Oxidation Reduction

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13. state of Ni in Ni(CO)4

1. A reducing agent is a substance which is
can (a) +2 (b) 0 (c) +4 (d) — 8
(a) accept electrons
(b) donate electrons 14. Oxidation number of oxygen in ozone
(a) 0 (b) —2 (c) +2 (d) — 6
(c) accept protons
(d) donate protons 15. Oxygen has an oxidation state
2. The reaction which takes place at the +2 in
anode is (a) H2O2 (b) OF2 (c) H2O (d) SO2
(a) oxidation (b) reduction 16. Oxidation state of oxygen atom in
potassium superoxide is
(c) dissociation (d) ionisation
3. The strongest reducing agent is (a) – 1/ 2 (b)–1 (c)–2 (d) 0
(a HNO s (b) HTS
(c) H2SOs (d) SnCN 17. . In haemoglobin the iron is in oxidation
4. Which one of the following is not a state of
reducing agent? (a)+2 (b)+1 (c)+3 (d)+4
(a) NaNOe (b) NaNO
(c) Hl (d) SnCl2 18. 18. Oxidation number of Sulphur in per
disulphuric acid is
5. Which of the following act as an oxidizing (a)+8 (b)–6 (c)+6 (d)+4
agent? 19. 19.The oxidation number of iron in FeO 3 4 is
(a)HNO3 (b)K2 Cr2 O7
(a)+2 (b)+3 (c) 8 3 (d) 2
(c)KMnO4 (d) All of these
20. Oxidation number of oxygen in hydrogen
peroxide is
6. Which of the following is best reducing agent? (a) —1 (b) +1
(a)Na (b)Ca (c) Sr (d) Ba (c) —2 (d) None of thèse
21. In the reaction of potassium
7. Which is strongest reducing agent? permanganate in acidic medium (mol. wt.
(a) F− (b) Cl− (c) Br− (d) I = 158.04) with ferrous ammonium
sulphate (mol. wt.= 392.14), the change
in the oxidation state of manganese in
8. The process potassium permanganate is
is appropriate classified as (a) +5 to +2 (b) +6 to +2
(a) ionisation (b) oxidation (c) +7 to +2 (d) +7 to +3
(a) reduction (d) nuclear reaction 22. Which of the following is correct?
9. In the reaction, (a) Oxidation state of bromine varies
4 Fe + sOz —› 4 Fe" + fiO 2* from —1 to +6
Which of the following statements is (b) Among IO â, CIO â and BrO , the last one
incorrect? (BrO â ) is the strongest oxidising agent
(a) lt is redox reaction (c) HNO a is an oxidising agent
(b) MetalliC iron is a reducing agent (d) All of the above
(c)Fe“ is an oxidising agent 23. The correct statement is
(d) Metallic iron is reduced to Fe ^* (a) zinc displaces Cu fFOm CuSO4
(b) Cu cannot displace Fe from FeSO‹
10.Among Cl-, Br- and I- the correct order for (c) Zn metal displaces Hz gas from HzSO‹
being oxidised to di-halogen is (d) All of the above
(a) I" > CI“ > Br" (b) CI" > Br" > I"
(c) I" > Br" > CI" (d) Br— > I" > CI— 24. Which of the following statement(s)
is/are false for electrolytic cell?
11. Among the following chemical
compounds, which one of the following (a) External source of voltage is applied to carry
has the highest reducing power? the chemical reaction
a) AsH3 (b) BiH3 (c) NH3 a (d) PH3
(b) These cells are mainly used in
12. The process in which oxidation number laboratory and chemical industry
of element increases is (c) These cells consist of two copper strips
(a) oxidation (b) reduction dipped in an aqueous solution of CuSO‹
(c) autoxidation (d) None of these 25. Mark the correct statement(s)for the
(a) It quickly coats the surfaces of metallic object (a) Mercury (b) Copper
(b) Its examples are—Rusting of iron, tarnishing (c) Silver (d) Tin
of silver
(c) It does not cause damage to buildings, ship 34. Which one among the following is the
made metals especially that are made up of correct order of reactivity of the elements?
iron (a) Cu>Mg>Zn>Na
(d) All of the above
26. A compound contains atom, A, Y, £. The (b) Na>Zn>Mg>Cu
oxidation number of X is +2, Y is +5 and Z is
—2, therefore, a possible formula of the - (c) Cu>Zn>Mg>Na
compound is (d) Na>Mg>Zn>Cu
(a) xY ze tb) x,tyz )2
27. A compound contains atom, X, Y, Z. The 35. Aluminium is more reactive than iron but
oxidation number of X is +2,Y is +5 and Z is–2, aluminium is less easily corroded than iron,
therefore, a possible formula of the compound is because
(a) XY1 Z2 (b) X2 Y3 Z2 (a) oxygen formsaprotectiveoxide layer
(c) X3 (Y Z4 )2 (d) X3 (Y4 Z )2 (b) it isanoblemetal
28. In the reaction, (c) ironundergoes reactioneasilywith
3Br2 + 6CO3 + 3HzO 5 Br- water
+ BrO3 + 6 HCOi
(d) iron forms ions
(a) bromine is oxidised and carbonate is
reduced 36. Silverware turns black after a period of
timed ueto formation of
(b) bromine is both reduced and
(a) nitrate coating on silver
(c) bromine is neither reduced nor (b) sulphide coating on silver
oxidised (c) chloride coating on silver
(d) bromine is reduced and water is
oxidised (d) oxide coating on silver
37. The process of reduction leads
29. The correct oxidation states of N in NH4NOa to loss of electrons.
molecule are Select the correct answer from the codes
(a) —3 and +5 (b) + 3 and —5 given below.
(a) I and IV (b) II and III
30. An oxidizing agent is a substance which (c) Only I (d) Only IV
(a) increases the oxidation number of an 38. Which of the following cause the rusting
element in a given substance of iron?
I. Oxidation
(b) decreases the oxidation number of element II. Reduction
in a given substance III. Chemical reaction with oxygen
(c) is oxidised itself in an oxidation reduction IV. Chemical reaction with CO2 Select the
reaction correct answer from the codes given
(d) loses electrons in an oxidation reduction below.
reaction (a) I and II (b) I and III
(c) II and III (d) III and IV
31. When a copper rod is dipped in aqueous silver 39. In oxidation
nitrate solution, the colour of the solution I. Hydrogen is displaced from a
changes to blue. This is because substance.
(a) Cu is more easily reduced than Ag
(b) Ag is more easily reduced than Cu II. An electropositive element is
(c) nitrate ion acts as an oxidising agent added to or proportion of
(d) nitrate ion acts as a reducing agent
32. Iron nails are dipped into blue copper electropositive element increase in
sulphate solution. After some time iron nails a substance.
Select the correct answer using the
(a) dissolved and blue colour is discharged
codes given below
(b) dissolved but blue colour is not discharged (a) Only I
(c) not dissolved and blue colour is not (b) Only II
discharged (c) Both I and II
(d) Neither I nor II
(d) not dissolved but blue colour is discharged
40. Match the terms of Column I and
33. Which one among the following metals is Column II and choose the correct option
more reactive than hydrogen?
from the codes given below. (c) Statement I is true, but Statement II is false.
Statement I is false, but Statement II is true.
A. Leclanche Cell 1. Cell reaction 42. Statement I Fluorine exhibits the same
2. Does not involve any ion in solution oxidation state in all its components.
B. Ni-Cd cell Statement II Fluorine atom has no d-orbital in
and is used in hearing aids. the valence shell.
C. Fuel cell 3. Rechargeable 43. Statement I When hydrogen gas is
4. Reaction at anode, Zn —+ passed over heated metallic oxide it
D. Mercury cell removes the oxygen from it.
Zn2* + 2e"
5. Converts energy of Statement II Hydrogen is an oxidising agent.
combustion into electrical
energy 44. The standard electrode potential values of
the element A, B and C are 0.68 V, —2.50 V
and —0.50 V respectively. The order of their
reducing power is
(a) 1 2 3,4 5
(a) A>B>C
(b) 5 2 1,3 4
(b) A<C>B
(c) 2 3 1,5 4
(c) C>B>A
(d) 4 3 1,5 2
(d) B>C>A

41. Match the terms of Column I and Column

II and choose the correct option from the
codes given below.
Previous Years' Questions
B. Oxygen in BaO2 1. 1 45. The following equation is an example of a
redox reaction, in which Cl2 is the
C. Sulphur in S2O6 2. 0
oxidising agent and FeBr3 is the reducing
D. Carbon inC12H22O11 3. +7 agent [2012 (I)]
- 2 FeB3 (aq)+ 3 Cl2(g)
E. Manganese in MnO4 4. 2
5. 5 2FeCl3(aq) + 3Br2 (l)
Which one among the following statements is
Codes incorrect for this redox reaction?
A B C D (a) Oxidising agents are themselves reduced
(a) 1 4 23 (b) Reducing agents gain or appear to gain
(b) 1 5 23 electrons
(c) Reducing agents are themselves oxidised
(c) 4 1 23
(d) Oxidising agents oxidise other substances
(d) 4 5 31
46. Which of the following statements
Directions (Q. Nos. 42-43) following questions regarding oxidation and reduction are
consist of two statements labelled as correct?
Statement I and Statement II. Examine I. In oxidation loss of electron takes
both the statements carefully and match place whereas in reduction, gain of
the correct choice according to the codes electron takes place.
giwen below. II. In oxidation, gain of electron takes
(a) Both Statement I and Statement II are true place whereas in reduction, loss of
and Statement II is the electron takes place.
correct explanation of the Statement I. III. Oxidising agent decreases the oxidation
(b) Both Statement I and Statement II are true number but reducing agent increases the
but Statement II is not the oxidation number.
correct explanation of the Statement I. IV. Oxidising agent increases the oxidation
number but reducing agent reduces the water? [ 2014 (I)]
oxidation number.
2F2 +2 H2O 4 H+(aq) + 4F- (aq) +O2 (g)
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below. 2012 (I) (a)Fluorine is oxidised to F-
(a) I and III (b) II and IV (b)Water is oxidised to O2+
(c) II and III (d) I and IV (c) Water is reduced to H
47. Which one among the following is an (d)Oxidation state of fluorine does not change
electrochemical cell that cannot be 52. What is the oxidising agent in the
charged? 2012 (II) following equation? 2014 (II)
(a) Electrolytic cell (b) Storage cell HAsO (aq) + Sn2+ (aq) + H+ (aq)
(c) Primary cell (d) Fuel cell 2

48. In KMnO4 molecule, the oxidation states of As(s) + Sn4+(aq) + H2O(l)

(a) HAsO2 (aq)) (b) Sn4+aq)
the elements potassium (K), manganese
(c) H+(aq) (d) Sn2+(aq)
(Mn) and oxygen are respectively [2012 (II)]
53. In the reaction, [2015 (I)]
(a) +1, +5, —2 (b) +1,+ 7, —2
(c) 0, 0, 0 (d) +1, + 7, 0 ZnO + C Zn + CO, ‘C’ acts as a/an
49. Statement I Zinc is used for galvanisation
to protect iron from rusting. (a)acid
Statement II Zinc is more reactive (c) oxidising agent
towards oxygen than iron. [2013 (II)] (d)reducing agent
(a) Both the statements are true and Statement 54. White phosphorus glows in the dark due to
II is the correct explanation of Statement I. (a) amorphous character D’ 2015 (II)
(b) slow oxidation
(b) Both the statements are true, but Statement
(c) high ignition temperature
II is not the correct explanation of (d) good conducting property of electricity
Statement I. 55. Which one of the following is a reduction
(c) Statement I is true, but Statement II is false. reaction? 2016 (I)
(d) Statement I is false, but Statement
II is true. (a) 2Mg(s) + O2 (g)
50. A gas is evolved when a piece of zinc metal is (b) S(s) + O2 (g)
placed in dilute sulphuric acid (H2 SO4) what SOA(g)
(c) 2HgO(s) H e a t 2 Hg(/) + O2
is the gas? 2013 (II)
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen (g)
(c) Water vapour (d) Sulphur dioxide (d) Mg(s) + S (s)
51. Which one of the following is correct MgS (s)
regarding the reaction of fluorine with

1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 d
11 b 12 a 13 b 14 a 15 b
21 c 22 d 23 d 24 d 25 b
31 b 32 a 33 d 34 d 35 a
41 6 42 a 43 c 44 d 45 b
51 b 52 o 53 d 54 b 55 c

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