ClaimRemedi User Guide
ClaimRemedi User Guide
ClaimRemedi User Guide
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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Page Format .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Pop-Up Windows................................................................................................................................... 4
Right-Click Menus ................................................................................................................................. 4
Information Grid ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Sort Data ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Sort Multiple Columns ........................................................................................................................... 5
Export Grids .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Select Multiple Line Items in the Grid .................................................................................................... 6
Filters ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Auto Logout ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Icon and Symbol Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 7
Requirements and Settings ....................................................................................................................... 9
System Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 9
Settings.................................................................................................................................................... 10
Claim Holds ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Secondary Claims Automation ............................................................................................................ 19
System Management................................................................................................................................ 23
Users ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Edit User Information........................................................................................................................... 24
Create A New User ............................................................................................................................. 25
Assign Users to Billing Providers ......................................................................................................... 26
Announcements ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Add a New Announcement .................................................................................................................. 31
Portal Alerts ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Dashboard ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Announcements ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Rejections/Denials % By Month ............................................................................................................... 37
Claim Assignments .................................................................................................................................. 37
Accessing the Claim View from the Dashboard ................................................................................... 38
Outstanding Claims.................................................................................................................................. 39
Top Payer Charts ..................................................................................................................................... 39
Enrollment ................................................................................................................................................ 41
Filter Enrollment Data .............................................................................................................................. 42
View Enrollment Details ........................................................................................................................... 43
View Enrollment Status ....................................................................................................................... 45
Enrollment Notes ................................................................................................................................. 46
File Submission........................................................................................................................................ 47
Batch Claim File Submission ................................................................................................................... 47
Claim View .......................................................................................................................................... 49
Claim File Editor....................................................................................................................................... 51
Fixing a Claim Error Using an Edit Template ....................................................................................... 53
Fixing a Claim Error in the Claim Form ................................................................................................ 54
Editing Claims with Payer Rejections .................................................................................................. 56
Rescrubbing a Changed Claim File ..................................................................................................... 58
Copying a Claim .................................................................................................................................. 58
Viewing a Claim File Summary ............................................................................................................ 60
Claim Attachments ................................................................................................................................... 61
Workers Comp Attachments ................................................................................................................ 62
ClaimRemedi offers electronic primary and secondary claim processing, claim scrubbing, claim edits, and
claim tracking/management functionality to help you get paid quickly and accurately.
• Electronic claim processing: with more than 4500 connections for professional, institutional, dental,
and work compensation claims, you can submit 99% of claims electronically. ClaimRemedi integrates
smoothly with most practice management systems.
• Claim scrubbing: payer rules, both documented and undocumented, are stored in a comprehensive
rules engine that is maintained and continually updated by staff in both billing and ANSI claim
submission. Rules are payer specific and date sensitive and can be added or changed without
• Real time claim edits: supports quick fixes to errors uncovered during claim scrubbing to help you
reduce payer denials. The system generates easy-to-understand error messages for you to address.
• Claim tracking and management: allows you to identify and track rejected or denied claims and
provide proof of timely filing to payers. It also monitors the completion of follow-up tasks automatically.
Page Format
The screen example below shows key features of the ClaimRemedi interface.
1. Global header, which contains the system name, Search function, and access to system management
settings, account settings, and user support
2. Main navigation area
3. Content (or page) header
4. Content area
5. Shoulder icons
6. Page filters
7. Information grid
8. Page navigation.
4 5
Pop-Up Windows
Pop-up windows will appear when certain actions are clicked. To close a pop-up window, click the X in the top
right corner, or click the dimmed area behind the pop-up window.
Note: If you cannot see the X or the dimmed area, expand the page to full size.
Right-Click Menus
Information Grid
Sort Data
Click any column heading to sort by ascending or descending order. Click again to reverse the order of the
Export Grids
You can export most ClaimRemedi grids to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the appropriate icon. Be aware
that some grids do not permit an Export All option.
Exports only the information displayed in the grid.
Exports the information displayed in the grid plus any information not visible (i.e., data nested within the
grid that appears when a line item is expanded).
ClaimRemedi offers data filters for search results and report results. Enter the information you want to filter
then click the filter icon to the right of the field to choose parameters for the search.
Auto Logout
The system will display a warning after 19 minutes of inactivity to allow you to continue your session or log out.
If you do not respond, the system will automatically log you out at 20 minutes and unsaved changes will be lost
Unarchives the selected corresponding Response Report (also known as an 835 re-queue) OR overrides a
suspended claim from the Claims Expecting Attachments report.
Appears in two places: in Search Results –>Details, which opens a window to update your search criteria, and
in Claim File Editor, which opens a window to edit a claim scrubber error.
Removes the specific search criteria or report filter.
Appears in two places: in Secondary Claims Search Results, where it generates a secondary claim if the payer
has been configured for manual secondary claim generation, and in User Access Rights, where it applies rights
granted to the current user to new users.
Removes a claim file.
Zips the claim forms associated with the claim file into a single batch for printing. If there are over 300 claims in
the batch, the process could take several minutes to complete.
Search Icons
Claim File
ERA File
Response Report
Secondary claim
Patient Statement
Allows you to use a saved search as a template so you can add search parameters and create a new, similar
Denotes a favorite (or default) search. Click to remove favorite status. Only one saved search can be designated
as a favorite.
Indicates a saved search that is not designated as a favorite, or default, search. Click the icon to designate the
saved search as a favorite.
Indicates the file is unlocked and can be edited by any user who has access to the claim file editor. Click to lock
the file to other users, except the person who locked it or a user with administrative rights.
Sends the file back to the scrubber to rescrub corrections if changes were made to the claim file. If no changes
were made, clicking this icon takes you back to the search page.
Removes the entire file due to a conversion error or other issue. This icon is only enabled when the file is not
recognized as a claim file.
Multiple claims can be edited at once.
Opens an Edit Template window where claim file errors can be edited/fixed. A greyed-out pencil indicates an Edit
Template is not available. Edit Templates are explained here. If the pencil icon is displayed with a number (e.g.,
2) the number indicates that two errors need to be resolved.
Opens a window where a claim can be edited via an HCFA 1500 or UB-04 claim form.
Removes the selected claims from the claim file. These claims will not be sent to the payer.
Opens the Claim Submission window for EDI test file upload.
Shows all files that have been uploaded to the EDI testing section of the grid, regardless of archived or unarchived
Hides archived EDI testing files.
Browser Settings
1. Add to Trusted Sites
2. Set SSL 3.0 to true
3. Disable popup blocker
You will need Adobe Reader for PDF in order to download and view ERAs in ClaimRemedi. You can download
Adobe Reader free of charge at: www.
Operating System
Windows XP or later or Windows 2000 server or later, with all of the latest service packs and updates (both
recommended and optional, including .Net updates) verified and performed.
233Mhz processor or higher. Pentium processor recommended.
A minimum screen resolution of 1600 X 900 is recommended. If your monitor supports lower resolutions, you
may benefit from altering the zoom settings for
You can choose default settings for ClaimRemedi using the Settings functionality. The settings available to
you are controlled by your user permissions. If a setting is greyed out/unclickable or does not appear at all, you
don’t have the necessary permissions to access that setting.
1. Click the down arrow next to your username in the global header and then click Settings.
2. Click the settings category in the content header that you want to set defaults for. This page is also
used to change your password.
3. Select from the options presented for each settings category. Click Save Customer Defaults to save
your settings.
Claim Holds
The Claim Holds setting allows you to place certain claims on hold after scrubbing so that additional
edits/updates can be made before the claim is submitted to a payer. For example, you may have a specific
payer for whom scrubbed claims still require updates before submitting. Since it may be easier to edit those
claims in ClaimRemedi rather than in your own medical software, you can create a claim hold for that specific
payer and keep it activated for the period of time in which you’re working those claims.
You will need the appropriate user permissions for claim holds in order to use this feature.
1. Click the down arrow next to your username in the global
header and then click Settings.
2. Click the Claim Holds button in Settings to configure
your claim holds criteria.
The icons in the upper right of the Claim Holds page can be used to create and edit claim holds:
Deactivate an active Claim Hold by selecting the active hold then clicking the Deactivate Claim Hold
Reactivate an inactive Claim Hold by selecting the inactive hold then clicking the Reactivate Claim
Hold icon. When a Claim Hold is reactivated, the Upload Date Range will be automatically set to the
current date in the From field. The To field will be blank until you choose to set it.
Claim holds can be created using a single setting, or any combination of settings, for Payer ID,
Transaction Type (e.g., Institutional, Professional, or Dental), Procedure Code(s) and/or Revenue
Code(s). Revenue code(s) can only be used if the transaction type is Institutional.
2. Click the drop-down arrow next to Payer ID and Transaction Type to select these options.
3. Click Procedure Code in the codes window.
4. Search for and select a procedure code in the Procedure Code window. Click the Add Code button,
which places the code in the applied Procedure Codes window.
5. Follow a similar procedure to add a Revenue Code: click Revenue Code in the codes window, search
for and select a Revenue Code and click the Add Code button to place the code in the applied
Revenue Codes window. Remember, Revenue Codes can only be used if the Institutional transaction
type is chosen.
6. You can also choose to apply an Upload Date Range. The claim hold From date is automatically set
to the current date. The To date will be blank, which allows the hold to remain active until you are
ready to deactivate it. If you choose a To date, the claim hold will automatically deactivate on the date
entered. Click the calendar icon in the Date Range fields to set your dates.
7. Click Save at the bottom of the page once all choices have been made. The new, active claim hold will
display on the page.
1. Click the number in the On Hold column in Claim File Search Results.
4. You can also view On Hold claims in the Claim File Editor. Return to the Claim File Search Results
page and click the filename that contains On Hold claims. The Claim File Editor shows the claim in
both the Errors and Claims views.
1. Click the arrow next to On Hold to view more information about the claim and to access actions you
can take (Remove, Override, Assign). Errors with a severity type of fatal cannot be overridden.
3. From here, you can click the arrow next to the Claim ID to view the severity status and error
information. You can also edit the claim using the editable forms function.
Note: Claims will only remain on hold until the file is rescrubbed if no other action is taken on the claim.
2. Modify the current selections. Remove a Procedure and/or Revenue Code by selecting the code in the
appropriate window then clicking the Delete Code icon.
3. Click Save at the bottom of the page when your changes are complete.
2. To reactivate the claim, click the View Inactive Claims icon. From the list, click the row to select the
hold you want to reactivate. Click the Reactivate Hold icon. The claim hold will be returned to the
Claim Holds page. When a claim hold is reactivated, the From date in the Upload Date Range field
will be automatically set to the current date and the To date field will be blank. You can edit the claim
hold to modify these dates.
The Secondary Claims Settings window displays payers who are set up in ClaimRemedi and who accept
electronic secondary claims. Your facility’s complete payer list can be viewed by clicking Payer List in the
main navigation area.
Each payer is designated by Transaction
Type (Professional, Institutional, or Dental).
The display opens to All Payers, but you can
filter by clicking the drop-down arrow next to
Display and selecting Configured Payers
(those payers you have already configured
for manual or automatic secondary claims
generation) or Not-Configured Payers
(payers not yet configured for manual or
automatic secondary claims generation.)
You can also narrow the display by typing a
specific Payer ID in the text box, clicking the
filter icon, and selecting a filter. Use this
same process to filter by Transaction Type.
Select either Manual or Automatic generation of secondary claims by clicking the selection box. A checkmark
will appear. If you select Automatic, ClaimRemedi will automatically generate and submit a secondary claim
without any further action on your part if that
claim meets the dependencies stated on the
previous page. If you select Manual, secondary
claim candidates will be available for you to
review on a Search Results page, allowing you
to generate the claim when you choose.
Instructions on how to access the list of
secondary claim candidates is on the next page.
Click the Save button to save your selections.
1. Review the date of service and payment information in the grid for the primary claim. View the primary
claim by clicking the link in the Primary Claim ID field. The primary claim opens in the Claim View.
For some claims, particularly Medicare claims, the primary payer may have already passed the claim to
the secondary payer after claim processing was complete. Use the primary claim information in the
Claim View to determine what action to take on the secondary claim candidate.
2. If you decide to generate and submit a secondary claim candidate, click the row to highlight it. You can
also select multiple secondary claim candidates by using Shift + Click or Ctrl + Click on the keyboard
to highlight multiple rows. Selected line items will be highlighted.
3. Click the generate secondary claim icon in the header. The selected claims will be processed
through the normal submission process, which scrubs the claim first before sending it to the payer.
If you choose not to generate a secondary claim, you can archive the file which removes it from the display.
Click a secondary claim candidate and then click the archive icon.
System Management
A facility administrator can modify user settings, add announcements,
and enable alerts. They can also search, find default reports, and submit
eligibility. To access system management, click the gear icon in the
global header.
1. Click Users in the drop-down box. The Manage Users page will open. The page displays all users of
an account, their email addresses, and most recent activity.
2. (Optional) Use the filter fields to quickly locate a user account.
3. (Optional) Use the shoulder icons to view active and inactive users or to export the user list to Excel.
You’ll find information on setting up user access to specific billing provider NPIs in NPI Assignments.
• Users who have Edit Claims enabled for their accounts also have permission to edit payer rejections
and scrubber errors.
• Copy Claims permissions can only be enabled if Edit Claims is enabled.
To view an explanation of each access right, hover over the Info column.
When you’re finished assigning NPIs, click the Save icon at the top right of the page.
• The NPI User Access section of the Edit user window will be visible only when your facility has more
than one NPI associated with it.
• Reports and searches that a user initiates will display data across all NPIs to which they have access.
Data for disabled NPIs will be filtered out of all search
results (except the Response Report and Eligibility
searches), report results, claim editing workflows, and
claim assignments. A disclaimer regarding excluded
claims based on NPI assignments is displayed in search
and report results.
• A user can only be assigned to and edit claims that are
associated with the user’s allowed billing providers. This
limitation also applies to payer rejection edits.
The Edit user window displays an arrow next to a sub-customer name in the Master Customer User Access
section or Trading Partner User Access section so that you can expand and configure NPI access. An arrow
will be displayed only when the facility has more than one NPI associated with it.
The NPI Status will default to Enabled for all users. Clicking the button in the Status column acts as a toggle,
allowing you to choose Enabled or Disabled for a user’s access to a specific sub-customer.
The NPI Status will default to Enabled for all users. Clicking the button in the Status column acts as a toggle,
allowing you to choose Enabled or Disabled for a user’s access to a specific sub-customer.
1. Click Announcements in the drop-down box. The
Announcements page will open. The page displays all currently
active announcements. Active announcements will be displayed
on the dashboard with the newest announcement at the top.
2. (Optional) Use the filter fields to quickly locate a user account.
3. (Optional) Use the shoulder icon in the Announcements header to
view active and removed announcements. Hover over an icon to
see its function.
4. Click the announcement status to toggle between Inactive and Active.
5. Click the trash can icon to remove the announcement.
6. Click an announcement name to view and manage the announcement text. To manage the
announcement’s appearance and timeframe yourself, click Manual. To set a pre-determined start and
end date, click Date, then fill in the date fields. The option you selected will be highlighted in green. To
modify the announcement text, click in the text box and rekey your wording. When you’re finished, click
2. The Announcement management window will open. Type the announcement’s title in the Subject field
and the announcement content in the text box. Choose Manual or Date-driven management (see
description above). Click Save.
Portal Alerts
1. Click Web API in the drop-down box. The Web API page will
open. The page displays all current alert settings.
2. Click ON to enable one or more alerts, then click Save Alert Settings at the bottom of the page. Click
OFF to disable one or more alerts, then click Save Alert Settings. A grey button with a filled-in blue
circle indicates activation for that setting.
After saving, an Alerts option will appear (only for facility administrators) in the main
navigation area. From the Alerts view, you can either acknowledge or assign an alert.
Acknowledging indicates that you have reviewed the result and no further action is
1. Click the down arrow next to an alert to open alert details.
2. Click the checkmark in the Status column to acknowledge the alert. This action
removes the alert from the Alerts view.
3. You can also click one or more alerts to select them and then click the Acknowledge Selected Claims
shoulder icon. Remember, you can hover your cursor over any icon to see its associated action.
Acknowledged alerts can still be viewed by clicking the Show Acknowledged shoulder icon in the top right
corner of the page.
Alerts can be assigned by selecting one or more alerts and clicking the Assign Selected Claims shoulder
The dashboard provides a general overview of claims, rejections, denials,
outstanding claims, and claim assignments. Each module on the Dashboard is
described below.
Information on delays, downtime, enhancements, or other system
notifications is displayed in the Announcements section of the
Dashboard. Anyone with access to the system can view this
information. Announcements can be published by the administrator of
the account, the vendor, or a trading partner.
Rejections/Denials % By Month
The Rejections/Denials % by Month graph displays your organization’s monthly levels of rejections and
denials. Hover over a data point or click it to view specific denied or rejected data.
Toggle the view to show only rejections or only denials by clicking Rejections or Denials at the top of the
Claim Assignments
This dashboard module displays a list of claims by assigned
user that require work or follow up. Individual users will see
only claims assigned to them. Account administrators will
see a drop-down menu for the Assigned To field with a list of
all assigned users to choose from.
The Facility filter for Claims Assignments will not be visible to single facility accounts or to Master Customer
and Trading Partner sub-accounts. Users will be able to select only the sub-accounts to which they have been
granted access. The Assigned To field will default to you. Click the drop-down box to select from a list of all
users associated with the facility(ies) you selected in the Facility filter.
Any claims associated with billing providers that you have not been granted access to will be filtered out of the
results. To read more about NPI assignments, click here.
Use the controls at the bottom of the module to page through the list and designate how many claim records to
display at a time.
Outstanding Claims
This module contains a graph of claims by number of days outstanding. A
claim is marked “outstanding” if ClaimRemedi has not received an ERA from a
payer and no user has archived it. The date range is determined by the date
the claim was uploaded.
Hover over a bar in the graph to see more detail. Click any bar in the graph to
view Report Results with a list of associated claims. Click a Claim ID to open
Claim Details.
2. Click the down arrow next to a rejection category to expand the section. Click a Claim ID to open the
Claim View.
The eSolutions enrollment team enrolls your providers once ClaimRemedi is installed.
Enrollment Manager in ClaimRemedi shows pending, rejected, completed, and total
enrollment counts. Enrollment information may only be available if you processed
new payer enrollments through ClaimRemedi in 2015 or later.
The colors of the status boxes indicate milestones in the enrollment process. Click
any of these boxes to filter enrollments by payers that meet the criteria for that status.
If you have active enrollments, your assigned enrollment specialist appears at the top
right of the Enrollment page.
Implementation status displays your go-live date (the date ClaimRemedi went live in your organization) and the
kickoff completion status. The color codes for kickoff status are the same as enrollment status.
To view kickoff notes, right-click the status circle and select Notes.
The left pane displays provider demographics. Contact your eSolutions enrollment specialist if this information
is incorrect.
You can grant or remove access to specific billing providers at the user level. This functionality is available for
single portal accounts, Master Customers, and Trading Partners. In order to use this feature, eSolutions must
manage your enrollments. The billing NPIs that can be assigned to a user are pulled from the NPIs that are
stored in Enrollment Manager. To read more about NPI assignments, click here.
The Payer’s enrollment details are displayed. You can also click the large up and down arrows above NPI
Total to open all of the Payer details at once.
Letters that appear in color indicate the enrollment type(s) specific to the payer.
Signature / Setup The current status of signature / setup required. This step may be waiting on a response from
Required eSolutions or the provider.
Payer Response The current status of the payer’s response.
Days to Completion The estimated amount of time remaining for the payer to complete the enrollment application. Once
the enrollment is sent to the payer, the countdown begins.
Red Negative Number – Indicates that the estimated number of days has been exceeded.
N/A – Indicates that the enrollment application has not been sent to the payer and therefore no
estimate is available.
Unknown – Indicates that the estimated number of days to process the application is not known.
Enrollment Notes
Enrollment notes can be viewed in two ways. You can right-click an enrollment milestone circle and click
Notes. This opens the notes specific to that payer.
You can also click the Notes button in the Notes header, which displays all enrollment notes.
Use the filter boxes below the headers to type in keywords, select dates, or choose specific IDs so you can
limit the notes you see.
File Submission
You can submit batch claim files, EDI test files, eligibility, and patient statements
using the Submit page in ClaimRemedi. Pop-up windows will display when you
select a submission option.
5. If a file contains one or more errors, Ready to Edit appears next to the file. To address claim file errors,
click your uploaded file name. The Claim File Editor page displays.
Note: Click Show me more Uploaded Files at the bottom right of the Claim Submission window to open
Claim File Search Results and view other files previously uploaded by you. Or click the drop-down arrow
next to Search in the global header and click Claim File. Using either approach, you’ll see a list of uploaded
files in various statuses, including Resolved (submitted), queued for scrubbing, and ready to edit. Click here to
learn more about actions you can take on the Claim File Search page.
Claim View
The Claim View is accessed by clicking a Claim ID link on any ClaimRemedi page. The Claim View displays
the information that was submitted on a claim, including the status history and ERAs. The Claim View can be
accessed from several functions within ClaimRemedi, including Claim Files Submission, Claim File and Claim
Quick Searches, Claim File Editor, and Report Results.
1. To run reports for this claim file, click the Reports drop-down arrow below the page header and select
a report category. Your report will open in a new window.
2. To view the claims associated with an error, click the arrow to expand the display.
Alternatively, you can switch to the Claims view by clicking the Claims tab next to Errors. On the
Claims tab, click the arrow next to a claim ID to expand the display.
You can use the check boxes to select multiple claims to override, edit, assign, or remove after the
claim file is expanded. You can click the Claim ID to access and review claim information in the Claim
View before you take any action.
Note: The severity of an error directly impacts whether the error can be overridden. Only Warning errors can
be overridden (the warning ignored) and sent to the payer as-is. You must correct, remove, or resubmit any
other severity of error in ClaimRemedi.
IMPORTANT: The system will display a warning message if the claim you click on has been archived. Click
the OK button and re-attempt to open the file after a minute or two.
2. Select a claim by clicking the check box in the Claim Info section of the template.
8. The Claim File Editor page will reflect the changed status of the error. Your next step is to rescrub to
the file in order for your changes to be applied and submitted to the payer.
2. Click the Edit Form icon to open the Edit Claim Form
3. The errors associated with the claim are displayed to the left of the form. The fields that can be edited
are highlighted in yellow. Hover your cursor over yellow highlighted fields for guidance on editing.
Make any necessary changes to editable fields.
4. Click Submit at the bottom of the form to save your changes and return to the Claim File Editor, or click
Cancel to exit without saving. Your next step is to rescrub to the file in order for your changes to be
applied and submitted to the payer.
2. Click the claim File Name. The Claim File Editor page
opens. Click the Claims tab. Payer rejections are only
editable using the Claims view within Claim File Editor.
3. Locate the Type column, which will display Payer for payer
rejected claims. You can click the down arrow next to the
Claim ID to expand the claim and see the error description(s).
You can also click the Claim ID to open the Claim View.
4. Click the Edit Form icon to open the Edit Claim Form view.
The rejection reason(s) is displayed on the left side of the
Claim Form Editor. Hover your cursor over yellow highlighted
fields for guidance on editing. Make any necessary changes
to editable fields.
5. Complete your edits in the editable fields of the claim form and click Submit. You’ll be returned to the
Claim File Editor page. Your next step is to rescrub to the file in order for your changes to be applied
and submitted to the payer.
6. A status update with the claim edit action will be added to the History section of the Claim View and
appear as Changed by user.
2. The file status is returned to Queued for Scrubbing and the system
performs the rescrub. If no other errors are found, the claim file is submitted to the payer.
Copying a Claim
You can use the Copy Claim functionality to adjust and submit previously submitted claims within
ClaimRemedi. This feature can be used for shadow billing or for correcting and resubmitting denied claims.
Your client administrator will need to enable permission for you to Copy Claims in
the User Access settings.
1. Click the Search drop-down arrow and select Claim. Copy claim
functionality can only be accessed from the Claim Search Results page.
2. Hover your mouse over the row that contains the claim you want to copy.
When the row is highlighted, right click and select Copy Claim.
3. The Claim File Editor opens. If you choose, you can make any changes or updates to the newly
copied claim in the claim form at this time. Hover your cursor over yellow highlighted fields for
guidance on editing. Make any necessary changes to editable fields. When you’re ready, click
4. The copied claim can be viewed on the Claim File Search Results page.
Click the down arrow next to Search and click Claim File. Look for a
filename that contains the original claim file name, followed by Copy, then
the original claim file ID and claim copy date and time:
5. A status update with the copy date and action(s) will be added to the History section of the Claim View.
Claim Attachments
There are three attachment services available in ClaimRemedi: Workers Comp, Dental, and Medical. You’ll
need to subscribe to each service in order to electronically submit images and documentation required for
claim processing. To access claims that require attachments:
1. Click Reports, then click Claims Expecting Attachments.
2. Click the Claim ID to open the Claim View for the claim you will be submitting attachments for.
3. Click Attachments. Continue to the next three sections for specific instructions on attaching workers
comp, dental, and medical attachments.
2. Browse for your attachment file. Once you’ve located the file, click Attach.
3. If you have not uploaded an attachment for a specific PWK segment, an upload icon will be displayed in
the Claim View in the Upload column. If you have uploaded an attachment, a download icon will be
displayed in the Download column.
4. A success message will be displayed when your attachment uploads successfully. The upload will also
be reflected in Claim History, which you can find in the Claim View Summary tab. Look for the line in
the grid that says Attachment Added.
Dental Attachments
Subscribers to the Dental Attachments service can electronically submit images and documentation required
for claim adjudication. The process you currently use to upload claim files will not change after subscribing to
this service.
After a claim is submitted and scrubbed, claims identified for attachment are put through a series of rules to
determine whether an attachment is required. Identified claims are placed in a ‘suspended’ status by
ClaimRemedi, where they can be viewed and managed. Be aware, however, that there is a feature in
ClaimRemedi that allows you to select and override one or more suspended dental claims. Click here to learn
more about the override suspension feature.
Before uploading, ensure the filename matches the name in the File Name column. The file must be in a .zip
format and files within the zipped folder must be .jpg/.jpeg, .png, or.gif.
1. Click the Upload icon.
2. Browse for your file. Once you’ve located it, click Attach.
3. A success message will be displayed when your attachment uploads successfully. The upload will also
be reflected in Claim History, which you can find in the Claim View Summary tab. Look for the line in
the grid that says Attachment Added.
Once an attachment has been successfully added it will be forwarded to the payer and the claim will no longer
appear in a Suspended status.
Medical Attachments
eSoutions’ Medical Attachments service allows you to submit electronic attachments to Medi-Cal. The Medi-
Cal attachments service allows submission of a PWK segment in any claim you believe will require an
attachment for all Medi-Cal claim payer IDs. You’ll need to be able to create that PWK segment in the
electronic claim. The requirements for the PWK segment are as follows:
• The Report Type Code (PWK01) must be ‘OZ’ – Support Data for Claim.
• The Report Transmission Code (PWK02) must be ‘EL’ – Electronic.
• The Identification Code Qualifier (PWK05) must be ‘AC’ – Attachment Control Number.
You’ll also need to meet these requirements:
• The attachment file must have a file name that matches the attachment control number provided.
• The attachment file must be in a .pdf format.
• The claim will be rejected if an attachment is not uploaded within 21 days of being placed in a
suspended status.
After a claim is submitted and scrubbed, the system identifies claims that fit the requirements for either
solicited or unsolicited attachments. Claims identified as requiring an attachment are placed in a ‘suspended’
status by ClaimRemedi, where they can be viewed and managed. Be aware, however, that there is a feature
in ClaimRemedi that allows you to select and override one or more suspended claims. Click here to learn
more about the override suspension feature.
Before uploading, ensure the attachment file is renamed to the attachment control number and is saved as a
.pdf file.
1. Click the Upload icon.
2. Browse for your file. Once you’ve located it, click Attach.
3. A success message will be displayed when your attachment uploads successfully. The upload will also
be reflected in Claim History, which you can find in the Claim View Summary tab. Look for the line in
the grid that says Attachment Added.
Once an attachment has been successfully added it will be forwarded to the payer and the claim will no longer
appear in a Suspended status.
2. On the EDI Testing page, click the Upload Test icon to submit your test files.
4. Click Show me my test files to review submitted files, or select EDI Testing in the main navigation
Eligibility Submission
1. To check Eligibility, click Submit in the main navigation area, then select
Eligibility. The Submit Eligibility window opens.
2. Select one of the favorite payers or check Show All Payers. A system
administrator can preset favorite payers and provider information in the default
settings for you. Once you select a payer, the eligibility requirements display.
A red asterisk indicates a required field
The left column displays payer information, the middle column displays
provider Information, and the right column (if applicable) displays subscriber
3. Click in any Date field to view a calendar.
4. To run eligibility, click the check mark.
Note: This activity requires access to eSolutions Patient Statements functionality. If you subscribe to this
service, you can manage your patient statements by clicking Statements in the left navigation pane.
MyEasyView portal opens, allowing you access to your patient statements account. Click here for more
You can search on any information you submit through
ClaimRemedi by using a variety of search features.
Click Details at the top of the content area of any of the Search Results. The Search Details from the last
saved search are retained. Change the search criteria by clicking the pencil icon and modifying the
Eligibility Search
1. Click Eligibility in the Search menu. The Eligibility search returns a list of eligibility transactions by
transaction date.
2. Click any Trans. ID to display the eligibility response for that transaction. You can archive, edit, or print
the transaction for proof of eligibility.
3. Print all eligibility information at one time by clicking the Export shoulder icon to export the grid to Excel.
You can right-click an eligibility transaction. The table below shows your right click options.
Archive Archives the transaction. You can still search if the Archive Status includes archived eligibility.
Unarchive Unarchives the transaction and includes it in Unarchived searches.
Lookup Claim Searches for a ClaimRemedi claim using the patient information from the eligibility transaction.
Lookup ERA Searches for a ClaimRemedi ERA using the patient information and date of service from the eligibility
Generate a report Any number (except for zero) in the TOTAL, FWD TO PAYER, ERRORS, REMOVED, and FIXED columns.
on a column
You can also right-click a claim file. The table below shows right click options.
Archive Archives the file. You can still search if the Archive Status includes archived eligibility.
Zip Claim Forms Zips the claim forms associated with the claim file into a single batch for printing. If there are over 300 claims
in the batch, the process could take several minutes to complete.
Rescrub Sends the file back to the scrubber (if it can be rescrubbed).
Remove Removes the file if a conversion error or other issue cannot be corrected with Claim File Editor.
Note: If a file with no errors is resolved or archived, you cannot edit or remove it in ClaimRemedi.
Claim Search
Click Claim in the Search menu. The Claim Search returns individual claims instead of claim files.
To… Click…
You can right-click any claim in the grid. Some options below are available only to organizations that subscribe
to those services. The table below shows right click options.
Assign Assigns the claim to a specific user with a due date. Includes a text box to add a note (optional).
Archive Archives the file. You can still search if the Archive Status includes archived eligibility.
Claim Status Submits a claim status transaction to the payer. Not all payers transmit status updates automatically
Inquiry throughout the process, so this function allows you to submit a claim status request at your discretion. The
status update response is displayed in the Claim View Status field and in the History section. If the status
already in the system is current, the response to your request does not create a new entry in the Claim View.
Appeal Generates an Appeal Letter, a copy of the claim, and the EOB. These are then downloaded to your computer.
You can access these documents, complete the appeal, and send the documentation to the payer (if the payer
accepts appeals).
Audit Generates a history report of all claims in the file. Use as proof of timely filing for entire batches.
Lookup Eligibility Looks up previous ClaimRemedi eligibility transactions using date of service.
Copy Claim Opens the Claim File Editor to allow the claim to be modified (if needed) and then copied as a new claim file.
Download the ERA The CHK/EFT #. The file downloads with the report settings you selected in the ERA Details panel. The total
file check amount appears on the first page of the printed ERA.
Display the claims The arrow in the first column in the grid. The claims display with the ICN (payer claim control number) that the
in the ERA payer assigned to the claim.
Download the ERA The ICN. (the ICN is visible by clicking the arrow in the first column in the grid to expand the row). The ERA
downloads in the style designated in ERA Details. You can change the ERA Details on the left (below Search
Details) and in the default settings.
You can right-click an ERA file. The table below shows right click options.
Archive Archives the transaction. You can still search if the Archive Status includes archived ERAs.
Unarchive Unarchives the ERA and includes it in Unarchived searches.
Requeue RR Re-queues the Response Report. You can also select the ERA file line item then click the Requeue Selected
Response Report shoulder icon (red box with up arrow).
Download RR Downloads the corresponding 835 from the Response Reports and archives it in the Response Reports.
ERA Search
Click ERA in the Search menu. The ERA search displays individual claims instead of ERA claim files.
To… Click…
Create an ERA The ICN. The ERA is created in the style designated in ERA Details. You can change the ERA Details on the
claim left below Search Details and in the default settings.
Open the Claim The Claim ID.
View window
Download multiple Hold Shift or Ctrl and select the ERAs. In the shoulder icons, click View Selected ERAs. All ERAs must be in
ERAs the same ERA file.
You can right-click an ERA. The table below shows right click options.
Lookup Eligibility Searches for previous ClaimRemedi eligibility transactions using date of service.
Download RR Downloads the corresponding 835 for the claim from the Response Reports and archives it in the Response
Requeue RR This re-queues the 835 for your practice management system.
Custom Searches
ClaimRemedi supports the creation of customized searches that can be saved and reused later.
1. Click Custom in the Search menu. Or, click Details at the top of any Search Results page to open
Search Details, then click the pencil icon to open the quick search page.
The Search page opens. From here, you can select the custom search you want to use. Options are
described below.
My Searches
My Searches displays your favorite search, and/or the last search you performed. The CLAIM ID – DOU
(Date of Upload) search is available to all users and cannot be removed. It offers you search options for claims
based on the Claim ID and the date of upload.
1. To mark a search as your favorite, select it and click the star icon in the top right corner of the window.
You can have only one favorite search.
2. Once selected, a star will appear next to the search file name. If a previous saved search was
designated as your favorite, the selection of a new favorite will override the previous.
3. To remove a search, click and drag it off the page. An undo button displays in case you did this by
2. Click the fields you want to add to the Search Details. A green check mark will appear beside selected
fields. To sort fields by category, click the icons above the list of fields. Click here to see Search icons
3. Search criteria for fields you have selected appears in Search Details on the right side of the Search
dialog. Click the X next to the field name in the Search Details side of the display to remove it.
4. Click here to see definitions of the icons in the Search Details portion of the page or hover your cursor
over the icon to see its label.
5. Click the blue Save this Search icon in the Search Details portion of the page.
6. To make a modified search and save it as a new search, click Save this Search as New Search icon
Quick Searches
Quick Searches let you create customized searches that can include specific field values for more refined
1. Click Quick Searches.
2. Click the type of quick search you want to perform. The quick search details will open in the window to
the right. The search options will differ depending on the quick search you chose.
3. Select options and/or dates from the drop-down menus in the quick search window. If you would like to
refine the search, click Search Fields.
4. Use the scroll bar in the fields list to locate the field
you want to include in your search. Click the field to
select it. A green check mark will appear to the left
of the field name. You can select additional fields by
following this same process. As you select fields,
they will appear in the quick search window.
5. Complete the input for the field(s) you added. (Optional) Before you initiate the search, you can click
the icons in the upper right to save this search or save it as a new search.
6. Click the icon at the bottom of the quick search window that corresponds to the search you want. In
this example, your results could display claim files, claims, or secondary claims that match your search
criteria. Search options that are not available for the custom quick search you created will be greyed
out. The search selections that you’ll see will differ based upon the quick search type you chose in step
4. Click an icon at the bottom of the page to run the search. Results are grouped alphabetically by
Note: You can save your search for future use, if you choose.
If you click Save Search or Save as New Search before you select your customers,
the search will be saved without the customer subset.
If you click Save Search or Save as New Search after you select your customers, the search will be saved
with those selected customers. If you choose this saved search at a later time, you can continue with the
customers you selected from the list, or you can make changes.
Reports retrieve specific information or responses that payers send to ClaimRemedi.
They’re organized alphabetically by report name in the Reporting window. Report
information is displayed in a format similar to Quick Search, with much of the same
1. Click Reports in the main navigation area.
2. Click a report name in the Reporting window.
3. Choose the criteria for your search in Report Det ails, then click Run Report.
Master Customer clients and Trading Partner accounts can run ad-hoc reports for
all sub-customers. Facility administrators will see a Customers tab in the
Reports window to facilitate the process. You’ll select a report, then select one or
more customers, and then run the report.
Report Results
1. Click the arrow to the left of the description to view the claims associated with a report.
2. Use the appropriate shoulder icon to export the claim list or report to Excel. The report paginates
3. Change report criteria, such as date range, by clicking Details at the top of the page. Click the pencil
icon next to Report Details and enter new report criteria.
4. Click the Claim ID (if the ID appears in the results) to open the Claim View.
Note: If your facility assigns users to specific billing providers, that user will not be able to view/edit claims for
billing providers s/he is restricted from accessing in reports that offer editing functionality. Any report that rolls
up claims to a master record will display a disclosure regarding claims that are hidden due to user permissions.
ClaimGuard Displays a list of all claims that were uploaded to the Clearinghouse Date of Upload;
based on a selected date range. This report shows how many claims Archive Status;
were uploaded, as well as how many were removed, fixed, or are Billing Provider NPI;
potentially awaiting action. If the claims were forwarded to the payer Attending/Rendering Provider NPI
and claim status reports or ERAs were received, the current claim
status will also be viewable in the resulting rejected, accepted, paid,
denied or outstanding columns. You can toggle between the claim
counts, percentages, and dollar amount views. Click the hyperlinked
cells in the report to view additional details.
Claims Displays a list of all claims that were assigned in the Clearinghouse Assigned Date;
Assigned based on a selected date range. Shows the user that is, or was, Date of Service;
assigned to the claim along with the total number of claims assigned Archive Status;
per user. Click the arrow to the left of the report line item to view
additional details. Completed Status
Claims Displays a list of all claims that were denied by payers on 835/ERAs Date of Upload;
Denied received by the Clearinghouse. The results are aggregated by error Date of Service;
category. Click the arrow to the left of the error category to view am Billing Provider NPI;
associated claim list.
Attending/Rendering NPI;
Archive Status;
Scope (Category or Payer)
Claims Displays a list of claims that were uploaded with a PWK segment Date of Upload;
Expecting included in the claim file, but for which an attachment has not yet been Date of Service;
Attachments uploaded to the claim. Claims will remain in this list for 30 days. After 30 Archive Status;
days, claims will be removed from the list and will need to be re-sent if
attachments are still required. Use the Upload option to search for and Attachment Status
upload attachments.
Claims Not Displays a list of payers who rejected or denied claims that have not yet Date of Upload;
Rebilled been re-sent through the Clearinghouse. Next to the claim count totals Date of Service;
are the charge amounts for the corresponding claims. Click the Billing Provider NPI;
hyperlinked cells (number and dollar amounts of rejections and denials)
in the report to view additional details. Keep Attending/Rendering NPI;
Archive Status
Claims Displays a list of claims that were uploaded to the Clearinghouse but Date of Upload;
Outstanding which have not yet been archived, and which have not yet received an Date of Service;
ERA by the Clearinghouse that could be linked to the original claim. A Billing Provider NPI;
claim will not appear in this report if an ERA has been received. Click
Attending/Rendering NPI;
the Claim ID to view additional details. From the report’s Claim View,
you can archive claims individually or as a group. Archive Status;
AR Days
Claims Displays a list of claims that were forwarded to the payer and Date of Upload;
Rejected subsequently rejected in the payer’s front-end edits. Claims in this list Date of Service;
were not adjudicated and can often be hard for the payer to locate. Billing Provider NPI;
These rejected claims are sent from the payer in 277CA/claim status
reports. Click the arrow to the left of the report line item to view Attending/Rendering Provider NPI;
additional details. Scope (Category or Payer)
Claims Displays a list of claims that were uploaded to the Clearinghouse but Scope (Claim File, Payer, User);
Removed which experienced a scrubber error of some kind, resulting in removal Date of Upload;
by a user or the system. Claims that show in this report were not sent to Date of Service;
the payer unless they were re-sent in a subsequent claim file. This
report offers three resulting views: by claim file, by the name of the user Billing Provider NPI
who removed the claim, and by payer name/ID. Click the arrow to the
left of the report line item to view the list of removed claims within each
batch file.
Claims Displays a list of all claims that were uploaded to, and through, the Date of Upload;
Uploaded Clearinghouse based on a selected date range. The results display the Date of Service;
number of claims that were sent per payer along with the billed amount. Archive Status;
Toggle between the uploaded per payer view to an uploaded per user
view to see which user(s) uploaded the claims. Click the arrow to the Billing Provider ID;
left of the report line item to view additional details. Scope (Payer or User)
Customer KPI Displays a general summary of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) by Date of Upload
Summary customer (Trading Partner accounts only).
Days to Pay Provides information on the total claim lifecycle for each payer. This ERA Check Issue Date;
report displays: Billing Provider NPI
• payers who are sending ERAs to ClaimRemedi
• the total number of claims that pass through during any specified
date range
• the average duration between the date of service and the date the
claims were forwarded to the payer
• the average duration between the date the claim was forwarded to
the payer and the date ClaimRemedi received the ERA
• the total of both average days’ numbers.
You can exclude claims that were rebilled from your results. Click the
arrow to the left of the report line item to view additional details.
Denials by Displays payer denials for a selected check data range. Denials occur ERA Check Issue Date
Reason Code as a result of adjudication and are reported in 835s (electronic Billing Provider NPI
remittance advices). Procedure Code Range
Procedure Code
Eligibility Displays a summary of all eligibility transactions submitted to the Date of Transaction;
Summary Clearinghouse based on a selected date range. The results display the Date of Service;
number of eligibility transactions that were submitted per payer, along Archive Status
with the response summary and the general response category. Click
the arrow to the left of the report line item to view additional details.
Line Items Displays a list of procedure codes forwarded to the payer that were ERA Check Issue Date;
Changed subsequently changed by the payer and sent back differently for one or Date of Service;
more reasons. The report displays the payers, the codes, and the Billing Provider NPI;
number of times the changes occurred. Click the arrow to the left of the
report line item to view additional details. Procedure Code Range;
Billed Procedure Code Range
Line Items Displays a list of all line items that were denied by payers on an ERA Check Issue Date;
Denied 835/ERA received by the Clearinghouse. The results are displayed by Date of Service;
payer name but can be displayed by reason code by changing the Billing Provider NPI;
Scope criteria in the Report Details. Click the arrow to the left of the
Procedure Code Range;
report line item to view additional details.
Procedure Code;
Scope (Payer or Reason Code)
Paid Amounts Displays a list of all procedure codes that were paid through the Check EFT Date;
by Procedure Clearinghouse based on a selected date range. The results show the Date of Service;
Code maximum, minimum, and average paid dollar amount by payer for each Billing Provider NPI;
code, as well as how many times each procedure code was paid per
payer. Click the arrow to the left of the report line item to view Procedure Code Range;
additional details. Modifier
Payments Displays a list of all payers enrolled for ERAs through the ERA Check Issue Date;
Received Clearinghouse, along with number of claims paid and dollar amounts. Billing Provider NPI
Click the arrow to the left of the report line item to view additional
Portal User Displays information on portal activity by user. Date of Upload
Activity Billing Provider NPI
Patient Statements
If your organization uses eSolutions Patient Statements functionality in ClaimRemedi,
you can launch into MyEasyView portal by clicking Statements in the left navigation
1. Click Statements. MyEasyView portal opens in a new window.
2. You can manage your patient statements in the portal by using the tabs
across the top. As an account holder, you’ll be familiar with the patient
statement functionality. In this guide, we’ll cover just a couple of frequently
used features.
3. Click the File Management tab to view statement files awaiting approval. Click the Approve button to
approve the entire file and submit it for processing. If you want to review each statement in the file
before approving, click the Details button. In the Details window, you can approve each individual
statement or strike any statement to exempt it from approval. Once you’ve completed the review, click
Approve Job to submit the file for processing. Click Cancel instead to work issues before submitting.
4. Click the Reports tab to select and run specific reports associated with your account.
If you need assistance with this service, contact eSolutions Client Services.
The toolbox allows you to access billing code lists and EDI Testing results, and
offers a link to the ClaimRemedi Payer List. The Toolbox is located under the
wrench/screwdriver icon in the main navigation area.
• EDI Testing: View previously uploaded test files and download reports
associated with them
• Payer List: View a list of all payers affiliated with your organization
• Code List: Useful in helping you review and understand claims.
EDI Testing
1. Click EDI Testing in the main navigation area.
2. (Optional) Filter for specific information using the Filter fields in the content
3. (Optional) Use the shoulder icons to upload a test, show archived test, or
export the grid to Excel.
Download Test Downloads the test file that was originally submitted.
Download Report Downloads the report for the test file, if available.
Archive Archives the file. You can still search if the Archive Status includes Archived files.
Payer List
1. Click Payer List in the main navigation area.
2. (Optional) Enter all or part of a Payer Name or Payer ID to filter the list.
3. (Optional) Enter text to search for information in Additional Information.
4. (Optional) Click any of the tabs in the header to filter the list by payer type.
5. (Optional) Click any of the column headers to sort the grid.
Check to make sure the payer you need is on this list and has a working payer ID. All claims to be submitted
must have a payer ID from this payer list. If this is not the case, contact eSolutions Support and request the
payer be added to the payer list for electronic claim submission.
Code List
1. Click Code List in the main navigation area.
2. Click any code list type in the Code Lists window. The system will display the code list on the page.
3. (Optional) Use the filter fields to filter the list.
4. (Optional) Export the grid to Excel using the shoulder icon.
Getting Support
Contact us if you have questions or need assistance. Our live support hours are Monday through Thursday,
7:00 AM to 6:00 PM CST, and Friday,7:00 AM to Noon CST.
• Submit a Help Request at You can submit an
electronic Help Request 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
• Click Chat With Us on our website at
• Call us toll-free at 1.866.633.4726, Option 1.
Visit our website at and explore our broad array of management tools and revenue
cycle solutions. eSolutions can help simplify the claims process and get you paid faster.
Revision Log
Date Description Version
November 2020 Rebranded. Updated/added content and replaced screen shots in the Alerts, Dashboard, 1.5
Enrollment, & File Submission sections; moved Claim View to its own section
August 2020 Added content on editing payer rejections and copying a claim; updated right click menu for 1.4
Claims; updated content in the Patient Statements portal.
April 2020 Added content on secondary claims automation and Patient Statements portal; updated 1.3
EOB report style settings with description of Standard Condensed; replaced the screen
shot in Editable Forms to reflect additional editable fields.
February 2020 Added content on configuring NPI access at the user level; updated the Dashboard section 1.2
to include the facility filter for Claim Assignments for Master Customers and Trading
January 2020 Added content on dental and medical attachments, overriding suspended claims, portal 1.1
alerts workflow, and Master Customer and Trading Partner searches and reports. Modified
and expanded the Search section; updated remaining screen shots; updated reports
December 2019 Added content on Claim Holds functionality; revised formatting; updated screen shots. . 1.0