Booklet III
Booklet III
Booklet III
Name _______________________________________
ID no.________________
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: the booklet contains 115 multiple choice questions. Attempt
all the questions and write your answers on the answer sheet (IN BLOCK LETTER).
Choose the best answers for the following questions and write your answers on the
answer sheet (IN BLOCK LETTER).
1. Which additive does the light blue tube implies?
A. Fluoride
B. Heparin
C. Sodium citrate an
2. What is the preferred antiseptic for venipuncture?
A. Oil
B. Water
C. Isopropyl alcohol an
D. Xylene
3. Why should a tourniquet be removed with 1-2min?
A. When it is left longer, it may cause hemoconcentration
B. When it is left longer, it may hurt the patient
C. When it is left longer, it may cause hematoma
D. When it is left longer, it may cause fainting
4. What is the slanting surface at the end of a needle?
A. Bevel an C. Plunger
B. Barrel D. sucker
11. Which of the following represents hemoglobin with ferric (Fe +3) form iron?
A. Deoxyhemoglobin
B. Sulfhemoglobin
C. Methemoglobin
D. Carboxyhemoglobin
12. Which of the following statement is not true about platelets?
A. Intrinsic
B. Common an
C. Extrinsic
D. All
24. Among the following which one isnot included in the red cell indices?
25. Which of the following parameters are directly measured on the Coulter?
A. WBC count
D. Hematocrit
26. Which of the following statements about Wright's stain is correct?
A. it requires prefixation of the slides
B. it is a true Romanowsky stain anser
C. it contains crystal violet
D. it is a supravital stain
27. Which of the following deficiencies would most likely lead to megaloblastic anemia?
A. vitamin E deficiency
B. vitamin B6 deficiency
C. iron deficiency
D. folic acid deficiency an
28. The peripheral blood of a patient with iron deficiency anemia will most likely show what
A. microcytic, hypochromic red cells an
B. microcytic, normochromic red cells
C. macrocytic, hypochromic red cells
D. normocytic, hypochromic red cells
29. Increased polychromasia on a peripheral blood smear could indicate which of the following?
A. over-staining of the slide an
B. an increased relative reticulocyte count
C. decreased production of red blood cells
D. nothing in particular
30. A patient's peripheral blood smear shows hypochromic/microcytic RBC. Which of the
following anemias might he have?
A. megaloblastic anemia
B. sideroblastic anemia
Hemolytic an
C. aplastic anemia
31. Which of the following is not associated with hypochromia?
A. decreased MCHC
B. iron deficiency
C. increased central pallor
D. aplastic anemia
32. In which of the following disorders is the Philadelphia chormosome most likely to be found?
A. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
B. chronic myelogenous leukemia
C. acute lymphocytic leukemia
D. acute myelogenous leukemia
33. Why is there decreased production of blood cells in the marrow in acute leukemia?
A. there is a stem cell defect
B. there is a growth factor deficiency
C. there is an erythropoietin deficiency
D. the malignant cells replace normal marrow
34. In relative polycythemia, the red cell mass is ___________.
A. Decreased
B. Elevated an
C. Normal
D. none of the above
35. Warfarin therapy will affect which clotting factors?
A. factor XI.
B. factor IX
C. factor XIII
D. factor XII
36. Which type of liver cells are responsible for metabolic and synthetic function
A. Kupffer cells
B. Hepatocytes anser
C. Stellate cells
D. All
37. Nutrient-enriched blood from the gastrointestinal tract(GIT) is supplied to liver through
A. Hepatic artery
B. Hepatic vein
C. Portal vein
D. A & C
38. Identify true statement about Kupffer cells
A. Contain lysosomes that break down phagocytized bacteria
B. Are the main sites for clearance of antigen-antibody complexes
C. Derived from monocytes
D. All anser
39. Liver cells that are used to store vitamin A, and synthesize nitric oxide which helps to
regulate intra-hepatic blood flow is
A. Kupffer cells
B. Hepatocytes
C. Stellate cells anser
D. Ito cells
E. C & D
40. _____is endogenously produced compound used to measure hepatic excretory function
A. Albumin
B. Bilirubin
C. Fibrinogen
D. Globulin
41. Which one of the following is exclusively synthesized in the liver
A. Alpha –globulin
B. Albumin
C. Beta –globulin
D. Direct bilirubin
42. Liver synthetic inability can be measured by all of the following serum analyte except
A. Albumin
B. Immunoglobulin
C. Ceruloplasmin
D. Fibrinogen
43. Jaundice is characterized by yellow discoloration of
A. O C. B
B. AB D. A
86. Failure to wash the red cells prior to performing a DAT will lead to:
87. The minimum acceptable hemoglobin level for homologous female blood donoris:
A. 11.0 g/dl C. 12.0 g/dl
B. 11.5 g/dl D. 12.5 g/dl an
E. 13.0 g/dl
88. The major crossmatch consists of a mixture of
A. Donor serum and patient erythrocytes
B. Donor serum and donor erythrocytes
C. Patient serum and donor erythrocytes an
D. Patient serum and patient erythrocytes
89. The indirect antihuman globulin test is used for the detection of antibodies that may cause
red cell sensitization:
A. In vitro an
B. In vivo
C. IgM naturally occurring antibody
D. In vitro and in vivo
90. When a patient makes an immune type antibody, red blood cell products are phenotyped and
products that are antigen negative for the corresponding antibody should be selected for
transfusion. RBC products are already pre-phenotyped for one immune antibody. Which
antibody is it?
A. Anti-K C. Anti-E
B. Anti-D D. Anti-A
91. A 38-year-old male was recently arrested following his second drunk-driving. He was jailed
for 36 hours before his release and comes for blood donation in the bank. He is eligible to
donate blood:
A. Today
B. 30 days from his release from prison
E. Never
Results: 2+ 4+ 1+ 0
A. A blood group
B. B blood group
C. AB blood group
D. O blood group
E. None of the above grouping
93. Interpret the following ABO test results:
Results: 0 0 2+ 2+
A. A blood group
B. B blood group
C. AB blood group
D. O blood group
E. None of the above grouping
94. Interpret the following ABO test results:
Results: 0 4+ 4+ 0
A. A blood group
B. B blood group
C. AB blood group
D. O blood group
E. None of the above grouping
95. Regarding pathology which is false?
A. Fine needle aspiration cytology and biopsy are helpful in diagnosis of diseases
B. Autopsy is one of the disciplines in pathology
C. It has an important role in screening of cancer
D. It is a clinical and basic science
E. None
96. The need for sectioning includes;
A. To see internal structure of tissue.
B. Allows light to pass through tissue making structure easily visible.
C. Allows stains or specific markers to more easily infiltrate tissue.
D. All
97. Which one of the following is/are not the main parts of a single microtome?
A. Base
B. Tissue holder
C. Knife
D. None
98. Among the following types of knife which one is preferable to section very hard tissue like
un decalcified bone?
A. Wedge shaped
B. Plano concave
C. Biconcave
D. Tool edge
99. Which one of the following is/are a disadvantage of auto method knife sharpening compared
to manual method?
A. No time consuming.
B. Dull cutting edge can be replaced by new perfect edge.
C. Over sharpening and vibration may occur when cutting dense, fibrous tissue.
D. None
100. What is the use of ‘’water bath’’ in tissue sectioning and processing?
A. Dry tissue section on the microscopic slide
B. Remove folds to obtain wrinkle free tissue section
C. For cutting blocks of tissue to small slices
D. A and B
E. All
101. Substances that assists certain staining reaction to take place by forming a link between
tissue and stain are;
A. Accentuators
B. Mordants
C. Counter stains
D. A and B
102. The basic steps in staining and mounting paraffin section, which one is in the correct
A. Deparaffinization→ Dehydration→ Clearing→ Staining→ Hydration→ Mounting
B. Deparaffinization → Hydration→ Staining→ Dehydration→ Clearing → Mounting
C. Paraffinization→ Dehydration→ Staining→ Hydration→ Clearing→ Mounting
D. Deparaffinization → Hydration→ Clearing→ Staining → Dehydration→ Mounting
103. Systematic monitoring of working practice, technical procedure, equipments and
materials including quality of stain by using control samples refers to;
A. Quality assurance
B. External quality assessment
C. Quality control
D. Total quality management
105. Partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body or decrease in cell size and
functional ability refers to.
A. Metaplasia
B. Atrophy
C. Hyperplasia
D. Hypertrophy
Which one of the following is the correct sequence in tissue processing?
A. Clearing → Infiltration → Embedding → Dehydration
B. Dehydration → Clearing → Infiltration → Embedding
C. Infiltration → Clearing → Dehydration → Embedding
D. Clearing → Dehydration → Infiltration → Embedding
106. Hypertonic nature of fixative solution can cause cell
swelling during fixation
A. True
B. False
108. Saturation of tissue cavities and cells by a supporting substance or
media is called.
A. Dehydration
B. Infiltration
C. Clearing
D. Embedding
109. Among the following conditions (factors), which one can increase the rate of
tissue processing?
A. Using vacuum system
B. Increase the viscosity of the medium
C. Insufficient agitation of tissue block
D. All
110. Which one of the following is a good characteristic of a dye used for tissue
A. Soluble in fixative, processing and embedding medium
B. React with histological stains
C. Remain on the surface of the specimen or tissue
D. None
111. Which one of the following activities of tissue block is on their correct sequence
starting from the beginning?
A. Tissue processing → Fixation → Embedding → Sectioning
B. Fixation → Tissue processing → Embedding → Sectioning anser
C. Fixation → Embedding → Sectioning → Tissue processing
D. Embedding → Sectioning → Tissue processing → Fixation
112. Clearing in histopathology techniques refers to;
A. Removal of water
B. Removal of dehydrating agent
C. Removal of paraffin wax anser
D. All
113. When the respiratory epithelium of heavy smoker changed to stratified squamous
epithelium is called:
A. Metaplasia
B. Pathological atrophy
C. Physiological atrophy
D. Hyperplasia anser
E. Hypertrophy
114. Which of the following describes hypertrophy?
A. Increase in the number of cells (mitosis) in an organ or tissue
B. Decrease in the number of cells (mitosis) in an organ or tissue
C. Increase in individual cell size in an organ or tissue
D. Decrease in individual cell size in an organ or tissue
E. Reversible change in which one adult cell is replaced by another adult cell type
115. Point out correct sequence during tissue processing
A. Formaldehyde Xylene Ethanol Paraffin wax
B. Formaldehyde Ethanol Xylene Paraffin wax
C. Ethanol Formaldehyde Xylene Paraffin wax
D. Formaldehyde Paraffin wax Ethanol Xylene