4 Maths SEM-1 Textbook
4 Maths SEM-1 Textbook
4 Maths SEM-1 Textbook
ter( స )-1
Class - 4 (Semester - 1)
Textbook Development Committee
Editorial Board
Sri Praveen Prakash IAS Sri. S. Suresh Kumar IAS
Principal Secretary to Government Commissioner of School Education , AP
Department of School Education, AP
Programme Co-ordinator
Dr. G. Kesava Reddy, M.Sc., M.Sc., M.Ed., Mphil, Ph.D
Prof. C&T, SCERT, AP.
Prof. S.Venkateswaran M.Sc, M.Ed., Ph.D.
Retd. Director, R.I.E, Bangalore.
Prof. D. S. N. Sastry M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Retd. Principal A.J. College of Education, Machilipatnam.
Dr. K. N. Shoba M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D (English), M.A. (Edn.)
Asst. Professor, Anna University, Chennai.
Dr. T. Swarupa Rani M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Dean Faculty of Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur.
Dr. P. Satyanarayana Sarma M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Retd. Lecturer, Montessori Mahila College of Education, Vijayawada.
Dr. J. R. Priyadarshini M.Sc., M.Ed. M.Phil., Ph.D.
Sr. Lecturer, St. Joseph College of Education for women, Guntur.
Sri K. V. Suryanarayana M.Sc., M.Ed.
Lecturer, DIET, Bommuru.
Sri J. Kasi Rao B.Sc., B.Ed.
Retd. Headmaster, Kavali.
Published by Samagra Shiksha, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati.
© Government of Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati
Printed in India
at the A.P. Govt. Textbook Press
Andhra Pradesh
Dr. T. V. S. Ramesh M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Text Books Coordinator, Dept. of C&T, SCERT, AP.
Sri K. Venkata Krishna SGT Sri B. Kishore babu SGT
MPUPS, Bhairavapatnam, Krishna District MPUPS, K.Kothapalem, Krishna District
Instructions to Teachers
F The new text books designed for class 1 to 5 are in accordance with the recommendations
of NCF – 2005, RTE – 2009.
F Use the face sheet placed at the beginning of every lesson as the basis for interacting
with the children to encourage, speak and motivate them to listen. Prepare and organize
some more activities similar to the activities given in the text book for every concept.
F The lessons are designed based on the classwise expected learning outcomes and the
concepts like number system, measurement, geometry, data handling etc are arranged in
a spiral approach.
F The text book contains three important components under headings like – Do these, Try
these and Exercise. The questions under the component ‘Do these’, will be direct and
simple and ‘Try these’ are difficult. Similarly the ‘Exercise’ component contains mixed
questionaire of 2 or 3 concepts.
F The teacher should read and understand every concept in the textbook before going for
teaching. Also they should conduct the individual, group and whole class activities in
the class room. Teacher should use the handbook designed for this purpose.
F Teacher should prepare and use teaching learning material related to the activities of the
textbook by using available resources, to make the children understand the concepts.
F Teacher should provide required practice activities to teach children different concepts
keeping in mind the academic standards of the subject.
F Workbook is also provided along with the textbook. The 90 minutes duration of a period
should be divided for the practice of the children as follows,
Our National Anthem | C²rjáT ^Ôá+
Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka jaya he Èq>·DeTq n~óHjáT¿£ ÈjáTV²!
Bharata-bhagya-vidhata uó²sÁÔá uó²>·«$<óÔ!
Panjaba-Sindhu-Gujarata-Maratha |+C², d¾+<óT , >·TÈsÔá, eTssÄ,
Dravida-Utkala-Banga ç<$&, ÔáØÞø, e+>±!
Vindhya-Himachala-Yamuna-Ganga $+<ó« , V¾²eÖ#á\, jáTeTTH, >·+>±!
uchchala-jaladhi-taranga #áÌ\ È\~ó ÔásÁ+>±!
Tava Subha name jage, Ôáe XøuóH yûT C²¹>!
tave subha asisa mage, Ôáe Xøuó ¥w eÖ"¹>
gahe tava jaya-gatha. >±V² Ôáe ÈjáT>±<¸!
Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he Èq>·D eT+>·Þ<ø jáT¿£ ÈjáTV²!
Bharata-bhagya-vidhata. uó²sÁÔá uó²>·« $<óÔ!
Jaya he, Jaya he, Jaya he, ÈjáTV²! ÈjáTV²! ÈjáTV²!
jaya jaya jaya jaya he. ÈjáT ÈjáT ÈjáT ÈjáTV²!!
- Rabindranath Tagore - sÁM+ç<H<¸ sÄ>·ÖsY
Pledge | ç|ÜÈã
India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect,
and treat everyone with courtesy. I shall be kind to animals.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.
- Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao
uó²sÁÔ<á Xû +ø H eÖÔáuóÖ $T. uó²sÁrjáTT\+<sÖÁ H d¬<sTÁ \T.
HûqT H <ûXæ ç|$TdTHï qT. dTd+|qyîTq® , VQ$<óy Tî q® H <ûXø ysÁdÔ Çá d+|< HÅ£ >·sÇÁ ¿±sÁD+.
B¿ì nsÁ½Ôá bõ+<&Â¿Õ dsÇÁ < HûqT ¿£w¾ #ûkÍïqT.
H Ôá*<¢ + ç&T*, bÍ<ó«jáTT*, |<\Ý +<] >sÁ$kÍïqT. ç|Üy]ÔÃqT eTs«<>± q&T#áT¿=+{²qT.
È+ÔáTeÚ\|³¢ <jTá ÔÃ +{²qT.
H <ûXø+|³,¢ H ç|È\|³¢ dysÁÜÔÃ +{²q ç|ÜÈã #ûdTïHqT.
y] çXâjÖî _óe<TýÆ ñ H q+<¿ì eTÖý+.
- |Õ&eTç] yî+¿£³ dTu²ÒseÚ
Academic Standards
Academic standards are clear statements about what students must know and be able to do.
The following are the specifications on the basis of which we lay down Academic Standards
Problem Solving
• Using concepts and procedures to solve mathematical problems.
Stages of problem solving
• Reads problems.
• Identifies all pieces of information.
• Separates relevant pieces of information.
• Understanding what concept is involved.
• Selection of procedure.
• Solving the problem.
Reasoning and Proof
• Reasoning between various steps.
• Understanding and making mathematical generalizations and conjectures.
• Understanding and justifying procedures.
• Examining logical arguments.
• Understanding the notion of proof.
• Using inductive and deductive logic.
• Testing mathematical conjectures.
• Writing and reading mathematical expressions.
• Creating mathematical expressions.
• Explaining mathematical ideas in his/her own words.
• Explaining mathematical procedure.
• Explaining mathematical logic.
• Connecting concepts within a mathematical domain.
• Making connections with daily life.
• Connecting mathematics to different subjects.
• Connecting concepts of different mathematical domains.
• Connecting concepts to multiple procedures.
Visualization and Representation
• Interprets and reads data in tables, number line, pictograph, bar graph, 2D figures, 3D figures,
• Making tables, number line, pictograph, bar graph, pictures.
$<«sÁT\ T ÿ¿£ Ôás>Á Ü· ýË @$T #ûjTá >·\>±*, @+ Ôî*d¾ +&ýË dÎw+¼ >± $e]+#û ç|e#áH\qT Ôás>Á Ü· jîTT¿£Ø
»$<«ç|eÖD²\Tµ n+{²+. $<«ç|eÖD²\qT ¿ì+~ $uó²>±\T>± e¯Z¿£]+#á&y Tî q® ~. >·DÔì +á ýË $$<ó bÍsÄ«+Xæ\
<Çs ¿ì+~ dÖº+ºq $<«ç|eÖD²\T kÍ~ó+#*.
1. deTkÍ« kÍ<óq :
>·DÔì á uó²eq\T, |<ÔÆ Tá \qT |jÖî Ð+#á&+ <Çs >·DÔì á deTd«\qT kÍ~ó+#á&+ .
deTd« kÍ<óq ` kþbÍH\T
• deTd«\qT #á<e&+.
• <Ôï+Xø+ýË deÖ#sÁ+ yîTTÔï $&u²ó >±\T>± >·T]ï+#á&+.
• nqT+<ó $&u²ó >±\qT yûsTÁ #ûjáT&+.
• deTd«ýË $T&jTá Tq >·DìÔá uó²eq\qT ne>±V²q #ûdT ¿Ãe&+.
• ýÉ¿Ø£ #ûjáTT |<ÆÜ m+|¾¿£ #ûjáT&+.
• m+|¾¿£ #ûd¾q |<ÆÜ ç|¿±sÁ+ deTd«qT kÍ~ó+#á&+.
2. ¿±sÁD²\T #î|Î &+`sÁÖ|D #ûjTá &+ :
• <X\ø y¯>± q kþbÍH\Å£ ¿±sÁD²\T $e]+#á&+ .
• >·DÔì á kÍ<ósÁD¡¿s£ DÁ \qT eT]jáTT ç|¿\£ Îq\qT nsÁ+ #ûdT ¿Ãe&+ eT]jáTT #ûjTá >·\>·&+ .
• |<ÜÆ nsÁ+ #ûdT ¿Ãe&+ eT]jáTT d]#áÖ&&+ .
• Ô]Ø¿£ #ásÌÁ \qT |¯¿ì+ #á&+ .
• deTkÍ« sÁÖ|DýË ç¿£eÖ nsÁ+ #ûdT ¿Ãe&+.
• >·eTq, >·eTq |<ÆÔ Tá \ýË Ô]Ø¿£Ôqá T $jîÖÐ+#á&+ .
• >·DÔì á ç|¿\£ Îq\qT |¯¿ì+ #á&+ .
3. e«¿£|ï s #Á &á + :
• >·DÔì á uó²eq\qT, y¿±«\qT #á<e >·\>·&+ `sjáT>·\>·&+ .
• >·DÔì á e«¿¡¿ï s£ DÁ \qT sÁÖbõ+~+#á&+ .
• >·DÔì |á s yÁ Tî q® ýË#áq\qT Ôáq kõ+ÔáeÖ³\ýË $e]+#á&+ .
• |<ÜÆ $e]+#á&+ .
• >·DÔì á Ô]Ø¿£Ôqá T $e]+#á&+ .
4. nqTd+<óq+ :
• nqT+<ó >·DìÔá bÍsÄÁ«$uó²>±\qT ` uó²eq\qT nqTd+<óq+ #ûjTá &+.
• <îqÕ +~q J$Ô >·DÔì ¿ì nqTd+<óq+ #ûjáT&+.
• yûs¹ ÇsÁT du¨ÅÉ £\¼ Ôà >·DÔì nqTd+<óq+ #ûjTá &+.
• >·DìÔ+á ýËHû yûs¹ ÇsÁT bÍsÄ«+Xæ\Å£ d++~ó+ºq uó²eq\qT nqTd+<óq+ #ûjTá &+.
• uó²eq\qT, VQÞø|< ÆÔ Tá \Å£ nqTd+<óq+ #ûjáT&+.
5. <o«¿£sDÁ eT]jáTT çbÍÜ<ó« |s#Á &á + :
• |{¿ì¼ ý£ Ë deÖ#sÁ+, d+U²«¹sK, |³ºçÔá+, KMT¹sU² ºçÔá+, 2`D |{²\T, 3`D |{²\T eT]jáTT |{²\qT
#á<e &+.
• |{켿\£ qT sÁÖbõ+~+#á&+ , d+U²«¹sK|Õ #áÖ|&+ , |³ºçÔ\T, KMT¹sU² ºçÔ\T, |{²\qT ^jáT&+.
Maths Magic
>·DìÔá+ÔÃ >·eTÔáTï
Class (ÔásÁ>·Ü)
Semester (d$Td¼sY) - 1
Lesson No. Lesson Name Month Pages
bÍsÄ+Á d+K« bÍsÄÁ+ |sÁT Hî\ |J\T
In a particular week they worked for 5 days and received the amount. Daily wage for a
man and a woman is same but the leader gets ` 75 more than the others. Daily wage for each
worker is ` 150.
Now, observe the following.
Number of days worked = 5
Number of men worked = 8
Number of women worked = 10
Total number of workers in the group = 8 + 10
= 18
|#ûd¾q sÃE\T R5
|#ûdq¾ eT>·y] d+K« R8
|#ûd¾q &y] d+K« R 10
eTTsÄýË yîTTÔáï+ |#ûd¾q ysÁT R 8G10
R 18
Exercise -1.0
3. Write the place and place value of the underlined digits of the given numbers.
nuó²«d+ ` 1.0
1. ¿ì+~ d+K«\qT n¿£s\ýË sjáT+&.
n) 8 ) 20 ) 35 ) 46 ) 100 }) 101 TT) 150
TÖ) 200 m) 375 @) 425 ×) 802 ÿ) 892 z) 956
2. ¿ì+~ y d+U²«sÁÖ|+ýË sjáT+&.
n) sÁT R _________ ) H\T>·Te+<\ &îuÉíÒÛ R _________
) |<îÆ$T~ R _________ }) sÁTe+<\ H\T>·T R _________
) jáÖuóÉÕ Âs+&T R _________ TT) m$T~e+<\ ÿ¿£{ì R _________
) &îuÉíÒÛ×<T R _________ TÖ) s +&Te+<\ sÁyÕî s +&T R _________
Exercise -1.1
1. Add the following.
a) 4 b) 22 c) 356 d) 845 e) 284 f) 865
+3 + 63 + 47 + 328 + 328 + 342
6. In a garden, there are 235 mango trees, 652 guava trees and 120 coconut trees. How
many trees are there in the garden altogether?
Try these
Write the correct number in the given blanks.
a) 5 + 3 = 3 + b) 82 + 40 = + 82 c) + 596 = 596
Nagamma paid ` 150 to the auto driver and counted the rest of the money
with her as follows.
Now think of workers in the group. Who are more men or women?
Number of men workers =4
Number of women workers =3 or
Difference in the number of workers =4-3
Who gets more income? leader? or the worker?
And by how much?
Leader’s income per day = ` 225
Worker’s income per day = ` 150
So, leader gets more income. By how much?
Difference = 225 - 150 (or) 225
- 150
= ` 75
Total money she had = 2700
Auto charges = – 150
Amount remain at Nagamma = ` 2550
Exercise -1.2
¿ì+~ eÇ&q U²°\ýË d]jî®Tq d+K«\qT sjáT+&.
n) 5 + 3 = 3 + ) 82 + 40 = + 82 ) + 596 = 596
H>·eT {Ë ç&îeÕ sYÅ£ ` 150 ºÌ, Ôáq e<Ý q $TÐ*q kõeTTqT ç¿ì+~ $<ó+>± ýÉ¿ìØ+º+~.
|ð&T H>·eT eTTsÄýË me] d+K« mÅ£Øe>± q~ ? eT>·yÞ²ß ? ýñ¿£ &yÞ²ß ?
eT>· Å£L©\ d+K« R4 4
& Å£L©\ d+K« R3 (ýñ<) -3
Å£L©\ d+U²« uóñ<+ R 4`3 1
me] <jáT+ mÅ£Øe ? yûTçdÓï< ? Å£L©< ? m+Ôá ?
yûTçdÓï sÃE y] <jáT+ R ` 225
Å£L© sÃE y] <jáT+ R ` 150
(ýñ<) - 150
¿±eÚq yûTçd¾ï <jáT+ mÅ£Øe. (m+Ôá ?)
uóñ<+ R 225`150 75
R ` 75
nuó²«d+ ` 1.2
1. ¿ì+~ rd¾yûÔá\qT #ûjáT+&.
n) 6 ) 8 ) 35 ) 56
-2 -3 - 15 - 27
2. Subtract.
a) 59 from 62 b) 86 from 92 c) 192 from 536 d) 485 from 928
3. Find the difference of 205 and 62.
4. What must be subtracted from 653 to get 268?
5. What must be added to 246 to get 859?
6. The sum of two numbers is 453. If one number is 285, then what is the other number?
7. The difference of two numbers is 568. If one number is 796, then what is the other
On the other day Nagamma went to Rajaiah’s field for plantation work along with 5 men
and 6 women workers. They worked for four days. Rajaiah had to pay ` 150 to each worker as
wage. He wanted his grandson to calculate the total amount he needed to pay. His grandson did
as follows:
So, the total amount per day = 900 + 750 = ` 1650 900
2. rd¾yjû Tá +&.
n) 62 qT+º 59 ) 92 qT+º 86 ) 536 qT+º 192 ) 928 qT+º 485
3. 205 eT]jáTT 62 \ uñ<ó+ m+Ôá ?
4. 653 qT+& m+Ôá rd¾ydû q¾ 268 edTï+~ ?
5. 246 Å£ m+Ôá ¿£*|¾q 859 edTï+~ ?
6. s +&T d+K«\ yîTTÔá+ï 453. y{ìýË ÿ¿£ d+K« 285 nsTTq s +&e d+K« m+Ôá ?
7. Âs+&T d+K«\ uóñ<+ 568. y{ìýË ÿ¿£ d+K« 796 nsTTq Âs+&e d+K« m+Ôá ?
H>·eT eTs&T sÈjáT« bõý²¿ì 5 >·TsÁT eT>·yÞøß eT]jáTT 6 >·TsÁT &yÞøßqT rdT¿= H³T¢ yûjTá &¿ì
yî[ß+~. ysÁT H\T>·T sÃE\T |#ûXæsÁT. sÈjáT« ç|Ü ÿ¿£Ø]¿ì ` 150 #=|ðq Å£L* eÇe\d¾ +~. sÈjáT«
Ôáq eTqe& m+Ôá yÇýË ýÉ¿Øì +#áeT n&>±&T. nÔá&T ¿ì+~ $<ó+>± ýÉ¿Øì +#&T.
|ÚsÁTw§\ d+K« R 5
|#ûd¾q sÃE\ d+K« R 4
çdÓï\ d+K« R 6
| #ûd¾q sÃE\ d+K« R 4
sÃEÅ£ |#ûdq¾ yîTTÔá+ï eTqTw§\T R 5 G 6 R11
ysÁT |#ûdq¾ sÃE\ d+K« R 4
Å£L© ~qeTT\ d+K« R 11 I 4 R 44
|ÚsÁTw§\ ÿ¿£ sÃE Å£L© R 150 I 5 x 5
R ` 750 (ýñ<) 750
x 6
çdÓï\ ÿ¿£ sÃE Å£L© R 150 I 6 R ` 900 (ýñ<) 900
\ yîTTÔá+
ï &TÒ R 900 G 750 R ` 1650
H\T>·T sÃE\Å£ #î*+¢ ºq yîTTÔá+ï R 1650 I 4 R ` 6600
2) 6 (3
Exercise -1.4
6. From a ribbon of 57cm. length, how many 3cm. long pieces can be cut?
7. A man shares 12 chocolates to 4 children equally. How many chocolates does each child get?
8. Find the number of weeks in 91 days.
Exercise -1.5
1. Circle with more weight object.
a) Pencil Sharpener Pen
b) Tiffin box Pencil box Lunch box
c) Rat Cat Dog
2. Arrange the following vehicles in the ascending order of their weights.
a) Cycle b) Bus c) Motor bike d) Car
3. Write the correct units of measurement (kgs or grams).
a) Rice bag b) Eraser c) Books bag
On her way back to home Nagamma visited a cloth store to buy some shirting cloth
for her husband. Shopkeeper asked her the length of the cloth she required. 1.20 metres she
Exercise -1.6
1. Identify which of the following objects are measured in metres and which in
a) length of your classroom black board b) length of a pencil
c) length of a flag pole d) length of your finger
2. Arrange the following lengths in descending order.
a) 8m. b) 10cm. c) 5m. d) 20cm.
3. Write any three objects measured in metres and three objects in centimetres.
Now Nagamma is at Milk booth. She purchased 1 litre of milk for her family. The
family uses milk for making coffee, tea and curd.
1litre = 1000 ml
nuó²«d+ ` 1.6
1. ¿ì+~ yýË @$ MT³sÁý¢ Ë eT]jáTT @$ d+{¡ MT³sÁý¢ Ë ¿=\TkÍïsà >·T]ï+#á+&.
n) MT Ôás>Á Ü· >·~ q\¢\¢ bõ&eÚ ) |à\T bõ&eÚ
) CÉ+& d+ï uó+ bõ&eÚ ) ú #ûÜyû\T bõ&eÚ
2. ¿ì+~ bõ&eÚ\qT sÃV²D ç¿£eT+ýË neTsÁÌ+&.
n) 8 MT. ) 10 d+.MT. ) 5 MT. ) 20 d+.MT.
3. @yîHÕ eTÖ&T edTeï Ú\T MT³sÁý¢ Ë eT]jáTT eTÖ&T edTeï Ú\T d+{¡ MT³sÁý¢ Ë ¿=*#û$ sjáT+&.
|ð&T H>·eT bÍ\ ¿¹ +ç<+ e<Ý q~. yîT Ôáq Å£³T+u²¿ì ÿ¿£ ©³sÁT bÍ\T ¿=q~. yîT ¿±|,Ó {¡ eT]jáTT
|sÁT>·TÅ£ bÍ\T |jÖî ÐdT+ï ~.
1 ©³sÁT R 1000 $T.©.
Exercise -1.8
1. Read the clock and write the time.
a) b) c) d)
yîT <]ýË ³¼\ <T¿±D²¿ì eT]jáTT bÍ\¹¿+ç<¿ì yîÞøß&+ e\q +{ì¿ì ÿ¿£ >·+³ \d«+>± eºÌ+~.
1 >·+³ R 60 $TcÍ\T
nuó²«d+ ` 1.8
1. >·&j
Öá s\ýË deTjáÖ #á~$ sjáT+&.
n) ) ) )
Exercise -1.9
1. Write the names of the following shapes in the boxes provided.
a) b) c) d)
nuó²«d+ ` 1.9
1. ¿ì+~ ¿±s\ |sÁ¢qT eÇ&q |fɼ\ýË sjáT+&.
n) ) ) )
|||| = 4 ` 400
||| = 3 ` 150
||| = 3 ` 60
|| = 2 ` 20
Total ` 630
Exercise -1.10
|||| = 4 ` 400
||| = 3 ` 150
||| = 3 ` 60
|| = 2 ` 20
yîTTÔáï+ ` 630
nuó²«d+ ` 1.10
1. ¿ì+~ d+K«\Å£ >·Dq ºVä\T sjáT+&.
n) 4 = ) 3 = ) 1 = ) 2 =
2. ¿ì+~ >·Dq ºVä\Å£ d+K«\T sjáT+&.
n) ||| = ____ ) | = ____ ) || = ____ ) |||| = ____
3. ¿ì+~ |{¿¼ì q£ T |P]+#á+&.
³ d¿ìï ¿£*Ðq $<«sÁTÆ\ d+K«
>·Dq ºVä\T ³>±Þøß d+K«
ç¿ì¿{Ù |||| 4
|Ú{Ùu²ýÙ ||
kͼsY 3
UË ` UË |||
#á<sÁ+>·+ 1
ÿ¿£ sÃE kÍjáT+çÔá+ H>·eT ÿ¿£ s=fÉq¼ T ¿= eTqe&T ¥e
eT]jáTT eTqes\T V²]üÔ\á Å£ deÖq+>± ç|¿Ø£ qTq u¤eTýË #áÖ|¾q ¥e
$<ó+>± |+º+~. V²]üÔá
1. Tick (3) the figures which are divided into equal parts.
a) b) c) d)
2. Shade half ç ÷ part of the following figures.
è 2ø
a) b) c) d)
3. Shade one - fourth ç ÷ part of the following figures.
è 4ø
a) b) c) d)
nuó²«d+ ` 1.11
1. deT uó²>±\T>± $uó +#á&q |{²\qT {ì¿ù ( ü) #ûjTá +&.
n) ) ) )
2. ¿ì+~ u¤eT\ýË d>· ç ÷ uó²>± w& #ûjTá +&.
è 2ø
n) ) ) )
3. ¿ì+~ u¤eT\ýË bÍeÚ ç ÷ uó²>± w& #ûjTá +&.
è 4ø
n) ) ) )
Here Daily incomes are expressed in 3 digit numbers. Monthly incomes are expressed in
4 digit numbers.
Write above numbers in words in the given blank space.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________
Do these
Write the income and expenditure details of your family in words.
+³T+~. \
y¯ <jáT+ >·T]+º m|ð&îÕH ý˺+#s ? y] jîTT¿£Ø Hî\y¯ JÔá+ d¾sÁyîT®q~ ¿±<T. ysÁT #ûd¾q | {ì¼
C²H ysÁT m+Ôá d+bÍ~kÍïsà Ôî\TdT¿Ãy\qTÅ£H&T. nÔá&T y] ¿£*d¾ y] Hî\y¯ <jáÖ
Ôî\TdTÅ£H&T. nÔáqT ¿£qT¿= Øq$ ¿ì+~ $<ó+>± HsTT.
¿£Ø& sÃp y] <jáÖ\T 3 n+¿\ d+K«\T>± HsTT. Hî\y¯ <jáÖ\T 4 n+¿\ d+K«\T>±
|Õ d+K«\qT eÇ&q U²°\ýË n¿£sÁsÁÖ|+ýË sjáT+&.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________
~ #ûjáT+&
MT Å£³T++ jîTT¿£Ø <jáT, KsÁTÌ\ $es\qT n¿£s \ýË sjáT+&.
+ 1 =
1 0
+ 1 =
9 9 1 0 0
Th H T O
+ 1 =
9 9 9 1 0 0 0
Th H T O
T Th Th H T O
+ 1 =
9 9 9 9 1 0 0 0 0
Can you write the next twenty numbers?
Do these
Write the following numerals in words.
a) 10,049 b) 20,000 c) 30,000 d) 40,000 e) 50,000
~ #ûjáT+&
¿ì+~ d+K«\qT n¿£s\ýË sjáT+&.
n) 10,049 ) 20,000 ) 30,000 ) 40,000 ) 50,000
Ôás>Á Ü· ` 4 >·DÔì +á ÔÃ >·eTÔáTï 35
2.2. Let us represent the numbers on the spike abacus
T th Th H T O T th Th H T O T th Th H T O T th Th H T O T th Th H T O
Do these
1. Represent the given numbers on the spike abacus.
a) b) c) d)
Place value
Ten thousands Thousand Hundreds Tens Ones
3246 - 3 2 4 6
62487 6 2 4 8 7
23809 2 3 8 0 9
~ #ûjáT+&
1. eÇ&q d+K«\qT |Pd\ #áç³+|Õ dÖº+#á+&.
n) ) ) )
$ #ûjáT+&
1. ¿ì+~ d+K«\qT ¿±eÖ\T |{ì¼, n¿£s\ýË sjáT+&.
n) 16372 ) 29450 ) 86004
2. ¿ì+~ d+K«\qT n¿£s\ýË sjáT+&.
n) 32,896 ) 46,900 ) 92,006
Do you know!
As a digit moves to left its value increases 10 times than its previous place value.
Number T th Th H T O Place value of 6
6 6 6
65 6 5 60
638 6 3 8 600
6954 6 9 5 4 6000
63847 6 3 8 4 7 60000
We can express any number in expanded form as using the place values is shown below.
Example-1 Write the expanded form of 7, 496.
7 4 9 6
Th H T O
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ !
d+K«ýË Å£& qT+º m&eTÅ£ yî[ßq ¿=~Ý < jîTT¿£Ø kÍq $\Te ç|dT Ôï á kÍq $\Te ¿£H
10 s ³T¢ |sÁT>·TÔáT+~.
d+K« |~yû\T yû\T e+<\T |<T\T ÿ¿£³T¢ 6 kÍq$\Te
6 6 6
65 6 5 60
638 6 3 8 600
6954 6 9 5 4 6000
63847 6 3 8 4 7 60000
7 4 9 6
yû\T e+<\T |<T\T ÿ¿£³ T¢
7496 R 7 yû\T G 4 e+<\T G 9 |<T \T G 6 ÿ¿£³T¢
R 7 I 1000 G 4 I 100 G 9 I 10 G6I1
R 7000 G 400 G 90 G6
<V²sÁD ` 2 52,374 jîTT¿£Ø $dsï ÁD sÁÖ|+ sjáT+&.
52374 R 5 |~yû\T G 2 yû\T G 3 e+<\T G 7 |<T \T G 4 ÿ¿£³T¢
R 5 I 10000 G 2 I 1000 G 3 I 100 G 7 I 10 G 4 I 1
R 50000 G 2000 G 300 G 70 G4
$dïsÁD sÁÖ|+ýË d+K«\ yîTTÔáï+, d+K« jîTT¿£Ø d+¿ì|ï sÁÖ|+ neÚÔáT+~.
Do this
1. Write the expanded form of the following numbers.
a) 15,387 b) 42,609 c) 67,892 d) 98,205
2. Write the short form of the following.
a) 80000 G 6000 G 900 G 20 G 8 b) 90000 G 20 G 4
Try these:
Write the place values of the given digits and digits for the given place values
Exercise -2.0
1. Write the following numbers in words.
a) 25,250 b) 41,415 c) 43,721 d) 72,300
2. Write the numeral for the number names.
a) Thirty three thousand eight hundred fifteen.
b) Ninety two thousand eighty five.
3. Write a number that has...
a) 1 ten thousand, 9 thousands, 4 hundreds, 5 tens, 8 ones =
b) 3 ones, 2 tens, 6 hundreds, 7 thousand, 4 ten thousands =
eÇ&q n+¿\Å£ kÍq$\Te\T eT]jáTT kÍq$\Te\Å£ n+¿\T sjáT+&.
nuó²«d+ 2.0
1. ¿ì+~ y n¿£s Á sÁÖ|+ýË sjáT+&.
n) 25,250 ) 41,415 ) 43,721 ) 72,300
2. n¿£s Á sÁÖ|+ýË y{ì¿ì d+U²« sÁÖ|+ sjáT+&.
n) eTT|ÎÕ eTÖ&Tyû\ m$T~ e+<\ |~V²qT.
) Ô=+uóÕÉ s +&T yû\ mquóÕÉ ×<T.
3. M{ì¿ì d+K«\qT sjáT+&.
n) 1 |~yû\T, 9 yû\T, 4 e+<\T, 5 |<T\T, 8 ÿ¿£³T¢ R
) 3 ÿ¿£³T¢, 2 |<T\T, 6 e+<\T, 7 yû\T, 4 |~yû\T R
Rule-2 If two numbers have the same number of digits , then the left most digits of the
numerals are to be compared. The numeral having greater left most digit is bigger
and the lesser left most digit is smaller.
Hence 35,724 < 35,728. Is it true?
Do these
Put the correct symbol <, > or = in the boxes given below.
a) 52,927 64,327 b) 43,004 42,004 c) 72,549 72549
ý˺+º, #á]Ì+#á+&
¿±eÚq 35,724 < 35,728. ~ dÔá«eÖ?
~ #ûjáT+&
¿ì+< eÇ&q U²°\ýË dÂsÕq >·TsÁTï <, > ýñ¿£ R qT +#áT³ <Çs d+K«\qT bþ\Ì+&.
n) 52,927 64,327 ) 43,004 42,004 ) 72,549 72,549
Do these
Do you know !
The greatest 1-digit number is 9
The greatest 2-digit number is 99
The greatest 3-digit number is 999
The greatest 4-digit number is 9999
The greatest 5-digit number is 99999
d+K«\qT nÜ |<Ý d+K« qT+º nÜ ºq d+K« esÁÅ£ sjáT&yûT nesÃV²D ç¿£eT+.
~ #ûjáT+&
¿ì+~ d+K«\qT sÃV²D eT]jáTT nesÃV²D ç¿£eÖ\ýË sjáT+&.
n) 16256, 20380, 96465, 30856, 56492 ) 27438, 5682, 38648, 97294, 56642
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ !
1 n+¿ |<Ý d+K« 9
2 n+¿\ |<Ý d+K« 99
3 n+¿\ |<Ý d+K« 999
4 n+¿\ |<Ý d+K« 9999
5 n+¿\ |<Ý d+K« 99999
2.9. Let us learn how to form different numerals with the given digits.
(without repeating the digits)
Example - 9 Write all the possible 2-digit numbers with 6, 8.
Solution: They are 68 and 86
Example - 10 Write all the possible 3-digit numbers with the digits 2, 6, 9.
Solution: 2 69 6 29 9 2 6 2 9 6 6 9 2 9 6 2
2.9 ºÌq n+¿\Ôà $_óq d+K«\qT @sÁÎsÁ#áT³ (n+¿\qT ÿ¿£ØkÍ] eÖçÔáyûT y&*)
<V²sÁD `9 6,8 \Ôà @sÁÎ&û MýÉqÕ 2 n+¿\ d+K«\qT sjáT+&.
kÍ<óq : n$ 68 eT]jáTT 86
<V²sÁD `10 2, 6, 9 \Ôà @sÁÎ&û MýÉqÕ 3 n+¿\ d+K«\qT sjáT+&.
kÍ<óq : 2 69 629 926 296 692 962
a) Write all the possible 2-digit numbers formed by the digits with 5 and 4.
b) Write all the possible 3-digit numbers formed by the digits with 4, 7 and 2.
Try this
Write all the possible 4-digit numbers formed by the digits 2,4,8,1.
How many are there?
To get the very next number of a given number we add 1 to that number. This
number is called successor of the given number. In other words, the number that comes
immediately after a number is its successor.
Successor of 25630 is 25630 + 1 = 25631
To get the previous or before number we should subtract 1 from the given number.
This number is called predecessor of the given number. In other words, the number that
comes immediately before a number is Predecessor of the given number.
Predecessor of 64351 is 64351 – 1 = 64350.
Do these
a) Write the successor of 24564.
b) Write the predecessor of 34323.
c) Complete the following table.
2, 4, 8, 1 n+¿\Ôà @sÁÎ&û MýÉqÕ 4 n+¿\ d+K«\qT sjáT+&. n$ m?
Numbers play a pivotal (important) role in our lives. Our life revolves around
numbers since the day we were born.
The following are some uses of numbers in our daily life.
1. Switching the channel of favourite TV shows.
2. Weighing of vegetables, fruits and meat in market.
3. Calculating budget for food and other expenses of your family.
4. Calling a friend using a mobile to his number.
Do you know ?
* The length of blood
vessels of our human body
Exercise -2.2 is nearly 97,000 kilometres.
1. Circle the smallest number. * The total land border
a) 28828; 82988; 63215; 24321 of India is 15,200 kilometres.
b) 98234; 36707; 64994; 24322
2. Circle the greatest number.
a) 80,081; 80,801; 80,180; 80,108
b) 34,567; 78,893, 34,765; 78,398
3. Write the predecessor of the given number.
a) …….…. 46,250 b) ……… 72,579 c) …….. 38,205
4. Write the predecessor and successor for the following numbers.
a) 43565 b) 67543 c) 98887 d) 40000
5, Fill in the blanks with “ >, < or = ” .
a) 8154 ______ 8514 b) 59260______ 59260
c) 97306 ______ 93706
d) Thirty seven thousand Thirty seven thousand
five hundred and twenty six hundred and twenty five
úÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ !
nuó²«d+ `2.2 * eÖqeÚ Xø¯sÁ+ýË sÁ¿+ï£ ç|eV¾²+#û
HÞ²\ bõ&eÚ dTeÖsÁT>± 97,000
1. eÇ&q d+K«\ýË nÜ ºq d+K«Å£ dTq #áT³¼+&.
* uó²sÁÔ<
á Xû +ø jîTT¿£Ø uóÖ d]V²<TÝ bõ&eÚ
n) 28828 Ñ 82988Ñ 63215Ñ 24321 15,200 ¿ìýË MT³sÁT¢.
) 98234 Ñ 36707Ñ 64994Ñ 24322
2. eÇ&q d+K«\ýË nÜ |<Ý d+K«Å£ dTq #áT³¼+&.
n) 80,081 Ñ 80,801Ñ 80,180Ñ 80,108
) 34,567 Ñ 78,893Ñ 34,765Ñ 78,398
3. eÇ&q ç|Ü d+K«Å£ eTT+<T d+K«qT sjáT+&.
n) .........46,250 ) .......... 72,579 ) ............ 38,205
4. ¿ì+~ d+K«\ eTT+<T eT]jáTT ÔásTÁ yÔá d+K«\T sjáT+&.
n) 43565 ) 67543 ) 98887 ) 40000
5. ¿ì+~ U²°\qT < ýñ< > ýñ< R Ôà |P]+º, ºÌq d+K«\qT bþ\Ì+&.
n) 8154 ...........8514 ) 59260 ............... 59260 ) 97306 .......... 93706
) eTT|ÕÎ @&T yû\ ×<T e+<\ sÁyîÕ eTT|ÕÎ @&Tyû\ sÁTe+<\ sÁyîÕ ×<T.
7. The number of people who visited an exhibition in four days are 1826, 1493, 1630
and 1863 respectively. Arrange these numbers in the ascending order.
10. Aditya purchased a car for ` 75,000 and sold it at ` 82,000. Does he gain or lose?
11. The hall ticket number of Swathi, who is appearing for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
Entrance Exam is 42384. Can you guess the hall ticket numbers of students sitting
back and in front of her?
Here it goes
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
Like this, write the next three palindrome numbers.
I am a 4-digit number. The digit in my tens place is 2 times the digit in my ones
place. The digit in the hundreds place is 2 times the digit in the tens place. The digit in
the thousands place is 2 times the digit in the hundreds place. Who am I?
<û $<ó+ >± ÔásTÁ yÔá e#ûÌ eTÖ&T ~ÇeTTK d+K«\qT sjáT+&.
ºÅ£ØeTT& :
= HûH ¿£ 4 n+¿\ d+K«qT. H jîTT¿£Ø |<T\ kÍq+ýË n+¿, ÿ¿£³¢ kÍq+ýË n+¿ţ
s {ì+¼ |Ú. e+<\ kÍq+ýË n+¿ |<T \ kÍq+ýË n+¿ţ s {ì+¼ |Ú. yû\ kÍq+ýË n+¿ e+<\
kÍq+ýË n+¿ţ Âs{ì¼+|Ú. nsTTq HûHîe] ?
>·DìÔá ç|jîÖ>·¿£Ôá«+
¨ ÔásÁ>·Ü >·~ýË $<«sÁT\+<]ú 5 deTÖVä\T>± #ûjáT+&.
Ramaiah and Venkaiah were good friends. They helped each other in cultiva-
tion. One day Ramayya sold tomatoes and potatoes and bought groceries for his
home. After purchasing groceries, he went back to home on bullock cart. He met
Venkaiah on the road.
They had the following conversation.
Venkaiah : Hi, Ramaiah ! Why are you looking so happy?
Ramaiah : I was able to sell all tomatoes and potatoes in the market.
Venkaiah : How much did you earn on tomatoes?
Ramaiah : ` 7145
Venkaiah : How much did you earn on potatoes?
Ramaiah : ` 2513
Children, have you followed the conversation?
seTjáT«, yî+¿£jTá « eT+º dV¾²ÔáT\T. ysÁT e«ekÍjáT+ýË ÿ¿£]¿=¿£sTÁ dV² ¿£]+#áT¿=+{²sÁT. seTjáT«
ÿ¿£sÃE ³eÖ{² eT]jáTT +>±Þø<T +|\qT n$T, +{ì¿ì ¿±e\d¾q dsÁTÅ£\qT ¿=H&T. dsÁTÅ£\T ¿=q
ÔásÇÔá Ôáq m<T\Ý +& |Õ +{ì¿ì Ü]ÐedT+ï &>± <]ýË yî+¿£jTá « ¿£*kÍ&T.
y] eT<ó« È]Ðq d+uó²wD ¿ì+< eÇ&+~.
yî+¿£jáT« : @+, seTjáÖ« ! sÃE #ý² q+<+>± ¿£|¾dT Hï eÚ. m+<TÅ£ ?
seTjáT« : HûqT H bõ\+ýË |+&q ³eÖ{² eT]jáTT +>±Þø<T +|\qT d+ÔáýË $ç¿£sTT+#qT.
yî+¿£jáT« : ³eÖ{² <Çs m+Ôá d+bÍ~+#eÚ?
seTjáT« : ` 7145
Process of addition
There is a big library in ZPH School, Saravakota. There are 2857 books in Telugu and 1496
books in English in the library.
yû e+ | ÿ Å£L&¿£ #ûjáT>·\s ?
7 1 4 5 7 2 1 3 2 5 4
2 5 1 3 + 2 5 4 + 6 2 4 3
9 6 5 8
ý²¢ |]wÔY qÔá bÍsÄÁXæ\, kÍsÁe¿Ã³ýË |<Ý ç>·+<¸\jáT+ ¿£\<T. ç>·+<ó\jáT+ýË 2857 Ôî\T>·T
|Úd￱\T eT]jáTT 1496 +>·¢ |Úd￱\T ¿£\eÚ.
Th H T O
1 1 1
Tth Th H T O
1 1 1
8 9 5 6
(+) 6 4 8 7
1 5 4 4 3
yû e+ | ÿ
1 1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 4 9 3
1 3 3 1 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 4 9 3
1 3 3 1 9
Do these
1. Add
1 3 6 5 7 9 8 9 4 6 0 9 9 9 9 9
(+) 7 6 3 5 (+) 1 1 1 1 (+) 3 8 8 4 (+) 7 2 4
~ ÿ¿£ Å£L&¿£ jáT+çÔá+. BýË 4728 nHû d+K« d¾s +Á >± +³T+~. MTsÁT
jáT+çÔá+ýË ÿ¿£ H\T>·+¿Â \ d+K«qT yûdï d+K« 4728 Ôà ţL&&TÔáÖ s +&T
d+K«\ yîTTÔá+ï jáT+çÔá+ jîTT¿£Ø ÔîsÁ |Õ ¿£q&TÔáT+~. MTsÁ+<sÖÁ MTÅ£ qºÌq H\T>·+¿Â \
d+K«qT jáT+çÔá+ýË yûd¾ ÔîsÁ |qÕ ¿£q&û d+K«qT ¿£qT¿ÃØ+&.
~ #ûjáT+&
1. ţL&+&.
1 3 6 5 7 9 8 9 4 6 0 9 9 9 9 9
(+) 7 6 3 5 (+) 1 1 1 1 (+) 3 8 8 4 (+) 7 2 4
Do these
1 1686 + 3250 4000 5000 6000 7000
1. Estimate the sum in each 2 2432 + 2980 4000 5000 6000 7000
case and tick (P) on the 3 3480 + 5700 6000 7000 8000 9000
correct box which is 4 1984 + 5680 6000 7000 8000 9000
nearest to its sum. 5 4830 + 987 6000 7000 8000 9000
e. ¹>sÁT dÕ¿ì\T ºq dÕ¿ì\T <>·ZsÁ yû\Å£ n+#áH <>·ZsÁ yû\Å£ n+#áH
yîTTÔáï+ <ósÁ
d+K« <ós Á <ós Á yûd¾q ¹>sÁT dÕ¿ì\T <ósÁ yûd¾q ºq dÕ¿ì\T <ósÁ
~ #ûjáT+&
1 1686 + 3250 4000 5000 6000 7000
1. yîTTÔï\qT n+#áH yûjTá +&.
2 2432 + 2980 4000 5000 6000 7000
yîTTÔï <>·ZsÁ yû\Å£ n+#áH
3 3480 + 5700 6000 7000 8000 9000
yûd,¾ m<TsÁT>± q ds qÕ
deÖ<óH¿ì {ì¿ù (ü) 4 1984 + 5680 6000 7000 8000 9000
#ûjáT+&. 5 4830 + 987 6000 7000 8000 9000
There is a kids train. All the compartments have their numbers on them. Find the pairs
of compartments whose sum is greater than 8000.
In Mahasingi panchayat, the village secretary collected ` 5960 towards House Tax,
` 2398 towards water tax and ` 895 towards other cess. Find the total amount collected?
Help the Secretary to find out the total amount.
Th H T O
2 2 1
Amount collected towards House tax = 5 9 6 0
Amount collected towards Water tax = 2 3 9 8
Amount collected towards other cess = 8 9 5
Total amount collected by the Secretary = ` 9 2 5 3
¿£Ø& |¾\¢\ ÂsÕ\T ¿£\<T. ç|Ü ÂsÕ\T uËÐ|Õ y{ì d+K«\T ¿£\eÚ. @ Âs+&T ÂsÕ\T uËÐ\|Õ q d+K«\
yîTTÔáï+ 8000 ¿£+fñ mÅ£Øe neÚÔáT+<à n+#áH yûd¾ ¿£qT¿ÃØ+&.
ç>±eT duó
eTVäd¾+Ð |+#sTTrýË ` 5960 qT +{ì |qT ¿=sÁÅ£ , ` 2398 qT ú{ì |qT¿=sÁÅ£, ` 895 qT ÔásÁ n\yîqTà\
¿=sÁÅ£ |+#sTTr ¿±sÁ«<]ô edÖ\T#ûdH¾ sÁT. nsTTÔû nÔáqT edÖ\T #ûdq¾ yîTTÔá+ï kõeTT m+Ôá ?
yîTTÔá+ï kõeTT ¿£qT¿ÃØe&+ýË |+#sTTr ¿±sÁ«<]ô¿ì dV² ¿£]+#á+&.
yû e+ | ÿ
2 2 1
+{ì |qT¿=sÁÅ£ edÖ\T#ûdq¾ kõeTT = 5 9 6 0
ú{ì |qT¿=sÁÅ£ edÖ\T#ûdq¾ kõeTT = 2 3 9 8
ÔásÁ ddTà\ ¿=sÁÅ£ edÖ\T#ûdq¾ kõeTT = 8 9 5
¿±sÁ«<]ô edÖ\T#ûdq¾ yîTTÔá+ï kõeTT = ` 9 2 5 3
Example- 4
There are 1786 scooters in a parking place. The number
of bikes is 396 more than the number of scooters . Find
the number of bikes in the parking place.
Solution: Total number of bikes = number of
scooters + number of bikes more than scooters. Th H T O
Number of Scooters in the parking place = 1 1 1
1 7 8 6
Number of bikes more than the scooters = (+)
3 9 6
Total number of bikes in the parking place = 2 1 8 2
Do these
4 + 5 = 9 = 5 + 4
<V²sÁD- 4
ÿ¿£ bÍ]Ø+>´ kͼ+& ( yV²H\T \T|Ú d\+ýË ) 1786 dÖسsÁT¢ ¿£\eÚ.
dÖسsÁ¢ ¿£+fñ uÉÅÕ £ \T 396 mÅ£Øe>± ¿£\eÚ. nsTTÔû uÉÅÕ £ \T m ?
kÍ<óq : yV²H\ \T|Ú d\+ýË >·\ uÉÕÅ£\ d+K« R
dÖسsÁ¢ d+K« G dÖسsÁ¢ ¿£+fñ mÅ£Øe >·\ uÉÕÅ£\ d+K« yû e+ | ÿ
yV²H\T \T|Ú d\+ýË >·\ dÖسsÁ¢ d+K« R 1 1 1
1 7 8 6
dÖسsÁ¢ ¿£+fñ mÅ£Øe >·\ uÉÅÕ £ \ d+K« R (+)
3 9 6
yîTTÔá+ï uÉÅÕ £ \ d+K« R 2 1 8 2
~ #ûjáT+&
1. ÿ¿£ {²«+Å£sTÁ Ôà Ô>·TúsÁT s +&T ç>±eÖ\Å£ dsÁ|s #ûjTá &TÔáT+~.
ÿ¿£ ç>±eÖ¿ì 3870 ¿³¢ úsÁT, s +&e ç>±eÖ¿ì 5295 ¿³¢
úsÁT ds|Á s #ûjáT&Ô,û s +&T ç>±eÖ\Å£ m ¿³¢ Ô>·TúsÁT dsÁ|s #ûkÍsÁT?
2. kÍÇÔá+çÔá«~HÃÔáàe+ H&T bÍsÄXÁ æ\ýË¢ 7365 yîTT¿£Ø\qT, ¿±s«\jáÖýË¢
2859 yîTT¿£Ø\qT H{ìÔ,û sÃE H{ìq yîTTÔá+ï yîTT¿£Ø\T m ?
¿ì+~ d+¿£\H\qT |]o*+#á+&.
4 + 5 = 9 = 5 + 4
In Ramapuram village,
there were 2568 male and Srinu has ` 2568 and
3890 female population. Seshu has ` 3890.
What is the total What is the total
population of the village? amount with them?
Try this
Make word problems for the following.
a) 6854 + 3521 b) 5340 + 3564 c) 4563 + 8520
200 + 30 + 4
400 234 = 200 + 30 + 4
+ 425 = 400 + 20 + 5
20 50
+ 659 = 600 + 50 + 9
5 9
= 600 + 50 + 9
= 659
ç|jáTÜ+#á+& :
¿ì+~ y{ì¿ì sÔá deTd«\T sjáT+&.
n) 6854 + 3521 ) 5340 + 3564 ) 4563 + 8520
3.4 $dïsÁD sÁÖ|+ýË d+¿£\q+
<V²sÁD ` 6 234 + 425
eTq+ d+K«\qT eTs=¿£ |<ÜÆ ýË Å£L& Å£L&e#áTÌ. ¿ì+~ ç|ç¿ìjTá qT |]o*+#á+&.
234, 425 \qT $dsï D
Á sÁÖ|+ýË Å£L&T³qT #áÖ<Ý+.
200 + 30 + 4
400 234 = 200 + 30 + 4
+ 425 = 400 + 20 + 5
20 50
+ 659 = 600 + 50 + 9
5 9
= 600 + 50 + 9
= 659
Now let's discuss on Oral Addition. The basic idea is to add in parts, such as tens and
ones separately.
For example to find 7+8 in an easy way ,7 is close to 10 and less by 3, So we write 8 as
So, 7 + 8 =7+3+5 or 7+8 =5+2+8
= 10 + 5 = 15 = 5 + 10 = 15
Example- 7 Add 386 + 9
Solution: We rewrite the above in the following way.
386 + 9 = 386 + 4 + 5 (9=4+5)
= 390 + 5
= 395
Example- 8 Find the sum by suitable regrouping.
38 + 2 6 + 24 + 12
Solution: We have to re-group the above numbers for easy addition as
38 + 12 + 26 + 24
= 50 + 50
= 100
Example- 9 Find the sum by suitable re-grouping.
47 + 584 + 416 + 953
Solution: Re-group the given numbers.
We get 584 + 416 + 953 + 47
= 1000 + 1000
= 2000
a) 7 3 b) 4 7 9
(+) 1 3 6 5 (+) 2 8 7
8 7 5 8 7 3 5 6
3.1 Exercise
1. Add
a) 6 9 7 6 b) 8 0 7 9 c) 5 3 7 9 d) 6 4 3 5
(+) 3 4 6 8 (+) 4 8 9 8 (+) 8 9 6 5 9 8 7
(+) 7 6
2. Identify whether the following additions are correct or not. Justify your answer.
a) 3 6 4 8 b) 5 0 1 7 c) 3 8 9 7
(+) 4 8 2 6 (+) 3 9 7 7 (+) 4 0 6 9
7 4 6 4 9 0 9 4 7 8 5 6
3. Write word problems for the following additions.
a) 3268 + 5634 = ? b) 6240 + 5425 = ?
4. Fill in the blanks.
a) 632 + 984 = 984 + _____________
b) 2735 + _____________ = 2569 + 2735
5. A number exceeds 6897 by 5478. What is that number ?
6. Veeraiah sold maize for ` 5397 and pearl millets for ` 3849 in a village fair.
How much amount did he get?
3.1 nuó²«d+
1. ţL&+&.
n) 6 9 7 6 ) 8 0 7 9 ) 5 3 7 9 ) 6 4 3 5
(+) 3 4 6 8 (+) 4 8 9 8 (+) 8 9 6 5 9 8 7
(+) 7 6
2. ¿ì+~ d+¿£\H\T ds qÕ yà ¿±<à |]o*+#á+&. Ôá|ð \T+fñ d]#ûd,¾ ¿±sÁD²\qT sjáT+&.
n) 3 6 4 8 ) 5 0 1 7 ) 3 8 9 7
(+) 4 8 2 6 (+) 3 9 7 7 (+) 4 0 6 9
7 4 6 4 9 0 9 4 7 8 5 6
3. ¿ì+~ d+¿£\H\Å£ sÔá deTd«\qT ÔájÖá sÁT#ûjTá +&.
n) 3268 G 5634 R ? ) 6240 G 5425 R ?
4. U²°\qT |P]+#á+&.
n) 632 G 984 R 984 G _____________
) 2735 G _____________ R 2569 G 2735
5. ÿ¿£ d+K« 6897 ¿£+fñ 5478 |<Ý~. d+K« @~?
6. MsÁjáT« C¤q\qT ` 5397 Å£, s>·T\qT ` 3849 Å£ ÿ¿£ d+ÔáýË n$Tq, nÔáqT bõ+~q yîTTÔáï+
kõeTT m+Ôá?
Ôás>Á Ü· ` 4 >·DÔì +á ÔÃ >·eTÔáTï 81
What is the difference between the amounts deposited on Monday and Tuesday?
How do we find the difference?
What is the mathematical process required to find the difference?
Yes, subtract smaller value from the bigger value.
So, the difference = ` 850 - 700 = ` 150 (or)
What is the amount available in his account? -700
How do you find it? We add all deposits during the week. 150
T<óy y sÁsÁ++ ` 0 `
TysÁ++ ` 600
XøXø翣翣yysÁsÁ++ ` 925
XøXøysÁysÁ++ ` 650
kþeTysÁ+ H&T ÈeT #ûd¾q &TÒÅ£, eT+>·ÞøysÁ+ H&T ÈeT#ûd¾q &TÒÅ£ eT<ó« uóñ<+ m+Ôá?
uó<ñ @ $<ó+ >± ¿£qT¿=Ø+{²eÚ?
uó<ñ ¿£qT¿ÃØe&¿ì @ >·DÔì á ç|ç¿ìjTá neds+Á ? 850
|<Ý d+K« qT+º ºq d+K«qT rd¾yûjáT&+ <Çs uóñ< ¿£qT¿ÃØe#áTÌ. -700
uóñ<+ R ` 850 - 700 R ` 150
nÔá U²ÔýË \Ç q kõeTT m+Ôá ?
nÔá U²ÔýË \uó«eTjûT« kõeTTqT @ $<ó+>± ¿£qT¿=Ø+{²+?
ysÁ+ýË ÈeT #ûd¾q kõeTTqT Å£L&*.
\Ç q yîTTÔáï+ kõeTT R 850 G 700 G 600 G 925 G 950
R ` 3725
dÕ<T\T bþkͼ|ÓdTýË ¿=+Ôá kõeTTqT ÈeT #ûXæ&T. Ôáq bÍdT |Údï¿£+ýË qyîÖ<T #ûsTT+#&T. yîTTÔáï+ ` 3725
n+<Tu²³TýË HsTT. ÔásTÁ yÔá kþeTysÁ+ H&T dÕ<T \T bþkͼ|ÓdT ýË Ôáq U²Ô qT+º ` 3200 rdTÅ£H&T. nsTTÔû
|ð&T nÔá U²ÔýË $TÐ*q kõeTT m+Ôá ?
eTq+ $TÐ* q kõeTTqT @ $<ó+ >± Ôî\TdTÅ£+{²eTT ?
Subtracting Ones : 5 Ones – 0 Ones = 5 Ones
Write 5 under Ones column
Subtracting Tens : 2 Tens – 0 Tens = 2 Tens
Write 2 under Tens column
Subtracting Hundreds : 7 Hundreds – 2 Hundreds
= 5 Hundreds
Subtracting Thousands : 3 Thousands – 3 Thousands
= 0 Thousands
Example -1: Subtract 4235 from 9467.
Solution: Arrange the given numbers in columns and subtract column wise, we get
Th H T O
$esÁD :
ÿ¿£³¢ rd¾yûÔá : 5 ÿ¿£³T¢ ` 0 ÿ¿£³T¢ R 5 ÿ¿£³T¢
5 ÿ¿£³¢ kÍq+ ¿ì+< sjáÖ*.
|<T \ rd¾yûÔá : 2 |<T \T ` 0 |<T \T R 2 |<T \T
2 |<T\ kÍq+ýË sjáÖ*.
e+<\ rd¾yûÔá : 7 e+<\T ` 2 e+<\T R 5 e+<\T
5 e+<\ kÍq+ýË sjáÖ*.
yû\ rd¾yûÔá : 3 yû\T ` 3 yû\T R 0 yû\T
0 yû\ kÍq+ýË sjáÖ*.
<V²sÁD `1 9467 qT+& 4235 rd¾yûjáT+&.
kÍ<óq : ºÌq d+K«\qT \TeÚ esÁTdýË sdT¿= rd¾yj
û Öá *.
yû e+ | ÿ
9467 $jîÖ>·+ 9 4 6 7 $jîÖ>·+
4235 $jîÖ>·¿+£ (-) 4 2 3 5 $jîÖ>·¿+£
5232 uóñ<+ 5 2 3 2 uóñ<+
$esÁD :
kþbÍq+ ` 1 : ÿ¿£³¢qT rd¾yûjáT&+ yû e+ | ÿ
eTq+ 4 qT+º 6 qT rd¾yûjáÖ*. ¿± 6 > 4 5 14
Note: We can check the answer in the following way. If we add the answer to the
smaller number, we should get the bigger number.
n+<Te\¢, yû\ kÍq+ýË 3 yû\ýË 1 yûsTT rdT¿=, 10 e+<\T>± eÖsÁTÌ¿Ãy*. |ð&T yû\ 2 1 5
1. a) 8 4 5 7 b) 9 0 4 0 c) 5 000
(-) 5 8 9 7 (-) 3 6 2 7 (-) 2 8 2 9
Example - 2
Raminaidu made 8450 bricks in his brick yard. After selling some bricks, 4852
bricks were left in the yard. How many bricks were sold?
Solution: Th H T O
The number of bricks sold = Number of bricks made 7 13 14 10
sÔá deTd«\T:
<V²sÁD ` 2
s$THjáTT&T Ôáq ³T¿£\ {¡¼ýË 8450 ³T¿£\qT ÔájáÖsÁT#ûdqT. ¿= ³T¿£\qT n$Tq ÔásÁTyÔá 4852
³T¿£\T $TÐ*q$. nsTTÔû nÔáqT n$Tq ³T¿£\T m?
kÍ<óq : yû e+ | ÿ
7 13 14 10
n$Tq ³T¿£\ d+K« R ÔájáÖsÁT #ûd¾q ³T¿£\ d+K« ` $TÐ*q ³T¿£\ d+K«
3 4
ÔájáÖsÁT #ûd¾q ³T¿£\ d+K« R 8 4 5 0
ç|dTïÔá+ $TÐ*q ³T¿£\ d+K« R (`) 4 8 5 2
n$Tq ³T¿£\ d+K« R 3 5 9 8
Do these
1. Sri krishna had ` 9213 in his bank account. He withdraw ` 7435. How much money
was left in his account?
2. Nanaji wanted to buy a sprayer of cost ` 9500. Government provided a subsidy of
` 2500. Then how much money should he pay ?
4. 2 Subtraction by Estimation :
Money earned by selling the leaves = ` 9230
If 9230 is rounded off to its nearest thousands then we get 9000.
Money spent for purchasing household items = ` 5890
If 5890 is rounded off to its nearest thousands then we get 6000.
Money left with her approximately = 9000 - 6000 = ` 3000
$ #ûjTá +&
1. l¿£w e<Ý Ôáq u²«+Å£ U²ÔýË ` 9213 ¿£\eÚ. nÔáqT Ôáq U²Ô qT+º ` 7435 |d+V²]+#&T. nÔá
U²ÔýË $TÐ*q kõeTT m+Ôá?
2. HHJ ` 9500 $\Te >·\ çdÎjáTsY ¿=H\qTÅ£H&T. ç|uóTÔáÇ+ ` 2500 d_à& ºÌ+~. nsTTÔû nÔáqT +¿±
m+Ôá #î*+¢ #* ?
kÍ<óq :
Å£\T neT&+ <Çs yîT bõ+~q kõeTT R ` 9230
9230 qT <>·ZsÁ yû\Å£ de]dï 9000 neÚÔáT+~.
+{ì ¿=sÁÅ£ ¿=q dsÁTÅ£\ K¯<T R ` 5890
5890 qT <>·ZsÁ yû\Å£ de]dï 6000 neÚÔáT+~.
dTeÖsÁT>± yîT e<Ý $TÐ*q kõeTT R 9000`6000R ` 3000
Try these
ç|jáTÜ+#á+& :
1. ¿ì+~ rd¾yÔû \á T d]#ûjTá +&.
9 9
n) 8 10 ) 5 10 10 10
5920 6 0 0 0
(-) 3486 (-) 3 9 8 4
2426 2 1 2 6
So, we have
80 + 120 = 200
200 - 80 = 120
80 + 120 = 200
80 G 120 R 200
200 - 80 R 120
Exercise - 4.1
1. Do the following.
a) 5 8 8 9 b) 8926 c) 9600 d) 8001 e) 7000
(-) 3 6 4 3 (-) 2 6 3 4 (-) 2 7 8 0 (-) 3 6 7 5 (-) 4 5 0 8
1. eTòÏ¿£+>± rd¾yûjáT+&.
n) 95 - 21 ) 88 - 55 ) 68 - 47 ) 52 - 26 ) 73 - 37
2. ¿ì+~ d+¿£\q y¿±«\ qT+& e«e¿£\q y¿±«\T sjáT+&.
n) 734 G 268 R 1002
) 3140 G 2869 R 6009
3. ¿ì+~ e«e¿£\q y¿±«\ qT+& d+¿£\q y¿±«\T sjáT+&.
n) 480 ` 320 R 160
) 5286 ` 3812 R 1474
nuó²«d+ 4.1
1. ¿ì+~ deTd«\qT kÍ~ó+#á+&.
n) 5889 ) 8926 ) 9600 ) 8 0 0 1 ) 7 0 0 0
(-) 3 6 4 3 (-) 2 6 3 4 (-) 2 7 8 0 (-) 3 6 7 5 (-) 4 5 0 8
Select any four digits, for example
8, 2, 6, 3. Form the smallest and the biggest
4-digit numbers with these digits.
Now, subtract the smallest number from the biggest
Biggest number – Smallest number = Difference.
8632 – 2368 = 6264
Again, subtract the smallest number from the biggest number which are formed by the
digits 6 , 2 , 6 , 4.
eTsÁ\ 6, 2, 6, 4 n+¿\Ôà @sÁÎ&û $T¿ìØ* |<Ý d+K« qT+º $T¿ìØ* ºq d+K«qT rd¾yûjáÖ*.
Collect the information from your Head master and complete the table.
Total Number of stu- Number of
Serial Day Present in dents availing students not
number your School MDM availing MDM
1. Monday
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday
4. Thursday
5. Friday
6. Saturday
û Tá seT#á+ç< ¿±ç|¿£sY (1905`1986) uó²sÁrjáT >·DÔì Xá ægyûÔ.ïá jáTq ÿ¿£ bÍsÄXÁ æ\ýË bÍ<ó«jáTT&T>±
|#ûdÖ ,ï d+U²« $HÃ<+|Õ $$<ó d+K«\ \¿£D ²\qT ¿£|{²¼sTÁ . jáTq |]XË<óq \ýË V²sÁü< d+K«\T, dýÙÎÛ
d+K«\T, &îyîÖ¢ d+K«\T yîTT<ýÉÕq$ ¿£qT¿=ØHsÁT.6174 jîTT¿£Ø $¥w¼ÔáqT ç||+#¿ì Ôî*jáTCñXæsÁT. ÔásÁTyÔá
6174 qT ¿±ç|¿£sY d¾s+¿£+ n HeT¿£sÁD+ #ûXæsÁT.
bç ÍCÉÅ£ ¼ | MT ç|<ó HÃbÍ<ó«jáTT qT+º deÖ#s d¿£]+º ç¿ì+~ |{¿¼ì q£ T +|+&.
&ýË eT<ó«V² eT<ó«V² uóËÈH
e.d+K« ysÁ+ MTbÍsÄXÁ æ\ýË uóËÈH rdTÅ£q
$<«sÁT\ VäÈsÁT rdT¿Ã $<«sÁT\
$<«sÁT\ d+K« d+K«
1. kþeTysÁ+
2. eT+>·ÞøysÁ+
3. T<óy sÁ+
4. >·TsÁTysÁ+
5. Xøç¿£ysÁ+
6. XøysÁ+
Rangayya bought some mangoes for ` 200 from a farmer and he sold them
for ` 250 in the market.
sÁ+>·jTá « ` 200 Å£ ÿ¿£ ÂsÕÔáT qT+& eÖ$T&|+&¢qT ¿= ` 250 Å£ C²sÁTýË nyîTqT.
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ !
ÿ¿£ edTeï ÚqT ¿=q|Ú&T edTeï Ú MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ !
¿=sÁÅ£ eTq+ #î*¢+#û kõeTTqT ÿ¿£ edTeï ÚqT n$Tq|Ú&T eTq+ bõ+<û
¿=qyî\ n+{²sÁT. kõeTTqT n$Tqyî\ n+{²sÁT.
Ranjith bought a rice bag for ` 1540 and sold it for ` 1860.
After selling the bag he wanted to find out whether he got
sÁ+ÔY ÿ¿£ _jáT«+ kÍïqT ` 1540 Å£ ¿= ` 1860 Å£ neÖ&T.
n$Tq ÔásTÁ yÔá, nÔáqT ¿=qyî\ ¿£+fñ _jáT«+ kÍïqT mÅ£ØeÅ£ neÖ&? ÔáÅ£ ØeÅ£
neÖ&? n nÔáqT ý˺+#&T.
_jáT«+ kÍï ¿=q yî\ = ` 1540
_jáT«+ ukÍï n$Tqyî\ = ` 1860
1540 < 1860
Do you know !
When the Selling Price (S.P.) of an article is less than
its Cost Price (C.P.) a Loss is made.
MTÅ£ Ôî\TkÍ !
ÿ¿£ edTeï Ú ¿=q yî\ ¿£+fñ n$Tqyî\ ÔáÅ£ Øe nsTTÔû
qw¼+ edT+ï ~.
1. Write 'P' for Profit and 'L' for Loss in the given brackets for the following.
a) CP = ` 420 SP = ` 390 ( )
b) CP = ` 920 SP = ` 990 ( )
c) CP = ` 4860 SP = ` 5002 ( )
d) CP = ` 3140 SP = ` 2849 ( )
e) CP = ` 2195 SP = ` 3000 ( )
2. A shop keeper bought a bag of sugar for ` 1650 and sold it for ` 90 more. Say whether he
made profit or loss?
3. Kumar bought oranges for ` 1520 and sold them for ` 150 less. Say whether it is profit or
4. Rahim bought umbrellas for ` 2100 and sold them for `1950. Say whether it is profit or
5. Salman bought a goat for ` 7850 and sold it for ` 8325. Say whether it is profit or loss?
Solve Puzzle:
Horizontal Vertical 1 2 3
1) 9 + 9 1) 8 – 7
3) 7 – 6 2) 13 – 5 4 10
4) 7 + 8 3) 9 + 6
5) 9 + 7 4) 1 + 0 5 6
6) 8 – 2 5) 8 + 8
8) 5 + 7 6) 12 – 6 7 8 9
10) 9 – 4 8) 3 – 2
9) 9 – 7
n&¦+>± \TeÚ>± 1 2 3
1) 9 + 9 1) 8 – 7
3) 7 – 6 2) 13 – 5 4 10
4) 7 + 8 3) 9 + 6
5) 9 + 7 4) 1 + 0 5 6
6) 8 – 2 5) 8 + 8
8) 5 + 7 6) 12 – 6 7 8 9
10) 9 – 4 8) 3 – 2
9) 9 – 7
Nikhila, along with her family members went to an exhibition. They were two children
and three adult in all. The entrance fee for adult is `120 and for child is `65. Nikhila's father
gave ` 500 to buy tickets.
How much does he need to pay for the tickets?
“Can you tell how much it is?
Rajani worked out it as follows…
In 65 × 2,
65 is called
Entrance fee for each child = ` 65 Multiplicand,
Number of children =2
and 2 is
Total entrance fee for two children = 65 × 2
and result is
= ` 130 called
Now, let me find the cost of tickets
for three adults. multiplicand = _____
multiplier = _____
Entrance fee for each adult = ` 120 product = _____
Number of adults =3
Total amount to be paid
Total entrance fee for adults = 120 × 3
= ` 130 + ` 360
= ` 360
= ` 490
65 I 2 ýË 65 qT
>·TD«+ n+{²sÁT.
|¾\¢\Å£ ÿ¿=Ø¿£Ø]¿ì ç|yûXø sÁTdTeTT R ` 65
2 qT >·TD¿£+
|¾\\¢ d+K« R2 n+{²sÁT. >·TDì+#á>±
|¾\¢\Å£ ç|yûXø sÁTdTeTT R 65 I 2 eºÌq |*Ôá+qT
R ` 130 \Æ+ n+{²sÁT.
Do these
1. In the multiplication fact 124 × 2 = 248, write multiplicand, multiplier and the product.
Let us observe : Observe the following multiplications and fill in the blanks.
~ #ûjáT+&
1. ¿ì+~ >·TD¿±sÁ y¿£«+ýË >·TD«+, >·TD¿£+ eT]jáTT \Æ+\qT sjáT+&.
124 I 2 R 248
2. ¿+ì ~ \u²Æ\qT ¿£qT>=q+&.
n) 243 I 2 ) 232 I 3 ) 212 I 4 ) 440 I 2
úyû$T >·eT+#eÚ?
If two numbers are multiplied in any order the product is always the same. Observe
the following multiplications.
12 x 100 = 100 x 12 16 x 100 = 100 x 16
(100 + 40 + 5) × 3
100 × 3 = 300 40 × 3 = 120 5 × 3 = 15
Âs+&T d+K«\qT >·TDì+#áTq|Ú&T, y{ì ç¿£eT+ eÖ]H \Æ+ eÖsÁ<T. ¿ì+~ >·TD¿±s\qT |]o*+#á+&.
12 × 100 = 100 × 12 16 × 100 = 100 × 16
(100 + 40 + 5 ) × 3
in tens place.
3 5
Step - 3
Hundreds Tens Ones
In 145, multiply by 4 in tens place by 3,
1 1
the product is 12 then add 1, we get 13
tens 4 × 3 = 12, and 12 + 1 = 13 tens. 1 4 5
Write 3 in 13 under tens place and 1 × 3
above the 1 in hundreds place .
Step - 4
In 145, multiply by 1 in hundreds place
by 3, the product is 3 then add 1, we Hundreds Tens Ones
kþbÍq+ : 3
145 ýË |<T\ kÍÆq+ýË q 4 qT 3 ÔÃ >·TDì+#á>± e+<\T yû\T ÿ¿£³T¢
\Æ+ 12 edTï+~. B¿ì 1 ¿£\|>± 13 edTï+~. 1 1
nq>± 13 |<T \T n nsÁ+Æ . 4 I 3 R 12 eT]jáTT 1 4 5
12 G 1 R 13 |<T\T. 13 ýË 3 qT |<T\kÍq+ýË
× 3
¿ì+<sjáÖ*. 1 qT, 1 ¿ì |Õq e+<\ kÍq+ýË
sjáÖ*. 3 5
kþbÍq+ : 4
145 ýË e+<\ kÍÆq+ýË q 1 qT 3 ÔÃ >·TDì+#á>±,
\Æ+ 3 edTï+~. B¿ì 1 ¿£\|>± 4 edTï+~. e+<\T yû\T ÿ¿£³T¢
1 I 3 R 3 eT]jáTT 3 G 1 R 4 e+<\T. 4 qT 1 1
Try these
1. In Chammachintha school, there are 126 pupils. The teacher asked them to plant saplings
in the nearby village. If each student planted 4 saplings, how many saplings did they
2. If a box contains 164 mangoes, how many mangoes will be there in 5 such boxes?
3. Ramayya went to agriculture work for 2 days. If his wage was ` 425 per day, what was
the total wage for 2 days?
ç|jáTÜ+#á+& :
1. #áeTº+Ôá bÍsÄÁXæ\ýË 126 eT+~ |¾\¢\THsÁT. bÍ<ó«jáTT&T ç|Ü |¾\¢y¿ì 4 yîTT¿£Ø\T #=|ðq ºÌ y{ì
2. ÿ¿£ T³¼ýË 164 eÖ$T&|+ &T¢ HsTT. 5 T³¼\ýË m eÖ$T&|+ &T¢ +{²sTT?
3. seTjáT« e«ekÍjáT Å£L* |¿ì yîÞ²ï&T. nÔáqT sÃEÅ£ ` 425 d+bÍ~dï, 2 sÃEýË¢ m+Ôá d+bÍ~kÍï&T?
>·DÔì á |
ç j
Öî >· ¿£Ôá«eTT :
423 = 4 e+<\T + 2 |<T \T + 3 ÿ¿£³T¢
çkͼ\Ôà >·TD¿±sÁ+ #ûjáT&+.
<ûÝX«ø eTT : çkͼ\Ôà >·TD¿±sÁ+ #ûjáT&+
kÍeÖçÐ : 3 yû¹sÇsÁT sÁ+>·T\Tq çkͼ\T, ÿ¿ÃØsÁ+>·TÅ£ 10 #=|ðq
(ú* sÁ+>·T ` ÿ¿£³T¢, msÁT|Ú sÁ+>·T ` |<T \T , Å£|#Ìá ` e+<\T)
|<ÆÜ : q\¢ \¢|Õ >·TD¿±sÁ ýÉ¿£ØqT sjáT+&.
< : 423qT 4ÔÃ >·TDì+#á+&.
{¡#ásÁT 423 jîTT¿£Ø $dïsÁD sÁÖ|+ sjáÖ*. e+<\T, |<T\T, ÿ¿£³¢ ¿=sÁÅ£ $<«sÁT\T $_óq sÁ+>·T\ çkͼ\T
|jîÖÐ+#*. 4 Å£|#áÌ çkͼ\T, 2 msÁT|Ú sÁ+>·T çkͼ\T, 3 ú* sÁ+>·T çkͼ\T rdT¿Ãy*. ç|Ô«eÖjáT+>± q\¢\¢|Õ
4 Å£|#áÌ ^Ôá\T, 2 msÁT|Ú sÁ+>·T ^Ôá\T, 3 ú*sÁ+>·T ^Ôá\T ^jáÖ*. sÁ+>·T dT<ÝeTT¿£Ø\T $jîÖÐ+º Å£L& #ûjáTe#áTÌ.
4 ones (blue)
multiplicand (423), similarly the horizontal
straws represent the multiplier (4). Count the
number of common points on the horizontal
and vertical straws. There are sixteen such
points in hundreds place. There are 8 such 4 Hundreds 2 Tens 3 Ones
common points in tens place. There are 12 (black) (red) (blue)
Do these
Do the following by above method.
4 ÿ¿£³T¢ (ú\+)
esÁTdýË q çkͼ\T >·TD«+qT (423), n&T¦ esÁTdýË¢ q çkͼ\T
>·TD¿£+qT (4) dÖºkÍïsTT. \TeÚ esÁTdýË¢, n&T¦ esÁTdýË¢ çkͼ\T
ÿ¿£ <Ôà ÿ¿£{ì ¿£*d eT& _+<TeÚ\T ýÉ¿ìØ+#*. ný²+{ì
eT& _+<TeÚ e+<\ kÍq+ýË 16, |<T\ kÍq+ýË 8, ÿ¿£³¢
4 e+<\T 2 |<T \T 3 ÿ¿£³T¢
kÍq+ýË 12 HsTT. (Å£|#áÌ) (msÁT|Ú) (ú\+)
~ #ûjáT+&
ºÌq ýÉ¿Ø£ \qT |Õ |<ÜÆ ýË #ûjTá +&.
n) 114 × 3 = __________ ) 134 × 6 = __________
Step - 1
ÔásÁTyÔá 295 qT
10 #û >·TDì+º, |* Ô
yû\T e+<\T |<T\T ÿ¿£³T
2 9 5
x 1 4 (14 =10 + 4)
1 1 8 0 295 × 4
2 9 5 0 295 × 10
385 × 23 = 385
1155 (385 × 3)
+ 7700 (385 × 20)
Do these
Do the following multiplications
a) 342 × 15 b) 423 × 21 c) 233 × 26
Try these
1. How many trees are there in the garden, if there are 124 rows and each row contains
65 trees?
2. The owner of a dairy farm sold 496 milk packets in 15 days. If each packet was sold
at ` 25, how much money did he earn?
<V²sÁD `1 : ÿ¿£ #ûHûÔá ¿±]Å£\ Å£³T++ 23 NsÁ\qT HûXæsÁT. ysÁT C²sâ ÿ¿=Ø¿£Ø NsÁ ` 385 Å£
n$TÔû, y]¿ì NsÁ\T neT>± eºÌq kõeTT m+Ôá ?
kÍ<óq :
ÿ¿£ NsÁ <ósÁ R ` 385
n$Tq NsÁ\ d+K« R 23
ysÁT d+bÍ~+ºq yîTTÔáï+ R 385 I 23
385 × 23 = 385
1155 (385 × 3)
+ 7700 (385 × 20)
ç|jáTÜ+#á+& :
1. ÿ¿£ esÁTdÅ£ 65 #=|ðq, 124 esÁTdýË¢ m #î³T¢ +{²sTT?
2. ÿ¿£ &îÕ¯ cÍ|Ú jáTÈeÖ 15 sÃE\ýË 426 bÍ\bͫ¿³T¢ neÖ&T. ÿ¿£ bͫ¿{Ù ` 25 nsTTÔû bÍ\ bͫ¿³T¢
neT&+ <Çs m+Ôá kõeTT d+bÍ~+#&T?
Write your age in years : _____________________ 7 11
Multiply it by 7 : _____________________
Again multiply the result by 13 : _____________________
Multiply the above result by 11 : _____________________ -x7=
Now look at the answer. Can you find your age in that answer? - x 13 =
How many times does your age occur in the answer ?
- x 11 =
Now try this trick with your friends and family members.
Exercise - 5.1
1. Multiply
3. Raju delivers 157 news papers each morning. How many newspapers does he deliver in
31 days?
nuó²«d+` 5.1
1. >·TDì+#á+&.
n) 348 × 37 ) 456 × 48 ) 654 × 55 ) 708 × 64
3. sE ÿ¿£ sÃEÅ£ 157 ysï |çÜ¿£\T ÞøßÅ£ yûkÍï&T. 31 sÃE\Å£ m ysï|ç Ü¿£\T yûkÍï&T?
Collect the prices of the following commodities from your nearest groceries-shop and complete
the table.
5. 4 Introduction of Multiples
MTÅ£ <>·ZsÁýË q ¿ìsD² cÍ|Ú e<ÝÅ£ yî[ß <ósÁ\ |{켿£qT |]o*+º, ¿ì+~ |{켿£qT |P]+#á+&.
2 × 1 = _______
2 × 2 = _______ If we multiply 1, 2, 3, 4, …..
2 × 3 = _______ by 2, we get 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
2 × 4 = _______ 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 and so on.
2 × 5 = _______ Hence these are
2 × 6 = _______ multiples of 2.
2 × 7 = _______
2 × 8 = _______
2 × 9 = _______
2 × 10 = _______
2 × 11 = _______
2 × 12 = _______
2 × 13 = _______
2 × 14 = _______
b) The steps on which the cat lands on _______, ________, _______, ______, ______,
_____,______, ______, ______, ______.
What do you observe in the above number series?
Let’s complete the multiplication table of 3 and observe.
3 × 1 = ______
3 × 2 = ______
3 × 3 = ______ If we multiply 1, 2, 3, 4, ….
3 × 4 = ______ by 3, the products we get,
3 × 5 = ______
are multiples of 3.
3 × 6 = ______
3 × 7 = ______
3 × 8 = ______
3 × 9 = ______
3 × 10 = ______
2 × 1 = _______
2 × 2 = _______ eTq+ 2 qT 1, 2, 3, 4......\ÔÃ >·TDìdï
2 × 3 = _______ |*Ô\T 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
2 × 4 = _______ .......>± ekÍïsTT $ n 2 jîTT¿£Ø
2 × 5 = _______ >·TDìC²\T.
2 × 6 = _______
2 × 7 = _______
2 × 8 = _______
2 × 9 = _______
2 × 10 = _______
2 × 11 = _______
2 × 12 = _______
2 × 13 = _______
2 × 14 = _______
) |¾*¢ >Â +Üq yîT³T¢ ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______,
d+U²« neT]¿£qT |]o*+#y ?
3 jîTT¿£Ø >·TD¿±sÁ |{¿¼ì £ |P]ï#dû ,¾ |]o*+#á+&.
3 × 1 = ______
3 × 2 = ______
3 × 3 = ______ eTq+ 3 qT 1, 2, 3, 4....\ÔÃ
3 × 4 = ______ >·TDìdï |* Ôá+>± e#ûÌ d+K«\ú
3 × 5 = ______ 3 >·TDìC²\eÚÔsTT.
3 × 6 = ______
3 × 7 = ______
3 × 8 = ______
3 × 9 = ______
3 × 10 = ______
v ³ mý² &* ?
v |¾\¢\+<sÁÖ eÔ￱sÁ+>± \&*.
v @<îÕH ÿ¿£ n+¿Ôà ³ çbÍsÁ+_ó+#*. < : 4
v ÿ¿£ |¾\¢yÔà çbÍsÁ+_ó+º |¾\¢\+<sÁT 1,2,3......n+¿\T #îbÍÎ*.
v me]¿ÕÔû 4 >·TDìC²\T ekÍïjîÖ, ysÁT |¾*¢ý² eÖ«y, eÖ«y n nsÁy*.
ný² nsÁe |¾\\¢ T ³ qT+º rd¾yj û Tá &ÔsÁT. ný² ºe]¿ì ÿ¿£sTÁ $TÐýñesÁÅ£ &+#*.
@ d+K« eºÌq|Ú&T ysÁT eÖ«y n n]#sÁT? ____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
eÖ«y ` eÖ«y n #î|¾Îq d+K«\ú 4 >·TDìC²\T neÚÔsTT. ý² sÁ¿£sÁ¿±\ d+K«\Ôà &+#áe#áTÌ. |ð&T <û
³qT 5 >·TDìC²\ÔÃ &+#á+&.
_____, _____, ______, _____, ______, ______, _____, _____, ______, ______
Multiples of 9:
Multiples of 10:
Exercise - 5.2
1. Find the first 5 multiples of each of the following.
a) 3 b) 7 c) 8
2. Write the multiples of 8 below 100.
3. Read each of the following statements.
If it is true write ‘T’, otherwise ‘F’ in the bracket.
a) 12 is a multiple of 3 ( )
b) 57 is a multiple of 8 ( )
c) 30 is a multiple of 5 ( )
d) 47 is a multiple of 6 ( )
e) 52 is a multiple of 7 ( )
4. Circle the multiples of 3 in the following numbers.
2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 20, 21, 27, 32, 37, 36, 48.
5. Circle the numbers which are not multiples of 4 in the following numbers.
2, 4, 8, 11, 20, 21, 27, 28, 30, 32, 37, 40, 45, 57.
6. Circle the multiples of 5 in the following numbers.
2, 4, 14, 20, 21, 27, 35, 55, 25, 68, 65, 22, 39.
7. Write the numbers which are not multiples of 8 in the following numbers.
20, 24, 45, 32, 35, 26, 90, 8, 7, 10.
9 >·TDìC²\T :
10 >·TDìC²\T :
nuó²«d+ 5.2
1. ¿ì+~ d+K«\ yîTT<{ì 5 >·TDìC²\T sjáT+&.
n) 3 ) 7 ) 8
2. 100 ýË|Ú 8 >·TDìC²\T sjáT+&.
3. ¿ì+~ y¿±«\T #á~$ Ôá|ð y¿±«¿ì F qT, ÿ|ð y¿±«¿ì T qT +#á+&.
n) 3 jîTT¿£Ø >·TDìÈ+ 12 ( )
) 8 jîTT¿£Ø >·TDìÈ+ 57 ( )
) 5 jîTT¿£Ø >·TDìÈ+ 30 ( )
) 6 jîTT¿£Ø >·TDìÈ+ 47 ( )
) 7 jîTT¿£Ø >·TDìÈ+ 52( )
4. ¿ì+~ d+K«\ýË 3 >·TDìC²\Å£ dTq #áT³¼+&.
2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 20, 21, 27, 32, 37, 36, 48.
5. ¿ì+~ d+K«\ýË 4 >·TDìC²\T ¿± y{ì¿ì dTq #áT³¼+&.
2, 4, 8, 11, 20, 21, 27, 28, 30, 32, 37, 40, 45, 57.
6. ¿ì+~ d+K«\ýË 5 >·TDìC²\Å£ dTq #áT³¼+&.
2, 4, 14, 20, 21, 27, 35, 55, 25, 68, 65, 22, 39.
7. ¿ì+~ d+K«\ýË 8 >·TDìC²\ ¿±$ @yà sjáT+&.
20, 24, 45, 32, 35, 26, 90, 8, 7, 10.