Refractiveindexfinal2003 170824195217
Refractiveindexfinal2003 170824195217
Refractiveindexfinal2003 170824195217
diamond (n (n == 2.42)
1.25 ×× 10
1.25 1088 m
The instrument used to measure refractive index called
Refractometer. There are four main types of refractometers:
•laboratory or Abbe refractometers
•traditional handheld refractometers,
•digital handheld refractometers,
•inline process refractometers.
Most common instrument is the Abbe Refractometer having
following advantages.
1.The index of refraction obtained is actually that for sodium D line.
2.The prisms can be temperature controlled.
3.Only a small sample is required ( a few drop of liquid )
• In the Abbe' Refractometer the liquid sample is sandwiched into a
thin layer between an illuminating prism and a refracting prism
(Figure ). The refracting prism is made of a glass with a high
refractive index (e.g., 1.75) and the refractometer is designed to be
used with samples having a refractive index smaller than that of
the refracting prism.
Specific Optical ROtatiOn
Light in which the (electric and magnetic field) vibrations are confined to
certain directions
• Plane Polarized light.
If the ordinary rays of light is passed through a medium (for ex Nicol prism) ,
the emergent rays has its vibration only one plane. This light having wave
motion in only one plane know as plan of polarized light.
• Circularly polarized light: Light is composed of two plane waves of
equal amplitude by differing in phase by 90°.
• Elliptically polarized light: Two plane waves of differing amplitude
are related in phase is other than 90°.
• Polarimeters are optical instruments for measuring
the rotation or ‘twisting’ of light. Industrial and
academic laboratories use polarimeters for a variety
of purposes ranging from simple quality control to
fundamental research into complex chemical
• A sample tube containing the test liquid
(solution) is placed between two polarising
elements (polaroid strip or a calcite crystal).
The first element, the polariser, polarises the
light before it passes into the sample. The
second element, the analyser, can be rotated
to counteract any rotation by the sample and
hence locates the resultant angular position of
the light plane and hence the amount of
rotation caused by the sample.
Optical Activity
• When certain organic liquids, Solutions (like suger)
or quartz crystal are placed in the path of plane
polarized light, the plane of polarization is rotated.
The property by vertue of which the plane of
polarization of light is rotated called optical activity
and the substance possessing this property are said
to be optical active .
• The substance which are rotate the plane of
polarized light towards the right (Clockwise) are
called DEXTRO-ROTATARY (+) while which rotate
towards left (anticlockwise) called LAEVE-ROTATARY
(-). A mixture of these two varieties in equal
proportion will optically inactive called racemic
The magnitude of rotation depends upon the
following factor
• Nature of substance.
• Length of liquid column (l) through which light
• Concentration of solution
• Nature of the solvent
• Temp of the solution
• Wavelength of light is used.
• The rotatory power of given solution is generally
expressed as specific rotation. It is the number of degree
of rotation of the plane polarized light produced by one
decimeter in length filled with a solution having one
gram of substance per ml. the measurement is carried
out at a temperature t using sodium light.
• The specific rotation can be calculated by following