
While the smoothed eclipse model benefits from an automatic response in power available
during eclipse without the need for event detection, a fixed mesh of integration stages will step
over the eclipse entry and exit points. The spacecraft effectively sees prolonged sunlight into pe-
numbra entry and prolonged eclipse through penumbra exit. The discretization error is illustrated
Figure 5.9: Trade-off of time of flight versus number of revolutions for varied objectives for the
LEO to GEO transfer with eclipsing.
in Figure 5.4b, where penumbra entry and exit locations have been marked on an equatorial pro-
jection of the initial trajectory result. There are several ways to fix this error. One is to use a
variable-step integrator, but fixed-step integrators are favorable for speed and optimizer perfor-
mance. Reference [73] discusses the main pitfalls of variable-step integration. Another way to
correct the discretization error is to compensate analytically, which is discussed in the following
Penumbra entry and exit locations can be estimated as the intersection of the line between
two integration stages and the penumbral cone. Calculations in this study do not correct for light
time but capture the instantaneous penumbral cone geometry that is illustrated in Figure 5.10.
Reference [82] provides a presentation of how to find the intersection of a line and a cone that is
The origin of the penumbral cone is a function of the solar and occulting body radii and the
solar vector.
χp = RB
s (5.15)
RB + R@
Note that s = r@/B . The penumbral cone axis is represented by a unit vector opposite the solar
sin αp = χ , (5.16)
k pk
which is again a minor simplification from sin(αp /2) = RB /(2χp ). A spacecraft with position vector
r is within the penumbral cone if the vector difference r − χp forms an angle with the cone axis
Squaring Equation 5.17 yields a quadratic inequality with roots along the penumbra terminator.
Consider the position vectors r1 and r2 just before and after penumbra entry. Inserting the
line r(t) = r1 + tr2 into Equation 5.18 and solving for the roots of at2 + 2bt + c = 0 provides the
points of intersection of r(t) and the penumbral cone. After defining M = (ŝŝT − I cos2 αp ), the
coefficients are
a = r2 T M r2 (5.19a)
b = r2 T M (r1 − χp ) (5.19b)
The smaller root t = (−b ± b2 − ac )/a estimates the spacecraft penumbra entry, while the larger
root extends the line to the far side of the penumbral cone. For position vectors r1 and r2 just before
and after penumbra exit, a positive root estimates the spacecraft penumbra exit and a negative
The method for calculation of penumbra entry and exit points can be leveraged for mesh
adjustment to place integration stages on the penumbra terminator. First, a generic integration
X2 = f (X1 , τ2 − τ1 ) (5.20)
State vector X includes the position vector r or orbital elements that determine r, while f is a
transition function, e.g., the integral of the equations of motion, and τ is the independent variable
of integration.
Given r1 and having computed r2 , the two positions can be checked for a change in eclipse
conditions. The step size τ2 − τ1 should be selected so that the penumbra will not be stepped over
entirely. If eclipse entry or exit is detected, the estimated intersection of the trajectory and penum-
bra terminator is re = r(te ) where te is selected as the appropriate root obtained by Equations 5.18
and 5.19. The angle between r1 and re is the approximate change in true anomaly to reach the
penumbra terminator.
re T r1
cos(∆ν) = (5.21)
kre kkr1 k
Then the independent variable at the terminator τe = τ (X1 , τ1 , ∆ν) can be determined, and two
Xe = f (X1 , τe − τ1 ) (5.22a)
X2 = f (Xe , τ2 − τe ) (5.22b)
side. Stepping too far provides a conservative model of the power available, so it may be worthwhile
to further increment ∆ν. This is perhaps a more realistic representation of a spacecraft shutting
down early and remaining down for some duration after an eclipse event. In the worst case, a
single-step integrator carries the incorrect power available from re to r2 . Multi-step methods,
however, should have integration sub-steps on the correct side of the penumbra terminator to offset
this error.
Accuracy of the initial 248 revolution result was improved by inserting stages at the penumbra
entry and exit locations detected by the methods of Section 5.4. DDP was restarted with the
previous solution as an initial guess. Power available is again given by the smoothed eclipse model
but stages for eclipse passages are forced to coast by setting Tmax = 0. For each revolution with
an eclipse passage, the new throttle constraint is assigned for the inserted penumbra entry stage
and subsequent stages up to but not including the inserted penumbra exit. While the improved
trajectory is similar, its penumbra entry and exit locations correspond to the previous solution.
Subsequent iterations insert stages to update the penumbra entry and exit locations to further
improve solution accuracy. The new trajectory is practically indistinguishable aside from the
improved resolution at the penumbra terminator. Color contours of the logistic sunlight fraction
are not used in Figure 5.12a (as they were in Figure 5.4a). As the smoothed model is active,
stages adjacent to the penumbra see γL less than but approximately 100%. Mass and time of flight
results are summarized in Table 5.3. Iteration 1 is the first attempt without penumbra detection.
Table 5.3: Final mass and time of flight for the original DDP solution and each DDP solution after
updates to the penumbra entry and exit locations
Subsequent iterations have updated the penumbra entry and exit locations, and require a number
Thrust steering profiles are depicted in Figure 5.11. The in-plane thrust angle is measured
from the transverse direction about the angular momentum, and the out-of-plane thrust is measured
from the orbit plane about the radial direction. The thrust magnitude profile confirms the expected
bang-bang control, though initial coast arcs are owed to eclipsing, while later coast arcs are for fuel
optimality. Steering angles indicate how initial steering is devoted to raising the orbital radius.
The out-of-plane component increases throughout the transfer as it becomes more fuel efficient to
Table 5.4: The number of iterations and runtime for the original DDP solution and each DDP
solution after updates to the penumbra entry and exit locations.
Figure 5.11: Thrust magnitude, in-plane, and out-of-plane thrust angles are shown for the duration
of the 248 revolution LEO to GEO transfer after final updates to the penumbra entry and exit
5.6 Conclusion
A smoothed eclipse model has been presented for use in computing optimal trajectories
for space missions that employ solar electric propulsion. The logistic sunlight fraction has been
introduced as the visible sunlight through the smoothed eclipse transition from total eclipse to total
sunlight (and vice versa) by a logistic function. The model is continuously differentiable and suitable
for gradient-based optimization methods. As a percentage of the sunlight available, the smoothed
Figure 5.12: (a) The final LEO to GEO transfer with penumbra detection is shown in a three-
dimensional view. (b) An equatorial projection of the eclipse passages along the final solution.
eclipse model is a coefficient that can be paired with arbitrary power models. A set of tuning
parameters allows for mission designers to adjust the rate at which power available to the spacecraft
declines or recovers, and to shift the location of the eclipse discontinuity. An example trajectory
computed with DDP and the smoothed eclipse model improves upon the mass delivered for a
LEO to GEO trajectory in [34] but with increased flight time. Additional trajectory computations
present the trade-off of propellant mass versus transfer duration. That exercise showed capability
a specific time of flight. It also showed how initial solutions can be passed forward as initial guesses
to fill the solution space. Finally, a refined solution was computed to correct for discretization errors
by inserting penumbra entry and exit locations with only a minor adjustment to the delivered mass
A spacecraft trajectory might also be subject to path inequality constraints. In the current
gk (Xk ) ≤ 0 (6.1)
Equation 6.1 is a vector equation containing any number Ng of stage inequality constraints. Con-
straining the thrust magnitude to its maximum is a necessary path inequality constraint. If a
control update during the backward sweep steps beyond the maximum thrust, it is reduced to the
boundary and the full trust-region is used to update the direction. Similarly, if feedback terms
bring the thrust beyond the maximum during the forward pass, thrust is again reduced to the
boundary. Maximum thrust is a hard constraint that is limited by the physical capability of the
propulsion system. Soft constraints are permitted some degree of violation beyond their bounds,
so a penalty method is sufficient. If a stage constraint is active, then a penalty cost is assigned to
that stage.
cgk (Xk )2 ,
gk (Xk ) > 0
Lk = (6.2)
0, gk (Xk ) ≤ 0
Equation 6.2 assigns a quadratic penalty with weight c. Each constraint may be assigned its
own penalty weight and a different penalty function, such as a cubic or exponential cost. The
chosen penalty function should be twice differentiable. If an iterate is accepted with active stage
Reference [51] covers a more formal approach to path inequality constraints that involves
solving for a Lagrange multiplier for each active constraint. Multipliers and path constraint vio-
lations are collectively gathered into the augmented Lagrangian like terminal constraints but with
similar logic to the penalty method. Multipliers may be assigned for all stages and assigned values
or nulled as constraints are activated or deactived, so that the stages with active constraints on the
converged solution do not need to be known a priori. This approach may or may not add a large set
of new variables to solve for. Constraining the flyby altitude through a gravity assist, for example,
might only add a single multiplier at the stage of closest approach. This stage of closest approach
might change between DDP iterations so that multipliers across a few stages are routinely updated
en route to convergence. The stages with active constraints do not need to be known a priori. do
not needAs an extreme example, an additional Lagrange multiplier could be necessary for every
stage to constrain the thrust magnitude. Reference [83] attaches both a Lagrange multiplier and a
slack variable to the control constraint at each stage, which proved effective for a small number of
stages. Pellegrini points out that the slack variables can be handled implicitly without additional
computation [51].
Penalty functions were used in Reference [39] to constrain the thrust magnitude and launch
date. The launch date is a static parameter. The penalty method has broad application to cont-
rol and static parameters, path constraints and terminal constraints and is simple to implement.
Forming gk (Xk ) may require some ingenuity, namely to arrive at a twice-differentiable form. If
analytic derivatives prove to be elusive, then a finite-differencing method might suffice. The ease of
implementation and null effect on optimization problem size makes the penalty method attractive
for low-thrust many-revolution trajectory optimization. In this chapter, the penalty method is
leveraged to constrain apsis radii for a benchmark orbit transfer and to constrain the maximum
duration in eclipse.
through orbit transfers of varying complexity, named Case A through Case E. The transfers were
first introduced in Reference [22] to demonstrate the Q-law. Case B is a GTO to GEO transfer and
was studied in Chapter 4 and Reference [57] to introduce and verify the Sundman-transformed DDP
approach. Case E is the most challenging of the benchmark orbit transfers due to large rotations
of the angular momentum and eccentricity vectors and is defined in Table 6.1. The boundary
conditions were converted to the modified equinoctial elements in Table 6.2 for the current example
Orbit p (km) f g h k L
Initial 11624.9863 0.725 0.0 5.2359×10 0.0 0.0
Target 13515 0.0 0.7 -1.6003 0.0
The dynamic model includes point-mass Earth gravity and thrust, i.e. the two-body model
is used. The numerical setup is unchanged except for setting the discretization to 60 stages per
revolution, MEE60 . The number of revolutions was varied to trace the Pareto front of fuel versus
time of flight. The procedure began with ballistic initial guesses but with the initial out-of-plane
steering set to βk = −sgn [cos (ω + ν)] π/2 for all stages, which maximizes the rate of decreasing
inclination di/dt < 0 with respect to β. The initial guess also maximizes dΩ/dt for half of each
revolution, as βk = sgn [sin (ω + ν)] π/2 maximizes dΩ/dt > 0. Thus, the decreasing rate dΩ/dt < 0
is maximized for the other half of each orbit. Reference [84] summarizes the optimal steering angles
to maximize the instantaneous change in each orbital element, which could be used for constructing
Periapsis throughout the transfer is constrained to an altitude of 120 km. Without the
a trajectory that dipped below the Earth’s surface. On the other end, apoapsis is unconstrained
in the Case E definition but it proved useful to enforce a maximum apoapsis constraint to guide
DDP toward favorable results. Without the apoapsis constraint, some trajectories would drift to
an excessive orbital radius to perform an inexpensive plane change, but doing so ultimately led to
local minima above the Pareto front of fuel expenditure versus time of flight. For other trajectory
optimization exercises, orbit raising sometimes proceeded to reach escape trajectories. This became
a failure mode for each of the Sundman transformations in Equation 4.18. The automatic step-size
regulation provided by the Sundman transformation takes integration steps of increasing size on
a departure hyperbola, growing like r2 for the true anomaly transformation, for example. Adding
the apoapsis constraint serves as a safeguard but the maximum allowed value becomes a tuning
parameter. Various constraint values are discussed in the results. Both apsis constraints are
applied to the osculating state at each stage with a quadratic penalty function. The relevant apsis
constraints are
where rper,min is the minimum periapsis radius, rper,k and rapo,k are the periapsis and apoapsis radii
at stage k and rapo,max is the maximum apoapsis radius. The penalty cost is assigned as described
Ng −1
Lk = Li,k (6.4b)
Each stage incurs a local cost Lk that is the sum of penalty costs Li,k associated with each constraint
gi,k . Each constraint can be assigned its own weight ci . That weight could be assigned to each
stage as ci,k but was left uniform across all stages for simplicity, with c0 = 106 and c1 = 103 . The
first and second derivatives of Li,k with respect to Xk are evaluated and summed following the
Once again the objective is to maximize the final mass. The terminal constraint function
targets the modified equinoctial elements in Table 6.2 with equal weights on the quadratic cost and
the final true longitude free. The augmented Lagrangian is redefined to include the local costs of
φ = −mf (6.5b)
pf − ptarget
ψMEE = gf − gtarget (6.5c)
hf − htarget
Σ = 10 I5×5 (6.5d)
The first set of computations left the apoapsis distance unconstrained and set the number
of revolutions from 70 to 300 in steps of 10. While the 70 revolution transfer converged in just 29
minutes, optimization was terminated for transfers above 180 revolutions once the runtime reached
24 hours. The computational setup was identical to that in Chapter 4. The longest runtime of
the converged transfers was the 150 revolution transfer at 11 hours and 34 minutes. The iteration
counts for the 70 and 150 revolution transfers were 515 and 3806, respectively. The propellant
mass and time of flight for the successful transfers are plotted along with the results from [24] in
Figure 6.1.
Figure 6.1: Case E trade-off of fuel versus time of flight with apoapsis unconstrained.
Figure 6.1 includes results from the Q-law with a nominal set of tuning parameters, the
improved transfers from tuning the Q-law with a genetic algorithm (GA-Q-law) and transfers with
averaged dynamics using T 3D, an indirect optimizer [85, 86]. The Q-law uses exact dynamics, so
the improved GA-Q-law results offer the best comparison. The DDP-computed propellant mass
requirements at the shortest times of flight rise above the expected Pareto front. For times of flight
around 150 to 200 days, DDP outperforms GA-Q-law before returning to the same front at longer
times of flight. Petropoulos notes that the CPU runtimes to produce the Case E trade-off are on
the order of a minute for the Q-law, tens of minutes for T 3D and tens of hours for GA-Q-law.
Next, the maximum-apoapsis constraint was activated with rapo,max set to 60, 70, 80, 90, 100,
150 and 200×103 km. Again, the number of revolutions was set from 70 to 300 in steps of 10, except
for rapo,max = 60 × 103 km which was included for only 70 to 160 revolutions. Optimization began
from a ballistic initial guess for each solution. The fuel versus time of flight results are gathered for
all of the transfers in Figure 6.2. There are DDP trajectories falling below the GA-Q-law Pareto
front across the range of times of flight. For each apoapsis constraint value, an elbow in the DDP
curve outperforms GA-Q-law curve at intermediate values of time of flight. Then there are two
intersections so that GA-Q-law finds better solutions than DDP at the shortest and longest times
of flight. These intersections move to shorter flight times as the apoapsis constraint is decreased.
The DDP solutions were filtered to produce the Pareto front in Figure 6.3. There is increased
overlap at the shorter flight times between solutions with different apoapsis constraint values. The
trend is clear, however, that the increasing apoapsis constraint dominates with increasing flight
time. There are noticeable inflections with each increment to rapo,max that could be removed by
The effect of varying the apoapsis constraint value becomes more evident when viewing
the trade-off of propellant mass versus number of revolutions in Figure 6.4 and the trade-off of
transfer duration versus number of revolutions in Figure 6.5. For a fixed number of revolutions, the
tighter constraint increases the fuel requirement and decreases the time of flight. For rapo,max =
60 × 103 km, 70 and 80 revolutions were insufficient to complete the transfer, as were 70 revolutions
for rapo,max = 70 × 103 km. These failures were recognized as DDP iterating on an infeasible
solution without continuing to make progress. For rapo,max = 150 × 103 km, the constraint is
inactive for transfers of 80, 90, 100 and 140 revolutions and for rapo,max = 200 × 103 km, the
constraint is inactive for transfers ranging 70 to 170 revolutions. Those solutions are identical to
the unconstrained solutions. Optimization was again terminated at 24 hours of runtime for the 270
Figure 6.2: Case E trade-off of fuel versus time of flight for all of the DDP solutions.
to 300 revolution cases with rapo,max = 200 × 103 km. The solution process is not perfect every
time, as evidenced by fluctuations in the trade-off curves in all of Figures 6.1 to 6.5. The affect of
the apoapsis constraint on convergence time and number of iterations is unpredictable, while the
affect of number of revolutions is more so. Computational effort ranged from 163 iterations in 11
minutes for the 90 revolution rapo,max = 60 × 103 km transfer to 5309 iterations in 17 hours and 31
Trajectory plots are shown for the 80 revolution rapo,max = 70 × 103 km and 300 revolution
rapo,max = 100 × 103 km transfers in Figures 6.6 and 6.7. Markers are placed at the initial and final
states, which are the periapsis states of the initial and target orbits. Time histories of rapo , rper , i,
Ω and ω are shown in Figure 6.8, which most notably show rapo on the constraint boundaries and
that large changes in Ω and ω can be accomplished early in the transfer when the orbit is nearly
equatorial. While Figure 6.6 shows the shortest time of flight DDP solution, there is still significant
coasting visible, suggesting that a much shorter time of flight is possible. Indeed, Figures 6.2 and 6.3
show several GA-Q-law and T 3D solutions with shorter times of flight. As more revolutions and
consequently more time of flight are available to complete the transfer, thrust arcs reduce to small
durations and much of the transfer is spent coasting between these more fuel-efficient maneuvers.
The motivation to constrain the maximum eclipse duration arose from mission design for a
thermally limited spacecraft. If the spacecraft were to spend too much time in eclipse, then certain
system components would fail. The concern is for the duration of any individual eclipse, not the
sum total from all eclipses along a trajectory. Furthermore, this design challenge is not limited to
where ∆teclipse,k is the duration of the eclipse in which stage k falls, and ∆teclipse,max is the maximum
allowed duration of any individual eclipse. Most frequently, ∆teclipse,k = 0. As in Chapter 5, the
eclipse condition is considered binary, so that ∆teclipse,k accumulates during partial eclipse. If
successive stages k, k + 1, ... fall in the same eclipse passage, then each stage incurs its own cost
However, an output of the eclipse duration does not accompany the computed percent sunlight.
To enforce Equation 6.6 effectively, an analytic and twice-differentiable equation for ∆teclipse,k is
desired. Chapter 5 considers conical eclipse geometry and non-Keplerian motion. The time of
flight between penumbra entry and exit must be computed with a numerical routine. An example
approach numerically integrates the trajectory until a penumbra crossing is detected and uses the
bisection method to adjust the final step size to place the final state on the edge of the penumbral
cone. That procedure would need to be repeated for each state variable to obtain the finite-difference
Keplerian motion yields the famous time of flight equation, but finding intersections of the
orbit and penumbral cone requires an iterative procedure [87, 88]. The assumption of Keplerian
motion is not a far reach when thrusting is disallowed through eclipse and the passage is a short arc
segment. Furthermore, an exact measure of ∆teclipse,k is not a requirement. The calculation simply
needs to be good enough and that level of sufficiency is problem dependent. With an understanding
Figure 6.6: The 80 revolution Case E transfer constrained to rapo,max = 70 × 103 km.
of how a modeled value of ∆teclipse,k is over or under conservative, the penalty weight and constraint
value can be tuned to meet mission design requirements. In lieu of conical eclipse geometry, a
simpler cylindrical shadow model is used to reach a twice-differentiable ∆teclipse,k . When also
assuming Keplerian motion and the Sun’s position to be fixed through an eclipse passage, shadow
entry and exit locations can be obtained as the roots of a quartic equation. The time of flight
equation can then be applied across the shadow transit to give ∆teclipse,k . Reference [88] illustrates
the potential error for a worst case scenario where the orbit skims the shadow cylinder. Then the
cylindrical model doesn’t show any time in eclipse although there could be significant time spent
Figure 6.7: The 300 revolution Case E transfer constrained to rapo,max = 100 × 103 km.
A cylindrical shadow results from the assumption that the Sun is infinitely far away. Light
rays shine antiparallel to the Sun vector s from the central body so that a cylindrical shadow
forms with infinite length and a radius equal to that of the body, RB generally or R⊕ for the
Earth. Figure 6.9 is a redrawing from Reference [5] that illustrates the Earth shadow cylinder and
a spacecraft orbit. A spacecraft position r is shown during an eclipse passage with marked entry
and exit points. The angle ζ is measured between the Sun vector and spacecraft position.
If ζ < 90◦ then the spacecraft is closer to the Sun than the Earth is and there is no need to proceed
further in checking for eclipse. If ζ > 90◦ , then an eclipse occurs if r sin ζ < R⊕ . This logic could
be used in the same manner as the conical eclipse transition in Chapter 5 to produce a cylindrical
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6.8: (a) Apsis radii, (b) inclination, (c) right ascension of the ascending node and (d) argu-
ment of periapsis for 80 revolution rapo,max = 70×103 km and 300 revolution rapo,max = 100×103 km
Case E transfers.
Figure 6.9: An example spacecraft orbit is shown intersecting a cylindrical Earth shadow.
The current cylindrical shadow analysis makes use of the perifocal coordinate system (PQW),
where P is aligned with the eccentricity vector and points toward periapsis, W (not pictured) is
aligned with the angular momentum and Q completes the right-handed frame to align with the
As the spacecraft moves through the shadow cylinder, the central body is advancing in
its heliocentric orbit. Thus, s is changing and the shadow cylinder should move with it. The
planetocentric motion of the spacecraft occurs on a shorter timescale than the body’s heliocentric
motion. It is then a mild assumption to hold s fixed for a given eclipse passage.
An important quantity for the study of spacecraft eclipse is the angle between the spacecraft’s
planetocentric orbital plane and the Sun, named the beta angle β@ . An expression for β@ in
Reference [5] uses the right ascension α@ and declination δ@ of the Sun.
tan α@ = , (6.10a)
tan β@ = p . (6.10b)
2 2
x @ + y@
Vallado [5] also gives an expression for the eclipse duration for a circular orbit at a given beta angle,
r 2
1− r P
= cos−1
∆teclipse,circ , (6.11)
cos β@ π
Equation 6.11 could be used to evaluate ∆teclipse,k = ∆teclipse,circ in the constraint function Equa-
tion 6.6. For elliptical orbits the measure is conservative for periapsis eclipses but underestimates
Mission orbit selection and transfer analysis can be facilitated by exploiting Equation 6.11.
Varying the orbital radius and beta angle in Equation 6.11 maps out the possible eclipse durations
for circular orbits. Eclipse maps for Earth and Mars are shown in Figures 6.10a and 6.10b for
orbits ranging from an altitude of 100 km to a radius of 100,000 km. At lower altitudes, eclipses are
encountered through a wide range of beta angles, but the orbital velocities are high and the eclipses
are short in duration. That range of susceptible beta angles decreases with increasing altitude, but
so does orbital velocity. Thus, eclipse durations increase. Since the radius of the shadow cylinder is
fixed, the fraction of an orbital period spent in eclipse decreases with radius, despite the increasing
eclipse duration.
Figure 6.10: (a) An Earth eclipse map and (b) a Mars eclipse map show contours of eclipse duration
for circular orbits of various radii and beta angles in a cylindrical shadow model.
An obvious but not so useful expression for the eclipse duration is the difference between the
The Keplerian motion assumption permits a restatement of ∆teclipse using the time of flight equa-
Mexit − Mentry
∆teclipse = , (6.14)
where Mexit and Mentry are the mean anomalies at shadow exit and entry and n is the mean motion.
n= (6.15)
References [5, 89–91] present a quartic equation that is satisfied by the true anomalies at entry and
exit νentry and νexit . Those can be converted to eccentric anomalies Eentry and Eexit which in turn
yield Mentry and Mexit for use in Equation 6.14. This presentation closely follows Vallado’s [5]
though it is noted that Edelbaum’s [90] presentation uses an equinoctial element set. The latter
has been implemented in the Solar Electric Control Knob Setting Program by Optimal Trajectories
(SECKSPOT), which includes a delay in thruster start-up after exiting eclipse [92, 93].
The true anomaly is introduced to the shadow analysis by restating the spacecraft position
Equations 6.7 and 6.16 yield an expression for the Sun-body-spacecraft angle as a function of the
true anomaly.
β1 = ŝT P , (6.18a)
β2 = ŝT Q, (6.18b)
Vallado points out that elliptical orbits can only encounter eclipse if
2 2
1− < β12 <1− . (6.20)
a(1 − e) a(1 + e)
Using Equation 6.19 in the intersection of the eclipse and the shadow cylinder r cos ζ = RB gives
an expression that is satisfied by νentry and νexit , but first the position magnitude is replaced by a
r= (6.21)
1 + e cos ν
A shadow equation is then obtained by using Equations 6.19 and 6.21 in r cos ζ = RB , squaring
S = RB (1 + e cos ν)2 + p2 (β1 cos ν + β2 sin ν)2 − p2 (6.22)
α= , (6.24a)
α3 = 6α4 e2 − 2α2 (β22 − β12 ) − 2α2 e2 (1 − β22 ) + 2(β22 − β12 )(1 − β22 ) − 4β22 β12 , (6.24d)
The shadow quartic is satisfied for values of cos ν that produce S = 0. Those roots can
be obtained analytically, but recovering the true anomaly requires checking both cos(±ν). Eight
possible values of the true anomaly must be reduced to the correct νentry and νexit . The first check
requires ζ > 90◦ or equivalently cos ζ < 0. Second, sin ν 6= sin(−ν) so S = 0 can be checked in
Equation 6.22. Whether the true anomaly corresponds to an entry or exit can be determined by
the sign of ∂S/∂ν, where S is increasing for νentry and decreasing for νexit . Then the eccentric
M = E − e sin E, (6.26)
The maximum eclipse duration constraint is checked during the cost function evaluation.
Equation 6.14 is evaluated at each stage k using the current state to give an osculating eclipse
duration ∆teclipse,k = ∆teclipse (Xk ). The first step in that routine is to check the eclipse re-
quirements ζ > 90◦ and r sin ζ < RB . If there is no eclipse, then ∆teclipse,k = 0. Otherwise,
the routine proceeds with the steps of Section 6.2.4. The derivatives LX,k and LXX,k , thus
∂∆teclipse,k /∂Xk and ∂ 2 ∆teclipse,k /∂Xk2 are computed for successful iterations and active con-
straints ∆teclipse,k > ∆teclipse,max . Application of the chain rule through each of the steps in
Section 6.2.4 has proved to be an efficient approach. The process should include the derivatives of
the PQW frame with respect to X, the time derivative of s and logical statements to carry for-
ward the derivatives corresponding to the correct roots of the shadow quartic. The last statement
similarly applies to a cubic equation that is solved within the quartic solution.
The constraint has been implemented with the modified equinoctial element state represen-
tation. A singularity in the derivatives arises for circular orbits, where e = f 2 + g 2 = 0.
f g
∂e ∂e
= p 2 p (6.27)
∂f ∂g f + g2 f 2 + g2
The derivatives of eccentricity are not taken explicitly since e is eliminated when substituting in the
modified equinoctial elements, but that does not prevent division by f 2 + g 2 . At the same time,
the eccentricity vector and P require redefinition. These challenges can be mitigated by forcing a
small eccentricity magnitude or by using Equation 6.11 when a circular orbit is detected.
An example mission to Mars requires a specific mass, orbital plane, arrival epoch and zero
eccentricity at the altitude of Deimos. The trajectory optimization problem is posed backward in
time to compute the minimum starting mass at a 100,000 km circular orbit as a plausible state
shortly after interplanetary arrival with C3 = 0 at the sphere of influence. First, no concern is
given for the maximum eclipse duration, but eclipsing is included in the power model. Then, a
maximum eclipse duration is enforced by the penalty method and cylindrical shadow model.
The transfer setup is described in Tables 6.3 and 6.4. The initial orbit plane is specified with
i = 92.7◦ and Ω = 30.0◦ . Target values of h, k and L are unconstrained. Dynamics include the
J2 perturbation, although the effect is small in this high-altitude regime. The sharpness coefficient
cs = 100 for use in the smoothed eclipse model from Chapter 5 was simply selected without analysis
as a large enough value to provide a near immediate step between 100% and 0% power. The
reference epoch sets the initial time t0 at midnight January 1, 2024. The transfer was initially fixed
to 40 revolutions (Nrev = 40) and discretized to 60 stages per revolution with modified equinoctial
elements (MEE60 ).
Since the equations of motion are being evaluated backward in time, mass accumulates during
thrusting. The objective is to minimize that accumulation from a fixed starting mass. The terminal
constraint function measures the errors in pf , ff and gf which are all weighted equally. These
Table 6.3: Initial and target orbits for the eclipse-constrained Mars orbit transfer.
Table 6.4: Dynamic model parameters for the eclipse-constrained Mars orbit transfer.
components of the augmented Lagrangian cost function are summarized in Equation 6.28.
φ = mf (6.28a)
pf − ptarget
ψ= ff (6.28b)
Σ = I3×3 (6.28c)
The unconstrained trajectory is shown in Figure 6.11. Viewing the trajectory backward in
time, initial continuous thrusting eventually gives way to a sequence of burns through periapsis and
coast arcs through apoapsis. Thrusting to raise apoapsis dominates the middle of the transfer but
the maneuver scheme switches toward the end of the transfer, with coasting through periapsis and
thrusting through apoapsis to circularize the orbit. Eclipses and a reduction in the logistic sunlight
fraction are shown to interfere with thrusting toward the ends of the periapsis burn sequence.
The transfer is depicted on an eclipse map in Figure 6.12. The view is bounded from the
initial r0 = 23460.0 km and β0 = −33.48◦ to the final rf = 100 × 103 km and βf = 23.59◦ .
The first three of the preceding values are specified while the final beta angle is an output. The
Figure 6.11: The Mars orbit transfer with the smoothed eclipse model active and unconstrained
eclipse durations.
trajectory moves backward in time from left to right and the sinusoidal behavior of the radius is
indicative of eccentricity being increased and then removed during the transfer. The transfer spans
125.6 days adds 53.93 kg of propellant. Eclipse season occurs in the middle of the transfer. Square
markers indicate five eclipse events that were identified by checking the logistic sunlight fraction
γL ≤ 0.5. The first eclipse enters the penumbral cone but not the shadow cylinder, while the
remaining eclipses pass through the shadow cylinder with durations of 87.8, 104.4, 102.5 and 75.1
minutes. Each actual eclipse duration is shorter than what appears on the eclipse map because it
occurs near periapsis of a larger orbit and the spacecraft is moving faster through eclipse than a
smaller circular orbit at that radius. Eclipse passages near apoapsis would be longer in duration
The maximum eclipse duration constraint was tested by reducing the constraint value until
convergence failed. First, the penalty weight was fixed to c = 1000 and DDP converged with
trajectory view and eclipse map of the constrained transfer are shown in Figures 6.13 and 6.14. Both
visualizations show how the eccentricity vector is oriented for eclipses to occur during passes through
periapsis so that the duration is minimized. Figure 6.14 also shows, however, that passing through
eclipse season at lower orbital radii adds another eclipse passage to the transfer. The first and last
eclipses pass through the penumbral cone but not the shadow cylinder, where the middle eclipses
pass in 84.7, 94.0, 94.0 and 84.5 minutes. The time of flight decreases from the unconstrained case
to 117.5 days while the fuel requirement increases to 54.1 kg. The trade-off in fuel versus time of
flight is encountered once again, but now the maximum eclipse duration becomes a third objective
to consider. The present method could be used to create a Pareto surface of fuel versus time of
flight versus eclipse duration as an extension of the previously discussed fuel versus time of flight
Pareto curves. That was pursued to some degree by extending the number of revolutions to 41 and
42, which allowed tighter constraints on the eclipse duration of 93 and 92 minutes. The resulting
times of flight and fuel requirements are 126.2 days and 53.85 kg for Nrev = 41 and 123.9 days
and 53.89 kg for Nrev = 42. There is little additional qualitative information beyond that already
gathered for the constrained Nrev = 40 case in Figures 6.13 and 6.14.
A second example changes the specified orbital plane to Ω = 10◦ by setting h0 = 1.032344 and
k0 = 0.182030. From these conditions the unconstrained transfer encounters one eclipse spanning
150.0 minutes. The time of flight is 124.3 days and the fuel requirement is 53.915 kg. Eclipse
season is passed at a large orbital radius where only a narrow range of beta angles are susceptible
to eclipse. The eclipse map shows a steep gradient in eclipse duration across beta angles at large
radii, indicating that a large change to the eclipse duration can be accomplished with just a small
Figure 6.14: An eclipse map of both the Mars orbit transfer with ∆teclipse,max = 94 minutes and
the unconstrained transfer
change to the transfer. The increased sensitivity, however, is the likely cause for slow convergence
(3324 iterations) to reduce the eclipse duration to 90.0 minutes. That adjustment is accomplished
by re-phasing the eccentricity change which increases the time of flight to 126.4 days. The fuel
requirement sees less impact and increases to 52.924 kg. Figure 6.15 shows an eclipse map of the
unconstrained transfer in green and constrained transfer in magenta with eclipse events marked
with blue squares. Activating the constraint pushes the eclipse to the edge of the eclipse contours,
6.3 Conclusion
This chapter shows the effectiveness of a penalty method to enforce path inequality constraints
at discrete stages in the Sundman-transformed DDP approach. First, apsis constraints made DDP
effective in producing the Pareto-front of fuel versus time of flight for the benchmark Q-law Case E
Figure 6.15: An eclipse map of the Mars orbit transfer with a single eclipse of 150.0 minutes that
was reduced to ∆teclipse,max = 90 minutes.
orbit transfer. In general, fixing the number of revolutions for transfers that require large plane
changes may lead DDP to solutions with excessive times of flight when the plane change is performed
at a large orbital distance. Using the penalty method to constrain the apoapsis radius can effectively
constrain DDP to find solutions with times of flight that are practical for real mission design. The
second part of this chapter presents a method to constrain the eclipse duration by using a penalty
cost assigned to the Keplerian time of flight through a cylindrical shadow. The maximum eclipse
duration constraint successfully lowers the encountered eclipse durations of initially unconstrained
transfers. Constraining the eclipse duration without first obtaining an unconstrained solution as
an initial guess was less successful. This difficulty can in part be attributed to the uncontrollable
geometry of the central body and the Sun, whereas the apsis constraints could totally be satisfied
by the control decisions. If the mission design allows a variable orbital plane and timing then the
respective variables could be selected to mitigate eclipsing or avoid eclipse seasons altogether.
Chapter 7
This chapter presents the application of DDP to low-thrust trajectory optimization in the
three-body problem along with supporting techniques. In Chapter 4, DDP was applied to geocen-
tric transfers with lunar gravity included as a third-body perturbation, and additionally with solar
gravity in Chapter 5. SDC has previously been applied to low-thrust escape and capture trajecto-
ries with three-body and four-body dynamics [94, 95]. The ability to include n-body perturbations
is important for high-fidelity modeling, but preliminary mission design can often afford to sacrifice
accuracy in favor of rapid development. Simplified models of the three-body problem facilitate the
study of equilibria, periodic orbits, and controlled trajectories through these interesting regions. In
Reference [51], Multiple-Shooting Differential Dynamic Programming (MDDP) was used to com-
pute a ballistic periodic orbit and the controls to maintain periodicity of a continuously perturbed
The techniques presented in this chapter are applicable to arbitrary force modeling, but de-
monstrated with computed examples in the CRTBP model detailed in Chapter 2. Furthermore, the
formulations presented should be amenable to other trajectory optimization methods. The DDP
algorithm and CRTBP model together provide the tools to begin computing optimal transfers, but
enhancements are suggested in the following sections. In order to avoid gravitational singulari-
ties and for the practical concern of surface impact, the penalty method is leveraged to enforce
forward or backward from an initial state to access any point along a desired orbit as a valid
terminal condition. Finally, these techniques are demonstrated in the Earth-Moon CRTBP with
fuel-optimal transfers between distant retrograde orbits (DROs), between planar Lyapunov orbits
Trajectory optimization in the CRTBP should avoid the singularities r1 = 0 and r2 = 0. The
final solution should have all r1,k and r2,k exceed the radii of the primary and secondary, or exceed
a minimum altitude. Discretization should be fine enough to avoid violations between stages k and
k + 1. Constraints for both distances from the primary r1,min and secondary r2,min can be enforced
Each constraint follows the logic of Equation 6.2 and the stage penalties are summed, e.g. Lk =
Boundary conditions are described in the constraint functions ψi , so that ψi (xi,Ni , xi+1,0 ) =
0 for a feasible trajectory. For phase-free Keplerian orbit transfers where any true anomaly is
acceptable, ψi may be the desired orbit elements. When the target state xt is a periodic orbit or
manifold in the three-body problem, there is not a complete set of constant orbital elements as
in the Keplerian case. There is no uniquely valid target, but an entire continuum of acceptable
endpoints. These states become accessible by parameterizing the admissible target states xt (τ ).
ψM −1 = xf (tf ) − xt (τ ) (7.2)
Subscript f identifies the final state reached at the final stage of the final phase, xf = xM −1,NM −1 .
There is no mass target in xt , so the mass term is truncated in xf to take the difference.
The optimization problem now includes solving for the static parameter w = τ , or if the flight
time is also allowed to vary, the parameter vector w = [tf τ ]T . Possibilities for the parameterization
include defining τ as an angular phase variable [96] or as a time variable [97]. Here a moving target
xt (τ ) is specified that propagates for the time updates δτ in the unperturbed equations of motion,
Equation 2.31 or Equation 2.33 with T = 0. The effort required to update x (τ + δτ ) can be
As in the example Earth-Mars rendezvous inChapter 3, the time of flight derivatives of the
time derivative ẋ. Similarly, the τ -derivatives are formed by chaining the derivatives of ϕ
e with
ew+ = ϕ ex+ ẋ ϕ ext ẋt (7.3a)
ẋ ϕ
ex+ x+ ẋ + ϕ ex+ ẍ ẋT ϕ
ex+ xt ẋt
ew+ w+ = (7.3b)
ẋTt ϕ
ext x+ ẋ ẋTt ϕ
ext xt ẋt + ϕ
ext ẍt
ex+ w+ = ϕ ex+ x+ ẋ ϕ ex+ xt ẋt (7.3c)
ew+ λ+ = ϕ eλ+ xt ẋt
eλ+ x+ ẋ ϕ (7.3d)
Furthermore, the sensitivity of upstream states to the final time must be captured in the STMs.
The effect of the final time is captured in Equation 3.49. There is no effect from τ on upstream
Numerical examples are provided here that apply the preceding DDP techniques to trajec-
tory optimization in the Earth-Moon CRTBP. Constants of the Earth-Moon CRTBP are listed in
Table 2.1. Single and two-phase trajectories are presented between DROs, planar Lyapunov orbits
The augmented Lagrangian is defined so that the final mass is maximized and the terminal
constraint function is satisfied by arrival at the target Cartesian position and velocity.
ϕ = −mf (7.4a)
ψ = xf − xt (7.4b)
Σ = I6×6 (7.4c)
The two-phase examples are set up so that an initial guess can be constructed from two
different trajectories with a state discontinuity at the inter-phase juncture. The parameters of the
second phase include the initial state of the second phase, and the initial function is simply
Time variables may also be included in w1 , in which case Equation 7.5 would require appropriate
indexing to extract either time or state variables. Since x+ = w+ , Equations 3.30 to 3.32 reduce
to J˜ = J so that the cost-to-go derivatives with respect to the initial state are not doubly counted.
The two-phase augmented Lagrangian includes an inter-phase constraint function that requires
ϕ1 = −mf (7.6a)
ϕ0 = 0 (7.6b)
ψ1 = xf − xt (7.6c)
Σ1 = I6×6 (7.6e)
Σ0 = I7×7 (7.6f)
Each stage offers an opportunity to update the thrust control variables that are held constant
across an integration step. Trust-regions for the spherical control variables are scaled to normalize
the thrust magnitude by its maximum and allow sufficiently large steps in the steering angles.
1 1 1
D = diag 2
, , (7.7)
Tmax π π
Trust-regions for multipliers and parameters are not scaled, i.e. D is the identity matrix, unless
otherwise noted.
All transfers were computed with fixed-step RK8 integration. Feasibility and optimality
tolerances were set to require kψi k < 1 × 10−7 and ER0,0 < 1 × 10−8 , respectively. The examples
are small optimization problems in comparison to previous DDP demonstrations that leveraged
high-performance computing environments as in Chapters 4 and 5 [57, 61, 62]. Computation was
performed on a personal laptop with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz with four
processors. Runtimes ranged from less than one minute to twelve minutes.
The first example is a single-phase, fixed endpoint and fixed time of flight transfer between
DROs. The transfer begins and ends on the x-axis with y decreasing at lunar distances of approx-
imately 70,000 and 120,000 km and periods of 13.4 and 21.6 days. First, the transfer duration was
fixed to the average of these periods, 17.5 days, evenly divided among 80 stages and Tmax = 0.25 N
was used to produce a one-revolution transfer. Then, the trajectory was recomputed with variable
tf and τ . The updates δtf were distributed equally among all stages. Optimization began from a
ballistic initial guess in both cases. The DRO transfer setup is described in Table 7.1.
The resulting fixed time and variable time, single-revolution DRO transfers are shown in
Figure 7.2. The coordinate system has been re-centered on the Moon for plotting. Thrust arcs and
vectors are colored orange and coast arcs are colored blue. Markers are placed at the initial and final
states on the respective DROs. The transfers begin on the interior DRO and move clockwise, or
Table 7.1: DRO transfer setup.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.1: Single-revolution DRO transfers with (a) fixed tf and τ and (b) variable tf and τ .
retrograde about the Moon, to the larger DRO. A three-burn maneuver structure appears in both
cases, but with different rotations of the in-plane control α for the departure and arrival maneuvers.
For the variable time case, the second maneuver occurs later, after which the DRO is approached
sooner and the arrival maneuver is aligned with the velocity direction. The fixed time of flight
transfer reaches the DRO with a final mass of 1991.54 kg. The variable time transfer increases the
duration from 17.5 to 17.6 days and increases the delivered mass to 1992.78 kg. Arrival on the
DRO is earlier in phase, by τ = −0.45 days. After additional coasting, the original target would
Multi-revolution transfers were produced by reducing Tmax as listed in Table 7.1 and increa-
sing the transfer duration. The time of flight and number of stages were set to factors of 2, 5 and 10
times the original values, and produced 2, 5 and 12-revolution transfers. The resulting DRO trans-
fers are illustrated in Figures 7.2a to 7.2c and summarized in Table 7.2. With added flight time, the
multi-revolution iterates were slow to depart from a ballistic initial guess. Continuous thrusting in
the transverse direction at 10% throttle served as the initial guess for the two-revolution transfer
and was increased to 50% throttle for the initial guesses over 5 and 12 revolutions. The converged
solutions use sequences of near-tangential burns through the x-axis crossings. Petropoulos [96]
found similar thrusting structure for an 11-revolution DRO transfer in the Jupiter-Europa system.
The thrust profile of the 12-revolution transfer in Figure 7.2d demonstrates the bang-bang control
transfer, but this is because maximum thrust was reduced while flight time was increased. If the
maximum thrust was instead held fixed as the transfer duration was increased, the deliverable mass
The fixed time one-revolution DRO transfer is revisited, but now with the multi-phase DDP
formulation. The single-phase setup is simply divided in half, using two phases of 40 stages and
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7.2: DRO transfers spanning (a) 2, (b) 5 and (c) 12 revolutions. (d) Thrust profile for the
12 revolution DRO transfer.
phase flight times of 8.75 days. The initial guess for the first phase is a ballistic arc on the initial
DRO from the previous initial conditions. The initial guess for the second phase is a ballistic arc
on the target DRO. The initial guess of parameters is w1 = xt , i.e. the second phase begins on the
target state and propagates past it for the entire phase duration. This is purposefully a poor initial
guess so that w1 must move substantially. The initial guess for the mass at the start of phase two
begins with m1,0 = m0 . Figure 7.3a shows the initial guess and the first 12 iterations moving the
(a) (b)
Figure 7.3: (a) Initial guess and first 12 iterations and (b) final solution of the two-phase one-
revolution DRO transfer.
start of the second phase through the state space. It wasn’t until the tenth iteration that the first
phase departed the interior DRO. The final solution is shown in Figure 7.3b. The result is the now
familiar transfer structure that matches the single-phase delivered mass of 1991.54 kg.
The L1 and L2 planar Lyapunov orbits listed in Table 7.4 have the same Jacobi constant
and share heteroclinic connections that may be used as a ballistic transfer between them. A robust
optimization approach should be able to find such free transfers. Of course, some perturbation is
required to depart the initial orbit along its unstable manifold. Arrival along the stable manifold
of the target orbit is asymptotic, so a second small maneuver may be used to reach the target orbit
in finite time.
Table 7.3: L1 and L2 Lyapunov orbits with the same Jacobi constant.
Before tasking DDP to find the low-thrust transfer, a heteroclinic connection was obtained
by conventional means [98,99]. Perturbations along the unstable manifold of the L1 Lyapunov orbit
were propagated forward to the surface of section defined as the yz-plane centered on the Moon.
Perturbations along the stable manifold of the L2 Lyapunov orbit were propagated backward to
this surface of section. Intersections of the manifolds with the surface of section produce a Poincaré
map. The manifolds and Poincaré map are shown in Figure 7.4.
For this planar Lyapunov example, heteroclinic connections appear as intersections of the
stable and unstable manifolds on the Poincaré map. The out of plane components z and ż are
zero everywhere and the manifold x-coordinates are equal on the surface of section. Once y and ẏ
are matched on the Poincaré map, ẋ is also matched because the manifolds have the same Jacobi
constant. Figure 7.4 shows two heteroclinic connections that pierce the surface of section at lunar
distances of 6,726 and 48,777 km. The higher altitude pass was chosen for an example transfer
To better exhibit the utility of the DDP approach, the initial guess was distorted from the
free transfer itself. The two-phase setup was used with phase one on the L1 Lyapunov orbit and
phase two on the L2 Lyapunov orbit as shown in Figure 7.5a. Initial states for each phase are the
endpoints of the heteroclinic transfer before perturbations onto each manifold. So, like the multi-
phase DRO example, the second phase begins on the very state it is asked to target. Flight times
(a) (b)
Figure 7.4: (a) L1 Lyapunov unstable manifolds and L2 Lyapunov stable manifolds with two
heteroclinic connections highlighted. (b) The Poincaré map shows two intersections of the stable
and unstable manifolds on the surface of section.
for each phase ∆t0 and ∆t1 are those spanned from the perturbed states to the surface of section
and were divided into 80 stages per phase. Yellow markers in Figure 7.5a indicate the beginning of
each phase that spans just under one and a half periods of the respective orbit and terminate with
The position with respect to the Moon r2 and the velocity v align twice per revolution in
both the initial and target Lyapunov orbits, so the Cartesian control in Equations 2.4 and 2.9 was
selected with T = 10−8 . As recognized in Reference [64], DDP convergence rates also improve
with a larger mass leak parameter T . That is likely because very little thrusting occurs in this
example, which makes it difficult to track the derivatives of mass flow rate with respect to controls.
Accuracy of the solution was improved by restarting the optimization with a reduced T = 10−12
and then T = 10−16 with each preceding solution as an initial guess. The final trajectory is
shown in Figure 7.5b. The nearly free transfer delivers 1999.997 kg in 41.5 days. The transfer is
superimposed on the manifold trajectories in Figure 7.5c to show consistency with the heteroclinic
connection found in Figure 7.4a. The effect of varying T is evident in the thrust profiles that are
Table 7.4: Lyapunov orbit transfer setup.
shown in Figure 7.5d. Minimizing the fuel cost simultaneously minimizes the `1 -norm of thrust
magnitude and produces a bang-bang control profile. The smaller T is more accurate and performs
as expected, though the departure and arrival maneuvers are supplemented with two even smaller
burns. Fictitiously increasing the thrust magnitude influences a control profile that is characteristic
of `2 -norm minimization, or a minimum-energy trajectory, where the thrust magnitude slowly ramps
up and down between lower peak magnitudes than the bang-bang control case.
The next set of examples are transfers from an L2 Halo orbit to an L1 Halo orbit with a
different Jacobi constant. Transfers depart and arrive at maximum z-amplitudes and the time of
flight is fixed. Initial and final conditions are described in Table 7.5. The spacecraft mass and
specific impulse are unchanged from previous examples, but the maximum thrust is increased to
1.5 N . The transfer duration is taken as the average of the Halo orbit periods, 12.7 days, distributed
evenly among 120 stages and the initial guess is a ballistic trajectory. First, the distance from the
Moon was unconstrained. Then, a minimum radius r2,min = 20, 000 km was enforced with a
weight c = 1000 on the quadratic penalty, and subsequently increased to 25,000, 30,000 and 35,000
km, with preceding solutions used as the initial guess. The unconstrained transfer is shown in
Figure 7.6. Distance from the Moon, r2 , is shown for all of the transfers in Figure 7.7a. Planar
views of the radius-constrained Halo orbit transfers are shown in Figures 7.7b to 7.7d. Thrust
vectors have been removed for clarity. The actual minimum radius and the final mass for each
transfer is listed in Table 7.6. When the constraint is first enacted, DDP reaches an improved local
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7.5: (a) Initial guess for the two-phase Lyapunov orbit transfer. (b) The converged hetero-
clinic transfer. (c) The transfer is superimposed on manifold trajectories to the surface of section.
(d) The thrust profile shows small maneuvers to complete the nearly ballistic transfer and the effect
of different sized mass leaks.
Table 7.5: Halo orbit transfer setup.
minimum. A close lunar flyby aids the transfer, so the required propellant increases accordingly
when the minimum radius is increased further. Initially, the transfer requires arrival and departure
maneuvers and additional maneuvers on either side of the flyby. There are again flybys at 20,000
and 25,000 km minimum radii, but above that the transfers move along the constraint boundary
for an extended duration. Lastly, with the minimum radius increased to 35,000 km, the transfer
is approaching the need to thrust for the entire duration, and increasing the constraint further
would soon render the transfer infeasible for the given flight time. The actual minimum radii
demonstrate the trade-off made with a penalty method, where some violation of the constraint is
allowed in favor of improving the objective. Larger violations were found as the radius constraint
became more demanding, The most aggressive constraint of 35,000 km was too aggressive, so a
lower weight of c = 100 was used to reach convergence but permitted a large constraint violation.
Table 7.6: Halo orbit transfer results for different lunar distance constraints.
(c) (d)
Figure 7.6: (a) Three-dimensional view and (b-d) planar projections of the Halo orbit transfer
without a minimum-radius constraint.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7.7: (a) Distance from the Moon for each of the radius-constrained Halo orbit transfers.
(b-d) Planar projections of Halo orbit transfers with increasing minimum radius from the Moon.
The final example demonstrates the use of time variables in the multi-phase formulation.
The Halo orbit transfer was recomputed with double the flight time and number of stages but now
divided into two phases. Each phase is comprised of 120 stages and each phase takes half of the
total flight time. The initial guess for the first phase is a ballistic segment on the L2 Halo orbit
and the initial guess for the second phase is a ballistic segment on the L1 Halo with x1,0 = xt .
Parameters are the times of flight for each phase, τ for the second phase and the initial state for
w0 = t0,N0 (7.9a)
w1 = tf τ xT1,0 (7.9b)
Trust-region scaling for the mass parameter, i.e. the corresponding entry on the diagonal of D, was
reduced by an order of magnitude. This facilitated convergence by allowing larger steps to update
Figure 7.8a shows the initial guess for the two-phase Halo orbit transfer and Figure 7.8b
shows the converged solution. The distance from the Moon and planar projections are shown in
Figure 7.9. The first phase resembles the single-phase Halo orbit transfer with but uses a higher
altitude flyby and reaches a lower z-amplitude. The phase discontinuity is resolved during a coast
arc near this apex. Phase two is then another revolution that approaches the target Halo orbit
with three more maneuvers. Insertion onto the target Halo orbit occurs later than the fixed time
example. The time variables moved by δt0,N0 = 1.7 days, δtf = −0.1 days and δτ = 0.8 days. A
final mass of 1970.62 kg reaches the target Halo orbit in 27.0 days, which expectedly improves upon
7.4 Conclusion
DDP has been presented as a utility for trajectory optimization in the circular restricted
three-body problem. Important considerations for transfer design in the CRTBP are how to allow
(a) (b)
Figure 7.8: (a) Initial guess and (b) final solution of the two-phase Halo orbit transfer.
terminal constraints to accept any valid state on a target orbit, and constraints on the minimum
radii from the massive bodies. A moving target can relax the terminal constraint of a single point on
a target orbit and a penalty method can enforce path inequality constraints. These techniques were
applied to both single and multi-phase transfers between distant retrograde orbits, between planar
Lyapunov orbits and between Halo orbits. The multi-phase DDP formulation proved effective for
transfer design between periodic orbits in the vicinity of L1 and L2 and successfully leveraged the
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7.9: (a) The distance from the Moon and (b-d) planar projections of the two-phase Halo
orbit transfer.
Chapter 8
tion problem. That solution is the pairing of differential dynamic programming and the Sundman
transformation, which has been most effective by using modified equinoctial elements to represent
the spacecraft state. A second significant contribution is the treatment of solar eclipsing in the
trajectory optimization process, which includes both the effect on power available to solar powe-
red spacecraft and the capability to constrain the duration of an eclipse passage. Finally, this
dissertation extends the reach of DDP in multi-body dynamic environments, specifically through
8.1 Summary
Early research efforts invested in the DDP algorithm as an approach to low-thrust many-
revolution trajectory optimization. Inherent bottlenecks associated with control scheduling and
trajectory computation in the time domain were relieved by applying a Sundman transformation
to the spacecraft equations of motion. Sundman transformations to each of the true, mean and
eccentric anomalies permitted the computation of fuel-optimal GTO to GEO transfers in reasonable
runtimes that were frequently less than one hour. Choosing the true anomaly as the independent
variable and the modified equinoctial elements to represent the spacecraft state has been most
effective for example geocentric transfers. Having to specify the number of revolutions can be
a limitation, although the method is efficient enough run a parametric sweep over the number of
revolutions with modest computational resources. Example parametric sweeps illustrated the trade-
off of fuel versus time of flight for the Q-law Case B and Case E orbit transfers with performance
the research focus turned toward resolving the challenges of solar eclipsing for this class of orbit
transfers. With DDP as the algorithm of choice, a twice-differentiable power model was required.
The logistic sunlight fraction was designed to smooth the discontinuity in power available through
eclipse and enabled the optimization of a reference LEO to GEO transfer. A parametric study
resulted in time-optimal and fuel-optimal curves that are connected by curves of constant number
of revolutions. This topology enables a systematic approach to sketching out the Pareto front of
fuel versus time of flight. A second mission design concern for solar eclipsing is how to constrain the
maximum duration of an eclipse. This complicated constraint was handled by assigning a penalty
cost whenever the constraint was violated. As before, a twice-differentiable constraint function was
warranted. This was attained by assuming a cylindrical shadow model and Keplerian dynamics
through eclipse and was demonstrated by reductions in eclipse durations for orbit transfers about
Mars. The penalty method was further utilized for geocentric apsis constraints and lunar distance
Later pursuits sought to extend the applicability of DDP to multi-body dynamic models.
Transfers in the CRTBP were demonstrated between DROs, Lyapunov orbits and Halo orbits,
where DDP has only seen limited attention in the past. The CRTBP served as testbed for variable
time of flight, moving target and multi-phase formulations, but these techniques may be applied
to other dynamic models. Tasking DDP to compute a heteroclinic connection between Lyapunov
A straightforward next step is to attempt orbit transfers with different objectives, dynamics
and constraints, or as otherwise stated, to practice mission design with the methods described
in this dissertation. Each example used a fixed-Isp thruster with Tmax always accessible (except
for in eclipse), the initial mass was always fixed and the objective was either to maximize the
delivered mass or minimize the time of flight. High-fidelity thruster and power models may instead
be used, so long as the necessary derivatives can be supplied to DDP. The initial mass may be
activated as a design variable in which case maximizing the delivered mass and minimizing the
propellant are different objectives. Arbitrary objectives may be stated, but again require the
necessary derivatives. Force modeling stopped at the J2 , J3 and J4 spherical harmonic terms and
third-body perturbations, but may be extended to high-order gravity fields, drag, solar radiation
pressure and additional perturbing bodies, for example. Low-thrust propulsion is not a restriction
and may be combined or replaced with high-thrust options or solar sailing. Initial and target
orbit selection is another open area for research given that the improved capabilities for low-thrust
radius. The true, mean and eccentric anomalies were investigated in this dissertation because
they are fundamental. Other transformations may be more useful and that is expected to be
problem dependent. For example, transfers in the circular restricted three-body problem may
elliptic anomaly is another useful independent variable for orbit propagation, with n = 3/2 in
While the number of revolutions was left fixed for the provided examples, it can be allowed
to vary by using Equations 3.48 to 3.50 but by taking derivatives with respect to the Sundman-
transformed independent variable, rather than time. In practice, enabling a variable Nrev usually
resulted in transfers that only deviated within ±1 revolution from the initial guess, owed to the
nature of local optimization. Thus, it was more effective to leave Nrev fixed and vary it discretely
across the design space. Developing a way to allow Nrev to grow or shrink by large amounts that
are well-informed and with a high success rate would be another pioneering step in low-thrust
Parallelization proved to be critical for the efficiency of this approach but that has yet to be
exploited beyond more than two multi-core processors. At best, STMs were computed simultane-
ously between 24 stages but the problem size extended up to 200,000 stages. An increased scale
of parallelization using more processors and a message-passing interface (MPI) [100] or graphics
The demonstrated capability to include solar eclipse effects made use of simplified eclipse
models. A significant effort resulted in useful examples but less effort was expended on trying to
break the models and determine the realm of applicability. The sharpness and transition coefficients
for the smoothed eclipse model present an open area of study for the stated trade-offs of accuracy,
optimizer performance and spacecraft operation. The maximum eclipse duration constraint was
exhibited with the initial orbit plane and epoch specified, so that there would actually be eclipses
to constrain. However, the initial conditions could be activated as decision variables to satisfy the
eclipse constraint. Furthermore, the maximum eclipse duration of a given transfer can become a
performance metric to weigh against other objectives and add a dimension to the Pareto surface of
favorable trajectories.
The capability of DDP to exploit multi-body dynamic models is promising. In the circular-
restricted three-body problem, open areas include transfers between different structures, e.g. DRO
to Halo orbit transfers rather than DRO to DRO or Halo to Halo. Many-revolution transfers in
the CRTBP could be pursued, for which multi-phase or many-phase DDP should prove useful,
rather than simply using two phases as was demonstrated. The associated techniques could be
Sundman-transformed escape and capture trajectories, where each escape and capture phase is a
many-revolution trajectory.
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Appendix A
The Dynamics Matrix and Tensor for the Augmented Modified Equinoctial
Element State Vector
In order to compute the STMs for the augmented MEE state vector, the dynamics matrix
and tensor must be obtained for each term in Equation 4.20. Derivatives of b are available directly,
but the preceding terms require careful application of the chain rule. First, the thrust term is
A∆Thrust = (A.1)
The thrust contribution to the dynamics matrix is the first derivative of Equation A.1 with
Power models frequently use the Cartesian inertial state, so it is convenient to obtain the derivative
of the thrust available with respect to the XIJK and then make the transformation to the XMEE
Tensor notation has been introduced with the convention that superscripts are indices, and repeated
With the second derivative of the thrust available now defined with respect to the XMEE , the
∂ 2 (AuTa /m)
= t11 + t12 + t13 + t14
ti,ab i,ba
21 = t12 , ti,ab i,ba
31 = t13 , ti,ab i,ba
32 = t23
ti,ab i,ba
41 = t14 , ti,ab i,ba
42 = t24 , ti,ab i,ba
43 = t34
∂(ṁTa ) ∂Ta ∂ ṁ
= ṁ + T, (A.5a)
i,ab a,b i,a b i,b a
∂ 2 (ṁTa )
∂ Ta ∂ ṁ ∂Ta ∂ ṁ ∂Ta
= ṁi 2
+ + ,
The effects of perturbations are included by considering the summation of their first and
As previously obtained for the thrust available, the perturbation sensitivities must be found with
Derivatives of the rotation matrix QT are also required. Those too are first found inertially.
Next, the derivatives of QT are found with respect to the augmented MEE state vector.
∂QT i,aγ1 ∂XIJK γ1 ,b
= (A.9a)
i,abc γ ,bc 2 T i,aγ1 γ2
∂ 2 QT ∂QT i,aγ1 ∂ 2 XIJK 1 ∂XIJK γ1 ,b ∂XIJK γ2 ,c
∂ Q
= 2
+ 2
The necessary terms have been defined to assemble the dynamics matrix and tensor contributions
from perturbations.
i,a i,a γ1 ,γ2 a i,γ1 a
∂(AQT δp ) ∂δp i,γ1 ∂QT γ2 ∂A
+A δp + (QT δp )γ1 (A.10)
∂ 2 (AQT δp )
= t11 + t12 + t13
ti,ab i,ba
21 = t12 , ti,ab i,ba
31 = t13 , ti,ab i,ba
32 = t23
The complete assembly of the dynamics matrix is the summation of Equations A.2, A.5a and A.7a
and derivatives of b.
Finally, the complete assembly of the dynamics tensor is the summation of Equations A.4, A.5b