Module 10. Anatomy of The Nervous System
Module 10. Anatomy of The Nervous System
Module 10. Anatomy of The Nervous System
Nervous System
1. Rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
a. Pons: reflex center, regulates respiration
b. Medulla oblongata: controls circulation and respiration
2. Mesencephalon (middle brain) [Cerebellum: coordinates muscle activity, balance]
3. Prosencephalon (forebrain)
a. Diencephalon (between)
1. Thalamus
a. Recognizes pain, temperature, and touch
b. Relays sensory information to the cerebrum (integration)
c. Responsible for emotional responses
d. Contains the reticular system (arousal - seratonin)
2. Hypothalamus
a. Links the nervous and endocrine systems
b. Regulates and coordinates autonomic activity
c. Regulates appetite and thirst
d. Controls hormone production (pituitary)
e. Controls homeostasis
f. Limbic system: links the psyche with the physical
b. Telencephelon (end)
1. Cerebral cortex
a. Divided into two hemispheres
b. Connected by the corpus callosum
2. Major lobes of the cerebrum
a. Frontal lobe: primary motor area, insight and personality
b. Parietal lobe: general memory, taste, touch, pressure, temperature
c. Temporal lobe: hearing, vision, auditory memory
d. Occipital lobe: smell, visual memory