Pilot Study
Pilot Study
Pilot Study
1 2,789
1 author:
Ronald Mocorro
Leyte Normal University
All content following this page was uploaded by Ronald Mocorro on 26 February 2018.
Abstract: A pilot study is very important in the success of the research. It is often recommended to address variety of issues such as the
validity and reliability of the instrument to be used in the study. This article investigates how often graduate students researches employ
pilot study. It also investigates their discussion of the result as to partial or complete discussion of the result of the pilot study. Specific
recommendations are made to the researchers in employing pilot study before the conduct of the full research.
4. Result 5. Discussion
Table 3: Percentage of thesis / dissertations employed pilot A Pilot study is very important to establish the validity and
study reliability of the research question. The result of the pilot
f % study gives the researcher ideas on how to improve the
questionnaire or instrument so that the result for study or
Employed Pilot Study 12 34%
research will also be reliable and valid. Unfortunately, the
Did not Employ Pilot Study 23 66%
study shows that most researchers did not employ pilot
Total 35 100%
study. For some, they employed pilot study but fail to discuss
completely the result. It left the reader questioning the
Table 3 shows that among the total of 35 researches, it shows validity and reliability of the instrument since no
that only 12 which is 34% of them employed pilot study and explanations were given. And, very few discussed
the remaining 23 or 66% did not employ pilot study of their completely the result of their pilot study.
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Author Profile
The Author received his B.S, Degree (Bachelor in
Elementary Education – Bachelor in Secondary
Education- Major in Mathematics, 2009) from Leyte
Normal University, Philippines and Master of
Mathematics from University of San Carlos, Cebu,
Philippines (2012).