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Assignment # 1 BBA 8335

Bangladesh Open UniveTk.ity

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level-AIS)
CouTk.e Title: Advanced Accounting Due no: October 04 , 2019
 Answer the all questions in your own handwriting on A4 size white paper.
 Fill-in the cover page of your assignment with care.
 Enclose the photocopy of your ID Card with the assignment (next to the cover page).
 Don’t make spiral binding. Instead, make soft binding.
 Submit the assignment to the respective couTk.e tutor and ensure his/her signature on your
Assignment Acknowledgement Form (see page#5 of Semester Calendar).
1. (a) Explain the distinguishing fearures between Departmental Accounts and Branch
Accounts and the advantages derived from departmental Accounts.
(b) Is there any difference between Branches and Depatments, from the accounting point of

2. Orchard carried on trade as a fruit grower and a canner. On December 31,2017 the trial
balance extracted from his book was as follows (Taka in thousand).
Particulars Dr. Cr. Particulars Dr. Cr.
Orchard: Capital (1.1.2017) 13,500 Bought Ledger balances:
Drawings 1200 Farm 200
Freehold land and premises at cost 14,900 Cannery 740
Sales during the year 800 Purchases:
Plant and machinery at cost: Farm 250
Farm 1,900 Cannery 1,210
Cannery. 4,800 Wages:
Purchases of plant and machinary Farm 1,600
less sale during the year 500 Cannery 2,400
Provisions for depreciation: Sales:
Farm 1,100 Farm 530
Cannery 1,640 Cannery 9,950
Fruit trees and bushes at cost 800 Trade expenses 920
Stock (1.1.2017) Administration and motor
farm 400 expenses (including loan
Cannery 1,650 interest to Sept. 30, 2017 584
Loan at 6% (interest payable on 800 Repairs:
March 31 and September 30) Farm 80
Blance at bank 864 Cannery 360
Sales ledger balances 642 Salaries 1,400
36,460 36,460

You are instructed to prepare the accounts and are given further information as follows:
(a) Provision is to be made for depreciation for the year of plant and machinery on cost at
the end of the year at the rate of 10 per cent in the case of the farm and 71/1 per cent in
case of the cannery.

BBA 8335_182_QGA Page # 1

(b) During the year tractor, included in farm plant and machinery at cost of Tk.600 and in
respect of which depreciation of Tk. 500 had been provided was sold of Tk. 300 and
was replaced by a new tractor costing Tk. 800.
(c) Fruit to the value of Tk. 2,200 was supplied by the farm to the cannery.
(d) Stocks in hand on December 31 2017, were valued as follows: Farm Tk. 300, cannery
(e) Amounts owing, excluding loan interest accrued due at the end of the year were:
Purchases: Cannery (included in stock but not entered in the books) Tk. 140; Trade
expenses Tk. 80.
(f) Bought ledger balances at the end of the year included Tk. 320 for cans supplied. Since
the books were closed the supplier agreed to allow Tk. 160 as the cans were sub-
standard. This allowance had been taken into account in valuing the stock on
December 31, 2017.
(g) All expenses except where otherwise indicated are to be appotioned on the basis: farm-
one fourth, Cannry-three fourths.
(h) Orchard is to be charged Tk. 2 per week for expenses incuned on his private car.
(i) Freehold land, sold for Tk. 850, had cost Tk. 350.
(j) Pipin, the manager of the cannery, is to be credited with 5 per cent of the cannery
profits after charging his commission.
(a) Prepare Trading and profit and Profit and Loss Account showing, separately, the
net profit or loss of the farm and of the cannery for the year ended December 31,
2017, and
(b) Blance Sheet as on that date. Ignore taxation.

3. (a) What do you understand by an “independent branch? Differentiate beween a`dependent

branch` and an ‘independent branch`. Explain briefly the system of accounting that you
will adopt in each case.
(b) X Ltd. operates a retail branch at Dhaka. All purchases are made by the Head office in
Chattagram, goods being charged out to the branch at selling price which is cost plus
25%. All the expenses of branch are paid through Head Office cheques. Cash collected
from custome as also the ready money sales are daily banked to the credit of the Head
Particulars Taka Particulars Taka
Debtors at start 10,000 Invoced inventoy at the end 15,000
Debtors at end 12,000 Salaries 6,000
Ready money sales during the year 70,000 Rent 5,000
Cash received on ledger account 65,000 Bad debts 2,000
RetuTk. to H.O. at invoice price 5,000 Discount and allowance 3,000
Invoiced inventory 16,000 Normal leakage and spoilage 4,000
From the above particulars of the branch write-up necessary accounts to arrive at the
branch profit or loss in the Head Office books by using stock debtors system.

4. (a) What do you mean by Royalty? Why the Minimun Rent Account is books of the lessee?
(b) On Ist January 2017, J. Colliery purchased one car from Gazipur Motor Ltd. The cash
down price of the car was Tk. 50,000. It was agreed that Tk.5,000 would be paid on
signing the agreement and the balance by 4 equal annual instalments of Tk. 12,500 each
commencing from 31st December 2017, Colliery Company closes its books on 31st
BBA 8335_182_QGA Page # 2
December. Depreciation is charged on car @ 10% p.a. on the Diminishing Balance
Show the necessary Ledger Accounts in the books of Gazipur Motors Ltd. for 4 year.

(c) On 1st January, 2009. Model Industries Ltd. purchased a machine from Ideal Machineries
Ltd, under hire putchase agreement. The terms were that Tk. 4,780 would be paid on
delivery, that is on 1stJanuary 2009, and the balance in three consecutive yearly
instalments of Tk. 9,261 each, payable on 31st December each year. The instalments
included interest @ 5% per annum on the balance of the cash down price due.
Calculate the cash down price of the machine and show the Machinery Account
(assurming depreciation was charge @ 10% under the Reducing Balance Method) and
the account of Ideal Machineries Ltd. in the books of Model Industries Ltd.

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Assignment # 2 BBA 8335

Bangladesh Open UniveTk.ity

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level-AIS)

CouTk.e Title: Advanced Accounting Due no: 08 November, 2019

 Answer the all questions in your own handwriting on A4 size white paper.
 Fill-in the cover page of your assignment with care.
 Enclose the photocopy of your ID Card with the assignment (next to the cover page).
 Don’t make spiral binding. Instead, make soft binding.
 Submit the assignment to the respective couTk.e tutor and ensure his/her signature on your
Assignment Acknowledgement Form (see page#5 of Semester Calendar).
1. The Following balance have been extracted from the books of SS Ltd, as on 3 1 st March ,

Debit Taka Credit Taka

Land at cost 37,250 Shara capital(20,000 sh. of Tk.. 10 each fully 2,00,000
Buildings 1,50,000 General reserve 80,000
Plant 80,000 Securities 20,000
FuritluTk. 15,000 Gross Profit 1,02,250
Selling expenses 12,000 Provision fortaxation(opening balance) 15,000
DirectoTk. fees 2,400 Bad debts reallsed 1,500
Administration expenses 38,000 6% Debentures (unseeoured 2,00,000
Sinking fund investment 40,800 Profit and Loss Account (opening balance) 5,00
Calls-in-arreaTk. 3,000 Sinking Fund for debenture rdemption 40,000
Bad debis 2,000 sundry 23,000
Audit lees 1,45,000 Interest on sirking fund inbestments 2,500
Adbance payment of income tax 12,000 Mescellaneous 3,000
for 2000-01
Income tax for 2001-01 8,000 Liabilities for expenses 4,000
Closing stock 65,000
Cash in hand 5,600
Cash at bank 68,000
Debenture interest 12,000
6,97,050 6,97,050

The following further particulars are available:

(a) Administrative expenses include Tk. 6,000 paid to the managing director, as an advance
against his remuneration.

(b) Sinking fund is to be credited with Tk. 20,000 which together with the interest received
would be invested on 1st April, 2012.

BBA 8335_182_QGA Page # 4

(c) Income-tax assessment for 2010 has been completed on 20 th December, 2011 on a gross
demand of Tk. 14,000 but no effect has been given in the books.

(d) At meeting held on 25th February, 2012 the board of directors decided to allot one fully –
paid bonus share against two shares held by members who are not in default in payment
of calls. This was sanctioned by the members on 18th March, 2012, but no effect has
been given to it.

(e) The managing director is entitled to a remuneration of Tk. 1,530.

(f) Provision for taxation is to be made @ 40%.

(g) Out of the total amount due from the customers, Tk. 40,000 has been outstanding for
more than six months. All the outstandings are considered good.

(h) Depreciation may be written off at the rates mentioned below: Building-2 / 1/2%, Plant-
15%; and Furniture-10%.

(i) Market value of Sinking fund investments on 31 st March, 2012-Tk. 42,000.

(j) Calls-in-arrears are due on 1,000 shares.


Prepare the Profit and Loss Account for the your ended 31st March, 2012 and a Balance
Sheet as at that date.

2. Following are the Balance Sheet of A Ltd and B Ltd as on March 31, 2019:

Liabilites A Ltd. B Ltd Assles A Ltd B Ltd

Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk.
Share Capital(Equity shares of Tk. 5,00,000 1,00,000 Buildings 2,00,000 1,00,000
10 each)
General Reserve 2,00,000 60,000 Plant and Machinery 2,30,000 1,00,000
Profit and Losd Account 1,20,000 1,40,000 Investments:8,000 Equityshare in B Ltd. 80,000 ---------
Sundry Creditors 80,000 60,000 Others 30,000 10,000
Bills Payable 50,000 20,000 Stock 1,40,000 40,000
Debtors 1,60,000 40,000
Bank 1,10,000 90,000
9,50,000 3,80,000 9,50,000 3,80,000

Additional information:

(a) A Ltd acquired 8,000 equity shares in B Ltd on 1.4. 2017. On that date. B Ltd had
Tk. 40,000 in profit and Loss Account and Tk. 40,000 in General Reserve.

(b) B Ltd declared on 1.7.2017 10% dividend for 2016-17 and 15% dividend on
1.8.2018 for 2017-18. A Ltd credited its share of both the dividends to Investment in
B Ltd Account.

(c) Further on 1.8.2018 B Ltd declared bonus dividend in the ratio of one for four beld
out of balance in General Reserve pm 1.4.2018. Though A Ltd rightly treated its

BBA 8335_182_QGA Page # 5

share of bonus dividend in its books of account, B Ltd has not yet given effect to the
bonus dividend in tis accounts.

(d) On 1.4.2018 B Ltd purchased plant and machinery for Tk. 60,000 from A Ltd which
yielded a profit of 20% on selling price to A Ltd charges 10% depreciation on its
Plant and machinery.

(e) The entire bills payable of B Ltd represent bills accepted in favor of A Ltd.

(f) Liability for expenses not given effect in the books of a Ltd. amounts to Tk. 25,000.
Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet in the books of A Ltd on 31.3.2019.

3. Negotiation is going on for transfer of X Ltd, on the basis of the Blance sheet and the additional
information as given Blance sheet of X Ltd as on 31st March, 2012.
Liabilities Tk. Assets Tk.
Share Capital (Tk. 10 fully paid-up 10,00,000 Goodwill 1,00,000
shares) Land and Building 3,00,000
Reserve and surplus 4,00,000 Plant and Machinery 8,00,000
Sundry Creditors 3,00,000 Investments 1,00,000
Stock 2,00,000
Debtors 1,50,000
Cash and Bank 50,000
_______ ________
17,00,000 17,00,000

Profit before tax for 2011-12 amounted to Tk.6,00,000 including Tk.10,000 as interest on
investment. However, an Additional amount of Tk.50,000 p.a. shall be required to be spent for
smooth running of the business.

Markt values of Land and Buildings and plant and Machinery are eslimated at Tk. 9,00,000 and
Tk. 10,00,000 consideration.

Income tax rate may be taken at 50% Return on capital at the rate of 20% before tax be considered
normal for this business at the present stage.

For the purpose of determining the rate of retun, profit for this year after the aforesaid adjustment
may be taken as expected average profit. Similarly, average trading capital employed is also to be
considered on the basis of the position in this year. It has been agreed that four years purchase of
super profit shall be taken as the value of goodwill for the purpose of the deal.


Calculate the value of goodwill of the company.

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Assignment # 1 BBA 8336

Bangladesh Open University

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level-AIS)
Course: Advanced Management Accounting Deo on: 04 October, 2019
 Answer the all questions in your own handwriting on A4 size white paper.
 Fill-in the cover page of your assignment with care.
 Enclose the photocopy of your ID Card with the assignment (next to the cover page).
 Don’t make spiral binding. Instead, make soft binding.
 Submit the assignment to the respective course tutor and ensure his/her signature on your
Assignment Acknowledgement Form (see page#5 of Semester Calendar).


1. Square Consumers Ltd. has supplied the following data from its activity-based costing system:

Overhead Costs
Wages and salaries………………………… Tk. 300,000
Other overhead costs………………………. 100,000
Total overhead costs………………………. 400,000

Activity Cost Pool Activity Measure Total Activity for the Year
Supporting direct labor……… Number of direct labor-hours 20,000 DLHs
Order processing ……………. Number of customer orders 400 orders
Customer support…………… Number of customers 200 customers
Other This is an organization sustaining Not applicable

Distribution of resource consumption across activities

Supporting Order Customer Other Other

Direct Processing Support
Wages and salaries . . . . . . 40% 30% 20% 10% 100%
Other overhead costs . . . . 30% 10% 20% 40% 100%

During the year, Square Consumers Ltd completed one order for a new customer, Beximco Ltd. This customer
did not order any other products during the year. Data concerning that order follow:

Data concerning the Beximco Ltd. Order:

Units ordered ……………………………………. 10 units
Direct labor-hours …………………………….. 2 DLHs per unit
Selling price ……………………………………… Tk.300 per unit
Direct materials …………………………………. Tk.180 per unit
Direct labor …………………………………………. Tk.50 per unit
BBA 8336_182 AI Page # 1
1. Prepare a report showing the first-stage allocations of overhead costs to the activity cost pools.
2. Compute the activity rates for the activity cost pools.
3. Calculate the total overhead costs for the order from Beximco Ltd. including customer support costs.
4. Calculate the customer margin for Beximco Ltd.

2. Akash Bari Tours operates day tours of river Meghna Estuary in Chandpur on its tour boat the MV Sonar
Tori. Management has identified two cost drivers—the number of cruises and the number of passengers—
that it uses in its budgeting and performance reports. The company publishes a schedule of day cruises
that it may supplement with special sailings if there is sufficient demand. Up to 80 passengers can be
accommodated on the tour boat. Data concerning the company’s cost formulas appear below:

Fixed Cost per Cost per Cost per

Month Cruise Passenger
Vessel operating costs ……… Tk. 5,200 Tk. 480.00 Tk. 2.00
Advertising Tk. 1,700
Administrative costs Tk. 4,300 Tk. 24.00 Tk.1.00
Insurance Tk. 2,900

For example, vessel operating costs should be Tk.5,200 per month plus Tk.480 per cruise plus Tk.2 per
passenger. The company’s sales should average Tk.25 per passenger. In July, the company provided 24
cruises for a total of 1,400 passengers.

Prepare the company’s flexible budget for July.

3. Selected sales and operating data for three divisions of different structural engineering firms are given as

Division A Division B Division C

Sales Tk.12,000,000 Tk.14,000,000 Tk.25,000,000
Average operating assets Tk. 3,000,000 Tk.7,000,000 Tk.5,000,000
Net operating income Tk. 600,000 Tk.560,000 Tk.800,000
Minimum required rate of return 14% 10% 16%


i. Compute the return on investment (ROI) for each division using the formula stated in terms of margin
and turnover.
ii. Compute the residual income for each division.
iii. Assume that each division is presented with an investment opportunity that would yield a 15% rate of
a. If performance is being measured by ROI, which division or divisions will probably accept
the opportunity? Reject? Why?
b. If performance is being measured by residual income, which division or divisions will
probably accept the opportunity? Reject? Why?

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Assignment # 2 BBA 8336

Bangladesh Open University

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level-AIS)
Course: Advanced Management Accounting Due on: 08 November, 2019

 Answer the all questions in your own handwriting on A4 size white paper.
 Fill-in the cover page of your assignment with care.
 Enclose the photocopy of your ID Card with the assignment (next to the cover page).
 Don’t make spiral binding. Instead, make soft binding.
 Submit the assignment to the respective course tutor and ensure his/her signature on your
Assignment Acknowledgement Form (see page#5 of Semester Calendar).

1. Ramna Food produces three products—A, B, and C. Data concerning the three products follow (per unit):

Selling price Tk. 80 Tk. 56 Tk. 70
Variable expenses:
Direct materials 24 15 9
Other variable expenses 24 27 40
Total Variable Expenses 48 42 49
Contribution margin 32 14 21
Contribution margin ratio 40% 25% 30%

The company estimates that it can sell 800 units of each product per month. The same raw material is used
in each product. The material costs Tk.3 per kg with a maximum of 5,000 kg available each month.
1. Calculate the contribution margin per kg of the constraining resource for each product.
2. Which orders would you advise the company to accept first, those for A, B, or C? Which orders second?
3. What is the maximum contribution margin that the company can earn per month if it makes optimal use
of its 5,000 kg of materials?

2. Alif Company wants to use absorption cost-plus pricing to set the selling price on a new product. The
company plans to invest Tk. 200,000 in operating assets to produce and sell 16,000 units. Its required
return on investment (ROI) in its operating assets is 18%. The accounting department has provided cost
estimates for the new product as shown below:

BBA 8336_182 AI Page # 3

Per Unit Total
Direct materials Tk.7
Direct labor Tk. 5
Variable manufacturing overhead Tk. 2
Fixed manufacturing overhead Tk.116,000
Variable selling and administrative expenses Tk. 1
Fixed selling and administrative expenses Tk.50,000

i. What is the unit product cost for the new product?
ii. What is the markup percentage on absorption cost for the new product?
iii. What selling price would the company establish for its new product using a markup percentage on
absorption cost? (Round your answer to the nearest Taka)
3. Saleh Company makes two products and uses a traditional costing system in which a single plant wide
predetermined overhead rate is computed based on direct labor-hours. Data for the two products for the upcoming
year follow:
Direct materials cost per unit Tk. 13.00 Tk. 22.00
Direct labor cost per unit Tk. 6.00 Tk. 3.00
Direct labor-hours per unit 0.40 0.20
Number of units produced 20,000 80,000
These products are customized to some degree for specific customers.
(i) The company’s manufacturing overhead costs for the year are expected to be Tk.567,000. Using the
company’s traditional costing system; compute the unit product costs for the two products.
(ii) Management is considering an activity-based costing system in which half of the overhead would continue to
be allocated on the basis of direct labor-hours and half would be allocated on the basis of engineering
design time. This time is expected to distribute as follows during the upcoming year:

A B Total
Engineering design time (in hours) 3,000 3,000 6,000
(iii) Compute the unit product cost for the two products using the proposed ABC system.
(iv) Explain why the product costs differ between the two systems.

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Assignment # 1 BBA 8337

Bangladesh Open University

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level-AIS)
Course Title: Corporate Financial Reporting Due on: 04 October, 2019
 Answer the all questions in your own handwriting on A4 size white paper.
 Fill-in the cover page of your assignment with care.
 Enclose the photocopy of your ID Card with the assignment (next to the cover page).
 Don’t make spiral binding. Instead, make soft binding.
 Submit the assignment to the respective course tutor and ensure his/her signature on your
Assignment Acknowledgement Form (see page#3 of Semester Calendar).


1. (a) Why is corporate financial reporting important? Briefly explain.

(b) Mention major generally accepted accounting principles.
(c) What is the main theme of accrual accounting? Briefly explain the components of
accounting equation with examples.

2. (a) What do you mean by operating cycle?

(b) Differentiate between the cash basis and accrual basis accounting.
(c) What is balance sheet and why is it prepared? Prepare a consolidated balance sheet
showing assets only with imaginary figures.

3. (a) Define segment reporting.

(b) Mention the advantage of segments.
(c) Describe the guidelines for preparing interim financial reports.
4. (a) XYZ Corporation owns machinery that cost $ 20,000 when purchased on January
1, 200. Depreciation has been recorded at a rate of $3,000 per year, resulting in a
balance in accumulated depreciation of $ 9,000 at December 31, 2003. The
machinery is sold on September 1, 2004 for $ 10,500. Prepare Journal entries to (a)
update depreciation for 2004 and (b) record the sale.

(b) Apex Corporation was organized on January 3, 2017, subsequent to the sale of
capital stock for Tk. 60,000 cash. Shortly thereafter , the following transactions

BBA 8337_182_DZR Page # 1

(i) Acquired Tk. 600 on office supplies on credit from the Acme Office Supply
(ii) Purchased an office building for Tk. 1, 50,000 Paying Tk. 22500 in cash and
financing Tk. 127,500 at 10% interest with the National Bank Ltd. The
building would be depreciated over 30 years on a straight line basis.
(iii) Purchased office equipment at a cost of Tk. 25,000 from the Partex
(iv) Received Tk. 8,000 in cash for services rendered to new customers.
(v) Received an invoice for Tk. 240 for advertising.

BBA 8337_182_DZR Page # 2

Assignment # 2 BBA 8337

Bangladesh Open University

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level-AIS)
Course Title: Corporate Financial Reporting Due on: 08 November, 2019
1 (a) Define classified balance sheet? Discuss the elements and limitations of balance sheet.
(b) Mention the characteristic of intangible assets.
(c) What do you meant by natural resources? What are the different types of cost involved
to these types of resources?
2. (a) Explain the term “Revenue”. Differentiate between Points of sales Installment
methods of revenue recognition.
(b) How can an auditor investigate and defect frauds? Explain different types of
fraudulent financial reporting with examples.
(c) Earthworm Jim Corporation has capitalized Software costs of $7, 00,000 and sale of
this product the first year totaled $4, 20,000. Earthworm Jim anticipates earning $9,
80,000 in additional future revenues from this product, which is estimated to have an
economic life of 4 years. Compute the amount of software cost amortization for the
first year.
3. The Oliver Company sells tropical radios treated with a special condensation inhabiting
paint. The company uses LIFO for inventory accounting. The paint inventory on January 1,
2007, consisted of 3,000 gallons costed at Tk.45 per gallon. Purchases and ending
inventories in the subsequent years were as follows:
Average Purchase Cost of Gallon
Year Price per Gallon Purchased Dec. 31 Inventory
2007 Tk. 50 Tk. 384,000 3600 gallons
2008 51 352,000 2600
2009 52 448,000 4000
Because of temporary scarcities, the paint is expected to cost Tk.62 per gallon in the year
2010. Sales for 2010 are expected to require 7,000 gallons of paint. The purchasing agent
suggests that the inventory be allowed to decrease to 600 gallon by the end of 2010 and be
replenished to 4,000 gallons in early 2011. The controller argues that such a policy is
foolish, if inventories are allowed to decrease, the company will pay a very large amount in
income taxes (as its current income-tax rate of 40 percent). Instead, she suggests that the
company maintain a year 2010 ending inventory of 4,000 gallon.
(i) Calculate the cost of goods sold and the taka value of ending inventory for the year
2010, assuming the purchasing agent’s advice is followed and the controller’s
advice is followed.
(ii) Calculate the tax savings for the year 2010 if the controllers advice is followed
rather than the purchasing agents.
(iii) If you were making the decision what other information might you consider in
choosing whose advice to follow?

BBA 8337_182_DZR Page # 3

Assignment # 1 BBA 8350

Bangladesh Open University

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level- AIS, Finance, HRM, Marketing)

Course Title: Business Research Methods Due on; 04 October, 2019

 Answer the all questions in your own handwriting on A4 size white paper.
 Fill-in the cover page of your assignment with care.
 Enclose the photocopy of your ID Card with the assignment (next to the cover page).
 Don’t make spiral binding. Instead, make soft binding.
 Submit the assignment to the respective course tutor and ensure his/her signature on
your Assignment Acknowledgement Form (see page#5 of Semester Calendar).

1. a. What is business research? Why it is important?

b. Distinguish among the terms information, data, and intelligence.
c. Mention the difference between research concepts and research constructs.

2. a. Distinguish among propositions, variables, and hypotheses.

b. Describe the stages of a research process.
c. Mention briefly the ethical issues concerned with business research.

3. a. Explain the process of defining a research problem. Why it is important to

start with a good problem definition?
b. What is qualitative research? How it is different from quantitative research?
c. Describe the techniques used in a qualitative research.

BBA 8350_182_MAK Page # 1

Assignment # 2 BBA 8350

Bangladesh Open University

BBA Program
Semester: 182 (8th Level- AIS, Finance, HRM, Marketing)

Course Title: Business Research Methods Due on: 08 November, 2019

 Answer the all questions in your own handwriting on A4 size white paper.
 Fill-in the cover page of your assignment with care.
 Enclose the photocopy of your ID Card with the assignment (next to the cover page).
 Don’t make spiral binding. Instead, make soft binding.
 Submit the assignment to the respective course tutor and ensure his/her signature on
your Assignment Acknowledgement Form (see page#5 of Semester Calendar).

1. a. What are the types of data? Mention the methods of collecting data.
b. What are the types of survey research? How to design an appropriate survey
c. What is pre-testing? Why it is important in survey research?

2. a. What are the levels of scale measurement? Mention the criteria for good
b. Mention the techniques for measuring attitudes.
c. Describe the guidelines for constructing a good questionnaire.

3. a. What is sampling? How it is different from census?

b. Distinguish between probability sampling and non-probability sampling.
c. Describe the factors to be considered for an appropriate sample design.

4. a. What is sampling distribution? Mention the types of sampling distribution.

b. What is regression equation? In what kind of analysis, regression equation
is used?
c. What is ANOVA? When it is used?

BBA 8350_182_MAK Page # 2

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