Unique Contribution of Family Functioning in Caregivers of Patients With Mild To Moderate Dementia

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Original Research Article

Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2006;21:170–174 Accepted: September 28, 2005

Published online: January 3, 2006
DOI: 10.1159/000090699

Unique Contribution of Family

Functioning in Caregivers of Patients

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with Mild to Moderate Dementia
Geoffrey Tremont Jennifer Duncan Davis Duane S. Bishop
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown Medical School, and Department of Psychiatry,
Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, R.I., USA

Key Words a family systems component in caregiver interventions

Dementia caregivers  Caregiver burden  Family may be beneficial in reducing burden in these very dis-
functioning tressed individuals.
Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

The relationship between family functioning and demen- Introduction
tia caregiving is complex. The present study examined
the interrelationships between family functioning, care- Caregiver burden in dementia is known to negatively
giver burden, and patient characteristics. Participants affect physical and emotional health, although little is
were 72 live-in, family caregivers of patients with mild known about how family functioning is affected. Several
(n = 47) or moderate dementia (n = 25). Caregivers com- studies have examined the impact of family characteris-
pleted measures of burden, family functioning, depres- tics on burden and emotional distress in dementia care-
sion, and anxiety. Ratings of patients’ memory/behavior givers. For example, criticism and emotional overin-
problems and patients’ activities of daily living were also volvement expressed by the family member toward the
collected. Results indicated that higher levels of care- patient (i.e., expressed emotion) are associated with in-
giver burden were significantly associated with increased creased depression, greater burden, and fewer positive
caregiver depression and anxiety, greater frequency of benefits from caregiving [1]. Low family cohesiveness,
memory and behavior problems in the dementia patient, high family conflict, too rigid or too permeable family
worse activities of daily living, and poorer family func- boundaries, low levels of family organization, lack of clear
tioning. Even after controlling for caregiver depression, communication, and poor spousal support have also been
caregiver anxiety, and frequency of memory/behavior associated with poor response to chronic disease such as
problems in dementia patients, poorer family function- dementia [2]. Primary caregivers who receive support
ing continued to be associated with higher levels of care- from other family members experience lower levels of
giver burden. Caregivers with high levels of burden re- caregiver strain [3, 4]. Strawbridge and Wallhagen [5]
ported greater family dysfunction in communication and found strong positive correlations between family conflict
roles, regardless of their relationship to the patient (i.e., and caregiver burden and self-reported health. In con-
spouse or child). These findings suggest that including trast, several studies have found that families who use

© 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel Geoffrey Tremont, PhD

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mechanisms to avoid family conflict and instead use guilt [10]. In addition to global scores, sums of box scores were also cal-
tend to show declines in self-reported health, increased culated by summing ratings from each category. Caregivers com-
pleted the following measures as part of a baseline assessment of a
caregiving distress, and less follow through with treat-
large-scale intervention study: Geriatric Depression Scale [11], Ac-
ment recommendations than families without these char- tivities of Daily Living (ADL) [12], Revised Memory and Behavior
acteristics [6]. There is also evidence that families of de- Problems Checklist [13], Dementia Knowledge Test [14], State-
mentia patients who use a focused decision making style, Trait Anxiety Inventory (State Form) [15], and the Zarit Burden
positive conflict resolution methods, and focus on a pri- Interview [4]. Caregivers also completed the FAD [9]. The FAD is
a 60-item self-report questionnaire designed to assess the six di-
mary caregiver provide significantly more help to the pa- mensions of the McMaster Model of Family Functioning, including
tient than those families who do not use this type of an problem-solving, communication, roles, affective responsiveness,
approach or try to divide resolution of the problem among affective involvement, behavioral control, and general functioning.

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family members [7]. Although these studies have identi- Psychometric properties of the scale support its reliability and va-
fied family characteristics associated with dementia care- lidity in psychiatric, medical, and nonclinical samples [16]. Care-
givers were asked to rate statements about their families along a
giving, none of the studies has examined the functioning 4-point Likert Scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. It was
of the family unit as a system. emphasized to caregivers to answer according to their perceptions
Recently, Heru et al. [8] found that perceived family of their family.
dysfunction was associated with increases in self-reported
caregiver strain and burden in 38 dementia caregivers.
This was the first study to use the Family Assessment De- Results
vice (FAD), a psychometrically sound measure of family
functioning based on the McMaster model of family func- Intercorrelations between all measures are presented
tioning [9]. The present study examined the interrelation- in table 1. As can be seen, perceived burden was moder-
ships between family functioning, caregiver burden, and ately correlated with caregiver depression and anxiety,
patient characteristics in a sample of live-in, family care- frequency of patient behavior problems, and family func-
givers of individuals with dementia. Given the complex tioning. Weaker relationships were seen between burden
construct of burden, our aim was to understand the and severity of dementia (i.e., sum of boxes), length of
unique contribution of family functioning as well as to diagnosis, dementia knowledge, length of caregiving, and
consider other variables that could explain some of these total ADL, although this latter variable was statistically
relationships. significant. Interestingly, family functioning was signifi-
cantly related to caregiver depression and caregiver situ-
ational anxiety. Length of caregiving, caregivers’ knowl-
Method edge of dementia, and length of diagnosis were not re-
lated to caregiver distress measures or family functioning.
Participants and Procedure
The participants were 72 caregivers of patients with dementia
Patient ADL were significantly related to caregiver de-
who completed baseline assessment measures as part of a caregiver pression. To examine the unique contribution of family
intervention study. Caregivers were recruited from memory disor- functioning to burden, a partial correlation between fam-
der clinics, support groups, and newspaper/television advertise- ily functioning and burden removing the variance associ-
ments in the Providence, Rhode Island region. All caregivers re- ated with caregiver depression, anxiety, and frequency of
sided with the care recipient and were providing a minimum of
4 h of daily care over at least 6 months. The majority of caregivers
memory and behavior problems in the patient was calcu-
were female (n = 56; 77%) and Caucasian (n = 69; 96%). Sixty-one lated. Findings showed a statistically significant relation-
percent (n = 44) were spouses, and the remaining caregivers were ship, even after controlling for possible contributing vari-
adult children. Caregivers had been providing care for an average ables (r = 0.24, p = 0.04).
of 39.68 months (SD = 35.57), and the average length of dementia To examine which aspects of family functioning are the
diagnosis was 39.71 months (SD = 35.90). Caregivers’ average age
was 64.36 (SD = 11.66) and care recipients’ average age was 77.18
most important contributors to the relationship with bur-
(SD = 9.47). Care recipient’s diagnosis of dementia was confirmed den, caregivers were divided into low vs. high burden
by their primary physicians. Etiology of dementia in the care re- groups based on a cut-off score on the Zarit Burden Inter-
cipient included probable Alzheimer’s disease (n = 42), vascular view (high = a score of 635). Because relationship type
dementia (n = 4), mixed dementia (n = 4), frontotemporal demen- (spouse vs. child) could potentially impact family func-
tia (n = 5), dementia with Lewy bodies (n = 4), Parkinson’s demen-
tia (n = 3), hydrocephalus (n = 2), progressive supranuclear palsy tioning, we conducted burden (high vs. low) by caregiver
(n = 1), dementia NOS (n = 2), and unknown (n = 5). Dementia relationship (spouse vs. child) analysis of variance. None
severity was determined by the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale of the interactions between relationship type and burden

Family Functioning in Dementia Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2006;21:170–174 171

Table 1. Intercorrelations between outcome measures

GDS ADL Sum of Length of MBPC STAI DKT FAD Length

boxes diagnosis of care

ZBI 0.40** –0.28* 0.21 0.08 0.47** 0.34** 0.12 0.42** 0.09
GDS – –0.34** 0.24* 0.05 0.17 0.57** –0.11 0.40** 0.05
ADL – –0.76** –0.34** 0.01 –0.04 –0.10 –0.16 –0.22
Sum of boxes – 0.38** 0.09 –0.05 0.15 0.01 0.24*
Length of diagnosis – 0.15 –0.02 0.14 0.15 0.52**
MBPC – 0.11 0.09 0.15 –0.06
STAI – –0.20 0.57** 0.11

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DKT – –0.15 0.14
FAD – 0.14

ZBI = Zarit Burden Interview; GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale; ADL = Activities of Daily Living; MBPC = Memory and Behavior
Problem Checklist; STAI = State Trait Anxiety Inventory; DKT = Dementia Knowledge Test; FAD = Family Assessment Device – Gen-
eral Functioning Subscale.
** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05.

Table 2. Mean FAD scores for caregivers

reporting high versus low burden (mean Low burden High burden F p
8 SD) (n = 40) (n = 32)

Problem solving 1.9080.38 2.0980.48 1.75 0.190

Communication 2.0780.40 2.3680.38 9.53 0.003
Roles 2.0080.41 2.3080.39 7.06 0.010
Affective responsiveness 1.9280.50 2.2380.56 5.07 0.028
Affective involvement 1.8280.48 2.0880.32 3.91 0.052
Behavioral control 1.7180.40 1.9380.38 5.70 0.020
General functioning 1.8280.47 2.1580.51 5.23 0.025

Higher FAD scores indicate greater dysfunction. Low burden ^34 and high burden
635 on Zarit Burden Interview.

for any of the FAD subscale scores was significant. Fur- Discussion
thermore, no significant main effects were found for rela-
tionship type for any of the FAD subscale scores, arguing Results of this study show that family functioning is a
against a significant effect of relationship type on family significant contributor to perceptions of burden among a
functioning. Average FAD subscale scores for the burden group of live-in dementia caregivers who met strict inclu-
main effect are presented in table 2. Based on published sion criteria. After removing the variance associated with
clinical cut-off scores [17], the high burden group shows caregiver depression and anxiety and patient behavior
dysfunctional scores in communication, roles, affective problems, a significant relationship between family func-
responsiveness, behavior control and general functioning tioning and burden was still found, providing support for
domains. FAD scores for the low burden group were all the unique contribution of family functioning to care-
within normal limits. To minimize the risk of type I error, giver burden. In addition, strong relationships were seen
only group differences significant at p ! 0.01 were inter- between poor family functioning and caregiver depres-
preted. As can be seen in table 2, FAD subscales of com- sion and anxiety. Aspects of family functioning have been
munication and roles were significantly higher (indicating shown to be dysfunctional in psychiatric disorders [16,
greater dysfunction) in caregivers with high burden com- 18], although our study is one of the few to demonstrate
pared to those reporting low burden scores. these relationships in dementia caregivers. Compared to

172 Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2006;21:170–174 Tremont/Davis/Bishop

previous studies of medical and psychiatric samples, our Caregivers who were high in burden reported several
dementia caregivers exhibited FAD subscale scores that areas of family dysfunction that distinguished them from
were somewhat worse than medical patients and better those caregivers low in burden. We found that burden was
than psychiatric samples, particularly for the problem- associated with perceived ineffective communication
solving, communication, and general functioning sub- among family members. In addition, caregivers who were
scales [16]. These findings suggest that dementia caregiv- burdened described difficulty with distribution and fol-
ers should be assessed for family difficulties within these low-through of family tasks. It is possible that these find-
domains. ings reflect the changing role of patient with dementia in
Our findings are consistent with those of Heru et al. [8] the family. It is equally plausible that our findings reflect
as well as other studies showing a relationship between the turmoil that can be created when there is disagree-

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family characteristics and dementia caregiver burden. We ment among family members about how to manage and
add to results of previous studies by controlling for mod- care for a family member with dementia. It is quite com-
erating variables (e.g., depression, anxiety, patient behav- mon for caregivers (especially live-in caregivers) to de-
ior problems), including measures of clinically-rated de- scribe that other family members do not fully appreciate
mentia severity, and including a more homogenous group either the level of care necessary or the stress and burden
of caregivers (i.e., those residing with the patient). Obvi- associated with providing care. Our results suggest that
ously, our findings do not address the direction of the re- family therapy or supportive strategies early in the care-
lationship. That is, whether family dysfunction results in giving process may reduce the risk for subsequent care-
greater caregiver burden or whether increased burden giver burden. For example, family members may need
causes greater family dysfunction. Studying family func- encouragement and support to express their feelings and
tioning (and associated moderating variables) in a longi- thoughts about the disease, as well as assistance in speci-
tudinal study may be more likely to identify causal rela- fying roles of family members and specific task assign-
tionships. Regardless of the direction, our findings high- ment.
light the importance of including a family assessment and As noted above, the cross-sectional nature of the cur-
intervention when working with dementia caregivers. rent study is a limitation. In addition, our sample size did
Zero-order correlations between burden and other not allow for subgroup analyses of burden and family
caregiver and patient variables revealed significant rela- functioning in dementia subtypes. There are clinical rea-
tionships between burden and caregivers’ emotional sons to believe that frontotemporal dementia and demen-
function. In addition, a strong relationship was seen be- tia with Lewy bodies may be associated with different
tween burden and frequency of memory and behavior levels of caregiver burden.
problems in the patient. These findings highlight the com- Overall, findings from the present study support the
plexity of caregiver burden as a construct and argue for unique contribution of family functioning to dementia
identification of its unique contributors. After conducting caregiver burden. The study establishes empirical sup-
a meta-analysis of dementia caregiving interventions, Ac- port for the use of family assessment and family-based
ton and Kang [19] concluded that burden was potentially treatments when working with dementia caregivers. Em-
too global an outcome, and they called for use of precise phasizing the role of family functioning in these caregiv-
measures of caregivers’ functioning. Our findings support ers may ultimately lead to reduced burden and its associ-
the inclusion of family functioning as an important out- ated negative consequences.
come measure in caregiver intervention studies.
Interestingly, we found that family functioning was only
weakly related to measures of patient functioning, includ- Acknowledgments
ing severity of dementia, length of diagnosis, ADL, and
This research was conducted with support from the National
frequency of memory and behavior problems. Others have
Institute of Mental Health (MH62561). The authors wish to thank
found that subjective caregiver perceptions of problems, Colleen Slavin, Pamela Steadman, and Margaret Trippell for as-
satisfaction with and amount of social support, available sistance with data collection.
resources, coping skills, and feelings of self-efficacy are im-
portant predictors of caregiver depression and stress [20,
21]. Similarly, there is evidence that subjective caregiver
factors may be more important than patient factors to the
prediction of nursing home placement [22, 23].

Family Functioning in Dementia Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2006;21:170–174 173


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