Welcome To Worship: Sunday January 29, 2012
Welcome To Worship: Sunday January 29, 2012
Welcome To Worship: Sunday January 29, 2012
MONDAY January 30 7:00 pm Mens Open Gym (AU) TUESDAY January 31 7:00 am Intercessory Prayer (CH balcony) 7:00 pm Sonshine Express Committee Meeting (CR) WEDNESDAY February 1 7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study: James (Room 203) 7:00 pm Mens Bible Study: Working for the man upstairs (Room 200) 7:00pm Paper Princesses (Lobby) AU:Auditorium CA:Caf CH:Chapel CR:ConferenceRoom FH:FellowshipHall
HELP WANTE D IN THE GILEAD FRIE NDS CAF. There is no need to be a professionally trained barista to join our team. Just a desire to lovingly greet our people with a hot cup of coffee on Sunday mornings. If this sounds like something you would be willing to help with, please call Karen Retterer at 419-560-0633. Gil ead Christian School is collecting gently used jeans for homeless teens from January 16th to February 12th. Donations can be left at the Welcome Center with a note attached or dropped off in the High School office Monday-Friday 7:30am3:30pm. CALLING ALL SUNDAY SCHOOL, CHILDRENS CHURCH AND YOUTH GROUP TEACHERS: You are invited to an Education Commission working meeting TODAY directly after church in the library. Pizza and pop will be provided. THE ALL CHURCH POTLUCK IS BACK!! We will now be having an all church potluck on the 3rd Sunday of every month immediately following service in the Fellowship Hall. Our first one is scheduled for Sunday, February 19th. Please plan on joining the fellowship. Watch the bulletin for more details. THE SONSHINE EXPRESS will be having their first Committee Meeting this Tuesday at 7pm in the Conference Room. Please keep this ministry in your prayers as they prepare for Spring/Summer and all the children they will be ministering to.
Welcome to Worship
Gilead Friends Church
3613 Twp. Rd. 115 Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338 www.gileadfriendschurch.org 419-946-1100 Senior Pastor Brian Mosher
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for February 12th at 5pm! Were going to be having a Valentines Dinner and Comedy Video presentation. This evening of fun is open to all adults (married and single). Dinner will be by donation. A portion of all donations will go to our Youth for their childcare services. TODAY is the last day to sign up in the pew pad. HAVE YOU MOVED? CHANGED EMAILS OR CELL PHONE NUMBERS? Please take a moment and stop by the church website and update your information. www.gileadfriendschurch.org/forms.html WE ARE IN NEED OF 1 Teenager and 1 Adult to volunteer one Wednesday per month to help watch the children while their Moms and Dads attend Bible Study. If you love children and are willing to help the church out in this way, please call 419-946-1100 to get on the schedule.
PLANET Suspendisse ZERO! potenti. Planet Zero Helpers: Dina Snow and Melissa
Barnhart - Jesus Demonstrates His Authority (Mark 1:21-28)
January 29th Luncheon for all SS, Planet Zero, Youth Group teachers. February 12th Valentine Dinner February 19th All Church Potluck April 28 Ladies Mini Retreat: More Details Coming!