Practical Research 2
Practical Research 2
Practical Research 2
Sampling Procedures
-a formal process of choosing the correct subgroup called
a sample from a population to participate in a research
study. The subgroup shall be the representative of the
large group from where they were selected.
Face validity
This is a superficial or subjective assessment. The
questionnaire appears to measure the construct or variable
-Generate the items or questions of the questionnaire that the research study is supposed to measure.
based on the purpose and objectives of the research study.
guidelines in mind:
Content validity
-is most often measured by experts or people who are consistency is called Cronbach's alpha. This can be
familiar with the construct being measured. The experts computed using manual and electronic computations such
are asked to provide feedback on how well each question as the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Cronbach
measures the variable or construct under study. The alpha can range
experts make judgements about the degree to which the
test items or statements match the test objectives or Step 5-Pilot Testing of the Questionnaire
specifications. -Pre-testing or pilot testing a questionnaire is important
before you use it to collect data. Through this process, you
Criterion-related validity can identify questions or statements which are not clear to
-This type of validity measures the relationship between a the participants or there might be some problems with the
measure and an outcome. Criterion-related validity can be relevance of the questionnaire to the current study.
further divided into concurrent and predictive validity. Such remarks may be any of the following:
"Delete this statement. I don't understand the
Concurrent validity question/statement."
This type of validity measures how well the results of an "Revise the question/statement. Indicate the
evaluation or assessment correlate with other assessments specific variables to be measured."
measuring the same variables or constructs. "Retain the question/statement. This is good."
"There are missing options in the list of choices."
Predictive validity "The question is so long. It's getting boring."
This measures how well the results of an assessment can
predict a relationship between the construct being Step 6- Revise the Questionnaire
measured and future behaviour. After identifying the problem areas in your questionnaire,
revise the instrument as needed based on the feedback
Construct validity provided during the pre-testing or pilot-testing. The best
This is concerned with the extent to which a measure is questionnaire is one that is edited and refined towards
related to other measures as specified in a theory or producing clear questions arranged logically and in
previous research. It is an experimental demonstration that sequential order. The questionnaire should match with the
a test is measuring the construct it claims to be measuring. research objectives.
D. Questionnaire
-A questionnaire may be standardized or researcher-made.