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Redox DPP

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8 Redox Reactions
Trend Analysis with Important Topics & Sub-Topics

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Oxidation number oxidation number 1 E
Disproportionation 1 A 1 D
and balancing of redox
balancing of redox
reaction 1 A
LOD - Level of Difficulty E - Easy A - Average D - Difficult Qns - No. of Questions

Topic 1: Oxidation and Reduction Reactions (a) 0 to + 4 (b) – 4 to + 4

(c) 0 to – 4 (d) + 4 to + 4
1. Zn gives H2 gas with H2SO4 and HCl but not 5. The oxidation state of Cr in CrO6 is
with HNO3 because [2002] [NEET Odisha 2019]
(a) Zn acts as an oxidising agent when it reacts (a) +4 (b) –6
with HNO3 (c) +12 (d) +6
(b) HNO3 is weaker acid than H2SO4 and HCl
(c) In electrochemical series, Zn is above 6. Oxidation numbers of P in PO3– 2–
4 , of S in SO 4
hydrogen and that of Cr in Cr 2 O 72– are respectively
(d) NO3- is reduced in preference to hydronium [2009]
ion (a) + 3, + 6 and + 5 (b) + 5, + 3 and + 6
2. Which of the following involves a redox reaction? (c) – 3, + 6 and + 6 (d) + 5, + 6 and + 6
(a) Reaction of H2SO4 with NaOH [1997] 7. The oxidation states of sulphur in the anions
(b) Production of ozone from oxygen in the SO32–, S2O42– and S2O62– follow the order[2003]
atmosphere by lightning (a) S2 O 6 2 - < S2 O 4 2- < SO 3 2-
(c) Production of nitrogen oxides from nitrogen
and oxygen in the atmosphere by lightning (b) S2 O 4 2 - < SO 3 2- < S2 O 6 2-
(d) Evaporation of water (c) SO32- < S2 O4 2- < S2O 6 2-
3. The loss of electron is termed as [1995]
(d) S2 O 4 2 - < S 2 O 6 2- < SO 3 2-
(a) oxidation (b) reduction
8. A compound contains atoms of three elements
(c) combustion (d) neutralization
A, B and C. If the oxidation number of A is +2, B
Topic 2: Oxidation Number is +5, and that of C is –2, the possible formula of
the compound is : [2000]
4. What is the change in oxidation number of
(a) A2(BC3)2 (b) A3(BC4)2
carbon in the following reaction? [2020]
CH4(g) + 4Cl2(g) ¾® CCl4(l) + 4HCl(g) (c) A3(B4C)2 (d) ABC2

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Redox Reactions 91

9. The oxidation number of phosphorus in pyro- 15. A mixture of potassium chlorate, oxalic acid and
phosphoric acid is [1999] sulphuric acid is heated. During the reaction
(a) +3 (b) +1 which element undergoes maximum change in
(c) +4 (d) +5 the oxidation number ? [2012]
10. The oxidation number of chromium in potassium (a) S (b) H
dichromate is [1988, 1995] (c) Cl (d) C
(a) + 6 (b) – 5
16. When Cl2 gas reacts with hot and concentrated
(c) – 2 (d) + 2
sodium hydroxide solution, the oxidation number
11. Phosphorus has the oxidation state of + 3 in
of chlorine changes from : [2012]
(a) Phosphorous acid [1994]
(b) Orthophosphoric acid (a) zero to +1 and zero to –5
(c) Hypophosphorous acid (b) zero to –1 and zero to +5
(d) Metaphosphoric acid. (c) zero to –1 and zero to +3
Topic 3: Disproportionation and Balancing (d) zero to +1 and zero to –3
of Redox Reactions 17. The following redox reaction is balanced by
which set of coefficients ? [1999]
12. Which of the following reactions are dispro-
portionation reaction? [2019] aZn + bNO 3- + cH + ® dNH +4 + eH 2O + fZn 2+
(a) 2Cu+ ® Cu2+ + Cu a b c d e f
(b) 3MnO42– + 4H+ ® 2MnO4– + MnO2 + 2H2O (a) 1 1 10 1 3 1
(b) 2 2 10 2 3 2
(c) 2KMnO4 ¾¾® K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2 (c) 4 2 10 1 3 4
D (d) 4 1 10 1 3 4
(d) 2MnO4–+ 3Mn2+ + 2H2O ¾¾® 5MnO2 + 4H+
18. In which of the following reactions, there is no
Select the correct option from the following: change in valency ? [1994]
(a) (a) and (b) only (b) (a), (b) and (c)
(a) 4 KClO3 ¾ ¾® 3KClO4 + KCl
(c) (a), (c) and (d) (d) (a) and (d) only
13. For the redox reaction [2018] (b) SO2 + 2H2S ¾ ¾® 2H2O + 3S
+ 2+ (c) BaO2 + H2SO4 ¾ ¾® BaSO4 + H2O2
MnO4– + C2 O2–4 + H ® Mn + CO2 + H 2 O
(d) 3 BaO + O2 ¾ ¾® 2 BaO2.
The correct coefficients of the reactants for the 19. Which substance serves as a reducing agent in
balanced equation are the following reaction ? [1994]
MnO4– C 2 O2–
4 H+
14H+ + Cr2 O 27 - + 3Ni ® 2Cr3+ + 7H2O + 3Ni2+
(a) 16 5 2
(a) H2O (b) Ni
(b) 2 5 16
(c) 5 16 2 (c) H+ (d) Cr2 O 27-
(d) 2 16 5
14. Consider the change in oxidation state of Topic 4: Electrode Potential and Oxidising,
bromine corresponding to different emf values Reducing Agents
as shown in the diagram below : [2018] 20. The standard electrode potential (E°) values of
BrO4– 1.82 V 1.5 V Al3+/Al, Ag+/Ag, K+/K and Cr 3+/Cr are –1.66 V,
¾¾¾® BrO3– ¾¾¾® HBrO
0.80 V, –2.93V and –0.74 V, respectively. The

correct decreasing order of reducing power of

Br –¬¾¾¾ Br2 ¬¾¾¾ the metal is [NEET Odisha 2019]
1.0652 V 1.595 V
Then the species undergoing disproportion- (a) Al > K > Ag > Cr
ation is (b) Ag > Cr > Al > K
(a) BrO3– (b) BrO 4– (c) K > Al > Cr > Ag
(c) HBrO (d) Br2 (d) K > Al > Ag > Cr

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