Pilot Study

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Pilot Study, The First Step in Research

Article in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) · December 2017

DOI: 10.21275/ART20178777


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1 author:

Ronald Mocorro
Leyte Normal University


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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Pilot Study, The First Step in Research

Ronald E. Mocorro
Leyte Normal University, Philippines, Tacloban City, Philippines 6500

Abstract: A pilot study is very important in the success of the research. It is often recommended to address variety of issues such as the
validity and reliability of the instrument to be used in the study. This article investigates how often graduate students researches employ
pilot study. It also investigates their discussion of the result as to partial or complete discussion of the result of the pilot study. Specific
recommendations are made to the researchers in employing pilot study before the conduct of the full research.

Keywords: Pilot study, Pilot testing, Pilot test, Development of questionnaire

1. Introduction Table 1. Reason why pilot studies should be

The validity and reliability of the instrument or questionnaire  Developing and testing adequacy of research
are some of the important issues to consider in conducting instruments
research. Often, these can be seen by analyzing the result of  Assessing the feasibility of a (full-scale) study/survey
the pilot study. The reliability and validity of the instrument  Designing a research protocol
are vital for the future result of the research. If the instrument  Assessing whether the research protocol is realistic
is not reliable and not valid, then the result conducted is and workable
void.  Establishing whether the sampling frame and
technique are effective
According to the Association for Qualitative Research, a  Assessing the likely success of proposed recruitment
pilot study is a small study conducted in advance of a approaches
planned project, specifically to test aspects of the research  Identifying logistical problems which might occur
design and to allow necessary adjustment before final using proposed methods
commitment to the design. Similarly, pilot studies are  Estimating variability in outcomes to help to
defined as a mini version of a full-scale study which is also determine sample size
known as feasibility studies. It is also defined as the process  Collecting preliminary data
of pre-testing of the research instrument such as
 Determining what resources (finance, staff) are
questionnaire, tests, and interview schedule [6], [7].
needed for a planned study
 Assessing the proposed data analysis techniques to
Conducting pilot study has several advantages; it gives
uncover potential problems
advance warning about where the main project fail, which
research procedure where not followed, or whether the  Developing a research question and research plan
proposed methods or the questionnaire or instrument are  Training a researcher in as many elements of the
inappropriate or too complicated to the respondents [7]. research process as possible
 Convincing funding bodies that the research team is
In the words of De Vaus "Do not take the risk. Pilot test competent and knowledgeable
first." [3]. These are important reasons for undertaking a  Convincing funding bodies that the main study is
pilot study, but there are additional reasons, for example feasible and worth funding
convincing funding bodies that your research proposal for  Convincing other stakeholders that the main study is
the main study is worth funding. Thus pilot studies are worth supporting
conducted for a range of different reasons. Table 1
enumerates the reasons for conducting pilot studies. A Pilot study is crucial to the success of the research. It
should be done correctly so that it will give a correct
Welman and Krunge[8] added that the following are the description of the instrument to be used. The validity and
main reason why the pilot study is needed: reliability should be established. Here are the steps used to
 Detect possible flaws in measurement procedures. This pilot a questionnaire on a small group of volunteers, who are
includes instructions, administration, time limits, etc. as similar as possible to the target population, are listed in
 Identify unclear or ambiguous items in the questionnaire. Table 2.
 Identify non-verbal behavior of the participants which may
Table 2: Pilot study procedures to improve the internal
affect research study. This may give important information
validity of a questionnaire
about any embarrassment or discomfort experienced  administer the questionnaire to pilot subjects in exactly
concerning the content or wording of items in a the same way as it will be administered in the main study
questionnaire.  ask the subjects for feedback to identify ambiguities and
difficult questions
 record the time taken to complete the questionnaire and
decide whether it is reasonable
Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20178777 DOI: 10.21275/ART20178777 864
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
 discard all unnecessary, difficult or ambiguous questions instrument (e.g. revision or removal of poor items in the
 assess whether each question gives an adequate range of test/questionnaire). In general, only 11% of
responses thesis/dissertations completely discussed the result of the
 establish that replies can be interpreted in terms of the pilot study and only a very small percentage include the
information that is required discussion in improving the instrument or questionnaire.
 check that all questions are answered However, 23 % of the said sample partially discussed the
 re-word or re-scale any questions that are not answered as findings of the pilot study. Partially meaning it lacks
expected discussion on the process of pilot study as well as the
 shorten, revise and, if possible, pilot again. coefficient/ index that describe the result or findings. For
(Source: Table 3.23 in Peat et al., 2002: 123) example, a study stated that a pilot testing was done to
establish the validity and reliability of the questionnaire,
however this is not enough since no discussion of the result
2. Objectives and thus readers may not be convinced if truly the validity
and reliability of the questionnaire were established.
Pilot study is often recommended before the actual study.
This is a preliminary trial of research which is essential in Table 5: Research instrument used
the whole research process. The purpose of this study is to F % Employed Pilot study
examine thesis and dissertations of the graduate’s students to Enhanced/modifies/ adapted 14 40% 1
answer the following questions; Self-made / researcher - structured 17 49% 9
1) How often graduate students researches utilize pilot Fully utilized 4 11% 0
studies? Total 35 100%
2) How often researchers discussed the result of the pilot
study in the research paper? Table 5 shows that 14 or 40% of the instruments or
questionnaires were adapted, enhanced or modified from
3. Methodology foreign authors. This means that the researchers made some
revision of the items to suit to the locale, such as the
The study employed summative content analysis of 35 total language, culture, etc. 17 or 49% of the questionnaires/
enumerated thesis and dissertation in the graduate school of instruments were self-made or researcher- structured
one university in the region. A summative content analysis instrument. The remaining 4 instrument or about 11% are
involves counting and comparisons, usually of keywords or fully utilized instrument from published researchers with
content, followed by the interpretation of the underlying local authors.
context [4]. The researcher utilizes total enumeration or use
all the thesis/dissertation that can be found at the graduate Table shows that only 1 out of 9 adapted or enhanced
school library of the said university from the school year instrument were pilot tested, 9 out of 17 self-made or
2011- 2017. Frequency counts and percent were used to researcher-structured instrument were piloted and none from
analyze the data. fully utilized instrument.

4. Result 5. Discussion

Table 3: Percentage of thesis / dissertations employed pilot A Pilot study is very important to establish the validity and
study reliability of the research question. The result of the pilot
f % study gives the researcher ideas on how to improve the
questionnaire or instrument so that the result for study or
Employed Pilot Study 12 34%
research will also be reliable and valid. Unfortunately, the
Did not Employ Pilot Study 23 66%
study shows that most researchers did not employ pilot
Total 35 100%
study. For some, they employed pilot study but fail to discuss
completely the result. It left the reader questioning the
Table 3 shows that among the total of 35 researches, it shows validity and reliability of the instrument since no
that only 12 which is 34% of them employed pilot study and explanations were given. And, very few discussed
the remaining 23 or 66% did not employ pilot study of their completely the result of their pilot study.

Table 4: Employed discussion of pilot study 6. Conclusion and Recommendations

f % % ( out of total researches)
Partially discussed the 8 67% 23% A Pilot study is very much important in the success of the
Completely discussed 4 33% 11% research. It identifies variety of issues about the instrument
Total 35 100% 34% and the research in general. Therefore, it should be taken
with almost consideration. Pilot study should be carefully
From table 4, it displays that only 4 or 33% of those who planned and analyzed specially if the researcher uses
employed pilot study includes complete discussions of the researcher-made instrument. This instrument is subjected to
result. The results include ways in validating the determine its validity and reliability. No research-made
questionnaire, establishing the reliability by providing the questionnaire should be used to conduct research without it
reliability coefficient. Among these, only one researcher undergone pilot study. Adapted, modified or enhanced
expanded the result and use it to further improve the instrument should also be pilot tested especially if it is
Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20178777 DOI: 10.21275/ART20178777 865
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
adapted from foreign authors. The diversity of the
respondents, the culture, language, the age, the economic
status and many more are factors that made group of
individuals differ. As an example a questionnaire that asks
about physical activity and uses skiing as an example may
not be relevant in settings where there is no snow.

Adaptation of instrument is a complex process and require

careful planning to maintain its psychometric properties [2].
It is also important that the adaptation of an instrument
should culturally fit, that is, its preparation for use in
different cultural contexts [1]. A Pilot study should be done
to check and verify that it possesses the psychometric
properties and it fit to the cultural contexts. Therefore, the
psychometric properties of the new version of instrument
should be established and the semantic equivalence of the
items should also be shown.

[1] Beaton DE, Bombardier C, Guillemin F, Ferraz MB:
Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of
self-report measures. Spine. 2000, 25
[2] Cassepp-Borges, V., Balbinotti, M. A. A., &Teodoro, M.
L. M. (2010). Tradução e validação de conteúdo: Uma
proposta para a adaptação de instrumentos. In L.
Pasquali, Instrumentaçãopsicológica: Fundamentos e
práticas(pp. 506-520)
[3] De Vaus D (1993). Survey in Social Research. Third
edition. London, UCL Press.
[4] Hsiu-Fang Hsieh, Sarah E. Shannon (2005). Three
Approaches of Qualitative Content Analysis. Qualitative
Health Research. Sage Journal
[5] International Test Commission [ITC], 2010
[6] Polit D et al (2001). Essential of Nursing Research.
Methods Appraisal and Utilization. Fifth edition.
Philadelphia PA. Lippincott William and Wilkins.
[7] Van Teijlingen et al, (2001). The importance of
conducting and reporting pilot studies; Journal of
Advance Nursing, 34, 3, 289-295.
[8] Welman and Krunger( 1999). Research methodology for
the business and administrative sciences. Oxford: Oxford
University Press

Author Profile
The Author received his B.S, Degree (Bachelor in
Elementary Education – Bachelor in Secondary
Education- Major in Mathematics, 2009) from Leyte
Normal University, Philippines and Master of
Mathematics from University of San Carlos, Cebu,
Philippines (2012).

Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20178777
View publication stats DOI: 10.21275/ART20178777 866

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