Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Today 03/01
9:00 am
Adult Focus Group
10:30 am
Worship Service
Monday 03/02
11:00 am
Moving Forward in FH
6:00 pm
District Clergy Dinner
6:30 pm
Cub Scouts
Tuesday 03/03
8:15 am
9:30 am
District Clergy Lunch
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts
Wednesday 03/04
6:00 pm
Jr. Girl Scouts
Thursday 03/05
10:00 am
Bible Study
5:30 pm
FAD Night
6:00 pm
Girl Scouts
6:15 pm
Praise Team Practice
Friday 03/06
6:00 pm
Kids Central
Saturday 03/07
1:00 pm
Boy Scouts FH
SUNDAY THEME FOR MARCH 8TH Canned Food for our 2x4 Boxes. Thank you
all for your continued support. At this time we are in need of only the following items:
canned fruit, pasta and sauce, cans of evaporated milk and cans of chicken, corn beef
hash, or beef stew, canned soup and boxes of crackers.
MOVING FORWARD will meet Monday, March 2nd at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall.
Bring a bag lunch. We will be making Palm Crosses.
REMEMBER S.O.S. TALENT SHOW AND BIRTHDAY PARTY IS on Saturday, March 14th at 7:00 pm. If you have a picture of yourself or loved ones ON
THEIR BIRTHDAY you would like to share on a slide show during the evening, please
get it to Pastor Daryl by Wednesday, March 9 2015.
CHILDREN / YOUTH : Sunday, March 29th we would like the children and youth to
participate in the worship service by carrying palms into the sanctuary. Please see Ms.
Joy if your child(ren) can participate.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Today I will take time to think before I speak or act.
Prayer: Dear Lord, please grant us forgiveness, strength, and grace to put aside hurtful attitudes, speech, and actions. Adorn us with the bright clothing of faith and love.
John 14:6-7
Peoples Response:
*Hymn of Dedication
Time of Testimony
*Benediction Response
*Call to Worship
We Remember
UMH 156
Opening Prayer
NT, page
Chancel Choir
UMH 557
UMH 164
Pastoral Prayer
Lords Prayer
UMH 895
Please remember these people in prayer this week: Jazmin Ayott, Hilda Bolomey,
Jim Erickson, Ron Gamble, Elmo Graff, Karen Hammer, Bob Hisey, Lorrin & Mae
Hosey, Bonnie & Jim Knepp, Connie Scanlon
UMH 95
The Easter Tableau will be here before we know it. Lots of help is needed, from
characters to be in the scenes to work area coordinators. Signup sheets for
characters in each scene are located at the Connection Station. If you would rather
assist in one of the work areas, and not be in a scene, contact one of the work area
coordinators below. If you dont know where you are needed but would like to be
plugged in, ask Linda Hughes, 732-8280 or Terri Silvola-Finch, 369-0614. Please
browse through the Easter Tableau Book of History, located in the Fellowship Hall on
the credenza. This book will give you insight into the Tableau and its history and our
history as a church.
The Easter Tableau will be here before we know it. Lots of help is needed, from
characters to be in the scenes to work area coordinators. Signup sheets for
characters in each scene are located at the Connection Station. If you would rather
assist in one of the work areas, and not be in a scene, contact one of the work area
coordinators below. If you dont know where you are needed but would like to be
plugged in, ask Linda Hughes, 732-8280 or Terri Silvola-Finch, 369-0614. Please
browse through the Easter Tableau Book of History, located in the Fellowship Hall on
the credenza. This book will give you insight into the Tableau and its history and our
history as a church.
Luminary Setup:
Luminary Setup:
Brush Crew:
Brush Crew:
Revelation 3-6
Revelation 3-6
Revelation 7-10
Revelation 7-10
Revelation 11-14
Revelation 11-14
Revelation 15-18
Revelation 15-18
Revelation 19-22
Revelation 19-22
Genesis 1-4
Genesis 1-4
March 27
4:30 7:30 PM
April 2 - 3
Dr. Seuss will be celebrating his 111th Birthday on March 2nd. We will be
celebrating his birthday on Sunday, March 8th in the Nursery/Preschool room.
There will be several of his famous books to read. A special note to parents: if
possible, have your child dressed in red and white to help keep in theme for
this special celebration. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Joy,
Children Ministry Coordinator.
Dr. Seuss will be celebrating his 111th Birthday on March 2nd. We will be
celebrating his birthday on Sunday, March 8th in the Nursery/Preschool
room. There will be several of his famous books to read. A special note to
parents: if possible, have your child dressed in red and white to help keep in
theme for this special celebration. If you have any questions, please see Ms.
Joy, Children Ministry Coordinator.